
Holiday calendar in May. Main holidays of May


Weekend on the May holidays in 2018, the production calendar - read about this in the material.

Holidays in May 2018: how to relax on the weekend

The Russians are preparing to celebrate, perhaps, the most pleasant holidays of the year - the so-called "May Day". Traditionally, the beginning of May is marked not only by good weather, but also by additional days off. Someone leaves the city for this period, someone sleeps off after working days, and some have picnics in the fresh air.

This year, the May holidays will please us with four days off in a row, but before that, the Russians will have to work out a six-day working week - Saturday, April 28, 2018, will be a working day, reduced by one hour as a pre-holiday day.

Then the day off will come, April 29, 2018, Sunday, the site writes. Monday, April 30, 2018 is a public holiday due to the postponement from Saturday, April 28. May 1, Tuesday, is a public holiday, Spring and Labor Day, and Wednesday, May 2, 2018 is a public holiday, moved from this year's fall to Sunday, January 7, 2018.

You should go to work after the first wave of May holidays on Thursday, May 3, 2018. You will also need to work on Friday, May 4, after which non-working Saturdays and Sundays will come.

Victory Day, celebrated on May 9, will divide the next working week into two parts on May 7 and 8 - working days, and May 8 is a shortened day by one hour. Then, after the celebration, you will need to go to work on Thursday, May 10.

Weekends in May 2018: production calendar for May with public holidays

May holidays of 2018, or How to relax in Russia on the eve of summer

The May holidays in 2018 are the last chance for Russians to legally relax on the eve of summer. After that, it remains only to wait for the onset of the vacation period or wait for any other chance, unless, of course, there are prerequisites for this.

It is worth noting that in total there will be many holidays in May, however, as you already understood, there will be no days off in honor of them. Who will work if everyone rests?

Let's give examples. Let's take Diver's Day. It will be May 5th. True, this is the day off. However, the transfer to a weekday is not expected. Or Radio Day. It will be celebrated on May 7th. And no, this is not a film that will celebrate, in a sense, the anniversary in honor of its release.

But the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, a holiday that will “make” remember Saints Methodius and Cyril, celebrated on May 24, on Thursday, is not, according to officials, a reason to allocate a full day off for its celebration.

2018, or a third of the year of rest

So it turns out that there are 3 days of holidays in May, one of those that lead to legal days off. In the year of such official holidays, there are 17. In total, out of 365 days off as such, all hard workers have at their disposal Russian Federation will be 118.

Weekend calendar for May holidays

Holidays and weekends in May 2018

Holidays in May 2018

Weekend transfers

Laws about rest for the May holidays in 2018 and weekends

The legislative framework for holidays for the May holidays in 2018 and weekends is established by the provisions of Government Decree No. 1250 of 10/14/2017. It is precisely these government decrees, adopted annually, that are the main documents in accordance with which Russians learn how to relax on the first and second May holidays. It should be remembered that some categories of workers will not be able to rest even on these days. Thus, the legislation allows people employed in the field of public services and security to continue working, as well as in enterprises where the suspension of the work process poses a danger to environment and the public, or could result in significant harm to the employer. In other cases, the employer must obtain the mandatory consent of the employee to go to work.

Certain questions for some residents of Russia also arise if the vacation falls on the May holidays in 2018 - not everyone knows how legal regulation such cases. In situations where holidays are included in the vacation, for each official non-working holiday, the vacation is extended by one day, and there is no need to notify the employee or employer about this.

How to relax on the May holidays

May holidays are the time for outdoor recreation. At this time of the year, warm weather is already setting in the street, flowers and trees are blooming.

Fans of outdoor activities can go with family or friends to the river, to the forest or to the country house. There you can cook food on fire, play games, sing songs with a guitar.

Those who want to relax in the city can arrange a cultural and entertainment program: go to the cinema or theater, visit museums or exhibitions, organize shopping.

Travel enthusiasts can plan a trip to another city in Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Suzdal, Yalta, or organize a foreign tour to Turkey, the Czech Republic, Georgia, France, Italy.

On official holidays (May 1 and 9), residents of the cities are given the opportunity to taste concerts with the participation of famous performers, which take place on the squares.

May holidays are a pleasant time. People are looking forward to them to relax in nature or in the family circle from everyday work.

The production calendar will tell you how we work and how we relax in May 2018, how many days off and working days there are in Russia for this month. You will find out what public holidays are celebrated in the Russian Federation in May, and what days of the week they fall on.

  • weekends and holidays
  • pre-holiday days
    (with reduced working day by 1 hour)
30 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3

Working hours

How to relax on the May holidays in 2018

In May 2018, 11 holidays and days off:

  • April 29, Sun. - day off
  • April 30, Mon. - rescheduled holiday from April 28 (Sat.)
  • May 1, Tue - Holiday of Spring and Labor, official non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • May 2, Wed - rescheduled public holiday from January 7 (Sun.).

How to rest on May 9

On the second May holidays, Russians rest for 1 day:

  • May 9, Wed. - Victory Day, an official non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How we work in May

In May 2018, Russians work 20 days:

ThuFri MonTue ThuFri MonTueWedThuFri MonTueWedThuFri MonTueWedThu
3 4 ... 7 8 ... 10 11 ... 14 15 16 17 18 ... 21 22 23 24 25 ... 28 29 30 31

May 8 is a pre-holiday day with reduced working hours by one hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Working hours

According to the production calendar of Russia, in May 2018 there were 20 workers in the country (including 1 reduced one) and 11 days off and public holidays.

Working hours norms:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 159 hours (20 x 8 - 1, where 20 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift, 1 is the number of reduced working days);
  • at 36 hours - 143 hours (20 x 7.2 - 1);
  • at 24-hour - 95 hours (20 x 4.8 - 1).

How to relax on May holidays

May holidays are the time for outdoor recreation. At this time of the year, warm weather is already setting in the street, flowers and trees are blooming.

Fans of outdoor activities can go with family or friends to the river, to the forest or to the country house. There you can cook food on fire, play games, sing songs with a guitar.

Those who want to relax in the city can arrange a cultural and entertainment program: go to the cinema or theater, visit museums or exhibitions, organize shopping.

Travel enthusiasts can plan a trip to another city in Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Suzdal, Yalta, or organize a foreign tour to Turkey, the Czech Republic, Georgia, France, Italy.

On official holidays (May 1 and 9), residents of the cities are given the opportunity to taste concerts with the participation of famous performers, which take place on the squares.

Weekends in May will be long. In 2018, Russians are waiting for three working Saturdays. One of them will come on April 28th.

How do we rest on May 1?

It was decided to move the day off from Saturday to Monday, May 30. Accordingly, the Russians will have a rest in honor of the May 1 holiday for four days in a row - from Sunday, April 29 to Tuesday, May 2, inclusive.

Then we are waiting for two working days - May 3 and 4. They fall on Thursday and Friday, followed by two more days off.

How do we rest on May 9?

Victory Day this year falls on Wednesday, so in honor of this holiday, all working Russians are waiting for only one holiday - May 9th.

Calendar of days off and working days in May 2018:

  • April 28 (Saturday) - shortened working day;
  • April 29-30, May 1-2 (Sunday to Wednesday) - days off;
  • May 3-4 (Thursday, Friday) - working days;
  • May 5-6 (Saturday, Sunday) - days off;
  • May 7 (Monday) - working day;
  • May 8 (Tuesday) - shortened working day;
  • May 9 (Wednesday) - holiday weekend, Victory Day.

The Russians are waiting for three working Saturdays. When is the next long weekend?

In total, in 2018, Russians are waiting for three working Saturdays. After the May one, the next one will be on June 9, and immediately after - from June 10 to 12, a three-day rest will follow in connection with the celebration of the Day of Russia.

It is clear that Monday, June 11, in 2018 becomes a day of rest due to the transfer of the day off from Saturday, June 9.

Calendar of days off and holidays for 2018, see the special material:

Professional holidays in May 2018 in Russia

This month there are 33 holidays established for representatives of different professions and activities. Most Featured:

  • Diver's Day, Midwife's Day - May 5;
  • Astronomy Day - May 6;
  • Radio Day - May 7;
  • Day of the criminal investigation officer - May 8;
  • Nurses' Day - May 12;
  • Day of the Black Sea Fleet - May 13;
  • Day of metro workers - May 15;
  • Day of museums and museum workers - May 18;
  • Day of the traumatologist - May 20;
  • Day of the polar explorer, Day of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy;
  • Day of Slavic Writing - May 24;
  • Philologist's Day - May 25;
  • Welder's Day - May 26;
  • Librarian's Day - May 27;
  • Border Guard Day, Chemist Day - May 28;
  • Day of Veterans of the Customs Service, Day of the Motorist - May 29;
  • Day of the Advocacy Worker - May 31.

Significant religious dates

May 99 Christian church holidays, the most significant of which are:

  • Blessed old woman Matrona of Moscow - May 2;
  • Vmch. George the Victorious - May 6;
  • Ascension of the Lord, celebrated forty days after Easter - May 17;
  • Apostle John the Theologian - May 21;
  • Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril - May 24;
  • Saturday Trinity - May 26;
  • Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - May 27;
  • Holy Spirit Day - May 28th.

More about the main celebrations in May

The reason to celebrate May Day (the new name took root not so long ago) was once not at all festive - the strike of workers in Chicago in 1886. In Soviet times, citizens, in solidarity with the workers of other countries fighting for their rights, went to the square where they walked large demonstrations. The political coloring of the celebration “faded” long ago, but the holiday itself was not lost, did not become an inverted page of history. He is still loved by the people, and is now associated more with spring, warmth, the opening of the outdoor recreation season. Of course, veterans of labor are also honored on this day - those who made a feasible contribution to the prosperity of the state.

The second big holiday - Victory Day, is a reminder of the 73rd anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. On May 9, Russians remember those who selflessly defended their homeland so that a peaceful sky shone over the heads of their descendants. Flowers are placed at the monuments of Soviet soldiers, and children are told about the exploits of that time. Solemn parades are held in hero cities, megacities.

A rally is expected on Red Square in Moscow Immortal Regiment", as well as a demonstration military equipment. War veterans and veterans of the Armed Forces will gather on Poklonnaya Hill. The organizers will support the mood of general fun with festive concerts and beautiful fireworks.


How we relax in May 2019, days off, transfer

There are only a few weeks left before the May holidays. This is a special time of the year, which each of us associates with the arrival of real spring, warmth and sunshine, the first flowers and a bright, unusually friendly sun.

So how do we rest for May 2019? What days will be days off, is there a transfer?

Russians take the May holidays very seriously and with great responsibility. These days are official days off, and the authorities often move the weekends to working days, shifting them in such a way that citizens have the opportunity to relax for several days in a row.

During the May holidays, Russians like to gather with family and friends, make trips to nature, picnics, and even go on a short trip.

How we relax in May 2018: postponement of holidays, production calendar for May 2019.

So, in May 2019, Russians are waiting for two blocks of days off:

April 29 to May 2(4 days - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and May 9(1 day - Wednesday)


  • April 28(Saturday) - working day (transfer to April 30)
  • April 29(Sunday) - day off
  • April 30(Monday) - day off (transfer from April 28)
  • 1st of May(Tuesday) - public holiday - Spring and Labor Day
  • 2 (Wednesday) - (rescheduled from January 7th)
  • May 3, 4(Thursday, Friday) - working days
  • 5 May(Saturday) - day off
  • the 6th of May(Sunday) - day off
  • May 7(Monday) - working day
  • May 8(Tuesday) - shortened working day
  • May 9(Wednesday) - holiday - Victory Day

Weekend in Russia

In May, Russians celebrate two big holidays at once - Labor Day on May 1 and Victory Day on May 9. Since these days are in the middle of the week this year, the government decided to postpone several working days so that the Russians can fully relax for more than one day.

Russian citizens will have a rest on May Day for four days in a row - from April 29 to May 2. On Victory Day, Russians have only one day off - May 9th. The Government of the Russian Federation adopted such a decision at the end of last year (Decree No. 1250 of October 14, 2017).

How to rest on May 1

Tuesday May 1 - Spring and Labor Day. This is a public holiday in accordance with Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

On Monday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 2, we will rest due to the transfer of weekends and holidays to this date from January 7 and April 28, respectively.

This holiday almost always allows you to be outside the city and spend more time with friends and relatives. Many Russians go to summer cottages to prepare them for planting the next crop and generally spending the summer. And for many, this is an opportunity to simply be in nature, which already pleases with its warmth and notes of summer.

At the same time, the duration of the working day is reduced by one hour.

How to rest on May 9

Victory Day - May 9 this year fell on a Wednesday. This day will be a day off in accordance with Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. No transfers are provided.

For more than 70 years now, Russia and the whole world have been celebrating the events of the end of World War II, where a serious threat to all mankind was defeated - Nazi Germany and other countries bearing its ideology were destroyed. On this day, military parades and bright processions of military equipment are held, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and stability throughout the planet.

May 8 is a pre-holiday day, so the working day of employees should be reduced by one hour.

The legislative framework

On October 14, 2017, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed the Decree on the postponement of holidays and weekends in 2019.


For 2019, there is a production calendar, which takes into account all official working days, weekends and holidays. Its basis was the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2017 No. 1250, which defines the postponement of days off.

Usually in such a calendar is marked:

  • in red - where the transfer and / or combination of holidays and weekends took place in order to have a good rest for every working person in Russia;
  • in a different color or a cross / asterisk - a shortened working day before an official holiday.

The annual May holidays were no exception, which make it possible to fully enjoy the coming spring, contribute to a more upbeat mood, prepare the cottage for the summer, etc. They traditionally go in a bunch of 2 holidays that everyone loves and reveres.

But there is also back side medals: as we rest during the May holidays in 2019, so we work them out. Because everything needs balance. Like in accounting.

May 1 - Spring and Labor Day - in 2019 fell on a Tuesday. It will be a public holiday. It is followed by Wednesday May 2 - it is declared a day off due to the postponement of the day off from January 7. The Cabinet of Ministers did not stop there: two more holidays were added to these two days off - on April 29 and 30. April 29 is a regular day off - Sunday. But on April 30 (Monday), everyone will have a rest, since they will work it out on Saturday - April 28, but as a shortened day.

Thus, May 2019 makes it possible to rest for 4 whole days in a row. Although, this required the transfer of weekends and a 6-day work week.

And if we talk about May 9, then Victory Day fell on the middle of the week - Wednesday. Therefore, on May 8, you can work a little less - according to a reduced time. But on May 10, you already have to go to work.

As a result, in the month of May 2019 there will be 4 and 1 days of holidays, respectively. Namely:

  • from April 29 to May 02 inclusive;
  • on May 09.

It is important that at the same time the working rhythm will not be lost, so the total number of working days in May 2019 will be 20, and days off - 11. Among them there will be 2 days of purely holidays.

With this schedule, you can immediately determine the working hours for May 2019 (see table):

This table clearly shows that how we relax on the May holidays in 2019 affects the work schedule adopted by the organization.

It should be noted that today about 142 countries of the world this holiday with the aim of emphasizing the importance of every worker and worker. In many cities of Russia, on this day, trade unions and large organizations bring their representatives to rallies and marches as a sign of solidarity.

The importance of this holiday is not only to show how strong weapons each of the countries has, but the opportunity to demonstrate concern for freedom and preventing such tragic events from happening again.

Published on 20.04.18 09:07

Weekends in May 2018 in Russia: a calendar with transfers, how we relax on the May holidays - read about this in the TopNews material.

With the onset of May, not only warm weather will come to Russia, but also additional days off. However, the next working week will last six days, but then we will have four days off in a row.

How we relax in May 2018: how many days off for the May holidays

The new working week will run from Monday 23 April to Saturday 28 April. The day off from Saturday, April 28, is transferred to intcbatch Monday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 2, will be a non-working day due to the transfer of the day off from January 7, which in 2018 fell on Sunday.

Thus, after a long working week, Russians will have to rest for four days in a row, from Sunday, April 29, to Wednesday, May 2 inclusive, and then the first working week after the first wave of May holidays will last only two days - May 3 (Thursday) and May 4 (Friday).

Then, against the backdrop of the celebration of Victory Day on May 9, 2018, the Russians will rest for another day. The holiday weekend will divide the working week in half - May 7 and 8 (Monday and Tuesday) and May 10 and 11 (Thursday and Friday). At the same time, Tuesday, May 8, as a pre-holiday working day, according to Russian labor legislation, will be shorter by 1 hour.

Official holidays for the May holidays of 2018

In 2018, based on the preliminary decision of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the weekend in honor of the Spring and Labor Day will last four days.

April 29, 2018 (Sun.) - the first day off in a series of May holidays, although it refers to calendar non-working days.

April 30, 2018 (Mon) - for this date, there was a transfer from Saturday, April 28. This was done so as not to break up rest days and not to split up the previous work week.

May 1 (Tue) - Spring and Labor Day. Refers to public holidays, is considered an official non-working day.

According to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, May 9 (Wed) is considered an official public holiday. Accordingly, May 8 (Tuesday) will be a shortened working day (marked yellow on the calendar).

Weekend calendar for may holidays 2018

Thus, in May 2018, in Russia, the following May holidays await us: from April 29 to May 2 inclusive (4 days) and May 9. For those who can take a few more vacation days for this period for this period, you can get a real full-fledged vacation, in which it would be great to go somewhere on a trip, to nature or to visit friends or acquaintances.

Weekend calendar in May 2018

For 2018, there is a production calendar, which takes into account all official working days, weekends and holidays. Its basis was the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2017 No. 1250, which defines the postponement of days off.

May 1 - Spring and Labor Day - in 2018 fell on a Tuesday. It will be a public holiday. It is followed by Wednesday May 2 - it is declared a day off due to the postponement of the day off from January 7. The Cabinet of Ministers did not stop there: two more days have been added to these two days off - on April 29 and 30, the C-ib portal reports. April 29 - regular day off - Sunday. But on April 30 (Monday), everyone will rest, because they will work it out on Saturday - April 28, but as a shortened day.

And if we talk about May 9, then Victory Day fell on the middle of the week - Wednesday. Therefore, on May 8, you can work a little less - for a reduced time. But on May 10, you already have to go to work.

As a result, in the month of May 2018 there will be 4 and 1 days of holidays, respectively: from April 29 to May 02 inclusive.

This holiday almost always allows you to be outside the city and spend more time with friends and relatives. Many Russians go to summer cottages to prepare them for planting the next crop and spending the summer in general. And for many, this is an opportunity to simply be in nature, which already pleases with its warmth and notes of summer.

It is worth noting that today about 142 countries of the world celebrate this holiday in order to emphasize the importance of every working and working person. In many cities of Russia, on this day, trade unions and large organizations bring their representatives to rallies and marches as a sign of solidarity.

For more than 70 years now, Russia and the whole world have been celebrating the events of the end of World War II, where a serious threat to all mankind was defeated - Nazi Germany and other countries bearing its ideology were destroyed. On this day, military parades and bright processions of military equipment are held, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and stability throughout the planet.

The importance of the holiday is to provide an opportunity to demonstrate to the world the concern for freedom and the prevention of such tragic events again.