
Headwear sizes - how to determine your size correctly. We knit fashionable men's hats with knitting needles

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Before you buy a hat, you need to know what style you need and what size you have. Many do not understand how to find out the size of a man's headgear, so they go to the store without any data.

Today we will talk about how to figure out your hat size yourself. Also we will see the size chart. This table will help you buy a product, even without trying it on in the store. We will also talk about how to choose the right option.

When choosing hats, it is important to pay attention not only to the size of hats for men. It is important to consider the shape of the head, style and appearance flaws.

Also, some guys have unusual hairstyles that require styling, so a headdress should not spoil it. There are hats that are made as decoration, so you need to know how to pick them up.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Headwear must match the style outerwear and be in the same color scheme.

Find out the size

Although many people find out their size in the store, it is possible to measure it at home in advance. There is one very good way how to determine cap size. To do this, you need to take a measurement of the circumference of the head using a centimeter tape. Do not tighten the centimeter too much, as incorrect data may come out.

There is another way to find out the size of the cap. You can take an ordinary rope and measure your head with it. Measure the resulting segment with a ruler. You should not add a few centimeters to the result, as the headgear should sit tight.

For reference! Usually, average length The head circumference of an adult male is 54-65 cm.

We select the form

The shape of the face plays an important role. A man needs to decide on this indicator. Someone measures the forehead, cheekbones and chin, and someone can determine the type of face by eye. There are such basic forms of the face:

  • square,
  • elongated,
  • triangular,
  • oval,
  • Round.

For an elongated face shape, you should choose those options that cover the forehead. For chubby guys, it is better to choose models that, on the contrary, open their foreheads. For oval shape turbans or bandage hats are suitable. Men with square shape faces better to buy berets. Caps are perfect for triangular faces.

Important! If you cannot independently determine the shape of your face, then use a special program that can be downloaded on the Internet.

Also, pay attention to the shape of the product, it should hide the flaws in your head shape. Now let's see the table men's sizes headwear.

size table

After you have measured the size of the hat yourself, you need to compare it with the size chart for men's hats.

Size (girth in cm) International designation USA
58 L 71/4
59 XL 73/8
60 XXL 71/2
61 XXL 75/8
62 XXXL 73/4
63 XXXL 77/8
64 XXXXL 8
65 XXXXL 81/8

Do you know the size of your hat?


Even if you yourself have determined the size of the cap, you must definitely try it on in the store. Experienced salespeople can help you. It is better to buy such clothes in a store, and not through the Internet, as you will have the opportunity to try on other styles and choose the right model.

Hat color and style

Not only the sizes of men's hats play important role but also the color and her style. Important Rule, which should be remembered is that all clothes should complement each other and be of the same style. If you don’t know how to choose colors, then look at ready-made images on the Internet or buy universal tones. Before you buy a hat, make sure that you have chosen the option that suits you.

International Russia England
and USA
XXS 54 6 3/4 54 21.6
XS 55 6 7/8 55 21.6
S 56 7 56 22
M 57 7 1/8 57 22.4
L 58 7 1/4 58 22.8
XL 59 7 3/8 59 23.2
XXL 60 7 1/2 60 23.6
XXL 61 7 5/8 61 24
XXXL 62 7 3/4 62 24.4
XXXL 63 7 7/8 63 24.8
XXXXL 64 8 64 25
XXXXL 65 8 1/8 65 25.6

How to determine the size of a men's hat

For men, hats serve as a warming piece of clothing and saving from the sun. Caps, caps, hats. There are many and they are different forms and types. Knitted, made of fur. Hats are worn on rare occasions, and only in summer. And caps are the most comfortable option for everyday wear in warm weather.

They match with any menswear. Guys are very careful when choosing hats. They often buy them themselves. Therefore, everyone should know their head size in order to look perfect. A large cap or hat will look not only funny, but also uncomfortable for the owner. Fall into the eyes and interfere. small variant it just won't fit or it will fall off.

To determine the size, you need to know the circumference of the head. To do this, wrap the ribbon around the intended edge line of the hat. Slightly above the eyebrows (1-2 cm), and ears. The tape should be on the widest part of the head. Record the result and look at the table.

It contains numbers in inches and centimeters. It is easy to compare with your number and find out the size. For example, the girth is 60 cm. We look at the horizontal line of the diagram for the corresponding data: 23.6 inches. International will be XXL. The English and American norm is 71/2.

It is better to measure hats, but if it is not possible, use this scheme.

Buying hats, buyers are faced with the fact that they are not at all guided by their sizes. The choice of this or that hat is made after several fittings. But there are times when you need to know when buying

Choosing a hat for a child

Hats are a must in every child's wardrobe. A seasonal collection of hats will be needed immediately after the birth of the baby. To purchase them, you can not do without knowing the exact size of the cap. When buying hats for adults, you can simply pick them up by trying them on. Children's clothing, especially for infants, is purchased according to their size. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, one should also take into account the fact that the baby is growing rapidly.

They also change. A new purchase must be made every six months. Demi-season and fur hats get a little larger.

How can you determine the size of the hat?

When shopping for clothes for a child, you need to know the following data: age, height and head circumference. Correspondence of these parameters in children individually. The main characteristic when choosing a hat is the girth of the head.

It is easy to define it. You can measure the child's head with a centimeter tape. If the centimeter is missing, a dense, non-stretching thread and a ruler can be used for this purpose. Measurements are carried out by making a girth of the head. impose in front in the middle of the frontal part and then - behind, along the most convex occipital part. If measurements are taken with a thread, then its length after entwining the head is measured with a ruler. The resulting number is the required cap size.

Size chart

To decide on the purchase of a headdress, you can use the existing information on clothing parameters. The table includes data that can be compared with the measurements of the child. This source has information about the correspondence of age, height and head girth. The last parameter is given in centimeters.

How to use sizing information?

After measuring the circumference of the baby's head, you can easily determine the size of the cap from the table. However, you do not need to blindly follow the recommendations given in the table. Despite the fact that the information collected in the source is based on the practice of real purchases, in each individual case it is necessary to correct the data. Each child is individual. The resulting measurements should be rounded off. If, for example, the baby is one and a half years old, and the head circumference is forty-eight and a half centimeters, then the forty-ninth size is chosen in the table. Parameters are rounded up.

Determination of the size of hats for adults

Clothing is a product of a huge and complex assortment. Hats can be grouped according to certain criteria. Men's, women's and children's hats for different age groups made from various materials.

The seasonal factor also affects the range of this type of clothing. Also, hats are divided by purpose and shape. However, size remains the most important parameter. It is determined in the same way as for children's clothing. In order to determine more accurate and correct dimensions caps for women and men, carry out the removal of additional measurements of the head. In addition to girth, measure the line of the longitudinal arc. This is the distance from the superciliary cavities to the protruding occiput. The second additional measurement is the measurement of the transverse line of the head. A centimeter is applied from one temple to another through the crown point. Two additional measurements will help you more accurately choose a headgear for adults.

Adult Headwear Size Chart

Having at hand measurements taken heads, they are compared with existing information materials, which determine the size of the cap. Table Russian manufacturers gives measurements in centimeters.

International parameters are denoted by Latin numerals. Many countries measure the circumference of the head in inches and have a specific numbering for hat sizes. Unlike children's hat size charts, information materials for women's and men's hats do not have data on height and age. They provide information only about the main size of the cap, which corresponds to the girth of the head. After taking measurements, they are compared with the data given in the table. Comparison is rounded down.

To choose and buy a hat or knit a hat correctly, you just need to know its size. For these purposes, there are special tables. In the domestic market, they use the Russian size table, in which measurements are taken in centimeters native to us. With it, you can determine the size of the cap.

In international tables, inches are most often taken as the unit of measure. Very easy to use table of children's sizes of hats. Age gradation in such a table is presented in detail: from 1 month to 12 years. After 2 years, the circumference of the child's head changes every 6 months by about 0.5 centimeters. In some grids of size tables for children, the age of the child is also indicated.

How to correctly determine the size of the cap for women and children (in centimeters)

The abundance of characteristics can be a little confusing for many, but the bulk of headwear manufacturers are guided not only by the dependence of the head girth on the age of the child, but also on his height. When using so many parameters, the chance to pick up a hat that will definitely fit increases.

On a note: Many manufacturers, in order to make it easier for parents, write on the labels not only the size of the product, but also the age category for which it is designed.

Unlike children's tables, adult size tables do not contain age information. The sizes themselves are conceived by standard letters: L, M, XL, XXL and so on.. When choosing a headdress for a woman, a number of features should be considered. Firstly, many of the fair sex love to wear voluminous hairstyles that cannot be pressed strongly to the head with a beret or hat, so as not to spoil it.

For lovers of lush hair, it is necessary to add 1 cm to the designation of the head girth and you should choose more free styles. The range of headwear for women impresses with its variety. The presence of ribbons, laces or other devices designed for a slight change in size should also be considered when choosing a headgear. This option is perfect in case the product stretches.

The main characteristics of hats

Hats have the following characteristics:

  • Diameter.
  • Size.
  • Girth.
  • Depth.

To determine the size of the cap, you need to consider only one indicator: head girth. It is quite easy to measure it yourself. To do this, you only need a centimeter tape, which is used by tailors for work.

How to measure: The tape is applied to the head 1 cm above the level of the eyebrows and the tips of the ears, wraps around the head and brings both ends together in the crown area.

Further, the data obtained must be compared with the size table (grid) and you can safely order hats in absentia. If there is no measuring tape at hand, then You can use a regular ruler and thread. The thread is wrapped around the head according to the instructions above, then it is applied to the ruler and the exact length of the thread in centimeters is determined.

Children's Hats Size Chart

European and international hat sizes

Factors to consider

The size of the headgear is influenced by three of its characteristics:

  • The material it's made from.
  • Pattern, if any
  • Product density.

Woolen or cotton products tend to "sit down" over time, while viscose, on the contrary, stretches. When choosing a hat, the features of the material must be taken into account so as not to throw away the stretched or, conversely, shrunken product in the future.

Fur hats do not tend to deform, so they should be purchased exactly in size.

Winter hats should fit tightly around the head, so when choosing a hat for the cold season, 1 cm must be taken away from the girth of the head. This is the very “reserve” due to which the hat will not slip or hang out. But there are some pretty important nuances.

For a long time, hats with voluminous patterns have come into fashion. The very first were the famous "pigtails", which still remain at the top of popularity. When choosing a hat with embossed, “heavy” patterns, at least 1 cm must be subtracted from the head coverage value, because such a product will stretch a little over time and will “hang” on its already completely unhappy owner.

A headdress is a component of clothing necessary for protection from cold or heat, but also a stylish attribute that expresses individuality. Previously, a hat was an obligatory part of a man's, women's wardrobe, and the modern generation prefers caps, berets or hats.

Most people prefer to choose at random, trying on before buying. However, if you do not know your own size, it is very difficult to choose a product without trying it on. You still need to find out how you can find out the size of the headgear.

There are two simple options by size measurement:

For measurements, use a soft tailor's tape. Attach it to the forehead, draw through the temple. Then grab the back of the head at the junction of the head with the spine, then pass the tape through the other temple and unite it at the starting point on the forehead. The result of the measurement in cm is the desired size.

The second method is relevant for those who did not have a tape. In this case, you will need a thread, with which you should do all the same steps as with the original method, and then attach a piece of thread to the ruler and compare the information with the table. After measuring for the hat, compare the results with the size chart.

How to find out the size of a hat

An effective measurement of a headdress for the fair sex is measurement with a ruler and thread. It must be borne in mind that when choosing a headdress, certain hats have a tightening tape with which you can adjust the size.

Headwear Size Chart

Russian size Head circumference, cm Cap diameter, cm Hat depth, cm
51 51 16.2 18-20
52 52 16.6 18-20
53 53 16.9 18-20
54 54 17.2 18-20
55 55 17.5 20-21
56 56 17.8 20-21
57 57 18.2 20-21
58 58 18.5 21-23
59 59 18.8 21-23
60 60 19.1 21-23

Also, do not forget that the selection of the size is affected by the material of the headgear. For this reason, it is recommended to choose a hat a couple of sizes smaller. Already after a week of socks, . With this selection, the product sits comfortably on the head.

In the case of men's hats, the measurement is taken 1.5-2 cm up from the eyebrow line. Further, the acquired results are compared with the table of sizes for men's hats.

Headwear size chart

Head circumference, cm Russian England, USA International
54 54 6 3/4 XXS
55 55 6 7/8 XS
56 56 7 S
57 57 7 1/8 M
58 58 7 1/4 L
59 59 7 3/8 XL
60 60 7 1/2 XXL
61 61 7 5/8 XXL
62 62 7 3/4 XXXL
63 63 7 7/8 XXXL
64 64 8 XXXXL
65 65 8 1/8 XXXXL

Regardless of the manufacturer of hats, you can make a choice pretty quickly.

Sizes of women's hats and caps

In modern times, the popularity of hats among women has declined significantly. Basically, they are worn on the beach, as a regular summer attribute. But there are women who cannot imagine life without this headdress. Hats give their mistress nobility and a certain chic look.

Choosing required size hats, it is enough to know the girth of the head. If you purchase a felt accessory, you need to understand that the headpiece is stretched, adjusting to the head.

Women's hats are used much more often, because they are considered reliable protection from wind and frost. In addition, the cap is able to protect the hair from mechanical stress.

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