
Advice for parents "physical culture of your baby." Physical Education Instructor Tips Information for Parents on Physical Education in Kindergarten

breast cancer

Physical education in kindergarten

As you know, regular exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity. In addition, children, unlike adults, are very mobile and active, so they just need to periodically “let off steam”, and for this purpose, as well as for improving coordination of movements, physical education is suitable like nothing else..

Physical education classes are held 2-3 times a week in the morning. Their duration, like other classes in kindergarten, is 10-30 minutes. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to keep the attention of the child longer than this time. The kindergarten has a specially equipped hall where physical education classes are held. Physical education can be carried out with or without musical accompaniment. In physical education classes for children game form they teach to jump in length, jump on the “step”, jump on one and two legs, run, squat, walk like a train, crawl, catch and throw a ball at the target. In addition, different types of walking are studied: the child learns to walk, “like a clumsy bear”, “like a fox”, etc. (that is, lean on different parts of the foot), jump, “like a bunny jumper”, raise your knees high when walking. In older groups, relay races are held for children with overcoming obstacles (crawl under the crossbar, jump over the barrier, run with a snake).

In addition to direct physical education classes, morning exercises are carried out daily, which consists of turning and tilting the head, swinging arms, tilting the torso, and squats. The duration of morning exercises is 5-10 minutes. In the intervals between sedentary activities and after daytime sleep, so-called physical education sessions are also arranged, giving the child the opportunity to stretch the body.

The child must have a special uniform for physical education - this is, first of all, a matter of hygiene. Shorts and a T-shirt made of non-synthetic, breathable materials are perfect as a physical education uniform. You must wear sneakers/sneakers on your feet.

The physical development of children must be continued outside the kindergarten. Morning exercises on weekends at home and outdoor games for a walk will certainly benefit the baby.

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Interaction of teachers of a preschool institution in the process of physical culture and health work

Types of morning exercises and the possibilities of its use

Education of moral and volitional qualities in preschoolers

"Physical development", as the main form of education



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Consultation for educators


« Interaction of preschool teachers

Institutions in progress

Physical culture and health work»

Prepared by:

Ignatenko T.N.

Borisovka, 2015

Coordination in work is the key to a good result,this rule is valid in any team, including pedagogical ones, especially since the activities of all teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions are aimed at achieving common goals for the development, upbringing and education of children.

Thus, the effectiveness of physical culture and health-improving work in a preschool institution is ensured as a result of the cooperation of an instructor in physical education and educator. One of the important factors affecting the effectiveness of the educational process in a preschool institution is the rationality of organizing the interaction of teachers, for example, a teacher and physical education instructor, teacher and music director, teacher and speech therapist, etc.. e. This interaction must be documented. So, in the section "Organization of the regime of stay of children in a preschool educational institution" of the mandatory part of the main general educational program preschool education there are schedules of interaction between teachers, specialists and educators.

Particular attention deserves the joint work of the educator and instructor in physical education. According to paragraph 13.2 of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations", approved by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2010 No. 91, it is recommended to use the following forms of motor activity in preschool educational institutions:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education indoors and outdoors;
  • physical education minutes;
  • outdoor games;
  • sport exercises;
  • Rhythmic gymnastics;

The listed forms of motor activity are aimed at strengthening the health and comprehensive physical development of children. The solution of these problems is carried out both within the framework of physical culture and health-improving work, and directly in the course of educational activities and regime moments. At the same time, the coordination of actions of teachers and specialists is important.

Currently, in preschool institutions, the organization of physical education and physical culture leisure with the joint participation of a physical education instructor and an educator. However, often the latter is simply present at the event, not showing interest in what is happening. Educators explain this by the fact that if there is a physical education instructor in the preschool educational institution, then it is he who is responsible for the physical development of preschoolers and the organization of appropriate classes or leisure activities.

As practice shows, many educators do not know how they can be useful in the process of conducting sports and recreational activities. Meanwhile, the final result and the achievement of such goals as increasing motor activity children, the formation of their motor culture, a positive emotional mood.

If the use of a surprise moment is a priority in working with preschool children, then the content of the upcoming event should be known in advance for the educator. To do this, the day before, the instructor in physical culture should acquaint him with the content of physical culture or leisure activities, discuss organizational issues.

Of course, a specialist organizes and conducts the event. The task of the educator is to help the physical education instructor, carry out insurance for preschoolers, monitor the quality of the exercises and discipline, and also conduct individual work with weakened children.

The teacher is subject to the same requirements as for preschoolers: the mandatory presencefitness uniform and appropriate footwear. This will allow the educator to be free in movements, so that he can be involved in educational activities for physical development.

For example, during the introductory part of a physical education lesson, the teacher can, together with the children under the guidance of a specialist, perform the planned types of walking and running.

In the main part of physical education, during the performance of general developmental exercises, preschoolers must learn the movement shown by the physical education instructor and act in accordance with the model as deftly and technically correctly. The function of the educator at this stage is to provide individual assistance to the child who needs it. The teacher can help him take the correct starting position or correct an incorrectly performed movement.

If children perform general developmental exercises in columns, then the physical education instructor controls the correctness of the exercises in the front rows, and the teacher - in the back rows. Also, the teacher can help the specialist arrange the necessary sports equipment and remove it after the children have completed the exercises.

As you know, there are different ways of organizing children during physical education classes: frontal, group, individual, circuit training. When using each of them, the functions of teachers can also be distributed.

With the frontal method, the same exercises for all are performed immediately by all children. Both the specialist and the educator monitor the correctness of the exercises and the posture of preschoolers.

In the group method of organization, children are divided into groups, each of which performs its own task. At the same time, the physical education instructor works with one group, and the educator with another.

The individual method consists in performing individual exercises by each individual involved independently. The value of individual performance is that it allows you to draw the attention of each child to the quality of movement. The task of a specialist and educator is to help him see the shortcomings, and if necessary, come to the rescue at the right time. T.

When organizing a circuit training in physical education classes, the educator and the physical education instructor share the "stations" among themselves, monitor the quality and ensure the safety of the exercises, and, if necessary, carry out insurance. Knowing the individual capabilities of each child, the educator needs to position himself in such a way as to provide him with right moment help.

During the outdoor games, the educator, like the physical education instructor, must know the game, learn its rules in advance and learn the words with the children, if they are provided. The participation of the educator in outdoor games and game exercises improves the emotional mood of preschoolers, has a positive effect on increasing the level of their motor activity.

In the final part of the physical culture lesson, when the specialist summarizes the results, the educator can also express his opinion about how the event went, which of the children coped with the task, what they failed to do.

Thus, the distribution of responsibilities in the joint work of a physical education instructor and an educator can be as follows:

specialist deals with weakened children,

  • educator with the rest (and vice versa);
  • the specialist works with children who are lagging behind in physical fitness, the educator with the rest (and vice versa);
  • the specialist conducts educational activities with each child on physical development in an individual form, the educator deals with all children with calm motor activities;
  • the specialist works with subgroups of children, preparing them for creative performances, the educator works out movements on sports equipment with another subgroup;
  • the specialist works with more successful children, the educator with the rest;
  • the physical education instructor and the educator work with the whole group if the movements are mastered by all the children, and come up with more and more new combinations of movements.

The proposed options can be used depending on the specific situation, the capabilities and age of children, the goals and objectives that are solved in the course of educational activities for physical development.

After the joint conduct of physical education classes, the activity of the educator does not end. He reinforces new motor skills

With children during individual work (during the day during the hours of games and walks). Following the recommendations of the physical education instructor, the teacher organizes individual work with children who are lagging behind in mastering the program material, activates sedentary and weakened preschoolers.

To improve motor skills, the educator, in close contact with the physical education instructor, organizes a developing motor environment in groups and on the territory of the preschool educational institution, while taking into account the age characteristics of children and their interests. In turn, the physical education instructor should assist educators on various issues of the physical development of preschoolers: select exercises for morning exercises, physical exercises, invigorating gymnastics, organize games for a walk, as well as the activities of pupils in a group and on a walk; draw up recommendations for parents on the organization of motor activity of children in the family.

As an example, the appendix shows the distribution of responsibilities between a physical education instructor and a teacher during a classic physical education lesson with children from the older group.

When organizing sports activities, holidays, days of health and other mass events the educator is an indispensable assistant to the physical education instructor. Any holiday is a complex process consisting of several stages: preparation (writing a script, distribution of roles and responsibilities between participants, selection of musical accompaniment, design of a site or hall, preparation of a sports uniform, emblems, invitations, etc.), holding and summarizing results.

A physical education instructor can lead the preparatory work, and the teacher will provide him with tangible assistance at each of the listed stages or take responsibility for preparing one of them.

While the physical education instructor is solving organizational issues, the task of the educator is to involve children in the process of preparing for the holiday, support their initiative, giving them the opportunity to feel like full participants in the event.

The main part of the holiday, aimed at solving its main task, is filled with the appropriate motor content: games, competitions, attractions. The physical education instructor is responsible for this. If the event is of a mass nature, then the specialist should have several assistants from among the educators who will arrange and clean up equipment, provide musical accompaniment, and present gifts. In addition, educators can act as full participants in the event: become heroes, play with children, and stimulate the activity of parents.

Such an approach to the organization of sports leisure and holidays provides preschoolers with the opportunity to show activity, initiative, independence, creativity, which has a beneficial effect on the development of their abilities and personal qualities.

If, in order to improve the child's body, a complex of tempering procedures using natural factors is included in physical culture and health work, then interaction is necessary not only between the physical education instructor and the educator, but also medical worker DOW.

Another example of cooperation between a physical education instructor and a teacher is the organization of walks and hikes with children. The specialist prepares in advance for the trip, together with the educator develops its plan and route, providing places for recreation and games along the way, and selects equipment.

Thus, the effectiveness of physical culture and health work in a preschool educational institution directly depends on the interaction and mutual understanding of both individual teachers and the entire teaching staff.

Only by joint efforts can we solve the tasks set, and therefore, count on the positive results of our work.


Approximate division of responsibilities

between physical education instructor and educator

during educational activities in physical culture with children of the middle group


  • exercise for children: walking with high knees; continuous running up to 1 minute; crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on the knees and palms; throwing the ball up;
  • development of dexterity and stable balance when walking on a reduced area of ​​​​support.

Preliminary work:

  • familiarization of the educator with the content and program tasks;
  • discussion of organizational issues;
  • learning words for the outdoor game "We are funny guys."

Equipment: rope (cord), basket, balls of large diameter.

Part 1.

Building in a line, checking posture and alignment.

Rebuilding in a column one at a time (by jump).

Walking with high knees, hands on the belt.

Physical education instructordraws the attention of children to the correct execution of walking with a high knee lift: lifting the leg bent at the knee forward and upward, the toe is pulled back, the steps are somewhat shorter than with normal walking.

caregiver monitors the posture of children, performs exercises with them.

Running in a column one at a time.

(duration up to 1 min, pace of running is moderate; transition to walking)

Physical Instructorculture runs with the children: arms are bent at the elbows, the body is tilted slightly forward; rebuilding in a column of three in motion.

caregiver monitors external signs of fatigue, in the event of which individual pupils show them, he suggests that they switch to walking. If there are weakened children in the group or children who are prohibited from running for medical reasons, the teacher performs normal walking with them inside the circle.

Part 2.

General developmental exercises.

Physical Instructorculture explains and shows the pupils the exercise, controls the correctness of its implementation in the front rows.

caregiver monitors the correctness of the exercises, approaches children in need of individual assistance, helps them to take the correct starting position, corrects an incorrectly performed movement.

I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt;

Right foot back on the toe, hands behind the head; ,

Return to starting position. The same with the left foot.

and. p. - stand: legs apart, hands on the belt;

Turn right, right hand right;

Return to starting position. The same to the left.

I. p. - main stance, arms along the body;

1 - lunge with the right foot forward;

2-3 - springy wiggles;

4 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot.

I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt;

1-2 - slowly sit on the right thigh, bring your hands forward;

3-4 - return to the starting position. The same to the left.

I. p. - stand: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down;

Hands to the side;

Tilt forward, touch the toes of the left foot with the fingers;

Straighten up, arms to the sides;

Return to starting position. The same for the right leg.

I. p. - the main stance, arms along the body.

1-8 - jumping on two legs - left forward, right back; in a jump, change the position of the legs.

9 - pause and jump again (3-4 times).

Physical Instructorculture performs a jumping exercise with children.

caregiver monitors external signs of fatigue, in the event of which individual pupils show them, he suggests that they switch to walking. If there are weakened children in the group or children who, for medical reasons, are prohibited from jumping, walk them on the spot.

The main types of movements.

Physical Instructorculture, together with the educator, puts two gymnastic benches parallel to each other and puts two ropes along the hall (platform) a meter away from them. Children are arranged in two columns one at a time and alternately perform the exercise in crawling, and then in balance. After completing these exercises, the physical education instructor, together with the teacher, remove the equipment.

Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on the palms and knees (2-3 times)

Physical Instructorculture explains and shows children the exercise. Controls the correctness of its implementation. Provides insurance.

Balance - walking on a rope (cord) sideways with an added step, keep your hands on your belt, head and back straight (2-3 times)

The teacher controls the exercise, monitors the posture of the children,

Throw the ball up with both hands and catch it.

Throwing the ball up and catching it with a clap in palms 10-15 times)

On signal physical education instructorculture, children are rebuilt in a column one at a time and, passing by the basket, they take a ball of large diameter, they are located freely throughout the hall. Specialist explains and shows them the exercise. Each child is taught individually, deals with lagging preschoolers.

caregiver works with the remaining group of children.

Mobile game "We are funny guys."

Physical Instructorculture tells the pupils the name of the game, shows the location of the hosts, the players and the layout of the site.

caregiver can appoint a leader and help to place the players in their places.

Further physical education instructorculture explains the rules of the game: signals to start and stop the game, for what violations of the rules, players are eliminated from the game, explains the rules for performing movements and the requirements for their quality. Supervises the course of the game and the actions of children.

caregiver at the first stage of learning the game, he takes on the role of a trap, and at the subsequent stages he takes an active part in the game, enters into emotional verbal communication with children (praises, supports, etc.). Monitors compliance with the rules.

Game progress: Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. The second line is drawn on the opposite side of the site. There is a trap in the center of the site. playing(in chorus):

We are fun guys. We love to run and jump. Well, try to catch up with us! One, two, three - catch! After the word "Catch!" the children run across to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches them. The child that the trap has time to pin down before he crosses the line is considered to be caught, steps aside and misses one run. After two runs, another trap is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.Physical Instructorculture together with the educator sum up the game:

mark children who do not violate the rules of the game;

pay attention to their dexterity, speed, character traits, camaraderie, quick wits, etc.

Part 3

Walking in a column one at a time.

Physical Instructorculture leads the column, the teacher closes it.


Types of morning exercises and the possibilities of its use

morning exercises

Morning exercises are a gradual introduction of the body into a favorable physical activity. In kindergarten, gymnastics is one of the key moments. And a means to raise the emotional tone of children. To increase the interest of children in morning exercises and diversify physical activity, we change its form and venue.

Types of morning exercises.

Traditional gymnastics, short walking of various types turning into a run for 1.5-2 minutes. Different formations, ORU 6-7 exercises, jumps in place, walking with breathing exercises. Exercises are carried out from different starting positions: kneeling, sitting, lying on your back and stomach. Widely apply outdoor switchgear with allowances

Gymnastics of a game characterbuilt on the basis of mobile, folk, recreational games, relay games with the inclusion of a warm-up in their content, according to increasing and decreasing degree of load, breathing exercises. Active motor activity of a gaming nature with musical accompaniment causes positive emotions, enhances all physiological processes in the body, improves the functioning of all organs and systems. Fascinated by the plot of the game, children can perform with interest and, moreover, many times the same movements without noticing fatigue. Children of older groups themselves choose and play the games they like.

G gymnastics using an obstacle coursewith a gradual increase in load, with the inclusion different types movements and their pace, different obstacle courses are created using soft modules. Overcoming combined obstacles contributes to the consolidation and improvement of skills and abilities, develops physical qualities, arouses interest and gives joy to children.

Rhythmic gymnastics. Movement to music is a favorite pastime for children. We select music with a pronounced image, familiar and understandable to children. Dance rhythms are useful for the overall development of children, they instill in children a desire to move, develop emotions, expressiveness of plasticity, skills in basic movements (walking, running, springy movements), as well as the ability to navigate in space (movements in a circle, in a flock, in pairs) an important addition is paraphernalia that makes rhythm more efficient, and also develops fine motor skills in children.

The structure of morning exercises.

In any type of gymnastics, structure must be maintained.

Water : walking in combination with the movements of the arms, torso, running, jumping, jumping;

Main: Outdoor switchgear, obstacle course, games, dancing.

Final: light running with the transition to walking, including breathing exercises.

At the beginning of morning exercises, walking is given (normal, with high knees and other types), this helps to organize children, focus their attention. At the beginning and at the end of gymnastics, to prevent flat feet, different types of walking should be given in combination: regular walking, on toes, heels, edges of the feet.

After walking, running is given: in all directions, in a column one at a time, two at a time, on the spot, with advancement in different directions and in different ways.

these norms can be changed depending on the state of health, development, physical fitness.

Gymnastics includes different types of jumps: on one, two legs, on the spot with forward movement, in different directions.

Jumping over objects, jumping into and out of a hoop. Jumps can alternate with half squats.

General developmental exercises for morning exercises are selected in the following sequence of body parts: from top to bottom. The number of ORUs and their dosage increases with the age of children.

Children's age


Number of repetitions


3-4 times


4-5 times


5-6 times


6-8 times



ORU are performed from different initial positions of the body: standing, sitting, lying down. The lying position relieves the pressure of body weight on the spine and arch of the foot. To conduct outdoor switchgear with items, you need to consider the order of their distribution and collection. Building children, no matter what they interfere with each other.

In older groups, the number of exercises with objects decreases, as the exercises themselves become more difficult. Children can perform them independently by name and by showing other children.

In the middle group, you must first name the exercise, briefly explain it, if you need to show it, and then give a command to complete it.

In the younger groups, the teacher performs the outdoor switchgear together with the children.

During the exercises, the teacher carefully observes each child, provides assistance, gives instructions, encourages. Particular attention is paid to breathing, the position of the body.

Also, outdoor switchgear can be replaced by running.



Running pace




1 junior

10 meters

20 meters

2nd junior


40-50 meters

30 meters


25-30 meters

up to 2 min

40-60 meters




At the end of gymnastics, after running, in combination with walking, breathing exercises are performed.

Tips for the educator on conducting morning exercises:

There should be no forced gymnastics. If the child does not want to study today, do not force him, but the reason for this behavior should be understood;

No overorganization, strict rules, requirements;

It is necessary to ensure complete looseness in behavior, raise the emotional state and, if possible, select such movements so that the child receives joy when performing them;

During various types of gymnastics, it is important to properly dose physical activity. Children should be engaged only in aerobic mode, at a fairly intense pace, but without overload;

During the period of quarantine, increased incidence of SARS and influenza, gymnastics is carried out with a predominance of small loads. After a warm-up, we cheer up the children with fun recreational games;

Depending on the weather, it is necessary to select exercises and regulate physical activity. When the temperature drops, it increases it, changing the pace; when the temperature rises, it decreases to avoid overheating of the body;

The complex is compiled for 2 weeks from familiar, mastered exercises, which helps to reduce the time for explanations and demonstrations. To increase the load and maintain children's interest in gymnastics, we change the pace, complicate the exercise and increase the number of repetitions, replace images;

Gymnastics is carried out in a clean room with open windows during a warm period or in a well-ventilated room. Dress code shorts, T-shirt, Czechs. Such an order throughout the year gradually accustoms the body to a cool temperature and gives morning exercises the value of a tempering procedure - an air bath;

In cold weather, when doing gymnastics on the street, outdoor switchgear is excluded.

They are replaced by a mobile game or dance movements.

Upon returning from gymnastics to groups, children take a water procedure, wipe their hands.


Consultation for educators

"Education of moral and volitional qualities in preschoolers"

Most of their time, children of senior preschool age are occupied with the game, the process of education is going on in it to the same extent as in other types of activity.

Outdoor games are the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of the individual, in the formation of moral and volitional qualities.

Consider several volitional qualities of a person and ways of their formation through various games.

Signs of perseverance are: the desire to constantly bring the work begun to the end; the ability to pursue a goal for a long time; the ability to continue an activity when one does not want to engage in it or when another, more interesting activity arises. For example, in physical exercises it is impossible to achieve a high result immediately, a long training is needed.

Signs of perseverance are: the ability to continue activities, despite failures and other difficulties; the ability to overcome painful conditions; the ability to persistently achieve the intended goal. Manifested in relay games, games - competitions, when not you personally, but your team loses, you need to find the strength in yourself not to stop the game, but to continue it and win.

Outdoor games lead to the consolidation of the necessary volitional personality traits in the child. Volitional qualities can be developed in preschool children with the help of outdoor competition games.

Signs of decisiveness:

1. Quick and thoughtful decision-making when performing one or another action or deed;

2. Implementation of the decision made without hesitation, confidently;

3. Lack of confusion when making decisions in difficult conditions and during emotional excitement;

4. The manifestation of decisive action in an unusual environment.

Thus, we can say that such a quality as determination can be formed and developed in children with fairly simple games. Outdoor games and physical exercises not only improve the health and develop the child's body, but also are a means for educating strong-willed qualities of character, affect the behavior of children.

During the period of senior preschool age, the basic volitional qualities of a person begin to form: perseverance and perseverance, determination, characterized as quick decision-making and bold implementation; endurance, that is, the absence of ardor in behavior in the event of a conflict; as well as independence, responsibility, discipline.

Without strong-willed qualities and a strong character, it is impossible to achieve permanent success. Of great interest for the development of volitional qualities of preschoolers are outdoor games and game exercises (with and without a ball, with a racket, stick, hoop, etc.), which make you think, provide an opportunity for the child to test and develop his abilities, include him in competitions with other children. The participation of preschoolers in outdoor games and relay races contributes to their self-affirmation, develops perseverance, aspiration. The game also affects the development of children's independence, creativity, personal qualities.

In order for the game of a preschooler to be not only developing in nature, but also to contribute to the development of volitional qualities, it should be: playing by the rules or with the rules; a collective, partnership game in which both peers and adults can be partners; conditions must be created in it for each player to build their own strategy; the goal of the game should be to win (i.e. it is always either a competitive game or an achievement game).

Work on the physical development of children includes the widespread use of outdoor games. They contribute to the formation of such strong-willed qualities of students as responsibility, perseverance, perseverance, determination. Games are played on the playground or in the gym. These are such games: "Hares in the garden", "Cosmonauts", "Sly fox", "We are funny guys", "Burners", "At the bear in the forest" and others.

The use of outdoor games forms endurance, discipline, independence.

She came to the conclusion that games have an impact on the development of independence in children, creative abilities, cause the desire to bring the work begun to the end, bring up the ability to continue activities even if they do not want to engage in it or when more interesting activities arise, that is, all types of games form the volitional qualities of a person


Consultation for educators

"Activities in the Educational Area

"Physical development",

As the main form of education
motor culture of preschoolers"

Physical education classes are the leading form of motor culture education for children in preschool educational institutions.

The purpose of physical education classes is to:

1. Satisfy the natural need for movement, program a certain dose of it;

2. To ensure the development and training of all and the functions of the child's body through a specially organized, optimal for all children given age and for each child separately physical activity;

3. Give each child the opportunity to demonstrate their motor skills to peers and learn from them.

Traditional, classic physical education consists of three parts:

The introductory part includes exercises that prepare the body for physical activity - various types of walking, running, jumping, exercises to develop balance, to prevent postural disorders, etc.

The main part, the purpose of which is to train, consolidate and improve the skills of basic movements, the development of physical qualities. The main part includes:

General developmental exercises

Basic movements

An outdoor game that promotes motor skills, making it possible to increase the emotional tone of children.

The final part involves exercises, games of low mobility to bring the body to a calm state. This is the structure of a classic physical education class.

However, the constant use of only this structure often “leads to a decrease in children's interest in classes and, as a result, to a decrease in their effectiveness. Therefore, it is recommended to use non-traditional approaches to the construction and content of classes that allow you to constantly maintain children's interest in them, individualize the approach to each child, reasonably distribute the load, taking into account the level of motor activity and the sex-role principle of selecting movements.

Unconventionality implies a difference from the classical structure of the lesson through the use of new ways of organizing children, non-standard equipment, making some changes to the traditional form of building a lesson, leaving the main thing unchanged:

At each lesson, the tasks of teaching, educating and developing the child should be implemented:

Training in basic movements should be carried out in three stages: training, consolidation, improvement;

So, what are the options for conducting physical education classes can be used.

Lesson on a single plot, built on a fabulous or real basis. Taking the classical structure of the lesson as a basis, the content of motor activity is consistent with the plot. The topics of such classes should correspond to the age capabilities of children, taking into account their level: a report from the stadium, a circus, a trip to the country, fairy tales, etc.

Training sessions - fixing certain types of movements. It provides an opportunity to repeatedly repeat the movement, to practice the technique of its implementation. The traditional structure can be somewhat violated by excluding general developmental exercises and increasing the time of work on the basic movements, elements of sports games, with the obligatory provision of a reasonable and correct physiological load.

A lesson built on one movement, as a variant of a training session. The structure of its construction is similar to the previous one, but only one of the types is selected for exercises in the main movements (for example, climbing), children practice in its various types: crawling on a bench, climbing a gymnastic wall, climbing into a hoop, etc. When planning such an exercise, it is important to consider the sequence of exercises in order to alternate the load on different muscle groups. Therefore, it is better not to use this type of movement in the water part and the outdoor game.

Circuit training - the principle of organizing such a lesson is quite simple: the introductory and final parts of the jam are carried out in the traditional form. During the time allotted for general developmental exercises and basic movements, a circuit training is organized. To do this, prepare several groups with the same sports equipment in each, so that the children of one group can exercise on them at the same time, and arrange them in a circle. For example: for a group of children of 20 people, you need to prepare 5 groups of objects: jump ropes, balls, flights of gymnastic stairs, benches, and arrange them in a sequence that provides training for different muscle groups. Each child gets up to some kind of benefit and exercises on it for 2 minutes. Then, at the signal of the teacher, the children move in a circle to the next manual and so on until the circle closes. Depending on the degree of load received in the circuit training, an outdoor game is selected. This method allows you to provide a high motor density of the lesson, gives children the opportunity to show creative initiative, inventing ways to perform the exercise.

A lesson based on outdoor games is advisable to use to relieve stress after classes with increased intellectual load, to consolidate movements in new conditions, to provide positive emotions. the preparation of the organism for loads will be continued by the game of low or medium mobility. The main part can include games of high mobility that improve the types of movements. The final part of such a lesson should provide a reduction in load.

An activity based on musical and rhythmic movements is liked by children and is used to successfully create a cheerful mood in children. The introductory part consists of different types of walking and running to music, performing dance movements. General developmental exercises are carried out in the form of rhythmic gymnastics. After it, you can offer children music games and dancing.

To ensure a differentiated approach to children in teaching and consolidating the basic movements, the following classes can be used in the senior and preparatory groups:

Card business. After conducting the introductory part and general developmental exercises, each child will torment a card on which, in the form of pictograms, the main movements in which this child needs to be practiced are shown, and the sequence of the exercises is indicated. At the signal of the teacher, the children exercise in the first type of movement shown on the card, after 2 minutes they move on to the next one, etc. On individual cards, an object with which the child needs to practice can also be depicted. This allows us to offer individual children to perform exercises with a gymnastic stick to prevent posture disorders, with dumbbells to develop strength, girls - with ribbons, or choose an exercise equipment of their choice. In addition, it is good to use such an activity in working with hearing-impaired children, due to the cards, children clearly understand the task that they face.

Activities are hiking. The distance that children cover during the hike is from 1.5 to 3 km, the time of continuous movement is from 15 to 25 minutes, the duration of the intermediate halt is 5-10 minutes, a large halt where games, competitions and rest are organized before return journey - 30-40 minutes. Going on a mini-hike with some of its attributes (a backpack, a flask of water), the first part of the journey and after greetings, the children go a little slower. To enter the body into a load mode, the pace of walking can be slightly increased, but it is necessary to strictly monitor the condition of the children. Before the halt, the pace also decreases. Less prepared children go ahead, at the end of the column - physically stronger ones so that the column does not stretch.

Lessons with elements orienteering I spend at the kindergarten site. Before the lesson, 2 teams receive route sheets. They schematically depict the area where the lesson will take place and the route of the teams. After a short warm-up, the teams hit the road accompanied by a teacher and overcome various obstacles:

climb over or through barriers, climb the gymnastic ladder, walk on the balance beam, etc. Both teams finish the route in one place, where a letter or a fairy-tale character awaits them with an offer to play, hold a relay race, etc.

A diagnostic lesson can be structured in the form of admission to a cosmonaut school, a sports school, for which children are sort of tested for strength, endurance, and the ability to perform basic movements. Diagnostics can also be carried out in the game "Pinwheel". Each child or group of children receives a waybill according to the type of lesson on the cards, which indicates the movements and the order in which they are performed. At the stations, experts (teacher, instructor) are waiting for them, who record the results of the exercise. This method of diagnosis is very effective.

A lesson with one manual is interesting already because in such a lesson I have the opportunity to demonstrate to children the variety of ways to use any sports object in various activities (jumping, running, throwing, climbing, balance). It includes a variety of exercises, which ensures the development of physical qualities, motor skills, has a positive effect on various types of muscles and promotes imagination, fantasy, children learn to use one object in different situations.

For example: a hoop lesson.

The introductory part is running from hoop to hoop, walking sideways along the hoop, jumping from hoop to hoop.

General developmental exercises - with a hoop.

Basic movements - climbing into the hoop different ways running snake between them.

Mobile and sedentary games are also selected using a hoop.

Integrated lesson. Integration is the process of convergence and connection of sciences. Since there are many intellectual classes in the preschool educational institution, sometimes integrated classes can be held. "Physical education - mathematics" or "Physical education - design". The important thing is that such classes should not be frequent, and should be very well thought out by the educator and instructor. Basically, such a lesson can be carried out to consolidate the material.

This diversity, in conducting physical education classes, helps me develop an interest in physical education in children, increase the motor activity of children and the motor density of classes.

Developing the skills of mastering the basic movements and performing physical exercises, I introduce children to the physical, physiological processes of a person during physical education (body structure, muscles, correct posture, the role of the spine in the body, heart function, the role of daily routine, proper nutrition). In addition, about the rules of conduct, assistance with injuries (bruises, cuts, frostbite, etc.) - all this for a conscious attitude to physical education


Consultation for educators

The value of breathing exercises for preschool children

At present, health problems have become especially relevant due to the steady trend of deteriorating children's health. The volume of cognitive information for preschoolers is quite high, the share of mental load in the daily routine is also growing. As a result, overwork of children is often observed, a decrease in their functional capabilities, which negatively affects not only the state of health of preschoolers, but also the prospects for their further development, in particular, and the state of health in general. Therefore, teachers need great attention to breathing exercises in the classroom and in free activities, which contributes to the development of respiratory muscles, increased mobility of the chest and diaphragm, and improved blood circulation in the lungs. The analysis of children's morbidity in preschool institutions shows that the leaders of morbidity are diseases transmitted by airborne droplets - ARVI, acute respiratory infections. Studies by medical scientists show that there is an imbalance in the development of the respiratory apparatus of preschool children: with the relative power of the lungs, the lumen of the upper airways (nasal cavity, larynx) is still narrow, the respiratory muscles are weak. Therefore, preschool children need to be taught proper breathing, which will strengthen the muscles of the respiratory organs.

Breath is the main source of life. A person can live without food and water for several days, but without air, at most, a few minutes. With insufficient air intake, the heart and immune system begin to work more actively, thereby preventing the penetration of infection and lack of oxygen. Breathing is the drawing in and out of air by the lungs as a process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide by a living organism. During normal breathing, a person breathes through the nose. Such breathing is of great importance for the body. Cold air, passing through the nasal mucosa, warms up. In addition, dust particles that enter with the air are retained. Preschoolers need to be taught proper nasal breathing. This will effectively protect the lungs from dust, hypothermia and adapt them to cold air.

There are types of breathing:

  • lower, or "abdominal", "diaphragmatic" (only the diaphragm participates in respiratory movements, and the chest remains unchanged; mainly ventilated Bottom part light and slightly-medium);
  • medium, or "costal" (intercostal muscles participate in respiratory movements, the chest expands and rises slightly, the diaphragm also rises slightly);
  • upper, or "key" (breathing is carried out only by raising the clavicles and shoulders with a fixed chest and some retraction of the diaphragm; the tops of the lungs are mainly ventilated and a little - their middle part);
  • mixed, or "full breathing of yogis" (combines all the above types of breathing, while all parts of the lungs are evenly ventilated).
  • The human respiratory system is designed in such a way that the body as a whole can adapt to any changes in the environment. It serves for the development of the child's respiratory organs, the production of various types of breathing, as well as the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Breathing exercises can be started with children who have reached the age of 4-5 years.

Breathing exercises have a positive effect on the child's body:

Has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play important role in the blood supply, including lung tissue;

Promotes the restoration of nervous regulation disturbed during the course of the disease from the side of the central nervous system;

Improves the drainage function of the bronchi; - restores disturbed nasal breathing;

Promotes the resorption of inflammatory formations, straightening of inflammatory formations,

Restoration of normal, blood-lymphatic supply, elimination of local congestion;

Adjusts the disturbed functions of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the entire circulatory apparatus;

Corrects various deformities of the chest and spine that develop in the course of the disease;

Increases the overall resistance of the body, its tone, improves the neuropsychic state of patients.

Breathing exercises have the advantage of:

1. Gymnastics is combined with all cyclic exercises: walking,

running, swimming - especially.

2. Breathing exercises are an excellent prevention of diseases.

3. Gymnastics has a positive effect on the body as a whole. It's not purely respiratory - all muscles are included in the work.

4. Gymnastics is available to all people.

5. Gymnastics does not require special conditions. Special clothing sports suit, sneakers, etc. Premises and other things.

6. High efficiency. After the first classes, the volume of the lungs increases significantly.

7. Gives a good effect for training the muscular system of the respiratory apparatus and chest.

8. Gymnastics is shown to both adults and children.

Breathing exercises can be used throughout the day, namely: in the organization of physical education, morning exercises, outdoor games for a walk, conversations, physical education sessions, various forms of outdoor activities, self-massage, finger gymnastics, performing sound breathing exercises in class, in elements acupressure, in the gymnastics of awakening.

Features of the use of breathing exercises in work with preschool children:

1. Children are more willing to perform breathing exercises if they are accompanied by music.

2. The whole complex must be turned into a game. All the basic rules for performing the exercise are given in a playful way. For example, to train an extremely active and noisy, sharp and short breath, you can give children game tasks: “It smells of burning! Where? Anxiety! Smell!

3. Motivation is needed to perform breathing exercises. Preschoolers lack the motivation to maintain and improve their own health, so an introductory conversation about the importance of these exercises is necessary.

4. Important condition The effectiveness of such gymnastics is that it must be performed regularly, without interruption.

Thus, we can note the undoubted advantage of breathing exercises over other healing methods: it is very simple and at the same time effective method treatment and prevention of diseases, which does not require special costs and can be used by people of all ages.

Physical education of the child in the family.

The duty of parents is to improve the health of the child in this moment and ensure the favorable development child's body in future. Normal development and health is ensured by the creation of optimal conditions, that is, the organization of the correct regimen.

In the physical education of preschool children, physical exercises are used (walking, running, balance exercises, throwing, climbing, outdoor games), sports exercises, hygiene factors (daily routine, nutrition, sleep, etc.), natural forces of nature (sun , air, water).

Physical exercise.

Tasks and explanations should be clear and precise, they should be given in a cheerful voice and immediately show all movements.

Exercises should be interesting, they should use well-remembered figurative comparisons, for example, "Bird", "cat", "locomotive". The main principle that parents should adhere to when doing physical exercises with babies is to portray everything as a game. Cheerful tone, joke, laughter, active participation of an adult always captivate a child.

The number of repetitions for preschoolers usually ranges from 2 - 3 to 10. After the most difficult exercises, it is necessary to give short rest pauses

The average values ​​of indicators of physical activity of children for a full day - 17,000 movements; intensity 55 - 65 movements per minute.

Physical exercise is only beneficial when it is practiced systematically. Parents are required to find time daily for physical exercise with their children and carefully monitor their health, paying attention to appearance, mood and well-being of the child.

Daily routine of a preschooler.

By accustoming children to a certain regimen, to fulfilling hygiene requirements, we create in them skills that are useful for the body and thereby preserve their health. A solid daily routine, established in accordance with the age characteristics of children, is one of the essential conditions for the normal physical development of a child. The main requirement for the regime is the accuracy in time and the correct alternation, the change of one type of activity by another. The time should be set when the child goes to bed, gets up, walks, eats, performs simple, feasible duties for him. This time must be strictly observed. Dream . Only during sleep does the child get complete rest. Sleep should be long enough: children 3-4 years old sleep 14 hours a day, 5-6 years old - 13 hours, 7-8 years old - 12 hours. Of this time, it is necessary, especially for younger children, to set aside an hour and a half for daytime sleep. Children should go to bed no later than 8-9 hours. Nutrition. Children receive food 4-5 times a day. The first meal is given half an hour later, in any case, no later than an hour after the child wakes up, and the last one - an hour and a half before bedtime. Between meals, intervals of 3-4 hours should be established, they must be strictly observed. The most satisfying food is given at lunch, the less satisfying - for dinner. Walks. No matter how accurately the time for sleeping and eating is observed, the regime cannot be considered correct if it does not provide time for a walk. The more time children spend outdoors, the healthier they are!

Computer: "for" and "against".

Modern children communicate a lot with television, video and computer. If the previous generation was a generation of books, then modern ones receive information through a video series. + Advantages of a computer: a computer can help children develop such important operations of thinking as generalization and classification;

  • In the process of studying on the computer, the memory and attention of children improves;
  • When playing in computer games in children, the sign function of consciousness develops earlier, which underlies abstract thinking (thinking without relying on external objects);
  • Computer games are of great importance not only for the development of the intellect of children, but also for the development of their motor skills, for the formation of coordination of visual and motor functions;
Children 3-4 years old should not sit at the computer for more than 20 minutes, and by the age of 6-7 this time of daily play can be increased to half an hour. - Disadvantages of the computer: Excessive handling of a computer can lead to a deterioration in the child's vision, as well as a negative impact on his mental health. This is especially dangerous for shy children. And most importantly, you can not rely only on the computer. A child is a small person, he can form and develop only by communicating with people and living in the real world.

Walking is important.

Children should spend as much time as possible in the air in order to be healthy and strong. In summer, children can be outdoors for more than 6 hours a day, and in autumn and winter, children must be outdoors for at least 4 hours. The best time for a walk with children - between breakfast and lunch (2-2.5 hours) and after daytime sleep, before dinner (1-2 hours). In severe frosts, the duration of walks is somewhat reduced. The reason for the cancellation of a walk for a healthy child may be exceptional circumstances: heavy rain, a big frost with a fork wind. Based on the experience of kindergartens, it has been established that preschool children, accustomed to daily walks, can walk even at a temperature of 20-25 degrees below zero, if there is no strong wind and if they are dressed appropriately for the weather. For a walk on cold winter days, children should go out in a warm coat, a hat with headphones, felt boots, and warm mittens. From time to time it is useful to take long walks with children, gradually increasing the distance - for the younger ones up to 15-20 minutes of walking, for the older ones - up to 30 minutes, with small stops for 1-2 minutes along the way. Arriving at the place, the children should rest or play quietly before returning back.

Rule 1. try to make the baby move more, run, jump. Rule 2. include foods that are good for the eyes in the diet: cottage cheese, kefir, boiled sea fish, seafood, beef, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries. Parsley, dill. Rule 3. Watch his posture - with a "crooked" back, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which provokes vision problems. Remember: the distance between the book and the eyes should be at least 25-30 cm. Rule 4. do not allow the child to sit in front of the TV for a long time, and if he does, then only strictly opposite, no closer than three meters. Rule 5. Do not read while lying down and as little as possible in artificial light. Rule 6. do not forget that watching TV in a dark room is undesirable. Rule 7. A preschooler can play on a computer for no more than half an hour a day, after 7 years - 1 hour or 2 sets of 40 minutes. Rule 8. It is better to forget about games on a cell phone! Rule 9 Do eye exercises together every day - turn this procedure into an exciting game.

A set of exercises for the eyes.

We offer a special set of exercises for the eyes, which, if performed regularly, can be a good training and prevention to preserve vision. Exercises are best done in a playful way, with any child's toys, moving them left and right, up and down. Exercises are performed while sitting, the head is motionless, the posture is comfortable, with the maximum amplitude of the eyes.

  1. Zhmurki. Close your eyes, strongly straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 1-4, then open your eyes, relaxing the muscles of the eyes, looking into the distance, at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Close - far. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze at the expense of 1-4. You can't make your eyes tired! Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Left right. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze at the score 1-4, then look into the distance directly at the score 1-6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with fixation of the gaze to the left, up, down.
  4. Diagonals. Move your eyes quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance at the expense of 1-6; then left up, right down and look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. repeat 4 times.
Follow your eyes. The world is so beautiful, especially if we see it...

Hardening is the first step on the road to health.

Hardening of children is necessary in order to increase their resistance to the effects of low and high air temperatures and thereby prevent frequent diseases. When hardening children, the following basic principles should be followed:

  • carry out hardening procedures systematically;
  • increase the exposure time of the hardening factor gradually;
  • take into account the mood of the child and carry out procedures in the form of a game;
  • start hardening at any age;
  • never perform procedures if the baby is cold;
  • avoid strong irritants: prolonged exposure to cold water or very low air temperatures, as well as overheating in the sun;
  • choose the right clothes and shoes: they must correspond to the ambient temperature and be made of natural fabrics and materials;
  • temper with the whole family;
  • combine hardening procedures with physical exercises and massage;
  • never smoke in the room where the child is!

hardening methods.

The main hardening factors are natural and available “Sun. Air and Water. You can start hardening children from the first month of life and after examining the baby by a pediatrician. "Cold Basin". Pour cold water not higher than + 12C into the basin and pour over the feet of the child standing in the bath. Have your child stomp their feet as the water drains. The water outlet must be open. Dry your feet with a towel. On the first day, walk for 1 minute, add 1 minute daily, up to 5 minutes. It is better to harden for 1 minute in a good mood for a child than 5 minutes with whims. "Cold Towel" If the child does not like cold dousing with water, lay a towel in the bath soaked in cold water (the 12C). Ask the child to stamp their feet (not stand) on it for 2 minutes. (morning and night). "Cold and hot shower". The child takes a bath in the evening. Let him warm himself in warm water. And then tell him: "Let's make a cold rain with you or run through the puddles." You turn on cold water, and the child exposes his heels and hands to the water. If the child is afraid of exposure to a cold shower, then you can first put a bowl of cold water and say: “Well, let's run through the puddles with you!”. And now from a warm bath into a cold basin (or under the rain), and then back into the bath. And so at least 3 times. After the procedure, wrap the child in a warm sheet without wiping, but soaking the water, then dress him for sleep and put him in bed.

Bare walking is an element of hardening of the body.

Another way to harden is walking barefoot. Walking barefoot not only hardens, but also stimulates the nerve endings located on the foot, and has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. According to some experts, the soles of the feet are a kind of switchboard with 72 thousand nerve endings, through which you can connect to any organ - the brain, lungs and upper respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands and other organs. How and when is the best time to go barefoot?

  • Of course, it is not worth accustoming a child to this in the winter in the cold, but in spring and summer, the baby may well run barefoot on the floor of the house, and even better on the green grass.
  • The child should regularly walk barefoot, a real hardening effect occurs only after long systematic training.
  • Use special rubber mats with studded corrugation. Every morning, start exercising by walking barefoot on such a rug.
  • It is useful to massage the feet with a rolling pin or a round stick, rolling them with the soles for several minutes a day.
When walking barefoot, the intense activity of almost all muscles increases, blood circulation is stimulated throughout the body, and mental activity improves!

Khvostova Olga Ivanovna


Interaction with a child on a walk can be a very important and productive component of his development. But for many parents, walking is a simple "walking" of the child, when he is given the opportunity to breathe fresh air, move around, and meet with peers.

Usually a flock of children is accompanied by a company of adults who, during the walk, manage to discuss a lot of topics and only look after their child from the corner of their eye. It is rare when mothers and fathers offer certain games for children during a walk. Usually they give them almost complete freedom.

Of course, a child can himself come up with elementary, but not always safe games: splash through puddles, climb trees, jumping up, pull leaves from trees. The expanses of parks and squares, their green lawns and flower meadows cause a special delight, and the child is ready to run and run wherever his eyes look.

He craves movement, and you need to give him the opportunity to realize this desire. The best thing that can be advised is outdoor games: they satisfy his passion for movement. During the game, children get the necessary muscle load and positive impressions, while avoiding emotional and motor overload and being in the field of view of adults.

For a fun walk, a big ball is simply indispensable: it can be used in various outdoor games. The smallest can be given the task of rolling the ball to a tree, a bench or to their mother, jumping like a ball jumps; learn to throw the ball to each other, throw the ball over an obstacle or toss it up. Teach your child to swing and throw the ball into the distance. The target throw should be used for older children, as it requires more complex coordination. The target can be horizontal and vertical, use improvised means (a circle drawn in chalk on the asphalt or building).

Feel free to set an example for your child.

Show different ways of throwing the ball: from the chest, from behind the head, from below.

Arrange a game of stepping and jumping over obstacles: a curb, a stream, a puddle, a branch, a line drawn on the sand or asphalt.

Organize fun games for the child and his friends in the park, in the yard.

Trees are suitable as "inventory", you can hide behind them.

A bench on which you can roll a ball to each other, crawl, crawl under the bench, climb over it.

Stumps that you can climb and jump on, run around them.

Join the game yourself, play fun with pleasure. During joint activities the child develops the skills of interaction and communication. The use of gaming exercises and outdoor games is effective tool formation of interest in physical activity, which is one of the main things in strengthening and maintaining the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.

Prepared by a physical education instructor

MBU d / s No. 139 "Cloud" Daniulova M.V.

9 hardening rules.

Advice for parents.

One of the forms of physical education is hardening. It is an essential, most effective and affordable means of training and improving the body's defense mechanisms, it affects the activity of all systems without exception.

Hardening involves the use of a complex of various procedures to improve health, increase the body's resistance to cold and prevent colds. It is not uncommon to use one procedure, for example, wiping the body with cold water, and hope to harden in this way. Alas! In this case, there can be no effect at all. And that's why. Hardening is formed only with sufficient duration and intensity of Cold effects.

An important condition for achieving a high degree of hardening is the systematic exercise.

Speaking about the effect of hardening on the body, it is necessary to mention the specific and nonspecific effects.

Specific effect manifests itself in an increase in resistance to heat or cold, depending on which temperature factor was used for hardening.

Non-specific effect is formed simultaneously with the specific and is expressed in an increase in resistance to some other external influences.

For example: simultaneously with an increase in the body's resistance to cold, the tolerance for lack of oxygen necessarily increases, the processes of inhibition and excitation are balanced.

Let's get acquainted with the basic rules of hardening.

First rule - Understanding the need to temper has become a conviction. Only then it is possible to cultivate the same habit of performing tempering procedures as the habit of washing oneself, brushing one's teeth, etc. A conscious attitude forms the necessary psychological attitude, which leads to success.

Second rule - strict observance of a healthy lifestyle, integral part which is hardening.

Third rule - systematic hardening, and not from case to case. Even a two-week break significantly reduces the previously achieved state of hardness. Hardening should not be stopped even in the case of a mild illness, you can only reduce its dose.

Fourth rule - the duration and intensity of hardening procedures should be increased gradually. Each new procedure should first cause vegetative changes: increased heart rate, increased frequency and depth of breathing. The absence of these shifts indicates an insufficient increase in the impact of the hardening procedure. On the contrary, the manifestation of trembling, "goosebumps", blanching of the skin is an indicator of an excessive increase in the strength of the stimulus. In the first case, there will be no desired effect, in the second, a state of discomfort arises, which can lead to illness.

Fifth Rule - taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. Children have different sensitivity to temperatures. The same factor can cause a slight runny nose in one person, a serious illness in another. These differences depend on the structural features of the body, the state of health, and the type of nervous system. So, in children with a balanced character, resistance to cold is developed faster than in impulsive ones.

sixth rule - the need to create a good mood during tempering procedures. With positive emotions, as a rule, negative effects do not occur. All procedures should be performed "on the verge of pleasure" and terminated at the appearance of signs of unpleasant perception of the procedure. Depending on the mood of the child, the hardening procedure can be increased in duration or shortened, and the water temperature is lowered or increased. Accounting emotional state the child, his well-being will provide a constant interest in tempering procedures, make them desirable.

Seventh Rule - Mandatory physical activity. The effectiveness of hardening will increase many times over if you systematically engage in physical exercises that correspond to the capabilities of the body.

Eighth Rule - in order to harden it is necessary to use the whole complex of natural natural factors - water, air and sun.

Ninth Rule - taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular region where a person lives permanently. The climate of a particular region forms a specific type of thermoregulation in humans and determines its sensitivity to cold.

hardening can be local and general . At local hardening cold affects a certain part of the body (foot baths, wiping the body). General such hardening is considered when a cold stimulus acts on the entire surface of the body (bath, shower, bathing).

A good means of hardening, shaping and strengthening the arch of the foot in the summer is walking barefoot on sand, grass, and earth.

It is necessary to accustom children to this on hot sunny days, gradually increasing the time of walking barefoot from 2-4 to 10-15 minutes. Stronger legs can walk barefoot at +20*C.

Permanent forms of hardening - a pulsating microclimate and optimal clothing - should be supplemented by sun and air baths, various water procedures, etc.

Prepared by a physical education instructor

MBU d / s No. 139 Daniulova M.V.

How to organize physical exercises at home?

Memo "Ten Tips for Parents"

  1. Support the child's interest in physical education, in no case show your neglect of physical development. Remember: the family largely determines the behavior and attitudes of the child, including his attitude to physical education. The example of adults is extremely important. As you feel about physical education, so will your child relate to it.
  2. High self-esteem is one of the powerful incentives for a child to do any job. Whether it's homework or morning exercises. Keep high self-esteem in your child in every possible way - encourage any of his achievements, and in return you will receive even more effort.
  3. Observe the behavior and condition of the child during exercise. Sometimes parents do not understand why the child is naughty and does not comply with their requirements. The reason may be fatigue, hidden desire, etc. try to understand the reason for the negative reactions. In this you will be helped by a deep knowledge of the characteristics of your child, his trust, his feelings of his own importance and the significance of his own personality.
  4. In no case do not insist on continuing classes if for some reason the child does not want it. Find out the reason for the refusal, eliminate it, and only then continue the classes. If this is not done, then there will be a persistent rejection of any physical exercise.
  5. It is important to prioritize your child's exercise choices. Almost all children like outdoor games, but there are exceptions.
  6. Do not scold your child for temporary setbacks.
  7. Do not change the set of exercises too often. If the child likes them, let him perform them for as long as possible - in this case, he will not “grab the top”, but will firmly master this or that skill, movement.
  8. It is important to maintain a culture of exercise. In no case should there be laxity, negligence, slipshod performance. Physical education is serious business!
  9. Do not overload the child: what is available to an adult is not always useful for a baby.
  10. In the process of raising a child, you must be accompanied by three unshakable laws: understanding, love, patience.

AND physical culture instructor - Khvostova Olga Ivanovna

Reminder for parents

Reminder for parents

How to make sitting easier? What does proper fit mean?

With a proper fit, the hips are at right angles to the spine and shins, the soles touch the floor with the entire surface. It is bad if the legs do not reach the floor or the seat is so low that the shins are above the level of the hip joints.

The back should be parallel to the back of the chair. If it is tilted forward, a stoop may develop; if he leans too much on the back of the chair, this will contribute to the formation of a round back.

Hands and forearms should lie freely on the table. With this fit, the shoulder blades are well fixed and the child can breathe freely and deeply.

A very high table causes a rise in the elbows and a compensatory curvature of the spine; with a low table, the child stoops and bends the torso forward.

So, improper seating at the table is a factor not only of incorrect posture, but also of increased morbidity (ARI, intestinal atony, etc.)

What does it mean for a preschooler to stand?

Standing, especially in a certain position, is very tiring for a child, as the back muscles quickly relax, unable to withstand the static load. Therefore, the baby begins to step from foot to foot, trying to lean against something.

Remember! When you punish a child by standing in the corner, you are punishing him physically.

How not to miss posture disorders? Prevention is always easier than cure!

At first, the disturbances are transient. If the child, despite the correct preventive measures, prefers the wrong postures, you need to consult a doctor - an orthopedist or an exercise therapy doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. A constant reminder of how to walk correctly will not give the child anything: at this age, you need to repeat the exercises from 33 to 68 times so that he understands and accurately reproduces this movement. This is where gymnastics comes in. special exercises, contributing to the development of proper walking and a sense of balance, coordination of movements, the formation of the foot and strengthening the muscular corset of the back.

To develop proper walking and a sense of balance Teach your child to walk with their feet parallel. This can be done on paths, benches, steps, hewn logs, winding paths drawn in chalk. The edge of the sidewalk is a great tool for this.

For the prevention of flat feet you can use any scratchy surface - up to the rubber mats on which we wipe our feet, as well as any simulators that are now sold.

To form the correct posture teach your child to crawl under something (chair, table, bench)

Physical culture instructor - Khvostova Olga Ivanovna

Child health is our common goal

Advice for parents.

The health of the child is our common goal.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Preschool age is the period of formation of posture. At this age, the formation of the bone structure has not yet been completed, the skeleton is mostly composed of cartilaginous tissue, the bones are not strong enough, they have few mineral salts, the extensor muscles are not sufficiently developed, so the posture in children is unstable, easily disturbed under the influence of incorrect body position.

What can cause bad posture? There are many reasons for this, to name just a few.

  1. The furniture is not appropriate for the age of the child. Especially when he spends a long time in a forced position. Therefore, you need to remember the need to match the chairs and tables to the height of the child, both in kindergarten and at home, and also not prevent the child from spending more time in a free position (for example, lying on the carpet), as is customary in many foreign preschool institutions and schools.
  2. Constantly holding the child while walking by the same hand.
  3. The habit of standing with support on the same foot. With proper walking, body weight is evenly distributed on both legs. We can talk about a uniform distribution of body weight when the feet are parallel when walking. That is why, in order to form the correct walking, the child must be placed in such a situation that his legs are parallel to each other, for example, to train when walking along a narrow path, board, log. If the child has completed the appropriate exercise and everything is in order with coordination, then he is able to walk along the stick or rope.
  4. Wrong posture when sitting (leaning forward, throwing his hands behind the back of the chair, putting his leg under him).
  5. Wrong posture during sleep (sleeps with legs tucked to stomach, curled up). You need to sleep on a hard bed, leaning on it with bone protrusions; while the muscles should not be in constant tension, so you need a soft mattress and pillow. It is better if the pillow is between the cheek and the shoulder, it can be quite soft, but small. Best Pose for sleep - on the back, with arms spread apart.
  6. Violation of posture often develops in sedentary children, weakened with poorly developed muscles, so gymnastic exercises are needed for those muscles that provide good posture.

Incorrect posture is not only not aesthetic, but it adversely affects the position of the internal organs. A stooped back makes it difficult to normal position the chest, weak abdominal muscles also do not contribute to the deepening of breathing. The result is less oxygen supply to the tissues.

It is very important to monitor the posture of a preschooler and to cultivate the ability to sit and stand correctly. Sitting is not rest, but an act of static tension. Children when sitting, unlike adults, produce significant muscle work.

The extensor muscles (especially if they have not been strengthened before) are still weak, so children quickly get tired of sitting and try to quickly change their posture or stand up to move. We, adults, often do not understand this and scold children for restlessness.

Physical culture instructor Khvostova Olga Ianovna

Kozlova Evgenia Stanislavovna
Consulting hours:
Wednesday 13.00-14.00 (online)
Tuesday 18.00 – 19.00

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The child's interest in physical exercises is formed by the joint efforts of educators and parents. A sports corner at home helps to rationally organize children's leisure time, helps to consolidate the motor skills acquired in a preschool institution, […]

Any movement activates the child's breathing, increases oxygen consumption. In this regard, preference should be given to outdoor activities, including in winter, when the […]

Parents consider caring for their children's health to be important, but only a few truly use the possibilities of physical education for this. And the parents themselves, for the most part, self-critically evaluate their participation […]

Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education child. Reproaching absent-mindedness, disorder and disobedience in a child, we demand that during classes we repeat the exercises until […]

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Advice for parents How to get a child interested in physical education A healthy child does not need to be forced to do physical education - he himself needs to move and willingly performs more and more new tasks. […]

Advice for parents

on the topic of:

"Health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions"

senior group

Prepared by the instructor

in physical culture


Karpova E.G.


Health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

One of the main tasks of any preschool institution is to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children. Their complex has now received the general name "health-saving technologies".

The main purpose of such new technologies is to unite teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and, most importantly, the children themselves for the preservation, strengthening and development of health.

So what is “health-saving technologies”?

This is an integral system of educational and recreational, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between the child and the teacher, the child and the parents, the child and the doctor.

The purpose of health-saving technologies:

Provide preschoolers with the opportunity to stay healthy

To form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle

Learn how to use what you have learned Everyday life

The main condition for the successful organization of educational and educational process in the preschool educational institution is the provision of motor activity. To do this, dynamic pauses are held in the preschool educational institution, during their implementation, breathing exercises, finger, gymnastics for the eyes. It's no secret that today's children experience a "motor deficit", that is, the number of movements produced by the child per day is below the age norm. This increases the load on certain muscle groups and causes fatigue. Therefore, outdoor and sports games are held daily.


Relaxation exercises are used for certain parts of the body and the whole organism.

Morning exercises are performed daily.

Physical education classes are conducted in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution works. They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity.

The use of health-saving technologies in the work increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms orientations among teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, and the child has a strong motivation for healthy lifestyle life.

Advice for parents

on the topic of:

"The role of the family in the formation of physical activity"

2- junior group

Prepared by the instructor

in physical culture


Karpova E.G.


The role of the family in the formation of motor activity

To form a sports and health-improving climate in the family, it is necessary to start with family traditions which are passed on to the younger generation in various forms of physical education, as well as the creation of a subject-developing environment adequate to the age and individual characteristics of the child at home.

Of particular interest to children are activities with sports equipment: sleds, skis, skates, bicycles, scooters, roller skates. Moreover, the child can practice for a long time, which contributes to the development of endurance, strengthening of various muscle groups, coordination of movements, development of balance.

The attitude of parents to physical exercises is of great importance. Their positive example significantly influences the desire of children to engage in physical education and sports in their free time with the whole family. The forms here are different: hiking trips skiing, games, participation in collective competitions.

In recent years, interest has increased significantly in the wider use of movements in the independent activities of children, especially during walks. Therefore, parents need to know certain requirements for the development of the movements of the child at home:

To study the motor abilities of the child, his desire to master the movement, the desire to act actively, independently;

Select participants in the games (from among peers, children of the eldest and younger age);

Prepare charging complexes taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, the state of health and depending on the level of development of movements.

By instilling in children the need to move daily, to exercise from an early age, a solid foundation can be laid. good health and harmonious development.

The role of a constant example of the adults around him, parents, educators, older sisters and brothers is important to maintain the desire to engage in daily physical exercises, exercises.

Children must learn the movement shown by adults and be able to act in accordance with the image also deftly, quickly, technically correct.

Active movements increase the child's resistance to diseases, mobilize the body's defenses, deepen breathing, and improve pulmonary ventilation. Conversely, lack of movement (physical inactivity) causes changes in the central nervous and endocrine systems, leading to emotional tension and instability, metabolic disorders in the body, and also to a decrease in the functionality of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and, consequently, to a decrease in efficiency.

Advice for parents

on the topic of:

"Physical development of the child, where to start?"

middle group

Prepared by the instructor

in physical culture


Karpova E.G.


How to start the physical development of a child?

Many people ask themselves: at what age is it advisable to start physical education of children? After all, most parents do not set themselves the goal of raising Olympic champions, for them sports and children simply provide the child with a healthy childhood and lay in him a sense of self-confidence, instill some skills, teach him discipline. It is possible to solve all these problems with the help of properly organized physical education of preschool children.

Before sending a child to one or another section, take a closer look at him, pay attention to his abilities and physical abilities. The physical development of a child is a serious matter. It is necessary to consult a doctor, as well as the head of a section or sports club that is engaged in the physical education of children. And the task of parents is to listen to the recommendations of experts and decide whether the child can handle the burden that will fall on his shoulders.

Keep in mind that most of the trainers are interested in visiting their circle with the maximum number of children. Being engaged in physical education of children, the leader may persuade you to give the child to him as early as possible, but think: will this cause excessive sports loads to harm the baby?

Physical education of children - one of the issues that are called upon to solve both parents and kindergarten teachers. Modern kindergartens are usually equipped with everything necessary for the organization of physical education for preschoolers. Every morning, educators or a physical education instructor conduct morning exercises, the purpose of which is to give children the opportunity to move freely, to use all muscle groups.

Physical education of preschool children implies their daily participation in outdoor games. As one of the components of the physical education of preschoolers, teachers call team sports games. They contribute to the development of children's physical abilities, responsiveness, as well as social skills and communication skills.

It has been proven that the correct physical education of preschool children directly affects the normal development of the child and his growth. It is very important to pay great attention to the physical education of preschool children in the fresh air: this contributes to the hardening of the child's body, saves the child from many diseases.

Thinking about the problems of physical education of their child, parents often face a choice: in which section to enroll the child? The success of the physical development of the child often depends on the "accuracy of the hit." You should not be guided by the decision of your acquaintances or friends when choosing and lead the child to the same section. Take a closer look at the characteristics of the character of your child when choosing the direction of physical education of the child. If he has well-developed communication skills, if he feels like a fish in water in any team, team sports are perfect for him: football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, etc.

To organize the physical development of a child who is a pronounced leader and is not used to sharing his victories, the best option would be a section of rhythmic or gymnastics, tennis. To achieve success in these sports, the child's personal efforts will be required.

If you want to engage in physical education for hyperactive children prone to conflicts, you can pay attention to the martial arts section. Here the child will be able to throw out excess energy and get rid of his aggression. If you are concerned about the physical education of a quiet, withdrawn and shy child, do not rush to force him to play team sports in the hope that he will become more sociable. Rather, he will like equestrian sports or swimming.

These same sports are also great for overly emotional, short-tempered children whose parents seek to use the physical education of children to improve their health.

Advice for parents

"Mobile games for children"

How often do parents hear from their children the familiar request: “Mom, dad, play with me!” And how much joy kids get when adults, having overcome fatigue, busyness, putting aside household chores, agree to play. However, a game for a child is not only pleasure and joy, which in itself is very important: the game has a comprehensive effect on the baby, communication skills develop in the game, the ability to establish certain relationships with peers or adults; Conscious discipline is brought up in games, children are accustomed to following the rules, justice, the ability to control their actions, to objectively evaluate the actions of others. The game affects not only the development of the child's personality as a whole, it forms both cognitive abilities, speech, and arbitrariness of behavior. Among the huge variety of games, outdoor games occupy a special place. Outdoor games are the best medicine for children from "motor hunger" - hypodynamia. In the games below, the number of players is limited to two participants - a mother and a child. Depending on the presence of other family members and their number, the number of players may vary (dad, child, older brother and child, etc.) I would like to note that the game retains its significance for adults too: it always has an element of a new, unusual that, as it were, will see us from our usual life, and we find ourselves in the world of childhood, where the impossible is possible.

Outdoor games for children


Inventory 2 skittles (2 cubes) of different colors. Mom and child stand at opposite ends of the room, next to the pins. They are pilots of aircraft located at different airfields. Mom's order:

“Preparing planes for flight!” they disperse around the room, each stop at their own plane, “pour kerosene into the tanks”, “start the engines” and “fly” (spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the room in different directions), until their mother commands: “Airplanes, to land !" After that, mother and child must quickly run to their pins - "return to their airfields."

"Make a Figure"

Inventory: recordings of funny children's songs (“Chunga - changa”, “Two funny geese lived with a grandmother”, etc.)

Mother and child stand on the edge of the room. Mom turns on the recording of the song. Move to the music. When the song stops playing, the players stop and assume a pose. Guess the partner's pose.

"Wrap Up in Tape"

Inventory: tape 4-6 m long.

Mom and child attach the ends of the tape to their belts and diverge all the way to the edges of the room. Mom commands:

We will circle with you

Let's have fun together!


We start playing!

Players begin to spin around, trying to wrap the tape around themselves as quickly as possible. The player who wraps more tape around himself than the opponent wins.

"Fishing rod"

Inventory: a rope 1.5 - 2 m long, a bag of sand weighing 120-150g.

Mom stands in the center of the room, she has a rope in her hands. At a distance of 1.5-2m from the mother, a child becomes a “fish”. Mom reads a poem:

“I twist the rope, I want to catch a fish.

One, two, don't yawn, you jump higher!"

Mom begins to rotate the “fishing rod” as close to the floor as possible, the child jumps up, trying to prevent the bag from touching his legs.