
How to bring up leadership in a child. Simple Solutions - Psychology of Effective Life - online magazine. The subtleties of raising leadership qualities in a child

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To begin with, two very important things should be mentioned:

  1. Only leaders can be successful in life. For example, a person may not have charisma or aggression by nature, but may be an excellent specialist in a particular field, thereby becoming a successful leader in a particular business.

  2. family education is not the same as leadership training. Family education is, first of all, the upbringing and formation of the personality, the disclosure and improvement of what the child has. The child may well not have leadership qualities, so leadership may not be the way to go.

And yet, how to help a child become a leader if he is predisposed to this?

This leader is the one who knows how to make decisions. The leader must lead and know exactly where he needs to go. In order to develop this quality, it is necessary to train the decision-making skill in the child. The child must decide for himself - what exactly to wear, where to send for a walk or what toys to play with. If you see a situation in which the child can make an independent decision, ask his opinion or keep silent, giving him the opportunity to make a choice on his own. Of course, you can challenge some decisions that either hurt your health or hit your finances, but the bottom line is that the more decisions he can make, the better.

A leader is a responsible person. In adulthood it is necessary to be responsible not only for oneself and one's actions, but also to feel this feeling towards those who follow the leader. It is clear that irresponsible decisions can harm people, and the leader will have to answer personally for each of them. It is necessary to let the child understand this while the price for irresponsibility is still small enough. If the child is somehow wrong, but he can be held responsible, give him the right to make a mistake. For example, he does not want to do his homework, then he should be reminded once that he must do them as early as possible in order to take a walk and sleep. But only once. If he does not do them on time, he will go to bed late, he will not get enough sleep, he will be sleepy tomorrow, it will be difficult to wake him up. All this will happen, but nobody died from it. But, on the other hand, the child will understand that it is necessary to correctly calculate the time for work and rest.

A leader is a person who understands. A true leader must be able to lead people and manage a team, so special attention should be paid to the child's social adaptation. It is necessary to analyze with the child the conflicts and difficulties that occur between him and other adolescents, together with him come up with various models of behavior and praise him if he does the right thing. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to try himself in sections, circles, competitions, if, of course, they are of interest to the child.

A leader is a person with high self-esteem. Remember that a leader must always be confident in himself and in his abilities. He must withstand competition and criticism, be able to cope with mistakes and be able to convince others. In order to cultivate self-esteem, it is necessary to always celebrate each of his achievements and support him. But it is also necessary to praise skillfully, that is, only when he really tried and made significant efforts, and not just like that, idle. Otherwise, it will already be a self-confident person whom he will severely beat to life.

Attention! If the child does not show any leadership qualities, it is not worth redoing it, because then the child will feel inferior, disadvantaged and even flawed.

Let's be honest: no one likes people who complain, whine and shift the blame on others. Even money, happiness and success. They come to those who believe in themselves, know what they want and know how to achieve what they want, know how to show strength and character.

Don't they want it for their children parents?

A leader is someone who manages life processes. And the mostbecome successfulthose who just take responsibility.

A child leader is not one who obeys and unquestioningly obeys his parents in everything. These categories are not related to leadership, a person cannot be trained.

Unquestioning and absolute obedience are the qualities of a “comfortable” child and, most likely, an unhappy adult in the future.

This is not necessarily an excellent student in school and not a champion in his category in judo.

This is a child who makes decisions from an early age. Who is not afraid and bear responsibility for it.

He is able to light a fire in the eyes of his peers and create conditions for the initiative of others.

To grow a leader in a child, he must be taught at least two things: take the initiative and take responsibility. But not only. I collected5 main and working decisionsin confidence and independence.

1. We encourage interest

Children always at a certain age begin to show interest in certain processes. But only parents do not always react correctly - don’t take it, it’s dangerous, don’t touch it, it still won’t work. And right here question for parents.

Wanna know how to raise a leader in a childalmost certainly? Do not chop down his initiative, do not scold, even if he did something wrong, he did it!

To develop in a child leadership skills, it is necessary to support his initiative.

It shows up first in the little things. For example, I decided to walk the dog myself, sweep the floors,. Praise him! For the fact that he is well done, he decided to help.

And offer to do it, for example, together. Share the initiative so that the dog does not grapple with anyone during the walk, and the “floors” and “dishes” do not flood the neighbors.

Any attempt at independence should be encouraged. This is a guarantee that in the future the child will not be afraid to be responsible.

If the result is not successful, the floors are streaked, and the dog got lost without your participation - they supported the impulse - and only then do we draw conclusions from the result, give instructions and tips.

Children, for whom parents decide everything, become middle-level performers without initiative and live according to other people's life scenarios.

Be interested, offer choices, talk about the implications, and let your child evaluate them strategically before making a decision.

2. We teach responsibility

Having taken the initiative, having made some action / choice / having made a decision, we are responsible for it. This is a necessary ingredient. child leader does something - then comes the responsibility. That is, deal with the consequences.

You also need to be able to accept the consequences of your decisions from childhood, and they can be both positive and.

You need to explain that you can go for a walk with the dog without a leash, but then it can run away or get lost. You can buy ice cream now, but then in the evening you won’t get it for dessert.

At any age, the baby can and should have its own small, but area of ​​responsibility.

Planning and Self-Discipline - Skills successful people that can be developed from childhood. And it starts with simple things: daily routine, sleep and getting up, breakfasts, lunches and dinners, physical activity scheduled classes.

This does not mean that the child needs to be pushed into all kinds of circles. Let him do what he is interested in, just everything in due time and with pleasure.

Together with the baby, taking into account his wishes, draw up a daily routine. But there is important point: parents need to live by the same .

Their child will absorb like a sponge, and if a parent has one thing today and something else tomorrow, here he promises, but there he does not - children grow up in absolute dissonance.

Starting from the age of 11-12, you can already set goals and plan them. A beautiful organizer and cheerful stationery only motivate you to take notes and plan. There is also an element of creativity and play in this.

This skill also forms purposefulness and perseverance. - there will be steps on how to achieve it. Just do not do for the child what he does not succeed. This is a disservice.

Only by environmentally overcoming obstacles, the child learns what resilience and fortitude are. These are also the qualities of a leader. Parents can to help to direct, but he must manage himself.

4. Physical activity

Fitness, swimming, dancing, gymnastics, martial arts, anything - but be sure and in moderation. Both adults and children. Now I'm not talking about professional sports at all.

There, the child is “trained” more than just within the framework of fierce competition, regimen, pain and heightened ego - this is a completely different story about other children and parents.

Talk to your child, observe what activity he shows interest in, and offer to engage.

"Human" sport, whichever you choose, develops a lot of useful qualities in a child:

  • persistence;
  • endurance;
  • will;
  • concentration;
  • the ability goes through all the stages from, for example, “learning one movement for a week” to “dancing for pleasure”;
  • the ability to accept victories and defeats as an equally important life experience and not give up;
  • self-discipline and patience;
  • command;
  • the ability to feel your body, understand its needs.

In addition, it has been proven that playing sports has a positive effect on a person’s mental abilities, strengthens the immune system, and allows.

That is why hyperactive children are attracted to sports. They learn to invest and realize energy.

Another important skill that children acquire in "human" sports is an adequate relationship with their own ego. They acquire the ability not to make tragedy out of defeat, but also not to make victory an end in itself, on the way to which you can bury yourself.

5. Lead by example!

“Do not raise children, they will still look like you. Educate Yourself" English proverb. Everything is simple and clear and I agree.

Agree, it’s stupid to talk about the dangers of smoking to your son if dad has been smoking for 16 years before his eyes,. Everything you want to cultivate in yourself is the law.

Not the last role is played family traditions, personal and financial relationships and the distribution of responsibilities between parents.

If the father is worthy strong man , subconsciously.

If a mother knows how to be flexible, sensitive, at the same time self-sufficient and self-respecting, the daughter will read it. Agree? Share your opinion in the comments.

Whatever you want to raise a child, you have to start with yourself.

A few rules for communicating with a child

Proper communication with a child in childhood will save him trips to psychologists and psychotherapists in the future and even prolong his life.

It is important to maintain a balance of personal freedom of a person, even a small one, and control by parents.

Loving is not the same as pampering

Unfortunately, often This is the association that many parents have. Your baby is always the best and favorite. This is understandable, but the qualities of a leader are not brought up like that.

Pampering a child, allowing everything and serving it on a silver platter at the first tantrum and without it is not an option.

Regulate "Wishlist", only without prejudice to the psyche and conceit of the child. Learn to argue refusals, motivate and talk with your child.

That's the only way to grow strong character the ability to cope with difficulties.

For example, Bill Gates forbade children to watch TV for more than two hours, and Steve Jobs did not allow his family to use gadgets for too long, especially on weekends.

Taboo on criticism

Correction of destructive criticism. If and - then in no case not the child himself, but his actions and deeds. So that he has a positive picture of the world, that he is well done. And some of the actions are not entirely correct.

I accidentally broke my mother's favorite vase - well, next time please be more careful.

It was not possible to assemble a complex puzzle or solve a puzzle, learn a long poem - you need to switch your attention, and then return and finish the job.

Faith in a child works wonders. This is the acceptance and unconditional love to the child, faith in him is the basis of his confidence in himself and in the future. Yes, a leader can be humble, but never.

Rejoice in the small and great successes of children as if they were your own. But if you praise, it is better in detail and about it. Otherwise, read the previous paragraph.

Age and gender matter

I already wrote that you need to raise a son as a man, and a girl as a woman. And although anyone can become a leader, a girl still needs more care, attention, and a boy needs trust and admiration.

Women's leadership is not “all by itself” and the life of the Airborne Forces. This is wisdom, flexibility and the ability to influence others without overwhelming them.

The style of communication with the child should correspond to his age: the older he is, the more serious decisions he can make.

The main thing

The goal is not to educate a president, a manager or a Nobel laureate. The goal is to create conditions for the development of a happy person. And here the most important thing is love for the child.

Do not forget to tell him about it and show it. A child who feels needed and loved, knows that he will always be supported at home, cannot grow up without being successful.

I believe in you,
Yaroslav Samoilov

Today we will discuss an important and interesting topic education of leadership qualities in a child. Talk about this is especially popular in Lately- now there is a boom in terms of books on leadership skills, countless articles and discussions on a number of forums, conversations among themselves in parenting, teaching, psychological, and many other circles.

Parents who care about the well-being of their children are ringing all the bells - how can I make my child a leader?! Finally instill in him the very qualities of a leader!

But here is an understanding of why this leadership is for a child and what it will give, and in the end, most people do not.

Leadership has become a kind of trend.

Everything is about one thing - leadership, motivation, personal effectiveness - but what it is about and what our children have to do with it, remains a question, the answer to which few people know.

What is leadership?

And yet, what is leadership? I will try to describe in as much detail as possible the meaning of this term, which is very important for the subsequent understanding of the main part of the article, and I will give general theoretical information about it.

Generally speaking, leadership is the ability to exert any influence on a person or group of persons used to achieve certain goals due to personal qualities.

In any group, leaders are formal and informal.

Formal leadership is a story more about power.

In the informal, the leader's abilities, his authority and the degree of trust in him, the level of emotional connection in the team come to the fore. In a word, "psychological advantages".

No one forces people to make a choice, it happens by itself.

7 main qualities of a leader:

  • Activity- the ability to express one's energy
  • Initiative- one of the "variations" of the previous point, but more creative - generating and suggesting various ideas, readiness to go forward
  • sociability, openness- readiness and even rather the need to interact with people
  • Independence- Ability to take responsibility and problem solve
  • persistence- a manifestation of willpower, perseverance, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, this can also be attributed to some extent and performance
  • organization- the ability to competently plan your time for the necessary "front of work"
  • self-control- the ability to control oneself, one's desires, emotions, behavior, especially in stressful situations

Work on the listed personal qualities at least makes a person a little better than he is.

As a maximum, it turns you from, let's say, an “ordinary person” into someone who is able to see a little further, a little more, understand people, draw the right conclusions in certain life circumstances, and therefore, be a leader.

Who needs to be a leader?

Well, now let's move on to the most interesting: what does it have to do with children, how does this apply to them?

After all, these are such adult concepts - leadership, efficiency, organization ... Terms related to adult life ... Like.

In fact, it's not just for adults.

All adults were children in childhood.

Children need to be taught about adulthood. And even better - show examples in life.

But before that, remember one important thing: not every child is able to be a leader and not everyone needs it.

Imagine what would happen if everyone was a leader?...

So, even if a child is capable of being a leader, he does not always become one. And the presence of leadership inclinations in childhood does not always appear, so do not panic if you do not find them in your child.

However, it is worth emphasizing the development of a number of skills that are characteristic of leaders. In the future, he will be helped - both in leadership and in life - worth it.

It is necessary to educate them every day, in the family. However, a reliable way to develop these very qualities is for the future life.

Children's leadership: age nuances

Leaders sometimes experience crises more difficult than their peers.

What should parents do? Explain that you will never be good for everyone, you need to remember your desires, and what is important to you.

It is important for parents to distinguish the manifestation of leadership qualities from attempts to manipulate you.

It is rare for a child with leadership abilities to throw tantrums in an attempt to achieve something. Although, much depends on education. He dominates not only at home, but also in kindergarten, school. He does not try to stand out in some sophisticated way, but at the same time he is noticeable among the rest of the guys.

    The first manifestations of leadership can be seen at the age of approximately 3 years. Especially if the child goes to kindergarten. He strives for independence, organizes the guys, at the children's level, but still. He is observant, easy to communicate and takes initiative, he is loved in the group. Kindergarten is the first place where a child finds himself in society.

    It is important to notice the makings of a leader in time and begin to develop them. And still work on them. Since if you do not control the development of the individual, all leadership qualities in the future may manifest themselves from the worst side.

    5-7 years - the time of transition from kindergarten to school, where leadership qualities begin to manifest themselves more clearly.

    It is important to remember that teachers sometimes appoint a “class leader” on their own for various reasons. And another child can become an informal leader. Just like in adulthood.

    In adolescence, it becomes more difficult to manage a certain number of people - this is a very ambiguous period in the life of every person. And first of all, psychologically for a teenager with leadership inclinations.

    He begins to be afraid to make a mistake even in trifles, becomes more dependent on the opinions of others, and this is, in principle, typical for adolescence. And the worst thing is that in all this he begins to lose himself.

How to develop leadership qualities in your child

Well, now: how exactly to raise a leader in a child?

  • Spend as much time as possible communicating with your child, be interested in his hobbies.
  • Respect the opinion of your child, and in controversial situations, learn to compromise and teach this child.
  • Develop the ability to speak in public - this skill is extremely important in modern world generally.
  • Explain that defeat is normal, not everything always works out the first time. If it doesn't work now, try starting again. And do not forget to praise the baby, this will help him to be patient and diligent.
  • Give your child more independence. Let him learn to make decisions himself, at least in small ways, but plan his daily routine and so on. Guide, advise, offer several options, but do not make a choice for him - this is the key to cultivating leadership skills.

  • Recognize and identify leadership qualities early age various games will help - it is in them, showing organizational skills, that future leaders can be seen.
  • Be interested in educators, teachers, how your child behaves when communicating with other children, maybe he shows some peculiarities - all this will help you understand the child better and adjust your methods of education, behavior towards him.
  • Keep the learning process under control, the opinion that the guys-leaders are necessarily excellent students is wrong. Children pay more attention to others, management, if I may say so, by them, and study may suffer from this.
  • Child support is very important, especially during school time. Being a leader in a school team becomes difficult over time, and who, if not parents, needs to help their child overcome all these difficulties
  • What a child definitely cannot do without is without your love. And I will not get tired of repeating it, because this is the most important thing

Inspire your child to reach new heights!

Leadership Development Courses at K.O.T.

As we have already discussed, leadership is not only a character trait, it is a set of skills. And if it is difficult to influence the character and characteristics of a child, and it is not always necessary, but developed skills will never be superfluous. They are certainly necessary for a future leader, but the development of these qualities will help other guys to succeed in the future.

Our center has developed special - flexible skills that help a person every day.

It will help the children to better understand themselves, the essence of the very concept of leadership, to realize who they want to be in the future and what place to occupy in the team.

And you know, it probably doesn’t matter at all whether the child becomes a leader in the future or not - after all, if he has loving parents, everything can be overcome, everything can be dealt with.

The key dilemma of your child's life depends on you - whether he will become happy or not. Help him make the right choice.

Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd/

A leader is a person who is able to lead the crowd, knows how to inspire with his speech, gather a team around him. Such a person is usually distinguished by great willpower, determination, and organizational skills. And often parents dream that their child has leadership qualities. How to raise a child to be a leader? And is it really necessary?

How to Make a Child a Leader: Practical Techniques

A leader is not a person who walks over heads, while forgetting about other people's desires and other people's opinions. This is a person who speaks and can attract attention, make them listen to their words. At the same time, he is not afraid of responsibility for his opinions and actions.

But at wrong upbringing a child can easily slip into selfishness and unjustified conceit. And as a result, he will turn into a dictator who only imposes his opinion and his thoughts without thinking about others. Therefore, it is necessary to educate correctly.

First of all, you need to love your child and not tell him how bad, irresponsible or naughty he is. It is better to point out a bad deed, while emphasizing that the child is a good person whom you love.

In addition, it is important to always encourage the child in his endeavors. Even if they seem stupid, and you are sure that the baby will not become an astronaut or a pilot, you should not criticize the child. Constant criticism from parents usually leads to the formation of low self-esteem. Of course, there can be no question of any leadership qualities in this case.


What else should be done? Here are the main teaching methods:
it is necessary to teach the child diligence, patience - these qualities will help to temper the strength of the spirit, not to give up at the first difficulties;
important - it is worth talking even with the baby, being interested in his opinion on various issues. This will teach the child to correctly express his thoughts and defend his opinion;
the baby’s speech should be developed - for this you can arrange various games at home, as well as encourage the child’s participation in class performances, competitions;
independence is something that parents often forget to give their child. You should not do everything for the baby, even if he is very small. Self-reliance is very important for the development of leadership qualities. Therefore, gradually, within a certain age, the child should be allowed to express himself;
If a child really wants something, let him try it. For example, he wants to sign up for a singing circle, so let him sign up. But at the same time, it is necessary to teach the baby that it is important not only to want, but also to achieve something. So, it’s impossible to quit classes if something didn’t work out the first time. It is important to be able to realize your desires, learn how to solve a problem;
develop - the leader must have a broad outlook, know a lot. Therefore, it is worth visiting various exhibitions, master classes, performances, reading more;
it is very important to teach a child to lose - it is necessary to explain that all failures are temporary, and if you work hard, you can achieve what you want. Can be played different games, this will also help you learn to adequately survive losses;
parents should teach their child planning - this will help not only dream, but also set goals and achieve them;
the leader must be able to hear and accept criticism - it is important not to be offended, but to draw conclusions. Therefore, it is worth teaching the child after the remark to think about how to act so that this does not happen again. A person who does not accept criticism shows his egoism, and this quality should not be the main thing in a leader.

The most important thing is to teach the child to be kind, honest, responsive. The task of parents is to bring up a harmonious personality.

Is it important to be a leader?

In fact, not everyone can be the "captain" of the team. Therefore, you should not impose a leadership role on your child. It all depends on the temperament and character of the child, his inclinations and desires. Not every child wants to be the center of the crowd, someone feels good in the shadows.

Parents should watch their child. If there are no explicit ones, and the child does not strive to be the main one in the team, you should not impose your desires on him. And with excessive efforts of parents, you can even get a backlash from the child. A child can grow up insecure, with many complexes.

You can bring up hard work, responsibility, willpower and without instilling leadership qualities. The most important thing is that the child becomes a good person and knows how to achieve his goals without offending others.

Both a leader and a child who does not have such qualities should be brought up with an emphasis on the moral aspect. After all, kindness, the desire to help others, to make the world a better place are the most important qualities for any person. A leader or not is not so important, the main thing is that the child is happy.

The birth of a baby is a true miracle that gives a loving family the opportunity to raise a worthy replacement for themselves and give the world a noble personality. Bearing, feeding and teaching a child are only the “technical” aspects of this process. It is extremely important to become a good mother for him, to help develop the best qualities, to direct him in the right direction.

Psychology in the education of leaders

Do you and your spouse adore your child, and have you seriously decided to raise a successful businessman, politician, athlete or artist out of him?

Do you want your little one to be a high-ranking, authority figure as an adult? Then you will need valuable tips on how to teach your child to be a leader.

First of all, we want to emphasize that raising a leader child means giving him confidence that he is loved at home, teaching him to be independent and charismatic, open in communication, persistent, purposeful and courageous.

First of all, you should be guided, why do you need to grow a real master from your child? If his innate mentality is strong, and a bright personality is noted from the earliest years, leadership qualities will certainly appear later and without outside help. If, by nature, the baby is weak, withdrawn, dreamy and vulnerable, is it worth it to “break” his nature, rebuilding it to suit his own interests?

It should be understood that from such a “raw” option it will be possible to grow only artificial authority. In addition, nature never errs in endowing the personality with a certain inner psychology. If your child is quiet, shy and timid, he should not become a "ringleader". And this does not matter at all - perhaps his personal nature will be revealed much more fruitfully.

Asking how to raise a real leader from a child, we strongly recommend that you analyze the need for this action. By overdoing it, you run the risk of making him a cynic, a despot, or a narcissist with a sick self-esteem, especially if he does not naturally strive for gaining power and recognition.

We decided to give a few key tips from psychologists on how to raise a child to be a real leader:

  • Whatever your baby’s nature may be, you need to love him, and love him unconditionally, without any “buts”;
  • Never talk to a child about how bad, ignorant, weak he is. If he has committed a serious offense, tell him: “You are a very good person, but this time you did something bad. This is very unexpected for us”;
  • Encourage your child in all his undertakings, even if they seem stupid, frivolous and frivolous to you? Do you want to grow a pilot or captain out of a boy, and he dreams of becoming an artist? Encourage him in this endeavor!;
  • Your baby sees in you the main authority and the main critic. If you constantly hint to him how stupid he is, in the end you will certainly get a person with low self-esteem and mental disorders;
  • Be sure to teach him that everything works out, but not immediately. " Perseverance and work will grind everything!" - this setting should become key in your dialogues with the child;
  • Do not overprotect the baby and protect him from all life's adversities. Sometimes it is worth letting him overcome obstacles on his own, and even take a chance. Difficulties temper the strength of the spirit, bring up fearlessness, teach that not everything in life goes smoothly;
  • If your child wants to attend circles and sections, be sure to encourage such aspirations. Healthy competition will bring up the necessary traits in the baby, and if he feels powerful support from his parents, his faith in his own victories will increase threefold;
  • When wondering how to help your child become a brilliant leader, remember the meaning of this word. The leader is not the one who takes brazenly, "impudently", goes over the heads, is famous for rudeness and authoritarianism. The leader is sociable, friendly and the strong man, capable of drawing a crowd that will willingly follow his instructions.

Practical Techniques

How can a child be made a leader in practice?

Consider the advice of child psychologists:

How to recognize potential leadership inclinations in a child?

If you notice that at home your baby shows his authority, and even tries to become the main one, and prefers to remain silent in the society of his peers, you should know that the makings of a leader here are only indirect, and rather the tactics of the baby in communicating with you play a key role.

Perhaps the child is used to manipulating you, and you mistake this for leadership. If your child is the leader in his kindergarten, behaving like a real authority, you are on the right track.

By what inclinations can you find a leader in a child?

What to do if your child is a leader? First of all, find him a job that will captivate and interest him. Give him the opportunity to be realized in the chosen path.

And most importantly - focus on the value of your child's guidelines, on the moral aspect of his upbringing, on his idea of ​​morality. A strong, independent and promising personality is growing up in you, capable of leading those around you. And it is extremely important where exactly.