
The baby has cold hands and feet Komarovsky. Why does a newborn have cold hands, feet and nose even at normal temperatures. Basic methods to improve blood circulation


Young parents, as a rule, from the first days of the life of their newborn child, show excessive concern for the crumbs. That is why pediatricians and neonatologists very often have to answer the question of why babies have cold hands.

Cold extremities in a newborn child are not a symptom of any disease, provided that this is the only sign that worries parents. Very often, parents, as well as doctors, cannot answer the question why the baby has a cold nose, hands, simply because for many children at this age this is normal.

What does it mean

Many grandmothers and more experienced mothers in a situation where the baby has cool legs, arms, are advised to warm the child by wrapping him in a blanket. You should not do this until you understand why your child has cold extremities.

As a rule, the reason that the feet or hands are cold in children under one and a half years old lies in their not yet perfect thermoregulation system. In other words, the body of babies to a certain extent inadequately reacts to the ambient temperature. This is not a pathology; as the child grows older, the child's body will quickly adapt to the temperature regime of the surrounding world.

When to worry

We have already said that the only sign - cold hands and feet - is not a cause for concern. This is true. However, parents should monitor the general well-being of the crumbs.

If the baby has a hot forehead, body, but at the same time wet limbs, then it is likely that you simply overheated the baby. In this case, it should be undressed a little. If the room where the newborn baby is located is not more than 20 degrees C, and the baby himself is not wrapped in a warm blanket, while the symptoms persist, it is necessary to call a doctor at home who can correctly assess the condition of the baby.

In the case when, in addition to the fact that baby cold hands and feet, other symptoms are noted, parents should seek medical help without delay.

anxiety symptoms

  • Appetite disturbance.
  • High body temperature measured with a thermometer (not lips!).
  • Tearfulness, capriciousness, the child cries for a long time, cannot calm down.
  • Any kind of dermatitis.

The combination of all these symptoms in the overall picture really indicates that the child needs to be shown to the treating doctor.

It might be cold

Supercooling the baby is quite simple due to the fact that the system of its thermoregulation is not yet perfect. In this case, the baby will not only have cold feet, hands, but also the forehead and body will be cool. In this case, the child should be warmed.

How to keep baby warm

When taking measures to keep the baby warm, it is very important not to overdo it and avoid overheating. Therefore, you need to do it wisely. If you come from a cold street into a warm room and find that the baby’s limbs are very cold, besides, he has a cool body, then the most safe method to warm the baby will be the next way.

  1. If the child is in breastfeeding he needs to be undressed. Mom should also expose her stomach with her breast and attach the baby to her breast. This method is called "skin to skin". The child will quickly warm up from the mother's body temperature, get enough, and then fall asleep. If the room is cool, mother and baby can cover themselves with a blanket. I think it would be superfluous to remind that mom can also use a hot drink.
  2. Toddlers on artificial feeding you can also warm it by leaning it against the body of one of the parents, cold legs, handles are perfectly warm from dad's belly.
  3. If the baby has cold feet, hands, and at the same time it seems to you that he is cold in a room where, in principle, it is not cold, do not rush to wrap him up. Put another layer of clothing on the baby to start and watch the baby.

Overheating is enough dangerous state for the crumbs, in response to which prickly heat may appear, blush the priest. The general condition will worsen, the child will become capricious and lethargic.

Many young mothers are puzzled by the question of why their baby has constantly cold limbs. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is that the baby is sick or cold, and mothers are in a hurry to wrap him up as tightly as possible.

The fact is that the processes of thermoregulation in newborns have not yet been adjusted. Babies are not actively moving yet, so cold limbs are normal. So say obstetricians and therapists.

Why do babies have cold hands and feet?

Concerned about the health of the child is normal, but do not overdo it. In babies, all processes do not proceed so quickly, and some have not yet been adjusted at all. For example, the process of heat transfer and thermoregulation returns to normal only after a year, up to a year and six months.

Therefore, the room can be warm, but little fingers can still be cool and damp. This is not out of the norm. Until the systems and processes in the body are fully formed in the baby, dress and swaddle the baby warmer.

If the baby has constantly cold hands and feet, can this be a disease?

If you think that the limbs of the crumbs are still excessively cold, then you should pay attention to the presence of other signs of malaise.

This may be an indicator of illness, but only if there are additional symptoms:

If absolutely all symptoms are present, then consult a doctor. Your little one may have caught a cold. If the appetite and skin are normal, then the babies have cold and wet hands due to the fact that the vegetative system and heat transfer processes are not yet fully formed.

The organism of babies still does not know how to quickly adapt to environmental conditions, which means that adaptation also does not occur immediately. It is worth seeing a therapist only if all of the listed symptoms are present.

Unhealthy care, often on the part of older people for their grandchildren, in the desire to warm a freezing child can lead to a real violation of the formation of thermoregulation. This means that in the future the child will have a weak immunity to colds and will often get sick. Excessive swaddling and mania to wrap the legs can cause diaper rash in the baby.

To determine whether the baby is really cold, heat should be measured not by the fingers of the pen, but by the breast. Touch it with the back of your hand. If the temperature of the palm and chest of the baby is the same, in this case it is not necessary to wrap it up and swaddle it beyond measure.

If the body is colder than your palm, then do the following:

  • rub the skin with a warm fur glove or just a soft, body-friendly fabric, but do not overdo it;
  • dress the baby in things that retain heat, made of fleece or flannelette;
  • cover with a blanket.

The baby will receive the necessary warmth and fall asleep peacefully. It will be even better if you lie next to him. The best and most reliable way to warm and soothe a newborn is maternal warmth.

How to rub cold extremities: we stabilize the blood circulation process

In order for the thermoregulation system in children to form correctly and there are no more questions why the baby has cold hands again, it is necessary to do gymnastics, rubbing and massage. The latter will give the body vigor, will develop and strengthen the muscular system and stabilize heat transfer.

Gymnastics is also essential integral part baby care almost from the very first days. Light alternate movements of the baby's limbs will warm up the blood and normalize muscle tone.

It is important to let the child get used to the ambient temperature. Use contrast baths, let the baby lie naked a little, use wide swaddling. The temperature contrast activates the work of heat exchange: the pores and the circulatory system narrow and expand, activating the flow of blood in the body. This is how the baby adapts to a less comfortable environment. environment than in mom's tummy.

Fine-tuning of all systems child's body starts from the first day of life. Some systems quickly return to normal, others take longer. The process of thermoregulation is formed in a child up to 1.5 years old - this is why small children freeze and overheat so quickly. Cold hands and feet in babies cause anxiety in mothers, and they often ask questions about the reasons for this phenomenon, worry about what to do and how to warm the baby. It is important to find out the causes of the syndrome, and only then take action.

The main causes of cold hands and feet

It is difficult to independently identify the cause of cold hands and feet in infants. Often there is no cause for concern if the baby seems to be cold, but sometimes a serious problem can be hidden behind the cold palms of the baby. What factors are called by doctors:

If the newborn has cold hands and feet, check for other symptoms that are characteristic of certain diseases. If they are absent, then there is no serious danger to the health of the baby, just his autonomic system is in the process of formation. If you doubt your own diagnosis - show the baby to a specialist. The doctor will examine a small patient, conduct a comprehensive examination and identify the culprit of the problem.

When should you be concerned?

The problem is how mom understands if there is a cause for serious concern, or if cold feet and palms are not a sign of a dangerous disease. If the baby's limbs and nose become cold, and the body temperature is elevated, it's time to call the pediatrician. The doctor will determine the problem and prescribe the necessary medicines for the baby. In addition to antipyretics, vasodilators and antihistamines may be prescribed.

With icy and wet feet and hands and a rise in temperature to 38 degrees, it is difficult to understand whether the baby is cold or hot. In such cases, the newborn is given antispasmodics. The decision on their use is made by the pediatrician.

For warming, you can completely cover the baby with a blanket, but if the temperature rises above 39 degrees, only the legs are covered. Pay attention to the general well-being of the crumbs and be sure to stay under the supervision of a doctor.

Urgent measures should be taken even when the baby is hot, he cries for a long time, is naughty, refuses to eat, often burps. Rashes on the skin are considered an alarming sign. If the problem arises in connection with disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, the baby needs qualified help not only from a pediatrician, but also from an endocrinologist.

What to do?

Young mothers are anxious about the health of their little treasures, sometimes they are not even reassured by the assurances of doctors that the child is fine. Having found cold hands and feet in their son or daughter, they try to warm the baby by any means. The bad thing is that sometimes such methods lead to disastrous consequences. What experts advise parents:

An accelerated metabolism is physiological feature early age. Metabolic processes in children are faster than in adults. Suppose, on a walk, the mother’s limbs froze, but it’s not a fact that the same thing happens to the child. If the baby is healthy, his body produces more heat than the body of the mother.

Dr. Komarovsky explains the syndrome of cold extremities with a temperature difference. In the armpits, the temperature is slightly higher than in the legs and arms. If the baby's palms are cold, and skin stay cool and pink, he is doing well in health.

What should not be done?

In feverish attempts to help their treasure, parents make a lot of mistakes. With their wrong actions, they not only do not help the child, but, on the contrary, exacerbate the problem. What manipulations should not be done:

  • Rub the baby's feet and palms with a hard towel, especially after walking with a child in the cold. The baby needs to be undressed and attached to your body.
  • put on a large number of things and cover with a thick blanket, trying to warm the baby.
  • Panic. Carefully examine the baby, touch the forehead, try to identify the culprit of the icy hands and feet. Perhaps this is normal for a child.

Parents should protect babies from stressful situations. The imperfect nervous system of children reacts painfully to any shocks, failures in its work cause cooling of the limbs and other unpleasant symptoms. It is important for adult family members to know and remember that doctors attribute the coldness of the hands and feet of a baby to normal reaction organism on the process of formation of heat transfer. Unnecessary worries cause discomfort to both mother and child.

In a newborn, cold hands can worry parents. Doctors say that this process can be considered the norm. The symptom is associated with the end of the formation of the vegetative system. Motor and sensory activity immediately after the birth of a baby is very different from that of an adult.

In infants, even in a warm room, the phalanges of the fingers can remain completely cold. It has been scientifically established that thermoregulation is completed only by 1.5 years. That is why mommy will have to use all means in order to warm the baby. To do this, wear warm clothes and use a blanket.

Symptoms of pathologies

Cold hands in a baby are not always an alarming symptom. However, parents are advised to carefully monitor the overall health of the baby. A sign can be the first bell that indicates the presence of pathologies in development. It is imperative that you consult your doctor if your baby also has the following symptoms:

  • permanent loss of appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the child is constantly naughty and crying;
  • there is a severe rash on the skin.

If the parents did not find any of these negative manifestations, then cold hands only indicate that the autonomic system is at the formation stage. After a certain period, adaptation will be completed, and thermoregulation will return to normal.

However, if additional symptoms appear, you should immediately visit the pediatrician's office. He will be able to figure out why this symptom periodically appears.

Parents are advised not to wrap their child too much. In this case, the process of its natural thermoregulation is disrupted. Because of this, in the future, the baby can get very sick. Additionally, the risk of developing sweating and diaper rash increases. A mother should have a different way of determining whether her baby is cold. To do this, just touch the chest. The procedure should be performed with the back of the hand.

The baby is not cold if his body has the same temperature with your hand.

It is allowed in some cases for the breast to be slightly cool.

If it is cold, then the baby should be covered with a blanket or dress warmer.

Within a few minutes, the baby will warm up and fall asleep quickly.

In this case, parents will not have to worry about his comfort.

Basic methods to improve blood circulation

The heat transfer process can be improved if simple procedures are carried out regularly. Doctors recommend massage, which consists in gently massaging the upper and lower extremities. Such manipulations will additionally calm the child, give him vigor and normalize sleep and rest.

Gymnastics also has a positive effect on the body. It should be carried out regularly, starting from the first days of life. The procedure must be additionally combined with a bath and finding the baby without clothes. Thanks to these simple manipulations, it is possible to expand the vessels. After a certain period, the baby will be able to fully adapt to external conditions and feel comfortable in them.

Massage helps to improve the process of thermoregulation

Hardening has a positive effect on the body as a whole. That is why even at an older age it is recommended to alternate the water temperature. When introducing complementary foods, it is necessary to monitor its temperature. It is not allowed to use completely cold food. Immediately after the birth of the baby, it is recommended to constantly wear special mittens for him. Additionally, they will protect the baby's skin from scratches. At home, you should also wear thin socks on your feet. Clothing should not interfere with normal movements. The kid feels comfortable in things that are fully consistent with weather conditions.

Parents should check the temperature of the handles after the end of water procedures. If they are cold, then you should gently rub the skin using a terry towel. If the symptom persists for a long time and is accompanied by whims, poor appetite, it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist in this field. He will appoint necessary tests on which the diagnosis will be made.

Every mother after the birth of a child finds any reason to be nervous and a little worried once again. One of these reasons for unjustified fears is the discovery of a violation of heat transfer in a toddler, which manifests itself in the form of cold legs and arms. But pediatricians assure that the fears of young mothers about this are completely in vain, since this is normal for babies up to 2 years of age. That's only if the mother does not discover that the cold hands and feet of a child over the age of 2 years. In this situation, such symptoms may indicate serious complications and justifiably alarm mothers.

What do cold extremities in babies over 2 years old indicate?

Despite the fact that infants are more susceptible to various negative factors, in the current situation, when a child over the age of 2 years has symptoms of heat transfer disorders, it is for them that special attention should be paid. The main reasons for such a phenomenon as impaired thermoregulation include the following factors:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia. The human nervous system controls the work of all available internal organs and systems. With various failures, serious violations of the functioning of the body as a whole are detected. Such failures can lead to the development of vegetovascular dystonia, which is an involuntary contraction of muscle tissues and fibers. With the development of such spasms, a narrowing of the lumen in the vessels is observed, as a result of which there is a violation of blood circulation. With the development of circulatory disorders, symptoms are observed that manifest themselves in the form of cold extremities.
  2. Excessive excitability nervous system. If a child's hands and feet are frozen, then this phenomenon may occur against the background of recent stressful situations and violent emotions. If the child is very excitable, then the disturbances in his body are obvious. Excessive excitability manifests itself in the form of the main symptom, as a result of which the hands and feet become cold, and the palms sweat.
  3. Reduced immunity. If the baby's hands and feet get cold, then this may indicate a weakening of the immune system. Usually, weak immunity manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as fatigue and lethargy. Children with weak immunity are exposed to various negative factors.
  4. Iron-deficiency anemia. With iron deficiency anemia, a child may be diagnosed with signs in the form of cold hands. At the same time, the legs do not get cold, which is due to a lack of iron in the body.
  5. Low calorie food. If the child does not eat meat products, then cold hands and feet indicate an elementary lack of nutrients.

There are other reasons for the manifestation of this symptom, but often this is due to the first three factors. With the timely diagnosis of this manifestation, it is possible to resort to carrying out necessary research with further medical treatment.

How to be in a situation when the baby has cold extremities

Now it is known why the baby may experience cold hands and feet, but what to do in such a situation? After all, not every mother will be able to sleep peacefully, knowing that the child has signs of the disease. To exclude serious diseases, you must immediately go to the hospital for an examination.

Parents can influence the thermoregulatory process in their babies by doing the following:

  1. The first thing parents should do is to fill the life of their little one with activity and variety. Children love to explore the world, and not only in the first years of life, but all the time. This will not only improve the mood of the baby, but also strengthen the immune system. Children should definitely do gymnastics, play outdoor and gambling games with them.
  2. It is necessary to engage in children's hardening from childhood, which will not only strengthen the immune system, but also saturate the life of the baby with variety.
  3. Control your diet. Every day, the baby's body should receive in the required volumes such basic components as fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and trace elements. Children do not just need vitamins and proteins, they are vital.
  4. Look after your clothes. The baby should not be wrapped in warm blankets if the room temperature is maintained at a normal level. Taking walks on fresh air, you should monitor the condition of the baby, if he freezes, then dress him warmer, and if he is hot, then take off warm clothes.
  5. Eliminate factors that interfere with normal blood flow. These factors include clothing and footwear. If the slimming socks block the blood vessels, then the legs will freeze even in the warmest robes.

Above are the factors indicating the disease of children over the age of 2 years. With regards to newborns and infants, everything is much simpler here.

Cold feet and hands in infants: causes

Why a small child has cold hands and feet at normal temperatures, not many experienced mothers know. First of all, such a phenomenon in infants indicates that their body is adapting to the environment, resulting in temperature changes. Pediatricians assure parents that constantly cold feet and hands in infants is normal sign that do not require parental intervention. In addition, parents do not need to perform warming procedures if the baby has cold legs. After all, if you do not calculate overheating, especially with the help of warm blankets and clothes, then you can overheat the child, resulting in a jump in temperature.

The baby's vessels adapt to the environment, so over a certain period there is a temperature difference. If the peanut's arms and legs are frozen, but the skin remains Pink colour then there is no cause for concern. This means that the body is hardened, which in the future will eliminate endless colds.

Symptoms of pale and bluish skin on the hands indicate that blood circulation has slowed down due to vasoconstriction. To provoke such a phenomenon in infants could provoke such a factor as hypothermia. Although hypothermia for a newborn is less dangerous than overheating, since after birth and up to a year, the child's temperature is maintained elevated at 37.4 degrees.

It's important to know! Small children are arranged in such a way that overheating is the greatest danger for them, rather than hypothermia.