
Synopsis of OD on speech therapy rhythm for children of senior preschool age “Wild animals. Lesson on speech therapy rhythm "Journey to a fairy tale" outline of a lesson in speech therapy (senior group) on the topic List of used literature


Goal: Development of speech coordination with movement in combination with music, activation of coherent speech.

1. Correctional and educational tasks:

Consolidation of ideas about pets.

Refinement and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Pets”.

2. Correctional and developmental tasks:

The development of connected speech.

Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

The development of the visual auditory attention;

creative imagination;


articulatory and general motor skills.

3. Correctional and educational tasks:

Raising a love for pets.

Correct children's behavior

evoke positive emotions in them.


pillows, tambourines, spoons, triangle, ball,

march, bell sound, howl of a wolf, minus the songs "We'll buy a grandmother", Mozart "Music for children";


winter forest, horse teams, wolf, house, pets, shadows of pets.



Target : Development of coordination of speech with movement in combination with music, activation of coherent speech.

Tasks :

1. Correctional and educational tasks:Consolidation of ideas about pets. Refinement and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Pets”.

2. Correctional and developmental tasks:The development of connected speech. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Development of visual, auditory attention; creative imagination; imitation; facial expressions; gestures; articulatory and general motor skills.

3. Correctional and educational tasks:Raising a love for pets. To correct the behavior of children, to evoke positive emotions in them.

Equipment : pillows, tambourines, spoons, triangle, ball, audio: march, bell sound, howl of a wolf, minus the songs “We will buy a grandmother”, Mozart “Music for children”; Free Images: winter forest, horse teams, wolf, house, pets, shadows of pets.

Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Gymnastics "Walking in a circle"

Music sounds. Children at the pace of the march enter the hall behind the teacher in a circle. At the end of the music, they stop in front of the chairs.

Vocal music making "Greeting"

Speech therapist : "Let's say hello, sing: hello!" (shows a "ladder" with his right hand).

Speech therapist : "Now look at the board (emoji with different moods) let's say hello with different moods!"

Vocal - instrumental music making "What's your name?"

Speech therapist : We said hello, and now let's get to know each other! We will not get to know each other in the usual way, we will not just pronounce our names, but sing them, and we will strike a triangle on each stressed syllable of our name.

My name is Lee, I'm Ra wi lev na, what's your name? (pass triangle to next)Children perform all actions according to the model.

Lesson progress

A call rings out. Grandma calls on Skype and complains that all her animals have fled. The call is dropped.

Speech therapist : My grandmother called, she said that all the animals fled from her, but which ones she did not have time to say, the call ended ....

Guys, can you guess which animals ran away?

Children's answers

Speech therapist : Guys, how can you call all these animals and birds in one word?

Children's answers

What should I do now, how can I help my grandmother?

Children's answers

To find animals, we need to go to our grandmother in the village, through the forest. Guys, please remind me what time of year it is?

Children's answers

Speech therapist : What about the forest in winter? (selection of adjectives)

Speech therapist : Look (show pictures), I have only three vehicles at my disposal, which one we will ride, choose for yourself (pictures of a horse harnessed to a carriage, a horse harnessed to a cart and a horse harnessed to a sleigh.)

Children choose which team to ride in, explaining their choice.

Speech therapist : It's time to go. To make the road more fun, we will pronounce magic words, accompanying them with playing on wooden spoons. (an exercise to develop a sense of rhythm).

I knock with my hooves and jump, jump, jump.

The mane curls in the wind. But! But! But! Whoa-whoa!!!

Turn on the soundtrack of the wolf howl

Speech therapist : Guys, do you hear this sound?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist : Jump faster ( articulation gymnastics"Horse")

Post a picture of a wolf.

Speech therapist : Wow, how huge!

This is not a wolf, but a she-wolf

He doesn't have teeth, but……. Children's answers

He doesn't have eyes, but……. Children's answers

He does not have a mustache, but ...... .. Children's answers

He does not have a nose, but ... ... ... Answers of the children

He doesn't have paws, but……. Children's answers

He does not have a tail, but ... ... ... Answers of the children

Speech therapist : Let's scare him! As you exhale, we will loudly pronounce vowel sounds, repeat after me.

Breathing and articulation training

Inhale - exhale AAAAAAA

Inhale - exhale AAOOOOOO

Inhale - Exhale

Inhale - exhale AAOOUUE

Inhale - exhale AAOOWEY

Speech therapist : Well done! They scared the wolf, and here is my grandmother's house!

Speech therapist : Grandma invites us to pancakes. Oh, guys, my grandmother, it turns out, has a backache, and when her back hurts, I give her a massage, if you want, I will teach you (children's answers). Let's massage ourselves first, and then each other. I speak and show, and you repeat.

Play massage

Oh okay, okay, okay! (light clapping of hands)

We baked pancakes (light clapping)

The first pancake for kitty (light tapping with fingers)

Second little dog (light tapping with fists)

The third pancake for the pig (light clapping)

Fourth cow (light tapping with the edge of the palms)

Fry the fifth pancake (circular movement to the left)

And we'll eat it ourselves (roundabout to the right)

Yum Yum Yum!!! (tickling)

Children first massage themselves, then each other.

Speech therapist : Guys, do you remember why you and I came to grandma? Children's answers.

Speech therapist : guys, let's try to call grandmother's animals affectionately, maybe they will come? (ball game)

Cat - Answers of children.

Doggy - Answers of children.

Pig - Answers of children.

Cow - Answers of children.

Chicken - Children's answers.

Duck - Answers of children.

Turkey - Answers of children.

And here are the missing animals! (picture with pets)

Turn on the backing track of the song "We'll buy a grandmother"(an exercise to coordinate speech with movements to music)

Speech therapist : It's time for us to return to our native kindergarten. Take your seats, grab your spoons, let's go! (an exercise to develop a sense of rhythm).

We're going, we're going home

On a remote horse

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Organization of the end of the lesson.

All! We arrived at the kindergarten.

Let's check if we're all back

Loud and quiet game(for the development of auditory attention, voice modulation)

Everyone knows his own name

He calls loudly.

You can get some rest! (Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes. The melody “Music for Children” by A. Mozart sounds)

Summing up

We present to your attention a summary of directly educational activities on speech therapy rhythms in the compensatory group for children 5-7 years old with TNR.

Synopsis of directly educational activities on speech therapy rhythm in the compensatory group for children aged 5-7 years with the TNR "Music of Spring".

Target: correction of speech disorders by developing the motor sphere in combination with music and words.

Educational tasks:

  • Activate vocabulary on the topic "Spring";
  • Develop imitation, diaphragmatic breathing, coordination and switchability of movements;
  • Work on developing the ability to coordinate movements with music.

Corrective tasks:

  • Work on the development of articulatory motor skills, fine and general motor skills;
  • Continue to work on developing a sense of tempo and rhythm;
  • Develop orientation in space, memory, auditory attention, the ability to relax (relaxation).

Equipment: basins with water, paper boats, split pictures on the topic “Primroses”, magnetic board, metallophones,

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time.

Sounds instrumental processing "Music of Spring" by A. Vivaldi, the children enter the hall.

You all go to the carpet,
Show me smiles.
To dance comfortably
To move freely
Let's go across the meadow...
And smile again!

2. Children perform the communicative exercise "Music, hello!" music and words by M.L. Lazarev (Lazarev M.L. "Hello!": Program for the formation of children's health preschool age.- M.: Health Academy, 1997. - p.128)

Hello girls!
- Hello!
- Hello boys!
- Hello!
- Hello adults!
- Hello!
- Hello, hello everyone!

Speech therapist: Children, listen to the riddle (Nishcheva N.V. The system of correctional work in speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech. - St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2003.) and tell me what time of the year it says.

Why green leaf
Up tends here and there?
Why are there birds on the branches
Do they sing songs loudly?
Why are there animals in the forest
Is it not up to sleep now?
Because because
On the ground goes ... (spring)

3. Exercise to coordinate speech with movement.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you want to see what happens in the forest in spring?

We walk into the spring forest
We raise our legs higher.
(Children walk, raising their knees high)
Stomp feet in a straight path.
And the legs will jump right along the path.
(Children move on jumps)
They jumped and jumped and stood up. Stop!
(Children stop on signal)
Feet slowly walk along the narrow path.
(Children walk, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other)
They ran after each other
And they weren't tired at all.
(Nishcheva N.V.)

Speech therapist: Let's stop in a forest clearing. What a lovely spring sun.

4. Exercise for the development of speech breathing "Sun". (Lopukhina I.S. Speech. Rhythm. Movement.: M. - Crown - century, 2008.)

I hold a small sun in my palms.
And I see a big sun outside the window.
The little sun sleeps in my palms.
And the big sun will fall behind the window.
A little sun shines on my palms.
And the big sun shines on the whole planet.

Speech therapist: The sun tries, it warms. The snow is already melting on the trees and ice icicles are hanging from the branches.

5. Exercise for the development of a sense of rhythm "Cap - cap" music and words. E. Makshantseva ( Music games and exercises for the development and correction of children's speech: a manual for speech pathologists, music leaders and educators / Ed. O.V. Klezovich. - Minsk: Aversev, 2005. - p.34)

On the board are images of icicles - two short, one long.

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!
What's behind the window?
Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!
What glitters in the sun?
Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip-
Drops are dripping.
The spring has come to us
The birds have arrived!

Speech therapist: Play the song of icicles on the metallophone.

6. Development of speech with movement.

Everyone join me in a circle,
And repeat the movements.
That's nice guys
Let's drive the winter away!
We rake with a shovel,
We sweep with a broom!
Everyone works with us
Where can you sit here!
We're shooting down snowballs
Icicles ringing from the roofs!
And the cold winter
We will say loudly: "Shoo!" (stomping foot)
Let's ask in chorus:
"Wake up Spring!"
Let's build a birdhouse:
They can't sleep right now! (banging fists)
Our legs went to dance -
Hey accordion, play! (play harmonica)
stream by the path,
Have fun singing! (clapping)

7. Development of auditory perception: listening to the murmur of a stream in the recording. (audio recording from the Sounds of Nature series)

Speech therapist: A brook murmured, which means that Spring heard us!

Nature came alive around
Waking up from sleep.
From the blue sky
Spring is coming to visit us!

Spring comes to the music

I open the buds into green leaves,
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement.
My name is Spring!

Speech therapist: Hello, dear Spring, we have been waiting for you for a long time and have prepared a song as a gift.

8. Children perform the song "Spring" music and lyrics. L. Samohvalova (Music Director - 2012 - No. 1 - p. 56)
Spring: And I also prepared a gift for you. It's fun to play with boats along the spring streams.
(Spring takes out a paper boat from the basket).

9. The game "Ship"

The boat "floated": the children pass it to each other to slow music. They ran to the fast music, they handed over the boat again, they ran again. (“Russian Folk Melody” audio recording from the series “Dance Folk Melodies”)

10. Exercise for the development of the physiological type of breathing.

Speech therapist: Let's blow on our boats so that they float along the stream. Inhale without raising your shoulders. We blow on ships. (Children do).

Spring: And now we will step over the stream and get into the clearing. Let's check if everyone came, no one got lost in the forest?

11. Game for the development of auditory attention and timbre perception "Recognize by voice" muses. and sl. E. Tilicheeva (Music in kindergarten: middle group)

The children sing in a circle.

Sasha, you are in the forest now,
We call you: "Ay!"
Well, close your eyes, don't be shy,
Who is calling you, find out as soon as possible.

12. Activation of vocabulary on the topic "Primroses". The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Speech therapist: And in a clearing in some places the snow melted and the first spring flowers appeared on the thawed patches.

Spring: Guys, what are the first flowers you know? Look and name these flowers.

On the wall are pictures depicting the first flowers: coltsfoot, snowdrop, anemone, swimsuit, lungwort, crocuses, lily of the valley, tulip.

Spring: And now I suggest you collect split pictures depicting flowers.

Children sit on the carpet and collect cut pictures "Flowers".

Spring: Do you know which flower appears very first? Well, mother-and-stepmother, of course.

13. Finger gymnastics“Mother-and-stepmother” (Gavrisheva L.B., Nishcheva N.V. Logopedic chants, musical finger gymnastics and outdoor games. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood - Press”, 2005. - p.11) Differentiation of whistling, hissing and affricates.

Golden petals, fragile stem.
A sunny flower blossomed by the river.
Only a cloud ran
The petals shriveled.
On green petals
Round lumps.
(Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Spring: an evil cloud has come running, our flowers have closed. Aren't you guys afraid of clouds?

Speech therapist: No, Spring, our children are not afraid of clouds. They dance merrily under the first spring rain.

14. Development of movements, sense of rhythm. Musical and rhythmic composition "Guilty Cloud" music by D. Tukhmanov, sl. Yu.Entina (movements at the choice of music director)

Here the sun has set
Nice we had fun!
On the road - it's time for you to go,
Say goodbye, kids!

15. Final part.

Speech therapist: Thank you, Spring! We had a great walk. It's good in the forest in spring, but it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the spring forest.

Children close their eyes and in free poses listen to the "music of spring" - the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the buzzing of midges, etc. - audio recordings from the "Sounds of Nature" series. Spring is leaving.

Speech therapist: Well done, you tried very hard today! Did you enjoy the activity? Remember what we saw in the spring forest?

List of used literature:

Gavrisheva L.B., Nishcheva N.V. Speech therapy chants, musical finger gymnastics and outdoor games. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood - Press", 2005.
Lazarev M.L. "Hello!": The program for the formation of the health of preschool children.- M .: Academy of Health, 1997.
Lopukhina I.S. speech therapy. Speech. Rhythm. Movement.: M. - Crown - century, 2008.
Musical games and exercises for the development and correction of children's speech: a manual for speech pathologists, music leaders and educators / Ed. O.V. Klezovich. – Minsk: Aversev, 2005.
Musical director - 2012 - No. 1
Music in kindergarten: middle group. - M., 1992.
Nishcheva N.V. The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech. - St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2003.

In the process of working in a group for children with TNR, we found that a significant number of pupils (60-70%) have impaired sound pronunciation and prosodic components of speech due to insufficient innervation of the muscles of the speech apparatus, that is, dysarthria. Features of the motor skills of children with erased dysarthria are explained by a violation of the function of the motor nerves. Both statics and dynamics of articulatory movements are disturbed in them, movements are performed with a violation of smoothness and switchability, with the appearance of concomitant movements in mimic, thin and general muscles. The most difficult is the implementation of simultaneous movements - the result of the joint work of the organs of articulation, vocal and respiratory muscles, facial muscles, muscles of the hands and fingers and muscles of the body. Therefore, in children with dysarthria, the prosodic components of speech often suffer: they do not form the correct speech breathing, there are violations of the voice and intonational expressiveness of speech. Violations of the tempo and rhythmic organization of the utterance lead to the fact that the phrase is formulated indistinctly, does not speak out, semantic stresses are randomly placed, pauses are disturbed, syllables and words are omitted, mumbling towards the end of the phrase is characteristic.

It is known that often children with severe speech disorders (OHP, dysarthria) suffer from disorders of optical-spatial coordination and difficulties in concentration, voluntary perception and attention. Together with the lack of coordination in general motor skills, this leads to the fact that it is very difficult for such children to develop the skill of voluntary control of their movements and behavior. In connection with the foregoing, we consider it necessary to include logorhythmic techniques in correctional work with preschoolers as an addition to the system of speech therapy classes.

Logopedic rhythm- a method of speech correction based on a combination of speech, music and movement. The organizing moment here is rhythm. The sense of rhythm basically has a motor, active nature and is accompanied by motor reactions: the perception of rhythm causes a variety of kinesthetic sensations and muscle contractions and relaxations. Many researchers (Jacques-Dalcroze, Bekhterev, Gilyarovsky, Griner, Vlasova, and others) emphasized the general pedagogical significance of rhythm, its influence on the correction of various deviations in the psychophysical sphere of a person.

In the logarithmic impact, one can distinguish 2 main links:

  • Development and correction of non-speech processes in children with speech disorders;
  • Correction of speech disorders and development of speech

logarithmic correction requires repeated repetition of the developed motor skills and carried out in the system. Therefore, in corrective work communication and continuity in the work of all specialists working with children is so important. In addition to specially organized logorhythmic classes, together with a speech therapist they plan their work:

Educators - morning gymnastics (musical-rhythmic exercises with and without objects), logorhythmic five-minute sessions at various regime moments (exercises to coordinate speech with movement, finger, facial and articulatory gymnastics), outdoor games with speech accompaniment;

Musical director - games and exercises for the development of voice qualities, playing children's musical instruments, dramatization games, musical and rhythmic exercises, listening to music, including active (with motor tasks);

Physical education leader - rhythmic motor exercises with speech, exercises for movement with rebuilding, change of movement on a signal, etc., outdoor games with speech accompaniment.

Consider the content of the first link of the logarithmic influence.

1. Education of the child's personal qualities: imitation, activity, initiative, independence, collectivism, strong-willed qualities - courage, perseverance, endurance.

These qualities are brought up through a targeted selection of musical and speech exercises that make up logorhythmic etudes and creative compositions, as well as in the process of outdoor games, round dance games, dramatization games with various roles. The role of the personality of the teacher, who is able to competently and emotionally interest each child, is also important here, so that he feels the need to qualitatively complete the proposed task to the end.

2. Development of perception, auditory attention and memory.

The main means here is the conscious perception of music and its individual characteristics: pitch, dynamism, tempo and timbre, and the performance by children of various motor tasks in accordance with the change in these characteristics.

3. Development of optical-spatial representations and skills, visual orientation to the speaker.

The teacher determines the spatial scheme of each movement. In time, movements are organized with the help of rhythm - musical or speech. To form the skill of visual concentration on an object or an object, it is useful to use emotional contact in the game (when the task to look at a toy or partner, smile is part of the rules of the game). Also extremely useful are exercises with objects - musical-rhythmic or motor-speech.

4. Development of coordination of general movements, fine voluntary motor skills and facial expressions

occurs through the acquisition of motor skills and habits. Movements are improved to the music, which affects the quality of performance. Under the influence of music, expressiveness improves, rhythm, clarity, smoothness, and unity in the performance of the movement appear. Emotional coloring, due to the child's perception of music, gives energy or softness, scope or restraint to movements, and the creation of certain images with the help of music and movements contributes to the development of facial expressions and pantomime.

5. Cultivating a sense of pace and rhythm in motion.

Rhythm is a combination in time of strong, accentuated parts of the movement with weak, passive ones. Timely and arbitrary alternation of muscle tension and relaxation is one of the indicators of the correctness of the movement. Correctly, rhythmically performed movements do not cause fatigue for a long time.

The most active motor reactions are manifested in the perception of an accent. Therefore, in logarithmics, games and exercises with the transfer of an object to music are widely used (“rocking the doll”, “Playing with a tambourine”, “Apple”, “Passing the stick”, etc.)

Let us consider the content of the second link of the logarithmic influence.

1. Education of the pace and rhythm of breathing.

The means are motor exercises - first without speech, then - with speech. As a speech material, simple poetic texts are selected that are suitable for the lexical topic of the lesson, either introducing a game (or competitive) moment into it, or carrying an educational meaning; various counters. Playful breathing exercises to music are also used.

2. Development of articulatory praxis.

Means - games containing articulatory and mimic movements performed to the rhythmic speech of the teacher (phonogram) or to music, as shown by the teacher or using movement patterns. We also widely introduce articulatory and mimic movements into dramatization games and logorhythmic etudes.

3. Development of prosodic components of speech.

It is carried out on the basis of the educated tempo and rhythm of breathing, voice qualities, speech hearing and articulatory motor skills. Speech has elements in common with music - melody, tempo, rhythm, accent (in speech - logical stress), pause. Prosody is being improved in logorhythmic etudes and dramatization games.

4. Development of phonemic perception.

The perception of music of different tonality, loudness, tempo and rhythm creates the basis for the improvement of phonemic processes. And the education of associations associated with sounds directly improves the discrimination of speech sounds by ear. The pronunciation of verses saturated with oppositional sounds to music contributes to the development of auditory pronunciation differentiation of phonemes.

And the most important and valuable in logorhythmic games are those positive emotional reactions of children that appear in the course of performing movements with speech and singing, as well as the ability to control their body and behavior, which is so useful for children to adapt to changing living conditions.

Synopsis of a logarithmic lesson for children 3-4 years old “Visiting a finger”


  • education of emotional responsiveness, desire to interact with the teacher and children;
  • development of breathing, facial, articulatory, finger and general motor skills;

Equipment: allowance for the development of breathing “Rain” (clouds with “rain trickles” made of foil) for each child, phonogram

Lesson progress

Greetings , mimic exercise This is where the Furry Lives” (S.Drozdova)

Let's play with our fingers. The first finger - lateral - is called "big". Thumb decided to build a house for himself. Small but real. Finger games to music "House", "Hedgehog"(S. and E. Zheleznov)

Let's go to the house. The music is quiet, slow, and we will go the same way, quietly. We went into the house, went to the window and looked out the window (show). Who will we see, who is walking along the path? The music will tell us about it. "Who walks"(imitation movements to music - general developmental and articulatory)

How many guests came to the thumb! The other four brother-fingers also came to visit the big one. finger play "Visiting the finger”(Averyanova)

Even the cowardly tongue opened the door of his house and looked out to see the new house. But I saw a crow, got scared and hid again (articulatory gymnastics to music .

And the crow didn't need a tongue. She was looking for worms that were crawling along the path. Worms have neither arms nor legs, they crawl like this (show): gathered - stretched out, gathered - stretched out ... finger play "Worms and Crow" dance "Worms"(S. and E. Zheleznov)

Our fingers wanted to go for a walk, but suddenly clouds came up and it started to rain. Jets of rain fell on the path and rustled, like this: game with allowance "Rain"(development of breathing).

The fingers walked a little under the umbrella, then they came to the house, played ball and read a book. Finger games to music “Umbrella”, “Ball”, “Book”(Zheleznovs, “My Umbrella”)

The tale was interesting - about a turnip. Logarithmic etude "Turnip"(L. Kustova). Completion of the lesson.

Synopsis of a logorhythmic lesson for children 5-6 years old “Sorceress-Spring”


  • education of imitation and strong-willed qualities - endurance, the ability to act in a team;
  • development of breathing, facial, articulatory, finger and general motor skills, optical-spatial skills;
  • improvement of auditory attention, sense of tempo and rhythm in movement.

Equipment: wand, signals-circles of red, blue, yellow and green flowers on sticks, phonogram

Lesson progress

Greetings. Warm up- finger gymnastics to music (A. Ivanov, “Finger gymnastics to music”)

“Fingers got up”, “Charging”, “Bunny”, “Lights”, “Flag”

Story. - Let's play a fairy tale. We will enter the magical forest.

“Hello forest!” (PG to music)

Hello, forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!

In this fabulous forest, the winter decided to build a house for herself. Called the craftsmen.

“Friendly fingers” (PG to the music): One, two, three, four, five, we will count the fingers -

Strong, friendly, all so necessary!

“We are building a house” (PG to the music):

We build a house higher, higher,
There are windows in it and a roof!

The house is ready, you need to call the painters, paint it with white paint.

“Painters” (AG to music):

The painters paint the house for their beloved children.
If only I can, I will help them too!

“Housewarming” (coordination of speech with movements):

And today winter has a housewarming party, you and I are invited to have fun!

The house was built from a snowdrift. And what height? Here is such a height!

White doormat. And what is the width? That's the width!

Look: the ceilings are icy: high, high, lacy!

We are walking up the stairs, above our feet: top, top!

We open the doors of the rooms: clap on the right, clap on the left!

You bow to the hostess: - Hello, winter!

Logarithmic etude “Winter in the hut”(music by E. Khank, lyrics by S. Ostrova)

Everyone is sick of winter! It's cold, the birds don't sing, the sun doesn't shine! Let's call Spring-Red. round dance game "Vesnyanka"(music folk)

Spring heard our song and said: pass me my magic wand, with its help I can bring you warmth and sunshine. logarithmic exercise - passing the stick to the music.

Spring received a magic wand, and the sun immediately shone, birds sang, flowers bloomed. The hen went out to pluck the green grass, the children began to swing on the swing!

Finger gymnastics to music: “Sun”, “Birds”, “Chicken”, “Swing”, “Flower”(A. Ivanov, “Finger gymnastics to music”)

A game “Signals” (development of attention, tempo and rhythm in movement - performing a certain movement to show a signal for an accent in music)

Here are circles - four colors,
Are you familiar with this game?
I will show the yellow circle -
I will ask you to clap.
I will show the green circle -
I ask everyone to jump.
Blue - we will be silent,
Red - all "Hurrah!" scream.

Completion of the lesson.

Summary of classes in speech therapy rhythm.

Topic: “Porridge from an ax. Fairy tale journey.

Logopedic conclusion. General underdevelopment of speech. Erased pseudobulbar dysarthria.

Age. School prep group.

Stage. Formation of primary pronunciation skills and abilities.

Target: Overcoming speech disorders through education and correction of movement in combination with the word and music.



education of brake installations, coordination, switching
expected, smoothness of movement;

redistribution of muscle tone;

development and activation of attention;

education of visual-spatial orientations;

development of speech breathing;

education of confluence and fluency of speech;

education of prosodic components of speech, movement and music;

development of pitch, rhythmic, timbre, dynamic hearing;

development of coordination of speech, movement and music;

development of general and fine motor skills, facial expressions.

strengthening the ability of children to distinguish between the different nature of music and convey it in movement and song;

development of a sense of rhythm, musical ear;

expanding children's knowledge about food.
educational goals.

education of imagination, creative activity and initiative;

development of a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance;

learning to imitate and imitate

Equipment. Cubes, costumes of a soldier, grandmothers, a fireplace, a pot, a ball, strings, wooden spoons, paths made of washcloths, a large wooden spoon.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment. Development of visual orientation to the speaker. The development of melodic and rhythmic hearing.

Speech therapist. Hello guys. Let's get acquainted. What are your names? Call your names and clap your hands.

Children. Yes, yes. (Pronouncing each syllable, they clap their hands once.) Ma-shen-ka. (Clap hands.)

Speech therapist. Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children. Yes, we love fairy tales.

2. Development of optical-spatial orientation. Exercise "Warm-up".

Speech therapist. Do you want to go to a fairy tale on a magical train?

(The musical-rhythmic composition “Merry Travelers” is performed, music by M. L. Starokadomsky.)

Speech therapist. One, two, three - we arrived in a fairy tale.

(A Soldier appears, greets the children and invites everyone to the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax".)

A soldier was walking home from the war.

(The “March” sounds, music by T.N. Lomova. Children and the Soldier follow each other, marching.)

Speech therapist. You see, there is a wide road ahead, let's go along it for the Soldier! Get up in pairs, let's go!

(Children walk in pairs under the "March", music by N. Lea)

Speech therapist. Narrow path on the way

We need to "snake" us to go.

(Sounds “Snake”, music by V.V. Shcherbachev. Children walk like a “snake” around the hall.)

Speech therapist. Bush, stumps ahead,

They will have to be bypassed.

(Sounds "Etude", music. T. N. Lomova. Children go around the cubes.)

Speech therapist. Low branches on the way

Under them you need to crawl

(The light music of W. A. ​​Mozart sounds. Children crawl on all fours under the arcs (4 arcs).)

Speech therapist. small stream

We crossed the path.

Raise your legs higher.

And walk on the rocks.

(The polka “Brook” sounds. Children walk along the path of washcloths, raising their legs high)

3. Development of coordination of singing with movement.

Speech therapist. The river is visible ahead.

Deep and wide.

You need to make a raft

He will float on the water.

The Soldier took a saw and began sawing logs for the raft. (The song "Saw" is performed.)

Children (stand in pairs, move their hands back and forth, imitating the movement of a saw, and sing a song).

Drank a saw

Buzzing like a bee

Sawed off a piece

Jumped on a branch

She burst and stood up.

Start over.

Let's not start over!

Speech therapist. The Soldier began to cut branches from logs with an ax.

4. Regulation of muscle tone. Exercise "Axe".

Children tensely raise their hands folded in a “lock” above their heads, and then lower them down, say “Wow!” and shake their hands in a relaxed way below.

5. Development of fine motor skills.

Speech therapist. The Soldier decided to tie the logs with a string.

Children (twist two fingers on their left hand with a cord and at the same time pronounce a poem).

up drawstring,

Down drawstring.

And again, one more time!

Speech therapist. I decided to tie other logs. (Children tie two fingers on their right hand with a cord and repeat the poem.)

Speech therapist. The raft is ready! The Soldier took the pole.

6. Coordination of speech with movement.

Speech therapist. This wooden raft floats straight to the shore!

(Children pronounce the words together with the speech therapist and at the same time “push off with a stick” - they swim.)

Speech therapist. Stop! And here is the coast! Tired soldier. He sees - there is a house. The soldier decided to knock on the door.

7. Development of fine motor skills, general speech skills,
timbre hearing. Finger gymnastics "Two soldiers".

Speech therapist (reads the text and shows the movements, the children repeat).

Knock on the door:

Knock Knock.

"Who's there?"

Let's ask mom:

"What, kids?"

"Two soldiers came to spend the night"

"Ask your dad."

"What, kids?"

"Two soldiers came to spend the night"

"Let go!"

"Come in!"

"Oh, what a blessing

What allowed to spend the night!

One, two, three - come in!"

Palms together, edge-to-edge

palms on the table.

Tap with index fingers, speak in a low voice.

Tap with ring fingers, speak in a medium voice.

8. Development of auditory attention.

(The hostess enters.)

Soldier (bows, children repeat). Hello hostess!

Grandmother. Hello servant!

Soldier. Hostess, let me sleep.

Grandmother. Come on, soldier.

Soldier. Don't you have anything to eat?

Grandmother. No, soldier, there is nothing to eat.

(Soldier and children sit on the carpet.)

9. Development of facial expressions.

Speech therapist. The Soldier understood that he was a greedy mistress. Suddenly he saw an ax and a pot and said...

Soldier. Do you want, hostess, to try soldier's porridge from an ax?

Speech therapist. The hostess was surprised.

(Children depict surprise with facial expressions: they opened their mouths, raised their eyebrows.)

Grandmother. Is it possible to cook porridge from an ax?

Soldier. More as possible. Bring us some water. We need water.

10. Development of the articulatory apparatus.

Children (repeat together and individually). Ssss… Soldier. To cook porridge, porridge must be salted. Hostess, bring some salt.

(Grandma brings a jar of salt.)

Speech therapist (imitating movements). We take the salt, put it in the cauldron, shake off the rest of the salt from the palms, and now blow it away. (Children repeat all movements after a speech therapist.)

11. Development of breathing. Exercise "Salt on the palms."

Children stand in a circle. They inhale and blow on the right palm, on the left, then on both palms. At the request of a speech therapist, some children perform the exercise individually.

Soldier. Without cereals, porridge will not come out.

Will our hostess give us grits?

Grandmother. And what kind of cereal do you need, soldier?

Soldier. Now the children will tell us what kind of cereal we need for porridge.

12. Development of the grammatical structure of speech. Ball game: "What?"

(Children stand in a circle. A soldier throws a ball to them and asks: “What kind of cereal do you need for porridge?”)

Children (catch the ball and answer). Buckwheat. Rice. Wheat. Millet. Oatmeal. Barley. Semolina.

Mistress. Here's a semolina for you, soldier.

Speech therapist. We take semolina, sugar and butter from the hostess. We put everything in the cauldron and sing a song.

(The speech therapist distributes bottles to the children, into which various cereals are poured.)

13. Development of a sense of rhythmic pattern, development of the ability to express rhythm in general and fine motor skills. Manka game.

Children (singing and at the same time shaking bottles of cereals to the beat of the music).

Semolina, semolina, milk,

Semolina, semolina, sugar,

Semolina, semolina, oil,

Semolina, semolina, salt.

(Then the children put the bottles on the floor, run in a circle on their toes to the music.)

14. Removal of emotional and muscular tension. Listening to music.

(Children sit in a comfortable position on the carpet.) Speech therapist. While the porridge is coming up, the cat will sing a song to us! (A cat toy sits on the screen, opens its mouth. “Russian evening lullaby” sounds.)

People, people, cradles,

Blue-eyed gulenki are flying.

Ghouls are flying out, out,

They bring Vanya a dream, a dream.

Ghouls will coo

Vanya will sleep soundly.

The ghouls will talk

They will love Vanechka.

They fly into the woods

And they will find a spikelet there,

They will cook porridge

They will feed Vanya -

White porridge with milk

And a ruddy pie.

Speech therapist (takes a deep breath and speaks). The porridge smells good. (Children repeat.)

Speech therapist. The porridge smells very good. (Children repeat.)

Speech therapist. Porridge from an ax smells very tasty. (Children repeat.)

16. Coordination of music, speech, movement, education of speech accent.

Speech therapist. The porridge is ready. Where is the spoon?

Grandmother. Here is the biggest and most beautiful spoon.

Speech therapist. Grandma, everyone wants to look at the spoon.

Children (to the music of T. N. Lomova "Melody" they pass a spoon to each other). Take it, Danya, take it, Lisa, take it, Dasha

Speech therapist. This is a spoon for a Soldier.

These spoons are for you guys!

17. Coordination of music, movement and speech.

(The composition “Like our guys” is performed (author unknown).)

Like our guys

Spoons clattered in harmony -

Knock-knock, (banging spoons)

Ay-lyuli! (knocking knees)

We all like them.

Shchi and porridge -

Our food. (2 times)

After cabbage soup and after porridge, the children ate yogurt.

Eat, eat, eat, eat,

Didn't get thin, didn't get fat.

Ate, ate, ate, drank,

Two weeks were full.

(To the beat of the song, the children knock with wooden spoons.)

18. Organization of the end of the lesson.

Removal of emotional excessive excitement, switching to another type of activity.

Soldier. Here is the end of the story. It's time for us to return home from a fairy tale. I will ask you, friends, to draw a fairy tale that we have been in with you. Goodbye! I will be waiting for your drawings. (He leaves to the music of N. Levy “March”. Grandmother runs after him.)

Speech therapist. Guys, do you remember the name of the fairy tale we visited?

Children. "Porridge from an ax."

Speech therapist. What was the hostess like?

Children. The hostess was greedy, mean, greedy.

Speech therapist. And the Soldier?

Children. The soldier was funny, resourceful, smart, quick-witted, quick-witted, quick-witted

Speech therapist. What did the soldier cook porridge from?

Children. From semolina, water, milk, butter, sugar, salt.

19. Reflection of lexical activity in visual activity, consolidation of the material covered.

The speech therapist positively evaluates the activities of each child and invites the children to go to the group to draw a fairy tale. Children leave the hall without music.