
The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank started a new reform of pensions. The Ministry of Finance has prepared a six-point pension reform plan Pension reform project for working pensioners


The new pension reform, which came into force at the beginning of 2016, radically changes the system of pension accrual that was previously in force in Russia.

In fact, the pension system began to work in 2015, and is calculated until 2025. The full launch of the reform took place on January 1, 2016.

What years fall

Citizens who got a job after January 1, 2015 fell under it. Those who worked before the specified period do not lose their achievements, they are recalculated and fit into the new framework.

If, as a result of the recalculations new version the amount will be less than it was before the recalculation, then the reduction will not occur, the amount that is greater will be left.

The essence of the new pension reform - the main directions

The changes that the Russian pension system is undergoing can be called global. It was divided into insurance and savings. Insurance, the basis of which remained Pension Fund, will continue to be replenished by deductions from wages and other obligatory payments.

The right to a pension is now expressed in points, or in, and citizens who:

  • reached retirement age, 55 years for women and 60 for men;
  • have at least a minimum insurance period, this is 15 years from 2024 and 7 years in 2016 ;
  • have sufficient IPC, in 2025 it is 30, in 2016 - 9.

Sources of points are:

  1. The salary with which a citizen pays taxes and for which points will be awarded (about what it is).
  2. The working period during which the employee earned seniority.
  3. Non-working periods during which additional points can be earned.
  4. The age of retirement depends on the presence of additional points or their absence.

For a year of work experience, an employee is awarded points, which give him the right to claim a pension, subject to payment of contributions.

For those who worked before 2015, the pension capital is converted into PC. This is done using a simple formula:

PC= Insurance part (without base) / Point value

GIPC is an annual IPK, that is, the sum of points earned for the year is calculated as follows:

GIPC= The sum of all insurance premiums / The maximum possible amount of premiums x 10.

The amount of insurance premiums directly depends on the annual salary: this is 16% of it if only the insurance pension option is chosen, or 10% if the insurance and funded option is selected.

The maximum number of points that can be awarded per year will be 10 in 2021 and 7.83 in 2016.

They will be charged depending on which option pension provision was chosen.

The insurance pension is regularly indexed by the state, while the funded pension is not indexed. For it, there are other sources of growth - the financial market and investment.

The basic formula for calculating a pension

Insurance old-age pension (StrP) for one year =

Sum of Retirement Points (GIPC) x Point Value in current year(SPB) + Fixed payment (FB)

AT short form: StrP = GIPC X St. Petersburg + FV

GIPC is the sum of points for the year;

St. Petersburg- the cost in rubles of one pension point in the current year is set by the state and indexed annually.

FV is a fixed payment dated 28.12.2013, art.16.

For 2016, the insurance pension is determined as follows: StrP \u003d IPK x 74.27 + 4558.93 rubles.

Since January 1, 2016, the 2% bonus has been canceled, and pensions for the military will be accrued for length of service. But since that moment, pensions for them and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been growing by 7.5%.

If, after the end of the service, pensioners are engaged in civil work, then they will go to the usual pension experience. All allowances will go to social needs. This is the equalization of civil and military pension payments, which is quite appropriate in a time of crisis.

Pension reform 2016 for judges of the Russian Federation

Judges are employees of state structures and, although they are not formally employees, they belong to professions whose work is paid from the budget. When the judge is about to retire, It opens up 3 possibilities.

  1. If his work as a judge lasted less than 10 years, he can receive a pension on a general basis, determined in accordance with the Federal Law No. 400 of 12/28/2013, as well as the Federal Law No. 126 of 06/04/2011.
  2. If the required length of service is available, then it is drawn up according to the length of service.
  3. If the work as a judge lasted at least 20 years and other conditions are satisfied, then you can receive a lifetime allowance (80% of salary), which is not taxed.

Education workers are anxious about the new pension reform. The main concern is about the right to an early retirement pension, which has been in place so far.

Until any changes are made to Federal Law No. 400 of December 29, 2013, the right to a reduced service pension for teachers remains.

However, only under certain conditions:

  • having 25 years of experience;
  • at least the minimum IPC (in 2016 - 9, in 2017 - 11.4);
  • compliance of the position with certain lists of professions, which is stipulated by regulations and legislative acts;
  • employment at full time.

If a working teacher refuses early retirement, then Federal Law No. 400, paragraph 15 of article 15 and paragraph 5 of article 16 come into force. That is, the teacher earns higher points. At any time he has the right to apply for a pension.

Pension reform for physicians

Physicians also have length of service and early retirement, as well as the concept of a preferential pension.

A necessary condition for obtaining it is experience, 30 years for a city doctor, and 25 years for a doctor from countryside. Previously, the accrual of such a pension was carried out according to other methods, and the new reform gives a completely different result.

The length of service, gradually increasing, will eventually become the same for both categories - 27.5 years. Therefore, the factors that keep doctors in the villages will lose their significance, which will provoke their relocation to the city, where there are many private clinics and the pay is higher. Concern for the retention of personnel in rural areas hospitals the government is completely absent.

According to the new procedure for paying pensions, a working pensioner can quit his job and notify the pension fund about this, after which his pension will begin to be indexed. If, after waiting for the increase, he goes to work again, then the size of the pension will remain increased.

Innovations in 2016 - the pros and cons of the new pension reform

The usual system of calculating pensions has changed dramatically, and will continue to undergo further changes. But something is already visible today.


The advantages include the opportunity for citizens to more actively influence their future pension, in particular, to try to work legally.

Basic values ​​for pensions are indexed.

It became possible to add retirement experience military service and care work.

Here are the points that citizens additionally receive in non-insurance periods:

  • 1.8 for 1 year of military service;
  • 1.8 care for the elderly and disabled;
  • 1.8 for 1 year of parental leave, first;
  • 3.6 for 1 year - for the second;
  • 5.4 for 1 year - for the third and fourth.

The retirement age and most of the benefits have been preserved, and pensions have been increased for many categories of pensioners.


Many citizens may face disadvantages pension reform, first of all those who work unofficially: they will not be able to receive a full pension.

No luck for pensioners who were working at the time of the launch of the new system. In order to increase their pension, they will have to quit and get a job again.

The minimum length of service will increase and triple, though not immediately, but over 15 years.

Pension reform 2020

We are talking about the pension head of the famous "Strategies 2020", it was developed by the liberal wing of the Russian government and is focused on providing high pensions for the middle class.

Since in the conditions of a long crisis around the world it is precisely middle class, it is unlikely that this topic will remain relevant by 2020.

Nevertheless, the creators of the pension reform 2020 offer such ways to solve the problem.

  1. Raising the minimum length of service for a labor pension.
  2. Reducing the list of hazardous work and early retirement.
  3. Pension for low-income workers, social and basic.
  4. For the middle class - the sum of the basic, solidary and funded.
  5. Rich - as well as for the middle class, plus everything else.
  6. Raising the retirement age to 63 years (by 2030), accompanied by an increase in the length of service standards.

Pension reform in Russia has successfully started. Her path will be difficult, various proposals, improvements and clarifications are constantly appearing, which can nullify all the efforts of past years. So the Ministry of Finance came up with proposals that stirred up the whole country.

It remains to be hoped that the government will be able to stick to the set course and not lose momentum.

For the first time, the government officially recognized the existence of plans to raise the retirement age. The situation is really unique: Russia is almost the only country of the former USSR that has not yet made such a decision. The main question is how exactly this reform will be implemented.

The government is ready to develop a bill to raise the retirement age, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with Sergei Brilev on the Rossiya 1 channel.

According to him, the discussion of this topic at the expert level has been going on for more than a year. “Expertise has already been carried out quite seriously on all these issues. So we are, in general, on the verge of starting to discuss this already at the legislative level,” the prime minister said. This is the first time the prime minister has made such a categorical statement about raising the retirement age. So far, the government has been assured that the time for real steps in this direction has not yet come.

The Prime Minister recalled that the current retirement age in Russia was set in the 1930s, when the average life expectancy was only about 40 years. Since then, the situation has changed, and "this provides the necessary grounds for returning to this issue and making certain decisions." The retirement age, when women retire at 55 and men at 60, was indeed set back in 1932 in the USSR. At the same time, the life expectancy of Russians in 2017 increased to 72.6 years. This is a record figure in the entire history of measurements, the Ministry of Health reported.

Elsewhere in the world, retirement ages tend to be higher. Even in the former Soviet republics it has long been increased. In addition to Russia, Uzbekistan is also an exception. Belarus started this process just last year.

“This decision should have been made a long time ago,” says Oksana Sinyavskaya, deputy director of the HSE Institute for Social Policy. She considers fears of social discontent exaggerated. “With the exception of France, there were no clear protests against raising the retirement age anywhere. It is clear that people are not happy about this, but one cannot think that this will cause some kind of mass protests, ”the expert says.

Russian economists have long been offering the authorities their programs on how best to raise the retirement age. Head of the CSR Alexei Kudrin last years constantly advocated this move. In the fall, he even made an apocalyptic statement that the Russian government allegedly no longer has the money to index the pensions of all pensioners. In February, RANEPA experts published a report on the need to raise the retirement age. If this is not done, then it will be necessary to reduce the size of pensions, increase the tax burden on working citizens and increase the amount of federal budget transfers for the Pension Fund, they scare.

The problem of PFR deficit did not arise today. Receipts to it from working citizens have long been less than the costs of pensioners. The deficit is covered by transfers from the federal budget. The problem is that the gap is growing every year, the burden on the budget too. It is expected that by 2036 there will be as many pensioners in Russia as working citizens paying pension contributions. What do the experts propose and which of the proposed options is likely to be adopted?

The start dates for raising the retirement age vary. Analysts at Vnesheconombank, for example, predicted a start in 2020. “2020 is more realistic. In 2019, the government will not physically have time to prepare and adopt changes at the legislative level. Postponing for a longer period is risky,” says Oksana Sinyavskaya, Deputy Director of the HSE Institute for Social Policy.

Also offered different variants up to what age to increase and at what pace to do it. “From the point of view of demography, there are reasons to raise the retirement age, especially for women. They have a much higher life expectancy. Our women live a little less than European women, and retire much earlier. And Russian men live much less than in developed countries,” says Sinyavskaya. Thus, according to data for 2016, in Russia, men spend an average of 16 years in retirement, and women - as much as 26 years. At the same time, more than 30% of men do not live to retirement age, while the proportion of such women is small - no more than 7%.

“Women are less engaged in physically demanding jobs. Their employment is such that labor productivity does not decrease as much as men do with age,” notes Sinyavskaya. Therefore, the most balanced solution would be to equalize the retirement age for men and women at the level of 60 years.

However, the Russian government is unlikely to choose this option. On the one hand, the financial and economic bloc of the government objects to the establishment of the retirement age at 60 for both sexes. This decision does not provide much savings in terms of reducing the transfer from the state budget to the FIU. If we have to make such a politically unpopular decision, then the budget benefits should be more tangible, according to the Ministry of Finance.

On the other hand, politicians and society itself, which polls confirm, are not ready for women and men to retire at the same age.

“We still have stereotypes that women should be rewarded for the double burden they bear in the labor market and in the family, and given the opportunity to retire earlier. Another argument sounds: we shouldn’t deprive grandchildren of their grandmothers,” explains the deputy director of the HSE Institute for Social Policy.

Therefore, the toughest option proposed by the Ministry of Finance (to raise the age to 65 for women and to 65 for men (65/65)) is likely to be rejected. And they will choose between the proposal of the RANEPA to raise the retirement age to 60 years for women and to 63 years for men (60/63) and the proposal of the CSR led by Kudrin - 63 years for women and 65 years for men (63/65).

“From a socio-demographic point of view, it would be better to raise the retirement age to 60 for women and 63 for men. And then, with continued growth in life expectancy, raise the retirement age further. So, for example, they did in Estonia and Latvia. In my opinion, this would be the most balanced,” says Oksana Sinyavskaya. “But if the fiscal interests of the state turn out to be stronger, then it will be 63/65, since such a border has already been tested on civil servants,” the expert adds.

However, much more important is the question of how fast the retirement age will increase. In the course of the discussion, which was conducted in the previous few years, various options were heard. The most radical one is to raise the retirement age year by year.

“In my opinion, such a harsh option is unacceptable. The maximum speed is to add six months a year. In order for the labor market, employers and the population to more gently get used to the changes, it would be more reasonable to start with a few months. For example, to raise the retirement age by three months every year for the first two to four years at least, and only then move on to a higher rate, ”the source of the VZGLYAD newspaper believes.

In any case, pension reform should not be limited to raising the retirement age. The issue of a high proportion of those who retire early, for example, because of work in the Far North or because of service in law enforcement agencies, also requires a solution. There are approximately 2.8 million civilian pensioners of working age alone, another 2.5 million early-age workers are military, plus 8.6 million people already of retirement age (but who previously retired early).

In addition, millions of Russians formally do not work anywhere at all, but are self-employed. According to some estimates,

About 30% of Russians work unofficially almost all their lives, while everyone wants to receive a pension from the state.

If it were possible to bring all incomes out of the shadow, then the changes inside pension system could have been made softer, or with a tough version of the reform, our parents would have been able to receive a higher pension. However, even developed countries cannot fully cope with the shadow economy.

Started in 2019 new stage pension reform in Russia, the retirement age has been raised (up to 60 and 65 years for women and men), new rules have been introduced for calculating pensions, and the amount of pension payments has been indexed. Any reforms excite a huge number of Russians, part of the inhabitants of Russia, but the pension reform will affect almost the entire population, let's see what awaits pensioners and those who have yet to retire, what to prepare for, what to pay attention to.

Back in 2013, the President signed a law that approved special system guaranteed pension savings, but this law is only a small part of a whole package of government initiatives on pension reform. Delving deeper into the law, it becomes clear that in Russian Federation a two-level system of guaranteeing the rights of insured citizens is being formed. In other words, the system consists of two components - this is a mandatory pension provision + voluntary pension savings. How can these voluntary pension savings be formed? It was planned that the following sources would be involved for these purposes: various non-state pension funds and contributions from the state Pension Fund. However, the Government decided to “freeze” funded part pensions with a view to transferring them to the pay-as-you-go system by 2021. In practice, it looks like this: the majority of Russian citizens in the Pension Fund "laid" the funded part of the pension, on which interest was accrued, and since 2014 this mechanism has ceased to function.

The very notion of labor pension” is gradually “erased” and remains in the past, and today instead of this term “insurance pension” is used, and the amount of the old-age insurance pension depends on how many points the pensioner “earned” during his seniority. Each year these pension points will be adjusted for inflation.

Another important point pension reform can be called the inclusion in the insurance period of the period of caring for a child only up to 1.5 years, but in the amount of not more than 6 years in total, if a woman had several children.

How will the pension reform affect working pensioners?

Since 1998, there has been no legislative framework, which establishes restrictions on the receipt of pensions for those pensioners who continue to work after stepping over the retirement age and having retired. But the government considered that these "relaxations" lead to inefficient spending of the Pension Fund and additional spending from the federal budget.

Since 2015, the government decided to introduce certain restrictions for working citizens receiving an old-age insurance pension, plus change the algorithm of the point system (which for many remained incomprehensible anyway).

  1. When a pensioner who works does not form the funded part of the future pension, then during the recalculation he will be able to receive the maximum number of points no more than 3.
  2. In the case of the formation of the funded part of the pension, when recalculated, the number of points will be no more than 1.875.

At a press conference at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi in February 2019, the head of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR), Anton Drozdov, told reporters that, according to his data, more than half of Russians (56%) show a high level of pension literacy, but young people (under 40 years old) ) shows an extremely low understanding of the principles and mechanisms for calculating pension points.

Slightly more than half of Russians (56%) show a high level of pension literacy. This was announced by the head of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) Anton Drozdov at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi. Therefore, the head of the PFR proposes to introduce into the school course the study of aspects of the pension system in Russia: “We would like all educational programs The element of pension insurance has been introduced to make it more clearly explained, this will increase interest in this product, and young people who go to work will immediately ask the right questions.”

What are "pension points" and how does it work?

Since 2015, the reform of the Russian pension system has introduced an old-age insurance pension, which is formed using points (individual pension coefficients) that are accrued to a future pensioner for each year of his (official) work activity. The calculation of the number of pension points for the year is based on insurance premiums that the employer officially pays for his employee for compulsory pension insurance.

The pension point evaluates each calendar year of a citizen's labor activity, taking into account the annual deductions of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of the amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer for the formation of the insurance part of the pension at the rate of 16%, to the amount of insurance premiums from the maximum contributory wage paid by the employer at the rate of 16%, multiplied by 10.

The number of points per year is limited. For example, at the very beginning of the reform that introduced points, the maximum value of points in 2015 when directing insurance premiums only for the formation of an insurance pension was 7.39.

Non-insurance periods are also involved in the calculation and formation of the future pension, that is, the time when a person was not forced to work - for each such non-insurance year, a certain number of pension points are accrued:

  • the period of military service on conscription - 1.8 points;
  • periods of care of one of the parents for children until they reach the age of one and a half years, but not more than 6 years in total: for the first child - 1.8 points, for the second - 3.6, for the third or fourth - 5.4;
  • the period of care provided by an able-bodied citizen for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years - 1.8 points;
  • the period of residence of the spouses of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, together with spouses in areas where they could not work due to the lack of employment opportunities, but not more than 5 years in total - 1.8 points;
  • the period of residence abroad of the spouses of diplomats, consuls, employees of representative offices of the executive bodies of the Russian Federation, employees of trade missions and public institutions of the Russian Federation, located abroad, and employees of some international organizations (the list of which is approved by the government of the Russian Federation), but not more than 5 years in total - 1.8 points.

If a citizen worked with the deduction of insurance premiums in one of these periods, then when assigning an old-age insurance pension to him, he will have the right to choose which points to use when calculating it: for the period of work, or for the non-insurance period.

Important! Any non-working citizen can voluntarily pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for himself, or any other person (not necessarily a relative or spouse) can pay such contributions for him. Such a norm was introduced by the pension reform so that citizens who do not have official employment, but who have money, can secure the right to an old-age insurance pension. However, you can "buy" only half insurance experience required for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension.

The main disadvantages of the pension reform in 2019:

  • Raising the retirement age to 60 for women and 65 for men.
  • The most complicated formula for calculating a pension, which is practically incomprehensible even at the initial stages to a simple layman.
  • Freezing the funded part of the pension.

In general, pension reform in Russia is met with negative assessments in society, people do not fully understand the meanings and goals of reforming the pension system, and the increase in the retirement age is also causing dissatisfaction, although this is a global practice. One can note the unsatisfactory work of the press service and the leadership of the PFR in the payment of explaining to the population the principles and goals of pension reform.

Summing up, it can be noted that the pension system is being reformed not from a good life, but for a number of reasons, this is the demographic failure of the 90s, this is the growth in the ratio of the number of workers (and those who pay pension contributions) to the number of pensioners. The essence of the pension reform today is that in order to receive a decent pension, you will have to work for a long time and with high official pension contributions. If, when applying for a job, you are offered a salary in an envelope, or a part-time job (to avoid taxes and pension contributions in full), you should find a more honest employer. Only a white salary, and you need to check whether your employer makes contributions to the pension fund regularly! To do this, you can use your personal account on the official website of the PFR, or your personal account on the website of the State Services.

The government of the Russian Federation is currently actively pursuing pension reform. Now the old-age pension consists of its insurance part and the funded part. Introduced concepts such as individual pension coefficients(pension points), a fixed payment to the insurance pension, increasing coefficients.

At the same time, a number of laws have been passed that increase the requirements for minimum work experience and the required number of pension points for receiving a pension.

pension reform - this is a purposeful policy of the state, associated with a change in the current legislation, aimed at changing the conditions of pension provision.

An innovation was the increase in the retirement age for retirement from 2019.

So, as a general rule, an old-age pension is assigned and paid to insured persons upon reaching the age:

  • 65 years for men,
  • 60 years - for women.

New pension legislation provides that in order to receive a pension, the following mandatory conditions are also necessary:

  1. minimum insurance experience(the pension reform provides for an annual increase in the minimum length of service from 5 years in 2015 to 15 years by 2024);
  2. magnitude pension points (PPI)(Since 2015, singing is assigned if there are pension points of at least 6.6, with a subsequent annual increase by 2.4 to 30 points by 2025).

The law proposes to set the retirement age for men - 65 years, for women - 63 years.

After the Government of the Russian Federation proposed to raise the retirement age, deputies of the Just Russia party submitted a draft law to the State Duma of the Russian Federation to abolish pension points and maintain the retirement age limit of 60 years for men and 55 years for women. The size of the pension in the draft law depends only on the length of service and wages received. You can read more about the draft law at link.

The opinion of the President of Russia Putin V.V. about raising the retirement age

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in an interview until 2018, has repeatedly stated that the issue of raising the retirement age is not being considered.

After considering the bill on raising the retirement age in the first reading, Putin V.V. August 29, 2018 in a televised address appealed to the citizens of the Russian Federation and expressed his opinion.

Putin V.V. stated that raising the retirement age is a necessary measure.

The President of the Russian Federation proposed a number of measures that would make it possible to soften the decisions made as much as possible.

The following are excerpts from an interview with Vladimir Vladimirovich, full text published on the website of the President of the Russian Federation.

1. The retirement age for women should not increase more than for men. Therefore, I consider it necessary to reduce the increase in the retirement age for women proposed by the bill from 8 to 5 years.

Thus, women will be able to retire at the age of 60.

Further. Provide for the right of early retirement for mothers with many children. That is, if a woman has three children, then she will be able to retire for three years. ahead of schedule. If there are four children, four years earlier. And for women who have five or more children, everything should remain as it is now, they will be able to retire at 50 years old.

2. The retirement age is supposed to be increased gradually. So that people can adapt to a new life situation, build their plans. In this regard, I propose for citizens who were to retire under the old legislation in the next two years, to establish a special benefit - the right to draw up a pension six months earlier than the new retirement age.

For example, a person who, according to the new retirement age, will have to retire in January 2020, will be able to do this as early as July 2019.

3. What worries and even, I would say, scares people of pre-retirement age? They are afraid to face the risk of losing their jobs. With the fact that they can remain without a pension and without a salary. It's really hard to find a job after 50.

In this regard, we must provide additional guarantees that will protect the interests of older citizens in the labor market. Therefore, for the transitional period, I propose to consider the pre-retirement age as five years before the retirement date. I repeat, a whole package of measures is needed here. Thus, I consider it necessary to establish administrative and even criminal liability for employers for dismissing workers of pre-retirement age, as well as for refusing to hire citizens because of their age.

I instruct the Government to approve a special advanced training program for citizens of pre-retirement age. It should start working as soon as possible and be financed from the federal budget.

And if a person of pre-retirement age decided to quit on his own, voluntarily and has not yet found a new job, then in this case we must strengthen him social guarantees. In this regard, it is proposed to more than double the maximum amount of unemployment benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age - from 4,900 rubles, as it is now, to 11,280 rubles from January 1, 2019 - and set the period of such payment to one year.

And, finally, it is also necessary to consolidate the obligation of the employer to annually provide employees of pre-retirement age two days for free medical examination with pay.

4. When making changes, you cannot act according to a template. We have already provided for the preservation of benefits for miners, workers in hot shops, chemical plants, Chernobyl victims, and a number of other categories.

We must also support the villagers. It has already been repeatedly discussed and even decided on the need for a 25 percent increase in the fixed payment of the insurance pension for non-working pensioners living in the countryside who have at least 30 years of experience in agriculture. But the entry into force of this decision was delayed. I propose to start these payments as early as January 1, 2019.

5. Those who started working early should be able to retire not only in terms of age, but also taking into account the length of service they have earned.

Now the bill establishes that the length of service that gives the right to early retirement is 40 years for women and 45 years for men. I propose to reduce by three years the length of service that gives the right to early retirement: for women up to 37 years, and for men up to 42.

Yes, we have traditionally provided these benefits only with retirement. But in this case, when changes are coming to the pension system, and people were counting on these benefits, we are obliged to make an exception for them, to provide benefits not in connection with retirement, but upon reaching the appropriate age. That is, as before, women will be able to use the benefits when they reach 55 years old and men from 60 years old. Thus, even before retirement, they will no longer pay tax on their house, apartment, garden plot.

In conclusion, the President of the Russian Federation noted that, as is known, many experts still believe that we have been too long in resolving the issues that are being discussed today. I do not think so. We just weren't ready for it before. But we really can't wait any longer. This would be irresponsible and could lead to grave consequences in the economy and the social sphere, most in a negative way affect the destinies of millions of people, because, now it is already clear, the state will have to do this sooner or later. But the later, the tougher these decisions will be. Without any transition period, without maintaining a number of benefits and those mitigating mechanisms that we can use today.

Thus, raising the retirement age in Russia is inevitable. And, as changes in legislation show, this will happen as early as 2019.

More details aboutretirement age in Russia can be read in the article at the link.

Strategy for the development of pension policy proposed by Kudrin

The Center for Strategic Research, led by Alexei Kudrin, prepared a plan for Vladimir Putin to create a sustainable pension system, the goal of which is to increase payments without increasing spending from the budget.

Important. The essence of Kudrin's plan is to ensure the growth of pensions relative to the subsistence minimum by reducing the number of people receiving these payments. It is proposed to raise the retirement age to 63 for women and to 65 for men!

In addition to raising the retirement age, it is also proposed to tighten the conditions for receiving a pension:

  1. The minimum length of service for accruing an insurance pension (which is now being increased annually to 15 years by 2024) should be further increased to 20 years.
  2. The strategy proposes to increase the minimum number of pension points (which is also being raised to 30 by 2025) to 52.
  3. The social pension, which is received by those who have not earned on the insurance, is proposed to be assigned upon reaching the age of 68.

At the same time, it is planned to tighten the conditions for the appointment of early pensions: for example, the minimum length of service required for her with doctors and teachers will be increased to 35 years (at present, doctors have the right to retire early after working 25 years). About who is eligible for early retirement read the article at the link.

According to the calculations of the CSR, this will increase the ratio of the insurance pension to living wage and reduce the transfer from the budget to finance pensions.

What to expect from pension reform in 2019-2020

Main positive moment As a result of the reform and the increase in the retirement age, there is an annual indexation and an increase in the size of the pension by an average of 1 thousand rubles. As a result, it is expected that the average pension will rise to 20,000 rubles.

In addition to raising the retirement age, the issue of forming the funded part of the pension also remains relevant.

Recall, the transfer of funds to the funded part of pensions in Russia has been frozen since 2014.

The funded part of the pension in Russia will definitely not be formed in the next three years, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets confirmed, not ruling out its complete abolition.

It should be noted that the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia for 2018-2020 is based on the fact that the entire volume of the insurance premium rate will be directed to the insurance part of pensions. The formation of pension savings in the budget in 2019-2020 is not provided.

Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing the concept of an individual pension capital system, which should replace the mandatory formation of pension savings. According to Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev, the new system will start working from 2020.

Now citizens who have not yet decided on the method of forming pension savings under the new rules will have to finally decide whether they remain in the state insurance system or still begin to save additionally for a pension. Based on their decision, pension savings will either be transferred to the selected non-state pension fund, or they will be converted into points and they will become part of the regular insurance pension.

Thus, it is assumed that the Pension Fund of Russia will lose the functions of an insurer for the funded part of the pension.

Participation in the new system will be voluntary, but entry into it will occur by default. That is, a person will need to write a statement if he does not want to participate in it, and not vice versa. This is done to make people more intelligently approach the savings for future retirement.

Savings will be deducted from their salary by default unless they file a waiver.

Each person who wants to increase his individual pension capital will be able to deduct any percentage of his salary into the system at his own discretion. For this, he will receive tax benefits. For deductions within six percent of the salary, he will receive a classic tax deduction, i.е. You don't have to pay income tax on this money.

It is assumed that if a person saved for retirement, but fell into a difficult life situation, for example, became seriously ill, received a disability of the first or second group, lost a close relative, he will be allowed to withdraw this money from the pension system and spend it on more urgent needs, such as treatment.

Prepared by "Personal"