
How to quickly insert a face into another photo in Photoshop. Asymmetry: why one side of the face looks better than the other Face in half


A wide face is a problem that concerns not only ordinary people.

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Probably one of the most famous attempts to narrow her face was made by the singer Cher. Rumor has it that she had several chewing teeth removed to correct her broad facial features.

We don't know if this is true or not, but modern approaches will not require you to sacrifice your digestion.

Optical illusions, or why relative facial proportions are often more important than absolute ones

Do you perceive your face as wide? To narrow it down, it is not at all necessary to go to South Korea and undergo a complex operation to cut away excess bone tissue. In most cases, it is enough to change the “weight distribution” of the features on the face.

Expert comment:

Lindsey Wixson

For example, there is the three-thirds rule, which was formulated by Leonardo da Vinci.

According to the rule, the face can be divided into 3 parts by two horizontal lines. One of them runs along the line of the eyebrows, the second - at the level of the base of the nose. For the face to appear beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary that 3 parts - from the base of the hair to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the base of the nose and from the base of the nose to the chin - are equal.

In harmonious beautiful face The distance from the hair growth to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the base of the nose and from the base of the nose to the chin is approximately the same.

If in the background round face measurements show a lack of chin area, to narrow the face you won’t have to remove the cheeks - it will be enough . This simple manipulation will significantly lengthen and narrow your face. That is why before each procedure we carry out a series of measurements and mathematical calculations.

There are different methods to change the “weight distribution” of traits. From playing with light and shadow when applying cosmetics to permanent methods of plastic surgery.

We will not talk about the most obvious reason for facial fullness associated with excess weight. If after losing weight you do not get the desired effect, then you need to look for other ways to make a wide face narrow.

We will start our story with home remedies, then we will talk about the latest low-traumatic developments in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

To get a narrow face, you must first visit the dentist

But not at all for the reason for which Cher did it.

One of the common reasons for a wide face is a low bite and worn teeth. As a rule, the problem in this case is accompanied by crunching and pain in the jaw joint, headaches.

To solve the problem, the dentist raises the bite with crowns, removes excess load from the jaw joint and returns the correct contours to the face. The face becomes narrower.

This is what faces with a low bite (on the left) and a normal bite (on the right) look like.

Do exercises help narrow a face with wide cheekbones?

To narrow the face, face-building instructors recommend training the muscles of the cheek-zygomatic region, and in theory, the exercises can have a good effect.

Facial fitness or a new gadget for facial gymnastics.

We will not dissuade you from gymnastics, because keeping your facial muscles toned is useful in any case.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to “pump up” just one or a couple of muscles in isolation. To one degree or another, all groups of facial muscles will be loaded, including those zones that expand the face.

How to apply blush to narrow your face

If you apply makeup correctly, your face will be visually narrower and slimmer.

To narrow your face with blush, you need to make the skin under your cheekbones a shade darker. Dark blush is suitable for this, dark shades foundation or a matte bronzer that makes the skin tan.

How to apply these products?

    With your mouth closed, lower your lower jaw and draw in your cheeks. The cheekbone line is clearly drawn on the face.

    Apply a dark shade to the area under the cheekbones, moving from the center of the cheek to the ear.

    We apply highlighter to the top point of the cheekbones to emphasize: everything light appears visually larger.

Everyone cosmetics You should use it without fanaticism and shade the line of transition from one tone to another so that the face does not lose its naturalness.

The second way is to focus on the eyes and eyebrows to distract the viewer’s gaze from the cheeks. We paint the eyelashes in two layers, giving a neat shape to the eyebrows.

The main advantage of this method is that you can narrow your face with makeup in a few minutes, on your own and almost free of charge.

Posing skills and accessories will make a wide face visually narrower

What to do if you need to make a narrow face “here and now”, urgently? For example, you have a photo shoot coming up. Remember how celebrities pose.

The mouth is slightly open, the teeth are open. In this position, the chin drops, the face visually stretches, the cheeks recede a little, the cheekbones stand out and in general the face seems narrower - that’s the whole secret. It's worth lowering it a little bottom part faces – and voila, a great photo is guaranteed!

Look, for example, at how Jennifer Lopez poses:

And here is the result:

Jennifer Lopez

To make your face visually narrower, you can use glasses with frames square shape. This accessory works in two directions at once. On the one hand, it makes the temple area more massive, and thereby hides a wide face in the cheek area. On the other hand, it distracts the eye from the massive line of the lower jaw.

The same effect can be achieved with side bangs or a voluminous hairstyle.

If temporary measures do not suit you and you want to narrow round face for a long time, pay attention to cosmetic methods.

How to make a face using cosmetic methods

  1. For general fullness of the face, lipolytics are recognized as the most effective and INNO-TDS Draining ppc. These drugs safely “burn” and remove excess subcutaneous fat.

    Their effect is comparable to liposuction, so do not trust the procedure to a cosmetologist. The drug should not get beyond the fatty areas. The procedure should only be performed by a doctor who is familiar with the anatomy of the face in detail.

    “Before” and 10 days “after” rhinoplasty (surgeon) and removal of Bisha lumps (surgeon). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

    It is important to understand that in order to perform an operation, the doctor must have a well-developed sense of proportion. There is a risk of getting excessive cheek retraction after removing Bisha's lumps. Then the face takes on a tired, haggard appearance. At Platinental we remove just enough to keep the face fresh, natural and attractive.

  2. Laser facial liposuction. In this case, the destruction of fat cells is carried out by laser. A cannula with a laser attachment is inserted through punctures in the anatomical folds in the ear area.
  3. After fat removal, the cannula is switched to collagen stimulation mode - this way the skin recovers and tightens faster after the procedure.

    The procedure allows you to get rid of fat deposits and narrow your face without scars - two-millimeter punctures heal without a trace.

  4. With initial age-related skin sagging – – thread lifting helps to cope. The threads are tightened soft fabrics upward, making the face noticeably narrower and slimmer.

Photos "before" and "after"

Once, during one of the first elections, being practically a complete novice in PR, I wrote a leaflet for a candidate. I called the boss, and he said - the candidate in the photo is looking to the left, which means - to the past. And it needs to be in the future. Find another photo... At the same moment I mirrored the face in Photoshop, i.e. turned it horizontally, I said to the boss: “Will this work?”/> - Never! - the boss replied, - Never do that again! The left and right halves of the face are completely different people! THEY WILL NOT BELIEVE US. They won’t believe HIM...
I learned my lesson and never did it again. And today I conducted a simple experiment. I took a photo of the Prime Minister and assembled his face separately from two right and two left halves... Take a look for yourself: these may be brothers, but they are DIFFERENT people!

Prof. A.N. Anuashvili, Doctor of Technical and Psychological Sciences, as a result of research, established that this pattern does not apply to our face. It turns out that the state of the right hemisphere is projected on the right side of our face, and the state of the left hemisphere is projected on the left half. And since many of us are far from personal harmony, our faces are asymmetrical. Scientists tried to compose a portrait of a person from two left or two right halves. And then it turned out that this way often completely different portraits are obtained. In Avtandil Anuashvili’s system, a portrait from the right halves of the face is called “spiritual”, and from the left - “vital”.

This system turned out to have one wonderful property - simply observing on a computer screen portraits made up of two identical halves of your face leads to personality harmonization! Scientists working under the leadership of Avtandil Nikolaevich came to such an unexpected discovery. The results, they claim, are impressive. There have been cases of healing of mental and neurological diseases, drunkenness, etc.

Photo by author (Doddy)

Based on the results of these studies, A.N. Anuashvili developed a method of video-computer psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection (VCP), for which he received a medical patent. What is this method?

The method is based on determining the functional asymmetry of the two hemispheres of the brain. The image of a person is entered into a computer, a special program builds two portraits from the halves of his face - “spiritual” and “life”, and then compares them. The dominance of one of the cerebral hemispheres and the difference in the amplitudes of oscillatory processes in the hemispheres are determined. After which the computer produces psychological and professional characteristics, a forecast of behavior in different situations, recommendations for vocational guidance and personality harmonization. The reliability of such computer diagnostics is very high.

This is a simple and convenient method, for example, for hiring. No psychological tests for you with a huge number of questions. There are many more areas in which computer psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection can work perfectly and are already working today.

VKP is used in the Civil Service of the Russian Federation, in the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, in the Center for Advanced Medical Technologies, as well as in medical centers for objective psychodiagnosis, psychocorrection and family psychotherapy in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad.

However, today every person with access to a PC can enter his image into the computer, and with the help graphic editor build two portraits - “left” and “right”. And, as the creators of the psychodiagnostic system advise, for at least a week every day for 10-15 minutes, look at “your loved one” in two versions. This way you can get rid of many problems. Agree, it’s not that difficult.

Try it, maybe it will help? And your life will flow in a new way - harmoniously and easily.

If we could divide a face in half using a vertical line, and then look at each half separately, we would likely be presented with two different faces. You may have seen photographic tricks that allow you to see this phenomenon firsthand; it happens when the two left halves of a face and the two right halves are put together.

In both cases, the result is a very bizarre appearance. In reality, each half of the face contains two different types information.

The right side is public - it is what you allow others to see. The left side is confidential because it reflects your inner feelings.

The right side of the face is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, the more logical, linear half of the brain, which has nothing to do with feelings and experiences. And since it is feelings that leave most of the marks on our face, the right side of it usually turns out to be smoother. The wrinkles that can be seen on both sides of the face are joy lines (in the West they are also called crow's feet). This is because they arise under the influence of laughter and smiles, and the left hemisphere is directly related to the sense of humor, which, in essence, is a manifestation of intelligence. In most other cases, deeper or more abundant wrinkles are visible on the left side of the face.

Left-hand side The face is controlled by the right hemisphere, which is responsible for emotional perception. It is on it that all forms of your experience are marked, and here the suffering you have experienced and those emotions that have become a habit are reflected. On the left side you can see lines of sadness and even lines of grief, which are much longer. There is no need to view this as a personal negative quality. It just means that you have experienced such sadness that it has left its mark on you.

Thus, the right side of the face is what you show to the world, these are those components of your personality that you are ready to reveal to others. The left side reflects deeper emotions and those parts of yourself that you prefer to hide from society. Studies have shown that we mostly look at the right side of our interlocutor's face, which leaves us in the dark about some aspects of his personality.

  • Rice. 1. The right side of the face is public, the left is private.

You can learn a lot about a person simply by comparing both halves of his face. For example, President George W. Bush smiled lightly from the right corner of his mouth during a conversation. At the same time, the left corner was sadly lowered down. Overall, this speaks volumes about the level of stress experienced, if not true feelings about the situation.

No less significant will be the comparison of both eyes. It is not so rare to meet a person whose right eye is open wider than the left. Often this means that the person seems to be listening to the words, but in reality he is looking at you much more closely than he would like to show it. This is also a sign that he is not as open to a relationship as he may seem at first. Similar eyes can be seen in many actors and other people who are constantly under the spotlight of public attention. In this case, this is understandable: in order to please the public, a professional performer must appear open and friendly. At the same time, he needs to do everything to protect his personal life from prying eyes. In this case, you can often observe how much larger the right eye looks than the left.

If your left eye is open wider than your right (Fig. 2), this means that you have more trust in others than you might think at first. It is also possible that you are secretly reading from their faces more information than one might assume.

  • Rice. 2. If the left eye is open wider than the right, then a person notices more than it might seem from the outside.

It wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at the difference in eyebrows. If the left one is curved in the shape of an inverted V, and the right one looks like a straight arc, then you are someone who behaves very casually in public. In fact, you may have a certain temperament and impulsiveness. It happens that you begin to act without thinking about the consequences in advance, and in certain situations you are prone to emotional outbursts. At the same time, due to such spontaneity, you rarely miss a good opportunity.

The next time you talk to someone, take a closer look at each side of their face; it is possible that two completely different ones will appear before you. different images! And at some point, if you look for a long time at the left side of your interlocutor’s face, you may get the feeling that you are invading someone else’s life.

At one time I heard a sad story about a student who suffered facial paralysis 15 years ago. With this disease, some of the muscles on the face seem to freeze. Temporary paralysis occurs, which can make the face look very unnatural. It comes suddenly, and sometimes it also ends suddenly. The reasons for this phenomenon have not been fully established, and the same applies to the selection of medications. But people usually manage to regain most of their muscle within a few months, or even a few years.

At that time, she was experiencing serious mental trauma; her fiancé left her literally before the wedding. She suffered so deeply that she could not even bring herself to leave the house. One morning, while combing her hair in front of the mirror, she felt a twinge of pain with renewed vigor. Suddenly to herself, she exclaimed, looking at the reflection: “I don’t want to suffer anymore!” At that moment, the left side of her face began to twitch, after which a semblance of a smile appeared on it and froze there forever!

From that moment on, the left side of her face constantly looked happy, so her wish was fulfilled, her inner self showed only positive emotions and no hint of a broken heart. As a result, she had to train her smile on the right side to look as natural as possible. Thus, she began to delight the world with a very pleasant expression. From that time on, everyone she met treated her with great sympathy, because to these people she must have seemed an absolutely happy person.

New York-based photographer Alex John Beck created a series of photographs, “Both Sides Of,” to confirm or refute two beliefs. Many people believe that, firstly, perfectly symmetrical faces are the most beautiful. Secondly, our face reflects our character. In his photographs, Alex “glued” two identical parts of the face together: the right with the right, the left with the left.


You won't see the person's true face in any of these pictures. While creating portraits, Alex was amazed at how different people's personalities seemed depending on whether he connected the right sides of their faces or the left. In truth, in some cases, absolute symmetry looks a little creepy, although sometimes the differences are not very noticeable.

The difference between the right and left sides of the face is explained from a psychological and physiological point of view. Both of them reflect human experiences in different ways. The left side reflects true feelings and is the “mirror of the soul”; the right half is more stingy in demonstrating emotions. According to scientific research, such asymmetry depends on the properties of the brain. After all, it is known that the left part of the body is “commanded” by its right, more “emotional” lobes.

“It’s as if two completely different people are hiding under one face,” says the author of the photographs. “The less symmetrical the two halves are initially, the more different the characters of the people resulting in the photograph are after connecting the right and left sides of his face.”

I always knew that my face, as well as the faces of other people, is not characterized by absolute symmetry and did not see a big problem in that. However, over time, I began to notice that one side of the face looked not just slightly different, but frankly worse than the other: the skin and muscles on it were less elastic, and the wrinkles were deeper. Worried, I went to a specialist to find out the reason for the changes happening to me. “There really are no absolutely symmetrical faces in nature,” says Irina Ivanova, cosmetologist-dermatologist, doctor of the highest category at the Doctorplastic clinic. — The left side is always softer, feminine, slightly elongated vertically. The right one is wider and less feminine. It should be noted that such physiological asymmetry is practically not perceived visually. It is due to the fact that the hemispheres of the brain regulate the motor skills and sensory functions of the halves of the body differently, and therefore the facial activity of different sides of the face is somewhat different. Another thing is acquired asymmetry, which arises for completely different reasons. Here are the most common ones."

Dental problems

Dentists never tire of repeating that the loss of a tooth, and especially several, is also a serious aesthetic problem. The connection between a full set of teeth and a beautiful oval face is the most direct. After tooth extraction, the bone partitions from which the tooth socket was formed gradually dissolve, and a dent forms on the jaw. At the same time, the jaw is deformed, slightly decreasing in height and diameter. This leads to tension in small facial muscles and the formation of new wrinkles or the deepening of old ones. If several teeth are missing in the lower jaw, the angle of its location may change, and the soft tissues of the face may shift, forming wrinkles and creases. Timely prosthetics will help avoid jaw deformation and maintain beautiful facial contours. Artificial analogues of teeth will not allow the jaw to decrease in size and will support the functioning of the chewing muscles and jaw joints.

Habit of chewing on one side

Most often, this is again a consequence of the loss of a tooth (or teeth). We chew on one side of our mouth because there is simply nothing to chew on the other. As a result, the facial muscles on the one hand, not receiving the proper load, weaken, while on the other they become hypertonic. Overstrained muscles literally pull on facial tissues, creating creases and visible asymmetry. It should be noted that the risk of developing an aesthetic defect is especially great if you love chewing gum. In this case, the chewing muscles experience uneven load for a long time.

Habit of sleeping on one side

Sleep, as you know, is a necessary condition for beauty. However, if you are used to sleeping on one side, you risk losing your beauty while sleeping. The fact is that the tissue on the side of your face, with which you press against the pillow, slowly but inevitably deforms. The oval gradually changes, a network of small wrinkles forms around the eye, deeper folds lie between the eyebrows, and vertical lines form on the cheeks and chin. As cosmetologists say, if you prefer to sleep on one side, then it will quickly become clear which one. The best way to avoid the appearance of asymmetry and wrinkles during sleep - eliminate any contact of the face with the pillow. You can do this by training yourself to fall asleep lying on your back. This way you will not only avoid prolonged pressure on the muscles and skin, but also maintain normal fluid flow throughout the night.


The cause of acquired asymmetry may be various diseases. “First of all, dysfunction of the facial nerve,” says Irina Ivanova. — With this disease, weakness of the facial muscles develops, the corner of the mouth droops, the upper eyelid droops, the palpebral fissure becomes wider, the nasolabial folds smooth out, and the face on the affected side acquires a pained expression. Injuries, fractures, especially displaced ones, and the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgeries are also often the reason why the two sides of the face look different.”

According to experts, you can encounter the problem of facial asymmetry at any age. But over time, unfortunately, it becomes more and more noticeable. Simply due to the fact that bad habits live with us longer. “However, do not despair,” says Irina Ivanova. — Asymmetry, as a rule, can be corrected. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes: contact a neurologist, dentist, or orthodontist. There is physiotherapy, gymnastics for facial muscles, massage. To correct violations of proportions and volumes, cosmetologists use contour plastic surgery. Botulinum therapy is also used successfully. In the most severe cases, surgical correction is possible.”