
Analysis of an open class in kindergarten. Analysis of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group “Sounds, letters and words. Lesson Analysis Plan


Continuous analysis educational activities v preschool group MBOU "Veshchevskaya OOSh"

1. General information

Children's age: 6-7 years old

Educator: *******

Educational area: "Speech development"

Topic: Retelling of the story of E. Charushin "Foxes"

The purpose of the lesson: to form in children the ability to coherently, consistently, expressively convey a literary text without the help of a teacher's questions.

The purpose of the lesson is aimed at solving the following tasks:


    Strengthen the ability of children to listen carefully to the literary text, answer questions about the content of the text.

    Strengthen the ability to come up with riddles; select the meaning of the names of qualities (adjectives) and actions (verbs);

    Exercise in the ability to pronounce words loudly and clearly, answer questions with a full sentence.


    Develop interest in speech activities.

    Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Educational tasks:

    To foster a culture of behavior, friendliness, respect for each other.

The goal was realized within a sufficient amount of time (35 minutes), the children were prepared to solve this goal in previous lessons, the goal corresponds to the capabilities and abilities of the children.

The integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils in the classroom is implemented through appeal to the experience of children in others educational areas (cognitive development, social and communicative development).

The lesson corresponds to:

    general educational and developmental goals and objectives, the level of development of pupils, their age characteristics;

    complex - thematic principle (the topic of this lesson is selected in the context of the general topic "Autumn").

In the course of the lesson, Team work adult and children, the main component is interaction.

2. Observing the course of the lesson

The goals and objectives of the upcoming activity were revealed to the pupils quite convincingly, clearly and emotionally.

The work was informative, interesting and organized. All children were interested in mastering the ability to retell the piece they had heard fully and close to the text.

During the lesson, the pupils acquired the initial knowledge of dividing the text into parts (this skill was formed using sequential thematic pictures), the ability to distinguish between the singular and the plural, the ability to change words with the help of endings and the selection of endings in accordance with the gender and number of words were consolidated.

During the lesson, the pupils showed the ability to control their own answers and the answers of other children, to help each other in case of difficulties with answers. The children demonstrated concentration of attention while listening to the story and a retelling rather close to the text.

3. Methods and techniques used

During the lesson, the following methods and techniques were used:

    focusing and attracting attention;

    activation of speech and cognitive activity;

    activation of independent thinking.

    Use of children's experience;

    development of creative abilities;

    self-control and mutual control.

During the lesson, a change of types of activity was used, the logic and validity of the transition from one type of activity to another was observed.

The teacher's questions were of a developmental nature.

The lesson used the followingTCO is like a projector with a screen. During the lesson, a presentation was used, with the help of which the main stages of the lesson were visualized.

4. Analysis of the teacher's activities

In the course of observing the activities of the educator during the lesson, the following was revealed:

    from the very beginning, the educator attracted the attention of children to the topic of the lesson and kept the attention of children throughout the entire period of educational activity;

    the teacher's speech was clear and emotionally charged;

    the teacher encouraged children to show initiative and independence;

    the teacher, whenever possible, took into account the characteristics of each child (the pace of activity, emotional condition, level of development, temperament);

    the teacher helped the children to control their behavior during the lesson, reminded the basic rules of behavior;

    the teacher observed sanitary norms and rules, the safety of children (ventilated room, physical education, safety of materials, equipment, etc., prevention of posture disorders).

    to stimulate and reward the individual achievements of children;

    try to "see" each child, listen and hear his answers, suggestions, statements.

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Learn to make a pattern on a circle, filling the edges and the middle, using wetting techniques, drawing with the end of a brush. To cultivate accuracy in working with paints.

The teacher was ready for the lesson. The structure, logical sequence and interconnection of the stages are well thought out. The time of the lesson is appropriately allocated. The form of training was rationally chosen. Lesson equipment: visual and demonstration material that was effectively used. The content of the lesson meets the requirements of the program, is complete, reliable and was passed on to the children in an accessible form. Methods, techniques and teaching aids were correctly chosen, which corresponded to the content of the educational material, the goals set, the educational opportunities. given age children. The material is presented emotionally. With the help of a surprise moment and visual aids, children's interest and discipline are maintained.

Negative points: the teacher forgot to spend a dynamic pause (physical education).

Watching an Explore the World Class

The tasks set by the teacher:

Give children knowledge about kindergarten, its purpose. Learn to compose a sentence for demonstrating actions, harmonizing nouns with pronouns. Expansion of the vocabulary by topic.

The teacher acted competently and professionally: all methods were identified and used to solve the assigned tasks; without exception, all the techniques corresponded to the age of the children and the requirements of the methodology of this program. All the techniques used by the teacher in the lesson were correct and accurate. All the tasks of the program content were mastered by the children completely, in the classroom the children were active, were attentive when the teacher explained the new material, and carried out new tasks with interest. The children demonstrated high educational skills.

The teacher's technique for presenting new material is interesting. The scope of the program content is observed and adhered to. In the classroom, the children were active, mastered the tasks of the program content, but not all. Negative point: in the lesson, individual work with children was not very successful.

Conducting a design class. Theme: "Tulip"

Software content:

Teach children to make paper crafts by folding, without using glue.

Continue to learn to navigate on a piece of paper, determining the middle, corners.

To teach to be accurate, to consolidate the ability to bring the work to the end.

Development fine motor skills hands.

Fostering a benevolent attitude towards others.

Educator activity

Children's activities

Notes (edit)

1. Game motivation.

I invite the children to make gifts for the kindergarten staff. At the same time, I clarify that all women love flowers.

What flowers do you know?

I am showing a sample of a tulip, I propose to make such flowers with my own hands.

2. Showing ways to do the job. Together with the children, we consider the sample, clarify what details it consists of (flower and stem). Then I offer the children a demonstration and explanation of the stages of work.

physical education:

3. Independent work of children. I do the craft at the same time as the children.

4. After the end of the lesson, the children give their tulips to the educators, the nanny.

List the name of the flowers.

Observe the stages of work.

Do the craft on their own.


individual assistance. Many do not cope.

Acquaintance with the preschool educational institution, the system of organizing the educational process.

During a conversation with an educator of the GKPD (group of short-term stay of children), I found out the following information about preschool: this institution is a budgetary preschool educational institution located on the basis of the Sarajevo Basic General Education School;

Tasks of the preschool educational institution for 2013-2014

1) Protect and strengthen the life and health of children.

2) Implementation of the Federal State General Education Standards and the Basic General Education Program of the DOE into the work of the preschool educational institution.

Opening hours of the preschool educational institution from 8:30 to 14:30. (Sleep is excluded)


"From birth to school" by M.A. Vasilyeva,

"Colored palms" by I.A. Lykova.

Additional paid educational services are not carried out.

Staffing teachers.

Senior teacher 1 (1 rate)

Educator 1 (0.5 stakes)

Study of planning direct educational activities (GCD) in a preschool educational institution.

"Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" N.M. Patrakov

In the Vologda region in the city of Veliky Ustyug

G.N. Okulovsky

Budgetary educational institution Sarajevo basic general education school.

Vologda region, Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky district, with. Sarajevo

Study plan for 2013 - 2014

Multi-age group (senior, preparatory)

Type of occupation older preparatory
Number of lessons per week Number of lessons per year Number of lessons per week Number of lessons per year
Acquaintance with the surrounding world and nature
Speech development and preparation for literacy training
Acquaintance with fiction
Development of elementary mathematical concepts
Visual activity: Painting sculpting applique In a week In a week
Construction, manual labor
Physical culture
Theatrical activities

Methods and techniques used in the work on the development of children's speech:

Consultations for parents about the speech development of children preschool age.

Verbal didactic games for the development of all components of speech development

· Design of the album “Finger Gymnastics2” for various sounds.

· Use of speech material (riddles, tongue twisters, phrases)

GCD in the region speech development. (the number of classes is indicated in the table)

Observation of speech development classes in middle, senior or preparatory groups. Summaries of the observed activities and their analysis.

Software content:

1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities:

To consolidate the rules of behavior for children in the forest; -

Clarify children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in the forest;

2. Tasks for the development of coherent speech:

Improve dialogic and monologue speech, tell consistently, compose short story according to the picture;

Develop phonemic hearing;

Determine the place of sound in a word;

Divide words into syllables;

Learn to write sentences;

Form cognate words.

3. Develop creativity in children, create goodwill when dealing with each other.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories and poems about birds, about wild animals;

Examining illustrations;

Drawing up crosswords.

The course of the lesson.

Guys, we will go on an excursion today, but guess where, if you listen to the music carefully, you will understand. ...

Right into the forest. We go to a forest glade, sit on stumps, close your eyes and listen to how birds sing, how mosquitoes ring and butterflies fly from flower to flower.

1. - Tell me, guys, how should you behave in the forest?

(rules of conduct in the forest)

Quiet so as not to frighten off the birds and hear them singing.

And what cannot be done in the forest? What is forbidden to do there?

A) - You cannot pick large bouquets of flowers, usually snowdrops and lilies of the valley, they are becoming less and less.

B) - You cannot break tree branches, young trees, they will dry out.

B) - You can not destroy bird nests.

D) - You cannot burn fires in the forest.

2. - That's right, guys, but today we came not just to the forest, but to a forest clearing, where a forest school for animals is located, here a smart hedgehog comes up with various tasks for animals, teaches them to read and write.

But today the animals have a break, they scattered to their burrows to eat.

Let's see what task they did, what they talked about, we will find out if we solve the crossword puzzle.

A) Crossword "Spring" - children read.

Well done! Birds sing about spring, animals talk about spring.

Tell me, what mood do you get in the spring forest?

(funny, joyful, festive)

B) Reading poetry about spring "In the April forest", "Spring song".

3. The word "Spring".

What is the first and last sound in a word?

How many syllables are in the word "Spring"?

Didactic game "Add a word".

Game "Living Word".

(Leaves appear in the spring).

Form related words from the word "spring".

(spring, freckle, freckles)

Form related words from the word "forest".

(forest, forester, forester)

A chain of words.

Game "On the contrary".

4. Wintering and migratory birds.

What is the name of the birds that stay with us for the winter?

And which fly south? What do migratory birds eat?


Place wintering birds on the top shelf and migratory birds on the bottom shelf, and tell them how to take care of the birds.


With one magpie - one hassle,

And forty-forty is forty wraths.

The wind blew, the trees swayed:

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,

The tree is getting higher, higher.

Tell us how the birds behave after they return to their native places?

And now let's quietly walk through the forest: many flowers grow in the clearing, you can pick only one flower at a time, but so that they do not wither, you need to put them in vases, we will make bouquets of their flowers different color... In the vase on which the lily of the valley is painted, there should be flowers of the same color, in the name of which there is the sound "l". In a vase on which a chamomile is painted, there should be flowers of the same color and shades, in the name of which there is the sound "r".

  • Who do you guys think lives in this corner of the forest? (owner of the forest)
  • What do you know about the life of bears in the forest?
  • How do bears prepare for winter?
  • When will female bears have baby cubs?
  • How do bears and cubs behave when they wake up and leave their den?
  • What do bears eat in the forest?
  • How does the she-bear teach her cubs to get food?

Now let's go back to the forest clearing, to the forest school.

Often funny little people come to visit the animals, they help the hedgehog to compose crosswords, read their favorite book to them. And as it is called, we will be helped to guess the pictures "ABC".

(children name the first sound in a word and lay out the word.)

That's right - the alphabet. The animals love to listen to stories from the book, but when it starts to rain, they scatter to their burrows, and the Merry Men have nowhere to hide, let's build a house for them.

How can you call it differently, so that the word has the sound "r".

(tower, palace)

The walls and windows are already ready, you just need to finish painting the parts of the house, in the name of which there is the sound "r".

What parts of the house have the "r" sound in their name?

(roof, threshold, pipe, door, door knob, porch, attic, attic window)

What material will our house be built from?

(made of wood, brick)

What color will we paint the house?

(gray, red, pink, brown, orange)

What furniture and other items are needed for the life of the Merry Men inside the house?

(sideboard, bed, armchair, TV, radio, painting, floor lamp)

What trees will we draw near the house?

(mountain ash, birch, hazel, currant, gooseberry)

What flowers will we plant near the house?

(roses, daisies, asters, nasturtium)

5. Now let's help the Cheerful Little Men to settle in the house:

The room on the first floor will be occupied by the Merry Men, whose names consist of 3 parts; in the room on the second floor will live those whose names have 4 syllables.

And now it's time for us to return home, let's say goodbye to the Funny Men and the spring forest.

Analysis of the observed activity.

The goals and objectives of this lesson correspond to the program content. The occupancy rate of the lesson corresponds to the age of the children and the individual characteristics of the group (mixed group). During the lesson, the teacher used various techniques: musical accompaniment, conversation, tongue twisters, crossword, questions. Preliminary work has been done. Children in the lesson were active, gladly answered questions, supplemented the teacher at the beginning of the lesson on the topic "Rules of conduct in the forest", previously learned material.

The teacher gave clear targets, used a differentiated approach in the introduction of this GCD. Also, throughout the entire lesson, the teacher relied on the previously acquired knowledge of children, on their experience. The topic of the lesson is selected taking into account the season. The lesson was successful, the children were active and friendly throughout the GCD. The teacher fulfilled the goals and objectives.

Synopsis of a combined lesson in mathematics and speech development in senior and preparatory group"A journey through fairy tales"

Purpose: Counting within 10. Acquaintance with ordinal numbers "first", "last". To teach children to navigate in space according to the scheme. Find out how children remember the fairy tales, the names of the heroes. Improve the expressiveness of children's speech: develop memory, creative imagination.

The course of the lesson.

Guys, enter the mysterious forest, it is full of fairy tales and miracles. (children sit on stumps, (pictures of stumps are attached to the chairs) in advance.)

Today your favorite fairy tales will come to visit us.

Children, how do they say about the song? (The song is okay.)

And how about a fairy tale they say (Folding fairy tale.)

And what do they say (call) about the one who tells fairy tales? (Storyteller.)

Today we will talk about fairy tales, and I will be your storyteller.

Children look at the picture (on the easel, who recognized this tale? (Tale "Turnip".)

Who pulls out the turnip? How many are there in total? (Answers of children.)

If the cat runs after the mouse, who will be left? How many are there? (Answers of children.)

If the Beetle runs after the cat, who will pull the turnip? How many are there?

Grandfather is the first, the mouse is the last. If the grandfather leaves, the mouse will run away, who will be the first (Grandma.) Who will be the last? (Cat.)

If the cat runs after the mouse, and the Bug runs after the cat, who will be the last? (Granddaughter.) How much will be left? (Three.)

Who is the tallest? (Grandfather) Who is the lowest? (Mouse.)

What's in the picture yellow color? (Turnip.)

Well done! Look who came to visit us? (On the easel there is a hare made of geometric shapes.) And what fairy tale is it from? (Answers of children.)

Tell me, what was the hare from the fairy tale "Hare of a braggart." (Bouncer.) Let's remember how he bragged? (I have not a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth. I am not afraid of anyone)

Look at the hare and tell me from which geometric shapes the body (Oval.) Head (circle.) The legs of the hare (triangles.)

A bunny is a pet or a wild animal (Children's answers.)

Let's show how a bunny jumps (Easy, on toes, you can't hear.)

Guys, while you were galloping, our bunny hid in the forest. He drew paths, paths, only one of them will lead you to the bunny. (Give the children pictures of a forest and tangled paths.)

Who was the first to find the bunny?

Guys, look, do we have pigs here? How many of them are (Three.) What fairy tale are they from? (Three little pigs.) What are their names? (Naf-naf, Nuf-nuf, Nif-nif.)

Where did the piglets live? (Answers of children.) And from what did the piglets build their houses? (Answers of children.)

The wolf heard that piglets live in this forest. And I decided to eat them. -Sasha, take a pointer and show which path the gray wolf went along? Which house did he come to? Who lives here (Nif-nif. He got scared and ran to his brother Nuf-nuf. The wolf broke the house of Nif-nif, saw that there was no one there, but three sticks were lying, got angry, took these sticks and went along the road to Nuf- nufu.)

Dasha, show me which way the wolf went? Which house did he get to? Who lives here? (Answers of children.)

Meanwhile, Nif-nif and Nuf-nuf ran to Naf-naf and hid in a brick house. The wolf broke the house of Nuf-nuf, saw that there was nothing but two sticks, became even more angry, took these sticks and went to the house of Naf-naf.

Kolya, show me which path the wolf took? Which house did he get to? What is the house built of (Answers of the children.)

When the wolf saw that he could not break the house of Naf-naf, the wolf burst into tears of resentment. I saw that there was one stick near the house, took it and the hungry one left the forest.

How many sticks did the wolf take with him (Children's answers.)

Well done, listened attentively.

Now let's play the fairy tale "Teremok". Who was the first to find the teremok? Who was the last one to live in the house? Who was the third? How many animals lived in the house (Answers of the children.)

Now let's show how the animals fled from the tower. (Put on the caps-masks of animals for the children. Each animal runs in its own way: the mouse minces with its paws, the frog jumps, the bunny jumps, etc.)

Children, who do you think composes fairy tales for us? And how do you think, is it easy to compose a fairy tale or not (Answers of the children.)

Tell me, how do all the fairy tales begin? (Once upon a time, there were.)

Let's try to come up with fairy tales. (Children tell their stories. Praise. The stories were written down by the teacher and posted on the board for parents.)

And now the tales are over. Let's say the ending of many fairy tales: "This is the end of the fairy tale, but who listened well!

Analysis of the lesson.

The lesson corresponds to the age of the children, the individual characteristics of the group (mixed group). The teacher used a combined type of lesson for children, this showed the activation of mathematical knowledge in the preparatory group, as well as the formation and activation of the vocabulary in children of both ages. The teacher used various methods and techniques: during the lesson, she relied on the already acquired knowledge of children, their experience, visual material was present (pictures from fairy tales), geometric shapes. During the lesson, the children were all involved in the process. A differentiated approach was used. Throughout the entire lesson, the children were active. The goals and objectives were fulfilled by the teacher. The lesson was effective.

Planning, organizing and conducting speech development classes in the middle, senior and preparatory groups. Diagnostics of speech development in all groups. Self-analysis of the lesson in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the group.

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in senior group

on the topic: "Food"

Software content. To give knowledge about food products: about salads, about first courses, second courses, drinks, cutlery.

Activate the dictionary with words: cabbage soup, borscht, fish soup, side dish, vegetable stew, cocktail, chop, chop.

Exercise in the formation of possessive nouns, adjectives. Learn to form the genitive plural. Activate verbal vocabulary. Exercise in the selection of synonyms for the word: chop (cut).

Learn to compose a story according to the scheme. To develop logical thinking, aesthetic feelings.

Educational task... Ability to work in a team, to awaken interest in food preparation. Strengthen the skills to properly serve the table.

Methods and techniques... Explanation, questions, encouragement, instructions, additions, joint actions, didactic games, consideration.

Material... Vegetables, "Vegetables" cards, cutlery and dishes, painted tureens, dummies of fruits, wafer cakes, condensed milk.

Course of the lesson.

Tell me who is so delicious

Cooking cabbage soup,

Smelling cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrette,

All breakfasts, dinners? (Cook)

Today we will be with you as a cook. And for this we need to put ourselves in order. We need to roll up our sleeves. Why are we doing this? (so as not to stain clothes, so that the sleeves do not interfere with the work). Now we put on aprons. Who can say why? (so as not to stain clothes) And you also need to put on a scarf or cap on your head. Why do you think we wear a hat? (so as not to interfere with the hair, so that the hair does not get into the food).

We are dressed, let's go and sit in our places.

Once the hostess came from the bazaar,

The hostess brought home from the bazaar:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets! Oh!

What do you think she was going to cook with these vegetables? And we'll make a salad.

What salad will turn out from cabbage? (cabbage), from carrots? Beetroot?

What is Sasha's favorite salad? (ask several children). What other salads do you know?

We will prepare a cabbage salad (we prepare a salad from pre-chopped vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions, herbs, season with oil, salt).

We take cabbage, what should we do with it? (chop, chop), carrots ...

We will definitely try it at lunchtime.

What are the first courses? (soup)

What soups do you know?

What is Dasha's favorite soup? (ask 2-3 children).

Guess the riddles:

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is outside

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose. (carrot)

How I put on a hundred shirts,

Crunched on my teeth. (cabbage)

Before we ate it,

All had time to cry. (onion)

And green and thick

A bush grew in the garden.

Dig a little bit

Under the bush…. (potato)

Green above, red below.

It has grown into the ground. (beet)

We will cook borsch with you (pictures are put in a saucepan or laid out on the table).

Pour water into a saucepan, wash and chop meat, cabbage - (chop), beets, carrots - three on a grater, potatoes - peel and cut. Salt, taste, stir and cook for a long time (accompanied by hand movements).

Now let's start setting the table for dinner. Ulyana, put the plate on a napkin (there are many different cutlery and crockery on the other table. The child must choose the one he needs). What plate did Ulyana put on? (deep).

What is the soup used for? (ladle). What is soup used for? (with a large spoon). (answer with a full proposal).

Kostya put the spoon on the table. Why did you put it on the right?

Valya, tell me what kind of dish is the soup poured into and what is it used for? (soup is eaten with a large spoon from a deep bowl).

Let's talk about second courses. Second courses are meat and fish, served with a side dish. Garnish is an addition to meat dishes, it is prepared from cereals, pasta, vegetables.

What meat dishes do you know? (goulash, cutlets, chicken, sausages)

Fish dishes? (stewed and fried fish, fish soufflés and cutlets)

You have cereals on your tables. What kind of porridge will Darina cook? (pea)

What have you got, Artem? (rice) How did you know? (White, oval). Lift up the rice grits. What kind of porridge is made from it? (rice, and you can also make pilaf from rice).

What is Vasya? How did you know? Show. What kind of porridge is made from it? etc.

It remains to talk about drinks. What kind of drinks do you know? What do you get in kindergarten?

What is compote or jelly made from? (fruits, berries).

Lesson on the development of speech in middle group"Autumn harvest"

Software content:

  • Teach children to compare vegetables and fruits and describe them according to a diagram.
  • Develop thinking and fine motor skills of hands.
  • Learn to guess riddles, clarify the qualitative characteristics of vegetables and fruits, agree on definitions and nouns.
  • To cultivate the ability to maintain a conversation, to express positive emotions while guessing riddles.


  • dummies of vegetables and fruits;
  • basket;
  • 2 plates of different colors;
  • cut pictures;
  • scheme for drawing up a descriptive story.

Course of the lesson

1. Children enter the group, they are met by a teacher in an Autumn costume.

Hello guys!

I am Autumn, I came to visit you.

I brought you gifts!

Children walk in a circle slowly, holding hands, and say:

Hello, autumn!

Hello, autumn!

It's good that you came.

We, Autumn, will ask you

What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn : I brought you flour!

Children : So there will be pies!

Autumn : Brought you buckwheat!

Children : Porridge will be in the oven!

Autumn : Brought you vegetables!

Children : For both porridge and cabbage soup!

Autumn : Are you happy with pears?

Children : We will dry them for the future!

Autumn : And apples, what honey!

Children : For jam, for compote!

Autumn : I brought honey!

Children: Full deck?

Children go the other way in a circle and say:

You and apples, you and honey,

You saved some bread,

Good weather

Brought us a gift?

Autumn : Are you glad for the rain?

Children : We don’t want, don’t!

2. Guessing riddles.

Autumn : I have gifts in my basket for you. If you want to know what she brought you as a gift, then you must guess my riddles.

(children sit on high chairs)

Round, orange, sunny, sweet. Grows on a tree (orange).

Oblong, red, juicy, tasty. Grows in the garden (pepper).

Blue, sweet, soft, oval, smooth, ripe. Grows on a tree (plum).

Oblong, tasty, yellow, sweet, soft. Grows on a tree (pear).

White, round, juicy, large, crispy. Grows in the garden (cabbage).

Round, big, tasty, red, soft. Grows in the garden (tomato).

Oblong, rough, long, green, hard. Grows in the garden (cucumber).

Round, ruddy, juicy, smooth, liquid. Grows on a tree (apple).

(Children name vegetables and fruits, and Autumn takes out the guessed object from the basket and puts it on the table).

3. Physical education "Yabloko" (performed to music)

4. Exercise game "Where to put what?"

Autumn: Guys, look, we have vegetables and fruits on our table.

Please help me to separate vegetables and fruits. We will put vegetables on a red plate, and fruits on a plate of blue color... The child, at will, comes to the table, takes an object and names it, for example: “a tomato is a vegetable” and puts it on a red plate. (If one of the children is at a loss to answer, the teacher asks leading questions "Do you have a vegetable or fruit?", "What color should you put the fruit on?"

5. The game "Cut pictures"

Autumn: And now I want to give you pictures (we go to the tables).

Oh guys, look, all the pictures are blown apart. Let's put together each of our pictures so that it is whole.

Children put together a picture, the teacher gives the task to name the color and shape of the object, for example: “This is an orange. It's round and orange. " The description of objects is based on the diagram.

6. Analysis of the lesson.

Autumn: Did you enjoy the activity? What did we talk about today?

Guys, it's fun to play with you,

Songs to sing and dance

But it's time for me to go.

Following Autumn Winter

Knocking on our door

I will be again in a year

Have fun with you!



Analysis of the lesson on the development of speech in the middle group

In the lesson, the teacher used tasks that were accessible to understanding and implementation. There were enough tasks to complete.

The program content includes educational (comparing fruits and vegetables according to a scheme, guessing riddles, agreeing on a definition and a noun), developing (thinking and fine motor skills of hands) and educational (the ability to maintain a conversation, express emotions) tasks.

The tasks correspond to the requirements of the "Program" and are available in the solution.

In the lesson on the development of speech, there were such tasks as the development of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, familiarization with fiction.

To accomplish the assigned tasks, game, visual, verbal, and practical methods were used.

At the beginning of the lesson there was a game technique. The main part traced the logic of construction and a variety of techniques (play, didactic game, guessing riddles).

Children in the lesson performed tasks willingly, with interest. The tasks set by the teacher were completed.

Responsibilities of a teacher-methodologist in teaching practice *

    Checks the readiness of the kindergarten for practice, conducts a pedagogical meeting with kindergarten employees about the tasks, content and organization of pedagogical practice at the beginning of each semester.

    Before the start of the practice, the teacher-methodologist, together with the head and kindergarten teachers, distributes students into age groups.

    Conducts briefing meetings with students of his subgroup, systematically consults them on practice issues: the content of practice, documentation.

    Responsible for student attendance at the practice. Supervises the educational work of students with children, analyzes and evaluates it.

    Monitors the work, the status of students' documentation on pedagogical practice, maintains close contact with teachers of pedagogy and private methods, class teachers of the group.

    Conducts wrap-up meetings at the end of each semester on pedagogical practice in kindergarten, at which the results of the work on the pedagogical practice of each student are discussed.

    The group educators and the head of the kindergarten take part in the discussion.

    At these meetings, on the basis of personal observations, analysis of documentation, speeches of educators and the head, the final grade in teaching practice for the semester is given.

    When assessing the work of students, the methodologist is guided by a five-point system.

    Takes part in preparing exhibitions for practice and holding final conferences.

    Consults educators on the organization and content of each day of practice. Prepares views on the content of educational work in the morning and afternoon.

    Conducts in-depth work with the teaching staff of the kindergarten to improve the practical skills of students.

    Weekly fills out a class journal on pedagogical practice, within a specified period submits reports on practice.

    The teacher-methodologist begins work in the kindergarten with students in the first shift from 8.00 and ends at 14.00, in the second shift - from 14.00 and ends at 18.00.

Responsibilities of students in teaching practice in a preschool institution *

    Come to teaching practice on time. The working day on the first shift starts at 8.00 and ends at 14.00, the second shift starts at 14.00 and ends at 18.00.

    Each student must have and know well the plan of practice, must keep a diary of observations of pedagogical practice, in which to write down their observations, analyze the work of the educators of the group, the second student-trainee with the children of this group. On the day of practice, the previous work should be written down in full, signed and analyzed by the methodologist.

    A student who gives trial lessons must have a summary of the lesson or routine process signed by the counselor-methodologist. Without an approved summary, the student is not allowed to work, she is given an unsatisfactory grade.

    The student coordinates the outline plan with the group teacher. Before the trial lesson, the student selects the material, prepares the manuals necessary for the trial lesson.

    Preparation for the next day of practice takes place mainly in kindergarten.

    Student trainees should actively participate in the life of the kindergarten where they are practicing. They help in holding matinees, entertainment, sports events, make attributes, toys and manuals. Take part in the design of the group, collect natural material to replenish natural corners. Take part in the work of pedagogical meetings, in conducting parenting meetings, in the design of parental corners, produce a wall newspaper.

    On the day of practice, students must have a change of shoes.

    The student must complete the missed day of practice.

    Students should have a community service plan written in a practice diary.


When organizing a lesson with preschoolers, it is necessary first of all to determine its main goal. And it consists in whether this activity will be of a developing nature or pursue a purely educational goal. In a learning lesson, children accumulate the necessary personal experience: knowledge, skills, skills and habits of cognitive activity, and in a developing lesson, using the experience they have acquired, they independently acquire knowledge. Therefore, in the educational process of a preschool institution, both developmental and educational activities should be used. It must be remembered that in order for the child to be successful in his own research activities, he needs certain knowledge and skills.

Children begin to acquire skills of independent research activity in training sessions. For this purpose, they introduce elements of problematic presentation of educational material, heuristic conversation, organize a collective or individual independent search, experimental activity. Often in practice, such classes in a preschool institution are called developmental. Unfortunately, this is not true. Such classes are only an approach to real developmental activities, the essence of which is the development of the categorical structure of consciousness and the ability for independent search activity on the child's own initiative, the ability to redefine and redefine tasks coming from an adult. Educational and developmental classes are built according to completely different schemes, and educators should know this well. Below we provide models for constructing training (often called traditional) and developmental classes.

Model for constructing a training lesson

Such a model of constructing a training lesson leaves the teacher a large enough scope for using various methods and teaching technologies, since the psychological chain of activity: "motivation ® perception ® comprehension" is not destroyed, and, as a rule, the educational goal can be achieved in the overwhelming majority of cases.

Analyzing such a lesson, an educator, a methodologist, a trainee needs to answer the main questions:

1. Did you manage to motivate children for the upcoming cognitive activity?

2. What motivation techniques were used and how successful were they?

3. How was the perception of children organized when presenting educational material (in time, according to the limit of availability of the material presented, in the amount of information offered, in the use of the child's sensory sphere, in the use of pedagogical techniques)? Particular attention should be paid to the availability and volume of information, since an excess of availability leads to a decrease in children's interest in activities, and an excess of the amount of information leads to fatigue of children.

4. What techniques were used by the teacher for the active comprehension of the proposed educational material by the children, how successful were they?

5. What techniques did the educator use to assess the activities of the children, did they bring them a feeling of satisfaction, did the personal dignity of the children diminish?

6. Did the summing up of the lesson's results increase the children's interest in this type of activity?

7. And regardless of the type of activity, in conclusion, it is necessary to note on the development of which types of thinking the emphasis was placed on this lesson (and whether it was consciously done by the teacher) and how it was expressed in children's activities.

Developmental activity model

candidate of psychological sciences,
Lecturer at the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University


Alexandra KOZLOVA,
Head of Pedagogical Practice, Moscow Pedagogical College No. 15


Reception of children

When planning work in the practice diary, indicate where the children will be admitted: in a group or on a site. Expand the content of educational work.

During the morning reception, create good mood to the child (to meet the children affectionately, affably).

Pay attention to the appearance of the children, so that the children who come do not forget to say hello, to educate children in a culture of communication: to talk quietly, not to shout.

Make sure that all children find interesting activities for themselves, do not go around idle, do not interfere with others. If it is difficult for a child to choose an activity, help him: offer a toy, connect it to playing children, clarify with whom he would like to play, give the child an order (indicate which one).

Create conditions for varied and interesting activities for children.

Play activities. Labor activity.
Individual work with individual children

The plan must specifically define the activities that you will conduct, indicating the name and purpose of the activity.

By defining individual work with children, you must specify theme and purpose. For example: with a group of children (indicate which ones) consider their clothes. Clarify the knowledge of children about the name of clothing, material, color, individual details. Ask who made them a suit, dress.

Organize a conversation with the children about their family.

Talk with children (the teacher must indicate the topic and purpose of the conversation). Approximate topics: Do the children know their home address? What are their favorite toys, games? Who are they friends with (who would you like to be friends with? Why?)? About plants, about animals, about the seasons, about social events (holidays).

Organize a game with demountable toys "Collect nesting dolls", "Collect pyramids". Target: teach children to distinguish objects by size, color.

Play a game of average mobility with children, train children in dexterity, accuracy, develop coordination of movements in children.

Show a group of children some toys made of paper (name). Target: education in children of the ability to make simple toys.

Carrying out morning exercises (gymnastics is carried out by a teacher. If a trainee will conduct gymnastics, then he preliminarily discusses everything with the teacher, and in the plan he writes down the complex of morning exercises).

Organization of washing gradually, in small groups. Before the children go to wash, I will explain to the children (remember, clarify with the children) the rules of behavior. Before washing, roll up your sleeves, soap your hands well and rinse them over the sink, do not splash water on the floor, but squeeze the water from your hands over the sink too. Keep the washroom clean and tidy. In the process of washing, make sure that there are 2-3 people at the sink so that the children do not push each other. If necessary, make appropriate comments and assess children's actions. Make sure that children use their own towel and hang it neatly in their place.

In the process of washing, clarify with the children the name of the washing accessories (soap, soap dish, towel, sink ...), color, shape, material (what the soap dish is made of) and other properties (warm, cold water).

When planning cultural and hygienic skills in the process of washing, each trainee should be guided by the Education Program for his group and take into account the peculiarities of the development of the children of this group. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss everything in advance with the teacher and correctly define certain methodological techniques in the plan: explaining and showing individual actions of washing, reminders, instructions, assessing the actions of children, practical help, using nursery rhymes, poems (short), making riddles, controlling the action children (bring in a doll, bear, other toys).


The plan can reflect the following work: pay attention to how to set the tables for breakfast (give an assessment to those on duty). If necessary (depending on the menu), clarify the name of the dishes. Note the care taken by adults (nannies, cooks) for children. Create a positive mood in children for food.

In the process of eating, constantly monitor the posture of the children, if necessary, remind the children of the correct posture, ensure that the children eat all the food, feed the babies.

To educate children in the cultural and hygienic eating habits (see "Education program in kindergarten"), coordinating them with the teacher.

Preparing for a walk

The work plan must necessarily contain the content and methods of working with children to educate them the skills of correct and independent dressing and a culture of behavior. (See Age Group Kindergarten Parenting Program.)

It is necessary to give the children the installation for the upcoming activity.

Invite the children to put the toys in place, check the order in the group with the children. Teach children to maintain cleanliness and order in the environment. Before the children go to dress, explain, remind, clarify with the children the rules of behavior in the dressing room. Create a comfortable environment for children to dress independently, make sure that each child sits near their locker (on a bench or chair), make sure that children do not scatter their clothes, but take them gradually, as the dressing sequence progresses.

Ensure that the children dress in a certain sequence, independently (explain, remind, clarify with the children the sequence of dressing). First you need to get out of the locker and put on tights, leggings, then a sweater, jacket, scarf, hat, last of all, put on a coat, tie a scarf; put your spare shoes in the closet. It is necessary to educate children in a culture of communication. Remind me of the words "please", "thank you", "sorry".

Note: As most of the children get dressed, take them out for a walk. Before leaving, draw the attention of children to their appearance.

The plan of educational work can include and educational objectives: in the process of dressing, maintain a conversation with children in order to clarify and consolidate the names of the clothes, its purpose, the names of individual parts of the clothes; to consolidate and activate the children's dictionary (left, right sleeve, cuffs, buttons, tie back and forth, left and right boot, boot).


The work plan needs to outline the content different types activities that you organize. This activity must be coordinated with the teacher. In the plan, write down not only the name of the activity, but also the pedagogical task that you will solve in the process of leading this or that activity. It is necessary to seriously consider the methodology for guiding the activities of children. The plan must indicate what types of toys, what equipment will be taken out to organize the intended games for children, labor activity... It is necessary to indicate the sequence in the plan, but at the same time it must be remembered that the sequence of the content of the types of activities during a walk depends on the previous activity (i.e., on activities), on the state of the weather, on the interest of children, on the individual characteristics of children.

Organization of the walk. Organize interesting, varied and meaningful activities for children during a walk (see the recommendations of the list of activities for a walk). Going out with the children to the site, introduce the children to the presence of toys. Clarify with the children who and what the children would like to play with, remind the children of the rules of the game.

During the walk, observe the content of children's games, the relationship of children in the game. Monitor the change in activities so that the children are not too excited, do not overheat (see the Program ...).

Organize (conduct with children) an outdoor game (indicate the name of the game and the purpose). Involve children in cleaning the site, indicate the content of labor - i.e. what children will do - and a pedagogical task. Give a group of children a labor assignment.

Organize observations with the children (indicate that the children will observe. See developing an observation planning for a walk). It must be remembered that 30 minutes before the end of the walk, it is necessary to transfer the children to a quieter activity. Observation can be made here word games talking with children.

Before leaving the walk, make sure that the children put all toys in place. Give children directions for future activities. Remind the children that when entering the kindergarten, they need to wipe their feet well, go quietly to the group, do not shout. In the dressing room, make sure that all children undress quickly, on their own, and carefully put their things in the closet. To bring up in children careful handling of personal belongings. When all the children have undressed, check how the children have followed the instructions of the teacher, give an assessment to the children, and, if necessary, invite the child to put things in order in the closet.

Preparing for lunch

Work during a given regime moment in the plan may not be reflected, since it is carried out in the same way as work during preparation for breakfast and during breakfast (this must be agreed with the educator and the methodologist).

Create a calm atmosphere during lunch. Help individual children finish their lunch, prevent children from sitting around the table. Trace (remind children) to rinse their mouth. To educate in children the need for cleanliness and tidiness.

Preparing for an afternoon nap

In the process of undressing (preparing for bed), make sure that children are not distracted by unnecessary conversations, games, seek silence, discipline. Create a calm atmosphere in the bedroom. Foster a positive attitude towards sleep in children. While undressing, monitor the consistency, accuracy, independence of the actions of children. To educate children to respect personal belongings. Pay attention to the fact that children carefully put their things on the chair, using the techniques of approval, praise, and remarks.

Help the children to go to bed comfortably, put their hands on top of the blanket. Children are invited to check the order on the chairs with clothes, to help the attendants.



During the period of active practice, the student writes a summary of the lesson in mathematics, which is signed by the teacher of this technique, and independently plans the work for the first half of the day.

Morning. It is planned to work on mathematics with a small subgroup or individual children. For this purpose, didactic games and exercises are used. On the day of practice, plan individual work with children, not related to the tasks that are discussed in the lesson.

Walk. During the walk, you can play games with the whole group.

Approximate planning (junior group)

Morning. In games with building material, suggest building a tall house for a tall matryoshka, a low one for a low one; drive a large car along a long path, and a small one along a short path.

Math lesson

Software content: to learn to compare two sets by means of application, to consolidate the concepts of "equally", "as much - how many", to consolidate the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes, to teach to work carefully with handouts.

Visual material: demo - flowers, butterflies, geometric shapes; handout - blue circle cards and a set of red circles.

Methodical instructions:

1st part. The teacher compares with children two sets located on the upper and lower strip of the typesetting canvas.

Questions: “How many colors? How many butterflies? What can you say about their number? "

Generalization: "There are as many flowers as there are butterflies," "There are equal numbers of flowers and butterflies."

2nd part. Children perform similar tasks with handouts.

3rd part. Didactic game "Find your house".


I. During the period of active practice, the student writes a summary of the lesson, which is signed by the teacher of the speech development methodology, and independently plans all the work for the first half of the day.

Morning. It is planned to work on the development of speech with a small subgroup of children.

For example, the younger group, the didactic game "Butterfly, fly": develop speech breathing, develop a long air stream.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.


Program content and educational tasks.

Methodical techniques. Material.

Walk: observation - play - work - individual work.

The abstract is enclosed in an envelope on this page.

When analyzing, indicate what has been done, with whom (indicate the names of the children). What techniques were used? What did you manage to accomplish? What is the level of work done? Why? Conclusions for future planning.

For example, in the game with blowers Tanya S., Sveta R., Seryozha M. showed good speech breathing, managed to bring the blowers to the target, while Katya A. had a weak stream of air and the blower stopped halfway. Work with her on the strength of the breath. At the lesson, everyone listened to the fairy tale, understood its content. Misha I., Lena I., Tanya O. answered the questions perfectly. Galya B. did not listen well to the fairy tale, inattentively, answered inappropriately, did not understand the fairy tale. In the evening, work out with her separately. Talk to Gali's parents about the contents of the book corner at home.

II. The student (passive practice) writes off all the content of educational work for the day from the first student. When analyzing, it not only indicates whether the planned work has been completed, but gives an analysis of the techniques used, explains the reason for the failure to fulfill the planned work or the set goal, and outlines the future in the work.

All these components of the game appear only as a result of education. To develop in a child the ability to create means to develop his observation ability, broaden his horizons, teach him to imitate worthy models, teach him to apply knowledge. The child's independence in play is its first characteristic feature.

Peering into children's games, K.D. Ushinsky came to the conclusion that “for a child, play is reality, and the reality is much more interesting than the one that surrounds him ... It is more interesting for the child precisely because it is clearer, and clearer to him because it is partly his own creation. ... The child lives in the game ... ”Sometimes the child plays independently, creatively, when the content of the game captures his feelings. This is possible only on condition that he has knowledge about when he depicts, knowledge about objects, phenomena, if his imagination, feelings, interests, work skills are formed.

It is necessary to reveal all the variety of sources that contribute to the development of the content of the game, form a rich imagination, and enrich role-playing actions.

The sources that influence the content of children's games are not only direct children's experience, which arises spontaneously, but also the experience that is organized by the educator.

This experience includes ideas about things, knowledge about people that children imitate in games. He enriches himself by reading fiction and looking at paintings.

In order for children to have a desire to play "school", they need to develop an interest in school from early preschool age. In their families, children observe how their brothers and sisters go to school, how their parents prepare for this event: they buy books, notebooks, uniforms, etc. for them.

The kindergarten teacher, in conversation with children, clarifies the knowledge of children about the school, maintains interest. It is necessary to familiarize children with the school, attend school, hold conversations, read about the school, show pictures, arrange meetings with school teachers, with schoolchildren, and read literary works.

The accumulation of knowledge, the preparation together with the children of all the material necessary to play in the "school" and the emotional introduction of it, make children want to play, imitating the teacher and schoolchildren.

A sample of the assignment on the topic "Game"

Assignment on the topic "Role-playing games and their leadership": make a record role-playing game... On the basis of the recording, give a characteristic of the level of development of the play activity of children of this group and outline the ways for the further development of the game.

The games of the children of our group are poor and limited in their content. This is due to the age of the children - after all, at the age of 3, children do not yet have a stable plan and sometimes children cannot start the game on their own. In their games, they reflect what directly surrounds them (games in "Hospital", "Shop", "Daughters-Mothers"), make "travels". Children can quickly switch from one game to another, as their attention is unstable (these include Seryozha, Andrey, Anya, etc.).

We have no collective games. The most a large number of playing in the game "Mothers and Daughters" - 4 children, in the game "Hospital" - people 7-8 (by the way, at first a lot of children take part in this game, but by the end of the game the children get tired of waiting for their turn and switch to another game). The main stimulus for playing is a toy. There are many good, interesting toys in the group, but, unfortunately, not all children know how to handle them carefully (Katya can throw the doll, take her by the hair or leg and swing the doll). Still not all children know the place of storage of toys (Sasha, Seryozha, Andrey, Yulia): they are still small.

Luda, Natasha, Tanya, Volodya play very well in role-playing games. Our children cannot plan ahead for the game. Their actions mainly depend on the environment in which they are, on the questions that the teacher asks the children. For example, a storyline was created in the play corner: the dolls lie in beds, their clothes hang on chairs next to them, there are cups, a kettle, and spoons on the table.

Tanya and Katya come up to the toys. They start dressing the dolls, talking with each other. Tanya: “This is my daughter. I'm going to dress her now. It's already light outside, you have to wake up. " Katya: “And I have a daughter. I also want to dress her. "

Then they dress up the dolls in silence. When the dolls were dressed, Tanya put her doll at the piano, and Katya did not know what to do next. Then I came up: "Katya, wash your daughter and feed her." At this time Dima came up to us. "Dima, do you want to play with us?" - "Want". “Then you will be dad, and Katya will be mom. Let mom wash her daughter and dad make breakfast. ” Dima immediately joined the game. After feeding the doll, Katya said: "Now let's go for a walk." She took her daughter in her arms, took her bag and “went for a walk” (walked around the group). "Katya, do you need to go to the store?" - "Need to". "What do you want to buy?" - "Apples". She went to the store in which Luda was the seller. "What do you need?" Katya did not know what to say. I said, “The salesperson should be polite. Ask Katya: "What do you want to buy?" Lyuda asked, but Katya again did not know what to answer. It turned out that I spoke both for the seller and for my mother, and the girls only repeated. The game lasted 10-12 minutes. During the game, various actions were performed with the dolls - the dolls came to visit each other, walked, sang songs ... To develop this game, you can draw a series didactic games“Let's dress the doll for a walk”, “Put the doll to sleep”, “Bathing the doll”, “Birthday of the doll”.

Children cannot play on their own, the game may end soon, so it is necessary that there is always a teacher with the children who, with his instructions and questions, would help develop the plot of the game.

In the play corner, you need to create more and more varied plot pictures.

The game will develop if you add some new toy for example a car. All the dolls left for a ride in the car.

In order for the children to remember where which toy is located, it is possible to conduct classes on familiarization with the surroundings "Consideration of the playroom".

On a walk, children love to play Travel. Children get into the car. The chauffeur sits in front. Usually Volodya plays the role of a driver. He "drives", makes sounds when the car is moving, says when the car has arrived so that the children get out of the car. "Where have we arrived?" - "To a kindergarten". "What is in our kindergarten?" The children tell us that we are walking around the site. Then the children get into the car again and drive away. During the trip, they sing the song "Merry Friends". This is how children come to the clearing, to the forest.

For the development of this game, it is necessary to enrich the knowledge of children. Tell the children about the chauffeur job. In the surrounding life, on the street, observe the work of drivers. To draw the attention of children to the friendly attitude of the driver with the passengers: the driver loudly announces stops, opens and closes the doors for passengers. To attract other children for the role of a chauffeur - first those who are bolder (Kirill, Dima), and then quiet children. In order for the game to develop, you can make attributes: hats for the chauffeur, a steering wheel. Choose a controller, make him a bag. The controller will distribute tickets to passengers.

Conduct conversations with children about the work of a chauffeur, read a story.

Independent play activities in the morning

They write in the diary (on the left): "Self-play in the morning."

Game plan(for example, in the older group).

Before breakfast:

    desktop-printed "Zoological Lotto", "Who is clever?";

    construction "Bridge", "Garage for cars";

    role-playing "Hairdresser".

    After breakfast and in between classes:

    didactic "Learn by description";

    round dance "Carousel".

On a walk:

    mobile "Sly Fox", "Relay";

    didactic "Edible-inedible", "Learn by description";

    role-playing "Family", "Metro", "Shop";

    With natural materials (sand, snow) "Tunnel", "Labyrinth", "Fairy Palace".

Below is a synopsis application (active practice).

On the right side, analysis is given, for example: before breakfast I organized the games outlined in the plan. I noticed that children play the game "Zoological Lotto" badly on their own. I had to involve children in the game. Lena I. and Andryusha P. know little about wild animals, gave them knowledge. Game "Who's Agile?" the children really liked it, but, apparently, you should have it in duplicate, so as not to set up a queue to play. Children build with pleasure, but notice that the group of "builders" is almost the same. Serezha K is in the lead; I had to involve in the game Kostya S., Dima I., Oleg P. Helped in the construction of the bridge.



All material is prepared in advance.

1. In accordance with the type of drawing, the topic of the lesson, prepare paper of different formats, background (you can use a colored semi-cardboard or tint the paper with watercolors, gouache paints, ink, etc.).

2. Gouache paints are diluted with water to the thickness of liquid sour cream; so that the paints do not sprinkle after drying, they can be diluted with milk.
For lessons with children of the younger group, gouache paints are poured into small jars; so that the water does not evaporate, you can cover them with paper, newspaper, moistened with water.

3. Water for washing brushes is poured into glass jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters, it can be poured in the morning and put the jars on a tray.
In younger groups, if children paint with paint of the same color, water is not prepared. There can be more than one can on the table so that children can change the can of water as the water gets dirty. It is advisable to do this in older groups, so that children are not distracted and do not disrupt the creative process.

4. The drawing paper must be signed: in the lower right corner, in pencil, write the child's name and the initial letter of the surname.

5. Brushes for painting are placed in the coasters; v younger group children paint with one medium-sized thick round or flake brush, while in the older and preparatory groups, children paint with two brushes: a thick one and a thin one. There should be more of them than children in the group.

6. Pencils must be sharpened well; in the younger group, they can be put in cups, stands, and later offered in an open box for pencils; in the middle group, pencils are given in a box. For pencil drawing in older groups, use 18-24 colored pencil boxes. In the same box or separately, older preschoolers should have a simple pencil.

7. All materials for drawing (graphic materials, cans of water, napkins for drying brushes, stands for brushes) are put on a separate table, from there they are taken by children before drawing. They also put clean cans, brushes, napkins there. It should be remembered that some of the visual materials are stored in the tables of the children, therefore, before the lesson, it is necessary to check with the children the state of these materials.

8. Particular attention should be paid to the placement of visual didactic material for the lesson, to prepare a stand for nature, to think over the location of the nature or several natures.

9. At the end of the lesson, viewing and analysis of children's drawings is organized, so you should think about where the drawings will be placed (on a special table, on easels, on a board, etc.).

10. Modern requirements for conducting classes in visual activities provide for the connection of visual activities with other types of children's activities: with play, music, speech, theatrical, - therefore, the teacher does not say that the lesson is over, he creates conditions for the transition to another type of activity.


The main plastic material that is used in teaching children how to model is clay.

1. Clay is prepared long before classes so that it will stand, thicken and be in such a state where it does not stick to the hands. The finished clay is stored in a plastic bucket with a lid or covered with a wet rag, plastic wrap; You can store clay in a damp cloth in a plastic bag.
In the younger group, clay is molded into a column slightly larger than a child's palm.
In the middle group, a mold with clay and a flat spatula are placed on a common table, children are taught to take as much clay as is necessary in order to sculpt an object or several objects.

2. Children of the younger and middle groups can sculpt on plastic boards. In the middle group, it is necessary to use rotary machines, on which it is convenient not only to examine an object (a folk toy, a sculpture of a small form), but also to sculpt it without breaking the shape, to process the surface of the object, etc.

3. For modeling with clay, it is necessary to put on the table small saucers with water or a damp cloth, which children use when attaching one part of the object to another, when smoothing the surface of the mold.

4. Plasticine can be used in all age groups.
For modeling in the younger group, it is slightly warmed up before class (in a drying chamber, on a battery), older preschoolers are able to warm up, knead the plasticine with their hands at the moment the teacher explains the task.
Smoothing the surface of an object molded from plasticine is more difficult. Children do this with their fingers, sometimes a damp cloth is used.

5. After modeling with clay, children can wipe the table, board with a damp cloth and wash their hands.
After sculpting with plasticine, you must wipe your hands with a dry cloth or paper napkin and only then wash your hands with hot water.

6. In all age groups, children use stacks - special sticks made of plastic, wood or metal. You can use those that are in the plasticine box, and also diversify their set with aluminum or copper loops, a wide spatula made of light metal or plastic, a stick with a sharpened end, which can be made from a broken or unusable brush.

7. For processing and decoration of the surface of a sculpted object, seals of various shapes and materials are used.


1. In the 2nd junior group, children make collages from ready-made forms, which they receive on a tray or in an envelope.

2. In the middle group, children learn to cut out the parts that make up the whole image with scissors, so they get blanks on a tray.

3. In the older group, children are given blanks of colored paper, and in the preparatory group for school, children are offered a set of colored paper for independent selection of paper color and size.

4. Colored cardboard and semi-cardboard are used as the basis for the collage.

5. The base paper can be tinted in the desired color so that the paper does not get dirty when using the glue.

6. For gluing the image, only paste is used, only work with parts of dry plants, with foam rubber and fabric allows the use of synthetic glue, but in this case the teacher conducts individual work and provides assistance and control.

7. All materials for the applique class: brushes, napkins, paper liners - must be clean.

8. Materials, including scissors, are put on a separate table, and the children independently prepare tables for the lesson, and after the lesson, each of the children washes the brush, collects the scraps and throws it into the trash bin. The glue socket and napkins can be washed and washed by the attendants.

9. Children work with scissors under the guidance of a teacher who is obliged to monitor their correct use and monitor safety measures.

10. Scraps of paper that can be reused as small parts should be collected in nice box and exhibit it both in class and for creative activity outside of class.


On the day of the music lesson, in the practice diary, work with children for the first half of the day should be planned, which is carried out, at the discretion of the practice leader, by one of the students or both in turn.


Walking - "March" (music. Lomova) - walking briskly.

Running - muses. “Oh, you, birch” - it's easy to run all over the place, stop (Russian folk song) with the end of the music.

Putting your feet on the heel to the music - to get acquainted with the movement, the Russian folk song "Shall I go" to teach to move at a moderate pace.

Musical and didactic game - to distinguish sounds by pitch. "Come on, guess" (music by Tilicheyeva) (no movement)

Singing: "Winter is over" (music by Metlov) - correctly convey the melody.

"Little gray cat" (music. Vitlin) - to sing expressively, without tension.

Hearing: "Horse" (music by Potolovsky) - learn the play.

The game "Cheerful girl Alena" - to be able to change movements (music. Filippenko) in accordance with the two-part form.

Walking - "March" (music by Parlov)

1. Organize observations of seasonal phenomena with children. Teach children to observe natural phenomena and establish a connection between them. To acquaint children with the characteristics of the season. Tell that in the fall the leaves on the trees ... (see the program).
Teach children to observe seasonal phenomena in nature. Clarify children's ideas about these phenomena. Teach children to observe natural phenomena, analyze, establish causal relationships and dependence. Learn to draw conclusions about some patterns and relationships.

2. Organize weather observations with children.(Observe the weather with the children.) Celebrate the weather with the children. Teach children to identify and name the state of the weather. Invite the children to tell what the weather is like today. Offer to answer the questions: what is the weather today, today is cold or warm, sunny or cloudy, windy or calm day. Clarify how the children decided that the weather was like this today.
To teach children to determine the state of the weather by characteristic signs: the breeze is blowing, the trees are swaying, which means that the weather is windy; the sun is shining, shadows on the earth - it means the weather is sunny; there is frost on the trees, the snow is not sticky - frosty weather. To consolidate children's ideas about seasonal phenomena, about seasonal changes in nature.

3. Organize observation of the animal world with children. Organize with children observation of birds, their behavior, appearance, color, plumage. Foster a desire to care for them. Protect, feed.
Organize observation of animals, their characteristics appearance, habits. Clarify the knowledge of children about the lifestyle of animals (domestic and wild), habits, caring for animals.
Organize insect watching with children.
Teach children to recognize animals, birds, insects by color, sounds, mode of movement, behavior. To give children an idea of ​​the life of animals, birds, insects in different time of the year. Clarify children's knowledge about animals, why they need to be protected, how to take care of them.
Involve children in observing the inhabitants of the animal corner. Give instructions to children ... (see Program).

4. Observation of inanimate nature(in the forest, field, meadow, garden, on the site of a kindergarten). Organize observation of plants and trees with children. Teach children to compare plants, trees. Distinguish their distinctive features. To give children an idea of ​​the cultivated plants, care.
Teach children to behave correctly in nature, talk with them about respect for plants, about nature conservation, caring for them, about correct behavior in nature (do not break bushes, do not pick flowers, but take care of them). To give children ideas about plants, trees at different times of the year (see the Program).
Teach children to distinguish between plants, trees, shrubs by bark, leaves, flowers and fruits.

5. Involve children in observing the phenomena of inanimate nature. Teach children to note what changes have occurred over the past period. Involve children in caring for plants, trees (see the Program). To foster in children a love for the surrounding nature, a desire to protect and preserve it.

6. To give children an idea of ​​the transition of water to a solid state and vice versa. Prepare colored water with children, pour it into different molds and put in the cold. Invite the children to observe what happens to the water in the molds. When the water freezes, decorate the area with colored ice floes with the children. Sculpt a small snowman with the children from the snow, take him to the group and in the evening, after sleep, find out what happened to him. Asking why it melted.


candidate of psychological sciences)

Since 1995, in work with students of the preschool department of Moscow Pedagogical College No. 15, practical tasks have been tested, the material of which was selected in accordance with the main topics of the theoretical course in psychology and allowed to illustrate psychological patterns age development... When compiling assignments, it was taken into account that students do not have the level of psychological literacy that would allow them to carry out psychodiagnostic techniques. In this regard, for the work were selected fairly simple to carry out, uncomplicated for children, easy to process, visual and informative tasks.

An important point in the use of this type practical work it turned out that in the course of carrying out tasks with children, students worked out the skills necessary for building individual interaction with preschoolers, learned to conduct observation, highlighting the vivid and characteristic reactions of the child, fixing the identified features, analyzing them and formulating a conclusion regarding the compliance of the identified features with age norms mental development... For example, the task "Piaget's Experiments" allows you to clearly see the phenomenality of the child's mental activity, which is often really an unexpected discovery for students. The task "Visual activity of a child" helps to understand the nature and characteristics of children's drawing, to see the stages of formation visual activity, to highlight the age-related characteristics of the perception of objects and their transmission in the images of the drawing, as well as the regularity of the influence of the characteristics of the child's personality on the image being created... And how significant are the remarks formed by students independently during their acquaintance with the material of the topic "Revealing the school maturity of a child" when discussing the material of assignment No. 1 "Drawing a male figure" in the text of K. Irasek, when they note that the level of performance of this subtest can be influenced personal characteristics of children! (Indeed, the lack of hands in a human figure is due to such psychological feature personality as stiffness; when evaluating the subtest, the absence of this detail significantly reduces the effectiveness of indicators.) It is important that such tasks are related to search and research activities and allow students to familiarize themselves with the elements of research work.

Further, in practical classes, the results of the assignments, the conclusions formulated by the students are discussed under the guidance of the teacher. It is significant that this activity allows the student to master the skills to lead a discussion, to prove his opinion.

In general, the experience of carrying out assignments for the course of psychology in practical activities has shown that these teaching methods solve the main tasks set at the first stage of training specialists in the Pedagogical College - University system and contribute to the professionalization of training future teachers-educators to work with children, built with taking into account individual and personality-oriented approaches.

Practical task number 1

Conversation with the child

The purpose of the assignment: compose and conduct a conversation with the child.

Task material: the purpose of the conversation, the questions are drawn up on the basis of the lecture material (topic - "Methods of psychology: conversation as a method of polling") in accordance with the rules for composing a conversation.

Carrying out the assignment: the task is carried out with two children on an individual basis. It is necessary to establish contact with the child and invite him to answer questions. In the event that the child does not show a desire to talk, the task is carried out with another child.

In practical notebooks, the surname, name, age of the child, the date of the conversation are noted; the compiled questionnaire is provided. The answers and vivid reactions of the child to the questions are recorded. As a result, a common conclusion, built in accordance with the goal (regarding the effectiveness of the conversation with each child).

Practical task number 2

Sensory development of the child

Target: identification of the level of mastery by a preschool child of sensory standards in accordance with the norms of age development (based on the material of the lecture "Sensory development of a preschool child").

Material: A self-prepared set of stimulus material, including sensory standards of color and shape, according to the age group in which the task is planned to be carried out (reliance on the scheme in the lecture material). Incentive material is attached to the assignment.

List of sensory standards:

1) colors: black, white, yellow, red, green, blue, light blue, brown, purple, orange;

Carrying out: the task is carried out with two children on an individual basis. Make contact with the child, interest him in the task. Offer stimulating material, suggest to name the color and shape. In the event that the child answers correctly, a "+" is put in the table, if it is at a loss - ask to name which object reminds the child of the color or shape of the stimulus material.

Based on the completed task, a general conclusion age-appropriate features sensory development children identified in the course of work (do not compare children with each other!).

Practical task number 3

The phenomena of children's thinking (according to the theory of J. Piaget)

Target: to investigate the phenomena of the child's thinking revealed in the theory of J. Piaget (reliance on lecture material).


1. Questionnaire 1 "Cups of water", pencil.
2. Two pieces of plasticine of the same volume (roll into balls).
3. Two pieces of wire of the same length (in the form of springs).
4. Ten chips (buttons) in two colors.
5. Questionnaire 2 "Mountain", colored pencils.

Carrying out: work is carried out with two children on an individual basis (indicate full name, age). To interest the child in the task, to offer him the following experiments "to play interesting games":

1. On questionnaire 1, note the water level that will be in the right row of cups after pouring water from the cups in the left row (one by one).

2. Show the plasticine balls, ask the question: "Do you think that the amount of plasticine in these balls is the same?" From one ball in front of the child, make a cake (flatten), ask the question again.

3. Show wire springs, ask: "Do these springs have the same amount of wire?" Stretch one spring, ask the question again.

4. Arrange the pieces in two rows:

Ask the question: "Do you think the number of chips in the rows is the same?" Move one of the rows apart:

Repeat the question.

5. Offer to draw grass, flowers, trees on the mountain (questionnaire 2).

The children's answers to the questions posed, vivid reactions, statements are recorded in practical notebooks. Do conclusion about the level intellectual development children (separately for each child):

    determine the stage of intelligence according to Piaget's theory (based on tasks 1-4) and compliance with this stage the age of the child,

    to determine whether the child has overcome the egocentrism of thinking (task 5), whether this feature corresponds to age.

Practical task number 4

Determination of the amount of figurative memory

Target: determine the amount of figurative memory of a preschool child.

Stimulus material: a table with images for memorization, which is made by students on their own, contains bright, simple and understandable images - 9 images (see example).

Carrying out: the technique is carried out with two children on an individual basis. The child is invited to play an interesting game, the instruction is pronounced (literally): “Let's play. I will show you a picture, many objects are drawn on it. Look at them carefully and try to memorize as many objects as possible. " The picture is shown for 20 seconds, then removed. The child is asked the question: "Name the items that you remember." The names of the objects that the child remembered are noted in practice notebooks. Information about the surname, name and age of the children is also drawn up there and conclusion , in which it is necessary to compare the amount of memory revealed in each of the children with the memory norm (7 + \ - 2).

Practical task number 5

Creativity (creative thinking)

Target: to determine the peculiarities of the development of creativity in a child d / v.

Material: questionnaires (2 copies), simple pencil.

Questionnaires - half of A4 sheet, in the center - an image of a figure (made by students independently):

Carrying out: the task is carried out with two children at the same time.

    Prepare workplaces for children in such a way that they are removed from each other (children should be deprived of the opportunity to pry).

    Invite the children to play, show them the questionnaire and give them an assignment. Instructions:

    “You need to finish these figures. Look at them carefully, think about what kind of picture you can make of them, and finish drawing in a way that no one else could. Try to keep your drawings unusual. " After the child has finished drawing, you need to ask him to come up with an unusual name for the pictures (the name is written on back side sheet).

    Assess the performance of the task (on a 3-point scale, each figure):

    • 0 points - refusal, nothing has been added to the figure;

      1 point - the image is created, which is the basis of the drawing, the image is poorly developed, schematic;

      2 points - the image is developed, contains many details, is a secondary part of the figure;

      3 points - a plot has been created, the figure is a small part.

    Then a general calculation of points is made for all ten tasks, the level of creativity of children is determined:

Up to 5 points - low level,
- 6-10 points - average level,
- more than 11 points - a high level.

    The obtained data are drawn up in a practical notebook, a general assessment of the levels of creativity of children is made, conclusion.

Practical task number 6

Visual activity

The task is designed to be carried out with children early age(from two years old) and preschool age, with two children.

The purpose of the assignment: to determine the stage and stage of development of visual activity, some features of the child's personality.

Material: landscape paper, colored pencils, pencil, eraser.

In practical notebooks, the surname, name, age of the child, and the date of the assignment should be noted.

Instructions:"Please draw a person on this sheet as you can." In the event that a child refuses to draw a person, he is allowed to draw what he wants. In this case, the child should be asked what he wants to draw, and then find out what he did (this is noted in practical notebooks). Then the task is repeated. It is important to emphasize that it is interesting for an adult to see what the child will succeed in, to tell him that now he is an artist and can draw as he wants, as he can. If, after repeated instructions, the child refuses to complete the task, he is asked to try to draw a person, and then, if he does not agree, they finish the work (this is also noted in practical notebooks).

In the event that a child has drawn a person, he is asked to tell about who he has turned out (man, woman, girl, boy), what he is doing. The drawing and all the answers, as well as the vivid reactions of the child, are entered into a practical notebook.

Children's drawings are analyzed (each drawing separately with the justification of the described features) based on the following parameters:

1) stage and stage of activity - reliance on lecture material;

2) personality traits:

    self-esteem- determined according to the size of the picture:

    • high - big size drawing;

      medium - medium size;

      understated - small drawing;

    level of claims- is determined depending on the location of the drawing on the sheet:

    • high - at the top of the sheet;

      middle - in the middle of the sheet;

      low - at the bottom of the sheet;

    stenicity(energy tone) - depending on the pressure of the pencil (reliance on the lecture material "Theory of psychodynamic personality traits of B.C. Merlin"):

    • weak pressure - asthenic;

      normal - normostenic;

      strong - hypersthenic;

    mental activity is determined in accordance with the location of the figure on the sheet:

    • high level of activity - the picture is located on the left side of the sheet;

      the middle level is in the center of the sheet;

      low level (passivity) - on the right side of the sheet;

      an indicator of passivity is the absence of hands in the depicted human figure;

    basic personality traits

    • anxiety- after receiving the assignment, the child, as a rule, declares: “I cannot draw a person” (with the exception of children under 4 years old), - in the process of drawing, he can hide behind, often use an eraser; the drawn person has an enlarged eye size, often without pupils; after drawing, the child may express a desire to take the drawing with him;

      aggressiveness- shades of red dominate in the image, the figure of a person is often depicted with raised hands, objects in hands or enlarged fists;

      demonstrativeness (the desire to be in the center of attention, to receive encouragement of actions, to show abilities) - a decorated human figure: clearly traced eyes (eyelashes, pupils, etc.), Nice dress, crown, lush hair, etc .;

      the need for emotional contact with parents - in addition to the human figure, there are a large number of additional details: flowers, trees, buildings, animals, birds, other people.

conclusion, during which the revealed features of activity and personality of children are compared.

Practical task number 7

Play activities of a preschooler

Target: the study of the features of the role-playing game shown by children.

Material: no special.

Progress: to observe the peculiarities of the passage of a free plot-based role-playing game, to draw up the revealed features in the scheme (attached below). To give an analysis of the correspondence of the observed game to the peculiarities of age development (reliance on a lecture).

Observation scheme:

Fill in the observation scheme, make conclusion regarding the features of the free play of children identified during the assignment and the compliance of these features with the norms necessary for the observed age.

Practical task number 8

Communication research

WITH aim identifying the characteristics of relationships in the group, identifying sympathy for the members of the group is carried out technique "Two houses".

Stimulus material: a sheet of paper on which 2 standard houses are drawn. One of them is larger, red, the other is smaller, black. As a rule, these drawings are not prepared in advance, but are drawn in front of the child with red and black pencils.

Carrying out: the task is performed with two children of 3.5-4 years old alternately.

The child is invited to play. An adult depicts houses, in the process of drawing them they say that in one - a red house - there are many different toys, books, but in the other there are practically no. Then the following instruction is given: “Look at these houses. Imagine that the red house belongs to you and you can invite everyone you want to your place. Think about which of the guys in your group you would invite to your place ”(in the process of telling the child, those whom he names are recorded in the red house). And who will you settle in the second house (the names of the children are also recorded)? In the event that the child wishes to place adults in the houses, they are also recorded.

After the end of the conversation, you can ask if the child wants to swap someone, if he has forgotten someone.

Analysis of the results: the child's likes and dislikes are directly related to the placement of peers in the red and black houses. Particular attention should be paid to those children who most of their peers are sent to a black house, being alone or surrounding themselves with adults (these are either uncommunicative or conflict children who experience communication problems).

In practical notebooks, the surname, name, age of the child, the date of the assignment, as well as the most vivid reactions and statements of the child are noted. The material of the assignment is attached.

Based on the analysis performed, conclusion about the general features of communication between children identified during the assignment (for each child separately).

Practical task number 9

Determination of the developmental features of fine motor skills of the leading hand

The purpose of the assignment: to determine the features of the development of fine motor skills. To solve the goal are used methods "Paths" and "Chicks". The problem of identifying the leading hand is also being solved.

Stimulus material: for the first technique - a simple pencil, a questionnaire (see on p. 64, the distance between the edges of the tracks - 1 cm). For the second technique - a box of two parts with small objects (for example, you can use a box for paper clips and small paper clips or beads; it is better that they are colored); for children under four years old - 10 subjects, for older ones - 15 subjects.

Carrying out the assignment: the methods are carried out with two children in an individual form, up to 4 years old - the "Chicks" method, starting from 4 years old - both methods. In practical notebooks, the surname, name, age of the child, the date of the assignment, as well as the most vivid reactions and statements of the child are recorded.

Method "Chicks": the child is invited to play: the box opens, objects pour out into its deeper part, next to top part; both parts of the box are placed in front of the child. The instruction is given: “These are little chicks. How beautiful they are! They sit in a nest. You need to transplant them from one nest to another. " In a practical notebook, it is necessary to note with which hand the child shifts objects (if with two hands at the same time or in turn, this is recorded), how dexterous the movements are, whether the child has shifted all the objects.

Methodology "Paths": a sheet with stimulus material is placed in front of the child, a pencil is placed in the middle of the sheet.

In a playful way, the child is invited to "drive" along each of the paths to the house in turn. Instruction: “You need to drive along the path to the house on a typewriter. How your car will go, you will draw with this pencil. You must drive carefully, so that the car only drives forward, does not stop and does not go over the edges of the track - otherwise an accident will happen. " In practical notebooks, it is recorded with which hand the child holds the pencil, whether he holds it correctly, whether he changes his hand. The analysis also notes how smooth the drawn line is, its strength.

Based on the results of the assignment, conclusion , during which the identified features of fine motor skills are compared and the result of identifying the leading hand is recorded.


teacher of pedagogy

Professional training of specialists preschool education carried out by mastering the theory in the classroom preschool pedagogy and skills that are acquired in the process of teaching practice. The combination of theoretical material with the implementation of practical tasks contributes to the effective preparation of a teacher for preschool institutions.

With the help of a system of tasks, students consolidate the theoretical material, more deeply understand and understand it, in some cases independently approach the identification of certain age patterns of development of preschool children. In addition, students get acquainted with practical approaches to solving the problems of preschoolers, they form communication methods that ensure the establishment of personality-oriented interaction with the child, learn to diagnose the development of the personal and intellectual sphere of an individual child, analyze teaching activities and carry out current and future planning.

The use of assignments for pedagogical practice is carried out in the form of independent work in kindergarten, followed by a discussion of the results in the lessons of preschool pedagogy.

Below are some of the tasks for teaching practice, used in the study of the subject "Preschool Pedagogy".

1. Topic: "Mental education of preschool children." Conduct a conversation with the children of your age group on the following questions: “if you had Magic wand what would you like? If you had a flying carpet, where would you fly on it? A sage lives in a magical land, he knows everything, what would you like to ask him about? Today is a magical day, you can do whatever you want, what would you do? " Draw conclusions based on the results of the conversation about the presence of cognitive interest in preschool children.

2. Topic: "Teaching preschool children." Observe the activities of the children of the preparatory group in the classroom and determine the level of development of educational activities.

3. Topic: " Moral education children of preschool age ". Conduct a conversation with preschool children on the following questions: “Are you kind? What does it mean to be kind? " Based on the answers of the children, determine the awareness of ethical ideas.

All tasks for teaching practice do not complete the topic, but are its logical continuation. So, after observing the activities of children in class, students determine the methodology for working with preschoolers who have different levels of formation of educational activities; after conducting a conversation on the topic "Moral education of preschool children", students identify the peculiarities of the formation of ethical ideas in children of younger, middle and senior preschool age; after analyzing the content of games and the level of development of role-playing games in preschoolers, they develop guidelines for educators on guidance play activities preschoolers.

Thus, the system of tasks for pedagogical practice in the lessons of preschool pedagogy orients students towards creativity, pedagogical improvisation, the search for new forms and methods of education and training, prepares them for experimental search work with preschool children.

Topic: "Moral education of preschool children"

Target: determine the degree of awareness of ethical ideas by children of middle and senior preschool age based on the analysis of two series of conversations, enter the results in the table.


Topic: "Teaching preschool children"

Target: determine the level of development of the educational activity of the children of the preparatory group, observing their activities in the classroom, enter the results obtained in the table.


Topic: "Mental education of preschool children"

Target: identify the presence of cognitive interests by interviewing children of their age group, enter the results obtained in the table, mark the answers with expressed cognitive interests.


Theme: "Preschooler's game"

Target: study the features of the organization and management of creative games of preschoolers, analyze the results of their observations, answering the following questions:

    What kind of adult relationships do children reflect in their role-playing games?

    What types of adult activities do children reproduce in their role-playing games?

    What is the structure of the plots (single or multi-dark, single or multi-person)?

    At what stage (according to D.B. Elkonin) is the development of play in the children of your group?

    What roles do children play in their games?

    Are there elements of co-creation in the leadership of the role-playing game?

    What types of play are more common among children in your group?

    Do gender-related behavioral stereotypes appear in children's play?

    Do children approve or reject these stereotypes in play?

    Are the strategy and tactics of the teacher's play interaction with the children correct?

* Compiled by a group of teachers from Pedagogical College No. 15 in Moscow under the leadership of Alexandra Kozlova.