
Why do I want to kiss my friend when I meet her. How to kiss a girl for the first time. Kissing a girl is harder than you think...


It's not easy to start courting a girl you thought was just a friend for a while. However, if you want to get things off the ground, start with a kiss. Not in French, but just with a smack on the cheek, and even better on the lips. True, before kissing a girl, you need to prepare her and yourself for this, otherwise you will catch a slap in the face. How to kiss a girlfriend?


Do not ask the girl for permission to kiss, so as not to look like a timid boy in her eyes, but impudence is also contraindicated. Do not paint yourself - how good a kiss you are, how many girls you have already kissed in your life. Just start by watching your friend for a bit.


If a girl feels quite comfortable in your presence, If she is relaxed, then you are too.. And if she is tense, defuse the atmosphere with a good anecdote, tell some interesting story from your life or the lives of your friends. You can even pull off a harmless prank.

Get to touch

Look the girl in the eyes more often, smile with your natural smile. Ask her questions that she may not immediately answer. During the conversation, lightly touch her, letting her know that you are interested in her opinion. If you asked a question that worries you, and the girl is sitting in thought, you can touch her shoulder with your palm, say, what would you do in such a situation, I would really like to know. A friend will not pull your hand if your touch is unpleasant for her.

It's time

If your light touches do not cause inconvenience to your girlfriend, then you can move on to the most important thing - to the actual kiss.. Does she look at you openly, smiling? Lean in slightly and kiss her if she hasn't pulled away.. There is no need to delay the kiss and start caressing too - they will be discussed later.


You can bet on a kiss. Whether the girl is your friend or just a casual acquaintance who chatted with you, she is unlikely to agree to bet on a kiss, but a friend will probably not mind. The condition of the argument is a kiss, for example, let the loser kiss the winner. After you win and the girl kisses you, kiss her back.

Do not forget about compliments, say them to the girl more often, and even if she looks impregnable, sooner or later this fortress will fall, and you will get a long-awaited kiss and the opportunity to start a serious relationship.

How to kiss a girl: 5 tips to choose right moment+ 5 common male mistakes + 5 educational videos + 5 reasons why a girl doesn't want to kiss you.

harmoniously developing relationship there are several stages: acquaintance, invitation for a date, first kiss, etc.

The guys admit that for the first time kissing a young lady is even more difficult than deciding to approach her with an offer to get acquainted. How to choose the right moment? How to touch her lips so that she likes it? Is it worth it to bother with smacking on the first date, or is it better to wait?

In general, the topic "How to kiss a girl?" complex and burning, so I could not help but raise it on my site.

Kissing a girl is harder than you think...

The husband of one of my friends once jokingly said that it was worth getting married just to get rid of the horror of first dates and first kisses.

I thought then that he wasn’t joking so much, because it’s scary to even imagine how stressed the guy is when he invites you to a meeting, and when he tries to do everything to make the date as successful as possible, and when he thinks how, where and when to kiss a girl.

Only the most self-confident machos will not understand what is at stake. But how many of them per square meter?

1) Kiss a girl for the first time - choose the right moment.

The success of the operation called "First Kiss" largely depends on what moment you choose to implement it. Appropriateness matters!

Here are a few useful tips on how to choose the right moment to kiss a girl:

  1. The contact of lips in the dark is much more romantic than in the daytime.
  2. Do not pester her in public places - many girls are embarrassed to openly express their feelings.
  3. You should not do it too suddenly, for example, interrupting a girlfriend in mid-sentence, glaring at her lips, or sneaking up from behind to sharply turn her around and kiss her. So you are more likely to frighten the young lady than win over you.
  4. A romantic setting promotes physical contact, so bet on romance: a promenade on a boat, a walk along the embankment, in the park, through the city at night, a late movie show and places for kisses, etc.
  5. Seize the moment. Often, girls themselves hint that they are ready for a guy to kiss them. For example, if a girl fell silent, opened her lips and looked into your eyes, then you should immediately kiss her, and not fill the pause that has arisen with unnecessary chatter.

To do right choice, watch a few melodramas that girls love so much (Yes, yes, I know that this is pink snot and real men ignore this), but imagine that you are watching a training video, not a feature film.

Here are 8 good movies to get you started:

But in general, on any movie site, select the section "Melodramas" and you can start watching from a movie popular with users - you can't go wrong.

Clue ! If you know a girl's favorite movie, then be sure to watch it. Pay special attention to romantic scenes. And why not kiss your girlfriend the way a movie character dear to her heart does?

2) How to kiss a girl on the first date and is it worth it at all?

One of the main problems of the guys is to decide, or to wait a bit?

No one can give you an unambiguous answer to this question, because everything depends on:

    The personality of the girl.

    It’s one thing if you have a liberated beauty with decent relationship experience, then there’s nothing to pull the bull for a causal place, it’s quite another if you meet a modest camomile who also directly told you about her strict principles regarding men.

    In this case, it is better not to start acting before the third date.

    The age of the young lady.

    If you and your girlfriend are 14 years old, then it is quite possible that this will be her first kiss (not with you, but in general).

    Maybe it's better to wait a little so that the girl stops being shy of you? Young ladies over 20 (all the more - well over 20 years old) expect more decisive action from men. You can try to kiss them already on the first date, if there are no obvious barriers.


    If your first date is the day you get to know each other, then you shouldn't immediately jump in for kisses. But if you made a date with a girl you know well, then why not try kissing her goodbye?

Important ! Notice hints and analyze them. Smart guys are well aware of what signals a girl gives them. Sometimes we almost openly talk about whether we want to be tried to kiss or not. Just hear and see it!

How to kiss a girl so as not to spoil the relationship with her?

A lot depends on the quality of kisses. For example, if a guy is a bad kisser, then this significantly reduces his chances of success with a female, and the first date, the final note of which was a slobbering fu, can easily be the last.

1. How to kiss a girl correctly?

In this section, we will talk a little about technology. No, you don't need to look for a tomato to practice on - let's leave it for 10-year-old teenagers.

There are so many instructional videos online now that you can learn anything. Here are some suitable videos that will not be out of place to watch if your experience is not enough.

5 basic kissing techniques

How to learn to kiss? Video instruction.

French Kissing Technique.

How to kiss? Watch the video lesson.

10 basic rules for a classy kiss.

How to effectively kiss? We take note.

How to kiss a girl right?

Tips that really work. We are watching
and move on to practice.

Do you want to learn how to kiss well?

Then the next test is for you.

What exactly does not need to be done so that the girl does not regret that she allowed herself to be kissed:

  • act too actively with the tongue and lips: the lady should not think about whether you are trying to eat her or explore her tonsils with your tongue;
  • drooling is very disgusting and nobody likes it;
  • make obscene sounds: smacking, grunting, false moans, etc.

Important ! Often guys don't know where to put their hands when they make contact with their lips. Definitely not in your pockets or behind your back. Can:

  • hug a girl
  • put one hand on her waist, the other on the back of her head;
  • gently take her face with your palms, etc.

2. The most common mistakes guys make when they want to kiss a girl.

Guys make a lot of mistakes in the art of kissing, but fortunately, they are typical enough to be easily categorized.

So, what not to do if you want to kiss a girl:

  1. Ask the dumbest question: "May I kiss you?".
    • First, it indicates timidity and insecurity. young man, and a mumbling and a mattress is not the image from which the weaker sex goes crazy.
    • Secondly, it kills all romance. Just imagine the picture: you are walking along the embankment, the moon, the stars, the sound of the waves, you stop, look into each other's eyes - the level of romance just rolls over.

      And then, instead of touching the girl’s lips with your lips, you babble: “Can I kiss you?”. No, damn it, I went for a walk with you in such a romantic setting solely to discuss the works of Aristotle!

  2. Act too intense.

    The first kiss should be light and beautiful. You will crush her lips with your lips or bite them passionately at a later stage of the relationship, and then only if the girl agrees to such caresses.

    Pull the kiss.

    The first meeting of your lips with her lips should not last too long (usually a few caressing movements are enough).

    More the time will come when you kiss until your lips are swollen and only interrupted to breathe air. At the beginning of a relationship, everything should be in moderation.

    Allow yourself too much.

    You don’t need to accompany the first kiss by grabbing the girl’s chest, ass and other parts of the body. Decent ladies consider such behavior offensive.

    Although, if you come across an affordable young lady who herself reaches out to your intimate parts of the body, then take advantage of the moment - what is already there.

Kissing is one of the most enjoyable activities invented by people. Imagine a situation that you are already dating a girl, but you still don’t dare to kiss her. Perhaps your girlfriend has a strict upbringing, or maybe she just fills her worth. How to determine the moment when you can kiss the girl you love and not get it in the face.

First of all, so that the situation does not end in tears, make sure that your teeth are well brushed, the day before you did not consume garlic and alcohol, your nails are neatly trimmed, and your hands are washed clean.

During the meeting, try to prepare the girl for the kiss. To do this, gently, often, as if by chance, touch her under various pretexts, imperceptibly exciting. Then, having chosen a moment, you can move on to action.

In this game, you can try out hundreds of models of tanks and planes, and once inside the detailed cockpit, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of battles as much as possible.Try now->

Just don’t pester her with reproaches like: why don’t you want to kiss me. Since she meets with you, it means that she expects kisses. Remember that girls respect strong and determined men. And you should not start an acquaintance if you are not sure of victory. And if you don’t succeed the first time, perhaps you need to let her get used to this thought a little and want to kiss very much herself.

Interesting: 10 ways to kiss

So, 5 ways to kiss a girl.

Method Navigator

Method 1. Getting closer to the lips gradually

For the first time, not every girl can be kissed immediately on the lips. When you feel that she is already sufficiently prepared by your touch, lightly hug her and lean towards her head. If there is no sharp reaction, lightly kiss the hair first, then the neck, the ear. If you notice that she closed her eyes with pleasure and calmed down, leaning towards you, continue kissing on the cheek, and then on the lips.

Interesting: 10 ways to seduce a girl

Method 2. Eyelash fell

If you are already dating and there is a fairly trusting relationship between you, look closely at the girl in the face, as if you are looking for something on it. Then ask her to close her eyes as if to remove a fallen eyelash. Don't forget to ask her to make a wish.

When your eyes are closed, gently kiss the girl on the lips. Seeing the astonishment on her face, you can joke: isn't this the wish you made?

Method 3. A little passion

Many girls love decisive and persistent men. Sometimes a passionate confident pressure is very appropriate. Of course, if the entire previous atmosphere of the meeting contributes to this. Look the girl in the eyes, hug her quickly, pull her to you and start kissing. Of course, a greater effect will be obtained if you start from the neck, ears, hair and smoothly move to the lips.

Method 4. Humor helps

Try this option. On a date, ask a girl to rate your new perfume, suggesting to sniff the neck for this. It will not be superfluous to remind you of the impeccability of both your clothes and hygiene. When your loved one, unsuspectingly, leans towards you, kiss her. Then, turn everything into a joke. It's rare for a girl to be offended by you. After all, if she meets you, she has probably been waiting for kisses for a long time.

Interesting: 10 ways to please a guy

Method 5. Let's play a game

This method works well both with your girlfriend and with a stranger. Where - or in a place of recreation for young people, we choose the girl we like, we approach her and offer to play the game "Rock, paper, scissors" for a kiss. As a rule, no one refuses. Moreover, you need to approach with a broad smile in a friendly, relaxed mood. Here, as luck would have it. If you managed to win - kiss without hesitation. If you lose, kiss anyway. And turn everything into a joke.

She's beautiful and sweet and you're finally together...maybe it's time for a kiss? If you've never kissed her before (or never kissed her at all), you might be a little scared now. But don't worry! A little preparation and practice - and you yourself will not notice how you become a real pro. Wait for the right moment when both of you are ready to kiss. Gradually lean towards her until your lips touch hers. Passion is good, but tenderness is especially important in the first kiss.


Part 1

Foundation for success

    Train! The best way to feel comfortable and kiss well is to practice first. This advice may seem obvious, but it really helps. You can practice on your hand, with another object or another person.

    • Keep in mind that you may not want to kiss another person. After all, if you already like a girl or you kiss shortly after that, and she finds out, then this will naturally upset her.
  1. Check the freshness of your breath. After a kiss, a girl will not want to feel the taste of garlic or other repulsive fragrant bouquets, because this can completely discourage any desire. Before a date or meeting, brush your teeth and tongue, and rinse your mouth with a special liquid! To maintain pleasant breath, instead of soft drinks on a date, drink plain water. Also, in the middle of a date, you can suck on a mint candy, chew on mint or mint chewing gum A couple of minutes.

    • If you are in a restaurant, bring your favorite mouth freshener with you. After dinner, excuse yourself and go to the restroom. Freshen your breath and then check that your breath smells good: hold your hand near your face, exhale and evaluate the smell.
  2. Flirt a little! This should help create the right mood. Compliment her clothes; she'll love it! If she playfully pushes you or teases you a lot in a friendly way, then she wants you to touch her. As long as you don't overdo it, just take her hand as if you want to show her something. She will mentally thank you if you do not arrange awkward situations with embarrassed looks and a blush of shame.

    • If you're brave enough, put your arm around her waist as you laugh together and say something playful like, "You're so cute!"
    • If the girl likes it, offer to ride her on her back or give her a little tickle. Don't do it all the time, and when you do, remember to be respectful. Do not grab her by the ass or chest.
    • Flirting will help her open up to kissing you. Think of kissing as reaching the top of a mountain. To get to the peak, you first need to walk a little.
  3. Choose the right moment. The right timing will make things much easier for you. A good opportunity for a kiss is at the end of a date, when you're saying goodbye, going out for a walk, or after watching a movie at the cinema. You will notice that all these moments are quite intimate and you will usually be alone. It is important! For the first kiss, you need to choose a time when you will be just the two of you.

    • A kiss shouldn't be in the public domain. Do not kiss and tell everyone about the kiss. That's rough.
  4. Ask! It may seem strange, because we are used to charming kissing people in films, but sometimes with such a question you will show the girl how much you respect her and care about her feelings. She will appreciate your concern!

    • You can say something like, “I really want to kiss you right now. Do you mind?" or "Do you want me to kiss you?"

    Part 2

    We hone the technique
    1. Slowly bring your face closer to hers. This is a universal signal that you are about to kiss a girl. This way you give the girl a choice to show you if she is uncomfortable. In addition, it will save you from the risk of getting slapped. Close your eyes only when you are about to kiss.

      Try a simple closed-mouth kiss first. Kiss a girl without a tongue for the first time. Close your eyes right before the kiss.

      Tilt your head. Approach a little from the side. If your head is in the same position as hers, your noses will collide instead of your lips touching.

      Move slowly and watch her response. If she prefers to kiss deeply and passionately, then she will hold your lips for a while; you don't have to make many moves.

      Get your hands on. If you like, gently place your hand on her face or slowly run your thumb across her cheek. But at the same time, do not forget to hug her tightly around the waist or lower back with your other hand.

      Be gentle and loving. A kiss is like a silent conversation. You need to be kind, gentle, forgiving ... because you want the girl to want to repeat?

      Breathe. You'd be surprised how many people who aren't used to kissing forget to breathe. If you want to continue kissing but can't figure out how to get some air to breathe, try moving from kissing the lips to kissing on the cheek or forehead.

      Stop when you're ready. Pull away slowly after a few seconds (or minutes!) and open your eyes. Congratulations! Every kiss after the first so easier given. Here you have reached your peak.

    Part 3

    Become a pro

      Learn to French kiss. This is the next skill to master. It's not as hard as it sounds, and with time and practice, a new killer weapon will be added to your kissing arsenal.

      Learn to petting. First, all these passionate embrace and petting seems difficult, especially if you both have rhythm problems, but it will get much easier with time. Just don't overdo it and always keep it interesting.

      Learn to kiss passionately. As soon as you have in your arsenal basic techniques you'll want to kiss really well, and it usually comes down to a passionate nature. You will make it easier for yourself if you relax and give vent to feelings.

    • Take care of your lips: they should not be dry or chapped. Rub them in advance with regular sugar to remove dead skin on the lips.
    • Right before your lips touch, swallow the excess saliva and lightly lick your lips to moisten them a bit. But not too obvious, otherwise the girl will feel very strange.
    • Don't push. If she wants to stop, stop kissing her. You need to respect the girl's feelings. Better try another time.
    • It's perfectly fine if she doesn't want to keep kissing. However, if she likes it, don't stop!
    • A kiss can say a lot, so be careful. Don't kiss someone if you don't want to.
    • Don't be upset if she doesn't kiss you. Maybe she's just not ready.
    • To intensify the kiss, put your hand behind her neck, take her by the waist, or put your palm on her cheek. Once you do this, gently and slowly pull her closer.
    • Lick the inside of your wrist or hand, and once the saliva has dried, sniff it to see if your breathing is okay. And yes, this method is better than folding your palms in a boat. Make sure no one notices.
    • Keep yourself in control both during the kiss and after. During the first kiss, many people are worried - this is normal. But don't show your emotions.
    • Some girls are VERY shy - as soon as you talk to them about a kiss, they immediately retreat. However, if the situation is appropriate, and she herself initiates a kiss - answer her the same!

The 21st century is the time of free morals. People break stereotypes, go beyond standard behavior and do not constrain themselves in actions. The influence of Western culture is most reflected in the relationship between a man and a woman. Not only have they changed external form but also the very perception of the topic. But this does not mean at all that love has disappeared, and only instincts remain, or, on the contrary, that all free connections can be called love. Be that as it may, the fundamental foundations of psychology remained the same, as did the secrets of seduction. In our time, the ability to properly and beautifully care for girls is still relevant.

Kisses have long ceased to be something secret and intimate. On the streets you can meet many couples in love who boldly kiss in front of everyone. It would seem that difficult in a kiss? But for many, this becomes a real problem. The road to kissing is long and gradual. Not all women like it when they are kissed for no reason. It depends on upbringing, and on personal complexes or beliefs. And finally - a man can be simply unpleasant for a girl.

In order to “tie” a woman to yourself with a kiss, and not push it away, you need to know some rules.

How to approach a kiss?

Situation: a guy walks with a girl in the park, they communicate well, find mutual language, are joking. But when the time comes to say goodbye, young people part as friends. The next time the couple goes to a cafe, having a great time, listening to music, drinking coffee - anything but kissing. Many will say that kissing is not necessary on the first or even on the second or third date, because it is impudent, ugly, etc. You can either agree with this or not. Sometimes it’s better to be a friend for a girl for a while so that she gets used to and appreciates the guy’s attention. But sympathy, unlike love, arises immediately. And if this happened, then you can safely kiss the girl even at the first meeting. But how to understand whether there is an interest on her part?

If a woman likes a man, she subconsciously sends him non-verbal signals - she twists a curl around her finger, touches her lips, strokes her hips, shakes her leg or plays with a shoe, then throwing it off, then putting it on. She also begins to actively demonstrate her body, as if by chance exposing her erogenous zones - her neck, shoulders, underarms, legs. Fingering her chain or touching her earrings, the girl makes it clear that she cares about the man. If he tries to get too close to him (closer than a friendly distance) - this is a sure sign that you need to act. Not the last role is played by the look. If a guy is completely uninteresting to a girl, she will not look into his eyes for a long time or, in general, will not want to meet eyes.

Of course, all women want attention, even from those with whom they are not going to kiss or have intimate relationships. But in this case, the signals can be very weak, disposable and almost imperceptible. To correctly recognize signs of sympathy, experience is needed. Absolutely all gestures should not be accepted in your address. Maybe the girl just itched her body, and the man confused it with stroking. Stroking jewelry is sometimes a sign of manipulation rather than sexual interest. If a girl takes off her scarf or unbuttons the buttons on her collar, maybe she just got stuffy. Household gestures, as a rule, are performed vigorously and quickly, but gestures of sympathy are slower and more artistic.

As soon as a man realizes that a woman liked him, you need to move on to the next stage - not a kiss, but only preparation for it! It can be started in parallel with the first stage. If it turns out that the girl is indifferent, you can quietly stop everything. So what to do?

Tactile contact is very important for seduction. But you don’t have to grab a girl when you meet and immediately kiss her passionately. Even if she is relaxed and devoid of prejudice, she is unlikely to like such a surprise. She does not throw herself on the neck of the first person she meets. It is enough just to kiss your friend on the cheek, you can lightly shake her hand or even kiss (although this is not fashionable now). At the same time, it should be emphasized what kind of soft skin or a fragile handle.

When talking, it is advisable to touch her arm or shoulder from time to time, but not intrusively, but in the form of a joke. During the conversation, compliments and pleasant words. You need to give yourself time to get used to yourself, to inspire confidence. If you need to cross the road, you can directly say: “Give me your hand,” but after you have crossed, let it go. When a guy and a girl go somewhere, for example, to a specific cafe or club, you can accidentally push her by taking her by the waist with the words “we need to go there.”

In this case, you need to observe how a friend will behave. If at the slightest touch she moves away, then it is too early to touch her, or not at all. If she reacts neutrally, it means that she is not against it yet. If the girl cuddles and tries to touch herself, this sure sign her sympathies.

It happens that a man moves on, and a woman gets scared and reacts negatively. In this case, you need to step back for a while. But then again gradually establish tactile contact. Better to touch upper parts body - hands, elbows, shoulders or neck. Kissing is desirable only when the girl is mentally ready. In words, she can express something else, then body language will never deceive.

It is important to choose the right moment for a kiss. If you pounce on a girl during her monologue, it will look ridiculous. First you need to take her hand and look into her eyes. If she smiles and looks away, you can move closer, but don't rush. Then you need to gently take her by the back of her head - she instinctively stretches herself. But it happens that a girl is very shy, then you can push her yourself. Sometimes a woman tests a man with a look that seems to say “no”, but in fact, this is just a test. Then it’s worth waiting a bit, without taking your eyes off, and then again confidently go to the goal.

What can not be done?

Many decent guys mistakenly think that you need to ask permission before kissing, otherwise the girl will be offended or consider the guy ill-mannered. Such a seemingly gallant act directly contradicts the laws of nature! In the eyes of a woman, a man should appear as a confident and powerful male. This concept does not include tactlessness, brutality or lack of culture. Everything can happen in a very beautiful and civilized way, but in such a way that a woman has a desire to submit. If you build a fearful good boy out of yourself, the girl will get the impression that a hundred guys are stupid and insignificant. A kiss should occur naturally, as a harmonious continuation of communication. And the question "can I kiss you?" taken as a request for a favor.

Subconsciously, the girl is afraid to seem frivolous and accessible, so such questions put her in an awkward position. She is uncomfortable saying both “no” and “yes”. It is easier for her when a man takes the first steps himself. Even if she really wants a kiss, she will hide it in every possible way.

It happens that when you try to kiss a girl turns away, lowers her head. Nothing wrong with that. You need to hug her tighter, stroke her hair, kiss her neck or ear first. In no case should you make claims like “what is wrong with you?” or "why don't you?" It is difficult for women to explain in words what they feel, so interrogating them is pointless.

The first kiss should not be too aggressive, but not timid either. To make a girl fall in love with you, you need to let her feel her strength and masculinity, as well as the ability to give affection and pleasure.

The big mistake of men is to try to win over a girl with money, promises to take them somewhere or buy something. It is better to first just take a walk or visit a cultural institution.

It may happen that at the first meeting everything went fine, and the girl seemed to like the guy, but after that she stops communicating with him without explanation.

It is possible that it was just a game on her part, and the man is deceived. It happens that a lady behaved obediently because of her inability to refuse or showed a moment of weakness. However, left alone with herself, she blames herself for this acquaintance. In any case, it is worth understanding the situation and deciding whether to continue courtship or not. But direct questions have never helped a man win a woman. She still won’t answer directly, and such conversations will simply lead to a dead end.

What should be the first kiss?

If for modern "advanced" guys kissing a stranger is an ordinary thing, then for most beauties it is still a special romantic ritual. After watching melodramas, girls expect too much from him, and in the end they can be bitterly disappointed. But even if the fair sex has known a lot of kisses, then she will still evaluate a new man by the first impression. Therefore, if a guy kisses badly, then he has every chance to fall in the eyes of a more experienced girlfriend.

Of course, if you are shy all the time and afraid to put yourself in a bad light, then you will never learn. But if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to familiarize yourself with the theory before that, learn from the relevant literature what kisses are and in what cases to apply them. No need to practice all types at once, trying to show your toughness. It is better to start with the simplest.

Many men are very fond of French kissing. It consists in the contact of languages ​​and requires more skill than usual. At the same time, it is important that the saliva does not separate too quickly and does not fall into the partner's mouth. You can go to it gradually, and if the girl likes it, then do it more intensively. It is better to stop once again and take a sip of saliva than to bring discomfort to a friend. A skillful French kiss can bewitch and excite a woman, but an inept one will push her away and instead of the image of Casanova, the man will show himself like a clumsy schoolboy.

The first kiss is very memorable and the reason for this is a sharp release of hormones due to a strong emotional outburst. May this moment be pleasant and unforgettable. We need to take this seriously and be fully prepared. Sometimes one wrong move and things are ruined. Girls can describe their first kiss in great detail, because for them this is a kind of transition to new stage life.

Do not drag out the process too much - it may look like harassment. But there is no need to hurry in this matter. You need to focus on the feelings of the girl. If she herself asks for continuation with her body language, she should not finish.

What else do you need to know about kissing?

The first rule of a good kiss is fresh breath and healthy teeth. Who wants to kiss someone who has bad breath or big holes in their front teeth? Accordingly, in order for the smell to be pleasant, you need to perform oral hygiene and take care of your teeth and gums. Everyone knows that every day it is necessary to brush your teeth, but it does not hurt to remind! If a person has cavities or other dental lesions, a lot of germs develop in the mouth. They give off a bad smell. If you are not sure about fresh breath, you can use chewing gum or mints.

The second rule is relaxed mouth muscles. Excess tightness and tension interferes with a good kiss.

The third rule is to follow the desires of women. Many prefer a man to be clean-shaven. Don't rub your stubble on a girl's cheek if she doesn't like it.

Girls love romance - flowers, melodic music, sweets. It is also important to always be well-groomed and cleanly dressed. High-quality men's perfume is another important component of successful seduction.

For a large part of women, any sex is a sacrament, so they are unpleasant if it is open to the public. If a girl is embarrassed by kisses in public, you should not force her.

The art of seduction is honed with experience, and, of course, begins with a kiss. But inexperience can turn it into an annoying inability. A good kiss is already half the victory over a woman!

Articles about kissing