
A ring as a gift for a girl. Not an engagement - don’t give! Why it is impossible to give ordinary rings, omen and interpretation. And then go for it


A gift such as a ring will come in handy if a man proposes to a girl. However, on birthday handing this jewelry Not recommended.

It is customary to give an engagement ring with a diamond, which is a symbol of firm decision-making. Another option is to present a ring to a woman for the birth of her first child. In other cases, the ring cannot be gifted. This prohibition arose due to superstitions that after such a gift, especially if the jewelry is gold, the lovers will part ways. It is also undesirable for a girl to give a ring to her beloved. However, the husband can give a ring for no particular reason, while it must be expensive. This can be done, for example, as a sign of reconciliation.

It is better to choose a chain, bracelet, earrings as a birthday present. However, any coin for a gift, according to legend, should appease the cosmic forces and save lovers from quarrels.

One of the options to please the girl is to give her cash or a gift card that will allow her to buy the ring she likes. The opinion of the clergy testifies that the ring can still be given, but this is a sign of loyalty and must be given to the person with whom you want to live your whole life. Church rings can be given to any believer. It is better if the jewelry is made of silver.

A list of signs associated with donating a ring:

  1. parting of a loving couple,
  2. loss of the opportunity to marry,
  3. a man and a woman will not become a couple,
  4. a quarrel before the wedding, a test of the strength of the union.

There is one more sign. You cannot give another person to measure the ring, with it he takes luck and energy. If this happens, then you need to hold the ring over a candle flame or put it in holy water, then dry it and leave it for a day.

And yet, why not give a ring?

It is clear that the signs prohibiting giving a ring for a birthday arose as a result of real stories people. It is up to the lovers to believe in such signs or not. Opinions differ on this. However, there is a logical explanation why it is impossible to give rings to a girl just like that: a girl can regard this as a sign of a marriage proposal! On the other hand, unlike a chain and a bracelet, accepting a ring means entering into close relationships, agreeing to them. The dream book claims that receiving a ring as a gift in a dream is a good sign. According to the interpretation, a person is destined for a strong marriage and happiness in the family. If the ring is presented by one of the relatives, for example, a brother, mother or friends, then it is stupid to refuse the present. Just in case, you can donate a coin.

Many modern gifts are viewed from the point of view of signs, beliefs and superstitions that have come to us from time immemorial.

The significance of some of these signs is not even disputed, and some cause surprise and even bewilderment.

For example, a ring given to a girl. On the one hand, this is a sign of love and seriousness in a relationship, an indispensable element of the marriage proposal ritual, and on the other, very bad omen.

What a donated ring can bring with you

A ring is one of the most awaited gifts for any girl. To unmarried, this shows the love and devotion of a partner, it implies an early wedding. Married ladies are given a ring in honor of the next date of the relationship, in gratitude for the birth of a child.

But such gifts must be accepted with caution. According to signs, they can lead to a serious quarrel and even a break in relations, to illness, to the loss of beauty, to the deprivation of female happiness, and even to death.

Do not be afraid ahead of time. Signs do not apply to all rings. It also matters who presented it as a gift.

What rings and why are they dangerous?

The danger of the ring lies in its shape. The circle has always had for people magical meaning... He denoted power and superiority, helped to collect the necessary energy in one place.

Being on a person's finger, the ring becomes a part of it, absorbs information, both positive and negative.

You can not give or accept a ring in the following cases.

  • If the ring for a long time belonged to another person. Passed by inheritance from their own relatives or future ones from the husband's side, it can bring both joy and sorrow to a girl. It is better not to put on such a gift, but simply store it in a secluded place.
  • Can't give wedding ring... By removing the wedding ring from her hand, the mother or mother-in-law will convey to the young all their problems that they had to face in the marriage. It is especially dangerous to do this if living together ended in divorce or the death of her husband. A widow's ring is the most terrible gift for any woman.
  • If the ring has been found and the exact owner is unknown. Very often a variety of rituals are performed with rings, most of which involve “throwing off” negativity. Whoever picks up such a ring will take a part on himself, and after giving it, he will give it in an increased amount.

What rings can you give

It is best to donate a new ring. If you make it to order, then it is better to provide chains, earrings and other jewelry for scrap. Rings, the types of which are listed above, should not even be used on the material for a new ringlet.

There will be no harm from the "mother" ring. It is given for the birth of the first child, and it carries an extremely positive energy. The church ring will not harm its new owner either.

Although it doesn't hurt to play it safe. Even if you put the ring on your finger, accepting it as a gift, then remove it, rinse it under the tap, put it in a glass of water and freeze it. After a while, it will be possible to wear it without fear. All negativity will go away.

Of course, a ring is one of the most desirable gifts for any girl. It is not at all necessary that it be just an engagement, such a decoration is suitable as a present for almost any occasion.

Today, many strive to be original, indeed, a beautiful ring in a box is, albeit pleasant, but corny. There are many ways to present a present in such a way as to delight a lady.

How to give a girl a ring so that she will remember this day forever? Our tips and videos in this article will help you figure it out.

First of all, it is important to choose the right decoration, because the effect of the presentation depends on it. It is important to consider a lot of factors here: the reasons for giving, the girl's age, her tastes and preferences, and so on.

If you decide to propose to your beloved, you should choose a ring from precious metals, because it will accompany her all her life, provided that the beloved will give a positive answer. It is best if the ring is decorated with a diamond, albeit a small one. You can brag to your friends for an infinitely long time with such a present. Another great idea is to get a commemorative engraving.

As a quality, you can pick up a more extravagant ring that can be put on and off depending on the outfit. The price will depend on your budget. You can buy expensive jewel, but you can pick up a high-quality ring from a fashion brand, it is not at all necessary that precious stones be present on it.

For a less solemn occasion, a ring as a gift for a girl can be chosen from good jewelry. There are some really interesting options. It all depends on the character of the girl. Someone prefers delicate rings, and some are not averse to experimenting with images and boldly put on massive jewelry that attracts the eye.

You can also choose from interesting and inexpensive rings that can complement the image of a girl and make you smile. Today they make very cute and funny decorations, like, for example, in the photo.

I would also like to mention custom-made wooden rings. This is truly a work of art. Such a present seems to immerse in Magic world from which you do not want to return to reality.

Very beautiful options presented in our gallery:

We give a ring

Many people ask themselves how to give a ring to a girl in an unusual way?

Of course, we have repeatedly seen interesting options in the movies, for example:

  • - this is a romantic option, which is suitable for a romantic dinner, the end of which will be a marriage proposal. Warn the waiter in advance about your intention, let him become your ally, quietly throw the ring into the glass while you distract your companion with a pleasant conversation.

Advice: be careful, make sure that the girl does not accidentally choke or swallow the present, because she is not aware of the prepared surprise. In this case, you can say: "Honey, the champagne is very cold, drink in small sips."

  • Place the ring in the rosebud- another great idea on how to give a girl a ring. In the "embrace" of bright petals, the present will look great.

Advice: In this case, it is appropriate to give one rose, because the ring can simply get lost in the bouquet.

  • Another well-known option is to send the ring in an envelope... It's very unexpected and romantic. In this case, you should not trust the mail, because the item is valuable, and the letter can get lost or arrive with a delay. It is best to throw the letter into the mailbox on your own and hint to the girl that it is time to pick up the accumulated mail. Just imagine how surprised she would be to see an envelope with a love letter, and even a ring to boot!

Ring in a chocolate egg

If you want a present to become a real surprise, you can present a ring in a chocolate egg! The girl will never guess that inside she is not waiting for a trinket from the manufacturer's company, but a long-awaited marriage proposal! You can do everything yourself.

  • Remove the wrapper carefully so you can wrap the egg back later.
  • Break the egg in half, easy as long as the chocolate isn't too frozen or melted. The main thing is not to break!
  • We take out all unnecessary from the plastic container for the toy, put the ring (you can attach a small note).
  • We warm up the knife over the fire and draw the red-hot end along the edge of one of the halves. The chocolate will melt a little along the edge, now you need to quickly attach the other half and hold them together.
  • It remains only to return the wrapper - the surprise is ready!

By a similar principle, you can hide a present in a walnut shell, it will turn out very unusual!

Giving in a playful way

Even the donation process itself can be made original if turned into an interesting game.

For instance:

  • Hot cold... Everyone knows the rules, one of the players is hiding some little thing, and the other must find it. In this case, the first player can prompt the one who is looking with the words "warm" or "cold". Starting such entertainment is as easy as shelling pears on an ordinary evening. The girl may think that she is waiting for a chocolate bar or a cute toy, just imagine how surprised she is to find a wedding ring!

  • You can go fishing, of course, having prepared a surprise in advance... Tie a ring to the hook and throw the rod into the water. Then, you can invite your beloved to pull out the "fish". Disappointment will give way to real delight when she takes a closer look at the empty hook!

  • And you can also come up with a whole quest, spreading notes around the apartment with tasks and tasks that need to be solved on the way to the goal. It will turn out not only interesting way donate a ring, but also an exciting joint pastime!

  • Nobody canceled romance! Why not decorate your home with candles and rose petals? You can put a heart of candles in the center of the room, and live a box with a ring in it!
  • You can also freeze the ring in a piece of ice.... To do this, you just need to throw it into a container of water and put it in the freezer. Then, pull out ice cube and invite the girl to "warm" the ring as she melted your heart!


In conclusion, it should be said that the most important thing in the process of donating a ring is to be sincere, to radiate positive emotions. If your eyes shine with happiness, it doesn't matter at all whether you present the ring while riding a horse, or just at home over a cup of tea, because the main thing is love that sparkles in your heart!

At all times, women and girls loved to adorn themselves exquisitely and exquisitely. It was believed that the more jewelry made of precious metals on a lady, the more noble, richer and higher in social status this woman is. In the southern countries of India or Africa women's jewelry always had a certain meaning and were required attribute everyday value. A similar tradition has been preserved in modern times. Including great value attached to the rings. In addition to determining belonging to a certain circle, mystical omens and superstitions have developed among the rings. Popular beliefs determine why it is impossible to give a ring to people.

The sign with a gift of rings in no way refers to wedding rings!

Many countries adhere to the concept that rings can still be given to both men and women without fear of mystical consequences. Gifts can be made both for birthdays and for the new year, and for any professional holidays... However, in the Russian latitudes, the donation of a ring has a certain superstitious background.

Despite the fact that the donation of a ring among our ancestors is considered a positive tradition and good omen. Some superstitions are attributed to her. For example, donation should be carried out exclusively by a person who wishes only the best for the donee. The new owner of the ring may not always know how to treat the giver. So you should whisper to yourself

Bless and save

Thus, you can be sure that the negative energy of the ring and bad omen will not overtake the target.

Our ancestors believed that a jewel can only be given in certain holidays... For example, you can donate jewelry for an engagement. But if the gift is given at Christmas or on the name day, then the positive energy will not reach the goal. After whispering “Save and preserve”, one should thank the person who gave the ring gift for such holidays. There is a possibility that the giver is not aware of this sign and the mystical abilities of the ring.

Superstitions associated with rings

The sign says that if a man or a guy makes such a gift to a young girl who is not his bride, then she should whisper “Save and save”. Thus, she will protect herself from the adverse consequences associated with the energy of the ring. It is important that the finger jewelry was presented by the person who treats the person who is giving the gift good-naturedly. The circular shape of the ring contains powerful streams of energy impulses. With an unfriendly attitude, they can bring failure into life.

Holidays for which you can make a gift with a jewel on your finger:

  1. An engagement cannot be complete without the gift of an attribute such as a ring. A young guy gives his girlfriend and already the bride a ring with precious stone... Decorating with a stone has a symbolic meaning and a special sign, since the harder the mineral, the stronger the relationship and future marriage of the young couple will be. The stone shows that the man is firm in his intentions. In modern society, such an attribute is present only at the painting procedure in the registry office and at the wedding. However, in the time of our ancestors, the ring acted as proof that a man or woman was bound by the knot.
  2. The birth of a child in the family. When a woman gives birth to her first child, her husband must give her a substantial gift. In this case, various jewelry made of precious metals will always be relevant. Including rings.
  3. Superstitious and religious people will gladly accept as a gift a simple silver ring, presented with love and good intentions. In this case, it is worth saying the phrase "Lord, save and save." It is best to have part of the phrase “save and preserve” engraved on the inside of the ring.

Refusal to accept decoration

If the gift falls on a birthday or new year, then it is best to refuse to accept such a gift. Of course, not everyone can understand the meaning of superstition, but if you get a ring for your birthday or New Year's, you can cry. Therefore, the refusal will the best option... It is not recommended for a young girl to accept gold and bulky jewelry on her finger as a gift from a guy. And it is best if the guy will present her with earrings or bracelets than rings. Otherwise, a young couple may trigger a deterioration in relations and an early quarrel.

It is also not recommended for a young wife to give her husband a birthday present. Despite the fact that men are always favorably influenced by rings of noble metals, on a birthday or new year, male energy is greatly weakened. On a birthday or new year, a person's aura is excessively weak and susceptible to negative surroundings. Having received the ring, the man undergoes a powerful energy and circular surge, which can attract bad waves. In this case, one can expect failures in work and love. Therefore, it is better for a man who receives a ring as a birthday or New Year's gift to refuse it for a while and accept it on another day.

If you were still presented with a ring and you are afraid of dire consequences, but really want to accept it, just pay off with a coin or bill

Poor energy and its prevention

There is a superstition associated with the ring that you cannot measure other people's jewelry. In fact, it is possible, but in the field of this, a cleansing ritual should be performed. The ring that was tried on should be brought to the burning candle for a couple of seconds, then it will be possible to return it to its rightful owner. Thus, it is possible to rid the decoration of the intertwining of the human aura.

As a cleansing ritual, you can put the jewel in holy water overnight. In some cases, it is enough to blow into the circle of the decoration, thereby renewing the magical energy of the object.

If it is not possible to perform all the necessary rituals of purification, then it will be enough to hand over the jewel to be tried on to the lawful mistress and whisper

As you know, all girls like to receive various jewelry as gifts. And it doesn't matter if it is earrings, a chain, a beautiful brooch or something else, the main thing is that the stone is big size and shone brightly wherever she went.

For some reason, such an ornament as a ring is often given when a hand and a heart are offered, and something else is chosen as a gift for a birthday or any other holiday. Why? Yes, all because of the same human stereotypes that no one wants to bypass. But in vain!

Ring for the New Year! Why not?

As a gift, the ring is perfect for any occasion. Especially if you are going to go on a holiday together to a restaurant or something else. public place... The ring will perfectly decorate your girlfriend's evening dress, and she will appreciate this approach in choosing a gift.

Ring as a gift for New Year can be something special or unusual:

  • a snowflake instead of a stone;
  • New Year's motives;
  • ring with the symbol of the coming year.

Surely there is such an assortment in stores, and you can easily select the option that your girlfriend will like the most. Don't forget in advance find out the size of the ring, so as not to get into a tricky situation.

To do this, just for fun, try on her rings on your fingers. So in the store you can try on the pieces you like and choose the right ring.

Ring as a gift for no reason - just like that

Girls just love to be pampered and given gifts just like that. Giving a ring on the most ordinary day, of course, is a bold act, but still it cannot be called completely inappropriate. Perhaps you really liked some ring, and you really want it.

So that it turns out to be on your girlfriend's fingers. Or you ordered a ring on the Internet a long time ago, but it came only now, much later than the scheduled date. Then you will definitely have to give it just like that, for no reason.

If you want to make such a gift to a girl, but do not plan to propose. Then try not to disappoint your soul mate. You shouldn't do this by candlelight at a romantic dinner. Rather, it is better to present the ring at the most unexpected moment.

It's even better if you invite her to go shopping and bring her to a jewelry store. Where she herself can choose beautiful decoration for your fingers.

Ring as a gift for March 8

International Women's Day is just created to do girls and women beautiful gifts... That is why the ring will come in handy after all.

It is even better if the style of the decoration is aimed at spring motives:

  • flowers;
  • blossoming leaves;
  • birds;
  • Sun.

Do not forget this spice up a cute gift with a bouquet of fresh flowers and a box delicious sweets ... You will see, there will be no limit to joy!

Ring as a birthday present

If you really want to give a ring to a girl for her birthday, then why not! This is a great reason to buy your soul mate a new piece of jewelry for a great occasion. Jewelry salons and online stores offer jewelry sets that represent a whole ensemble. You can easily match not only earrings to the ring, but also a pendant or bracelet.

Regardless of the occasion, a beautiful ring can be a wonderful gift for both a young girl and a woman. It doesn't matter if such a surprise is made before or after the wedding.

After all " Best friends girls - diamonds! " And this argument once again suggests that the beautiful half of humanity must be pampered and presented with jewelry at least every day.