
Yarn. Can't be erased. How to wash knitted things Washing things made from natural yarn


Few people know how to properly prepare yarn before knitting. Most beginners in knitting or crocheting believe that there is yarn, which means you can start working right away, but this is the wrong start. If the yarn is rustic, spun by hand from sheep wool, goat down or , then before knitting it is necessary to twist or, as they say, to twist together the required number of threads and after that it is imperative to wash the yarn. It is necessary to wash the yarn in soapy foam. When connecting, the threads must be careful not to twist the yarn too tightly. Products made from tightly twisted yarn are skewed, stretched or pulled together. It is not possible to fix this, washing and stretching will not help, when the product dries, it will again become skewed, deformed.

Yarn from wool must be wound into a ball, connected to the required number of threads, then re-wound into a skein. When winding into a ball, the yarn straightens out, stretches and becomes even. So that the yarn connected in several threads does not separate when knitting, and the product turns out to be beautifully viscous, the wound yarn into a skein must be washed in soapy suds. It is not recommended to wash yarn from synthetic fibers and yarn with additives before knitting.

Soap foam is made from laundry soap. It is best for washing rustic yarns and yarns made from natural materials, from wool and down. To wash 500 g of wool, you need to take 100 g of laundry soap, grind it on a grater or with a knife and pour hot water over it. Then transfer part of the solution to warm water and stir to form a foam. Immerse the yarn in the foam and wash with light movements. Rub hard and twist woolen threads you can't, they can fall off. Woolen yarn heavily soiled should be washed in several waters, adding diluted soap. Change the water until it is clean.

It is also necessary to rinse the yarn in warm water, but not in cold water because of the temperature difference, the wool falls off. When rinsing, water should be slightly acidified by adding vinegar or citric acid.

The yarn should not be dried at high temperatures, trying to dry it quickly, when drying with moderate temperatures and good ventilation, rustic yarn will become soft and fluffy after washing. After drying, the yarn must be wound into a ball, but not tight and not too tight, then it will remain soft and fluffy. With tight winding into a ball, the wool is stretched, loses its qualities and worsens its quality.

How to wind threads, wool, yarn into a ball. In order for the wool not to lose its properties, the ball must be soft. And for this, when winding between the ball and the thread, you must hold the index or thumb. However, the ball is held by the fingers, but in this case the thread must be wound around the ball and the finger, then the finger should be removed and the thread wound in the other direction. After a few turns, re-substitute your finger. So the ball will turn out to be voluminous loose, and the wool will remain soft and fluffy.

Few people know how to properly prepare yarn before knitting. Most beginners in knitting or crocheting believe that there is yarn, which means you can start working right away, but this is the wrong start. If the yarn is rustic, hand-spun from sheep's wool, goat's down or rabbit down, then before knitting it is necessary to twist or, as they say, to twist together the required number of threads and after that it is imperative to wash the yarn. It is necessary to wash the yarn in soapy foam. When connecting, the threads must be careful not to twist the yarn too tightly. Products made from tightly twisted yarn are skewed, stretched or pulled together. It is not possible to fix this, washing and stretching will not help, when the product dries, it will again become skewed, deformed.

Yarn from wool must be wound into a ball, connected to the required number of threads, then re-wound into a skein. When winding into a ball, the yarn straightens out, stretches and becomes even. So that the yarn connected in several threads does not separate when knitting, and the product turns out to be beautifully viscous, the wound yarn into a skein must be washed in soapy suds. It is not recommended to wash yarn from synthetic fibers and yarn with additives before knitting.

Soap foam is made from laundry soap. It is best for washing rustic yarns and yarns made from natural materials, from wool and down. To wash 500 g of wool, you need to take 100 g of laundry soap, grind it on a grater or with a knife and pour hot water over it. Then transfer part of the solution to warm water and stir to form a foam. Immerse the yarn in the foam and wash with light movements. It is impossible to rub and twist woolen threads strongly, they can fall off. Woolen yarn heavily soiled should be washed in several waters, adding diluted soap. Change the water until it is clean.

It is also necessary to rinse the yarn in warm water, but not in cold water because of the temperature difference, the wool falls off. When rinsing, it is necessary to acidify the water a little, for this add vinegar, Apple vinegar or citric acid.

The yarn should not be dried at high temperatures, trying to dry it quickly, when drying with moderate temperatures and good ventilation, rustic yarn will become soft and fluffy after washing. After drying, the yarn must be wound into a ball, but not tight and not too tight, then it will remain soft and fluffy. With tight winding into a ball, the wool is stretched, loses its qualities and worsens its quality.

How to wind threads, wool, yarn into a ball. In order for the wool not to lose its properties, the ball must be soft. And for this, when winding between the ball and the thread, you need to hold your index or thumb. However, the ball is held by the fingers, but in this case the thread must be wound around the ball and the finger, then the finger should be removed and the thread wound in the other direction. After a few turns, re-substitute your finger. So the ball will turn out to be voluminous loose, and the wool will remain soft and fluffy.

How I straightened the yarn after the dissolution of the product!

Knitted beauty (Alena)

Types of creativity: Knitting > Knitting

I knitted a sweater for my son in the spring, we put it on once and that's it! It's a shame... Why did it happen? The fact is that we already have a lot of beautiful sweaters, but this one turned out to be too warm - I would prefer to wear a turtleneck and a light jacket that I can take off if it gets hot. In short, the sweater was not functional. I decided to tie it into a jacket. Disbanded. I received not yarn for knitting, but curly noodles. I tried to knit a sample after all - the loops dance, and after washing and steaming it will not work. You have to straighten the yarn somehow.

In all my years of knitting, I have never come across this procedure! I always knitted with new yarn. Therefore, I turned to the main adviser in our days - the Internet for help. After reading the forums and various tips, I identified several ways to bring the yarn back to its original form.

Rewind the yarn into skeins, wet and hang to dry, tying some weight below.

Put the balls of yarn in a colander and put to steam in a water bath.

Pull the thread coming from the ball through the spout of the teapot and pull it out through the hole in the lid. The kettle steams, we rewind the ball.

Put the balls in the microwave for 2 minutes. Yes, yes, and it happens!

Points 1 and 3 seemed too long to me. 4 - extreme and unsafe. In addition, many who dared to experiment with a microwave later wrote that the yarn broke in the middle of the ball!

The most attractive method seemed to me with steam, put the balls to take a steam bath - and that's it! But then it dawned on me! I also have a miracle of technology - an electric steamer. It remains only to load into it the balls that need to be cooked, put it on for 10 minutes. (I even turned it off before, after 7-8 minutes) and enjoy the result!

As a result, by the way, I was not sure, so I threaded the ends from each ball into the holes near the lid so that I could pull and check what was happening with the threads.

I didn't expect what I ended up with! Honestly! The yarn before our eyes turned from curly to straightened, suitable for knitting.

In general, maybe my idea is not new, but I do not pretend to be. I just shared with you my experience on how to quickly and efficiently reanimate yarn after the dissolution of the product and make it suitable for a new creation!

Thank you for your attention! I would be glad if this method is useful to someone!

Lesson 2 How to wash yarn and woolen items

The wool from which we knit requires delicate handling. If you wash it incorrectly, things will lose their shape and appearance.

If you wash yarn, then wind it into skeins of 100 g, no more, and tie it in 3-4 places with a strong thread. Darn woolen things before washing if there are holes, otherwise the loops will “run”. Sew over the edge of the buttonholes to keep them from stretching out. Check if the thing is shedding. To do this, turn it inside out (by the way, always wash woolen things in this form) and dip a small section of the axillary part of the sleeve in hot soapy water (30-40 degrees), then wrap it in a white cloth and iron it with a hot iron. There are no traces left on the white fabric - wash safely. If the fabric is only slightly stained, add a little salt and table vinegar to the water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) and wash in lukewarm water. If you find out that the thing sheds a lot, and besides, it is knitted from yarn different colors, then there is no choice - you will have to use the services of dry cleaning.

The best water for washing is rain or snow, that is, soft. It won’t be like this - add a little baking soda to the tap (2 tablespoons per bucket of water) or the same amount of ammonia. Water should not be hotter than 30-40 degrees and keep the same temperature throughout the washing and rinsing, otherwise the thing may fall off. Consider that this is the first washing condition.

Second: soap - just not alkaline. It is best to use soap chips (5 g per 1 liter of water) or washing powder. First, pour the powder or shavings into the basin, and then pour the water. Beat the foam and dip into it woolen thing or yarn.

Third required condition- never rub the wool, but only gently squeeze. Change the soapy water in the basin several times. Wash as quickly as possible, do not leave a woolen thing in the water for one extra minute!

Now rinse until the foam disappears. In the last water, add table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), wring out the item without twisting it, and wrap it in a terry towel. Hang the wool skeins to dry, changing their position from time to time.

How to bleach yarn

To bleach yarn, buy bleach from a hardware store and follow the directions printed on the factory label.

If for some reason there is no bleach at hand, you can boil the yarn for half an hour in a soapy solution, preferably from good soap, it is best to take "Children's".

There are other bleaching methods for darker yarns. Here is one of the simplest and most effective. You can take 5 g of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 g of ammonia per liter of water, put the skeins washed and rinsed with baking soda or ammonia (20 g per 8 liters of water) into this solution and hold for 30-40 minutes, and then wash thoroughly and rinse in clean water.

The wool from which we knit requires delicate handling. If you wash it incorrectly, things will lose their shape and appearance.

If you wash yarn, then wind it into skeins of 100 g, no more, and tie it in 3-4 places with a strong thread. Darn woolen things before washing if there are holes, otherwise the loops will “run”. Sew over the edge of the buttonholes to keep them from stretching out. Check if the thing is shedding. To do this, turn it inside out (by the way, always wash woolen things in this form) and dip a small section of the axillary part of the sleeve in hot soapy water (30-40 degrees), then wrap it in a white cloth and iron it with a hot iron. There are no traces left on the white fabric - wash safely. If the fabric is only slightly stained, add a little salt and table vinegar to the water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) and wash in lukewarm water. If you find out that the thing sheds a lot, and besides, it is knitted from yarn of different colors, then there is no choice - you will have to use the services of dry cleaning.

The best water for washing is rain or snow, that is, soft. It won’t be like this - add a little baking soda to the tap (2 tablespoons per bucket of water) or the same amount of ammonia. Water should not be hotter than 30-40 degrees and keep the same temperature throughout the washing and rinsing, otherwise the thing may fall off. Consider that this is the first washing condition.

Second: soap - just not alkaline. It is best to use soap chips (5 g per 1 liter of water) or washing powder. First, pour the powder or shavings into the basin, and then pour the water. Beat the foam and dip a woolen item or yarn into it.

The third mandatory condition - never rub the wool, but only gently squeeze it. Change the soapy water in the basin several times. Wash as quickly as possible, do not leave a woolen thing in the water for one extra minute!

Now rinse until the foam disappears. In the last water, add table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), wring out the item without twisting it, and wrap it in a terry towel. Hang the wool skeins to dry, changing their position from time to time.

How to bleach yarn

To bleach yarn, buy bleach from a hardware store and follow the directions printed on the factory label.

If for some reason there is no bleach at hand, you can boil the yarn for half an hour in a soapy solution, preferably from good soap, it is best to take "Children's".

There are other bleaching methods for darker yarns. Here is one of the simplest and most effective. You can take 5 g of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 g of ammonia per liter of water, put the skeins washed and rinsed with baking soda or ammonia (20 g per 8 liters of water) into this solution and hold for 30-40 minutes, and then wash thoroughly and rinse in clean water.

Manufacturers today offer huge selection textiles, yarn patterns. Link the original beautiful thing will not be difficult, the main thing is desire. In addition, do not forget that the quality of the yarn affects the practicality and wear of the product. Keep in mind that you will be knitting clothes or accessories on for a long time, so the product should be well washed, while not losing color and its original performance.

As you know, yarn must be washed before knitting. Of course, there are no unambiguous opinions on this matter, someone, on the contrary, immediately proceeds to the process of work. Be sure to wash the yarn, which is already a little stale. In this case, she will straighten up, elasticity will return to her. In addition, after washing, you will understand how the threads can shed, shrink.

Most needlewomen, on the contrary, believe that washing is just a waste of time. In their opinion, you can understand the possibilities and features of yarn by knitting a small piece, which can then be washed.

Of course, it's up to you whether or not to wash the yarn. On the other hand, it’s better not to take risks and wash at least the piece you have previously knitted to check the condition of the material.

Woolen threads should be washed to check their shedding, how the product can sit down. The yarn is rewound into a skein, the diameter of which should not be more than 35 cm. You can use a chair or a wide pan. The form is bandaged strictly in four places, and then carefully removed.

When washing, it is not necessary to use powder, you can do without laundry soap. Can apply chemicals but without any additives. Villus, weasel and other means will do.

Prepare a soap solution. To do this, take 10 grams of soap and dilute it in 1 liter of water. It can be planed or grated. Soapy water must be well shaken. The resulting solution is poured into a basin with cool water. Washing is carried out in water with one temperature regime, it should not be allowed to fluctuate, otherwise the thread will fall off.

Rinse the yarn in clean water gently, with hand movements. Pasta can be rinsed in water with lemon juice or vinegar.

The yarn is squeezed gently, lightly, no need to twist it. After it must be hung over a basin or bathtub so that all the water is gone from it. The yarn is dried indoors, drafts and batteries should be avoided. Cannot be used while drying Appliances to finish the process soon. The whole process takes no more than two hours, if we are talking about a small piece of fabric.

Colored fabric with dyes

If you bought thread bright colors and if you want to test them, so to speak, for strength, you can moisten a few threads with plenty of water, and then place them between white fabrics ironed with a hot iron. So their characteristics, durability are checked.

If you want to fix the paint on the threads, you can use acetic acid at the rate of 100 ml of vinegar per 5 liters of water.

After all, so to speak, manipulations with the yarn, it can be left in a skein or tied into yarn. The main thing is not to leave it shapeless, otherwise it will get all mixed up, and it will be difficult for you to work with it.

Site materials used

If you need to dye one skein of yarn in different colors, for example, in three colors. From such yarn, beautiful, elegant things are obtained. The dyeing process is the same as usual, only the skein of yarn is lowered into the container with the dye by 1/3. When this part of the skein is colored and dry, you can paint the next third, from the other end of the skein. Applying for staining a solution already with a dye of a different color. When this end of the skein is also dry, it must be folded in half, with the dyed ends together, and the middle of the skein should be dyed, or left as it is. When dyeing, we do not recommend tightly tying the skeins so that all the threads are well dyed, otherwise undyed places often remain under the thread.

If the dye did not lay flat on the yarn or the color turned out darker than desired, this can be corrected by discoloring it. You can use baking soda at the rate of 100g per 500g of wool, or 2 tbsp soda ash. spoons per 10 liters of water, bleaching is carried out for 10-15 minutes, in hot water without boiling. You can prepare a solution from 100 g of soap shavings with the addition of 150 g of ammonia. When bleaching with table salt, the yarn should be soaked in a warm solution prepared at the rate of 300 g of salt per 10 liters of water, and brought to a boil, kept in it for 20 minutes.

Yarn dyed acquires new life, and the hands of craftswomen will allow you to create beautiful fashionable things for adults and children from it.