
The child is often sick for a long time what to do. What to do if a child often has colds - how to strengthen the immune system. Causes of colds in children


  • The need for routine vaccination against hepatitis B virus
  • Vaccination schedule
  • Contraindications and conditions for urgent vaccination
  • The composition and properties of the vaccine

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Vaccination against hepatitis B helps protect the body from being damaged by viruses, and when it occurs, the disease goes away much faster and easier. Viral hepatitis B is a very complex disease that affects almost the entire liver and is triggered by a virus.

The need for routine vaccination against hepatitis B virus

The peculiarity of the course of the hepatitis B virus has long led to the fact that it has become widespread and there is a possibility of significant infection of almost all segments of the population.

The hepatitis B virus is different:

  • increased resistance to various factors;
  • the possibility of being in various habitats;
  • an increased level of susceptibility to infection.

The hepatitis B vaccine varies, exists a large number of species, however, they are all interchangeable, because they are produced using the same technology.

The popular drug "Engerix", which is used in almost every country, helps well against hepatitis B. The degree of effect of each drug used against the hepatitis B virus depends on how quickly the body develops immunity. Basically, you need to give 3 injections of the vaccine to develop immunity against the virus.

When carrying out routine vaccination, a drug is used that is produced using protein particles of the virus. But the vaccine against viral hepatitis B itself does not contain viruses, so it is impossible to become infected with the disease after it has been set.

After the introduction of such a drug, existing antibodies to viruses begin to independently develop in just 2 weeks. The vaccine is considered safe and does not cause side effects... Safety makes it possible to use it to protect even newborns.

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Vaccination schedule

The hepatitis B vaccine is injected under the skin in the right forearm. The vaccination schedule is simple, because the drug is administered at different intervals. As a rule, the first dose is administered three times at intervals of a month, the procedure is carried out for a child from 1 to 5 months.

The drug is first administered to a newborn within a few days after birth. After that, revaccination is carried out at 3 months and at six months. This scheme is used only if the child has no contraindications. If the child was born to an already infected mother, then the vaccination must be done within the first three months after birth every month and repeated when the child is one year old.

If the child has not been vaccinated within 24 hours after birth, then after that the vaccination is given to children over the age of 10 years. Hepatitis B vaccine is given to adults after 20 years of age.

Vaccination for adults is carried out according to the same scheme as for all children, that is, with a break of a month.

Such vaccination is not recommended for pregnant women; it is best to do it even before pregnancy occurs. If a pregnant woman is at risk of contracting the virus, then she should be vaccinated, because pregnancy is not a reason and a contraindication for the administration of such a vaccine.

During breastfeeding, vaccination can be carried out if necessary.

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Contraindications and conditions for urgent vaccination

Vaccination against hepatitis B has no serious contraindications. Attention should be paid only to those people who have significant sensitivity to the components of the drug or allergic reactions.

In this case, immediately after the introduction of such a vaccine, the person's condition is monitored for half an hour. Since any vaccine given against hepatitis contains yeast, it should not be given to people who are allergic to it or baked goods.

You should not be vaccinated during the period of illness, especially if there is an increase in temperature. In this case, the vaccination is administered about a month after complete recovery. If a person is constantly on hemodialysis, then hepatitis B is vaccinated more than 3 times, the interval between the introduction of each vaccine should be about a month.

Emergency immunization is carried out only if the person has been in contact with a carrier of the infection. An urgent vaccination is required, which will help get rid of an even more severe manifestation of the disease.

There are several ways to administer the vaccine, depending on how the infection occurred. If the infection occurred through contact with a patient sexually, then you need to introduce an additional drug that will help accelerate the body's defense against the virus.

If the infection occurred during contact with a sick person in the household, then it is worth first determining whether the virus is contained in the blood. After that, vaccination is carried out with an additional drug that enhances the effect of the vaccine, or in the usual way.

If a person has been previously vaccinated several times, but he has not been completely vaccinated, then he needs to inject an additional dose of the vaccine and subsequently administer the drug, strictly adhering to the scheme.

For urgent prophylaxis, the vaccine must be administered on the first day after contact with an infected person.

Hepatitis B is highly contagious and can spread from person to person. Vaccination will help prevent infection. The hepatitis B vaccine is not required for adults. But if a person wants to protect himself, and even more so is at risk of infection, it is worth vaccinating. The procedure takes place very quickly, but several stages are required for the formation of immunity.

General information about the disease

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by a virus. Mainly affects the liver. The incubation period of the disease is from 2 to 6 months, so it is quite difficult to identify it. In the external environment at room temperature, the virus can persist for up to several weeks, is resistant to heat and frost. These properties explain the high incidence of hepatitis B infection.

Infection mechanisms

Hepatitis infection occurs in several ways:

  • during unprotected intercourse;
  • when the integrity of the blood vessels is impaired, most often due to cuts, abrasions, cracks in the lips or bleeding gums;
  • when carrying out medical procedures and injections;
  • from a mother with hepatitis B to a child.

Symptomatic manifestations

Symptomatic manifestations of hepatitis B are caused by abnormalities in the liver. It is not able to neutralize toxic substances in full, and the outflow of bile is also impaired. Therefore, with hepatitis B, pain is felt in the liver area. Yellowing and itching associated with liver dysfunction skin, discoloration of the sclera. A person does not sleep well or cannot sleep at all, because of this, he feels constant fatigue. The patient's appetite disappears, vomiting and prolonged nausea occur. With a protracted illness, there is a reduced arterial pressure and pulse.


With adequate treatment, this condition of an adult will pass in a couple of months. When the symptoms do not go away for a long time, the person cannot recover in any way, the likelihood of complications arises:

  • bleeding;
  • acute liver failure;
  • disruption of the bile ducts;
  • development of an additional infectious process.

Who needs the hepatitis B vaccine?

All children are vaccinated against hepatitis after birth, unless contraindicated. Further, a repeated vaccination is required in six months or a year. The child develops an unstable immunity, which protects against the virus up to 5-6 years. Indications for further vaccination in adulthood are:

  1. The family has a carrier of the disease or is sick with hepatitis.
  2. Work and practice while studying in the medical field.
  3. The presence of a chronic disease that requires constant blood transfusion.
  4. The person has never contracted hepatitis B and has not previously been vaccinated.
  5. Contact with contaminated material collected for analysis.
  6. Work related to the production of drugs from blood serum.
  7. For diseases of the cancerous type of hematopoietic and lymphatic tissue.

Vaccination schedule for adults

Hepatitis Vaccination Calendar
A typeNumber of vaccinationsPeriodicity
Standard3 The first two vaccinations against hepatitis B are given a month apart, the third time - after 5 months
Emergency (when traveling abroad)4 The first hepatitis B vaccine for adults is given on the 1st day of stay in another country. The drug must be injected again on the 7th and 21st days. Re-vaccination against hepatitis in adults, which is necessary for the formation of immunity, is carried out in a year.
For hemodialysis patients4 After the first administration of the vaccine to adults, the vaccination schedule looks like this: 1 month - 2 months - a year

If for some reason a person has not received the vaccine on time, it can be done later. When an adult misses the second vaccine, he has no more than 4 months to get the vaccine. You should not delay going to the doctor, because the less the delay from the schedule, the stronger the formed immunity to the virus will be. After 4 months have elapsed, the vaccination schedule will have to start from the beginning. If the adult does not follow the vaccination schedule and has not received the third shot, there is still 18 months left. Vaccination later than this line is considered meaningless, since enough antibodies will not accumulate in the blood. The patient will need to get all vaccinations again.

The duration of the hepatitis vaccine

In the case of hepatitis vaccination in infancy, the duration of the vaccine effectiveness is about 22 years. Moreover, in a blood sample of this category of patients, antibodies to the virus may not be detected. This is due to the fact that when taking blood, it is difficult to obtain a sample that is 100% likely to contain antibodies. Adults need a mandatory revaccination of hepatitis 5 years after the first vaccination. If an adult has the right amount of antibodies against the virus in his blood at this time, hepatitis can be vaccinated in a year.

Types of vaccines

For adults, a vaccine is used that works exclusively against hepatitis B (as opposed to children's version, which is a mixture of drugs). The vaccine is called:

  • Angerix-B (Belgium);
  • HB-Vaxll (USA);
  • recombinant hepatitis B vaccine;
  • recombinant yeast hepatitis B vaccine;
  • Sci-B-Vac (Israel);
  • Eberbiovac HB (Russia-Cuba);
  • Euwax-B;
  • Shanvak-B (India);
  • "Biovac-B".

Contraindications to vaccination

If an adult has already contracted hepatitis B, vaccination does not make sense. It is not recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis B under the following circumstances:

  • during childbearing and lactation;
  • age exceeds 55 years;
  • yeast allergy;
  • high temperature;
  • if there is an allergic or negative reaction to the first administration of the vaccine;
  • intolerance to the constituents of the drug;
  • the presence of acute infectious diseases;
  • with exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

How to prepare for vaccination?

Vaccination against hepatitis B in adults should be carried out according to a schedule that is planned in advance and agreed with the attending physician, taking into account contraindications. Before vaccination, a thorough examination is required to make sure that there will be no complications in the future and the adult's body will cope. After the administration of the vaccine, the patient is under the supervision of a health worker for half an hour. If everything is all right, you can go home. It is recommended to give up active rest, physical activity, stay in crowded places for a couple of days, since vaccination is a serious load on the immune system. After vaccination, it is necessary to ensure that no water gets into the injection site. Adhere to precautions during the day.

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Viral hepatitis today remains one of the most unpredictable liver diseases. It is difficult to predict how hard a person will tolerate this infection and how this dangerous disease will end. Any damage to the liver, as you know, affects not only the functioning of the digestive system, but also serious irreversible changes occur throughout the body.

Is hepatitis B vaccine required today or not? Perhaps it is easier to refuse the next injection and not injure the baby from the first hours of life? Who needs such vaccinations and what is the danger of refusing immunization?

Why is hepatitis B vaccine necessary?

This is a serious illness that often leads to death. No, no one dies immediately after infection. But after an acute illness, any outcome is a step towards a lethal one. With hepatitis B, from 6 to 15% of cases end with the transition of the disease into a chronic process, which proceeds with numerous complications, including liver oncology. In severe cases, this gland does not cope, and treatment does not help. Therefore, vaccination is the only way protect a person from the consequences of the disease. The hepatitis B vaccine protects babies right after birth. Why is it so important to get vaccinated in the first hours of life?

  1. The earlier a person has had this infection, the more likely it is that the disease will turn into a chronic stage - in people aged this probability is only about 5%, in children under 6 years of age, in 30% of cases, the disease becomes chronic. Vaccination helps the body, as in response to its introduction, protective antibodies are produced.
  2. The hepatitis B virus skillfully adapts to many conditions of existence - it can withstand a temperature of 100 ºC for several minutes, at a temperature of minus 20 ºC it does not lose its activity even after repeated freezing, it remains at low pH values ​​(2.4).
  3. The disease often proceeds along with viral hepatitis D, which in most cases ends in cirrhosis.

When is the hepatitis B vaccine given? - if there are no contraindications, vaccination is carried out the first 12 hours after the birth of the baby. For many parents, such early prevention only causes indignation - why is it so early to injure a child with a vaccination, because his immune system has not yet been formed? But there is a clear scientific basis for this.

  1. The hepatitis B virus is transmitted parenterally (this is the main route of infection) - during surgery, taking blood for tests, blood transfusion, plastic surgery, dental procedures, after visiting a nail salon. Vaccination protects in any situation.
  2. Transmission of the virus from a pregnant mother to a child is possible.
  3. Scientists have found that in a large number of cases, people carry hepatitis B without the classic signs, or asymptomatic carriage is noted.
  4. A child needs a vaccination against hepatitis B in the first hours of life, since it is possible to get infected from close people, and there is no seasonality in the development of the disease, which worsens the diagnosis.

Vaccination is necessary, because the hepatitis B virus has not yet disappeared from the face of the earth. It is estimated that more than 350 people around the world are sick with this disease, but there are much more carriers. The danger is that just 1 ml of blood contains a huge amount of the pathogenic hepatitis B virus and is stable in most liquids. Infection can occur at any time, and ideally effective treatment still does not exist.

Who gets vaccinated against hepatitis B

If a person has had a mild form of hepatitis without serious consequences, specific indicators are found in his blood, one of them is HbsAg. It appears 1–4 weeks after infection. If a year after the transfer of the disease, it is still found, and the amount remains at the same level, this indicates the chronization of the process or the person is a carrier of the virus.

Why is this important and how does it relate to vaccinations?

  1. The disease does not appear immediately.
  2. It will take a long time before the diagnosis is made.
  3. After treatment, the virus can circulate in the blood for a long time.

There is a high probability of contracting the virus and babies are most susceptible to the disease. Therefore, newborns need the hepatitis B vaccine in the first place. No other way of protecting children from hepatitis B right after birth has yet been invented.

When is vaccination vital?

How many times in your life should you be vaccinated against hepatitis B? - there is no specific amount. There is a minimum of mandatory, this is the normalized number of vaccinations and revaccinations. Everything else is done based on the testimony, which, in turn, depends on many circumstances:

  • the number of vaccinations depends on where the person works;
  • where he lives;
  • are loved ones healthy;
  • whether there are business trips to foreign countries, in this case, vaccinations are done additionally.

Vaccination Schedule for Hepatitis B Vaccinations

What is the Hepatitis B vaccination schedule? - there are several of them.

How long does the hepatitis B vaccine work? - a full four-time course is enough until the child comes of age. Then revaccination is recommended every five years - the protection does not last longer. But booster vaccinations are not shown to everyone. If desired, a person can be vaccinated on their own on a paid basis.

The composition of the hepatitis vaccine and the route of its administration

The hepatitis B vaccine includes:

Hepatitis B vaccines are produced using genetic engineering. Some manufacturers do not include preservatives in their vaccines.

Vaccines are produced in a dosage of 0.5 ml or 1 ml, which contain the corresponding number of units of the surface antigen of the virus. A single dose up to 19 years old is usually 0.5 ml, for older groups it is doubled, that is, equal to 1 ml. Those on hemodialysis are given a double dosage: adults 2 ml, children 1 ml.

Where do you get the hepatitis B vaccine? - the vaccine is administered intramuscularly. Children are vaccinated in the anterolateral (in medicine you can hear the anterolateral) area of ​​the thigh. Why this particular place? - in the event of a reaction to vaccination, it is easier to manipulate here. Adults and adolescents are vaccinated in the deltoid muscle. Vaccination is carried out at any age.

There is no need to vaccinate people who have had hepatitis B or who carry HBsAg. But if they are vaccinated, it will not bring harm and there will be no exacerbation of the disease.

Before vaccination, you need to carefully inspect the vaccine vial so that there are no foreign impurities after shaking. Note where the nurse gets the vaccine from - it cannot be frozen.

What to do before and after the hepatitis B vaccine

This important points, which in most cases are not respected, but they determine how easily a person will tolerate the hepatitis B vaccine.

How children and adults react to the hepatitis B vaccine

Modern vaccines are so well made that complications and reactions of the body to them are extremely rare. What are the possible side effects of the hepatitis B vaccine?

There are no pronounced clinical manifestations of the hepatitis B vaccine - almost any vaccine is well tolerated, and reactions to it are observed in rare cases. Often they are found in case of non-observance of the rules for transporting ampoules with the active substance or in case of improper human behavior after vaccination. Sometimes the reaction may develop not on the first injection, but on the second or third vaccination against hepatitis B. In this case, it is necessary to exclude intolerance to the substances that make up the vaccine.

Contraindications to the hepatitis B vaccine

Good reasons are needed to get a medical lead from vaccination. There are temporary and permanent contraindications for immunization.

Hepatitis B vaccines

After all of the above, it remains only to decide on the choice of the vaccine. There are many of them, and they are improving every year. The most commonly used vaccines on the medical market include:

Which Hepatitis B Vaccine to Choose? The one that is purchased is quite enough medical institutions... All vaccinations are well tolerated. But if there is a reaction to the first vaccination, it is better to replace the next one. It is important to consult in advance with specialists who often work with vaccinations.

Is Hepatitis B Vaccination Needed? Now this question seems out of place. Better in childhood to be fully vaccinated than to deal with the consequences of a severe infection. If vaccination itself is not terrible, but possible consequences or a reaction to the hepatitis B vaccine in a child - it is important to prepare for it in advance by asking a specialist about it.

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    How long can you fool the people and prick this muck?

    Lena, please tell me, what exactly is the deception?

    Lena just did not face this problem…. when you come close, you run to run to get vaccinated ...

    After vaccination, my husband was diagnosed with hepatitis of unknown etiology. And now we will treat hepatitis.

    Why is there not a word about the administration of the vaccine to newborns who develop jaundice after birth?

    Why are they not interested in the health of the newborn? Probably just not to define it, the child is small, no observations were made.
    So you don't need to poke it. Let him first learn to drink water. Someone - to be baptized)
    And if the child is allergic to protein or ch.p. then, after all, a child can roll out his eyes or by the age of 25-30 find out what he has multiple sclerosis.
    The fontanelle pulsates - the brain is gagging from injections. Children who are not vaccinated in the hospital have just a soft "window" of non-healed bones. Nothing swells there. Then they sit and crawl and get to their feet without spasticity .. CHECKED!
    Just remember to wash your hands. Well, when you come home from behind the door, change your clothes;

    Alexander, Maria, what kind of enchanting nonsense are you writing? Newborn jaundice has nothing to do with the hepatitis B vaccine. I wonder how you explain its manifestation in newborns before this vaccine was introduced? Multiple sclerosis is not a consequence of vaccinations. Read authoritative medical sources (PubMed for example), not pseudoscientists like Kotok and Chervonskaya. Vaccines have been studied, side effects and complications have been reported a million times over. And what does the fontanelle have to do with it ??? !!! What did you check? What swells in vaccinated children ??? !!! My child was vaccinated according to the schedule, nothing was puffy, and he sat down and crawled and got to his feet perfectly. I was not vaccinated in childhood, I had whooping cough, measles and all with complications (bilateral pneumonia, pyelonephritis, etc.). Now I do not go to nail salons, because in my time there was no vaccination against hepatitis B, but it is impossible to do it on my own (I am constantly sick, the consequences of REFUSAL from vaccinations).

    Rodnichek pulsates ?? What a nightmare!!! This is just awful, and this is precisely from the vaccine ??? Yes, Alexander? It is strange, but normal, not false doctors, say that this is normal, because blood flows in wreaths and the heart pumps it. It is bad when it does not pulsate. Anna, I also heard this nonsense about yellow children myself, in the intensive care unit of the maternity hospital, when the mother alone refused to be vaccinated, because the first child had yellow... People seem to have slipped into the 16th century, they are afraid of vaccinations !!! And if a mad dog bites you, or step on a rusty nail, you will also wash with soap and everything will pass ?? No, run to get vaccinated against tetanus and rabies, otherwise the khan. Plantain won't help.

    It is very convenient to take care of your kids and not to vaccinate when all the other children around are vaccinated !!! Yes, if no one had vaccinated their children, the plague would have returned.

    We cannot forcibly vaccinate, but we can silently take a parent's refusal to vaccinate. The child dies of pneumonia caused by the influenza virus and a mandatory investigation begins. there are doctors, there are vaccines, there is an understanding about infections, how to escape from them, and it is necessary to find out why. They open the child's medical record, and on the first page there is glued on my mother’s refusal to vaccinate everyone in general, and especially against the flu ... And there are no questions left, we quietly return the card to the archive.

    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 10 minutes

    A A

    There is nothing worse for a parent than a sick child. It is unbearable to look at a suffering child, especially if the child is constantly sick and instead of playing with walks he sees thermometers and medications. What are the reasons for the child's frequent illnesses, and how can this situation be changed?

    Why is the child often sick? External and internal factors

    As a rule, parents treat a frequently ill child for respiratory diseases and bronchitis. The most susceptible to such ailments are children under three years old and toddlers of kindergarten age. As soon as the baby gets better and returns to the usual social circle, the cough appears again. What are the causes of frequent illnesses?

    Internal factors of frequent illnesses of the child:

    • Immaturity of the immune system , respiratory organs, the body as a whole.
    • Heredity (predisposition to respiratory diseases).
    • Problems during pregnancy and childbirth ... As a result, it is bad for the effects of the external environment, disturbances in the body.
    • Manifestations allergies .
    • Chronic diseases in the respiratory organs.

    External factors of child soreness:

    • Neglect of parents proper care for the child (regime, physical education, hardening).
    • Early visit to kindergarten .
    • Artificial feeding v early age and illiterate further organization of food.
    • Passive smoking in the prenatal and subsequent periods.
    • Frequent, uncontrolled use of drugs ... This is especially true for antibiotics.
    • Poor environmental situation in the city, locality.
    • Unsanitary conditions in the apartment (lack of hygiene, indoor pollution).

    The child is often sick. What to do?

    Children who are often sick need not only competent treatment, but, first of all, constant prevention of colds:

    Inhalation using essential oils. For seasonal prevention of colds and flu, inhalation with essential oils is recommended. It is proved that essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, helping to prevent the development of acute respiratory infections. These oils include: juniper, eucalyptus, clove, mint, wintergreen and cajeput oils. Experts recommend combining them to achieve the maximum preventive effect. V Lately there are more and more drugs that already contain essential oils. The most popular remedies include Breathe Oil, which combines essential oils that protect against colds and flu. The drug destroys viruses and harmful bacteria in the air, significantly reducing the risk of SARS.

    • Organize your baby's healthy good nutrition ... Eliminate all foods with preservative dyes, soft drinks, crisps, and gum.
    • Avoid Overwork baby.
    • Limit travel in public transport.
    • Dress your child for the weather ... No need to wrap up the baby too much.
    • Try not to walk with your child in crowded places during a period of high growth in the incidence of viral infections.
    • After the walk rinse your baby's nose , gargle. Before walking, smear the mucous membrane of the nose with oxolinic ointment.
    • In a timely manner examine the child at the ENT , in order to avoid the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
    • Make sure family members who are sick wear masks and have less contact with the baby.
    • Do not run a cold crumbs, start treatment on time .
    • Stimulate active points on your baby's feet through walking barefoot (on grass, pebbles, sand). In winter, you can walk barefoot at home with your child wearing socks.
    • Regularly (if possible) take your child to the sea. If financial position does not allow such trips, buy rounded pebbles (pebbles) at the pet store. They need to be poured over with boiled warm water with the addition of a drop of vinegar. The kid should walk three times a day on such a "beach" for five minutes.
    • via multivitamin complexes .
    • Necessarily observe the daily routine .

    Strengthening the child's immunity - folk remedies

    If the baby has had another cold, do not rush to return to work. You still won't earn all the money, and the child's body should get stronger after an illness (usually it takes about two weeks). What means can you increase your baby's immunity?

    Svetlana: Immunity needs to be increased only natural remedies... We tried on ourselves colloidal silver, Siberian fir (almost a natural antibiotic) and another chlorophyll-based drug. It helps. Previously, we went to the garden for a week, then two were ill. Now they began to cling to this infection much less often. But we approached the issue in a comprehensive manner - in addition to drugs, nutrition, regimen, hardening, everything is very strict and rigorous.

    Olga: Children need to start hardening in the summer, and only according to the system. As for frequent colds: we were also sick, sick, angry, then we guessed to take a snapshot of the nose. It turned out sinusitis. Cured, and stopped hurting so often. And from the means that strengthen the immune system, we use honey (in the morning, on an empty stomach, with warm water), onions, garlic, dried fruits, etc.

    Natalia: The main thing is to protect children from antibiotics. More vitamins, positive things in the life of the child, walks, travel - and so often you will not have to be treated. Of the drugs that increase the protective forces, I can mention Ribomunil.

    Lyudmila: Consider colloidal silver the best remedy! Effective for over six hundred types of viruses and bacteria. In general, breastfeed longer. Mother's milk is the best immune stimulant! And after that, you can already anaferon, and actimel, and badger fat. They also drank Bioaron and used aromalaps. Well, plus different physiotherapy, vitamins, oxygen cocktails, rose hips, etc.

    Parents do not always understand why the child is often sick colds... The food is good, he walks on the street, sleeps for the prescribed number of hours, and the baby's runny nose, cough and fever will certainly appear several times a year.

    It's hard to imagine life without a cold. ARI is a kind of training of the immune system to fight more serious viral infections. The kid caught a cold a couple of times a year (more often in autumn-winter period)? Don't panic. If colds constantly "cling" to the child, read the material: you will understand what is the cause of ARI, how to solve the problem.

    Frequently ill children

    The problem of colds exists in different countries... The classification takes into account the age of the child, the frequency of diseases throughout the year.

    Check if your baby is in the BWD category, which means "Frequently Affected Children":

    • from birth to 12 months - ARI diagnosed more than 4 times a year;
    • from 1 to 3 years - ARIs were noted more than 6 times a year;
    • from 4 to 5 years - ARI were more than 5 times a year;
    • age from 5 years - children suffered more than 4 colds per year.

    Advice! If you have determined that acute respiratory infections occur in a baby too often, pay attention to tips on how to increase the body's defenses. Do not put off useful activities for a long time, especially if the son or daughter is sick so often that some symptoms of a cold pass, others reappear, and so on in a circle, almost without interruption.

    Risk group

    Colds often bother children with reduced immunity. The defenses are weakened by many factors.

    Check if your child is at risk. If you find one or two points that are present in the life of a son or daughter, act immediately, change the situation.

    Provoking factors:

    • wrong daily routine, sedentary lifestyle, the child rarely walks on fresh air;
    • frequent emotional overload: stress at school, difficulties in relationships with comrades, a period of "swing" after the holidays;
    • long-term treatment with immunosuppressants, steroid hormones, antibiotics;
    • intestinal infections at an early age, dysbiosis;
    • moving to a new climatic zone, a different time zone;
    • surgical intervention carried out not so long ago.

    Weak immunity is one of the side effects of breastfeeding. Parents of an artificial baby should pay more attention to hardening, vitamin therapy, and proper nutrition.

    Causes of frequent colds

    Pay attention to the main factors that reduce immunity and body resistance. Children who are often ill often face complex effects, the harm from which is much greater.

    The main causes of common colds in a child:

    • secondary immunodeficiency;
    • not completely cured cold disease;
    • the constant action of negative factors that reduce the body's defenses;
    • congenital disorders of immunity

    Doctors have found that the majority of small patients of the BWD category have secondary (acquired) immunodeficiency. Most often, the defenses are weakened under the influence of a complex of negative factors.

    It is more difficult to correct the situation when the baby lives in conditions of constant load on the immune system. Unfortunately, one of the reasons for frequent colds is the wrong behavior of adults, ignorance / unwillingness to follow basic rules.

    Weak foundation for immune defenses

    In the first years of life, immunity is formed in the intestines. Breast milk- the basis for the development of beneficial microflora. Early attachment to the breast will give the baby a drop of a valuable product - colostrum, which contains biologically active substances that "start" the mechanism of the formation of immunity.


    • breastfeed for at least a year, ideally up to one and a half years;
    • if there is a lack of milk in the mother, carry out mixed feeding for as long as possible, do not immediately switch to infant formula;
    • prevent intestinal infections;
    • it is impossible to give the baby dishes from the "adult" table early;
    • introduce complementary foods gradually to reduce the load on the fragile ventricle and intestines.

    Improper nutrition

    Frequent mistakes of children and parents:

    • feeding strictly according to the schedule (at the request of the mother), even if the child is not hungry. You cannot force the baby to eat if the body resists. Consider physiological norms for each age, do not overfeed. Do not "stuff" food if the child says he is full: you provoke stress, suppress the immune system;
    • snacks between meals, replacing a full breakfast or dinner with sweets with tea, soda with dyes, preservatives, addiction to fast food;
    • unwillingness to rinse your mouth after eating. Food debris that accumulates on teeth and gums is a suitable environment for the growth of decay bacteria that cause tooth decay. Swallowing saliva with harmful bacteria worsens the condition of the stomach, intestines;
    • lack of fiber, which enhances peristalsis, preventing the deposition of decaying residues on the intestinal walls;
    • rare use (insufficient volume), constant heat treatment of vegetables, fruits, destruction of vitamins;
    • eating foods that are not age appropriate. For example, many parents give their baby chocolate a year and a half, although pediatricians recommend refraining from this product for up to three years.

    Increased loads

    Pay attention to the symptoms of helminthic invasions:

    • grinding teeth at night;
    • irresistible craving for sweets;
    • poor appetite;
    • increased sweating in a child;
    • weakness, irritability;
    • frequent rubbing of the anus;
    • coughing without other cold symptoms.

    Learn more about symptoms and treatments for children of different ages.

    Instructions for the use of Nurofen baby syrup are described on the page.

    Read at the address how to quickly relieve a toothache in a child at home.

    How to reduce the incidence of colds

    It is important to act correctly, take into account the age of the child. First, analyze what factors provoke acute respiratory infections, which can be done immediately. It is often necessary to rebuild the way of life, but the changes are beneficial for the often ill child and the rest of the family.

    How to proceed:

    • prohibit smoking in the apartment, on the balcony;
    • ventilate the room regularly, do wet cleaning daily;
    • discard toys made of toxic materials, replace with quality ones;
    • walk more, taking into account the weather, stop wrapping up the baby;
    • switch to a healthy diet, avoid foods that provoke allergies;
    • check the air humidity, especially when the air conditioner is running and during the heating season. Too humid - buy a dehumidifier, if too dry, a humidifier will help;
    • only give the young patient the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Self-selection of drugs, especially antibiotics, often reduces immunity, causes side effects;
    • often sick children are recommended sports activities outdoors, not indoors;
    • for colds, give less animal protein, provide light, wholesome food. Great option- chicken bouillon, buckwheat porridge, herbal teas, fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables;
    • after recovery, give up hiking in crowded places, visiting children's collective(for babies). Cold symptoms are gone, but immune defenses are still weak. Any contact with viruses, microbes, often floating in a closed room, where there are many children (group, class), will provoke a new round of the disease.

    How to raise the immunity of a frequently ill child? Methods for strengthening the body:

    • hardening. A good effect is given by pouring cool water on the legs, walking on a pebble rug ("health path"), baths with sea ​​water... Hardens swimming, air baths, outdoor walks. Start hardening when the baby is completely healthy;
    • phytotherapy. Vitamin decoctions are useful. Berries and medicinal herbs will help. Good for health: mint, lemon balm, chamomile, wild rose, mountain ash, viburnum, cranberry;
    • fresh air. Paints, household chemicals, varnishes, tobacco smoke deteriorate air quality, negatively affect the respiratory system. Refuse to use / minimize exposure to hazardous substances;
    • optimum temperature and humidity. For good night keep the child's room at +20 degrees, humidity - about 65%;
    • dosed loads. Listen to the complaints of a young athlete (musician, artist), if the child says that he is very tired in the classroom and in the circle (sections, music school). Choose one direction for additional activities, minimize the load to a reasonable level;
    • more vitamins, avoiding junk food. A healthy diet is recommended, taking multivitamins in the fall - in the spring. In the cold season, a vitamin bomb will help. Combine in a glass of ground dried apricots, nuts, raisins, pour in the juice of 1 lemon. In the absence of allergies, add ½ cup of honey. Give a teaspoon each morning and evening;
    • control of intestinal activity. Watch for constipation / diarrhea. Improves peristalsis by foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, cereals). Prevent dysbiosis, along with antibiotics, give your baby preparations containing beneficial lactobacilli (probiotics). Treat intestinal infections in time, teach children to wash their hands, fruits, berries, vegetables before eating.

    Basic measures:

    • strengthening immunity, taking into account the recommendations from the previous section;
    • sufficient intake of vitamins from food and multivitamin complexes;
    • reducing the frequency of stressful situations, a calm atmosphere in the family, kindergarten, school;
    • rinsing the mouth, using herbal decoctions;
    • compliance with hygiene standards, washing hands upon returning home;
    • regular airing of the room, clothing for the season;
    • physical activity: exercise, visiting sports sections;
    • control of chronic pathologies, minimization of the risk of relapse;
    • rejection of foods that provoke allergies;
    • avoidance of secondhand smoke;
    • regular visits to the pediatrician;
    • when pathologies of various organs are detected - timely, complete treatment, prevention of the transition of diseases into a chronic form.

    Now you know why children often suffer from colds. Listen to the recommendations of pediatricians, change your lifestyle, reduce physical and psychological stress for the baby. Daily efforts to strengthen the immune system will surely bear fruit: gradually the frequency of colds will decrease, the baby will become healthier.