
How long does it take for the belly to show up? At what week of pregnancy does the belly start growing? Multiple pregnancy and belly size


FAQ that arises in overflowing with emotions future mother At what stage of pregnancy does the belly start to grow? They are asked for various reasons: when you have to change your wardrobe, whether the pregnancy is proceeding correctly, how long you can hide the situation, how long it will take to postpone sports, and others. We will answer all questions in order.

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When the position is not hidden

How fast does the belly grow during pregnancy. The following trend is observed: there are practically no changes in the first months. The situation is manifested in a change in the internal state of a woman: toxicosis, heightened sense of smell, swelling, drowsiness and irritability. From a certain period, the figure begins to actively change, and the volume of the “waist” increases almost daily.

The increase does not occur immediately, because the child grows gradually. The first months the fetus is formed, practically not changing in size.

He builds internal systems and organs, head, face, limbs. All energy is spent on these purposes. There is not enough energy for growth, and it is not required.

Only after the fetus becomes as close as possible to “similar” to a person, does it begin to actively increase in size, along the way completing individual systems.

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy: from about the 16th week (4th month). By week 20, the roundness becomes clearly visible, and it is almost impossible to hide the tummy. Standard medical terms are not a panacea.

Note! Depending on the individual characteristics and prevailing factors, the period of manifestation of the abdomen may come both earlier and later.

Factors affecting rate of change volume "waist":

  • muscle tone in a woman;
  • first / not first pregnancy;
  • fixing a child seat;
  • the width of the hips in a woman;
  • heredity;
  • how many children are born at the same time.

slow growth

There are situations in which the position is hardly noticeable even deep in 16 weeks.

This does not always mean pathology, developmental delay, missed pregnancy and other horrors that expectant mothers draw from the Internet.

Everything has a logical explanation. If growth is not noticeable, first of all, you need to calm down and talk about your experiences to the leading doctor.

He will argue with arguments and prove that everything is in order. Assign if necessary.

Reasons why the growth of the abdomen slows down:

  • physical training. If mom's abs are trained, they can hold their shape for a long time. This is fine. Imagine new stretch jeans and old ones. The new ones sit on the leg and smoothly fit, and the old ones swell with bubbles on the knees and hang. The leg does not hurt from the fact that the new jeans fit it. So is the child. It’s another thing to tense your abdominal muscles hard, but this is a completely different topic;
  • body structure. hip width plays important role. If the hips are wide, there is enough space for the uterus, it will grow in the femoral zone and will push the organs out of the abdominal cavity later than usual;
  • zone for fixing a child's place. If the fetus is attached to the uterus at the wall, which is located closer to the back, then the increase in the fetus will be noticeable later;
  • amniotic fluid. Their volume is individual: someone has more, someone has less;
  • heredity. If an interesting position in the mother / grandmother of the expectant mother was not noticeable until 6 months, then these are the features of the body that are inherited;
  • completeness. The position is easy to overlook obese women: the larger the waist before the appearance of two stripes, the less noticeable changes.

fast zoom

A bulge may appear much earlier than 16 weeks. And it's not a tragedy either.

Important! From what month to wear and which one is better to choose

The reasons why the situation manifests itself earlier:

  • narrow hips. The uterus has little space, so she pushes ahead of time internal organs and takes its rightful place. This is not dangerous. There may be problems during childbirth and appoint a caesarean, but nothing threatens gestation;
  • flaccid abdominal muscles;
  • second pregnancy. The muscles are already stretched during the first. And not only the press, but also the uterus itself, which cannot be returned to its previous form;
  • twin triplets. If a woman is carrying more than one child, then it is quite natural that they take up more space, so the stomach appears earlier;
  • . Their volume is individual and fluctuates in certain norms. Together with the baby, the internal fluid creates a bubble that stretches the muscles and skin. If there is a lot of water, the bulge appears earlier. This is not always a cause for panic;
  • the location of the children's place. If the baby is attached to the front wall of the uterus, then the tummy will appear earlier;
  • the term is incorrectly determined;
  • large fruit;
  • enhanced nutrition.

The appetite of pregnant women is a mystery of nature. Someone does not eat anything but poppy dew due to toxicosis, someone leans on grilled chicken. Need to eat.

It is not necessary to suffer and completely exclude everything fried and “harmful” from the diet, because the stress of hunger and the inability to get at least a piece of fried chicken can also adversely affect the child. But you need to know the measure!

A balanced diet must be present. Otherwise, the woman will first show cellulite deposits, and then the pregnant tummy.

Note! To guess at what week of pregnancy the belly of a multiparous woman begins to grow, you need to safely count at least 2 weeks from the standard period.

An enlarged and distended uterus will show itself around 12-14 weeks. Not much different from the second third pregnancy. When the belly begins to grow, an experienced mother can easily distinguish it from excess weight and bloating.

View from the outside

How does the belly grow during pregnancy by weeks. Primiparas may assume that the belly "inflates" evenly from the navel, but this is not the case. The abdomen does not immediately take the form of a ball, as in the last months. The first and second trimesters are characterized by an elongated upward, from the pubis to the solar plexus, flattened shape. The bulge expands and rises upward, gradually protruding more and more. Clear rounded shapes are formed by the 7th month.

Where does the belly begin to grow during pregnancy: from the bottom up. He gradually "creeps" to the solar plexus, increasing in volume.

With twins, the growth rate and shape differ from the norms of pregnancy with one child. First of all, it depends on the location of the kids. If they lie in the belly-child-child-back sequence, then the belly protrudes more forward. If the crumbs are located on the sides - it is distributed in breadth.

When carrying one child, the shape will also change in the process of moving the baby inside. But these changes are visible in later dates. The larger the fetus becomes, the greater the change in shape will be noticeable. Do not be afraid if in the evening mom goes to bed with a wide oval, and wakes up in the morning with a ball sticking forward.

belly growth during pregnancy by week:

  • by week 12, the bottom of the uterus reaches the line of the pubic articulation (nothing is visible);
  • by the 16th, the bottom is located between the navel and the pubis (a bulge begins to be seen);
  • at 24 weeks reaches the navel (the abdomen is clearly visible, but not yet round);
  • on the 32nd bottom is located between the navel and the xiphoid process (the shape becomes spherical);
  • at 36 weeks, the uterus reaches the xiphoid process (the lower border of the ribs);
  • after 36, the uterus gradually descends, moving the fetus "to the exit."

Pregnancy in the circle of specialists is calculated by weeks, since it is in weeks that the stages of fetal development are concluded.

In month 4 full weeks- hence the numbers. This information may be needed to explain the situation to a husband who is poorly versed in the intricacies, but the months are 100% clear to him.


Carrying a child puts a lot of stress on the body. The spine and skin in places of increased body volume are severely affected. To relieve the load from the spine allows a bandage for pregnant women, which supports lower part without squeezing the fetus, which means it is absolutely safe.

- the result of microfractures skin. It is easier to prevent their occurrence than to try to eliminate them, and it is impossible to do this 100%. Moisturize your skin regularly. The risk area includes: tummy, chest and hips. You can use modern cosmetic products or "grandmother's" recipes - olive oil. Until the moment of birth, the “chemistry” contained in cosmetic products will not affect the child. Unless the mother may have a negative reaction due to toxicosis.

Useful video: how the belly grows during pregnancy

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Thoughts about pregnancy often lead to the appearance in the subconscious of a picture depicting a future mother with a big belly, where the baby is comfortably located. Having decided to give birth to a second child, every woman is puzzled by how much earlier than the first time, she will begin to corresponding changes in appearance, and when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy.

What explains the interest of a woman in the volume of her abdomen?

These questions arise for several reasons:

  1. It is interesting when others find out about a woman's pregnancy.
  2. By the time the tummy appeared, one can judge whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally.
  3. Some, by the size and shape of the abdomen, hope to find out the sex of the unborn child.
  4. Every woman wants to know at least roughly what month she will need special clothes for.

General features of bearing a second child

All this is very important for the expectant mother. You should figure out what exactly affects the period when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy.

Photos of women awaiting the long-awaited birth of a baby and who are at the same time show differences in volumes. During the first pregnancy, an increase in the abdomen occurs on average at the 16-18th week. Slender lovers of tight-fitting clothes are "declassified" immediately. But about the changes in position curvy woman others may not guess until she goes on maternity leave, that is, until almost the 25th week. It turns out: despite the fact that the uterus increases in everyone according to the same laws, outwardly this manifests itself in different ways.

Why is the belly bigger the second time?

There are several more reasons that affect the increase in the circumference of the abdomen and, as a result, the change in the appearance of a woman:

Anatomical specifics of a woman giving birth again

All of the above is fair and objective. And yet, the scenarios for the development of the first and second pregnancy are different. The first childbirth brings irreversible changes to the female body. This fact allows us to identify the reasons that affect the change in the circumference of the woman's abdomen.

Wanting to know when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy, you should not take into account the reviews of mothers who have already given birth again. As well as when carrying the first child, for each pregnant woman, the timing of the appearance of the tummy can vary significantly. However, basically during the second pregnancy, the belly will become noticeable earlier by about 4-6 weeks, that is, others will be able to enjoy the changed position of the woman a month faster.

The reason for this is that the uterus does not return to its original state after the first birth, which is quite normal. Therefore, in thin women, the tummy will begin to be visible at 12 weeks. And let friends and relatives vied with each other about the gender of the baby to be born!

Location of the uterus

In addition, it is impossible to say unequivocally when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy (a photo by week helps to see a noticeable difference in the increase in volumes) is impossible.

But changes in the position of the abdomen will certainly affect the timing. The uterus will now be located much lower than in the first pregnancy. As mentioned above, during the first pregnancy, the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdominal wall and ligaments were severely "suffered" before and during the first birth, and they no longer hold the stomach so cheerfully. On the one hand, this alleviates the situation of the pregnant woman: she is less bothered by heartburn, nothing makes breathing difficult. On the other hand, the lower spine and pelvic bones suffer. A bandage can help here, which you can buy only on specialized sites or in a pharmacy. And only the one recommended by the doctor.

Everyone is different: reviews of pregnant women

When the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy (reviews from women can be an invaluable source of information), many also note differences in the shape of the abdomen. On the forums they write that, basically, for the owners of a narrow pelvis for the second time, it sags more and looks gentle, and it drops much later. This discourages those who like to tell fortunes on the sex of the child according to the shape of the abdomen. None of them can assume that it is not a girl, but, on the contrary, a male baby that comfortably develops in a rounded belly that greatly increases the mother's waist.

Moms themselves claim that it is more difficult for them, pregnant for the second time, to hide their position, since the belly becomes noticeable earlier than the first time. This is confirmed by the women themselves. They admit that when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, the second baby becomes the object of congratulations earlier for a whole month.

Negative experience from a previous pregnancy

It happens that the previous gestation of the fetus is interrupted, and the woman fails to give birth to a baby. It is no coincidence that, worrying about the current baby, mom, being on early dates, will look forward to changes in its own appearance, and at the next appointment, the doctor will ask when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy after a miscarriage. Usually, there are no differences in the volume and timing of the appearance of the abdomen, depending on the outcome of previous pregnancies.

Mandatory trips to the gynecologist

Women try to calculate when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy. And not always their desires are connected with the desire to find out the sex of the child or to acquire appropriate clothes in time. The doctor is very interested in this information, whose attention pregnant women should in no case be neglected. To give birth to a healthy baby, you need to regularly visit the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, where he will feel the tummy, measure it with a tape and a special device.

And all the above signs will help him not in guessing the sex of the child, but in deciding how the pregnancy is proceeding, whether there are reasons for concern and a threat to the baby. It was the first time and it will be so in all subsequent pregnancies. Every mom, regardless of whether this happens for the first or second time, should go through this period under the supervision of a doctor: take tests on time, observe a diet and physical activity.

A few words at the end

If the changes that occur with the uterus comply with accepted standards, neither the size nor the shape of the abdomen will in any way affect the health of the mother and her baby, and even more so will in no way affect his gender.

For parents looking forward to the birth of a baby, it does not matter at all whether it will be a girl or a boy. And when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy with twins, there is definitely no limit to the happiness of expectant mothers and fathers. By the way, this happens quite early, and it will not be difficult to guess why. And yet, the main thing for parents is to help every baby be born healthy and on time.

Expecting a baby for women is one of the most tremulous periods. Any information matters, such as the degree of uterine enlargement and visualization of pregnancy. Changes depend on the characteristics of the body, the weight of the expectant mother and other things. In addition, it matters whether a woman has given birth before.

At what week does the growth of the abdomen begin during the first pregnancy

While waiting for the birth of a baby, the belly of a pregnant girl increases due to several factors:

At what time does the belly start to grow? This is a very delicate matter. For some women, it increases already in the first months, while others manage to hide the fact that they are preparing for the birth of a child for a long period. Gynecologists believe that the belly should be visible after the 16th week of pregnancy. If the ultrasound has identified twins, then roundness may begin to appear 3-4 weeks earlier.

A woman who is preparing to become a mother for the first time may develop a belly much later than those who are going to give birth to a second child. The size increases longer due to the muscles that actively resist stretching. In addition, the growth rate of the abdomen may depend on other factors. Sometimes it becomes noticeable that a woman is going to become a mother, only in the later stages. Muscle stretching occurs much faster in those who have already gone through childbirth.

When does the belly start to grow in pregnant twins?

Another question of interest to expectant mothers concerns multiple pregnancies. Noticeable roundness, if in the photo ultrasound two fetal eggs were visible, appears earlier. In this case, the volume of amniotic fluid increases faster, so the changes occur about a month earlier. Pregnant women already in the third trimester have a tummy that is visible to the naked eye.

The uterus during multiple pregnancy increases a few weeks earlier than when carrying a single child. The total body weight of the mother is also growing faster. However, a large belly is not necessarily evidence that a woman will have twins. Sometimes this is a sign of an incorrect calculation of the timing of pregnancy, a large fetus, or the formation of amniotic fluid in a significant amount. The position of the future baby also matters.

At what time does the belly begin to grow during the second pregnancy

It is believed that the child of a mother who became pregnant a second time is slightly larger. The size of the tummy matches this. Doctors confirm this fact. The fetus during the second pregnancy grows in height and gains up to 500 grams more weight than while waiting for the first child. The skin with muscles is stretched faster, the navel is twisted, already for a period of four months, the roundness is clearly visible.

The growth of the uterus in each woman is individual. If the waiting period for the firstborn for a long time remains invisible to others, then the second pregnancy becomes visible earlier. The abdominal muscles after the first birth are already stretched, so the process goes faster. It is important to consider the physiology of the future mother, especially the structure of the pelvic bones. An expectant mother with a narrow pelvis “rounds” faster during pregnancy than women with a wide skeleton.

At what stage of pregnancy does the belly start to grow? Until the tenth week, visual changes may not occur. After that, a slight roundness appears, growing every day. The most active period of fetal development begins from the thirteenth week. After the first pregnancy, the wall of the abdominal muscle is no longer as elastic as before, so it may seem that the “interesting position” appears visually faster.

For every woman, becoming a mother is a huge change in her life. Therefore, they want to know everything about this, especially how the fetus should develop correctly, in what month does the belly appear in pregnant women? These questions are asked quite often, especially by those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time.

First, let's explain the definition of "tummy". In the first months of pregnancy, a woman's belly may grow, the reason for this is malnutrition or gas formation. In these first months, the uterus is not yet enlarged.

Pregnant women have a moment when they begin to think: “at what time does the stomach begin to grow?”. Let's try to answer this question. The uterus begins its growth only at 16 weeks from the moment of conception. Therefore, the belly will be visible to other people only at the 20th week of pregnancy. If a woman goes in for sports, i.e. if she has a developed press, then the tummy will become visible much later.
Also, the appearance of the tummy depends on which pelvis the pregnant woman has. In the event that the expectant mother's pelvis is wide enough, then her tummy will become visible only by the 4-5th month of pregnancy. In obese women, it will be possible to notice the “position” even later. In women who give birth for the second time, the belly may appear earlier. The number of embryos can also affect the size of the abdomen, namely, increase it. This is the only thing that can really affect the month in which the belly appears in pregnant women. If the expectant mother has triplets or twins, then the belly can be noticeable already in the first 3 months.

In general, the answer to the question of what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow will be as follows. If a woman has one fetus and its development is going well, then the stomach should appear only at the 12th week of pregnancy. Already at week 16, your tummy will become noticeable not only to you.
And by the 27th week of pregnancy, the question is - at what time does the stomach begin to grow? - will not be relevant, because by this time it will be impossible to hide your baby under blouses and other clothes.
At the same time, the expectant mother should be interested not only in how long the belly begins to grow, but also in how her baby should develop correctly.
On the 8th - 10th week of pregnancy, the fetal egg reaches a diameter of 22 mm.
At the time when it is necessary to register, namely, by 12 weeks, the length of the fetus will be seven centimeters, and its weight will reach 20-25 grams. At this time, having come to the ultrasound, you can see that the fetal egg almost completely filled the uterine cavity.

By the 17th week of pregnancy, the fetus will reach a length of 12 cm, while its body weight will increase to 100 grams. By this time, the question of how long the stomach begins to grow disappears by itself, since all the excitement associated with it is already behind. The tummy has noticeably grown and rounded.

By week 20, the length of the fetus will reach 25 cm with a weight of about 300 g. At 24 weeks, your baby will have time to grow significantly. By this time, its length will be almost 30 cm, and the weight will vary from 600 to 700 grams.

By week 28, the length of the fetus, as a rule, is 35 cm with a body weight of about 1.0-1.2 kg. At the 32nd week, body weight will increase to 1.5 kg with a fetus length of 40 cm.
At week 36, the baby is practically formed, and by this time his indicators will be as follows: weight - 2.5 kg, and length - about 48 cm.

However, it is impossible to say that these indicators are the same for everyone. They are quite individual, because the baby in the womb of each mother is formed in its own way. Therefore, the above data is very average, and your baby can reach large sizes or be a little less due to individual characteristics.
The body weight of the fetus by the date of delivery, as a rule, is 2.6-5.0 kg, and its length can reach 54 cm.

Thus, it should be important for the expectant mother: to bear the child for the entire required period and provide him with everything necessary for proper growth and nutrition, and the tummy and its size are not the most important thing.

Probably every woman, pregnant or just dreaming of conceiving a child, is interested in the question of which month the belly appears. There may be several reasons for this interest. Firstly, for many women who are “in position”, this helps to understand and finally realize that they will soon have a baby. Secondly, it is convenient in order to understand when it will be necessary to update the wardrobe.

Many of the women do not even think about the fact that the stomach before the beginning of the second trimester appears mainly due to an increase in the size of the uterus and amniotic fluid, while the baby grows only a couple of centimeters during this period.

We can say that the month in which the stomach is visible is an indicator that is individual for each woman. However, it must be within the established norm, otherwise the presence of pathologies can be assumed. But still, in which month each woman’s belly appears is an indicator that depends on many reasons. So, full ladies notice the appearance of roundness of the abdomen later, while in girls of a normal physique, it is visible by about 12 weeks. The month in which the belly appears during pregnancy is also influenced by factors such as heredity, as well as whether the woman went in for sports, what kind of pregnancy she has. Fat ladies notice the appearance of roundness of the abdomen later, while in girls of a normal physique, it is visible by about 12 weeks. Those representatives of the weaker sex who were actively involved in sports will notice its appearance later, because their muscles are in best form. The appearance of the abdomen also depends on whether the pregnancy is the first. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, the growth of the abdomen becomes noticeable earlier, because the muscles have already been stretched. And if a girl is going to become a mother for the first time, the belly will become noticeable in the fifth (sometimes in the fourth) month.

The month in which the belly appears may also be related to the state of health. For example, the tendency to bloating does not contribute to its increase. If a woman is faced with such a problem, doctors recommend eating small portions and avoiding smoked, spicy, salty and fried foods. It is desirable to use dates, dried apricots and bananas.

Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also affect how long the stomach appears. It must be understood that in no case should it be ignored because it can be caused by various reasons. In the event of pain, pain, you should consult a doctor without delay.

Changing the weight of a pregnant woman and the circumference of her abdomen helps doctors draw conclusions about the course of pregnancy. After registration, a woman should regularly visit a specialist to monitor frequent examinations on a chair are contraindicated, so the doctor focuses on measuring the circumference of the abdomen (this value, however, is rather variable). A slight deviation from the norm should not bother a woman, because this may be due to the individual characteristics of her body.

Every pregnant woman wants others to notice her situation. Especially if this desired first pregnancy. Some people start buying clothes for themselves from the moment they find out about their interesting position. Others spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, trying to see if their tummy is already rounded or not. There is no definite answer to the question of when exactly the stomach begins to grow.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen in a pregnant woman:

When a woman may notice that her tummy begins to round after 16 weeks. Of course, it will be imperceptible to others for now. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the belly begins to become more noticeable a little earlier. This is due to the fact that the uterus and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall have already been stretched before.

If the expectant mother has a narrow pelvis, her tummy begins to be noticeable earlier than in mothers with wide hips. The uterus in such women cannot grow to the sides due to their anatomical features, so it begins to rise above the pubic bone.

An interesting position in thin people becomes visible faster than in full ones.

In mothers who are expecting the birth of two babies at once, the stomach becomes noticeable already in the third month of pregnancy.

An important factor is heredity. If on the maternal side all women during pregnancy went with small bellies, then expect a tummy big size not worth it.

After 16 weeks of pregnancy, most moms start thinking about changing their wardrobe. With the purchase of clothes for tightening is not worth it. Wearing things that tighten the stomach is dangerous for the development of the fetus.

a month, the belly of a pregnant woman begins to be seen by others?

An interesting situation in women bearing their first baby becomes noticeable to those around them closer to the seventh month of pregnancy. In pregnant women for the second time a month earlier. V maternity leave women leave at 30 weeks. This is due to the fact that after this mark, the stomach begins to grow very quickly. If before this period the baby developed in the womb, now its main task is to gain weight. Closer to the 36th week of pregnancy, a woman becomes due to her large belly, which presses on the diaphragm. This discomfort will pass two weeks before delivery, at 38 weeks.

How do obstetrician-gynecologists measure the abdomen during pregnancy?

Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist at the reception will measure such an indicator as the height of the uterine fundus. According to it, doctors can determine whether the pregnancy and the fetus are developing well. The height of the uterine fundus is measured from the pubic symphysis to the upper point of the uterus. Starting at 24 weeks, this figure should equal the gestational age in weeks. When the uterus descends before childbirth, it decreases and becomes equal to 32 cm.

The norms of the indicator of the height of the fundus of the uterus:
16 weeks - 6 cm;
20 weeks - 11 - 12 cm;
24 weeks - 24 cm;
28 weeks - 28 cm;
32 weeks - 32 cm;
36 weeks - 34 - 36 cm;
38 weeks - 35 - 38 cm;
40 weeks - 32 cm.

It happens that in the same woman with several pregnancies, the size of the abdomen is different. Doctors say that every pregnancy is unique. Therefore, there are no completely identical tummies.

Probably, such an urgent question: at what time is the belly visible during pregnancy, it worries almost all expectant mothers. Someone wants to know when to think about buying clothes, and for someone it is important to be sure that others do not know about pregnancy, for example, at work. At what time will the mother's tummy be visible

After all, not everyone wants to inform colleagues. In addition, the mother herself needs to prepare psychologically for her external changes. One way or another, the question is really relevant for all expectant mothers. Earlier, our grandmothers said that the tummy becomes noticeable somewhere in the fifth month.

But this statement is not entirely correct, because the body of every woman is special. Today we will try to find out at what time it becomes clear that a woman is expecting a baby?

It is known that a pregnant girl comes to register somewhere from the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy. It is from this moment that doctors begin to monitor how the fetus develops. The attending physician - a gynecologist after a certain time measures the belly of a pregnant woman. Of course, over time, this figure will change and increase.

What do experienced doctors say?

But many of you who read this article are naturally more interested in when the belly will be visible during pregnancy? Most doctors talk about a period of 16 weeks, that is, 4 months. But this figure should not be taken as very accurate.

After all, the size of the tummy can change under the influence of various reasons, for example: how the amniotic fluid was distributed, on how the fetus is located in the uterus, on how satisfying and dense the meal was, how much fat is on the stomach.

Also, are there any digestive problems? this moment: bloating or other unpleasant symptoms that also increase volumes.

You can see the tummy - be proud of it

It is worth emphasizing that if the stomach has grown too quickly, this is a reason for alertness and seeking medical attention. After all, such a symptom may indicate the danger of uterine tone. Also exactly fast growth abdomen causes stretch marks.

To avoid serious cosmetic problems, doctors recommend wearing a special prenatal bandage with an increase in the abdomen, which will save you from such troubles as stretch marks. In addition, it will reduce the load on the spine of a pregnant woman.

Why do pregnant women need regular measurement of the abdomen?

As we have already found out, too rapid growth of the abdomen may indicate the tone of the uterus, so the expectant mother needs to be careful. In addition, the gynecologist does not just write down the achieved indicators. After all, there are certain rules for each period.

Why do pregnant women need regular measurement of the abdomen?

And the doctor compares the results with those medical standards that are. This is what allows you to establish whether the period of pregnancy is normal. After all, the size of the tummy of the expectant mother can “tell” a lot to an experienced doctor who can diagnose and notice the problem in time.

Deviation from the norm may mean:

  • low-water or high-water pregnancy;
  • the risk of ectopic development of the fetus;
  • deviations in the development of the child;
  • the presence of infectious diseases in a pregnant woman;
  • preeclampsia or the onset of placental insufficiency;
  • multiple pregnancy.

So, it is very important to monitor the volume of the tummy of a pregnant woman. If the doctor sees any inconsistencies with the nomes, he should send the woman for an examination, it will just help to establish if there are any deviations or pathologies in the development of the baby.

If you want to know a more precise answer: at what month of pregnancy will the belly be visible? Then, in order to calculate the term, it is necessary to carefully study and take into account all the factors or reasons for the increase in the woman's belly.

  1. It is important to consider what kind of pregnancy? If we are talking about the first, then the tummy will be visible a little later. All due to the fact that the muscles are not stretched, so they seem to "resist" this process. During the second pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are more “prepared” for bearing a child, so a noticeable roundness will burn out noticeably earlier. There is no need to panic, because the rapid growth of the abdomen during the second pregnancy does not at all confirm the fact that there is a threat of uterine tone.
  1. Anatomical features of a pregnant woman. If a woman has a narrow pelvis, then the tummy will appear faster, because the baby will have little space, which means that he will grow forward. If the pelvic bones are wide, the uterus grows initially to the sides, and then forward.

Why can the belly of a pregnant woman increase?
  1. How is the baby located and how much amniotic fluid does the mother have? If the fetus is closer to the back of the uterus, then the tummy will be noticeable later in pregnancy. The amount of amniotic fluid also affects, if there are a lot of them, then the stomach will increase in size sooner.
  1. What is the heredity of a pregnant woman? It may seem rather strange, but heredity also plays an important role. Therefore, if you want, when your stomach becomes visible during pregnancy, ask your mother, relatives. The likelihood that the term will be the same is very high.
  2. The diet of the expectant mother and how much the woman recovered? During pregnancy, it is sometimes very difficult to control your appetite. Therefore, many girls gain a couple of extra kilos. This naturally also increases the size of their belly.
  3. What is the size of the child. If your baby is developing very quickly and actively, then the tummy will be noticeable earlier. Although the size of the abdomen in the last stages does not at all indicate that the child will be large.

In order not to worry once again about when the tummy will appear and whether the child is developing normally, we recommend that you visit your doctor regularly and take into account all the above factors. Remember that extra nerves will not do you any good. Therefore, we do not worry and adhere to all the prescriptions of our gynecologist. And remember that you must eat right and try not to eat a lot of junk food. After all, being overweight in a mother is also not very good for your baby.