
Hcg 890 how long. HCG pregnancy hormone. Results and interpretation. HCG with anembryony


This is a hormone that is secreted by the membranes of the embryo. The presence of hCG in the body indicates that a woman is pregnant. HCG analysis is very important. Since with it you can prevent spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), identify a missed pregnancy, an ectopic location of the fetal egg.

How to determine hCG and what are its norms

In order to check whether a woman's blood contains chorionic gonadotropin, you need to do a blood test, urine test, and it can also come to the rescue. A blood test for hCG should be taken in the morning, when the woman has not yet eaten anything. If the analysis is not to be taken in the morning, then before it you need not to eat for at least four hours. It is best to do this analysis five days after the egg is implanted, even before the start of a missed period. In women who do not bear a child, the level of hCG is less than 15 mU / ml. The blood test is the most accurate. It is followed by a urinalysis somewhat lower in accuracy. The most unreliable is the pregnancy test, however, due to the fact that it is convenient to use, it is most often used by women. Tests can show an accurate result from the first day of a missed period. But there are especially ones that are able to show results even three days before the expected date of menstruation.

In the table below, you can see how hCG increases every week. In the first trimester of pregnancy, its growth is very rapid, and in the first weeks it doubles every 36-48 hours. At the tenth week, growth stops.

Normal are such values ​​​​of hCG by week

  • One - two weeks - the level of hCG can be from 25 to 156 mU / ml.
  • On the second - third week - 101 - 4870
  • On the fourth - fifth week, the normal value is from 2560 to 82300 mU / ml.
  • On the fifth - sixth week - 23100 - 151000 mU / ml.
  • Sixth - seventh week of pregnancy - 27300 - 233000 mU / ml.
  • Seventh - eleventh week - 20900 - 291000 mU / ml.
  • Eleventh - sixteenth week - 6140 - 103000 mU / ml.
  • Sixteenth - twenty-first week - 4720 - 80100 mU / ml.
  • Twenty-first - thirty-ninth week - 2700 - 78100 mU / ml.

What does low or high hCG indicate?

HCG indicates not only the presence or absence of pregnancy. Its level in the body can vary from various pathological diseases of the body. This analysis is very often prescribed by gynecologists in order to diagnose a woman.

If a woman has a low level of hCG during pregnancy, then this may indicate that she has some problems associated with bearing a child. If the level of this hormone does not increase with the duration of pregnancy, then this basically means that the development of the fetus has stopped. In this case, pilaf dies or its development freezes. Most often, a spontaneous abortion occurs, that is, a miscarriage, but if, after detecting the fading of the fetus, it does not exist, then the doctors prescribe a curettage of the uterine cavity for the woman. Some women have an ectopic pregnancy. If it develops in a woman, then her tests will also show a low level of hCG. At the most early dates development of the fetus, the level of the hormone is within the normal range, and in the future its growth slows down. The reason for this is that the fetus is inappropriately located, and also for the reason that the chorion exfoliates. In some cases, the slowdown is caused by the threat of interruption, which is caused by hormonal changes. Low levels of hCG do not always indicate any disorders and diseases. Sometimes doctors can give an inaccurate gestational age due to ovulation that has come out of time, or incorrect information provided to the doctor about the woman's menstrual cycle.

Also, elevated hCG can be diagnosed during pregnancy. In the early stages, this happens in cases where a woman bears two children, or even more. Diabetes mellitus can also serve as a reason for the increase in hCG. If, during an examination in the second trimester of pregnancy, an increased level of hCG is found in the body, then this indicates that the child may develop Down syndrome. But in this case, doctors can only make an assumption, since one analysis of hCG is not enough to make this diagnosis. When childbirth does not come on time, and a woman overwears the baby, the level of this hormone in the body can also increase. it in a negative way reflected in the health of the baby. For these reasons, testing for hCG levels is so important.

False analysis result

In some cases, human chorionic gonadotropin can be found in the body of a woman who is not pregnant, sometimes in the male body.

Possible reasons for this:

  • Choriocarcinoma and hydatidiform mole;
  • Testicular teratoma and seminoma (testicular tumor in men, often malignant);
  • Neoplasms of the kidneys, uterus, as well as other organs;
  • The first week after the abortion;
  • Taking medications that contain chorionic gonadotropin in their composition. Such drugs are often used by women who are preparing for.

HCG analysis is used to determine pregnancy, as well as to determine ectopic pregnancy, as well as to determine some oncological diseases.

With the onset of pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body, both visible to the naked eye and proceeding imperceptibly to others. At the moment when conception has occurred, the hormonal background changes so much that it affects the well-being future mother and her mood swings. For example, the hCG hormone increases exponentially with the onset of pregnancy, doubling its value approximately every 2 days. Due to the appropriate concentration of the hormone, pregnancy can be determined at the earliest possible time using a routine blood test from a vein. Also, pregnancy tests react to the presence of hCG in the urine, showing two strips with a positive result.

HCG is a hormone that produces one of the fetal membranes of the embryo, called the chorion. And this happens until the 16-18th week, until the placenta is formed - now one of her duties will be to produce hCG.

HCG suppresses the processes in the body, due to which women experience menstruation. It contributes to the production of progesterone and estrogens, which are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the embryo. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm masculine”, then it is hCG that will stimulate the cells responsible for the synthesis of testosterone, due to which the male genital organs will be formed in the boy. Consisting of two particles - α and β hCG will be separately diagnosed for possible pathologies and defects, paying careful attention to β hCG.

HCG by week of pregnancy

Analysis of hCG during pregnancy

If you have ever donated blood from a vein (and it is unlikely that there is at least one adult civilized person on earth who this procedure has passed by), then you already know how to donate blood for hCG. Exactly the same from a vein. Preferably in the morning on an empty stomach for more accurate results, and on the edge you should not eat 4-6 hours before the analysis. Eliminate any fatty foods from your diet the day before and don't kill yourself in the gym with heavy weights. All this can affect the results of the tests, as well as taking hormonal drugs, and deciphering hCG to determine pregnancy can be in vain.

HCG level during pregnancy, it is constantly growing, and from the level of its concentration in the blood, doctors can determine the gestational age up to a week, and confirm and clarify on ultrasound until the day of conception. But even if there is a suspicion of pregnancy, and a woman goes to take a blood test for hCG for the first time, she will have to do this several more times so that doctors can track the growth of the hormone. This excludes an ectopic pregnancy, in which hCG is also increased, but grows at a slower pace. Another option is ultrasound, but this is only possible when it becomes possible to visualize fertilized egg on the monitor. Let's look at the hCG values ​​by week of pregnancy in the table below. If the test results at some point become below normal, then the doctors will refer you for further examinations in order to exclude or confirm an ectopic pregnancy. But it is worth knowing that the figures below are necessary only for general information, doctors and no one else should decipher the test results.

HCG table during pregnancy

Elevated hCG during pregnancy

There are cases when the level of hCG differs from the norm upwards. This is possible in the following situations:

  1. The most banal thing is that the gestational age is incorrectly set. If the hCG level is higher than normal, then perhaps the period is several weeks longer than expected.
  2. The expectant mother is expecting two babies at once, or even more. And this is logical, because hCG is secreted by the chorion - the fetal membrane. 2 embryos have 2 times more membranes, and, consequently, hCG is also released in a larger volume.
  3. If a woman is diagnosed with diabetes.
  4. Elevated hCG, in combination with other signs, may indicate Down's syndrome.

You should know that hCG during pregnancy has its own norm for each woman. And if your test results deviate from those presented in the table, this does not mean that something is wrong. Everything is individual for us, and, in addition, it is necessary to look at other test results in order to form the correct picture. Therefore, provide a transcript of the results to your doctor, and use the data from the Internet just for reference.

Decreased hCG during pregnancy

Decreased levels of the hormone in the blood may indicate the following:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy: we will talk about this in detail below.
  2. Again, the wrong term for determining pregnancy, this time it is actually somewhat less than originally thought.
  3. If the pregnancy is at risk of termination. In this case, the indicators deviate from the norm by as much as 50%.
  4. The death of the fetus or the fading of pregnancy. The essence is the same, just different terms are implied.
  5. If the pregnancy is delayed.
  6. Low hCG may be one of the signs placental insufficiency when the blood supply from mother to fetus is interrupted.

HCG in ectopic pregnancy

So, we found out that low hCG during pregnancy is a sure and alarming sign of an ectopic pregnancy. But what is it and why is it so dangerous?

From the name itself, it becomes clear that such a pregnancy does not develop in the uterus, but in another organ. This may be the fallopian tube (the most common case), ovary, cervix, abdominal cavity. The danger lies in the fact that no other organ, except for the uterus, is intended for the attachment and development of the embryo. But for the embryo, in fact, there is no difference where to attach and receive nutrition. The load on the relevant organ is growing, and if an abortion is not done in time (unfortunately, there is simply no other way to resolve the situation), the consequences can be simply horrific, up to serious breaks, and in completely neglected situations, even death is possible! But we do live in a civilized country and at the first suspicion of pregnancy we go to the doctor, right? Therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of, as already mentioned, with medical help to determine ectopic pregnancy as easy as shelling pears using standard procedures.

HCG during early pregnancy

As soon as pregnancy occurs, everything begins to change inside a woman, even if she does not know about it. The body gets to know the new tenant and creates all the conditions so that he can successfully find a comfortable place to stay for the next 9 months. And change hormonal background- one of important conditions so that this tenant receives everything necessary for his development.

So, the production of hCG occurs immediately after the successful implantation of the embryo. And on the fifth day after this event, when donating blood, it is already possible to detect an increased concentration of the hormone, although not yet to such an extent as to confirm pregnancy, but at least suspect it.

In order for a pregnancy test to show a positive result, a sufficient concentration of the hormone in the blood will be reached approximately by the end of the second week from implantation, and if we talk about obstetric weeks, which are considered from the moment of fertilization, then by the end of the fourth. Under the influence of hCG in the body of the expectant mother, hormones are produced that are responsible for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the embryo, the necessary state of the endometrium is maintained - the fertile layer of the uterus, in which the embryo will live.

Summing up

Now we know what hCG is during pregnancy, what is the role of the hormone during pregnancy and what can be determined and prevented with its help. HCG indicators during the normal course of pregnancy vary greatly among themselves, due to which the accuracy in determining the term is high. If there are any deviations, by establishing the concentration of the hormone in the blood, it is also realistic to diagnose them in time and prevent undesirable consequences. That is why it is so important to plan a pregnancy, and at the first sign of it, consult a doctor.

Video " Signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is one of the types of sex hormones of protein origin, which is produced with pronounced changes in the human reproductive system.

The substance is found in both male and female bodies. Depending on gender, the site of synthesis is the placenta or the pituitary lobes of men. Causes can be pregnancy, tumors, cysts of the epididymis and prostate.

Normal levels of hCG

For men, the natural level of the content of the chorionic hormone is the range of 0-5mU / ml. This concentration is considered optimal, which allows us to speak with confidence about satisfactory human health.

For non-pregnant women of childbearing age, the presence in the blood of no more than 5 mU / ml is considered the norm. substances. The onset of menopause increases this bar to 9 mU / ml.

Attention! The presence in the body of hCG more than 5mU / ml. (in the absence of pregnancy) indicates the development of pathological processes. This is a serious reason to see a doctor!

At hCG pregnancy determined 7-10 days after the onset of fertilization. The indicator constantly increases throughout the first trimester, the peak falls on the 10-11th week of embryo development. In this case, the normal level of human chorionic gonadotropin corresponds to the following data:

  • 1-2 weeks - 25-200 honey / ml.
  • 2-3 weeks - 102-5000 mU / ml.
  • 3-4 weeks – up to 30000 mU/ml.
  • 4-5 weeks – 2500-82000 honey/ml.
  • 5-6 weeks - 23000-150000 honey / ml.
  • 6-7 weeks – up to 200000 mU/ml.
  • 7-10 weeks - up to 300,000 mU / ml.
  • 11-15 weeks – 6000-103000 honey/ml.
  • 16-20 weeks – up to 80000 mU/ml.
  • 21-39 weeks – 2685–78075 mU/ml.

Important! When diagnosing in different laboratories, the data may differ. Therefore, it is necessary to be guided by the rating scales used by medical staff at the place of testing.

Interpretation of the analysis for the level of hCG

Interpretation of the survey results consists in reconciling the obtained readings with the normative ones and establishing possible causes deviations.

The low value of hCG in the blood is an alarming symptom only for women who are carrying a child. For all other categories of patients, it does not pose any danger.

Seriously, it is worth taking the increased value of the substance. The critical level is a mark of more than 10 mU / ml. In such quantity, it acts as a tumor marker and is regarded as evidence of the occurrence of oncological neoplasms.

Diseases in which the proportion of hCG in blood plasma increases in men and non-pregnant women:

  • A benign or malignant tumor (teratoma, seminoma), the localization of which is the patient's testicles or uterus.
  • Oncological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, genitourinary system.
  • Cancers in the respiratory system.
  • A continuous increase in the content of chorionic hormone is a real sign of the spread of tumor cells to neighboring internal organs.

When taking medications containing hCG, blood levels are also exceeded.

Attention! Analysis and correct decoding diagnostic studies- entirely the competence of your attending physician. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment are unacceptable. Exceeding the level of hCG cannot be a 100% basis for oncological diseases. To clarify the entire clinical picture, laboratory parameters must be considered in conjunction with other diagnostic methods.

HCG analysis and interpretation of results in pregnant women

Common pregnancy tests, which are sold in every pharmacy, reveal the fact of fertilization only after a delay in the menstrual cycle. While a blood test for hCG allows you to verify conception at an earlier date.

The hormone itself consists of 2 constituent units - alpha and beta particles. Beta-hCG is responsible for determining the “interesting position”.

For the correct interpretation of the data, it is necessary to compare the results of the survey with the standards characteristic of this period of pregnancy. In case of deviations up or down, the doctor will prescribe additional studies.

The reasons for the increase in the content of this hormone in the blood of women can be:

  1. The likelihood of developing multiple (two or more fetuses) pregnancy.
  2. Pathology and anomalies of the fetus (genetic and chromosomal diseases, Down syndrome).
  3. Diabetes mellitus in the mother.
  4. Severe toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy.
  5. Cystic skid (trophoblastic disease resulting in uncontrolled growth of the outer germinal membrane).
  6. Preeclampsia (a complication, the symptoms of which are swelling, hypertension, high protein content in the urine).
  7. Incorrect statement of the gestational age (discrepancy between the set and the actual one).
  8. Taking medicines, which include hCG (usually these are hormonal progestogens - Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Norkolut, etc.).
  9. An atypically long pregnancy, without overcarrying the child (due to the individual properties of the female body, the duration of the cycle).

Possible signs of an abnormal decrease in hCG:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy.
  2. A frozen fetus.
  3. Risk of miscarriage.
  4. Intrauterine death of the embryo.
  5. Overgrowth of the fetus.

Important! To exclude an ectopic pregnancy, which can threaten the health and life of a woman, with a low level of hCG, it is necessary to be examined by ultrasound.

Analysis options

In medical practice, 2 types of blood tests are common:

  • General. This type of study is recommended for early detection of pregnancy. If the process proceeds without complications, then the concentration of hCG increases 2 times every 48 hours. The analysis is carried out in combination with prenatal screening - a complex of biochemical, ultrasound procedures aimed at establishing the risks of fetal pathologies.
  • Free. It is prescribed in case of suspicion of tumor formation in the placental site. Another reason to visit the laboratory is oncological formations in the ovaries of women or the testicles of men.

Attention! If the result of the analysis for free hCG turned out to be positive, this is not a guarantee that the child has pathological disorders.

Rules for passing the analysis

Blood is taken from a vein. As laboratory method research uses enzyme immunoassay. For the correct result and the formulation of an objective medical opinion, it is important to fulfill a few simple requirements.

Preparation for a blood test for the content of chorionic hormone includes the following rules:

  • The best option is to take the test in the morning. It is allowed to take at other hours, but you should refrain from eating for 6 hours. until the time of blood sampling.
  • The analysis is carried out on an empty stomach.
  • On the eve, you should limit the consumption of heavy, fatty foods, alcohol-containing drinks.
  • It is necessary to warn the staff about taking medications containing hormones. This may lead to a false test result.
  • It is not recommended to conduct an analysis after suffering nervous stress, strong feelings, physical exertion.
  • Just before taking venous blood, you don’t have to worry, it’s best to sit quietly for a few minutes.
  • If before the tests there is a feeling of dizziness, weakness, fainting, it is necessary to inform the nurse.

Indications for examinations are planned diagnostics of ongoing pregnancy. Mandatory appointment of procedures in case of a threat spontaneous miscarriage and accompanying phenomena - bloody discharge from the reproductive system, heaviness and pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

If there is no question of childbearing, then the doctor may send for analysis patients with menstrual irregularities or women who have undergone an induced abortion. When it comes to the male population, swelling of the testicles, discomfort in this area, can be the starting point for hCG analysis.

Research duration

As a rule, it takes 3-4 hours for a laboratory assistant to analyze a person's blood. This is the time to prepare the sample, reagents and tubes for them. If the laboratory conducts research itself, then the result becomes known on the same day.

HCG indicator during early pregnancy: low, high. What does the drop in level mean?

What else does low hCG mean? Not excluded. This means the following: fertilization took place, but for some reason the body recognized the fetus as unviable and rejected it even before the delay in menstruation. A woman, most often, does not even suspect that she is mature in her. new life. True, in some women in this case, menstruation somewhat changes its character (due to the implantation that has begun and failed):

  • discharge becomes copious;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is felt;
  • discharge takes a little longer than usual.

There is no need to regret the termination of such a pregnancy: the body was able to recognize the defects of the future fetus incompatible with life and eliminated everything without consequences for the life and health of the mother.

Decrease in hCG in early pregnancy

An unfavorable sign is a decrease in the hCG rate to 11 weeks. HCG drops in early pregnancy for reasons:

  • beginning miscarriage;
  • fetal circulatory disorders.

If hCG is more than half the norm, this is an occasion to observe a woman for a week. If there are signs of a spontaneous abortion that has begun, the woman is placed in a hospital for preservation.

Elevated hCG during early pregnancy

It would seem that elevated hCG during early pregnancy is good. The fetus is successfully fixed, the hormone is actively secreted, it increases rapidly - everything is fine. Indeed, most often the body can increase the level of the hormone during pregnancy with twins or triplets. In this case, when confirmed by ultrasound multiple pregnancy, a woman can rejoice - a physiological increase.

But large hCG also occurs under other circumstances:

  • development of tumors (including malignant);
  • Down syndrome in a developing fetus;
  • other developmental anomalies - in particular, neural tube defects;
  • blistering.

What level of hCG is considered really high - in each specific situation, you need to ask your doctor. Self-diagnosis is unacceptable.

It is imperative to monitor hCG in dynamics, since this hormone is a marker of a normal, progressing pregnancy. If you want to make sure that everything is in order, periodically take an analysis until the 11th week, and then you will have much less reason to worry. And if the mother is calm, everything will be fine with the child too.

Actual video

For a woman, motherhood is not only nine months of anxious expectation and the joy of a long-awaited meeting with a baby. For the expectant mother, the entire period of pregnancy is a big burden for the body. Many functions and some organs undergo changes. The psycho-emotional background of the future mother is also not stable.

As a rule, a gynecologist who observes the course of a woman's pregnancy periodically prescribes tests for her. This is done in order to adequately assess whether everything is normal. Among the numerous laboratory studies, there is one analysis, which is called hCG. He is very informative. For the expectant mother and for the gynecologist at the beginning of pregnancy, the hCG level is a key indicator of the fact of fertilization, and it can also be used to determine the date of the expected birth quite accurately.

What is HCG?

First you need to say how this mysterious abbreviation stands for. HCG is human choriotonic gonadotropin.

This is a hormone that is produced by the cells of the embryonic germinal membrane after a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.

There are two substances of this hormone: alpha-hCG and beta-hCG. The first of the substances is very similar to other human hormones. Beta-hCG is unique in nature and is only released during pregnancy. This hormone allows a woman to keep the fetus at the earliest possible date. During this period, the immune system does its best to eliminate the foreign body. So the protective forces of the woman's body perceive the future baby. It is human chorionic gonadotropin that suppresses the immune response and preserves pregnancy. When determining the content of beta-hCG, a blood test will be more informative, since all pharmacy express tests respond to both fractions of the hormone.

There are certain statistics about the beginning of the production of this hormone. In the vast majority of cases, the formation of hCG in the body of a pregnant woman begins 7-10 days after fertilization. The concentration of this hormone reaches its peak levels at 11-12 weeks. After this period, the level of hCG begins to gradually decrease and stabilizes by the middle of pregnancy. Further, its concentration remains stable and slightly decreases immediately by the time of delivery.

How is the content of hCG determined?

Determination of the presence of hCG and its concentration can be carried out in the blood or urine of a pregnant woman. It is these biological fluids that are subject to laboratory research.

There is some evidence that the release of this hormone into the blood occurs faster for several weeks. Having passed this analysis, you will be able to find out earlier about the fact and duration of pregnancy.

In order to determine the level of hCG in the urine, it is not at all necessary to contact the laboratory. The pharmacy sells a variety of pregnancy tests. These modern miniature devices are able not only to confirm the fact of fertilization, but also to provide information on the concentration of hCG in the urine of a woman. Each representative of the fair sex knows perfectly well what two stripes on such a test are talking about. Objectivity this method verification, according to its manufacturer, is 98-99%. However, in order to make sure exactly what level of hCG is, a woman should be entrusted with the analysis of the laboratory.

When is the best time to donate blood for hCG?

It is known that the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin begins to grow already in the first days from the moment of fertilization of the egg. According to statistics, in 5% of women, the level of hCG rises already on the 8th day after conception.

In the vast majority of pregnant women, the concentration of this hormone begins to grow by the 11th day from the moment of fertilization of the egg. If a woman does not know the exact date of conception, then donating blood for hCG analysis should be 3-4 weeks after the start of the last menstruation. In this case, the expectant mother usually detects a delay of several days.

Quite often, gynecologists recommend that a woman be tested for choriogonadotropin twice with a time interval of a couple of days. If the re-analysis shows an increased level of hCG relative to the first result, then the physician states the dynamics of growth and confirms the presence of pregnancy.
Usually, in a few days, the concentration of gonadotropin increases by 1.5-2 times. If the opposite picture is observed, that is, the level of the hormone is stably low or decreased, then the fertilization of the egg did not occur.

It is very important when passing the analysis to find out the norms adopted in this particular laboratory. The fact is that in different institutions these indicators may differ.

How to prepare for the hCG test?

There is no need for any special preparation. If a woman takes a drug containing hormones, she must inform the doctor and laboratory assistant about this. Some of the medications, especially those with progesterone, can interfere with the results of the study. It is best to take a blood test in the morning on an empty stomach.

What is the norm of hCG in a non-pregnant woman?

Often, this analysis is taken by women, regardless of whether they are pregnant or not. Sometimes a gynecologist recommends checking the level of hCG if you suspect some diseases, such as fibroids or ovarian cancer. An indicator of the concentration of this hormone, along with other examination methods, can directly indicate the presence of an ailment.

Normally, the level of hCG in a non-pregnant woman should be 0-5 mU / ml. In women during menopause, due to the restructuring of the body, the content of this hormone reaches 9.5 mU / ml. If the analysis revealed a high level of hCG, then this may be due to the following reasons:

  • A reaction to substances in a woman's blood that are similar to hCG.
  • This hormone is produced by the patient's pituitary gland.
  • Woman takes medical preparations containing hCG.
  • The hormone is produced by a tumor in an organ.

In cases where hCG is elevated and pregnancy is not detected, the patient undergoes a complete diagnosis and receives appropriate treatment.

HCG levels during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, after the implantation of a fertilized egg has occurred, the chorion begins to produce hCG. So the embryo tries to survive in this yet hostile world.

The hormonal background of a woman begins to change. The level of hCG by the day from conception begins to rise quite rapidly. But immediately after conception, it is not advisable to run to take tests in the laboratory. During this period, as a rule, the result will not show an increase in the concentration of hCG. In order for laboratory diagnostics to be able to detect pregnancy, at least 7-8 days must pass from the moment of fertilization. But gynecologists do not recommend forcing events and analyzing after a delay in menstruation.

  • The result up to 5 mU/ml is accepted in international medical practice as negative.
  • An indicator of 5-25 mU / ml is considered doubtful, after a few days it is necessary to re-analyze to observe the dynamics.
  • A deviation from the norm is considered a difference of more than 20%. If the result differs from the standard indicators for this period by 50% or more, then we are talking about a pathological phenomenon. If the deviation from the norm is 20%, then the patient is sent for re-testing. In the event that he showed an increase in the indicator of difference from the standards, then they speak of the development of pathology. If the deviation of 20% was confirmed, or a smaller result was obtained, then this is considered a variant of the norm.

Single laboratory research the level of chorioic gonadotropin is practiced very rarely. This may only be relevant at the beginning of pregnancy. Basically, a series of periodic analyzes with a certain time interval is prescribed. Thus, the dynamics of changes in the level of hCG is observed and pathological conditions, such as the threat of interruption, fetoplacental insufficiency and others.

How does hCG change by day of pregnancy?

In order to assess how the level of hCG changes by day of pregnancy, you need to carefully consider the table below.

Embryo age by days after conception HCG level, honey / ml
Average Minimum Maximum
7 4 2 10
8 7 3 18
9 11 5 21
10 18 8 26
11 28 11 45
12 45 17 65
13 73 22 105
14 105 29 170
15 160 39 240
16 260 68 400
17 410 120 580
18 650 220 840
19 980 370 1300
20 1380 520 2000
21 1960 750 3100
22 2680 1050 4900
23 3550 1400 6200
24 4650 1830 7800
25 6150 2400 9800
26 8160 4200 15 600
27 10 200 5400 19 500
28 11 300 7100 27 300
29 13 600 8800 33 000
30 16 500 10 500 40 000
31 19 500 11 500 60 000
32 22 600 12 800 63 000
33 24 000 14 000 38 000
34 27 200 15 500 70 000
35 31 000 17 000 74 000
36 36 000 19 000 78 000
37 39 500 20 500 83 000
38 45 000 22 000 87 000
39 51 000 23 000 93 000
40 58 000 58 000 108 000
41 62 000 62 000 117 000

From this table, we can conclude that the level of hCG by day of pregnancy changes quite dynamically in the first weeks after ovulation, then the rate decreases slightly and the level reaches stable levels.

First, it takes 2 days to double the gonadotropin levels. Further, from the 5th-6th period, it takes 3 days to double the concentration of hCG. At 7-8 weeks, this figure is 4 days.

When the pregnancy reaches a period of 9-10 seven-day periods of time, the hCG level reaches its peak values. By the 16th week, this factor is close to the concentration of the hormone in the 6-7th period. Thus, the level of hCG in the early stages changes quite dynamically.

After the 20th week of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG does not change so dramatically. Once every 10 seven-day calendar periods, the hormone level rises by approximately 10%. Only on the eve of childbirth, the level of hCG increases slightly.

Experts explain such an uneven growth of chorionic gonadotropin to the physiology of a pregnant woman. The initial increase in hCG levels is due to the intensive development of the size of the fetus, placenta and hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. During this period, the chorion produces a large number of gonadotropin to prepare a place for the baby and ensure optimal conditions for its development. After the 10th week, the placenta changes significantly. From that moment on, her hormonal function fades away. The placenta is transformed into the main organ of nutrition and respiration in the mother-fetus system. It is thanks to this important element that the baby receives all the substances necessary for growth and development, as well as vital oxygen. Therefore, during this period, there is a decline in the dynamics of the concentration of hCG.

What are the hCG levels by week?

It is very convenient to watch how the level of hCG changes during pregnancy, week by week. On the 3rd-4th seven-day period, it is 25-156 mU/ml. Already at 4-5 weeks, the concentration of the hormone increases: 101-4870 mU / ml. By the 5th-6th period, the content of hCG becomes equal to 1110-31,500 mU / ml. At 6-7 weeks, the concentration of the hormone changes to 2560-82300 mU / ml. The level of hCG after the 7th seven-day period rises to 23,100-151,000 mU / ml. At the 8-9th period, the content of the hormone falls within the range of 27,300 - 233,000 mU / ml. For a period of 9-13 weeks, indicators of 20,900-291,000 mU / ml are considered normal. By the 13th -18th period, the hCG level decreases to 6140-103,000 mU / ml. From the 18th to the 23rd week, the concentration of the hormone is kept at the level of 4720-80 100 mU / ml. Further, the content of hCG is still slightly reduced. From the 23rd to the 41st week, it stays at the level of 2700-78 100 mU/ml.

How to compare laboratory data with standards?

Having received the data of laboratory tests, expectant mothers are in a hurry to find out if they correspond to the norm. Comparing your results with the above indicators, one very important circumstance should be taken into account. The text indicates obstetric weeks, which doctors count from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation.

The level of hCG during pregnancy at 2 weeks is equal to that of a woman in her normal physical condition. Conception occurs only at the end of the second or at the beginning of the third seven-day calendar period.

It is necessary to remember the fact that when comparing obstetric and embryonic gestation periods, the first lags behind the second by two weeks.

If, as a result of the analysis, a result slightly higher than 5 mU / ml was obtained, then the gynecologist will send for a second examination in a few days. Until the level of hCG (from conception) reaches 25 mU / ml, it is considered doubtful and requires confirmation. Remember that it is always necessary to compare the results of the study with the standards of the laboratory where they were conducted. Comparison in the most accurate way can only be done by a doctor.

If the result is below normal

If the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin obtained as a result of the analysis does not meet the standard and this deviation is more than 20%, then this is a very alarming sign. First, the doctor prescribes a second study. If at the same time the low level of hCG is confirmed, then this may be a consequence of the following conditions:

  • Incorrectly calculated gestational age.
  • Regressive pregnancy (missed pregnancy or fetal death).
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • The development of the embryo is delayed.
  • The threat of spontaneous miscarriage.
  • Post-term pregnancy (over 40 weeks).
  • Placental insufficiency in a chronic form.

To make a more accurate diagnosis, the patient undergoes a mandatory ultrasound examination.

The level of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy is initially slightly below normal, and then the dynamics drops sharply. But tubal or ovarian fixation of the embryo can be determined with greater accuracy only by ultrasound. It is very important to detect an ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner, as this condition directly threatens the health and life of a woman. Modern methods of eliminating this condition allow you to fully preserve the childbearing function. Laparoscopic operations are seamless and as sparing as possible. The recovery period with this method of treatment is minimal.

With a frozen pregnancy, the death of the fetus occurs, but for some reason it is not excreted from the body. The hCG level first remains at a certain level, then begins to decline. In this case, the doctor observes a thickening of the uterus, since spontaneous abortion does not occur.

Regressive pregnancy can be both in the early stages and in the later period. The reasons can be varied, but a clear dependence of this condition on specific factors has not been identified.

If the rate is above normal

Most often, an elevated level of hCG in the general normal course of pregnancy is not a formidable sign. It is often a companion of multiple pregnancy or severe toxicosis.

However, if other tests also differ significantly from the norm, then an elevated level of hCG may indicate preeclampsia or diabetes mellitus. This factor is also observed in women taking hormonal drugs.

In addition, the difference in the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in combination with low estriol and ACE (triple detailed test) may be evidence of the risk of having a child with Down syndrome.

A pregnant woman undergoes two screenings. The first of them is carried out from 11 to 14 weeks after the moment of conception. The level of hCG in the mother's blood is measured, and if it is elevated, then we are talking about chromosomal mutations. Based on the data obtained, the doctor calculates the probability of having a child with Down syndrome or other chromosomal diseases. As a rule, in children with trisomy, the level of hCG is elevated. To confirm the blood test, an ultrasound is performed, and then - re-screening for a period of 16-17 weeks. Sometimes it happens that an elevated level of hCG is detected in an absolutely healthy baby. Then the amniotic fluid is analyzed for high accuracy of the result.