
Fun lessons for 4 year olds. Development of thinking in four- to five-year-old children. Musicality, sensory, movement


No matter how rich the variety of toys in the house is, sooner or later they still get boring, and the children begin to get frankly bored. Instead of putting them in front of the TV, get creative and come up with fun activities that will not only keep your children interested, but also free up time for your activities.

What to do with a 4 year old child

Little children constantly demand attention and ask to participate in their games. It becomes difficult for mom to find time for her own affairs, and often it all comes down to banal watching of cartoons. However, such a pastime does not contribute to the development creative thinking, logic, motor skills of children, so do not overuse the “blue screen”. Moreover, children get used to TV very quickly, and it can be quite difficult to wean them off.
If you think about it, there is a huge variety of activities for children from 4 years old at home. It can be role-playing games(if there are several children) or mobile (if space allows). You can captivate kids with a competitive moment - who can draw, build, dazzle, etc. the fastest. By showing your imagination, you will soon see that the guys are actively studying on their own and no longer bother you out of boredom.

What to do with a 4 year old child at home

If your fidget is already quite bored with all the toys, put your business aside for a while and offer him a choice of several activities from our list of ways to entertain child of four years at home:

  • Get out your little one’s favorite books and find audio recordings of these fairy tales on the Internet. The child will follow with interest the development of events in the book, and then, perhaps, act out the action with toys;
  • Provide your baby natural materials for creativity, plasticine, paints, pencils, paper. Let him make whatever he wants, or come up with a task - build a zoo, decorate a card for dad, or create a painting;
  • You can invite your child to start coloring. If you run out of purchased coloring books at home, print templates from the Internet. It is advisable to take into account the interests and preferences of the little man and choose a picture with his favorite characters;
  • Take a few boxes or jars, put different things in them and ask them to sort them. Can be used food products(peas, beans) and various small things (buttons, paper clips, bottle caps, pebbles, etc.);
  • In addition to the activity above, you can use edible ingredients to cook lunch for mom and dad. To add more realism and importance to children’s efforts, allow your child to use real dishes (one that you don’t mind, or a special children’s set);
  • Show how to string large beads and other suitable objects onto a thick thread or rope;
  • Games with water are especially popular among children - put paper boats in a basin or bathtub, throw rubber toys and plastic balls. If you add bubble bath, the effect will be amazing;
  • Very often children get carried away by completely unremarkable things - plastic bottle, rolling pin, set of clothespins;
  • Ask your dad to make a development board: screw different locks, cords, chains onto it - in a word, anything you can imagine;
  • Get out several different construction sets and encourage the children to combine them;
  • Puzzles, pyramids, and cubes will also provide great entertainment for your little one;
  • Hang a rope swing in the doorway - we assure you, children's joy is guaranteed;
  • Soap bubbles in addition to the swing will create a fabulous atmosphere;
  • Organize a dance - give the kids the task of learning or inventing some kind of dance, and then let them show you the result;
  • Fridge magnets, especially those in the shape of animals, cars or fruits, will help keep your child occupied while you are in the kitchen;
  • Playing doctor is a responsible business! Tell your child that your cat/dog or any toy is sick and needs to be treated urgently;
  • Sorting coins by size will not only develop fine motor skills of your fingers, but will also bring order to your piggy bank;
  • It will be interesting for girls to arrange a fashion show - let the little fashionista dress up and walk like on a catwalk;
  • Organize a quest - draw a map or hide notes with tasks around the apartment. At the end there should be a prize waiting for the child;

You can create a special calendar in advance, which will include several tasks every day.
And this is not the limit! Imagine, involve your children in creating new games and entertainment, and very soon you will understand that even at home you can find a lot of things to do with a 4-year-old child.

Parents often think about how to prepare their son or daughter for school. What skills should children have who will sit at a desk for the first time in a year?

What are they?

Every year of life for children is a certain stage. It's the adults who don't change as quickly as they do. After all, childhood is the time of the most intense human development. In no other years does he acquire as much as as a preschooler.

During its first 5-6 years, a child turns from an absolutely helpless newborn into a fully developed person. He has his own interests and character traits, individual views on life. This speed of success and the manifestation of ever new abilities is simply amazing.

The child turned 5 years old. It is growing rapidly - right before our eyes. Such a boy or girl needs energy. Therefore, the quality of food is important.

The child's behavior also changes. He develops an evaluative attitude towards himself and other people. He is quite often interested in what is good and bad, and really wants to live by the rules. He condemns those who violate this. For him, his parents are an ideal, an object to be emulated in every detail. So try to make your example positive.

"I got it"

As for the psychological component, at 5 years old a child already understands a lot. He listens to your explanations and responds adequately to all requests from adults. He can occupy himself if his parents are not yet able to be with him.

Psychologists say: 90% of personality is formed between 5 and 7 years. And for these two in general short years Moms and dads can “put” into their child the very qualities that they consider necessary, and cultivate exactly those habits that, in their opinion, cannot be done without.

All this is not difficult. Children these years easily copy those whom they love, respect, and appreciate. Their behavior is the best, the most correct, the only possible. So control your actions and words. After all, if you say one thing and act completely differently, then don’t expect anything good from your child!

Write and read

Communicating with five-year-old boys and girls is a pleasure. At 5 years old, a child is interested in everything. He is unusually open to all new information, knowledge, as well as to various skills. He wants to do everything at once, try everything: dance, draw, and play tennis. It’s interesting that he actually has an easy time with both mental and physical skills.

It also surprises no one that even before first grade, many children already know letters, can write them, and some also read quite fluently. Children usually also master the simplest arithmetic operations; they can add and subtract. In a word, now is the most favorable time to “shove” more valuable and useful things into your child. Very little time will pass - and this wonderful, passionate interest in the world around us, which pleases mom and dad, will slowly fade away. So don't miss such a good time.

At the desk

Research by psychologists provides such interesting data. Of all the six-year-olds who go to school, only 30% have learned to hear what the teacher says, remember, do what he tells them to do, and then analyze their actions.

But 70% do not know how to do this, 25% require that the task be repeated to them twice or even three times. 30% of children hear, understand, remember, but do not know how to act independently. This boy sits and moves his pen across the table. It doesn't work, so to speak. The teacher should come up to him and say: “Come on, write the numbers.” Otherwise, he will not do anything until the end of the lesson and, therefore, will not learn.

This is where all the difficulties of a first-grader stem. And the reluctance to go to classes after a week. However, when a child has lived correctly for five years, all these skills have been formed.

Let them play more

A child is not an adult. He masters the world through play. All the rules of life, its laws and norms - only in game form, and not through lectures or notations. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him the same alphabet, reading, and arithmetic only in this way.

At this time, children begin to ask rather difficult questions, which makes some adults nervous. And in vain. You can’t brush off your son or daughter! For example, how do you answer this: “Why are the leaves green, but the sky is not, it’s blue?” Moms and dads, no matter how busy they are in the evenings, must answer all this truthfully and clearly. And here, educational games for children 4 - 5 years old are very good helpers, simply irreplaceable. They have no competitors yet.

Tests and puzzles

True, the kids will have to think very carefully. After all, the tasks are not so simple. But it will be an excellent training - for the development of memory, also imagination with attention, also counting, and other properties necessary for a preschooler.

For example, there are many crossword puzzles designed for this age. You can also make sentences from different words mixed together. How fascinated children are by tests! The ones where you need to choose only the correct answers.

Children love to look for all sorts of differences in the pictures. This is where attentiveness, perseverance, and perseverance develop.

There are many other types of pastime from the “educational games for children 4-5 years old” series. The same assembling puzzles is not just an activity to keep the child quiet at home and not bother anyone. No, this is a great way to develop his creative abilities.

All familiar letters

There will be nothing wrong if adults tell the child what letters are. This will be interesting for 5 year old children. But how to learn them with a child?

Usually girls and boys themselves begin to ask: “What are these badges?” - when someone at home reads a book to them. There is also a special alphabet for children 5 years old. This colorfully published alphabet is a wonderful book. She is still unfamiliar to the kids. So it's time to buy it right now and start practicing.

The main thing is not to demand that the baby firmly understand everything. It is more important to maintain interest in learning. It is enough to conduct such classes for children 4 - 5 years old for 10 - 15 minutes a day. It's good to learn letters with short words. But the form of the game is strictly required!

Guessing game

Folklore is more useful now than ever - riddles for children 5 years old. They are very figurative, concise, and easy to remember. This is a kind of mental gymnastics. And how beautifully creative thinking, the same ingenuity and ingenuity develops at the same time. And what is important for our time is the gift of solving simple problems in a very non-standard way. If you want to develop your child mentally, do not neglect guessing games. Moreover, kids love them very much. And composed in poetic form, they are much more interesting.

But in poetry they force children to pay attention to little things that previously remained unnoticeable, and broaden their horizons.

And what joy and pride comes over the child when he finds the correct answer! Moreover, children can play this way without adults, on their own, which gives them the ability to communicate with each other, live in a team and take into account others. All this will be useful not only at school, but in life in general. Contact people, as noted, are easier to advance in their careers, and their leisure time is more meaningful.

Another tip. Solve riddles with your children. Or try to come up with them yourself. Even on your everyday, vital material. It is very funny! Not to mention the benefits for the whole family, for the good atmosphere in it.

New idea

Praise your children more for success in any activity. Don't scold for mistakes. Is everything going smoothly at work for you? And don’t get tired of maintaining a keen interest in learning in your child, and not only in the area of ​​reading.

Here are games, tasks and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills, memory, attention, and logical thinking. For children and parents, teachers and speech therapists.

Assignments for children in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic “The space around us”

Exercise 1

Color the object that is in the upper right corner of the sheet blue, in the lower right corner green, in the lower left corner red, in the upper left corner yellow, in the middle of the sheet orange.

Task 2

Color the birds that fly above the cloud blue, below the cloud - green. Which birds fly to the right and which birds fly to the left?

Task 3

Show a picture of a banana under an apple and above a cherry; where the cherry is above the apple and below the banana; apple under banana and over cherry. Tell me how the fruits are located in the other pictures. Color identical fruits with the same color.

Task 4

Tell me where the cockerel sits, where the cat sits, where the chicken sits, where the house is, where the tree stands. Color the picture.

Task 5

Color the toy to the left of the ball red, to the right of the ball yellow, above blue, and below brown. Color the rest of the toys in any colors.

Task 6

Color the pictures: in the upper right corner - green, in the upper left - red, in the lower right - yellow, in the lower left - blue, in the middle - orange. Color the rest of the pictures as you wish.

Task 7

Which room layout matches the picture? Tell me where everything is.

Color the appropriate diagram.

Task 8

Who is tallest on the carousel? Color his basket blue. Who is the lowest? Color his basket green. Who is between the squirrel and the hedgehog? Color his basket red. Tell me where the rest of the animals are.

Task 9

Place the objects in their places using the arrows: the pan is on the table, the glass is in front of the pan, the spoon is to the right of the pan, the pear is behind the pan, the stool is under the table, the banana is to the left of the pan, the ball is on the stool.

Task 10

Draw a flower in the upper left square, a fungus in the lower right square, an apple in the upper right square, a leaf in the lower left square, a house in the middle row left square, a pear in the middle row right square, an umbrella in the upper middle square, and an umbrella in the lower middle square. in the middle square there is a sun, in the middle square there is a Christmas tree.

Task 11

Draw on this napkin on the left side yellow flower, on the right is blue, and in the middle is red.

Task 12

Where is the sun located?

Which direction is the car going?

Which side is the door on the house?

Which direction is the dog running?

Where is the house located in the picture: to the right or to the left of the Christmas tree?

Task 13

Tell me who lives where. For example, a frog lives between a hedgehog and a piglet, the hedgehog lives to the left of the frog, above the mouse...

Color these animals.

Task 14

Draw a ball to the left of the hare, a flag to the right of the bear, and a cube between the bear and the bunny. Color the picture

Task 15

Draw a Christmas tree to the right of the car, a birch tree to the left of the house, and a bush between the car and the house. Color the picture

Task 16

Color only the right sleeves and right shoes in these drawings. Color the pocket on the left side.

Moms and dads are always interested in how their baby is developing. Now we will talk about what a child of 4 years should be able to do. After all, it is interesting to find out in which areas he is especially successful, and in which areas he needs to pay closer attention.

Skills for a 4 year old child

So, what should a child of 4 years be able to do:

Understand the meaning of ordinary words such as furniture, dishes, toys;

Know several professions and animals;

Display objects located to the right, left, above or below;

Compare objects according to their parameters - length, height, width;

Distinguish where there is one object and where there are many of them;

Color objects without going beyond certain limits;

Be able to string beads and buttons;

Determine which of several (4-5) items is missing;

The child's speech must be intelligible and understandable;

Retell in your own words the content of a fairy tale or poem you have read;

Development of children's creativity

By using plasticine or clay, you can not just crush a piece in your hand or sculpt ordinary figures. A child of 4 years old can already create an entire composition on a certain theme: an underwater or forest kingdom, a New Year's surprise, or some animals. While walking in the park, it is better to first collect acorns, interesting leaves, chestnuts, and then use them for crafts. In order to accelerate the development of children 3-4 years old, you will need various buttons, matches, beads or ordinary toothpicks, since fine motor skills and everything connected with it must be devoted to a significant part of children's leisure time.

Features of children 4 years old

Do not forget about simple, but at the same time effective ways for the development of erudition and general worldview of the child. Small poems and funny stories are great option in order to spend time usefully for yourself and your child.

Such literary activities for children 4 years old perfectly shape the child’s worldview, and also teach him to be kind and decent, to love and respect elders.

Poems teach children the most basic concepts of zoology, history, and geography. And if you add here interesting and instructive stories and films, then you can completely reach the level of maximum development of a child’s erudition.

What to teach and how to teach

If before this the child made an applique from ready-made elements, then at 4 years old you can already be allowed to use scissors so that he can cut out the shapes himself. There is no need to try to cut something difficult. You can simply draw large geometric shapes on colored paper for him to cut out. You can glue not only paper, but also sprinkle it with special beads, cereal or colored sand.

If a child does not yet know how to count, it’s time to teach it, since mathematics for 4-year-old children can be quite an interesting and exciting game. This is good to do while walking. Can be carried out math classes for children 4 years old, asking them to count trees, steps, cars, surrounding people, buildings, birds. You can try to explain simple mathematical operations using your fingers, matches or special ones. You can start learning to read by memorizing ready-made phrases. It is very convenient to have special cubes with syllables or purchase a magnetic board with signs. If he has difficulties or starts to be picky, do not insist, postpone classes. You can also buy a book and study rhymes for children 4 years old.

Games and toys for 4 year olds

Four years is the age completely suitable for taking your son or daughter to the circus or cinema. There is no need to immediately buy tickets to the front rows. It’s just that a child may not react quite correctly to the sonorous cries of clowns, claps, or growls of animals. Therefore, it is better to take other seats, approximately from the tenth row and above.

The development of children 3-4 years old includes activities with their favorite construction sets and assembling interesting mosaics. Only tasks need to be complicated over time, gradually adding more elements and reducing their sizes. A very good LEGO construction set, the parts of which are designed for different age categories. From it you can assemble not only ordinary houses or cars, but also space and pirate ships, various planes, structures, and bots. You just need to buy additional elements.

Friends during this period

At this age, you can already have one or two friends, walk and play together in the yard, and take turns visiting. They will be curious to play together, and their mothers will have some personal time. Usually girls play with dolls, clinics, family, and boys play with cars or construction sets. You can keep kids occupied for a certain amount of time by giving them a box and asking them to build a house. Let them cut out windows, decorate the walls, arrange furniture, and move in toy inhabitants.

Not so long ago there was a desire for the baby to start screaming faster. On this moment I wish he would be silent at least from time to time. The period has come when the restless “why” is interested in everything: “Why does the dog bark and the cat meow?”, “Why is the grass greenish and the sky blue?”, “Why are the stars visible only at night, and the sun during the day?” And there are many more different “whys”.

Children not only want to find out, but also to understand, that is, to understand why exactly this happens. From time to time, these “whys” make mom and dad’s head spin, especially if one question is asked more than once, and everything needs to be explained again. The most important thing here is to show patience and wisdom. To slow down the pressure of an inquisitive child a little, you can ask him what he himself thinks about this or that. This way he will have the opportunity to think a little on his own, and here you need to listen to his reasoning.

From time to time he may ask questions quite interesting topics. You shouldn’t shame him or pull him back. After all, there are no forbidden topics for kids; they are driven only by curiosity. It is also recommended not to forget about various entertaining games, during which you can make interesting crafts with a 4-year-old child.

Marianna Sutormina
Lesson summary for children 4–5 years old “Magical Adventures”


Age - 4-5 years.

Educational field - cognition.

Subject: « Magical adventures»



Learn to establish correspondence between the number and quantity of objects;

Improve knowledge about numbers 1, 2, 3;

Continue learning to compare objects of contrasting sizes in height and length;

Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes Oh;

Deepen knowledge about the seasons;


Develop attention logical thinking, memory.


Preliminary work: getting to know numbers, learning rhyming rhymes, examining geometric shapes, talking about the seasons, reading poems, playing games using objects in height and length.

Materials and equipment: demonstration: two trees of different heights, one of them with a feeder and 3 nests, images of birds, pictures (flower, icicle, snowflake, yellow leaf, pictures "Seasons", cards with houses made of geometric shapes.

Progress of direct educational activities

Educator: “Guys, Dobraya visited us Enchantress, I see her traces everywhere. This means that exciting things await us today. adventures. You love adventures? Then let’s quickly go to meet them.”

Educator: “Look, what is this?” (houses of geometric shapes are pasted on a sheet of paper) This is a whole city of geometric shapes. I see it even has streets. Let's count how many streets there are."

Children: "5".

Educator: “Are the houses on each street the same or different?”

Children: "The same".

Educator: “Who do you think lives on the first street?”

Children: "Squares".

Educator: "On the second?"

Children: "Rectangles".

Educator: "On third?"

Children: "Ovals".

Educator: “On the fourth?”

Children: "Triangles".

Educator: “On the fifth?”

Children: "Circles".

Educator: “Look, guys, are the streets in this city the same length or different?”

Children: "Different".

Educator: “Which street is the longest?”

Children: “Street of squares.

Educator: “Which one is short?”

Children: "Street of Circles".

There is a ringing sound.

Educator: “Did you hear that ringing? This Enchantress I'm happy with your answers. Let's move on. Let's see what lies ahead."

Educator: “What is in front of us?”

Children: “Two trees, one has a bird feeder”.

Educator: “How many trees?”

Children: "Two".

Educator: “Which trees are tall, the same or different?”

Children: "Different".

Educator: "What do we see in the trees".

Children: "Bird's nests, bird feeder".

Educator: “How many nests are there in trees?”

Children: "3".

Educator: “Which tree are the nests on, low or high?”

Children: "On high".

Educator: “Which tree is the bird feeder on?”

Children: "On Low".

Educator: “Guys, I see that the birds have already eaten all the food, but do not return to their nests, but continue to sit in the feeder. Why do you think?”

Children: "Birds don't know where whose nest is".

Educator: “Shall we try to help them? Please look, are the birds the same or different?”

Children: "Different".

Educator: "What is the difference?"

Children: "Color".

Educator: “Now look at the nests, what do you see on them?”

Children: "Numbers".

Educator: “What is the number on the first slot?”

Children: "1"

Educator: “What is the number on the second slot?”

Children: "2".

Educator: “What is the number on the third slot?”

Children: "3".

Educator: “You don’t know what these numbers are for?”

Educator: “I think these numbers tell us how many birds flew from each nest and the color of the birds will also help us with this.”

Educator: “Let’s find identical birds, count them and then find out which nest they flew from.”

Children complete the task, place the birds in the nests.

There is a ringing sound.

Educator: “And here’s another surprise from Dobroya Sorceresses(envelope). Let’s look into this envelope” (the teacher takes out the drawings - symbols: flower, icicle, snowflake, yellow leaf and looks at them with the children).

Educator: “What do you think these symbols mean?”

Children: "Seasons".

Educator: “Now let’s see what kind of pictures Queen Mathematics left us.”.

The teacher unfolds four illustrations to the children.

Educator: “What do these paintings show?”

Children: "Seasons".

Educator: "Name them".

Children: "Winter spring Summer Autumn.

Educator: “Look and tell me, in in the right order Are there pictures depicting the seasons?

Children: "No".

Educator: “What time does the year start?”

Children: "Winter".

Educator: “What season follows winter?”

Children: "Spring".

Educator: “What comes after spring?”

Children: "Summer".

Educator: "What comes after summer?"

Children: "Autumn".

Educator: “What time of year is it now?”

Educator: “Let’s go to each picture attach a symbol, denoting this time of year" (children perform).

There is a ringing sound. The teacher discovers a box with a note and reads it out.

Educator: “Dear guys, you managed to cope with all my tasks and this made me very happy. For your knowledge and for your efforts, I want to reward you with small souvenirs. Continue to be as attentive and inquisitive. See you".

Educator: “And I, guys, in turn, also want to praise you and give each of you a chip. Put them in your boxes "Good deeds" and don’t forget that being attentive and active class“This is also a good deed.”

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