
School educational quest game for February 23rd. Military quest. Morse Code Quest

Breast cancer

New! War quest for February 23 - a ready-made set of colorfully decorated tasks, with the help of which you can organize a quest on a military theme or it is interesting to beat the presentation of a gift on February 23rd.

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and put them out in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain just before starting the game.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.

About the set

  • A ready-made set of colorfully decorated tasks will help you conduct a quest on a military theme or it is interesting to beat the presentation of a gift on February 23rd.
  • The quest is universal: it can be carried out with the family for the husband and children, for colleagues in the office or students in the classroom.
  • A variety of versatile indoor spaces where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself. There is no imposed search chain, you can lay out tasks in any order, which is very convenient for the game organizer .
  • Interesting and varied tasks based on word games and different types ciphers. The quest is entertaining in nature; in-depth knowledge of military topics is not required.
  • 8 options for tasks. This number of stages is enough to entertain the players without bothering them with a long search for a surprise :)
  • The military quest for February 23rd is intended for adults and children from 10 years old.

Using this kit, you can organize a quest:

  • for two or for three teams: each type of task is performed in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and the victory depends on the speed of reaction and ingenuity of the players;
  • for one player or for one team of players: in this case, the organizer of the game will have a wide selection of the most convenient places in the room for compiling a search chain, in each type of tasks you need to select the option with the most suitable keyword.

Kit design

You can start the quest game in an original way with the help of a special postcards... It is stable and takes only a few minutes to cook (details included), in the middle is the first hint; postcard format - A4. This set includes 2 postcards, use the one that best suits the occasion. In finished form, they look like this:

registration of tasks

Description of tasks

(in brackets are the key places where you can hide hints and surprise)

  1. Military fragments (table, chair, shelf). An original task in which you need to find the necessary fragments in the picture and read the encrypted word .
  2. Russian anthem (computer,bedside table,plant). A patriotic task for knowing the symbol of our country.
  3. Military arithmetic (envelope,drink,leading). To find out where to go next, players will have to do the math :)
  4. Military puzzle (notebook,mirror,box,cookies). An easy but enjoyable and entertaining task. To find out the keyword, you need to compose a picture from the cut strips.
  5. Military fileword (newspaper,magazine,Cup,kettle).Interesting task on a military theme, requiring concentration and composure from the players.
  6. Military aviation (vase,closet,box). Mindfulness task.
  7. Sea battle (windowsill, stairs, battery, calculator). Colorfully designed task for quick thinking.
  8. Telegraph code (package,book,Door,wall). Another interesting mindfulness task.
  • card to start the game
  • recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the quest
  • tasks and answers

The kit is offered in in electronic format- you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(the postcard and assignments look great on plain office paper).

Kit format: tasks and answers - 53 pages, instructions - 5 pages (pdf files), 2 postcards to start the quest (jpg files)

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Within an hour after successful payment, 2 letters from will be sent to the mail you specified: one of them with a check confirming the payment made, the other letter with theme“Order on #N for the amount of N rubles. paid. Congratulations on your successful purchase! " - there is a link to download materials.

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"Quest for February 23 for men" - one of the most popular requests that appear in our mail since December.

What are the quests for February 23? What scenarios can there be? How long should the quest last for February 23, and how long does it take to prepare?

Quest for February 23rd for men

In most cases, the so-called gender holidays are carried out from the budget of the employees themselves. And women want to give their colleagues an unusual and fun gift. Therefore, the quest is a fairly convenient and relatively budgetary format for such an event.

However, nothing prevents to conduct. After all, a good walk of male colleagues can end in a cozy cafe!

Scenarios for the quest for February 23

In our view, a quest is a team game that combines search, intellectual and creative activities. Usually, story line set in the quest legend: "Search for the treasure (or antidote, if the quest is very limited in time)", "Find a mysterious code", etc. For a “male” holiday, legends can be more “heroic”. For example, "Special Agents".

We try to adapt the legend of the quest to the specifics of the company's activities, and also take into account the number of participants / teams. Therefore, each time, in fact, we develop a new quest.

We ... each time, in fact, we develop a new quest ...

Naturally, an important element of success is the logistics of the quest. We design the quest in such a way as to periodically “cross” the teams, creating conditions for cooperation.

Quite often, the female part of the office becomes part of the game - "secret agents" for whom we come up with quest stages.

And, of course, a common ending is needed: opening the coveted castle or finding a "treasure (treat)", creating a common art object that will later decorate the office.

As with any office quest, the duration is from 2 to 4 hours.

How long does it take to prepare the quest?

We prefer to have about 1.5 weeks before the event to complete all agreements, carefully familiarize ourselves with the company, its office and develop / adapt the escape room.

The cost of the quest strongly depends on the number of participants and additional improvements, but on average it is 1200-1400 rubles per participant. And this cost takes into account the basic adaptation and the arrival of our game technicians to your office to manage the quest.

A holiday in the office on February 23 for men can be arranged not only with the help of a quest. We will offer other formats.

This school quest game is a scraps-up search for a hidden surprise. Cards with different puzzles are hidden in certain places or objects, for example, in the classroom. The solution to each problem points to the place where the next one is. Thus, a chain is obtained that ultimately leads to a hidden gift. The quest can be conducted in the classroom or in any other school building.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are presented in at least two versions - each option has its own answer. This is done to make it easier for you to select the places where you will hide the cards with tasks. These locations are listed below. Please note that the words are grouped. Inside the group, separated by the “/” sign, the answers related to one task are indicated. In each group of words, we also indicate whether a template is provided for this task.

Clock / chalk, box / textbook, keyboard / photograph, water / vase / template, wardrobe / sink / template, chalkboard / calculator / desk, battery / monitor, figurine / calendar / template, book / carpet, piano / globe, lamp / window sill / template, cabinet / drawer, plant / ladder / template, desk / card, poster / magazine / template, curtain / diary / mirror.

Description of tasks

Below is a brief description of each assignment. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in the downloadable archive.

1. Quest "Riddle"

Common children's riddles, the answers to which are household and school items.

2. Task "Message in the fileword"

You need to find all the military words in the fileword to read the secret message. It will tell you what to do next.

3. Task "Sports"

An interesting task for the knowledge of sports and the corresponding equipment.

4. Quest "Star"

You need to draw a star in a certain way to read the hint.

5. Quest "Parts of the World"

Geographical knowledge test. It is necessary to correctly identify the presented parts of the world and read the encrypted word.

6. Task "Coordinate system"

An interesting logical and mathematical task, the solution of which will indicate where to go next.

7. Quest "Connect the Stars"

A puzzle in which you have to connect multi-colored stars in a certain way and decipher the secret word.

8. Task "Question"

A couple of interesting questions about school items (inventory).

9. Task "Auto-puzzle"

Unusual puzzle with cars. Difficult and entertaining task.

10. Task "True or False"

It is necessary to determine the veracity of several statements and read the encrypted word.

11. Quest "Morse Code"

Knowledge challenge in English and the ability to use the well-known Morse code.

12. Rebus

A couple of puzzles, having solved which it will be possible to understand where to go next.

Natalia Guseva
"In Search of the Flag". Quest for February 23 for older children

Children enter the hall under the march, perform rearrangements and become a semicircle.

Leading: Dear friends! Today our holiday is dedicated to February 23rd - this is the holiday of the Army and the Navy, and this holiday is also called the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. According to a good tradition, on this day, congratulations are given to all military men and, in general, all men and boys - former and future soldiers - defenders of the Motherland.

On this day of father and grandfather

Congratulations to the whole family!

2 child: Glory to the beloved army!

Glory to the dear army!

Our soldier is brave, strong,

Protects our peace.

3 child: Let the sun shine brightly,

And the way the cannons do not rattle,

The world of people, the native country

A soldier will always protect!

The song "Our Motherland is Strong"

Host: There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. And the professional military does it: They protect our country, guard the happy childhood of our children, the peaceful labor of our citizens, so that we can sleep peacefully, live and study under the peaceful sky of our Motherland. Our glorious warriors are courageous and brave, and our guys want to be like them. Let's hear what our boys dream about.

Poems for boys:

1. I will go to serve as a tanker,

I will learn to shoot at a target.

2. I would like to become a parachutist,

I really want to fly.

3. I have a simple dream -

To conquer the heights.

I dream of becoming a pilot

But first I'll grow up.

4. I would go to the captains

Swim in rivers and seas

I will protect Russia

On warships.

5. Sailors, gunners,

Border guards, tankmen

Protect peaceful labor.

Our army

Children (in unison): fireworks!

6. We walk bravo

Left and right

Because all the soldiers

There were also preschoolers!

Hurry to grow up,

To go to the army!

Song "Brave Soldiers"

Host: Guys, we have two detachments: "Pilots" and "Tankers". Each squad has its own emblems and flags. You have the emblems, but you will need to find the flags. And to find your flags, you need to complete tasks and overcome many obstacles. Comrades, soldiers, are you ready for a combat mission?

Children: Ready!

Commander: Let's start then. Each squad receives a card on which tasks are indicated. Complete all tasks - find your flags.

Music sounds and Antoshka enters the hall with a large spoon.

Antoshka has come to visit you!

Here's my big spoon!

I like to have fun, especially to eat,

Lie on the grass and watch the cartoon!

What kind of holiday you have here, arguments and excitement?

Where is the cookie, where is the cake, where is the treat?

Actually, here we are

Do not drink tea with jam,

And show your prowess!

To grow strong

To go to the army!

I explain in order:

We start the day by exercising.

Charger? What's this? Yummy?

Pies with cabbage?

Compote or jelly?

I love everything, believe me!

Well no! Antoshka, now the guys will tell you what exercise is!

Boys come out.

1st child:

Today we went to the gym together, in order

And we do the exercises with special pleasure!

2nd child:

So that the guys have good health,

After all, a boy is a future soldier!

3rd child:

To be enduring in training and in battle,

Defend your beloved homeland!

4th child:

We walk bravo left and right,

Because all the soldiers were also preschoolers!

Hurry to grow up to join the army!

Warm up

Presenter: Well, Antoshka, do you understand now what exercise is?

Antoshka: Wow! Humped sides! This work is not easy.

Presenter: Come on, Antoshka, let's look for the flags of the detachments together with the guys. Give the captains mission cards.

Antoshka gives cards to the squad captains.

Presenter: Open the cards. What's the first task?

1 TASK "POINT ARROWS" (target)

Now we will give an object lesson.

And we will find out which of you is the most accurate shooter.

Shoot down an enemy plane. (A picture of an airplane is attached to the hoop on a ribbon. Children throw the bags one by one, you need to hit the airplane).

Presenter: Well, the first task is completed, let's move on to the second. What does the map show?


Presenter: Guys, do you know that not only people serve in the Army? There are such troops where horses serve - these are cavalry. And now we will also be cavalrymen.

Each team receives a horse. Each team member must saddle a horse and ride it the entire distance from the start line to the turning flag and back.

Presenter: The second task was completed successfully. See what the next task is.


Presenter: There are many types of troops in the army, where people of different military specialties are serving. Let's remember some of them.

"The tank is in control."

"Shoots from a cannon."

"Sits at the helm of the plane."

"Scribbles from a machine gun."

"He goes to reconnaissance."

"Guarding the border."

"Serves on a submarine."

"He jumps with a parachute."

"They serve on ships."

Presenter: The task was completed successfully! We look at the next task.


A ribbon is tied to the typewriters. You need to wind up the ribbon - who is faster.

Presenter: The chauffeurs did a great job! See what the next task is.

5. TASK "SAPERS" (grenade)

Presenter: This is a mission for sappers. A sapper is a soldier who can defuse shells. You need to run one person at a time to the "ammunition" and neutralize them. (Disassemble the kinder surprises, put them in the basket).

Presenter: Well done, sappers, they did an excellent job! See what the next task is.

6. RELAY "DELIVERY" (envelope)

A very important letter needs to be delivered from headquarters. But the road to the headquarters is very difficult, and there are many obstacles to overcome.

(Walk along the bench, crawl under the arc, jump into the hoop, run around the landmark, return. The last player receives an envelope).

Presenter: Well, you have the envelopes, open them, let's see what's in them.

(Children open the envelopes, in them the flags of the detachments are cut, you need to collect).


Presenter: Attention, equal yourself, attention! Comrades fighters! You have done an excellent job. Well done! The competition was very fun! The detachments showed their agility, skill, friendly support, respect for the defenders of the Motherland. As a result, friendship won! I would like to express my gratitude to you for participating in today's game and to award you with medals for courage and courage.


I am grateful to you guys for the science, for the game,

Being hardy and dexterous does not bother anyone!

Presenter: And now the boys will rest and listen to the girls.

Girls read poetry:

1. Eve. On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone is celebrating the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

2. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you

Many bright days

Smile more often

More friends for you!

3. All of you be beautiful.

Listen to dads and moms more often.

4. We also wish you

Rather grow up

And strong and strong

Become heroes!

5. You boys are great!

We are proud of you!

And today we congratulate you with kind words.


All defenders of the country

Congratulations today we.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. I would like to wish our boys - a happy childhood, strength, courage, good health and a peaceful sky overhead. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Team emblems:

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Quest at home is a great way to congratulate a man in an original way, for example, on February 23rd, by arranging for him to search for a hidden gift. The essence of the game is very simple: the player sequentially finds cards with riddles and tasks, guesses them. The solution to each such puzzle indicates the item or place where the card with the next is hidden. This "chain" of tasks ultimately leads to a hidden gift or surprise. The tasks in this quest are specially selected for men of any age, starting from 15 years old. To carry out the quest, you just need to print out the tasks and hide them in the indicated places in your house, apartment or in the country.

Items and places

The 10 tasks in this quest are presented in several versions with different answers. To draw up your own quest scheme, you need to carefully think over all its stages and choose the one that suits you from our list of involved places. These are the places where you will hide the mission cards. All possible options are listed below. Please note that the words are grouped. Inside the group, separated by the “/” sign, the answers related to one task are indicated. In each group of words, we also indicate whether a template is provided for this task.

Razor / Washer, Keyboard, Hair Dryer, Bed, Rack / Sink, Refrigerator / Light / Window Sill / Template, Frying Pan / Eggs / Stove / Clothes / Powder, Book / Bathrobe, Flowers / Chair / Template, Mat / Glass, Shower / Knife , shelf / pants / template.

Description of tasks

Below are brief descriptions of the quests for the February 23rd quest and card images for your reference. Detailed description tasks and instructions for their preparation, as well as prepared for printing files with images of cards are provided in the downloadable archive.

1 question

The kit includes several interesting simple questions, the answer to which is any objects in the house. Either erudition or ingenuity will help to answer the question.

The first task can be enclosed in a postcard and given to the quest participant. In the instructions, we tell you in detail how to do this in the most interesting way. The instructions also include text for the introductory card.

2. Task "Hint at the keyboard"

In the card there is a picture that implicitly hints that the next riddle should be looked for under the keyboard.

3. Task "Sports"

A colorful graphic task on the topic of sports equipment. Knowing the sports will help you unravel the key.

4. Quest "Mustachioed cipher"

It is necessary to decrypt the keyword.

5. Quest "Displaced Planks"

An interesting puzzle for imaginative thinking.

6. Quest "Star"

The task presents a certain sequence of letters that form a word. The player's ability to read this word will help the ability to draw a five-pointed star without taking his hands off.

7. Task "Fieldword message"

8. Task "Crossword"

To find out the secret word, you need to solve a crossword puzzle with questions for real men.

9. Task "Cubic construction"

The card depicts an intricate construction consisting of many cubes. It is necessary to count the number of cubes, and the resulting number will indicate the key item.

10. Task "National drinks"

It is necessary to remember the national drinks different countries to decipher the clue word. For the tasks "Great Battles", "Star" and "Cubic Construction" there are templates that you can fill in yourself, having come up with your own answer, and, accordingly, where to find the next task.

In addition, the kit includes blank templates cards in which you can write your own assignments.