
Participation in the action "White Flower". A note and a photo report from the life of the preschool educational institution. Charity event Thank you for your attention


In our city, every year there is a charity event« White color OK" . I want to tell you a little about the history of this action.

The history of the action White flower»

For the first time"White flower" was organized in Sweden, but immediately gained popularity in Russia and already in 1911 was arranged in many cities of the country. Days in Russia"White flower" began to be carried out thanks to the patronage of the royal family, who spent personalfunds for works of mercy. On this day they gatheredmeans to fightWith"plague of the century" - tuberculosis. Symbolic bouquets were handed out to all those who were not indifferent.white flowers. For such a bouquet, everyone gave as much as he could, contributing to the cause of helping the weak and sick people. So the day"White flower » was a day of selflessness, kindness and love for one's neighbor. He gave the sick hope for healing, those who helped - the opportunity to show their best human qualities. White Day traditionflowertook root in many cities of Russia and died out only for a while - from the end of the 30s of the last century to the beginning of the XXI century. White Day in Voronezhflowerwas held May 27, 1912. After 100 years in 2012, the Voronezh and Borisoglebsk dioceserevived charity event"White flower" .

White flower -love symbol, mercy and kindness, reminds us that care, faith and love can work wonders and are indispensable for the human heart. I would like to believe and hope that the collected duringcash sharesfacilitiesfor children with severe oncology will help them recover from this terrible disease, and we will see them healthy and happy.

In September, our kindergarten No. 5 hosted the action "WHITE FLOWER". Participated in this actioneducators, children and parents.

With kidsin our group we made white daisies. The children enjoyed doing flowers!

Elena Kozhanova

About participation in the action "White Flower" - a note and a photo report from the life of the preschool educational institution

Give people sincere goodness.

Give daily, hourly.

Let good deeds shine silver

let the space be filled with kindness!

Create this miracle of miracles

wholeheartedly - easily and disinterestedly.

Let the man-made forest grow

kindest words and noble thoughts.

Good, like clean air on earth,

cannot be redundant and useless.

Give - the world around will become brighter

from the petals of the gift of happiness! Ludmila Kuznetsova

From September 10 to September 21, 2017, a large-scale charitable event "White Flower" is being held in the Voronezh Region.

For the fifth year in a row, children, parents and employees of the MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 6" take an active part in the White Flower charity event aimed at supporting children with severe cancer. (By the way, this year the responsibility for holding the Promotion in our preschool educational institution was assigned to me. In given time I work as an educator in senior group).

The symbol of the Action was a white camomile. Touching snow-white petals unite everyone who cannot remain indifferent to someone else's pain. White has always been considered a symbol of purity, hope and renewal.

In all kindergarten groups, “Lessons of Kindness” were held, at which they talked about mercy and compassion, about the fact that every person, regardless of age and financial situation, can help a neighbor who is hurt, lonely and hard at this moment.

Healthy child can do paper flower and thereby give a sick child hope.

It is also very pleasant that the parents also joined the campaign, who showed by their own example how important it is to do good deeds.

The mothers of pupils and teachers of the preschool educational institution participated in master classes on making white flowers from various materials. So, for example, in the senior group, the teacher Kozhanova E.M. and mother Saranchina Kostya taught children how to make white flowers from napkins. The guys participating in the master class made beautiful white roses.

Many different beautiful flowers The children, together with their parents and grandparents, made them at home and brought them to the kindergarten.

I would like to say THANK YOU to all the participants of the White Flower charity fair, organized at the preschool educational institution on September 14. Special thanks to Yanochka and Svetlana, the girls who warmly welcomed everyone at the FAIR! They were very conscientious about the task entrusted to them and did a good job with it.

The collected funds and white flowers were transferred to the Church of the Nativity of the people responsible for the White Flower campaign.

On September 16 and 17, the Action was held in the temples of the city and the region. The funds received from the action will be transferred to children suffering from severe oncological diseases.

Thank you for your attention!

Note: I also plan to post the materials of this article and the photo report on the website of the preschool educational institution where I work as a teacher (MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten № 6":

Goodbye Kindergarten! Note and photo report from the life of the kindergarten.

Dear guests of my page, Dear friends! I suggest you get acquainted with the action in which we participated with our granddaughter. "To the trees.

Charitable action "White Flower" is a revival and continuation of the traditions of charity that existed in Russia before the revolution. For the first time, the "Day of the White Flower" was held in St. Petersburg in 1911 at the initiative of Emperor Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna; The purpose of the event was to raise funds for the treatment of tuberculosis patients. Volunteers offered the townspeople to buy flowers - live or artificial - at a price that was set by the buyers themselves. Before the revolution, the White Flower festival was very popular, tens of thousands of people took part in it. In our time, the tradition is gradually being revived - since the 2000s, the "Day of the White Flower" has been held in many cities of Russia.

Based on the content, the action pursues several goals at once. First of all, it provides an opportunity to raise funds to provide comprehensive medical and social support to children with severe and incurable diseases. To draw the attention of society and the state to the problems of these children is the most important task of the action.

Its no less important goal is to convey to people the idea that every person, regardless of age and financial situation, can help their neighbor, who at this moment is hurting, lonely and hard. A healthy child can make a paper flower and thus give hope to a sick child. White has always been considered a symbol of purity, hope and renewal..

Pupils of "Borovichok" with the help of their parents made crafts for the action. There were also huge flowers and miniature flowers, but each was imbued with a bright feeling of wishing for health and joy.

We call on all residents of our beautiful city to unite and give children with serious illnesses hope for new life. On Saturday, September 29, a charity event will take place in the Catherine's Garden near the monument. Accept the white flower from the volunteers and donate the amount of your choice. Show by example how easy and how important it is to do good deeds.

on the charity event "White Flower"
in MB preschool educational institution "Shebetovsky kindergarten" Semitsvetik "of the city of Feodosia of the Republic of Crimea"

September 13, 2016 in our kindergarten was held under the motto "Give mercy", dedicated to the charity event "White Flower". The purpose and objectives of this work is to introduce children to the action "White Flower", the purpose of this event, to educate children in love and compassion for others, the desire to help in difficult situation; introduce the concept of "Mercy"; to form in children the desire to take part in the action "White Flower".

The activities were attended by educators, children of older and middle age. In the senior and middle groups kindergarten, educational activities were carried out, which included conversations “Give people good”, “Kind heart”, reading fiction"Sons", "Flower-seven-flower", acquaintance with proverbs and sayings, viewing the presentation "Lesson of Mercy".

Educators, together with the children, made action symbols - white flowers.

Carrying out the action "White Flower" today is the revival and continuation of the traditions of charity that existed in Russia before the revolution.
"Day of the White Flower" was first held in St. Petersburg in the spring of 1911 at the initiative of Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna. The holiday was dedicated to raising funds for the treatment of tuberculosis patients and preventive measures. Volunteers who are not indifferent to the health of society offered the townspeople to buy flowers - live or artificial - at a price that was set by the buyers themselves. By common efforts, it was possible to raise significant funds to help people suffering from the disease.
The bright and kind tradition of holding the White Flower holiday was continued in many parts of Russia and did not cease to exist until the end of the 30s of the last century. And at the beginning of the 21st century, thanks to its good orientation and the changes taking place in the minds of people, it was revived again. Since 2003, the charity event has been held in many Russian cities. The symbol of the holiday, like a hundred years ago, is a white flower, which is distributed to all participants for voluntary donations.

We believe that kindness will save the world!
Give kindness to people
Care and love
And understanding and dream -
Give again and again!
Let there be no thought about the reward
And never will
Reciprocal heart warm light
People will give you.
And your life will change
Will be luckier
When the flow is on you
The wave of love will come!

Give people kindness!.. (Zoya Butsaeva)

Creation of conditions for the formation

social and personal ideas of pupils

as part of the introduction of the GEF preschool education.

"Charity event "White Flower"

as one of the forms of formation of moral qualities in children"

Project activity:

Charity Event

"White flower"

The action is held among preschoolers (3-7 years old) MKDOU Kozlovsky kindergarten.

Action organizer:

This action is carried out on the initiative of the Voronezh and Borisoglebsk Eparchy and the VII "Support of Russia," as well as with the support and participation of the Government of the Voronezh Region, the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Region and the administration of the Buturlinovsky Municipal District.

Employees, parents, children of MKDOU Kozlovsky kindergarten.


Charity has become a prominent part of modern life. The day will come when we will need to explain to the children what it is and why people do it. Charity, of course, brings up in the child an understanding of what is good and what is bad. This is a wonderful opportunity to develop the habit of kindness, to teach to think about those who are worse off than us. It's simple: children are brought up by example, and if they are shown from early childhood that they can live in such a way that others benefit from you, most likely this picture will become their life model.What we lay in the soul of a child today will manifest itself later, become his life and ours. preschool age- a period of active knowledge of the world and human relations. Work preschool in this direction is built in such a way as to lay in the child those human qualities that make it possible to grow up not only an intellectual, but also a spiritually rich personality. Intellect plus character, which contains moral foundations - this is our task today.

To date, we have experience in holding charity events to help children. These actions are a good school for educating preschoolers such qualities as mercy, patience, mutual understanding, kindness, and also allow us toshow financial assistance children who need it due to various life circumstances.

Purpose of the promotion:

Creation of conditions for the formation of social, moral, spiritual values ​​of preschoolers

Action objectives:

1. To promote the development of such valuable qualities of preschoolers as: kindness, sincerity, generosity, mercy, selflessness;

2. Introduce preschoolers to the concept of charity;

  1. 3. Attract preschoolers to the charitable movement.

Resource (material and technical) support of the project:

laptop, music center.

The main stages of the project implementation:

Stage 1:

According to a good tradition, in September, a charity event "White Flower" is organized in our garden, the proceeds from which are transferred to needy children.

Preliminary work with children:

Production by preschoolers, parents, employees - white flowers;

Reading poems, stories, fairy tales about friendship, kindness;

  • - organization of an exhibition of children's drawings "Me and my friend";

Listening to musical works about friendship, kindness;

Acquaintance with proverbs, sayings about kindness and friendship;

  • - a conversation with preschoolers about the fact that in our country there are children who need help.

Stage 2:

The beginning will be a conversation in which the teacher brings the children to the topic of "charity".

Children express their desire to help children.

Educator: How can we help children?

Children: offer different answers

V: offers to remember what they did

D: did crafts, drew pictures for the exhibition, sang songs, taught poetry

V: And what if we prepare a concert, invite guests and give white flowers to all the spectators at this concert.

D: agree concert date is set

On the eve of the action, educators tell pupils about what ischildren who are seriously ill, that they need help, explain what charity is. Children make white flowers with their teachers, at home with their parents, bring them to kindergarten. The staff of the DOE also take an active part. During this period, everything is glued, cut, crafted.

During the day of the action, an unusual atmosphere of kindness, warmth, support reigns in the preschool educational institution: songs, poems, parables about goodness are heard in the morning; statements and pictures on the relevant topic attract attention.

Stage 3:

Participates in our campaign a large number of people who are united by a common goal: to help seriously ill children in need of expensive treatment.

As a result of the campaign, we educate preschoolers with human qualities that are based on spirituality and morality; children acquire knowledge that there are many people on Earth, but they are all different, among them there are those who need our help. The significance of this work is the high interest of employees, parents in holding charity days, the awareness and effectiveness of the events.

Stage 4:

In 2014, 2300 rubles were collected and transferred to the rector of the church in the city of Buturlinovka, Father Alexander.

We respect those who participate in charity. It seems to us that to learn to think not only about ourselves and to have a desire to help someone who is now worse off than you means to be a person of a higher order. Especially when it comes to children. And we are convinced that if there is at least one chance to help a child, you need to use it.

At the end of the concert, a conversation was held with the guys, participants of the action in order to get “feedback” about what they did, why, what feelings they experience, whether they liked doing good deeds.