
How to protect a child from SARS at school. Another cold?! How to protect your child from viruses. Interventions for a susceptible organism


It is very important to feed the pepper seedlings during their growth, so that healthy plants will grow out of them in the future. Already after the first portion of the fertilizer, you will be able to see its fruitful effect on pepper seedlings. But this does not mean that you can stop and no longer fertilize the plants.

Fertilizers such as urea and superphosphate are most suitable for feeding seedlings. And it is strictly forbidden to feed seedlings with potassium chloride, this can destroy young seedlings.

Feeding seedlings takes place in the following order:

When the first leaves appear on the seedlings, they pick and after 2-3 weeks the first feeding of pepper seedlings is carried out. For 10 liters of warm water, take 30-40 g of superphosphate, insist for a day, then add 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of urea.
Before you begin to introduce fertilizer, seedlings must be sprayed with water and watered the ground.
50-100 ml of solution is added under each seedling and watered again a small amount water. This is done in order to wash off droplets of the solution that accidentally fell from the leaves.
An excellent fertilizer for pepper seedlings is bird droppings and slurry. Litter is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and manure - 1 to 10.
Microelements in combination with water are also successfully used as a fertilizer. These can be zinc sulfate (0.5-1.5 g per 10 l of water), boric acid (1-2 g per 10 l of water), potassium manganese (1.5-2 g per 10 l of water), copper vitriol or ash (for 10 liters of water 2 g of vitriol or 200 g of ash).

After the seedlings are planted in open ground, top dressing continues throughout the entire growth of the plant until the first fruits appear on the bushes and ripen.

Top dressing of pepper on the open ground is carried out in several stages:

The first feeding of pepper is carried out 15-20 days after planting seedlings in open ground. During this time, the seedlings will have time to take root, get stronger and will be ready to accept fertilizers. For the first top dressing, it is necessary to dilute 5 g of superphosphate and 10 g of urea, add to a bucket of water. Then it is necessary to mix the solution thoroughly and pour 1 liter of water under each seedling. It is advisable to do this carefully so as not to get on the leaves of the bush.
The next top dressing is carried out during the period of setting and ripening of pepper buds. At this time, pepper most of all needs such an element as potassium. It is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. potassium in a bucket of water, add 1 tsp. urea and 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Mix everything well and pour 1 liter of solution under each bush. Superphosphate is recommended to be added if soils are deprived of phosphorus.
And finally, the third top dressing is carried out after the ripening of the first fruits on the bush. For her, 2 tsp is taken. superphosphate, 2 tsp. potassium salt and diluted in 10 liters of water. Everything is mixed and, just as in the first two dressings, 1 liter of solution is poured under each bush of the plant.
If you notice that pepper bushes have begun to grow poorly, you need to fertilize them with urea. Take 30-35 g of urea per bucket of water, mix and spray the plants for 6-8 days.
An excellent fertilizer for peppers can be an infusion of young nettles in water with the addition of minerals. The bucket is filled with nettles to the very top and filled with water. After about a week, the tincture begins to ferment. After another 2-3 days, the nettle sinks to the bottom of the bucket, now the tincture can be filtered and mineral fertilizer added. The tincture is ready. If you do not add mineral fertilizers, you can water the pepper with it every 10 days, it is absolutely harmless.

Sometimes, in addition to the main fertilizer application scheme, additional feeding is carried out. This is necessary if you see that the bushes stop their growth, bloom poorly.

Additional feeding is carried out in this way:

If the bushes grow well but bloom poorly, stop feeding the plants with nitrogen, but add superphosphates with water.
If the pepper leaves begin to curl, you need to add potash fertilizers to the soil.
The acquisition of dull gray leaves on the underside indicates a lack of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.
During the growing season, peppers may need spraying bushes, as the plant absorbs fertilizer faster.
Don't overdo it with fertilizers. This is not the case when the more the better. Especially it is impossible to abuse slurry, this can lead to loss of fertility.

Helpful Hints
When feeding pepper, it is necessary to take into account which fertilizer is intended for what, what it affects and what can happen in case of an overdose:

Do not abuse organic fertilizers immediately before planting peppers. Most of them are included in the predecessors.
The full dose of phosphorus and potassium minerals is applied in the fall under plowing, then at the time of sowing and with top dressing during the growing season.
A part of nitrogen fertilizers is applied before sowing and with top dressing, or the entire norm during the growing season.
Nitrogen fertilizers have a productive effect on the number of ovaries and fruit size, and an excess of this fertilizer can lead to a delay in ripening and a decrease in plant immunity to diseases. A lack of nitrogen leads to a loss of pepper fertility and to the oppression of the plant itself.
If the soil contains the required amount of phosphorus, the rate of fruit ripening will increase, and the roots of the bushes will be strong. A lack of phosphorus causes the leaves to turn purple.
Potassium contributes to the balancing of vitamins and carotenes, and this, in turn, improves the cellular structure of the fruit and positively affects the brightness of the color. A lack of potassium leads to reddening of the edges of the leaves.
Magnesium deficiency leads to curling and yellowing of the foliage.
Before introducing fertilizers, it is advisable to conduct a special analysis of the soil in order to know for sure what additives the plant needs.
Summing up, we can say that feeding pepper and its seedlings with fertilizers is of great importance for obtaining a rich harvest of vegetables. It is important to introduce fertilizers in a rationed and according to the scheme, without abusing or overfeeding the crop. A plant that was properly cared for, fertilized and fed on time, will surely thank you with good growth and useful juicy fruits.

Hello again to all readers!

I am glad to see you on the pages of the ShkolaLa blog. It seems that already two-thirds of winter is beyond the threshold, and colds and SARS mercilessly “mow down” our ranks. But the end of the third quarter is already visible ahead, I would not want to miss important topics and test papers, and I simply would not want to get sick.

Lesson plan:

Fundamental rules

The widespread SARS is not yet a reason to skip school and not go to kindergarten. Considering that a cold is transferred and viruses run from one organism to another along the airborne path, it is important to teach the child the basic rules so that in the absence of a number of parents, he can protect himself a little.

We strengthen immunity

During seasonal outbreaks of colds, strong immunity is a real savior. I agree that it was necessary to prepare the sled back in the summer, but to consolidate the result or at least try to raise the level of protection, even when time is lost, it still will not be superfluous.

What does children's immunity depend on?

Proper nutrition

It's no secret that the right amount of vitamins and minerals is a guarantee good health. If your refrigerator does not have stocks of fruits and berries frozen since summer, you will have to look in the pharmacy for vitamin and mineral complexes that are winter season become their full replacement.

From what you can now find on store shelves in the middle of winter, you can safely buy everything C-containing. For example, these are citrus fruits, kiwi, cabbage and sweet peppers.

Active lifestyle

Strengthens the child's body. Anything you can do in the winter will do you good. And it is better to do sports not in a closed hall, although this is also useful, but on fresh air. There are fewer viruses wandering around in search of "prey".


Accustomed to temperature changes, the body will not wither when it suddenly became ten degrees colder outside the window, and will not become limp when someone sneezes nearby a couple of times. Only here you will not get health right away - hardening should be carried out gradually. But better late than never at all!


Increase the resistance of the child's body allows good dream which requires at least 9 hours a day. Mental stress must be diluted with physical stress and after an active day, relax, in peace and quiet.

Grandma's chest

Strong immunity is, of course, great, but it is far from a panacea and not a pill for all diseases. It needs time. Therefore, I suggest using it to help him folk remedies.

Our grandmothers advise at the first sign of illness to drip garlic drops into the nose. You can make a garlic solution from juice diluted with water 10 to 1. You can dig in a maximum of 5 times a day so as not to get a burn of the nasal mucosa.

Instead of garlic, you can make drops from grated onion gruel, which is poured with water. It is infused for an hour, the liquid is drained, and the slurry is mixed with a quarter of a small spoonful of honey.

It is good to support the children's body and not get sick helps warm milk with honey or berry juice. In general, for the prevention of SARS and colds, you need to drink often and a lot.

It is also very useful to gargle and rinse the nose with decoctions of herbs - chamomile, sage or calendula.

If quarantine at home

What to do if mom gets sick or dad comes home with a temperature and “with a French accent”?

Here are some simple tips to help keep child health and avoid unnecessary sick leave even when everyone around is not quite healthy. Do you have your own tricks on how to escape at the peak of SARS and colds? Share them in the comments! And do not forget to subscribe to blog news so as not to miss new articles)

Chisinau, September 24, - AiF.MD. As soon as the children went to kindergarten schools, they sniffled. How to increase immunity?

Give the child some kind of pill (fortunately, there are a lot of such drugs in the pharmacy - from homeopathy to serious drugs with interferon and just vitamins, and that’s all without a prescription)? To understand this abundance helped us Marina Kiseleva, medical director of the Professional Association of Naturotherapists, pediatrician.

Did you sneeze? Rose hip!

Marina Kiseleva: No need to immediately grab onto antiviral drugs and antibiotics, especially without consulting a doctor. A significant part of diseases in children is associated with the functional immaturity of the body systems. Therefore, for the formation of immunity, the child must be in constant contact with the external environment. If you notice that in a kindergarten group or in a school class someone is already coughing or walking with a runny nose, and yours is still healthy, brew rose hips, oat grass and give your child this compote as often as possible during the day. To enhance the effect, you can connect homeopathic remedies that increase the body's resistance.

It is better not to give "immunomodulatory" tinctures and drugs to children. An exception is Eleutherococcus preparations, which are always taken in the morning strictly in age dosages. And in the evening, the child needs to be given something soothing - tea from lemon balm or linden leaves, valerian tincture (from 1 year old) or peony (from 12 years old), kindinorm (from 1 year old), passidorm (from 12 years old). Such a regimen will increase the child's resistance to stress and pathogenic factors.

Synthetic vitamins, paradoxical as it may sound, are also a kind of stress for the body. Therefore, there should be no independence here. It is necessary to use pharmacy vitamins only for strictly defined indications and exclusively for the pediatrician's prescription.

We play by the rules

Julia Borta, AiF: Many pediatricians say that in order for the child not to get sick, you need to walk for a long time. But after all, it will turn into slush - and the next day it will definitely be with snot ...

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a few rules. First of all, teach him to breathe correctly - through the nose, not through the mouth, inhaling not into the chest, but, as it were, into the stomach. Walking a few times a day is better than walking once a long time. Dress your child for the weather - feet (including knees) and hands should not be cold or sweaty. Do not take your child outside with a full or empty stomach. Before a walk, rinse your nose with mineral water and lubricate the inside with Evamenol ointment or homeopathic ointments of propolis or calendula. When you get home, rinse your nose again and give your child a warm compote of dried fruits or delicious herbal tea (linden, chamomile and calendula flowers, mint leaves, lemon balm, strawberries, black currants, rose hips, currants and blueberries - whatever is at hand) with a spoon of homemade jam. If the legs are still cold during the walk, then they need to be warmed up and put on warm socks.

- It's probably too late to start hardening ...

- Not! You can start it at any time of the year if the child is healthy, and after suffering a cold, at least two weeks have passed. Hardening is not limited to dousing with cold water. Walking and playing in the fresh air in suitable clothes is also a very good hardening, and if you also wash the legs and arms at night with water of a contrasting temperature, then it’s generally excellent. You need to finish this procedure, of course, with warm water.

What natural preparations can be put in a home first aid kit?

  • Increase the body's resistance to respiratory infections, accelerate recovery: Anabar EDAS-308, Bioaron C, Influcid, Immunokind, Propolan EDAS-150, Liquid extract of Eleutherococcus - by age.
  • If the child is already sick with SARS: Briakon EDAS-103, Immunokind, Influcid, Umckalor, Evamenol ointment
  • For runny nose and sore throat: ointment Evamenol, Cinnabsin, Sinupret, Calendula tincture (in the form of rinses), Tonsilgon, Tonsilotren (for chronic tonsillitis)
  • Against cough(thinning sputum and expectorants): Bronchipret, Umckalor, Briapis EDAS-307, Dry cough syrup for children, MosPharma Inhalation Mixture, Mukaltin.

How to protect your child from the flu and colds

Children get colds much more often than adults. A tool that allows you to protect your baby from viruses has not yet been invented. There are many ways to help mobilize the defenses of the child's body to fight the virus.

  • Proper and balanced nutrition with the content of essential vitamins and minerals is one of the main conditions. Red pepper, dill, rose hips, red currants should be present in the child's dishes.
  • Walks in the fresh air should be regular, even if the weather is bad outside.
  • An active lifestyle and sports also play a big role in disease prevention.
  • The correct regime of the day and a full sleep of 10-12 hours is necessary for the child.
  • The child should develop along with your support and care. Mental and psychological stress must be overcome together.
  • Wet cleaning of the room and regular ventilation will prevent the appearance of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  • During the illness of one of the household, try to isolate the child, wear medical masks.
  • Do not allow hypothermia and overheating of the baby.
  • Teach your child to follow the necessary rules of hygiene.

How to protect your child from a cold in kindergarten

When a child goes to kindergarten for the first time, in addition to stress and excitement, he will encounter numerous viruses and bacteria. The immune system of a child at this age is still underdeveloped.

  1. Tempering a child largely prevents frequent illnesses v kindergarten. Baby hardening procedures can be carried out at any time of the year. In summer, this happens in natural conditions, when the child takes air baths, runs barefoot on the grass, bathes. It is necessary to continue the hardening procedures in the fall. Go to the pool, spend more time outdoors.
  2. Make sure your child is eating right. Your diet should include foods high in vitamin C.
  3. When there comes a period of mass diseases in kindergarten, for the purpose of prevention, hang a pendant with garlic around the baby’s neck and smear the nose with oxolin ointment.
  4. At the first sign of illness, leave the child at home and call a doctor.
  5. Dress your child in clothes made from natural fabrics. Shoes should be warm, waterproof and not tight.
  6. We often think that steam inhalation is only a medical measure, but it is also a good prevention of colds and flu. Respiratory activity in children is much higher than in adults, so more bacteria and viruses enter the child's body. It is useful to breathe menthol and coniferous essential oils. You can breathe over the vapors of potatoes. The pectins contained in it block pathogenic viruses.
  7. The humidifier can be filled with a variety of additives. For example, eucalyptus or tea tree oil. Eucalyptus oil has a bactericidal property and well softens and moisturizes the nasal mucosa. Tea tree oil is a good antiseptic.
  8. Every day before you take your child to kindergarten, wash his nasal mucosa. To do this, you can use therapeutic sprays based on sea ​​water. They will not only wash away microbes, but also nourish the mucous membrane with useful microelements and strengthen the baby's immunity.
  9. Give your child freshly brewed teas from chamomile, linden, thyme. Tea with raspberries, sea buckthorn, black currants, cranberries, rose hips will be very useful. Blackcurrant and raspberry contain interferon. This is a natural natural immunomodulator, thanks to which you can forget about a cold for a long time. Cranberries contain not only a large amount of ascorbic acid, but it also has bactericidal properties.

How to protect your child from colds in winter

Prevention of colds and flu is necessary in winter, since at this time the risk of infection increases several times. The disease can be prevented by prevention of a specific and non-specific type.

Specific prophylaxis means vaccination. Additionally, use children's antiviral drugs.

Non-specific prevention involves the implementation of activities aimed at improving the child's body. This is proper nutrition, hardening, walking in the fresh air, physical activity, daily consumption of a liter of water.

Many people think that summer trips with a child to the sea will get rid of colds in winter. Any move to a new place is stressful for the child's body. In order for the rest to be useful and complete, you must first go through adaptation in a new place, and only then proceed to hardening. This is especially true for infants and preschool children.

How to protect a child from a cold when mom is sick

If a nursing mother fell ill with a cold, then breast-feeding you can't stop. With mother's milk, the baby also receives protective antibodies. Interruption of feeding can deprive the baby of this protection, and then the chances of getting sick in the baby become greater. In addition, switching to manual pumping can lead to breast mastitis. Can drip breast milk in the child's nose. To reduce fever, the mother can take paracetamol.

If the mother of an older child falls ill, then in order to avoid infection with the cold virus, some rules must be observed:

  • the child must be isolated. If this is not possible, then use masks and change them more often;
  • for the duration of the illness, refuse visits from close relatives and friends;
  • if possible, take the child to fresh air;
  • ventilate the room more often;
  • bed linen and towels of the child should always be fresh and clean;
  • when coming from the street, wash the hands and face of the baby well;
  • each of the household members should have their own dishes;
  • place a plate of finely chopped garlic and onions next to the baby's crib.

How to protect yourself from colds for pregnant women

Getting colds during pregnancy is doubly dangerous. The consequences in this case can be especially dangerous and severe. Pregnancy reduces the protection of the female body. The risk of the disease is especially high in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the most important vital organs of the child are formed, so it is dangerous for him.

During the period of mass colds expectant mother you need to follow some rules:

  1. Go outside in a medical mask, avoid crowded places;
  2. Arriving home, rinse your nose and gargle with herbal decoctions or a soda solution;
  3. Eat foods rich in vitamins and vitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor;
  4. Ventilate the room regularly;
  5. At the first sign of a cold, inhale;
  6. Bury aloe juice in the nose in equal proportions with water.

Autumn is exactly the time when the prevention of colds in children is simply necessary. This will help protect the child from all kinds of viruses, infections and ailments. Today, parents will find a huge amount of advice on how to protect their child from a cold, but they all follow a few rules.

What is important for parents to know

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With the onset of autumn, it is imperative to accustom your beloved child to the climate and monitor the air temperature in your home every day. In this case, the prevention of colds in children will be most successful. A baby can get sick if he often needs to get out of a heated room every day. normal temperature premises on the street, where the cold autumn or winter already dominates. Such sudden changes in temperature will cause illness and adversely affect the health of the crumbs.

Parents, trying to dress their child well in winter, should not wrap him up too much. Overheating quickly can make your beloved baby sick. Older children like to taste the snow, often come from the street with wet feet and prefer to walk without mittens.

Therefore, it is very important to carry out the prevention of SARS in children and do everything so that the disease does not overtake them. In this case, it is necessary to warm up well after winter walk favorite child in the bathroom. After that, be sure to put socks on the child and let him drink a glass of hot milk with honey.

In order for the prevention of acute respiratory infections in children to be beneficial, you need to remember to humidify the room. Late autumn and winter can not do without heating. However, it must be remembered that ordinary heaters and the best air conditioners tend to dry out the air a lot. This is very unhealthy. The fact is that after the air, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx gradually dries up. A large number of viruses enter the child's body without lingering on wet villi. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the health of the baby by moisturizing the air in the room. To do this, you should ventilate your home every day, do high-quality wet cleaning and put open containers with ordinary water in several secluded places.

Read also: Is it possible to bathe in the bath for colds and acute respiratory infections

In some cases, moisturizing the nasal mucosa helps to protect the child from the disease. But you can not use vasoconstrictor drops for this. The most common saline solution will help.

Let's keep our children healthy

Very often, successful prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections depends on whether there are enough vitamins in the child's body. If, nevertheless, they are not enough, then you need to make sure that the baby eats food that is filled with vitamins. In addition, the infection will not affect the immune system of the child's body if the diet is balanced. But the medicines that are popular today, which have a fairly high price, do not need to be used.

It is useful to provide your beloved offspring with delicious tea with lemon, fragrant fruit drinks, decoctions of chamomile, sage or rose hips, dried fruit compotes, and raspberry jam. Healthy drinks for children in kindergarten are on the menu, but every mother can cook them at home.
It is imperative to include orange, dark green or red berries, fruits and fresh vegetables in the diet, as these products contain a large amount of vitamin C. And any viral illness will not be terrible for your child. But children who suffer from allergies should be very careful with the use of such products.

To protect the child, you need to perform the necessary prevention of colds and help maintain the baby's immunity. The best assistant will be sleep and daily routine. This allows, as soon as the time is right, the well-rested children's body if necessary, switch from one activity to another.

Study, good rest, nutritious lunches, daily walks, breakfasts, pleasant sleep and delicious dinners should all take place at the same time, which will help the body respond much better to certain changes in life. So repel the attack a large number bacteria hardened baby's body will be able to much faster.