
Let them say today the young mistress is taking her husband away. The lover of the owner of dental clinics is trying to sue his son. Eduardo from Italy


Christina Oleinichenko lost her child. The father kidnapped the boy and tried to put the woman behind bars. “I need her dead, in a psychiatric hospital or in a prison,” - this is how the founder of the medical center, Yevgeny Ermakov, speaks of his ex-girlfriend, who gave birth to his son Zhenya in 2013.

Christina could not even imagine that the beloved man to whom she gave birth to a son would do this to her.

This story would be reminiscent of the tale of Cinderella, if not for one thing - a married prince. Going to Moscow from Crimea in 2008, 25-year-old Kristina Oleinichenko hoped to build a career in the capital and start a family. Everything turned out great: a girl with two medical degrees was taken to a prestigious dental clinic, and was soon promoted to a senior nurse. In 2010, on the recommendation, I was invited to the International Center for Contemporary Art “Simpladent”, offering a higher salary. It was then that she met the founder, 46-year-old Yevgeny Ermakov. If Christina had imagined at least part of the nightmare that this meeting would lead to, she would have fled to the ends of the earth. Theft of a child, criminal prosecution, house arrest ... Desperate, the girl's sister and friend turned to the editorial office of StarHit. The other side is silent. “Neither I, nor my client comment on the situation with Christina,” said Ermakova's lawyer Irina Kuznetsova to StarHit.


It all started with courtship and gifts. “Evgeny Igorevich, despite the status of a married man, has always been loving,” his colleague Natalya tells StarHit. “We soon began to notice that Chris began to have expensive things - either an iPhone or an Armani bag ...” At the same time, from Serious relationships with Ermakov, the girl refused for a long time, accepting only gifts and compliments. But a year later, the man managed to win her heart - either with generosity, or with attention.

“I said that we have to end it: why is a young girl married? - Svetlana Oleinichenko, sister of Christina, says to StarHit. - But she said: "Light, I fell in love!" A few months later, in 2011, Yevgeny rented an apartment for Christina near the clinic, and began to ask for a baby. He never nursed babies, he has no common children with his wife - only adults from their first marriages. "

Kristina Oleinichenko dreamed of a happy family and a beautiful life

Christina was 29 at the time. After thinking it over, she agreed. But it didn’t work to have a child. “My sister has a pituitary adenoma,” Svetlana continues. - With this disease, a lot of the hormone prolactin is produced, leading to infertility. To get pregnant, she registered at the "CM-clinic", where they prescribed a course of drugs. In October 2012, upon learning that she was waiting for the baby, Christina was in seventh heaven. I told Eugene - he shed a lot of tears. "

To celebrate, he bought and issued a one-room apartment for a girl in Dmitrovsky passage, where he came every day. On June 27, 2013, the son of Ermakov and Oleinichenko, Zhenya, was born. In the boy's birth certificate, in the column “father”, at the insistence of Eugene, his details were indicated. The man met a young mother from the maternity hospital with a bouquet, brought her to the apartment, began to spend a lot of time with the baby ... To help with the newborn, Christina's sister also moved in there.


“A year later, the fairy tale came to an end - Ermakov went over with alcohol and opened up to his wife,” recalls Svetlana. - She was furious! She came to the door, shouted, threatened: “I want to see who you gave birth to to us! Yes, I will destroy you! " The sister of such pressure was frightened, asked Eugene to protect her from attacks. He offered to "confuse the trail" - to move to other apartments and change the surname, concluding a fictitious marriage with his son from his first marriage, Anton. The legal wife knew Kristina Oleinichenko, and now she has become Ermakova. Evgeny bought a two-level living space for 25 million rubles, and a little later, assuring that he would divorce his wife, a huge mansion in the village of Eremino.

Christina and her son moved to a new apartment and took her sister with her. On the a short time calmness came in their lives. Eugene visited every day, but continued to live with his wife. In February 2015, Ermakov invited the sisters to take a break from round-the-clock childcare - to spend a couple of weeks in Tae. I bought vouchers.

“Not long before that, he and Chris were planning a second child,” Svetlana admits. "My sister even did a second MRI of the brain - the tests were excellent."

Calling for help from their mother from Crimea, they flew to the ocean. But they did not have time to sunbathe. “Five days later, a heart-rending cry of my mother was heard in the receiver,” Sveta continues. - “He took Zhenya away! Stolen!" - Tears literally choked her. It turns out that the nanny who took Zhenya to the developmental school was met on the street by two jeeps: they threw a child into one and immediately drove away, in the other a frightened woman was kept for two hours. On the same day, Yermakov himself appeared - together with four big boys, he collected all the gifts that he had given to Christina, jewelry, took her documents, and blocked her credit cards. "

The girls were not at a loss - they bought tickets with the available cash and flew to Moscow in the evening of the same day. On March 19, having restored her passport, Kristina appealed to the Khamovnichesky court, but the sessions were postponed for a month or two. All this time, the girl tried in vain to see the child - she upholstered the thresholds of Ermakov's country house, cut off mobile phone... But the calls were invariably answered by the wife of Evgeny Igorevich - Olga Yuryevna Selezneva. Only once did he pick up the phone himself - he made an appointment for her at the clinic. “In the office, my sister was met by a bunch of guards, a lawyer, the“ kidnapper ”himself and his wife, - says Svetlana Oleinichenko. - The conversation did not work out. But three days later, Kristina received a summons - article 116, they say, she threw herself at Ermakov's legal wife with scissors. "

Olga Yuryevna herself, who to this day is raising a baby, believes that Christina mistreated her son.

“There was only one thing from her - to take care of the child,” Selezneva shared in in social networks... “It didn’t suit her. The father endured an unacceptable attitude for a long time, tried to pull out some maternal feelings. All is in vain. In the end, she left her son. Why couldn't you take the boy with you? Why, right after her arrival, she did not come to her father for him. By her behavior, she shows only one thing - the child is interesting when he gives income. "

At the same time, Evgeny's son, Anton, filed an application for the division of the property jointly acquired in marriage with Christina - he managed to sue only a quarter of that same two-level apartment. Half of Oleinichenko has long been issued on little son, therefore, a man could only claim the rest.

“Ermakov is a terrible person, he tried to do everything in order not to leave his sister a chance at the trial,” Svetlana said. - Make it a refugee without her own living space, and even violent. Last November, the judge, despite all the certificates provided by Chris - from work, from a neuropsychiatric dispensary, as well as the presence of a share in a large apartment - ruled in favor of the boy's father. They say that his dad will be better for him, and it will be easier for a girl to give birth. "

Christina did not give up, filed all possible appeals, cassation complaints. But Ermakov did not stop there either.

“To the requests of his friends to let his mother see her son, he only answered:“ I need her either dead, or in a psychiatric hospital, or in prison, ”says Svetlana. - And, apparently, he decided to implement the third option. In April 2016, a criminal case was initiated on large-scale fraud - allegedly, his sister borrowed 7.5 million rubles from him to buy that first one-room apartment.

“After he was twice denied by the prosecutor’s office, I even found a signed receipt — naturally, forged. We are in this moment we are waiting for the results of the examination. Moreover, at first the sister, who did not suspect anything, was summoned for interrogation as a witness, and while she was in the hospital with acute pneumonia, she was transferred to the accused. "

To improve her health, the girl went to Anapa. When she returned, she went straight to the pre-trial detention center. It turns out that Christina was put on the international wanted list, having decided that she "fled" from the investigation abroad. Svetlana on the same day turned to the public organization "Rights of Parents". And the lawyer Maximilian Burov, who helps many mothers who find themselves in a similar situation, took up their case. A picket was organized. The measure of restraint was changed to house arrest. “We are fighting! And we will not give up, - says Svetlana Oleinichenko. "Ready for a lie detector ... To this day, Christina has not been able to see her son."

The video shown at the beginning of this issue was ordered by the wife of a businessman in the capital when she found out that he had a mistress. A young girl Kristina Oleinichenko, who came to Moscow from the famous resort town of Evpatoria, became famous in her homeland for repeatedly having affairs with tourists in the hope of finding a rich man. Soon Christina outlined a “victim” - a successful businessman from Moscow, Evgeny Ermakov. Watch the online edition Let them talk - Mistress 01/30/2017

Evgeny Ermakov is the owner of a network of clinics in the capital. Kristina Oleinichenko, as stated in the video, was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the man had been married for more than a dozen years to his wife. A young girl became pregnant with Eugene and soon took money from him against a receipt to buy an apartment. The mistress hoped that when Ermakov found out about her pregnancy, he would forgive her a huge debt. Then she gets the man to buy an apartment with a larger area and, as a result, acquires housing in the capital worth 25 million rubles. Further, Christina gives birth to a child, but despite this, the relationship between the spouses of the Ermakovs did not worsen, and then the mistress begins to have an affair with the eldest son of Ermakov Anton, after which Eugene becomes enraged.

Let them talk - Mistress

According to the video, created by the wife of a Moscow businessman, today the son of Kristina Oleinichenko lives in the Ermakov family. Evgeny's wife Olga Selezneva says that happiness is, of course, bitter, but, nevertheless, the son of her mistress, Zhenya, has become her own and beloved child.

More than 300 thousand people have already watched this video on YouTube! Olga Selezneva told in detail in this video what kind of person Kristina Oleinichenko was, who almost destroyed a strong and happy family... However, the girl, seeing the video on the Internet, was shocked and came today to Let They Talk to tell her version and dot the i's. How did she become the mistress of the owner of the dental clinics in the capital?

Kristina Oleinichenko in the talk show "Let Them Talk":

- I haven't seen my child since March 2015 ... I'm holding on with all my might ... (crying) The first days I didn’t sleep - I was a beluga. I remember my son's voice, his eyes when I saw him for the last time. I'm just sick! It is such a pain that words cannot describe it. This is just a mockery of me!

- Why is this with me? For having great love? Many children do not know their parents. But I would never have thought that my son would not know his own mother.

Let them talk - Kristina Oleinichenko, Olga Selezneva, Evgeny Ermakov

On the program Let them talk (broadcast "Mistress"), the Ermakov family - Eugene and Olga - will also express their opinion. Before the broadcast, the woman who ordered the scandalous video exposing her mistress said by phone the following:

- Why did I have to expel my spouse ?! After all, this would destroy my family and my life, the life of my children and grandchildren. And all because of whom: because of some khokhlushka who decided to take my place! Of course, I will fight for the family. First, let something work in your life in order to learn to appreciate what you have. My husband's son is not a stranger to me. Yes, it happened, but I love him as my own.

And here is what Yevgeny Ermakov answered in a telephone conversation:

- Such girls who come to Moscow, like her, think that they have spread their legs and are already in heaven! But this is not the case. Unfortunately, the number of such cases is growing. And thank God that there are fathers like me who understand that the child must be taken to him, so that his own mother does not destroy him! And now she hides behind him when her cock is pecked in the back! I supported her, she lived well with me. But her task was: to raise her son, and not to drink and walk at night! She's a mother!

How will this story end? Watch the online free issue Let They Talk - Mistress, broadcast on January 30, 2017 (01/30/2017).

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Kristina Oleinichenko continues to fight for the opportunity to raise her son. At the end of last year, the woman's sister, Svetlana, told StarHit that at the direction of the owner of the dental clinic, Yevgeny Ermakov, a two-year-old baby was kidnapped from his mother. For a year and a half, Oleinichenko has not seen his son.

At the end of January, in the program "Let them talk" it became known that the medic's legal wife Olga was raising the son of his mistress. The woman also wrote a statement to the police, where she indicated that Christina allegedly attacked her with scissors.

Today the women met at the Let the Talk studio. Ermakov's wife Olga Selezneva wonders why Christina made everything public. She argues that in many years the baby will be unpleasant to read about this on the Internet.

“A child is growing up, he will be 10, 12 years old. He will find something himself, find out and how it will turn out psychologically for him. Does the person think about it? " - said Olga.

// Photo: Shot of the program "Let them talk"

The legal spouse of the dentist does not understand why ex-lover her husband did not properly look after the child when Ermakov created all the conditions for the woman. Experts in the studio expressed the opinion that Selezneva treats Oleinichenko as a surrogate mother, since she has no common heirs with Ermakov.

“He already has children. Nobody asked to give birth to her, it was planned by her and documented, she was brought to the clinic on purpose. She played her role, without a child she would not have succeeded, ”Olga believes.

Andrei Malakhov asked what Selezneva thinks about the fact that her husband flunked the ex-mistress expensive gifts... The woman believes that this is exactly what a young girl has always dreamed of, who decided to destroy her family, and she needed a child for manipulation. Olga remembered that in the last program, Christina emphasized that she had lost her luxurious life, and spoke only a little about the child. Nevertheless, Andrei Malakhov asked to put a record where a young woman through tears recalls the baby.

// Photo: Shot of the program "Let them talk"

Despite her husband's betrayal, Selezneva never thought about divorcing a man. They have been living in an official marriage for 15 years, and they have been working together as many more. She is not embarrassed by the fact that she is not raising her own child.

“The fact is that he never said the word 'mom', which amazed me. When a child wakes up, the first thing he looks for is mom. It is forbidden to pronounce the word "mom" in our country - there is "dad" and "Olya". When he just arrived, he said "dad" and sounds, that is, he did not say a word, he was a year and eight months old, "said Ermakov's wife.

Experts in the studio asked why Ermakov and Selezneva do not allow Oleinichenko to see her son, because a woman is not deprived parental rights... Olga said that for all the time her mother came only four times - in 2015, and then for almost a year there was no news from her.

// Photo: Shot of the program "Let them talk"

Christina Oleinichenko appeared on the program, who tried to refute the words of her lover's wife. She stated that everything Selezneva said was a blatant lie. Little Zhenya's mother insists that the child be returned to her.

The boy's nanny said that she came to Christina's house when the baby was four months old. She believes that the woman did not deal with her son, but only paid attention to her affairs. According to her, one day Oleinichenko came in the middle of the night and, being intoxicated, dropped little Zhenya.

Andrei Malakhov tried to resolve the situation and suggested that Olga Selezneva bring the child to a meeting with Christina. Ermakov's wife was indignant and left the studio.

“This is not my question, this is their question,” she said.

// Photo: Shot of the program "Let them talk"

Christina could not even imagine that the beloved man to whom she gave birth to a son would do this to her
// Photo: Own archive

This story would be reminiscent of the tale of Cinderella, if not for one thing - a married prince. Starting in Moscow from the Crimea in 2008, 25-year-old Kristina Oleinichenko hoped to build a career in the capital and start a family. Everything went great: the girl with two medical degrees was taken to a prestigious dental clinic, and soon she was promoted to a senior nurse. In 2010, on the recommendation, he was invited to the International Center for Contemporary Art “Simpladent”, offering a lot of high salaries. It was then that she met the founder, 46-year-old Yevgeny Ermakov. If Christina had imagined even a part of the nightmare to which this meeting would plunge, she would have fled to the ends of the earth. Theft of a child, a criminal pursuit, house arrest ... Desperate, the girl's sister and friend turned to the editorial office of StarHit. The other side is silent. “Neither I, nor my client, comment on the situation with Christina,” Ermakova's lawyer Irina Kuznetsova responded to StarHit.

Hello wonderful life

It all started with courtship and gifts. "Evgeny Igorevich, despite the status married husband, has always been loving, - his colleague Natalya tells "StarHit". “We soon began to notice that Chris began to have expensive things - either an iPhone or an Armani bag ...” At the same time, the girl refused a serious relationship with Ermakov for a long time, accepting only gifts and compliments. But after a year, the man managed to win her heart - either with generosity, or with attention.

“I said that we have to end it: why a young girl is married? - Kristina's sister Svetlana Oleinichenko informs "StarHit". - But she said: "Light, I fell in love!" A few months later, in 2011, Yevgeny rented an apartment for Kristina near the clinic, and began to ask for a baby. He never nursed babies, he has no common children with his wife - only adults from the first marriages. "

Kristina Oleinichenko dreamed of a happy family and a beautiful existence
// Photo: Social networks

Christina was 29 at the time. On reflection, she agreed. But it didn’t work to have a child. “My sister has a pituitary adenoma,” Svetlana continues. - With this disease, a lot of the hormone prolactin is produced, leading to infertility. To get pregnant, she went up to the register at the "CM-clinic", where they prescribed a course of drugs. In October 2012, after finding out what was waiting for the baby, Christina was in seventh heaven. I told Eugene - he shed a lot of tears. "

Out of the blue, I bought and issued a one-room apartment for a girl in Dmitrovsky proezd, where I went every day. On June 27, 2013, the son of Ermakov and Oleinichenko, Zhenya, was born. At the insistence of Eugene, in the boy's birth certificate, his details were indicated in the column "dad". The man met the young mother from the maternity hospital with a bouquet, brought her to the apartment, and began to spend a lot of time with the baby ... To help with the newborn, Christina's sister also moved in there.

Child of strife

“A year later, the fairy tale came to an end - Ermakov went over alcohol and opened up with his spouse,” recalls Svetlana. - She was furious! She came to the door, shouted, threatened: “I wish to see who you gave birth to to us! Yes, I will destroy you! " The sister of such pressure was scared, asked Eugene to protect her from attacks. He offered to "confuse the imprint" - to move to another apartment and change his surname, entering into a fictitious marriage with his son from his first marriage, Anton. The legal wife knew Kristina Oleinichenko, and now she has become Ermakova. Evgeny bought a two-level living space for 25 million rubles, and a little later, assuring that he would divorce his wife, a huge mansion in the village of Eremino.

Christina and her son moved to a newly-made apartment and took her sister with her. For a short time, their existence was calm. Eugene visited every day, but continued to exist with his wife. In February 2015, Ermakov invited the sisters to take a break from round-the-clock childcare - to spend a couple of weeks in Tae. I got the vouchers.

“Not long before that, he and Chris were planning a second child,” Svetlana admits. "My sister even did a second MRI of the brain - the analyzes were excellent."

Calling for help from their mother from Crimea, they flew to the ocean. But they didn’t have time to get a tan. “Five days later, a heart-rending cry of my mother was heard in the receiver,” Sveta continues. - “He took Zhenya away! Stolen!" - Tears literally choked her. It turns out that the nanny who took Zhenya to the developmental school was met on the street by two jeeps: they threw the child into one and immediately drove away, in the other the frightened woman was kept for two hours. On the same day, Ermakov himself appeared - together with four big boys, he grabbed all the gifts that he had given to Christina, jewelry, took her documents, and blocked her credit cards. "

The girls were not at a loss - they bought tickets with the available cash and flew to Moscow in the evening of the same day. On March 19, having restored the view, Christina turned to the Khamovnichesky court, but the sessions were postponed for a month or two. All this time, the girl tried in vain to see the child - she covered the thresholds of Ermakov's country house, twisted her mobile phone. But the calls were invariably answered by the wife of Evgeny Igorevich - Olga Yuryevna Selezneva. Only once he answered the phone himself - made an appointment for her at the clinic. “In the office, my sister was met by a pile of guards, a lawyer, the 'kidnapper' himself and his wife, - says Svetlana Oleinichenko. - The conversation did not work out. But three days later, Kristina received a summons - article 116, they say, she threw herself at Ermakov's legal wife with scissors. "

Olga Yuryevna herself, who to this day is raising a baby, believes that Christina mistreated her son.

“There was only one thing from her - to take care of the child,” Selezneva shared on social networks. “It didn’t suit her. Dad endured an unacceptable attitude for a long time, tried to pull out some maternal emotions. All is in vain. In the end, she left her son. Why was it impossible to take the boy with you? Why didn’t she come to her father right after his arrival? By her behavior, she shows only one thing - the child is fascinating when he gives income. "

At the same time, Evgeny's son, Anton, filed an application for exposing the property acquired in marriage with Christina - he managed to sue only a quarter of that same two-level apartment. A long time ago, Oleinichenko registered half for her little son, so her husband could only claim the rest.

“Ermakov is a terrible person, he tried to do everything in order not to leave his sister's chances at the trial,” Svetlana said. - Make it a refugee without her own living space, and even violent. In November of last year, the judge, despite all the certificates provided by Chris - with labor, from a neuropsychiatric dispensary, as well as the presence of a share in a large apartment - ruled in favor of the boy's father. They say that his dad will be better for him, and it is even easier for a girl to give birth. "

Christina did not give up, filed all possible appeals, cassation complaints. But Ermakov did not stop there either.

“When my friends asked her to let my mother see her son, he only answered:“ I need her either dead, or in a psychiatric hospital, or in a dungeon, ”says Svetlana. - And, apparently, he allowed to implement the third option. In April 2016, a criminal case was initiated on large-scale fraud - allegedly, his sister borrowed 7.5 million rubles from him to buy that first one-room apartment.

In September 2016, a picket was organized in support of Kristina Oleynichenko, who ended up in jail.
// Photo: Own archive

“After he was twice denied by the prosecutor’s office, I even found a signed receipt - naturally, false. We are currently awaiting the results of the examination. Moreover, at first the sister, who did not suspect anything, was summoned for interrogation as a witness, and while she was in hospital with acute pneumonia, she was transferred to the accused. "

To improve her health, the girl went to Anapa. When she returned, she went straight to the pre-trial detention center. It turns out that Christina was put on the international wanted list, allowing her to "fled" from the investigation abroad. Svetlana on the same day turned to the social organization "Parents' Rights". And the lawyer Maximilian Burov, who helps many mothers who find themselves in a similar situation, took up their case. A picket was organized. The measure of restraint can be changed to house arrest. “We are fighting! And we will not give up, - says Svetlana Oleinichenko. "Ready for a lie detector ... To this day, Christina has not been able to see her son."

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This story would be reminiscent of the tale of Cinderella, if not for one thing - a married prince. Going to Moscow from Crimea in 2008, 25-year-old Kristina Oleinichenko hoped to build a career in the capital and start a family. Everything turned out great: a girl with two medical degrees was taken to a prestigious dental clinic, and was soon promoted to a senior nurse. In 2010, on the recommendation, I was invited to the International Center for Contemporary Art “Simpladent”, offering a higher salary. It was then that she met the founder, 46-year-old Yevgeny Ermakov. If Christina had imagined at least part of the nightmare that this meeting would lead to, she would have fled to the ends of the earth. Theft of a child, criminal prosecution, house arrest ... Desperate, the girl's sister and friend turned to the editorial office of StarHit. The other side is silent. “Neither I, nor my client comment on the situation with Christina,” said Ermakova's lawyer Irina Kuznetsova to StarHit.

Hello beautiful life

It all started with courtship and gifts. “Evgeny Igorevich, despite the status of a married man, has always been loving,” his colleague Natalya tells StarHit. “We soon began to notice that Chris began to have expensive things - either an iPhone or an Armani bag…” At the same time, the girl refused a serious relationship with Ermakov for a long time, accepting only gifts and compliments. But a year later, the man managed to win her heart - either with generosity, or with attention.

“I said that we have to end it: why is a young girl married? - Svetlana Oleinichenko, sister of Christina, says to StarHit. - But she said: "Light, I fell in love!" A few months later, in 2011, Yevgeny rented an apartment for Christina near the clinic, and began to ask for a baby. He never nursed babies, he has no common children with his wife - only adults from their first marriages. "

Christina was 29 at the time. After thinking it over, she agreed. But it didn’t work to have a child. “My sister has a pituitary adenoma,” Svetlana continues. - With this disease, a lot of the hormone prolactin is produced, leading to infertility. To get pregnant, she registered at the "CM-clinic", where they prescribed a course of drugs. In October 2012, upon learning that she was waiting for the baby, Christina was in seventh heaven. I told Eugene - he shed a lot of tears. "

To celebrate, he bought and issued a one-room apartment for a girl in Dmitrovsky passage, where he came every day. On June 27, 2013, the son of Ermakov and Oleinichenko, Zhenya, was born. In the boy's birth certificate, in the column “father”, at the insistence of Eugene, his details were indicated. The man met a young mother from the maternity hospital with a bouquet, brought her to the apartment, began to spend a lot of time with the baby ... To help with the newborn, Christina's sister also moved in there.

Child of strife

“A year later, the fairy tale came to an end - Ermakov went over with alcohol and opened up to his wife,” recalls Svetlana. - She was furious! She came to the door, shouted, threatened: “I want to see who you gave birth to to us! Yes, I will destroy you! " The sister of such pressure was frightened, asked Eugene to protect her from attacks. He offered to "confuse the trail" - to move to other apartments and change the surname, concluding a fictitious marriage with his son from his first marriage, Anton. The legal wife knew Kristina Oleinichenko, and now she has become Ermakova. Evgeny bought a two-level living space for 25 million rubles, and a little later, assuring that he would divorce his wife, a huge mansion in the village of Eremino.

Christina and her son moved to a new apartment and took her sister with her. For a short time, their lives were calm. Eugene visited every day, but continued to live with his wife. In February 2015, Ermakov invited the sisters to take a break from round-the-clock childcare - to spend a couple of weeks in Tae. I bought vouchers.

“Not long before that, he and Chris were planning a second child,” Svetlana admits. "My sister even did a second MRI of the brain - the tests were excellent."

Calling for help from their mother from Crimea, they flew to the ocean. But they did not have time to sunbathe. “Five days later, a heart-rending cry of my mother was heard in the receiver,” Sveta continues. - “He took Zhenya away! Stolen!" - Tears literally choked her. It turns out that the nanny who took Zhenya to the developmental school was met on the street by two jeeps: they threw a child into one and immediately drove away, in the other a frightened woman was kept for two hours. On the same day, Yermakov himself appeared - together with four big boys, he collected all the gifts that he had given to Christina, jewelry, took her documents, and blocked her credit cards. "

The girls were not at a loss - they bought tickets with the available cash and flew to Moscow in the evening of the same day. On March 19, having restored her passport, Kristina appealed to the Khamovnichesky court, but the sessions were postponed for a month or two. All this time, the girl tried in vain to see the child - she covered the thresholds of Ermakov's country house, cut off her mobile phone. But the calls were invariably answered by the wife of Evgeny Igorevich - Olga Yuryevna Selezneva. Only once did he pick up the phone himself - he made an appointment for her at the clinic. “In the office, my sister was met by a bunch of guards, a lawyer, the“ kidnapper ”himself and his wife, - says Svetlana Oleinichenko. - The conversation did not work out. But three days later, Kristina received a summons - article 116, they say, she threw herself at Ermakov's legal wife with scissors. "

Olga Yuryevna herself, who to this day is raising a baby, believes that Christina mistreated her son.

“There was only one thing from her - to take care of the child,” Selezneva shared on social networks. “It didn’t suit her. The father endured an unacceptable attitude for a long time, tried to pull out some maternal feelings. All is in vain. In the end, she left her son. Why couldn't you take the boy with you? Why, right after her arrival, she did not come to her father for him. By her behavior, she shows only one thing - the child is interesting when he gives income. "

At the same time, Evgeny's son, Anton, filed an application for the division of the property jointly acquired in marriage with Christina - he managed to sue only a quarter of that same two-level apartment. Half of Oleinichenko had long been registered for her little son, so the man could only apply for the rest.

“Ermakov is a terrible person, he tried to do everything in order not to leave his sister a chance at the trial,” Svetlana said. - Make it a refugee without her own living space, and even violent. Last November, the judge, despite all the certificates provided by Chris - from work, from a neuropsychiatric dispensary, as well as the presence of a share in a large apartment - ruled in favor of the boy's father. They say that his dad will be better for him, and it will be easier for a girl to give birth. "

Christina did not give up, filed all possible appeals, cassation complaints. But Ermakov did not stop there either.

“To the requests of his friends to let his mother see her son, he only answered:“ I need her either dead, or in a psychiatric hospital, or in prison, ”says Svetlana. - And, apparently, he decided to implement the third option. In April 2016, a criminal case was initiated on large-scale fraud - allegedly, his sister borrowed 7.5 million rubles from him to buy that first one-room apartment.

“After he was twice denied by the prosecutor’s office, I even found a signed receipt — naturally, forged. We are currently awaiting the results of the examination. Moreover, at first the sister, who did not suspect anything, was summoned for interrogation as a witness, and while she was in the hospital with acute pneumonia, she was transferred to the accused. "

To improve her health, the girl went to Anapa. When she returned, she went straight to the pre-trial detention center. It turns out that Christina was put on the international wanted list, having decided that she "fled" from the investigation abroad. Svetlana on the same day turned to the public organization "Rights of Parents". And the lawyer Maximilian Burov, who helps many mothers who find themselves in a similar situation, took up their case. A picket was organized. The measure of restraint was changed to house arrest. “We are fighting! And we will not give up, - says Svetlana Oleinichenko. "Ready for a lie detector ... To this day, Christina has not been able to see her son."