
What to do if you fall in love with a friend? I fell in love with my boyfriend's best friend: OMG, what should I do? What if I fell in love with a friend


Love is evil, you will love your best friend, let's say on the basis of a well-known proverb. But what to do and what to do if I fell in love with my best friend? Confess to him in love or so and live with this love, without telling him, because he is my best friend.


LOVE SILENT: If you have fallen in love with your best friend and do not know how to live with it, then, first of all, think about the possibility of your future. Of course, friendship between a guy and a girl is a moot point, most likely, these are your hidden love relationships, which neither you nor your best friend want to show yet, as you save them for any occasion in life. Look at whether there is friendship between a guy and a girl or if such friendship does not exist:. And so, if you, after analyzing the situation, understand that your love for a friend will not lead to anything good, then it is better, of course, to hide your love until a more appropriate time.

Perhaps you are married and your relationship with your husband is quite soft and loyal to each other, but the love for your best friend overshadows your love for your husband. In this case, do not rush to tell your best friend about your love for him and spoil your relationship with your husband. After all, perhaps this is not love, but just a passion for your best friend and, having lost your husband, you may not find those warm relations with your best friend that you had with your husband. Therefore, think and weigh everything several times before breaking old relationships and starting new ones. Maybe leave the best friend as a lover, and the husband for the family. This is, of course, an option family relationships wrong, but perhaps it is he who will save your family and reduce your ardor for his best friend.

If you understand that only with your best friend you will be happy, and you don’t need anyone else, since your love for your best friend overshadows all your feelings for other people, then move on to the next paragraph.

Confess your love: After analyzing the whole situation, you understand that there is no one better than your friend, and your love for him is tearing you apart and haunting. What to do in this case? Everything is simple here, tell your friend about your love for him, confess your feelings to him and demand reciprocity. Of course, there is a very high chance that your best friend will deny you the intimacy of your relationship, but you should not despair. Try and achieve him as your only and most beloved man. We recommend that you read

What should I do if I fell in love with my best friend, and he does not want a relationship or does not give a definite answer? In this case, try not to miss your moment, do not give up and fight for your beloved man. What do men like? That's right, they love it very much when a woman takes care of him, we are not talking about serving, like a maid, but we are talking about caring. When a man sees that a woman needs him, that she lives for him and for him, but at the same time does not humiliate her dignity and honor, a man will definitely love such a woman.

If you love your best friend, fight for him. Show him all your love, make sure that he does not remain hungry in bed and is completely satisfied. Do everything for him and for his sake, but do not forget about yourself.

Although, love is a very complicated thing, even if you are exhausted and try to get love from your best friend, no one will ever give you a guarantee of the success of your business. Indeed, sometimes, you look at a man and think why he fell in love with this girl, because there is nothing good in her, she scoffs at him, takes care of himself badly, but no, he loves her and that's it. Therefore, you need to try and achieve, and if it doesn’t work out, try even more, but if in this case it doesn’t work out, you need to look for an alternative to your love. We recommend that you read

Love is an amazing feeling. It ennobles a person and reveals his potential in many areas, especially with mutual sympathy. But what if you fell in love with a friend with whom you don’t know how to behave further? And I don’t want to lose friendship, and it becomes more difficult to endure unrequited love every day. How to act and not be left with nothing?

Friendship is short

There are several ways out of the current spiritual trap. If the partnership began not so long ago, then there is a possibility that a person has similar feelings for a girl in love, but is simply embarrassed to show them so as not to spoil friendly relations. In such a case, a hint of further developments will serve as a signal for the start of action on the part of the guy. How to organize it?

It is suggested to go to the cinema or a cafe where you can relax a little and drink a small dose of alcohol. The main thing is not to lose control over your actions and not to overplay. The moment is chosen when a situation of close contact arises. A girl should break the friend zone a little by touching the guy several times more than usual, look at him and not look away for 10-15 seconds. The friend should have the feeling that the usual communication looks a little unusual.

For the most daring and desperate (and what to lose when the heart rejects the arguments of reason), such a tricky move is suitable: under the influence of light alcoholic drinks (it is very important not to go overboard with the "degree"), you can try to hug and kiss the guy. If he does not resist and does not try to bring his girlfriend to life, then he himself is not against the development of events in a similar context. In any case, "obscene" behavior is always attributed to alcohol intoxication. The next morning, it is proposed to forget the incident without prejudice to friendship.

Another option is to start being shy where it was not supposed to be before. If up to this moment the girl could easily change her jacket with a friend, now she must deliberately close herself, ask her to turn away and show embarrassment in every possible way.

A good help is provocative clothing. Wearing a dress with a large neckline, a woman should often approach the guy closely during a conversation. If this mini, then you can drop things and bend over them. The main thing is not to look vulgar. Let everything be natural, but with a hint of temptation.

In a conversation, it is important to regularly emphasize the merits of your friend, to say that you want to have a guy with the same character or appearance as his. In the company it is necessary to distinguish him from the rest of the male comrades. If someone else begins to show signs of attention in front of him, it is better for the girl to find shelter in his society.

They have known each other for a long time

It is much more difficult to cope with feelings and decide on any reasonable actions if a girl unexpectedly discovers sympathy for her bosom friend, with whom they spend time almost from the cradle, share all the secrets. He may know about her love affairs, and she - about his amorous affairs. How to be and what to do if you fell in love with your best friend unexpectedly?

Bold move

If the friendship is really strong, then the guy can sincerely tell about his feelings and ask for advice. Together, we may be able to find a way out. And who knows if reciprocity on his part is excluded. There is no friendship between a man and a woman - either one or both of them always have hopes for more.


Here the same technique is applicable as described above - it is necessary to present yourself not as "one of your own on the board", but as a woman. There is a chance that the guy will pay attention to this and consider the girl not from the position of friendly relations. They were friends since childhood, but then it was an unformed girl with pigtails, and now there is a transformation. Who knows how he will react!

Unrequited feelings

Unfortunately, a guy may actually perceive a girl only as a friend and not be interested in her as a member of the opposite sex. What to do in this case?

Termination of contact

If communication brings only suffering, then it is worth either completely ending it, or suspending it at least for a while until the passions subside. Being at a distance, it is necessary to overcome your feelings in all available ways. Let it be a new circle of friends, meetings with boyfriends, a trip to another city or country - anything that can distract from gloomy thoughts and a negative mood.

At times like these, it’s a good idea to have internal monologues with you. We must try to convince ourselves that this guy is not ideal and there are still many opportunities to meet a man on the way. living together. Most likely, the friend has flaws - you need to focus on them and constantly think about it, so that the ideality of the hero of the novel gradually fades against the background of negative character traits and behaviors.

new feelings

An affair with another guy is a good reason to forget unhappy love. New sensations, a candy-bouquet period, "butterflies in the stomach", awareness of one's demand - all this will give an incentive not to get bogged down in an emotional swamp from unrequited desires.

Probably the most practical advice is not to believe in friendship between opposite sexes. Someone is bound to fall for the hook of attraction. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid friendship with a guy, especially if you like him initially.

It would seem that they have known each other for so many years, experienced love together, quarreled, shared all the events, sweets, opinions. Call up several times a day, and also write off to in social networks, you know all his girls, his addictions, you can tell in advance what he will wear, what he thinks about.

You are great friends, in his house you are welcome, no longer a guest, but your little man, almost a sister. You have the same tastes, you are always together and suddenly at one moment, you realize that you do not need fans and their courtship is indifferent, compliments and signs of attention are annoying.

When you meet a friend with his girlfriend, you feel pain from injections of jealousy, you notice that you began to think of him not as a friend, you constantly miss him, and when you meet, your heart is ready to dance. Previously, you could open the door for him in home clothes and feel completely calm at the same time, but now prepare for each visit, carefully choosing a toilet, doing your hair and makeup. You realize - yes, this is already more than just friendship.

Immediately there are many questions that require immediate solutions. Confess feelings? What if you lose what is already between you? What if he, like you, is in love? How will he react to changes in the relationship? Questions - a swarm in my head!

Or maybe he?

Perhaps you noticed behind him some stiffness in communicating with you, fear of touching and some alienation, he ended his relationship with his girlfriend and began to look unfriendly towards your fans. Think, he, too, could understand that you are more than a friend in his life. Try to take the first step yourself.

If the relationship on his part is still friendly, what to do?

First you need to understand yourself, in your feelings - it is quite possible that this is just a habit for each other or an unwillingness to share a friend with anyone else. It is best to do this from a distance. Take a ticket, agree to a business trip, go for a week to a friend or to the country, but you never know the options.

Take a break from thoughts, develop, or vice versa, load yourself with work. Why do you need it? Understand this fleeting desire to be with him or not. If you recently broke up with your boyfriend, then the reason for the sudden feeling may be the need for the support of a friend, not a girlfriend. Or the need for love.

Weigh all the pros and cons, dream up how you would spend your time, but not only in a romantic flair, but in everyday life. Knowing his habits, good and bad sides, think about what you like about him more, what you could patiently endure, and what you categorically do not accept, and here he should change, adjust.

So, we analyzed everything, put our thoughts on the shelves, put things in order in our head. Has anything changed for him?

Well, then it's time to act!

  1. You don't have to immediately confuse him with confessions. Start with yourself. Remember all his girls and how he spoke of them, what was attractive about them for him and for what reason they broke up.
  2. Conduct reconnaissance - gently, not intrusively ask mutual friends and acquaintances about his attitude towards you, what he appreciates in a woman, which girls he considers sexy, collect as much as possible more information, which will play into your hands in the future, even small details are important here.
  3. Try to slowly change - when meeting, dress more feminine, where appropriate - show weakness and some dependence on him, his advice, taste, but just don't overdo it, because he knows you well.
  4. Ask for help more often, for example, to give a blanket, drive in a nail or hang a picture, yes, you can do everything yourself, but let him feel like a man who takes care of a weak woman.
  5. You can arrange repairs or a global rearrangement in the apartment. This is where it’s impossible to do without it - what wallpaper to take, how to lay parquet or linoleum, where it is better to move the closet, whether to leave the old sofa or replace it with a more comfortable double bed, what kind of lighting to choose. Going shopping together to transform your home will greatly contribute to a different kind of rapprochement, not friendly, as before. Try to ensure that in all these alterations, his contribution was significant. Do according to your general taste and mood, make compromises, but also defend your point of view, excessive complaisance can be annoying. Let him leave with regret, even if only for a short time from your home. Do not forget to feed the worker. Arrange after each working day something like a festive dinner or lunch. Pick up new recipes in advance to his taste, but preferably those that you have not prepared for him before.

There are other options for the “rapprochement strategy”

The most important and difficult thing is to try to explain yourself, sooner or later it will still have to be done.

Set yourself up for an optimistic mood, but also think about your behavior in advance if he says that he loves you as a friend. Here the choice is yours - to turn everything into a joke and laugh together or say that you wanted to try on him, how the old fan will react to such an offer and continue the friendship, with the hope that he will change his mind.

Either - already tear, so tear - stop friendship and part in good friendly relations, but not more. In case of failure, do not even think of falling into tears, sobs, hysteria - this is not the option and will not add any dignity at all, only cosmetics will be smeared, eyes will swell - stay beautiful. Plus, you should not humiliate yourself, beg to try, sometimes it is this position that makes a man reconsider his attitude to a very negative one.

For an explanation, choose a suitable secluded place - an office in a cafe or restaurant, a home dinner, a picnic for two, so that no one interferes or distracts. Be calm and serious. Be sincere - it will not be difficult, because you have already decided everything for yourself. Before going on a decisive date, be sure to look at yourself in the mirror, even if you do not believe in omens, but make sure that everything is in order.

Are you in love with a friend and don't know what to do? How do you let him know how you feel without jeopardizing your real relationship? And can the best friend ever turn into the best lover, reciprocating tender and sincere feelings your yesterday's friend?

Declaration of love to your best friend is a big problem, because it can lead to unpredictable results, very different from romantic pink ideas. Of course, it may turn out that he also loves you and wants you to give him a chance, but it may also be that he prefers to remain at the friendship stage. Thus, you should feel out his feelings before confessing yours.

Remember if you ever got the impression that he feels something more than friendship towards you? Maybe he has already taken the first step, for example, he began to treat you differently. A sharp deterioration in your relationship can also be a sign that one of you has felt for the other something much more than friendship and is afraid of his feelings.

Having fallen in love with your best friend, check his behavior

You must take into account that by revealing the whole truth to a friend, you risk the existing relationship. If he still trusts you and talks to you about dating other girls without any problems, he probably isn't in love with you. His deep feelings about the next passion, the clearly demonstrated excitement caused by another person is undoubtedly a bad sign. However, if your friend is Lately became secretive, stopped talking about other women, shows shyness in relations with you, then we can assume that he, too, “does not breathe evenly” towards you. Another important wake-up call can be his words about your past, present and future romantic and sexual partners. Doesn't he often say that he doesn't see you worthy?

Find out the attitude towards you by carefully asking your mutual acquaintances. You, as if flirting, can ask one of his friends about what your friend says about you.

Try also to make your friend see you as a sexy woman. Start dressing more feminine when you meet him. Half-jokingly fantasize together about what your romantic relationship might look like. Also, try calling in it male jealousy, but remember - do not go too far.

Tell him: a declaration of love for his best friend

If you are sure that your friend does not love another girl and will not reject your feelings, tell him that you have fallen in love. If his behavior so far has been ambiguous, for example, he often hugged you, as if joking, flirting with you, then only by confessing your feelings to him, you can check whether these were friendly gestures or a desire for a closer relationship with you.

Remember, if you love a friend, hiding such feelings is very difficult, and it can ruin your relationship anyway. Do you already perceive it in a completely different way? By opening up, you will at least know how he feels about you.

Choose the right moment, take him by the hand or if you have the courage - kiss him in a timid and touching impulse. The most important thing is to avoid aggression, when declaring love to a girl's best friend, they often tend to blame him for feelings that have flared up or for being slow-witted, slow-witted, that he gave rise to a change in relations. Do not do this.

Spare yourself and your friend from deep clarification of feelings and bouts of crying. Such behavior can only frighten him, and he will begin to perceive you as a hysteric or unpredictably dangerous person. The name of the woman warns: tears at the beginning of a relationship for a man are a signal of a very difficult and exhausting romance, they refuse this purely instinctively, protecting their own nerve cells.

You will see a sincere reaction, sometimes a little covered by the unexpectedness of circumstances, to a pure and calm confession right away. If he does not reciprocate your feelings, it makes no sense to ask him to think, weigh everything, analyze everything. Don't be pushy or demanding. Feelings cannot be imposed. Try to get out of this situation with humor.

How often? Well, let's say more often than before. Or more often than yours best friend. Especially if he writes not on some business, but just like that - to find out how you are doing. Or on business, but obviously far-fetched, so that there is a reason to talk to you again.

Well, if in the morning you wake up from his messages in the messenger or he scribbles messages to you, even when hanging out with his friends - well, congratulations ().

He suddenly became preoccupied with how he looked

Does he come to every meeting with you in the clothes that you like? Did he grow a beard when you said lumberjacks were cool? Has he started wearing perfume? And in the pictures on social networks (where is he without you, of course) does he look the same as before? Yes, if he “beautifies” only for meetings with you, this also indicates his increased attention to your person.

He looks at you all the time

Realistically, all the time. As soon as you look in his direction, how does he immediately look away and pretend to look in the other direction? This feature has been known to everyone since school days. The boy (ok, man) has a crush. On you.

He blushes and is embarrassed

Yes, it happens to men too. And if he does not blush, then he hardly finds words when you ask him about something, or he would help prolong such a wonderful conversation with you.

He teases you

Suddenly, from a simple friend, he turned into an inveterate prankster who teases you at the slightest provocation? Note - teasing friendly, so as not to offend. If yes, then just remember the boys pulling the pigtails of the girl they like. This is the same.

He ignores you in front of other people

When you are in the company, he does not pay any attention to you, but when alone he “turns on” the super-friendly mode again? It is possible that he simply does not want anyone to guess about his feelings for you.

He keeps a close eye on your personal life

He suddenly began to be interested in your relationship (if any), or keeps asking if you liked this new acquaintance? Or trying to find out if someone is showing you signs of attention? Does he want to know everything in great detail? Well, maybe it's just friendly curiosity. But hardly.

He began to "mirror" you

Does he keep pace with you, unconsciously (or consciously?) copy your postures, suddenly start listening to your favorite music and watching the same series as you? Chances are he really likes you.

He tells you all the news

Another sign of falling in love is if a friend began to tell you all the news about his life, even the most insignificant. And not only about his own - he seeks to be the first to inform you about what you would have learned without him as soon as you opened Facebook. But he got there first.

He is constantly striving to please you.

When he meets you, he often grabs your favorite croissant from your favorite coffee shop, often recommends you new music, a book or a movie? Perhaps this is no accident.

For you it is always free

Wherever and whenever you call him, does he come? Have you often been busy before, even if you offered something really interesting? Well, of course, . And he will refuse the invitation only if he is already threatened with dismissal from work for another sudden day off.

He often talks about you to his friends

This can only be verified if you have met them at least once. Have you met? Did they communicate with you as if they knew a suspicious amount about you? Or, even better, they said, “Oh, so you are Alya? And we have heard about you!” If you can't get your friend out of his head, it's understandable that he will mention you in conversations with friends (especially if they don't know you personally).

He constantly compliments you

He praises your appearance, even when you're in old jeans and an oversized T-shirt, you fall off your feet after a hard day's work? And most of all, he tries to praise you when you feel bad, are you going through a breakup or a quarrel with your boyfriend? The conclusion is obvious, and we will add from ourselves that he is well done.

He cares a lot about you

When something unpleasant happens in your life, is your friend ready to sweep your offenders off the face of the earth? Is he upset and worried as much as you are (or even more)? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you are very dear to him. And perhaps more than just a friend.

He cares about his business to help you.

To transport things, set up a computer, deal with the installation of equipment - he is ready to help you in any situation, even if for this he has to cancel or reschedule his own plans. Men in love are not yet capable of this.

He laughs at all your jokes

Even over those that you yourself do not seem the most successful. But for him - head over heels in love with you - all your jokes are the most witty in the world.

He hugs you all the time

If your normally stern friend has turned into a be-be-be-be-be-hugged monster and uses any excuse to touch you, it's sure sign that he fell in love.