
The first signs are before the delay. Increased hCG levels. The exact signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation


From the very first hours after the conception of the baby, great changes begin to occur in the woman's body. Realizing this, many planning the birth of a baby begin to expect the first signs to appear even before the delay in menstruation. Interest is fueled by those who claim that literally from the first days they felt “somehow different”. In this material, we will take a closer look at whether it is possible to feel pregnancy before the delay and what symptoms may indicate it.

Conception and implantation

It is impossible to feel the process of conception, because two tiny germ cells are involved in it and the whole process takes place exclusively at the cellular level. On the day of ovulation, a mature egg is released from the follicle. For another day, she retains the ability to be fertilized. If at this time spermatozoa are nearby, then it is quite possible that one of the millions of sperm will still manage to disrupt the integrity of the oocyte membranes and penetrate inside.

Immediately after this, the fusion process begins, the two cells combine their DNA and the development of a new life begins. The egg cell turns into a zygote, and then into a blastocyst. Every day it splits up, the number of cells in it increases. At the same time, the blastocyst moves along the fallopian tube from the ampullar part, in which the fusion occurred, into the uterine cavity. She is actively "helped" by the villi that dot the inside of the fallopian tubes. With their movements, they push the fertilized egg forward. First, it enters the mouth of the tubes, and then it ends up in the uterine cavity.

This process lasts on average 7-9 days after conception. In the uterus, the ovum must gain a foothold in order to get chances for further development. The attachment process is called implantation. It has two stages. At the first, the blastocyst adheres with membranes to the endometrium. This stage is called adhesion. The ovum membrane secretes certain enzymes that partially "dissolve" endometrial cells.

Then the second stage begins - invasion. With her, the ovum "breaks" into the endometrium, the chorionic villi connect with small blood vessels, and the ovum begins to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood.

Only from that moment on, pregnancy is considered to have occurred, which means that the first signs can quite logically appear only after implantation, that is, 7-10 days after conception. However, some claim that they began to feel changes in their bodies earlier. Such sensations can be classified as subjective. But there is a scientific explanation for them - while the egg moves towards the uterine cavity, hormonal changes begin in the body.

Also early signs can be psychosomatic. This occurs in women who have long and unsuccessfully been planning the birth of a baby. They tend to see any unusual sensation as a sign of "interesting position." It is often said about them that they "invent" symptoms for themselves. Such ladies do not deceive at all, they really feel pregnancy, but they inspired these feelings themselves.

To better understand her own feelings, a woman should know exactly what changes from the point of view of official medicine occur inside her body during these two weeks, which separate ovulation from the date of the next menstruation.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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What happens in a woman's body?

After ovulation, regardless of whether conception has taken place or not, the concentration of the hormone progesterone rises in the blood plasma. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, this substance regulates all processes - first, the endometrium thickens under its influence, becomes looser, prepares for implantation. If there was no fertilization, then in two weeks, when progesterone falls and estrogens begin to prevail, menstruation begins - the very overgrown endometrium, which this time "was not useful", is rejected.

If conception has taken place, then progesterone is produced more actively. Even before implantation, this substance triggers some biochemical changes - the endometrium thickens, the smooth muscles of the uterus relaxes somewhat, the cervical canal is tightly closed with a thick mucous plug to prevent sperm, bacteria, and viruses from entering the uterine cavity.

"Explanatory work" is carried out by progesterone and female immunity. The embryo consists of half of the native genetic material. Its second half is paternal genes, and it is they that can be perceived by the vigilant immune defense of an adult woman as hostile. To prevent immunity from rejecting the embryo, progesterone begins to exert an immunosuppressive effect on it, which partially suppresses the activity of antibodies.

Immediately after implantation, the changes become more extensive. The chorionic villi, with which the membranes of the ovum are connected to the wall of the uterus, begin to produce their own hormonal substance, the name of which is well known to all those planning a pregnancy - this is hCG. Chorionic gonadotropic hormone stimulates the production of progesterone. If, in a non-pregnant cycle, the level of the hormone begins to fall by menstruation, now hCG will not allow him to do this, and as a result, menstruation will not come.

Chorionic hormone increases as the ovum grows, while the rate of increase in its concentration is quite clear - every two days the concentration of hCG in the blood plasma increases exactly 2 times. If a woman becomes pregnant with twins, then the hormone level will increase not 2, but 4 times relative to previous values.

Together, the two hormones act on almost all organs and systems. Progesterone increases appetite because it is designed to maintain pregnancy, and for this, evolution provides for the creation of nutritious fat and carbohydrate reserves in case of situations of nutritional deficiencies. The mucous membranes under the influence of two hormones become looser and more vulnerable. The pelvic organs begin to be better supplied with blood, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases.

A new functional center is formed in the cerebral cortex - the center of pregnancy. For nine months he will have to be responsible for the consistency of all processes that are designed to help in bearing the fetus. It is this center that will regulate the growth of the uterus, mammary glands, control hormonal balance and compensate for all the inconveniences that will cause internal organs a woman's fetus growing in the womb.

All this happens about a week before the next menstruation. And this last week may well bring something new and unusual to the usual sensations of a woman. However, much depends on individual sensitivity, on the state of immunity.

The stronger the immunity, the more pronounced the first sensations and signs can be (the body will begin to resist some changes). Immunocompromised women may not notice anything unusual.

Symptoms and sensations before delay

Knowing about biochemical processes, it will not be so difficult to understand which sensations are justified and which are invented by a woman. The most common signs of pregnancy are early dates resemble a common cold. A woman may feel overwhelmed, tired, and a runny nose that appears will completely convince her that she is sick. In fact, this is the effect of progesterone on immunity. Among other discussed first symptoms of pregnancy in the earliest stages, the following can be noted.

Trouble falling asleep or persistent sleepiness

An obsessive desire to sleep a little longer a week before the end of the menstrual cycle is normal if conception has taken place. The internal processes described above lead to increased energy costs. Fatigue and sleepiness are a defense mechanism designed to offset these costs.

The inability to get enough sleep is noted by about half of pregnant women. The woman does not yet know if pregnancy has come, but the woman's body already knows the answer to this question for sure. A new impulse center, which has arisen in the cerebral cortex, gives the neighboring centers a lot of discomfort. One of the "suffering" is the center of sleep regulation.

That is why, after implantation, a week before the date of the next menstruation, a woman can pay attention to the fact that she does not get enough sleep, even if she sleeps enough time, or cannot fall asleep when it’s time. Frequent awakening, light and shallow sleep can also indirectly indicate a possible pregnancy.

On the other hand, insomnia may well be caused not by pregnancy, but by stress, anxiety, problems at work or at home, financial difficulties and even a plentiful dinner before bed and stuffiness in the bedroom.

Mental and emotional instability

One unpleasant side effect of progesterone is that it causes mental and emotional instability. The central nervous system is partially suppressed by the hormone in order to provide a more favorable psychological background for the development of pregnancy. But without a "fight" the central nervous system does not give up, and because of this, a woman, about a week after conception, may feel sudden mood swings. Many become tearful, more offended, and some even aggressive.

Women who experience premenstrual syndrome on a monthly basis are aware of this effect of progesterone firsthand. However, with PMS, mood changes usually begin two to three days before your period. With the onset of pregnancy, the instability of emotions and reactions usually manifests itself somewhat earlier.

This symptom also cannot be regarded as specific, since it depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's psyche, on her temperament and lifestyle. In some, the symptom is absent, in some it is present outside of pregnancy.

Heaviness in the abdomen

If the severity appears the day after conception, it is most likely food-related. But 3-4 days before the expected menstruation, a feeling of enduring heaviness in the lower abdomen may already be one of the early signs of an "interesting position." The fact is that the amount of circulating blood begins to gradually increase, because the pelvic organs already require an increased blood supply.

Women often regard the feeling of being "full" as a sign of imminent menstruation, and therefore do not pay due attention to it.

Strange sensations in the womb

The uterine muscles become more relaxed and soft under the influence of progesterone. This is necessary for the full development of the baby in the womb. It is the process of softening that is sometimes felt as "tingling" or small "lumbago" in the uterus. Usually, women begin to notice this sign a few days after conception.

This symptom should not be regarded as mandatory. Even if there is no pregnancy, a slight softening of the uterus in the second half of the female cycle is a physiological norm, and therefore tingling sensations can occur.

Breast tenderness

Women planning to conceive are very fond of examining their breasts to find the answer to the question of whether pregnancy has occurred. From a medical point of view, there is some common sense in this. Hormonal changes in the body after implantation of the ovum cause small shifts in the concentration of other hormones. Breast sensitivity can increase, or, conversely, decrease.

There is no single standard for assessing breasts prior to delay. However, women note that, with a high probability, the breast in the “pregnant” cycle will behave differently than in the “non-pregnant” one. In other words, if usually in the second half of the cycle the nipples were more sensitive, then after conception they can stop hurting and vice versa.

Other signs

Other indirect signs of the initial stage of pregnancy include headaches, which are also "side effects" from the effects of progesterone and hCG. They usually start either in the morning or in the evening and rarely last long.

Progesterone softens not only the muscles of the uterus, but also partially relieves the intestinal tone. Because of this, constipation and heartburn are possible. The hormone has a similar effect on the bladder, and therefore many women notice frequent urination even before the delay.

The thought of a cold can visit a woman not only because of a physiological rhinitis and a feeling of fatigue. After implantation, that is, about a week after ovulation, a woman may notice that her body temperature rises in the evenings, and chills appear. However, the next morning the temperature drops to return in the evening. This is not a cold, but a way of immune defense to adapt to the new conditions in which the body has to be.

Many pregnant women, even before the test and blood test, find out about their position by the characteristic salivation. Typically, saliva is secreted in large quantities at night when the woman is asleep. So a certain center in the cerebral cortex "revolts", which regulates the production of this fluid. With the emergence of a new center - a center for the regulation of pregnancy, its work is disrupted by a new "neighbor".


After ovulation in the second half of the cycle, the discharge becomes less abundant. Under the influence of progesterone, the so-called "dry period" begins. Discharge normally remains light, thick. Under the influence of progesterone, yellowish shades of vaginal secretions are possible.

In some women, the process of implantation itself is accompanied by a rather obvious symptom, which is called "implantation bleeding". About a week or so after ovulation, a woman may notice poor brown discharge, "Daub", which she may mistake for the early onset of menstruation.

Implantation bleeding occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the endometrial layer during invasion of the ovum. The discharge does not pose any danger either to the health of a woman or to the development of her baby. They usually end in a few hours or a maximum of a day.

The symptom does not occur in all pregnant women. Therefore, the absence of such discharge at the right time is not yet a reason to be upset, believing that conception did not occur.

Basal temperature

Measurement of basal temperature can provide food for thought only to those women who have systematically taken daily measurements of temperature in the rectum and entered them into special schedules for at least the last three cycles.

Two weeks before menstruation, the basal temperature rises. This is the ovulation peak. If conception has taken place, then the temperature does not return to the values ​​of the first phase of the cycle and is increased - above 37.0 degrees.

Sometimes, with the onset of pregnancy, the temperature remains below 37.0 degrees, and this is an individual feature of the woman's body, most often associated with an insufficient level of progesterone.

Sometimes an elevated basal temperature may indicate not pregnancy, but an inflammatory process in a woman's body, and therefore the measurement method is not one hundred percent accurate diagnosis.

External and physical changes

Not a single doctor will give an affirmative answer to the question of how a woman's appearance changes after conception to a delay. Medicine does not have such data. But the fair sex themselves have long noticed that some changes are quite possible. So, according to reviews, the first signs may appear within a week after conception. In the morning, the face and hands may swell a little. Acne may appear, since this is how a woman's body is able to respond to a change hormonal background.

In women who have previously treated thrush, within a week after conception, itching may appear in the external genital area, accompanied by thick, cheesy white discharge. The onset of thrush is a common sign of pregnancy before delay, since immunity becomes weakened under the influence of progesterone.

Those who suffer from chronic hemorrhoids note that an exacerbation of an unpleasant disease may begin. This is due to an increase in the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

When to do the test?

Considering that hCG hormone, which is determined by express tests, grows every two days, its concentration in urine begins to exceed the sensitivity thresholds of tests only a couple of days before menstruation or on the first day of delay. Testing earlier only increases stress levels. A woman is worried, afraid of failure, stress hormones disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and may well cause the detachment of the ovum from the uterine wall.

With late ovulation, tests may show negative results for several days after the delay. Therefore, it is the absence of menstruation that is considered the most objective sign of pregnancy.

If you really want to know about your situation earlier, you should do a blood test for hCG. This analysis can be taken in any clinic, its cost is low (500-600 rubles), the accuracy is almost 100%. About 4 days before the delay, a laboratory test will detect hCG in the blood plasma.

When planning a child, a woman, in anticipation of a miracle, always listens to her body with the hope of recognizing the most. It is very important for every woman to find out about a planned or unwanted pregnancy as early as possible, as this makes it possible to prepare for the upcoming motherhood or take measures to terminate it.

For most women, a missed period is considered a presumed pregnancy, but many doctors believe that this is not entirely true. A delay in menstruation can also appear for other reasons, including gynecological diseases, depression, hormonal imbalance, and others.

Experts assure that if a woman wants to know about an early pregnancy, you need to contact a gynecologist, undergo a series of laboratory tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which will accurately confirm or deny the alleged pregnancy.

However, many women rely on their intuition and, already a few days after unprotected intercourse, they assure them of the onset of pregnancy. Doctors are quite skeptical about the early signs of pregnancy and assure that it is impossible to feel it in the first week, since it will take at least 7-10 days to fertilize an egg and implant it in the uterine cavity. Some women still claim that they found out about the frowning pregnancy in the first week.

Signs of pregnancy 1 week before your period is delayed

The results of the study with an accuracy of 98% will confirm or deny a frowning pregnancy.

If you suspect pregnancy, do not rush things. Nonspecific symptoms are the reason for contacting a gynecologist, but they cannot be the basis for confirming pregnancy. Very often, such symptoms are not at all associated with the female genital area, they can be signs of completely different diseases or disorders occurring in the body. False signs of pregnancy often appear in those women who strive for motherhood for a long time or are afraid of getting pregnant.

Specific signs of pregnancy

Specific symptoms include those signs that most often inform a woman about the onset of pregnancy. Such symptoms may appear as early as the 2nd or 4th week. The most typical are:

Hormonal imbalances often cause increased irritability, frequent mood swings, and disturbances in the digestive system that are not associated with food intake are often present. There are cases when a woman does not feel any changes, and only learns about the alleged pregnancy after a delay in menstruation.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of pregnancy

If you suspect a frowning pregnancy, the appearance of its first signs, you need to consult a gynecologist, who, after examination, the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, will be able to confirm or deny the alleged pregnancy. The "gold standard" in the diagnosis of pregnant women is considered to be b-subunits, ultrasound transvaginal sensor, express tests.

Ultrasound examination is completely safe for a pregnant woman and a fetus, it allows already from the 4th week. In the very early stages, the results can be false positive or false negative. The first scheduled ultrasound scan, if pregnancy is suspected, is performed at the 7th week of pregnancy. It is during this period that one can consider the presence of an embryo, internal changes in the pelvic organs.

A blood test, one of the most informative research methods at the earliest possible date, allows already on the 7-9th day. During pregnancy, the level of hormones in the blood increases, while the concentration of b-hCG increases every week up to 10 weeks. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to determine the pathologies of pregnancy, fetal anomalies and other conditions.

In the early stages, an immunological study is prescribed, which is based on the hemagglutination reaction.

For the analysis, morning urine is taken, which is mixed with antiserum antigens under laboratory conditions.

In addition to basic tests, a woman must pass urine and blood tests, and also undergo an express test. Most often, a pregnancy test is performed by a woman at home before visiting a doctor. Pregnancy tests can give false or true results. For example, when a woman has kidney pathology or a stitched test, the result may be positive. Doctors often recommend testing twice in different days, while buying them in different pharmacy chains. The test in the first week cannot. Reliable results can be obtained as early as the 2nd or 3rd week.

Based on this, we can conclude that the only way in the first week before or after the delay, an analysis is considered that with a probability of 98% recognizes the conception of the fetus. Starting from the 3rd week, an ultrasound scan can be performed, which will help determine the fertilized egg.

It is not always easy to recognize an early pregnancy, but if a woman listens well to her body, she will consult a gynecologist in time, it is much easier to confirm or deny its occurrence.

The onset of pregnancy for some women is a long-awaited happiness, for others it is a big nuisance. Someone anxiously awaits the onset of menstruation, and someone hopes for a successful fertilization. To find out for sure whether conception has occurred, you need to be patient: take a test, get tested and wait for their results. But is it possible to predict events? What are the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation is delayed?

The main first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation

  1. Malaise is the first sign of pregnancy in the first days before the delay in menstruation, reminiscent of the common cold. The expectant mother experiences weakness, fatigue, powerlessness, only there is no runny nose.
  2. Drowsiness. A pregnant woman wants to sleep all the time. Even a deep and long night's sleep does not give vigor and energy.
  3. Emotional instability. Blues and tearfulness are abruptly replaced by fun and cheerfulness. And so several times a day.
  4. Change in sex drive. Sexual desire can increase significantly, or, on the contrary, weaken and remain low until the very birth.
  5. Discomfort in the uterus. The expectant mother sometimes feels mild stabbing pains in the uterus.
  6. Severity in the lower abdomen. After fertilization, blood flows to the pelvic tissues. It creates a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  7. Back pain. She's pretty strong, shooting, hip-shooting.
  8. Migraine. The pain in the head torments the woman all day, disappears only at night.
  9. Fever. First, the young mother is thrown into a fever, then she begins to chill. These symptoms do not depend on the weather, climatic conditions, health status, quality of clothing.
  10. Breast tenderness. At the slightest touch to the mammary glands, discomfort occurs, sometimes even painful sensations appear.
  11. Nausea. In the morning, a woman often has an urge to vomit.
  12. Sitting discomfort. The expectant mother cannot sit normally either in an upholstered chair or on a hard chair, she turns, fidgets, constantly changes her body position.
  13. Change in appetite. A pregnant woman has an unnatural craving for food. Food, even if eaten in large quantities, does not give a feeling of satiety.
  14. Distortion of the perception of smells. A young mother may be disgusted with tasty and familiar aromas, but she is happy to inhale the smell of gasoline or solvent.

External first signs of pregnancy before delayed menstruation

Mothers who are not carrying a child for the first time can easily recognize the first signs of a second pregnancy before the delay in menstruation, since they know perfectly well how the body changes after conception. Sometimes women who become pregnant simply do not recognize themselves in the mirror, so their facial features and body are transformed. Consider the main external signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation:

  • Profuse acne;
  • Swelling of the face, upper and lower extremities;
  • Breast augmentation by about two sizes;
  • Increased pigmentation of the skin around the nipples;
  • The manifestation of veins in the mammary glands;
  • Deterioration of the intestinal tract;
  • Darkening of the strip of skin between the navel and genitals;
  • Redness of the face due to congestion.

Signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation due to physiological changes

  1. An increase in the concentration of hCG in the blood. The growth of chorionic gonadotropin is the main first sign of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. The amount of the hormone in the blood begins to increase before the monthly delay, in the first week after conception it is about 25 - 155 mU / ml, in the second week - 100 - 4800 mU / ml, in the third week - 1100 - 31500 mU / ml, in the fourth week - 2550 - 82000 mU / ml.
  2. The appearance of an early pregnancy factor. EPF is an immunosuppressive protein that appears in a woman's blood two days after fertilization. This substance is the second sign of a successful conception. Its concentration in the body increases during the first trimester, but then decreases sharply. By the end of pregnancy, there is no trace of this protein in the blood.
  3. Bloody vaginal discharge. A week after conception, a small amount of light red or yellowish liquid begins to stand out from the woman's vagina. It is evidence that the embryo has entered the uterus.
  4. Increased basal temperature. In the first week of pregnancy, the temperature jumps to 37 ° C, sometimes to 37.5 ° C. If fertilization does not occur, then the day before menstruation, the temperature drops to 36.6 ° C.
  5. Hypotension. The expectant mother's blood pressure drops sharply. Weakness, dizziness, and possibly fainting are noted.
  6. Increased urination. Due to the increase in the level of hormones in the blood, the rush of blood to the pelvic tissues, the increased work of the urinary system, a pregnant woman often visits the toilet, both during the day and at night.
  7. Decreased immunity. A young mother often has mild rhinitis or pharyngitis.
  8. Haemorrhoids. In the first week of pregnancy, due to the abundance of blood in the tissues of the small pelvis, inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins occurs.
  9. Profuse salivation. With toxicosis, a woman suffers not only from nausea, but also from excessive salivation.
  10. Leg muscle cramps. In the middle of the night future mom may wake up from sudden severe pain in the muscle tissue of the legs.
  11. Vaginal discharge. Due to the flow of blood to the small pelvis, a mucous secret begins to emerge intensively from the vagina.
  12. Thrush. The abundant flow of mucus from the vagina provokes the reproduction in the genital tract of fungal microorganisms of the genus Candida.

We determine the sex of the child by signs of pregnancy before the delay

What are the first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation in the first week promise the birth of a girl? In the first week after fertilization, a young mother is able to understand by certain signs that a girl is growing and developing in her stomach. A woman carrying a female child usually has the following symptoms:

  • appetite decreases, but sometimes you really want to enjoy sweets;
  • mood often changes, there is a desire to do strange things;
  • worsens appearance, face swells and turns pale;
  • the body is constantly shivering, but the legs remain warm at the same time;
  • the urge to vomit regularly occurs, especially during the daytime.

What are the first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation in the first week predict the birth of a boy? A young mother already in the first week of pregnancy can determine that a tiny boy has settled in her stomach. A woman who carries a male baby under her heart is blooming, prettier, and feels wonderful. She has the following symptoms:

  1. improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair;
  2. appetite increases, you want to eat more meat dishes;
  3. there is no or weak nausea;
  4. legs, even after warming up, remain cold;
  5. mood improves, a surge of vitality and energy is felt.

Discharge during pregnancy before delay

The color and consistency of discharge in expectant mothers differs from the same characteristics before pregnancy. Their vaginal discharge is thicker, have White color... This is due to the effect of progesterone on the vaginal glands.

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation and the nature of the discharge indicate the development of the fetus without pathologies, as well as the balance of hormone levels in the body. But often, in addition to leucorrhoea, women who are carrying a child have discharge that resembles menstruation.

Weak spotting occurs with an uncomplicated pregnancy. This is due to the implantation of the ovum into the inner mucous membranes of the uterus (endometrium). Usually, the introduction of an egg occurs approximately on the sixth day after fertilization. In this case, no treatment is needed.

At the moments when the egg more actively penetrates the uterus, spotting may recur. Then they have a short-term character and are caused by the intensive production of enzymes by the ovum. This is the second sign of pregnancy before delay.

It also happens that bloody discharge is often associated with uterine hypertonia, causing a miscarriage, and therefore requires treatment. In this case, hemostatic and antispasmodic drugs, hormonal therapy (Utrozhestan, Duphaston, progesterone preparations) are prescribed

These medicines are effective in reducing the tone of the uterus, helping to regulate the immune responses that often occur when pregnancy pathologies appear.

It is important to remember that if the first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are bloody vaginal discharge, then you need to contact a gynecologist for a full examination, which will confirm the presence of pregnancy and the absence of any abnormalities.

Methods for determining pregnancy before the delay of menstruation

Often, the first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are mistaken for PMS. That is why one of the following methods should be used to determine the pregnancy before the delay:

  • Pregnancy test before menstruation is delayed. Latest tests on pregnancy are characterized by increased sensitivity and determine hCG, if in the urine it is about 10-20 mIU / ml. The test can be applied even before the delay begins. It is important to pay attention to the information in the instructions or on the packaging - it indicates what sensitivity this test has.
  • Blood test for hCG before the delay. The most sure sign of the development of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation is an increase in the concentration of hCG in the woman's blood and urine. You can donate blood for analysis 8-10 days after the alleged conception. A blood test for hCG before the delay will quickly show a reliable result.
  • Basal temperature measurement . It is possible to assume that pregnancy occurred before the delay, based on measurements of the basal temperature. For 18 or more days, they should show high values ​​even with the beginning of the delay. If the thermometer is held high for three days longer than it dropped before menstruation, this indicates conception.

The first signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

A frozen pregnancy is a terrible and sad phenomenon. Most often, the embryo stops developing early, in rare cases - in the second trimester. A frozen pregnancy is diagnosed mainly in women affected by a bacterial or viral infection, smokers, alcohol abusers, living in ecologically disadvantaged areas. Unfortunately, there are no signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester. A pregnant woman does not even suspect that the baby in her womb is no longer developing. In the later stages of gestation, a young mother begins to understand that something is wrong: the baby does not move in the abdomen, toxicosis is not observed, breast sensitivity decreases, but sharp pains appear in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the vagina. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to go to the doctor, do an ultrasound scan, donate blood for hCG analysis.

The first signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages

Many women are concerned about the question of how to determine the first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation in the early stages, if it is ectopic. It is very important to identify a dangerous pathology in time in order to prevent dire consequences. If the embryo develops in the narrowest part of the fallopian tube, then the symptoms appear already on the 20th day of pregnancy, if in the wide part of the epididymis, then only by the end of the second month. A woman observes bloody discharge from the vagina, severe pain in the abdomen, dizziness, weakness, impotence. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound, the embryo growing in the wrong place is surgically removed.

The surest sign of a completed conception is a delay. But many women manage to guess about pregnancy up to this point. How is this possible, and what are the really signs of pregnancy that are noticeable before the delay? Let's figure it out.

The gestational period is usually calculated from the first day of the menstrual cycle. But since fertilization occurs only at the time of ovulation, formally, for the first 14-17 days, a woman is not yet pregnant. When fertilization has taken place, the female body begins to undergo significant changes, mostly hormonal. And since the hormonal system, like a storm, begins to fluctuate, all systems of the body are actively responding to this "innovation." Therefore, attentive women can notice the first signs of the presence of new life in their belly even before the planned menstruation is late.

The first signs of pregnancy after ovulation before the delay in menstruation

Carrying a baby leaves an imprint on the general condition of a woman, so you can always notice the first bells of the conception that took place at first, when there is still no delay.

There are several dozen signs of pregnancy, namely:

  • Groundless malaise. Many women notice general weakness, a strange feeling of weakness, temperature drops, attributing these signs to a cold. In fact, such symptoms are caused by fluctuations in basal temperature, which sharply increases at the time of ovulation, and then remains at a high level in the first weeks of gestation. At this point, a woman may decide to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy, not knowing about conception, which will harm her baby. Therefore, all women planning pregnancy need to take this sign into service.
  • Breast tenderness... Approximately 10-14 days after conception, the sensitivity of the breasts sharply increases, they can be very painful, harden, and increase in size. But such a sign is inaccurate, and depends on the characteristics of the hormonal background.
  • Pigmentation on the face, darkening of the nipple halo. The symptom appears both in the earliest periods before the delay, and closer to the middle of the 1st trimester.
  • Scanty spotting. If a woman is pregnant, the discharge is caused by the transfer of the embryo into the endometrium of the uterus. They can be scarlet, brown, dark yellow. This happens 6-10 days after ovulation. This is called implantation bleeding. It lasts a maximum of 48 hours without causing discomfort.
  • Change in basal temperature. After conception, the level of basal temperature rises. To take into account such a sign, a woman needs to keep a chart of basal temperature for the previous several months. Then a jump in indicators into the ovulatory peak will be clearly noticeable.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue... In the process of fertilization in a woman, the synthesis of the hormone progesterone increases. The increased concentration in the blood causes apathy, a desire to sleep a lot, and fatigue. Under the influence of the hormone, the woman's psychomotor reactions are slightly inhibited, she is often irritated, and can be in a depressed mood for a long time.
  • Restless sleep... Having become pregnant, women begin to sleep poorly, it is difficult for them to fall asleep, and then, waking up, they remain in a "broken" state.
  • Thermoregulation problems. The first few weeks after conception are accompanied by fever and low blood pressure. This becomes the reason that the pregnant woman cannot warm up even at an air temperature of + 30⁰С.
  • Disgust for favorite foods and smells, indomitable nausea. These sensations are common in almost all women between 2 and 8 gestational weeks. Intolerance to aromas, morning sickness is provoked by dysfunction of the neuroendocrine system of the female body.
  • Salivation... This phenomenon is caused by the same reasons as vomiting with nausea, fatigue and anxiety, namely hormonal changes. Excessive salivation does not easily indicate pregnancy, but it also negatively affects the digestive system - heartburn occurs and the motility of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired.
  • Headache. Fluctuations blood pressure, increased production of hormones often cause migraine-like attacks. A woman has a noise in her ears, a severe headache, sensitivity to light and noise appears. Such signs appear immediately after conception, but subside by the end of the 1st trimester.
  • Small swelling of the limbs... Although puffiness is more typical for late dates, but even before the delay, a woman's fingers and ankles may swell.
  • Back pain, abdominal pain... Feeling that the abdomen twists, cramps in the sacrum and heaviness in the pelvis often accompany fertilization, implantation of the embryo and the growth of the uterus. This symptom may persist until delivery.
  • Disruption of the digestive tract. Flatulence, constipation, colic - the result of increased blood circulation in the vessels in the small pelvis, relaxation of smooth muscles in the abdomen.
  • Frequent urination. Increased blood flow in the small pelvis provokes irritation Bladder, which makes him empty more often. There are also changes in the whole genitourinary system... This causes an increase in urge to use the toilet and an increase in daily urine output.
  • Vaginal discomfort, thrush... After conception, the secretion of the gonads sharply increases in order to prevent the penetration of the genital infection to the baby. A woman may notice the presence of white or beige discharge on her underwear. Development of thrush or exacerbation of chronic STDs is possible, which is associated with a drop in immunity.
  • Fainting... A woman can lose consciousness, her eyes darken, her legs go numb. Low blood pressure causes these symptoms. This is especially evident in stuffy rooms, at the time of taking a bath, after prolonged fasting.
  • Increased appetite... Many women remember that before the delay in menstruation, their appetite was clearly manifested. Moreover, they could only eat certain foods when others were disgusting.

Folk omens, the first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation

In addition to the generally accepted signs, women also use folk signs, signs and dreams indicating conception.

While the following signs cannot be verified, women tend to trust them:

  • Fishing, swimming in clear water in a dream. Women consider fishing, buying or cooking fish, and eating it in their sleep as a sure sign of pregnancy. In some dream books, a dream in which a woman bathes in water lends itself to the same interpretation.
  • Snoring at night. It is believed that if a woman suddenly starts snoring, it means that she is in a position. Although there is a scientific explanation for this: a woman develops swelling of the nasopharynx, therefore snoring occurs.
  • Metallic taste in the mouth... Among women, this symptom is the most popular and is found in almost every pregnant woman.

Thrush as a sign of pregnancy before menstruation is delayed

After conception, the body somewhat suppresses the immune function so that the process of embryo rejection does not occur. This opens the gate to various infections, including sexually transmitted infections. The most common problem among pregnant women is thrush. Her companions - itching, cheesy discharge and terrible discomfort - often precede the obvious signs of pregnancy, and therefore can be considered as one of the messengers of the accomplished conception.

Is heartburn a sign of pregnancy before your period is delayed?

During pregnancy, problems arise with the gastrointestinal tract, which most often manifest themselves in the form of an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus, bitterness in the mouth. Heartburn can be short-term and food-related, or it can last for hours, causing a lot of inconvenience. Such symptoms can occur even before the onset of a delay, and if heartburn was not typical for a woman earlier, then she can talk with accuracy about fertilization.

The cause of heartburn is the incomplete closure of the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach as a result of the weakening of muscle tone under the influence of progesterone.

Fever as a sign of pregnancy before delay

After fertilization of the egg, thermoregulation is disturbed in the woman's body. At the moment of attachment of the embryo to the uterus, the temperature can reach 37-37.4⁰С, and then it can be kept at this level while the corpus luteum is functioning (up to 15 weeks of gestation). She may be cold, or very hot, and this will not be related to weather conditions and indoor microclimate. If, a few days after ovulation, the temperature rises, while there are no signs of a cold or other illness, it can be assumed that the woman is already in position.

If the temperature exceeds 37.5⁰С, we are not talking about possible pregnancy, and about infectious disease, even if there are no external manifestations yet.

Stomach hurts before delay as a sign of pregnancy

Pain in the abdomen is seen as a sign of successful conception. It can occur at the time of ovulation, or when the embryo is implanted into the uterus. But there are frequent cases when abdominal pains even before the delay indicate a pathological course of pregnancy. If pain syndrome intense, or lasts more than 48 hours, should be excluded ectopic pregnancy, the formation of a cyst of the corpus luteum, low fastening of the fetus closer to the pharynx of the uterus, and, of course, the threat of miscarriage, which can occur before the delay and the fetus will leave the uterus along with menstruation.

Diarrhea as a sign of pregnancy before menstruation is delayed

Doctors don't see diarrhea as a possible sign of pregnancy. But such a reaction of the body is quite possible if at this moment the woman has already developed toxicosis. Also, the appearance of diarrhea can be traced in women with dysfunction of the pancreas. Therefore, diarrhea as a result of conception is rather an exception to the rule.

Cystitis as a sign of pregnancy before delay

Often in women at the beginning of pregnancy, cystitis occurs due to a decrease in immunity. If a woman has pain in the pubic region, urination becomes more frequent, urine becomes cloudy, with a pungent odor, an admixture of blood, moreover, the temperature rises, this may indicate an acute inflammation of the bladder requiring treatment. But isolated frequent urination and minor discomfort when going to the toilet most likely speaks of false cystitis caused by pregnancy.

Bloating as a sign of pregnancy before delay

Bloating is one of the sure signs conception. This happens for two reasons: firstly, the uterus after implantation of the embryo begins to grow rapidly, which creates a feeling of bloating, and, secondly, under the influence of hormones in a woman, gas formation in the intestines increases. Therefore, such sensations can be regarded as a sign of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy: swollen breasts

Since the breast is responsible for feeding future offspring, she begins to prepare for this from the first day of pregnancy. A woman's slight discomfort and sensitivity is initially perceived as signs of PMS, but soon her breasts noticeably swell, and they do it symmetrically. Colostrum may also appear.

What does the breast look like at the first signs of pregnancy

In the first weeks of gestation, the breast becomes denser, its size still does not change significantly, but it seems more rounded, taut. At the same time, a woman experiences discomfort after wearing a bra - her chest hurts, tingles. The volume of the breast begins to increase gradually, but this becomes noticeable after 6 obstetric week.

Can the ovaries hurt during early pregnancy?

In the first weeks after conception, a woman may have ovarian pain. This does not necessarily indicate pathology. Pain in the ovaries can be caused by a corpus luteum cyst, gas, fetal implantation, stress. But this sign is subjective, because it can indicate the approaching menstruation, and inflammation in the small pelvis, and intestinal problems.

Can back pain in early pregnancy

Back pain is a common occurrence in the second half of gestation. But in the first days of pregnancy, pain can occur in the lower back, which is associated with the beginning of the reconstruction of the sacral region. The pain is aching and short-term, which indicates the normal preparation of the musculoskeletal apparatus for bearing a fetus.

Can smear during early pregnancy

Daub appearance - minor vaginal discharge scarlet, brown or cream in color is a normal symptom of the implantation period, when the endometrium softens so that the fetus can fully fix in the uterus. They are scarce, last 2-3 days, appear as a few drops on the underwear.

Such discharge occurs about 7-9 days after ovulation. Combined with other changes (breast tenderness, weakness) can be considered the first sign of pregnancy. More prolonged daub, and the appearance of pain can occur with the threat of miscarriage.

Is there a false pregnancy

Under the influence of psychophysical factors, such a phenomenon as a false pregnancy may occur. A woman can feel changes in her breasts, she has a delay and toxicosis, some even feel fetal movements. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed in young women who have not given birth under 35 years of age, who in the past had a strong emotional shock associated with the loss of a child.

Given this ability of the female body to "invent" a non-existent pregnancy, conception should always be confirmed by ultrasound or hCG analysis.

Is there toxicosis in early pregnancy

Such an earlier appearance of nausea and vomiting, according to obstetricians-gynecologists, is a pathology. Normally, toxicosis should not appear earlier than the fifth obstetric week (a week after the delay in menstruation). If this happens, it is possible that the woman has health problems, including disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems, as well as chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Are there constipation in early pregnancy?

Constipation can torment a pregnant woman from 1 to 40 weeks of gestation. Such a violation occurs due to the fault of the hormonal system, which relaxes all muscles so that the uterus is not in good shape. This process also affects the intestines, reducing its motility. Therefore, constipation may occur shortly before the expected delay, but it is not considered an accurate sign of conception.

Is there a pregnancy without symptoms

Each woman has an individual body, so the presence complete list signs of pregnancy in one woman and the complete absence of signs in another is absolutely normal. For this reason, the most obvious and reliable sign is considered to be a delay in menstruation.

Does it happen that the test does not show pregnancy

The principle of operation of pregnancy tests is based on the ability of the reagent to determine the specific hormone hCG in the urine, which increases exponentially after fertilization. So, most tests can identify hCG, the level of which has reached 20 mIU / ml. It happens only 3-5 days of delay in menstruation. True, there are supersensitive test systems that determine hCG 10-15 mIU / ml, which allows you to confirm pregnancy 1-2 days before the delay.

In some cases, the test may be negative, even if the woman is definitely pregnant and there is already a delay. This phenomenon is caused by late implantation or insufficient production of hCG, which is caused by the threat of pregnancy.

The exact signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation

Exact signs pregnancies before the delay in menstruation, giving 100% confirmation of conception, are absent. The only option for early diagnosis of pregnancy is a transvaginal ultrasound scan or a blood test for hCG. All the early signs discussed above are subjective and cannot confirm the fact of fertilization, but they send the woman a signal about her possible new position and the need to consult a doctor.