
All about milk and dairy-free buckwheat porridge "Baby": advantages and disadvantages, how to breed, how to feed babies. All about dairy and dairy-free buckwheat porridge "Malyutka": advantages and disadvantages, how to breed, how to feed babies


It is well known that the ideal food for a baby in the first months of life is breast milk or adapted But time passes, the baby grows, and when he reaches 4-6 months, an important task arises for the mother and pediatrician - to introduce the first complementary foods in a timely manner.

Where to begin?

The first dish of complementary foods can be cereals that contain nutrients - the most valuable sources of energy for the growing crumbs. Porridges, which include the necessary vitamins and microelements, are useful for the prevention of alimentary-dependent ailments (rickets, anemia, malnutrition), which can occur in children of the second half of life.

What cereals to choose?

To feed a child, it is preferable to use special baby cereals of industrial production, which have tangible advantages in comparison with cereals prepared independently at home:

  • guaranteed quality indicators;
  • safety (chemical and microbiological) of raw materials and finished food product;
  • the optimal degree of grinding cereals, which makes it possible to take into account age features functional activity of the digestive system of children;
  • taste variety, which is achieved due to the inclusion of berry, fruit and vegetable additives in cereals;
  • instant (instant) porridges are not required to be cooked, one serving of the product is prepared immediately before feeding, so the risk of infection is significantly reduced.

Porridge "Baby"

Trademark "Malyutka" (JSC "Istra-Nutritsiya") produces a wide range of cereals for children. The product is prepared on the basis of a milk formula. Considering that, according to the instructions of nutritionists, it is not recommended to introduce whole cow's milk into the diet of babies in the first year of life, this direction is the most promising. Thanks to this, baby porridge "Malyutka" is easier to digest, reduces the load on the digestive tract, facilitates the transition from mother's milk or an adapted mixture to a new type of food. According to reviews, such cereals have an amazing rich taste that kids really like.

Kashi "Baby": assortment

The assortment is represented by 17 milk and 5 dairy-free cereals, which include one or more varieties of cereals, which makes it possible for a pediatrician to individually select grain complementary foods for a child, taking into account his state of health and individual development. Porridge "Baby" can be introduced into the diet from 4 months or, according to the doctor's recommendations, from 5-6 months. This grain product contains a large amount of vitamins B, A, C, E, niacin, as well as trace elements (iron, calcium, etc.), which provides 20-50% of the child's daily need for these substances.

Parents who gave their children such a product as Malyutka porridge leave only positive reviews:

  • all positions of a fairly wide range have a bright, rich taste;
  • on the long time satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • easy to prepare;
  • do not contain dyes, salt, preservatives, genetically modified organisms, artificial additives.

Varieties of milk porridges

Milk porridge "Malyutka" is produced in the following types:

  • Wheat with fruits, from 12 months. Contains a partially adapted milk formula mixture of vegetable oils: palm, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower), soy lecithin, complex food supplement, sugar, minerals, maltodextrin, vitamins, rice flour, natural supplement from pears, bananas, peaches. Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate component that has a prebiotic effect, is easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract, promotes better absorption of vitamins and trace elements, and has a pleasant sweetish taste.
  • Corn and rice with fruits, from 8 months. Porridge is a good source of energy for and rice contributes to the proper functioning of the baby's intestines.
  • Multi-cereal with cookies, from 6 months. Takayakasha "Baby" it is an ideal source of energy for a growing child. Whole grains, which are part of the product, contain more vitamins and fiber than regular cereals. The porridge also contains special children's cookies, which will not only give the baby pleasant moments, but also introduce a new taste.
  • 7 cereals with lemon balm, from 6 months. Contains wheat, hydrolyzed wheat, rye, millet, barley, oats, corn, rice, sugar, vitamins. Porridge provides children's body energy and helps normal bowel function.

  • "Rainbow of tastes" - a set of cereals in bags, from 6 months. Contains 5 packages of milk porridges: “Wheat milk porridge with banana”, “Buckwheat milk porridge with apple and carrot”, “Multi-cereal milk porridge with fruits”, “Wheat milk porridge with pumpkin”, “Oatmeal milk porridge with fruits”.
  • Buckwheat, rice, apricot, from 4 months. Porridge with buckwheat and rice with the addition of apricot diversifies the baby's diet, provides a balance of trace elements and vitamins. Buckwheat will saturate the child with B vitamins, valuable amino acids and minerals, while rice and apricot will ensure comfortable digestion.
  • Buckwheat, from 4 months. Such porridge "Baby" is a perfectly balanced first food. It is rich in essential trace elements and does not contain gluten. And B vitamins, valuable amino acids and minerals are necessary for the children's body for full development and growth.
  • Buckwheat with prunes, from 4 months. Prunes stimulate the intestines and have antioxidants that are involved in the proper functioning of the immune system.

  • Corn, from 5 months. Porridge has an ideal balance of minerals and vitamins, which provides good nutrition for the child. It is easily digestible, has a high nutritional value and regulates the functioning of the children's intestines.
  • Multi-cereal, from 6 months. Porridge is an ideal source of carbohydrates that provide the baby with energy. Rice, buckwheat, corn included in the composition are easily digestible and provide the child with valuable minerals and amino acids necessary for a growing body.
  • Oatmeal, from 5 months. Such porridge has a positive effect on the work of the heart. The cereal is rich in potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, helps the intestines and facilitates the digestion process.
  • Wheat with banana, from 6 months. Wheat and banana will provide the crumbs with the necessary energy. Nutritious bananas will improve mood, and from wheat the baby will receive proteins, easily digestible carbohydrates and potassium.
  • Multi-cereal with a mixture of fruits, from 6 months. Such a product will help develop the taste sensations of the child. Cereals will give strength for new achievements, and fruits are a real pleasure.
  • Wheat with pumpkin, from 5 months. Wheat will provide a fast-growing organism with energy, and the beta-carotene contained in pumpkin will contribute to the normal development of the organs of vision.
  • Oatmeal with fruits, from 5 months. Such porridge "Baby" contains a whole complex of important minerals and vitamins, without which the proper development of the child is impossible.
  • Rice, from 4 months. Rice is 97% carbs, which is pure gluten-free energy, yet highly nutritious. Useful for mild digestive disorders.
  • Multi-grain with fruit, honey, and corn flakes, from 15 months. Porridge has a rich rich taste, introduces the baby to new foods.

Types of dairy-free cereals

Dairy-free porridge "Baby" is of the following types:

  • Corn, from 4 months. Such a porridge is highly nutritious, easy to digest, normalizes digestion, does not contain gluten. The baby will be provided with energy for a long time.
  • Rice, from 4 months. Rice is a low-allergenic, easily digestible cereal. The porridge contains nutritious carbohydrates necessary for the proper development of the child.
  • Oat-wheat with apple. The nutrients of such cereals are absorbed much more slowly than other cereals, which means that the baby will be full and energetic for a longer time. In addition, this product contains substances important for the body: magnesium, potassium, pectin, vitamin C, iron, B vitamins.
  • Buckwheat, from 4 months. Buckwheat is a dietary safe product that contains B vitamins, valuable amino acids and minerals necessary for the full development and growth of the child.
  • 7 cereals, from 6 months. Porridge is an excellent source of energy for the baby. Wheat, barley, rye, oats, millet, corn and rice ensure the proper functioning of the children's intestines.

As you can see, the assortment of "Malyutka" cereals is quite wide, which makes it possible to satisfy the taste of even the most capricious little gourmet.

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Pour into a clean bowl 150 ml of boiled water, cooled to 60 °C.
  3. Treat a tablespoon with boiling water. Gradually, stirring constantly, pour 6-7 tablespoons of dry product (50 g).
  4. It is recommended to stir the porridge with a fork.
  5. When the temperature of the finished product reaches 36-37 ° C, you can feed the baby.

Storage conditions

Children's porridge "Malyutka" should be stored in places inaccessible to children, at a temperature of 1-25 ° C and humidity not higher than 75%. After opening the package, keep the product tightly closed in a cool, dry place (not in the refrigerator). The opened package is stored no more than 3 weeks. After the expiration date, do not use.

Kashi "Baby" will not only ideal option first feeding, but also a favorite dish of all kids.

Milk dry instant oatmeal porridge

Baby, for feeding children from 5 months.

Kashi Malyutka is so delicious thanks to a special gentle technology for processing cereals. They retain their natural taste and smell, although they require more stirring.

Each serving is a source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for development. Porridges are easily digestible and have a high nutritional value. Kashi Malyutka - very tasty, satisfying and healthy!

“1 step. A caring start.

“Experts from the Nutricia company created Malyutka porridges specifically for the start of complementary foods. They have a delicate texture and are easy to digest, meeting the basic needs of children at this age.

Milk dry instant oatmeal porridge Malyutka, for feeding children from 5 months,

in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For optimal growth, development and health of your baby World Organization The Public Health Service recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and subsequent introduction of complementary foods if continued. breastfeeding. Nutricia fully supports these recommendations.

Consult with a specialist before using the product.

  • Very tasty porridge
  • For baby food.
  • It is recommended to cook porridge immediately before use.
  • Never use leftover food for later feeding.
  • When introducing complementary foods, it is recommended to teach the child to eat it from a spoon.
  • Close the package carefully after each preparation.
  • It is not allowed to prescribe to children who are allergic to any component that is part of the product.


  • No added salt
  • No preservatives
  • Without dyes

The secret of cooking Baby:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing baby food.

2. Pour 150 ml of boiled water cooled to a temperature of 50 ° C into a clean dish.

3. Treat the spoon with boiling water. With a dry tablespoon, gradually pour in 45 g of dry porridge (approximately 3.5 tablespoons), stirring constantly

5. Before giving porridge to a child, make sure that its temperature is 36-37 ° C.

Compound: oat flour, dry milk base of a partially adapted mixture (skimmed milk, a mixture of vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower, soy lecithin emulsifier)), sugar, rice flour, maltodextrin, vitamin and mineral premix.

Net weight: 220 g

Storage conditions:

Unopened packaging should be stored at a temperature from 1 °C to 25 °C and a relative humidity of not more than 75%. After opening the package, store the product in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator, tightly closed, for no more than 3 weeks.

Porridges form the basis of the diet of young children from 4-6 months. up to 3 years old. Various cereals are of great benefit to the growing body, being valuable sources useful substances. Buckwheat porridge, for example, fully replenishes the required level of iron. The first cereals are introduced as complementary foods not earlier than 5-6 months.

If the baby is suffering from excess weight, porridge should be given during the second feeding after the child gets used to mashed potatoes from different vegetables. Porridges are introduced gradually, the very first complementary foods should be in liquid form, within a week the consistency and portion volume are brought to normal. So, which baby porridge is better to choose and how to cook and store it?

Advantages of industrial cereals

In the documents adopted by the WHO back in 2002, it was noted that as the first complementary food, it is necessary to use cereals of industrial production, and not home-made. Reviews of pediatricians and nutritionists about such nutrition for children are only positive. The finished product has a number of advantages:

  • it contains useful trace elements - iodine, zinc, iron and calcium;
  • they are prepared in a matter of minutes, since they need to be diluted with warm water, and not boiled;
  • easily absorbed by the child's body;
  • have a homogeneous consistency without lumps, do not thicken when cooled;
  • do not contain salt, preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives;
  • only environmentally friendly raw materials are used in the production;
  • quality control at all levels;
  • cereals are produced by enzymatic hydrolysis, which not only makes them taste sweeter, but also makes them easier to swallow, reducing viscosity.

When buying ready-made cereals for baby food, you will be sure that you are purchasing a really healthy and high-quality product that is completely safe for your baby. Baby cereals (200 gr) do not contain harmful impurities and salts of heavy metals. Dairy and dairy-free porridge from this brand is a healthy and healthy food.

First food

In what to start feeding the baby, you should focus on the reviews of pediatricians. For early complementary foods, cereals are needed that do not include gluten protein, these are, and. Buckwheat is given to children with low hemoglobin levels - a large number of the iron contained in the cereal will improve the condition of the child's blood. And cereals with prunes will be even more useful.

Buckwheat can be given from the age of 5 months, by 6 months. you can gradually add other cereals, mixing buckwheat with corn, for example. Multi-component cereals with three or more cereals in the composition can be given to children not younger than eight months of age. At the same time, you can begin to feed the baby with cereals with prunes and other dried fruits - by 8 months the child can already chew food.

Important: do not give your baby buckwheat porridge immediately with other cereals - first teach him to eat different types porridge separately.

Dairy-free porridge is the best option for complementary foods, since many children in early age have an allergy to milk protein. In addition, a diet that excludes milk protein is useful for overweight children. A porridge without milk will allow the baby to get used to the natural taste of cereals, but when he starts to refuse such food, it's time to switch to milk porridge.

Types of buckwheat porridge "Baby"

Dairy-free porridge

Dairy-free porridge does not contain sugar and milk, such buckwheat porridge is useful for children with allergies to natural milk protein and is the best option to start feeding. Such cereals can be diluted with mother's milk or a medicinal mixture.

Milk porridge

A porridge with the addition of milk is tastier and more aromatic than its dairy-free counterpart. Children eat such sweet porridge with great appetite. Often, the composition of porridge with milk includes various additions in the form of pieces of fruits and berries or dried fruits. Useful, for example, porridge with prunes.

Gluten free porridge

Gluten-free porridge Malyutka (200 gr) is made from cereals that do not contain gluten wheat protein - rice, buckwheat and corn. Many babies are allergic to gluten.

gluten porridge

One-component porridge

One-component cereals Malyutka (200 gr) consist only of buckwheat. It can be both dairy-free porridge and milk.

Multi-component buckwheat porridge "Baby"

Fruits, vanilla, chocolate, nuts and seeds are often added to multi-component (consisting of 2-8 cereals) - such cereals are intended for children from 8 months.


Helper porridges are designed specifically for babies over 8 months old, they contain not only tasty fruits, but also useful for digestion.

Advantages of dairy-free buckwheat porridge

Dairy-free buckwheat porridge Baby (200 gr) contains 375 kcal, 11.4 grams of protein, 2.7 grams of fat and 76.3 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product. One pack contains 200 grams of porridge.

Reviews of children's doctors are unequivocal - this porridge is well suited for complementary foods, it can be safely introduced into the diet, starting from 4 months. The composition of the finished product does not include salt and sugar. Chemical dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and genetically modified products are excluded.

The composition of the porridge Malyutka (200 gr) contains only buckwheat flour, a complex of minerals and vitamin substances and maltodextrin.

Dairy-free porridge contains such useful substances as calcium, iron, sodium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iodine and sodium, not to mention the whole complex of useful vitamins - A, E, K, C, D, PP, H, group vitamins B. All these components are necessary for diversified development child.

Dairy-free buckwheat porridge Malyutka (200 gr) has a number of useful properties. Firstly, buckwheat is a dietary product that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which means that the baby will fully grow without gaining extra pounds. Maltodextrin, which is part of the Malyutka brand products (200 gr), is a harmless substitute for starch and acts as a thickener. In its organic properties, this substance resembles molasses.

Unlike starch, maltodextrin is useful in that:

  • easier and faster absorbed by the body;
  • hypoallergenic, cases of allergic reactions are extremely rare;
  • natural sweetener - has a sweet taste, so there is no need to add sugar to the finished porridge.

Instant milk buckwheat porridge for children contains more components. In addition to buckwheat flour, vitamins and maltodextrin, it contains:

  • skimmed milk powder;
  • vegetable oils- sunflower, palm, coconut and rapeseed;
  • lemon acid;
  • sugar.

Milk porridge "Baby"

Milk porridge Malyutka (200 gr) contains traces of gluten, so be careful when choosing, as there is a risk of an allergic reaction. Due to the content of sugar and some elements, milk buckwheat porridge is introduced into the diet not at 4-5 months, but at 6-7.

In terms of energy value, milk and dairy-free cereals are approximately the same, as well as in terms of the amount of nutrients, however, the second option is more allergenic and is not intended to start complementary foods.

How to cook, breed

Milk porridge or dairy-free is not so important for cooking, because the principle is the same. The first portion should be no more than a teaspoon, so you check if the baby is allergic to any of the components. If everything went well, you can increase the portions.

A pack of 200 grams is enough for 6-7 servings for a 4-month-old baby. One serving (30 grams) is poured into 150 ml of boiled hot water (60 degrees) and infused for 2-3 minutes. It is impossible to pour boiling water over buckwheat porridge - most of the nutrients will be destroyed.

If the baby has already left the stage of the first feeding, you can add various components to the porridge. Experiment with prunes, pieces of apples, pears, bananas, etc. But do not give too many fruits or dried fruits the first time.

Important: if the baby has not finished eating the porridge, throw it away without regret - you can’t give the child leftovers of the product.

Storage rules

Dairy-free and milk porridge Malyutka are stored closed for a year and a half - 18 months. Opened packaging should be stored in a dry, dark and cool place for no more than 21 days. You can not put porridge in the refrigerator.

Breastfeeding is an important, responsible occupation. From mother's milk, the baby receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals. What should mothers do who, for whatever reason, can breastfeed their baby?

On the shelves of stores, pharmacies, you can find a lot of various dry mixes for feeding babies. Even pediatricians are not so easy to understand a wide range, recommend best product for feeding a newborn. Next material dedicated to the baby formula Malyutka 1, the manufacturing company is a market leader in inexpensive, high-quality baby food, has existed since 1972.

Composition of baby food

The health of the baby largely depends on good nutrition, the modern rhythm of life, poor ecology sometimes deprive a young mother from breastfeeding her child from the first days of life. All products trademark"Baby" is made on the basis of Russian, international standards, as close as possible to breast milk.

Milk formula Baby 1 includes only high-quality, natural ingredients, it is absolutely safe for the health of the crumbs. The latest updates to the mixture included prebiotics that mimic mother's milk and strengthen the child's body.

The baby product is a mixture that is allowed to be given to crumbs from birth to six months. A balanced mixture includes 11 trace elements, 16 vitamins in the right dosage. Also, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are necessary for normal development, have been added to the composition of the Malyutka mixture. nervous system, brain crumbs. The newborn produces these substances in small quantities, which requires their addition to the baby's diet.

An important role is played by prebiotics, the substances are special fibers similar to the elements of breast milk. Prebiotics contribute to the normalization, maintenance of optimal microflora in the intestines of the newborn, which ensures regular, soft stools, and the absence of colic.

The basis of the mixture consists of a fat base, demineralized whey powder, whey protein concentrate. Casein and whey protein support the baby's fragile enzyme system, help to process the food consumed.

The fat component is represented by many vegetable oils: rapeseed, palm, sunflower, coconut. Palm ester brings the mixture closer to breast milk, includes palmitic acid, which adds vitality and energy to the baby.

Carbohydrates are represented by lactose, maltodextrin. The optimal ratio of these components provide good nutrition to the newborn. Do not worry, in between feedings, the baby will not be hungry. The set of useful elements of the mixture for newborns

Note! Baby 1 have a beneficial effect on the mental, physical development baby, completely replace breast milk, the mixture is absolutely safe for the health of the baby.

Advantages and disadvantages

Baby 1 for newborns perfectly saturates the child's body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The advantages of the mixture include:

  • it contains prebiotics;
  • Baby 1 is rich in Omega fatty acids;
  • vitamins and minerals are ideally matched to the age of the child;
  • all components are natural, harmless to the crumbs

The main advantages are in the composition of Baby 1. Each barrel of honey has a fly in the ointment. The nutritional formula for newborns has relative disadvantages:

  • the mixture includes palm oil. Many parents are concerned about this fact. There are many rumors about the dangers and benefits of this component, especially in children's cereals. In fact, the component found in many products is a common vegetable fat used by many manufacturers of infant formula;
  • baby food contains lecithin. Again, concerns from parents: they consider any supplements harmful. One has only to carefully consider its composition, it turns out that the component is safe, even useful for crumbs. Lecithin includes choline, glycerin (necessary for the normal development of the nervous system), fatty acids (necessary for the functioning of the whole organism).


Milk formula Malyutka 1 is produced in two volumes: 350 grams and 700 grams. The cost of the first package is 250 rubles, the second - 400 rubles. How more packaging, the cheaper the mixture for babies. It is worth noting that the products are quite affordable for all segments of the population, will not hit the wallet of young parents.

Differences between Baby 1 and Baby 2

Baby 1 is intended for feeding newborns and children up to six months. Baby 2 is used to feed babies from six months to a year. The main difference from formula No. 1 is that it includes a larger amount of casein proteins, which increases the saturation of the baby. The content of vitamins and minerals is optimized for the age of the child. Baby 2 includes: skimmed milk, prebiotics (promoting normal operation intestines), various vegetable oils, whey concentrate, useful vitamins and minerals.

An important role is played by the presence of iron in the mixture. The trace element is supplemented with zinc and ascorbic acid, which ensures the absence of iron deficiency, due to its complete absorption by the child's body.

How to properly feed your baby

In order for the newborn to receive all the necessary nutrients, the Baby 1 mixture must be properly prepared and given to the baby.

On the page, look at the table of newborn weight gain by month.

According to the instructions, the feeding process consists of several stages:

  • treat your hands, wash baby bottles thoroughly, it is better to pour over with boiling water;
  • boil special purified water, cool it to 40 degrees Celsius;
  • pour out the required amount of liquid, it is indicated on the package, clearly follow the instructions;
  • using the measuring spoon that comes with the kit, scoop up the right amount of the mixture for the newborn;
  • combine two products: water and formula, be sure to stick to the dosage, pour as much nutrient as you need for your child by age;
  • shake the resulting mixture well until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • remove the cap from the bottle, put on the nipple;
  • first check the temperature of the finished nutrient product, drop it on your wrist, it should be no more than 37 degrees. Over time, you can easily begin to determine the desired temperature for the crumbs;
  • feed the baby, wash the bottle, nipple, in order to avoid drying of the product on these items.