
Day of mental health in kindergarten scenarios. Week of mental health in kindergarten calendar-thematic planning (group) on the topic. List of used literature


mental health day

"Give each other good"

The date of the: 06.04.2017

Target - maintaining the psychological health of children, increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents and teachers, relieving psycho-emotional stress in preschool educational institutions.

Tasks :

  1. To create a single educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents;
  2. To form the cognitive interest of the child through his involvement in various activities.
  3. To increase the interest of teachers and parents in psychology through the dissemination of best practices in the formation of a healthy psychological comfort of pupils, taking into account their age characteristics.

Thematic plan for the day


Targets and goals

Process participants

Psychological action "Tree of good wishes"


Creating a favorable climate in the preschool educational institution;

Development of cognitive interest;

Raising the general emotional tone.

Parents and teachers

Psychological action "Through the mouth of a baby..."

Target: improvement of mood, the formation of adults' interest in the world of children.


Training "Prevention of emotional burnout"

Target: prevention of emotional burnout of teachers, reduction of emotional stress.

Tasks :

Creating a favorable climate in the team;

Preservation of the psychological health of teachers;

Tone up and relax with relaxation.


Campaign "First aid kit for the soul"

Target: creating a favorable emotional climate in the preschool educational institution, obtaining positive emotions

Teachers and parents

Open lesson of a teacher-psychologist in the senior group "Country of Kind Words"



Pupils senior group, parents, teachers


Annex 1

Training for teachers "Prevention of emotional burnout"

Compiler : teacher-psychologist Fionova S.P.

The target audience: teachers

Target : prevention of emotional and professional burnout of teachers, reduction of psycho-emotional stress.

Course of the training:

Educational psychologist: I'm glad that we were able to meet, and we had the opportunity to relax a little, relax, play and learn something about ourselves and our colleagues along the way.

And we will begin our today's meeting with stress relief.

Exercise "Headdress"

The teaching profession is stressful. He is forced to restrain his own emotions, control actions and deeds, as he must be an example for children. Therefore, teachers often complain of headaches. The proposed exercise will help relieve discomfort. Stand straight with your shoulders relaxed and your head thrown back. Try to feel in which part of the head the sensation of heaviness is localized. Imagine that a heavy, uncomfortable headdress is put on your head. Remove it and expressively, emotionally throw it on the floor. Shake your head, stroke it with your hands, with a jerky motion throw your hands down.

Exercise "My name"

Try writing your name with your head in the air.(This task increases the efficiency of the brain).

"Diagnosis using questionnaires"

Exercise "Pleasure"

One of the common stereotypes of everyday mental hygiene is the idea that the best way rest and recovery are our hobbies, favorite activities, hobbies. Their number is usually limited, because most people have no more than 1-2 hobbies. Many of these activities require special conditions, time or the state of the person himself. However, there are many other opportunities to relax and rejuvenate. The participants of the training are given sheets of paper and are asked to write down 5 types of daily activities that bring them pleasure. Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure. Then explain to teachers that this is a resource that can be used as " ambulance» for recuperation.

The game "Charge of energy"

All training participants join hands and, on command, begin to shake the hand of the person sitting on the right, so the energy from the leader goes in a circle and returns to his left hand (you can transfer energy in a circle several times, as many times as the situation requires).

Exercise "Kinoproba"

(to develop a sense of self-worth)

1. List five things in your life that you are proud of.

2. Choose one achievement from your list that you are most proud of.

3. Stand up and say to everyone: “I don’t want to brag, but ..”, and complete the phrase with words about your achievement.

Issues for discussion:

How did you feel sharing your accomplishments?

Do you think that at the time of your speech, others experienced the same thing as you? Why?

Exercise "Candle of Tranquility"

Lights one candle. Under calm music, we pass the candle in a circle. Everyone holds the candle for 15-20 seconds and thinks about something pleasant, about future plans, about a dream and passes it on in a circle until it returns to the host: “Now I will put out this candle, but I hope this light does not go out in you !"

Thank you all for a great job!!!

Successful continuation of the working day!!!

Appendix 2

Abstract open lesson with a teacher-psychologist in the senior group "Country of Kind Words"

Compiled by: pedagogue-psychologist Fionova S.P.


1. Develop the emotional sphere of children.

2. Create an emotionally joyful mood as a result of joint activities.

3. Develop communication skills, moral qualities: the desire to help out a friend, to help in a difficult situation.


1. Consolidate children's knowledge of emotions.

2. Develop emotional communication skills with each other.

3. Introduce ways to relieve psychomuscular tension.

4. Develop empathy, attention, thinking, imagination, speech.

5. Develop coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, orientation in space.

Material : a ball of red thread, paper hearts with wishes, a chest, flowers different colors divided into parts, umbrella, task cards, tree layout, finger paints, wet wipes, tape recorder, projector to demonstrate colorful illustrations during the lesson.

Children go into the hall, they are met by a psychologist.


Good day! - you were told

Good day! - you answered

How two strings are tied

Warmth and kindness!

Greeting "Club": Hello my good ones! Look, I have a ball of magic threads. Now we will greet each other with the help of this ball. We take a thread, wind it (not tightly tightening it) on a finger and pass the ball to a neighbor, we greet him, saying affectionate, kind words addressed to him.

Hello, Lenochka, you look very good today, I am very glad to see you ...

Hello, Maxim, I like your cheerful mood ...

Psychologist: Here, guys, we said hello to you. Look - the thread has united us all together, because we are friendly, affable, kind. (Children remove the thread from the finger. The psychologist winds the threads into a ball.)

Guys, tell me, do true friends help each other in trouble?

Psychologist: I must confess to you - I had a nuisance: they sent me postcards from the country of "Kind Words" - hearts with wishes. I wanted to give these postcards to you today in class. But only halves of these hearts were in the envelope, and it is not clear what wishes are written on them. To find the remaining parts of the postcards, you need to get into this country of "Kind Words", and for this you need to complete a number of tasks. My dears, I can't do it alone, will you help me?

Psychologist: Then, get to work! Together we can easily overcome all difficulties.

Music sounds: the sound of the wind.

Psychologist: Oh, what a horror, how strong the wind was that broke all the flowers, all their petals scattered. Do you feel sorry for the flowers? Maybe we'll try to fix it, let's pick some flowers. But we need to work together, together, without interfering with each other.

Game "Collect flowers"- children collect flowers together, combining petals by color.

Psychologist: Well done! Look what a beautiful flower meadow we got. I am sure that the flowers are very happy and grateful to you.

Game "Glue rain"

Music sounds: thunder, wind, the sound of rain.

Psychologist: Oh, guys, run faster to me, it seems it's starting to rain. (We all get together, hug each other) Yes, but the rain was unusual, but gluey. He glued us all together.

What to do? We have no time to waste, we need to move on. Let's walk together, like this, holding each other's shoulders. But we must be very careful, because we cannot step on our beautiful flowers. Let's go around them!

Psychologist: Guys, look, we were able to get to the forest with you. While we were walking, the glue had time to dry and you and I can peel off each other.

We ended up with you in a magical forest, let's turn into trees for a while.

Psycho-gymnastics: "Trees"

There is a tree in the field.

The wind stirs the branches.

Buds swell in spring

The leaves will open

For the trees to grow

So that they do not dry out

The tree needs roots

Tree roots are important

Psychologist: Okay. Have a little rest. I see cards on the table. Probably, the next task for us is written on them. (Reads the task written on the card) We need to finish the phrases ...

Game "Say the word"- the psychologist begins to read the phrase, the children must complete it, choosing the right word according to the meaning.

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm ...

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ...

Children are polite and developed, they speak at a meeting ...

In all countries, everyone says goodbye ...

Psychologist: Well done! You did a great job with this!

Creative task: Tree of Friendship

Look guys, here is another task for us. And now let's sit down at the tables and do it:

Psychologist: This is a tree trunk. Tell me what is missing? That's right, he lacks leaves. Now it is dim and lifeless. Let's revive the tree, add brightness and colors to it, put a piece of our joy, our kindness into it. Let this tree become a symbol of our friendship and solidarity. Now let's get to the task!

Children using finger paints bring the tree to life.

(After the children put their hands in order, and the psychologist places the drawing of the tree on the board)

Psychologist: How beautiful! Looking at such a bright and beautiful tree, and the mood improves, doesn't it, guys? What is your mood now?

Relaxation "Quiet Lake"

Psychologist: Children, we are so tired, let's close our eyes, relax and listen to beautiful music.

The teacher-psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says:

“Lie down on the carpet, close your eyes and listen to me. Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet, beautiful lake. All you can hear is your breathing and the splash of water. The sun is shining brightly and it makes you feel better and better. Do you feel like Sun rays keep you warm. You hear birds chirping and grasshoppers chirping. You are absolutely calm. the sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and still, like this quiet morning. You feel calm and happy, you are too lazy to move. Every cell of your body enjoys the peace and warmth of the sun. You are resting…

And now we open our eyes. We are back in kindergarten, we had a good rest, we are in a cheerful mood, and pleasant sensations will not leave us throughout the day.”

Psychologist: Rested…. Open your eyes…. Oh, look, some chest has appeared here, let's see what's in it!

And in it are just the halves of the hearts that we were looking for. Let's get them out and collect whole hearts by combining them by color.

Thank you for your help. You were very kind, sympathetic, attentive. And for this, in memory of our lesson, I will give each of you hearts with wishes.

The psychologist reads wishes and distributes hearts to children.

Wish you:

Kindness and smiles!

Joy and good luck!

Fun and success!

True friends!

Have a good mood!

Happiness and warmth!

Psychologist: Our lesson is coming to an end. We had a great time: we completed all the tasks, found a chest, drew an amazing tree of friendship! Thanks to the parents for attending and supporting their children. I hope you were interested. Goodbye! See you soon!

Educational and educational tasks of the days of psychology in the preschool educational institution

The main goal of such activities is to create a positive microclimate in the preschool educational institution. Can be carried out in different forms week of psychology in kindergarten. The scenario is compiled individually, taking into account the characteristics of the team, the orientation of the institution, material equipment and other factors.

The following tasks of holding days of psychology can be distinguished:

  • popularization of the psychological service in the preschool educational institution, explanation of the significance and content of its work in kindergarten;
  • rallying the teaching staff, strengthening the team;
  • psychological assistance to parents in strengthening mutual understanding between adults and kids;
  • the formation of the psychological comfort of children during their stay in a preschool educational institution, adaptation in a team, development of creative potential.

Preparatory work

How to get started? Thematic week of psychology in kindergarten should be indicated in advance in the activity plan of the educational institution and the documentation of the psychological service. The task of the specialist is to develop activities. In order to fulfill such a task, it is required to carry out diagnostics of the teaching staff and pupils in advance to determine the level of psychological comfort, to identify current topics of work, problematic issues. Based on the data obtained, it is necessary to plan the topics of events, determine the goals and objectives of the work.

Then it will be necessary to carry out preparatory work with teachers, parents, children. A few days before the event, care should be taken to disseminate information about the implementation of such activities, invite guests, clarify the availability of the necessary equipment and materials.

Week of psychology in kindergarten is a set of events that are united by a common theme. Therefore, it is important to correctly formulate the name theme week, for example, “Week of rainbow mood” or “To kindergarten - with a smile”, etc.

Then the planning of each day is carried out, determined within the framework of a common theme. We offer such rough plan spending a week of psychology in kindergarten:

  1. "Day of Good Mood" (action "Mood Rainbow").
  2. “Friendship begins with a smile” (photo exhibition “Best Friend”, action “Friendly Postcard”).
  3. "The warmth of the family hearth" (exhibition of drawings " Friendly family", relay competition "Together - we are strong").
  4. "Our friendly kindergarten" ( mass event in the music hall "Let's get acquainted!").
  5. "Communication Day" (psychological training "Peace and fight no more", action "Basket of smiles").

What is a "psychological action"?

The week of psychology in kindergarten developed above includes activities such as “Mood Rainbow”, “Friendly Card”, “Wish Basket”. They are held in the format of a psychological action. What is it? This is an educational game in which both children and their parents and teachers take part. Such activity is aimed at diagnosing the internal state of the participants, determining internal problems DOU team.

More about some of these activities:

  1. Action "Rainbow of Mood". The week of psychology in kindergarten has the main task - to assess the level of comfort of all participants in the preschool educational institution. This event is aimed at solving such problems. The form of implementation of activities can be very different. For example, you can put two large vases at the entrance to the kindergarten in the morning (one is pink, the other is gray), and next to it is a basket of flowers (can be made by children). Everyone who enters the garden is invited to place a flower in one of the vases. So, pink symbolizes a good mood, and gray - a bad one.
  2. "Friendly postcard" is carried out in this way: it is made big postcard and installed in the lobby of the kindergarten. Everyone who wants to leave their wishes to each other on it.
  3. The action "Basket of smiles" is aimed at summing up the results of the entire thematic week, its evaluation. Participants are invited to write wishes, recommendations, reviews on a postcard and put it in the basket.

Psychology Week in Kindergarten: Group Lesson Plan

In addition to the above general garden events, each group holds internal thematic classes according to the timetable. We offer the following action plan with pupils of different age groups DOW.

Exhibition organization

Holding exhibitions of photographs, drawings or crafts requires a lot of preparatory work. After all, both children and adults participate in such activities. And this means that the purpose of carrying out this work is to form mutual understanding between the participants, and not just to complete the task. For example, when organizing a photo exhibition “Best Friend”, parents and educators should first have a conversation with the child about who is “ best friend”, who the baby sees in this role and why. It will take time to create and design the work.

Working with parents

A week of psychology in kindergarten helps parents realize the importance and necessity of joint activities with their child. In the process, adults learn to understand their role in the process of personality development, determining the character traits and behavior of the baby. Therefore, most of the work of a DOW specialist is aimed at joint activities parent and child. So, collective entertainment, sport competitions, making crafts and designing exhibition works involve the joint efforts of adults and kids, where each participant has a specific role.

Working with teachers and junior staff

A week of psychology in kindergarten is held not only with pupils and their parents. Thematic activities are also organized with teachers. The aim of this work is to solve problem situations, increasing the level of self-realization of each specialist, identifying abilities. During the thematic week, psychological trainings, games, seminars for teachers and junior staff of preschool educational institutions can be held.

We told how to spend a week of psychology in kindergarten. But it is important to take into account not only general methodological recommendations, but also to understand the relevance of a particular problem in a particular preschool educational institution, to take into account the individual characteristics of the group of participants, the equipment of the institution, and many other factors.

mental health day

"Give each other good"

The date of the: 06.04.2017

Target - maintaining the psychological health of children, increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents and teachers, relieving psycho-emotional stress in preschool educational institutions.

Tasks :

    To create a single educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents;

    To form the cognitive interest of the child through his involvement in various activities.

    To increase the interest of teachers and parents in psychology through the dissemination of best practices in the formation of a healthy psychological comfort of pupils, taking into account their age characteristics.

Thematic plan for the day


Creating a favorable climate in the preschool educational institution;

Development of cognitive interest;

Raising the general emotional tone.

Parents and teachers

Psychological action "Through the mouth of a baby..."

Target: improvement of mood, the formation of adults' interest in the world of children.


Training "Prevention of emotional burnout"

Target: prevention of emotional burnout of teachers, reduction of emotional stress.

Tasks :

Creating a favorable climate in the team;

Preservation of the psychological health of teachers;

Tone up and relax with relaxation.


Campaign "First aid kit for the soul"

Target: creating a favorable emotional climate in the preschool educational institution, obtaining positive emotions

Teachers and parents

Open lesson of a teacher-psychologist in the senior group "Country of Kind Words"



Senior students, parents, teachers


Annex 1

Training for teachers "Prevention of emotional burnout"

Compiler : teacher-psychologist Fionova S.P.

The target audience : teachers

Target : prevention of emotional and professional burnout of teachers, reduction of psycho-emotional stress.

Course of the training:

Educational psychologist : I'm glad that we were able to meet, and we had the opportunity to relax a little, relax, play and learn something about ourselves and our colleagues along the way.

And we will begin our today's meeting with stress relief.

Exercise "Headdress"

The teaching profession is stressful. He is forced to restrain his own emotions, control actions and deeds, as he must be an example for children. Therefore, teachers often complain of headaches. The proposed exercise will help relieve discomfort. Stand straight with your shoulders relaxed and your head thrown back. Try to feel in which part of the head the sensation of heaviness is localized. Imagine that a heavy, uncomfortable headdress is put on your head. Remove it and expressively, emotionally throw it on the floor. Shake your head, stroke it with your hands, with a jerky motion"drop" hands down.

Exercise "My name"

Try writing your name with your head in the air.(This task increases the efficiency of the brain) .

"Diagnosis using questionnaires"

The exercise "Pleasure"

One of the common stereotypes of everyday mental hygiene is the idea that our hobbies, favorite activities, hobbies are the best way to relax and recover. Their number is usually limited, because most people have no more than 1-2 hobbies. Many of these activities require special conditions, time or the state of the person himself. However, there are many other opportunities to relax and rejuvenate. The participants of the training are given sheets of paper and are asked to write down 5 types of daily activities that bring them pleasure. Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure. Then explain to the teachers that this is a resource that can be used as an "ambulance" for recuperation.

The game "Charge of energy"

All training participants join hands and, on command, begin to shake the hand of the person sitting on the right, so the energy from the leader goes in a circle and returns to his left hand (you can transfer energy in a circle several times, as many times as the situation requires).

Exercise "Kinoproba"

(to develop a sense of self-worth)

1. List five things in your life that you are proud of.

2. Choose one achievement from your list that you are most proud of.

3. Stand up and say to everyone: “I don’t want to brag, but ..”, and complete the phrase with words about your achievement.

Issues for discussion:

How did you feel sharing your accomplishments?

Do you think that at the time of your speech, others experienced the same thing as you? Why?

Exercise "Candle of Tranquility"

Lights one candle. Under calm music, we pass the candle in a circle. Everyone holds the candle for 15-20 seconds and thinks about something pleasant, about future plans, about a dream and passes it on in a circle until it returns to the host: “Now I will put out this candle, but I hope this light does not go out in you !"

Thank you all for a great job!!!

Successful continuation of the working day!!!

Appendix 2

Synopsis of an open lesson with a teacher-psychologist in the senior group "Country of Kind Words"

Compiled by: pedagogue-psychologist Fionova S.P.


1. Develop the emotional sphere of children.

2. Create an emotionally joyful mood as a result of joint activities.

3. Develop communication skills, moral qualities: the desire to help out a friend, to help in a difficult situation.


1. Consolidate children's knowledge of emotions.

2. Develop emotional communication skills with each other.

3. Introduce ways to relieve psychomuscular tension.

4. Develop empathy, attention, thinking, imagination, speech.

5. Develop coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, orientation in space.

Material : a ball of red threads, paper hearts with wishes, a chest, flowers of different colors, divided into parts, an umbrella, task cards, a tree layout, finger paints, wet wipes, a tape recorder, a projector for demonstrating colorful illustrations during the lesson.

Children go into the hall, they are met by a psychologist.


Good day! - you were told

Good day! - you answered

How two strings are tied

Warmth and kindness!

Greetings "Club": Hello my good ones! Look, I have a ball of magic threads. Now we will greet each other with the help of this ball. We take a thread, wind it (not tightly tightening it) on a finger and pass the ball to a neighbor, we greet him, saying affectionate, kind words addressed to him.

Hello, Lenochka, you look very good today, I am very glad to see you ...

Hello, Maxim, I like your cheerful mood ...

Psychologist: Here, guys, we said hello to you. Look - the thread has united us all together, because we are friendly, affable, kind. (Children remove the thread from the finger. The psychologist winds the threads into a ball.)

Guys, tell me, do true friends help each other in trouble?

Psychologist: I must confess to you - I had a nuisance: they sent me postcards from the country of "Kind Words" - hearts with wishes. I wanted to give these postcards to you today in class. But only halves of these hearts were in the envelope, and it is not clear what wishes are written on them. To find the remaining parts of the postcards, you need to get into this country of "Kind Words", and for this you need to complete a number of tasks. My dears, I can't do it alone, will you help me?

Psychologist: Then, get to work! Together we can easily overcome all difficulties.

Music sounds: the sound of the wind.

Psychologist: Oh, what a horror, how strong the wind was that broke all the flowers, all their petals scattered. Do you feel sorry for the flowers? Maybe we'll try to fix it, let's pick some flowers. But we need to work together, together, without interfering with each other.

Game "Collect flowers" - children collect flowers together, combining petals by color.

Psychologist: Well done! Look what a beautiful flower meadow we got. I am sure that the flowers are very happy and grateful to you.

Game "Glue rain"

Music sounds: thunder, wind, the sound of rain.

Psychologist: Oh, guys, run faster to me, it seems it's starting to rain. (We all get together, hug each other) Yes, but the rain was unusual, but gluey. He glued us all together.

What to do? We have no time to waste, we need to move on. Let's walk together, like this, holding each other's shoulders. But we must be very careful, because we can not step on our beautiful flowers. Let's go around them!

Psychologist: Guys, look, we were able to get to the forest with you. While we were walking, the glue had time to dry and you and I can peel off each other.

We ended up with you in a magical forest, let's turn into trees for a while.

Psycho-gymnastics: "Trees"

There is a tree in the field.

The wind stirs the branches.

Buds swell in spring

The leaves will open

For the trees to grow

So that they do not dry out

The tree needs roots

Tree roots are important

Psychologist: Okay. Have a little rest. I see cards on the table. Probably, the next task for us is written on them. (Reads the task written on the card) We need to finish the phrases ...

Game "Say the word" - the psychologist begins to read the phrase, the children must complete it, choosing the right word according to the meaning.

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm ...

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ...

Children are polite and developed, they speak at a meeting ...

In all countries, everyone says goodbye ...

Psychologist: Well done! You did a great job with this!

Creative task : "Tree of Friendship"

Look guys, here is another task for us. And now let's sit down at the tables and do it:

Psychologist: This is a tree trunk. Tell me what is missing? That's right, he lacks leaves. Now it is dim and lifeless. Let's revive the tree, add brightness and colors to it, put a piece of our joy, our kindness into it. Let this tree become a symbol of our friendship and solidarity. Now let's get to the task!

Children with the help of finger paints "revive" the tree.

(After the children put their hands in order, and the psychologist places the drawing of the tree on the board)

Psychologist: How beautiful! Looking at such a bright and beautiful tree, and the mood improves, doesn't it, guys? What is your mood now?

Relaxation "Quiet Lake"

Psychologist: Children, we are so tired, let's close our eyes, relax and listen to beautiful music.

The teacher-psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says:

Lie down on the carpet, close your eyes and listen to me. Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet, beautiful lake. All you can hear is your breathing and the splash of water. The sun is shining brightly and it makes you feel better and better. You feel the sun's rays warm you. You hear birds chirping and grasshoppers chirping. You are absolutely calm. the sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and still, like this quiet morning. You feel calm and happy, you are too lazy to move. Every cell of your body enjoys the peace and warmth of the sun. You are resting…

And now we open our eyes. We are back in kindergarten, we had a good rest, we are in a cheerful mood, and pleasant sensations will not leave us throughout the day.”

Psychologist: Rested…. Open your eyes…. Oh, look, some chest has appeared here, let's see what's in it!

And in it are just the halves of the hearts that we were looking for. Let's get them out and collect whole hearts by combining them by color.

Thank you for your help. You were very kind, sympathetic, attentive. And for this, in memory of our lesson, I will give each of you hearts with wishes.

The psychologist reads wishes and distributes hearts to children.

Wish you:

Kindness and smiles!

Joy and good luck!

Fun and success!

True friends!

Have a good mood!

Happiness and warmth!

Psychologist: Our lesson is coming to an end. We had a great time: we completed all the tasks, found a chest, drew an amazing tree of friendship! Thanks to the parents for attending and supporting their children. I hope you were interested. Goodbye! See you soon!

Elena Zolotareva

mental health day in kindergarten"Firefly"

outline plan in a speech therapy group.

(The main task of educators in this day - the creation of a psychological-pedagogical conditions providing psychological, emotional comfort).

group design: balloons, flowers, colored flags. Wall newspaper!

mood tree! children come to children's a garden in the corridor awaits them for a mood tree, what mood does a child of this color have, he attaches an apple to tree:

Mood Color Painting:

Red - delight

orange - joy

Green - calmness

Blue - sad mood

Black - a dull mood

White - a state of fear

In the morning:: ask the children what their mood is!

What a wonderful thing they saw on the way to Kindergarten.

"Let's let's say hello»

The goal is to develop the ability to interact with a partner, auditory attention and memory, relieving muscle tension.

One cotton - shake hands;

Two cottons - greet shoulders;

Three claps - hello backs.

"Compliment". Children stand in a circle, hold hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, I must say a few kind words to praise for something. The receiver nods his head and is talking: "Thank you!". Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor, etc., while you can give a flower.

On a walk: The game “Where we were - we won’t tell you what we did - we’ll show you!”

The adult starts the game. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, he depicts some kind of action. (combing hair, brushing teeth, getting dressed, etc.). Children try to guess what he showed.

on a walk:the game "The Dragon"

The goal is the formation of communication skills, team building. Content: The players stand in a column, holding on to each other's shoulders. First member - "head", last - "tail". "Head" must reach "tail" and touch him. "Body" dragon is inseparable. Once "head" grabbed "tail", she becomes "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

After sleep: Cheerful exercise with music "Animal Carnival"- imitation of animal movements to music.

In the evening: Children take part in

game "I'm the Know-It-All!".

Target: rallying children's team, raising the general emotional tone, developing ideas about the world around us, teaching children the skills of collective self-organization.

Each group received a form in the morning with 20 questions about kindergarten, children and teachers. Answers must be found and memorized before 16.00. day.

Then comes psychologist to the group and ask questions to the children! The smartest know-it-all wins a prize!

Questions for the game "I'm Know-It-All"

1. What color are your caregiver's eyes?

2. How many days a week do you go to kindergarten?

3. Who has the longest hair in the group?

4. Who is the tallest in the group?

5. How many boys are in the group today?

6. What time of year Day birth with your caregiver?

7. What are your junior caregiver's favorite flowers?

8. How many flower pots are in your group?

9. Which of the girls has brown eyes?

10. On which side of the entrance to the group is the teacher's table?

11. How many lamps are on the ceiling?

12. Who has the biggest family in the group?

13. Name the ambulance and police phone.

14. How many people know their home address?

15. What is the name of our nurse?

16. How many dolls are in your group?

17. What are the names of the teacher's children?

18. How many people can make the funniest face?

19. Who has green clothes today?

20. What drawings are drawn on the doors of the lockers (in the locker room)

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Mental health is an integral part and essential component of health. The WHO Constitution states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." The period of preschool childhood is important in mental development child, at this time systems of mental functions are actively formed: speech, thinking, memory.

Target practical work with children is the mental health of the child, and personal development is a condition for achieving this health. Violation mental health associated, as with somatic diseases, or defects physical development, and with adverse factors and stresses affecting the child's psyche and associated with social conditions. For the first time in our kindergarten from 5 to 9 October 2015, on the eve of Mental Health Day, a Mental Health Week was held.

Within the framework of this week, events and actions were held, in which children, parents and employees of the kindergarten were involved.



Mental Health Week.

October 10 has been celebrated annually since 1992 as World Mental Health Day. Established at the initiative of the World Mental Health Federation with the support of World Organization healthcare. Included in the list of world international days celebrated by the UN.

Mental health is an integral part and essential component of health. The WHO Constitution states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." An important consequence of this definition is that mental health is not only the absence of mental disorders and disabilities. Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person realizes their abilities, can withstand the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute to their community. In this positive sense, mental health is the foundation of human well-being and the effective functioning of communities. The level of mental health of a person in each this moment time is determined by numerous social, psychological and biological factors.

The period of preschool childhood is important in the mental development of the child, at this time systems of mental functions are actively formed: speech, thinking, memory.

The goal of practical work with children is the mental health of the child, and personal development is a condition for achieving this health. Violation of mental health is associated both with somatic diseases, or defects in physical development, and with adverse factors and stresses that affect the child's psyche and are associated with social conditions.

Signs of mental health:

Ability to cope with difficulties in difficult unfamiliar situations;

Feeling of confidence and trust

The forms of manifestation of emotions and behavior correspond to the probable feelings of the child;

Sufficient range of feelings.

The psychological aspect of mental health involves attention to:

To the inner world of the child: in his confidence or insecurity in himself, in his abilities, his attitude towards people, the world around him;

Providing psychological comfort for the health of a developing personality.

For the first time in our kindergarten from 5 to 9 October 2015, on the eve of Mental Health Day, a Mental Health Week was held.

Within the framework of this week, events and actions were held, in which children, parents and employees of the kindergarten were involved.


1. Drawing the attention of parents to professional activity teacher-psychologist preschool educational institution.

2. Psychological education of teachers and parents.

3. Formation of adults' interest in the world of the child, the desire to help him in individual and personal development.

4. Increasing the psychological competence of teachers and parents.

5. Creating a positive emotional atmosphere in kindergarten.

6. Motivating parents to participate in educational activities DOW.

Preliminary work:

  • designing information stands for parents on mental health issues; daily theme of the week;
  • development of abstracts of classes with children and adults;
  • preparing material for thematic conversations with kids;
  • design of posters with "fence, tree, rainbow";
  • registration of mailboxes "Mail of trust";
  • preparation of questionnaires for parents.

First day Weeks of mental health for parents and teachers were waiting for the "Psychological Relief Fence", where all interested parents and employees could leave their opinion on the work of the kindergarten. It was possible to find out the needs and desires of parents, their interests and opinions from the proposed questionnaire on the work of the kindergarten. On this day, the guys from the preparatory group and the senior group created a drawing "My favorite kindergarten." It turned out to be a large and interesting exhibition of children's works. This figure informed about the degree of psychological comfort of children's stay in the kindergarten group. Children of all groups began to fill out the “Mood Calendar”, where they paid attention to their emotional condition at the beginning and at the end of the day. The calendar filled up within a week.

Second day was labeled as"Lessons of kindness".Good wishes to the kindergarten staff were left by the parents on the "Tree", "grown up" behind our "Fence". Wishes of love, happiness, kindness, good luck, joy, success, and most of them - patience - were written on hearts.

In the middle, senior group, as well as in the preparatory group, teachers conducted role-playing games"The Enchanted Heart", where children, overcoming obstacles, melted the "ice hearts" of the enchanted teachers. Children with great interest saved their teacher from the spell of the evil queen. This game helps to identify the position of children in the group, emotional relationships both in the group and in relation to the teacher. “This nasty evil queen has bewitched our Elena Ivanovna!” the children said indignantly.

In the middle group, in the lesson, children learned to distinguish between feelings of joy and sadness and to adequately cope with them.

Wednesday on Compliment Daya psychological action "Day of compliments" was held. Each employee could make a compliment to himself, and at the request of a secret friend, express it to his parents, children, any employee of the garden at a meeting, everyone gave each other compliments, including at a physical education lesson. children middle group flowers were made, which were then presented to mothers with words of compliments.

At the “Understand Me” training, children learned tolerant behavior, developing the ability to distinguish between the feelings of others, form a positive attitude towards their “I”, develop a sense of belonging to a group.

Teachers on this day solved a psychological crossword puzzle. Kindergarten employees had the opportunity to take part in a lesson with elements of the training “Let's keep our mental health”, where they strengthened positive relationships, mutual understanding between teachers; increased group cohesion; improved the emotional state of teachers.

Thursday called "Give yourself a mood"parents and employees marked their mood in the kindergarten on the “Rainbow of Mood” and “Kaleidoscope of Mood”. On this day, children in groups drew and “revived the Blot”: eyes, mouth, came up with a name, gave her a joyful life. Someone has a blot - kind, someone sad, funny, funny, pugnacious, cheerful ... This is the internal state of mind of the child.

In the middle group, the teacher with the children read the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", where the children came up with a happy ending. Children junior group expressed their mood by drawing with their feet. The children of the preparatory group expressed their mood on paper, and then made butterflies from the same paper, which they presented to their parents.

Friday motto "You are always welcome here."

From Monday to Friday, the "Post of Trust" worked, where parents and employees had the opportunity to express their opinions, suggestions, comments about the work of the kindergarten and the events of the "Week".

A stand was organized for parents with various information on how to maintain the mental health of children and adults, reminders were offered.

In the preparatory group, a lesson “My mental health” was held, where children learned interaction skills, including in pairs, adequate ways to express their emotions, state of mind, relieve stress, improve their mood.

On the last day of the “Week”, I summed up the results of the psychological marathon: what was successful, the results of a survey of parents, a discussion of opinions and wishes on the “Fence” and “Wish Tree”, children's drawings. Everyone shared their impressions and results. We think that the “Week…” turned out to be complete and complete, because we managed to involve all employees, parents and children. Such an event served as an experience for me, allowed me to see the shortcomings and positives in my work, to change the strategy of interaction between the psychologist and parents in order to involve them more in the educational process of the kindergarten.

Thanks to the parents and teachers who took part in this unusual marathon.

Annex 1.

Plan for Mental Health Week


No. p \ p

Name and form of the event

the date of the


“Kindergarten is us!”

05.10. 2015

"Psychological Relief Fence"

All interested parents and employees can leave their opinion about the work of the kindergarten

kindergarten staff parents (all groups), filling during the week

Questionnaire "Quality of service in preschool educational institutions"- Are you satisfied with the care, upbringing, education of children? What forms of obtaining information are most convenient for you? etc.


Campaign "Mail of Trust"

Parents (within a week)

Drawing "My favorite kindergarten"

pupils of the senior and preparatory groups, teachers

mood calendar

Children mark their emotional state in mood calendars, when they came to kindergarten and with what mood they left it with their parents

Children (during the week)

Training "Understand me"

Senior group "Malinka" - psychologist (according to the schedule)

Lesson "Good"

preparatory group

Game-adaptation for social and communicative development "Sadness-joy"

Pupils of the middle group - a psychologist (according to the schedule)

"Lessons of kindness"


"Tree of kindness"

If desired, parents can leave on the "tree of kindness" good wishes kindergarten staff


Group conversation:

"I wish my parents..."

pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups

"Gift for a Friend"

In the classroom, children make a gift to a friend, and after sleep, you can give it to kids of middle and younger groups

pupils of the senior and preparatory group

Game "Enchanted Heart"

middle and high school students, preparatory group, teachers, psychologist

Booklets for parents

"Secrets of Raising Virginia Satir"


Designing a stand for parents "October 10 - World Mental Health Day"

Parents, psychologist

"Compliment Day"


Psychological action

Compliment Day.

Each employee can make a compliment to himself, and at the request of a secret friend, express it to his parents, children, any employee of the garden at a meeting, children learn to give compliments in the classroom (including physical education)

pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups, parents, all employees

"The best compliment for mom"

All groups. Middle group: compliment with handing paper flower, teachers

Game-adaptation "Journey to the land of colors" - draw with legs

Pupils of the second junior group - psychologist

Training "Understand me"

pupils of the senior group "Bee" - a psychologist (according to the schedule)

Lesson with elements of training for employees "Let's keep our mental health";

Psychological crossword.

staff, psychologist

Consultation - information stand

“Advice from Dorothy Nolte”, “Family conflicts: causes and ways of prevention. Technique of safe quarrel "


"Give yourself a mood"


"Mood Kaleidoscope" - employees note their mood with which they come to work

Kindergarten staff

"Rainbow of Mood" - parents sign the color of the rainbow with which they come to kindergarten in accordance with the color value


Creative work "Give mood to adults": children turn a sheet painted in the color of mood into a butterfly and give it to their parents

pupils of the preparatory group - psychologist

Reading the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" with changing the end of the fairy tale to its happy ending with the help of children

pupils of the middle group - teachers

"Reviving the Blob"

We color and animate: eyes, mouth, come up with a name, give the blot a joyful life

pupils of the senior group - teachers

"You are always welcome here"


Fun physical activity

pupils of senior groups - physical instructor, psychologist

Lesson "My mental health"

Preparatory group - psychologist

The results of the psychological marathon (what was successful, the results of a survey of parents, a discussion of opinions and wishes on the "Fence" and "Wish Tree", "Mail of Trust", children's drawings). Formulation of results.

Psychologist, teachers

Results of the week.

Information about the number of children, parents,

teachers participating in the Week of Psychology, its results.

from 05.10 to 09.10.2015


Quantitative indicators

Participant Reach


"Kaleidoscope": account 26 - 100%

Conducted classes (teachers): 8 - 88%

Participation in the training (teachers): 9 - 100%


Covered 72–70%


Covered 80 - 75%

Mood Calendar Results

The predominant mood in children is positive

The results of the action "Rainbow of Mood" - parents

"Mood Kaleidoscope" - employees

Enthusiastic - 9%

Joyful - 22%

Pleasant - 20%

Calm - 39%

Sad, anxious, unsatisfactory - 0%

Dominant - good

The number of participants who positively assessed the effectiveness of the events of the week of psychology - Total covered 106 hours - 100%


“I am glad that a “week of mental health” was held, a lot of useful visual information. Such events always make you think, analyze, think…”,

“... In my opinion, such weeks bring together not only children and parents, but also kindergarten workers and parents. the goal is the same - to give a good upbringing to our children, so that they grow up to be good children and can adequately enter adulthood ... ”,

“... Thank you for bringing a lot of new things to the development of children. Are you engaged various types activities and provide the child with the necessary personal growth.

What “Mental Health Week” gave me.

Vision of what needs to be worked on;

Willingness to act;

An incentive for personal and professional growth, the implementation of new plans.

List of visual information.

  1. "10 commandments of raising children" (J. Korchak).
  2. Dorothy Nolte's advice for parents.
  3. Recommendations to parents on maintaining the psychological health of preschool children.
  4. Secrets of parenting from Virginia Satir.
  5. Family quarrels and children: safety precautions.
  6. The influence of parental attitudes on the development of children.
  7. Color therapy in correction psycho-emotional state child.
  8. O world day mental health.
  9. How to stay in good mood(parable).
  10. About compliments.
  11. Several interesting facts about such a psychological phenomenon as laughter.
  12. Essential oils.

Appendix 2

Summary of classes with children of the preparatory group

Subject: "My mental health"

(lesson with elements of psychogymnastics, psychotechnical games and exercises).

Target: Familiarization of children with the concept of "mental health".


To acquaint children with the concept of "mental health" and its components;

Teaching skills of interaction, cooperation;

Teaching adequate ways of expressing one's emotions, state of mind;

Consolidation of the skill of interaction in pairs;

Development of the ability to express one's attitude to others with the help of words, gestures, facial expressions, emotions;

Creating a sense of team cohesion;

Relieve stress, relaxation;

Development of attention, figurative memory;

Creating a positive emotional mood.


A ball of thick threads;

high chair;

Crown for a child;

Pieces of thick rope (one per couple of children);

Sheets of paper, colored pencils (one set per couple of children);

Medals with the image of cheerful men.

Lesson progress:

Warm up.


"Hello guys. Do you know what day it is today? (children's answers). That's right, today is Health Day. Have you already talked about human health? What do you think it means to be healthy? (children's answers). I want to tell you that in addition to physical health there is mental health. How do you understand this? (children's answers).

Let's start our lesson with a warm-up. The exercise is called"Club". I suggest that you sit in a circle and, passing a ball of thread to any child, say something pleasant to him. At the same time, everyone who passes and to whom the ball is transferred winds part of the thread around his finger.

The psychologist shows how to do it. The game continues until all the children are tied with a thread.

“Look, we are all connected by one thread. Let's stretch it slightly to feel that each of us is part of one whole. We are one with you."

Main part.


“Tell me, please, can a person live alone? Why do you think so? (children's answers). That's right, guys, it is very difficult for a person to live in the world alone: ​​he will be sad, dreary, lonely, he will have no one to play with, he may even get sick. This means that in order to be healthy, a person needs to live among people, but it is not easy to maintain one's health among people. Does it happen that you quarrel? Why is this happening? (children's answers).

  1. I suggest that you doexercise "quarreled-reconciled."To do this, you need to split into pairs.

The psychologist offers each child to take hold of the end of any rope (the middle is in the hands of the psychologist) and pull. Those children who took hold of the ends of one rope form a pair.

The couple stands opposite each other. You need to portray without words, silently, with some gestures. First, the children met, were delighted with each other! (children portray). Then they did not share something and quarreled. How did it happen? (children portray). They were offended and even turned away from each other (children show). But can friends be offended for a long time? They turned to each other and reconciled (children portray). Tell me, guys, how did you feel when you quarreled? When did you reconcile? (children's answers). Let's take care of each other and not quarrel!


“Every person has their own character. It is difficult for us to change the people around us, but such a quality of character as patience helps us to live among those we like and dislike. What is patience, how do you understand it? (children's answers). Tolerance is the ability to accept yourself and others as they are. A tolerant person does not divide the world into black and white, people into good and bad. No one is obligated to think, feel and act the way you do. Everyone has positive and negative qualities. We often notice each other's shortcomings. But can we praise our friends or enemies, find something good in them?

  1. Hot chair exercise:one child sits on a chair, a crown is put on his head. The leader stands behind for support. The rest of the children, in turn, or whoever wishes, tell the child sitting on the chair about his merits. At the end of the exercise, the child shares his feelings, feelings.


“A person is part of a whole society. And how we can understand other people, interact with them, depends on our health and the health of those around us. Sometimes we can't do things alone, we need to work together.

  1. Let's play a game called"Atoms and Molecules".When I call the word "atoms", you freely walk around the group. As soon as I say "molecules" and name some number, and you should combine into molecules, consisting of two, three, four, etc. atoms. For example ... (the psychologist determines how the children understood the task). At the end of the exercise, it is important to unite the whole group.


4. Exercise "Sweet problem"

Materials: Each child should have one cookie; each pair of children - one napkin.

Psychologist: Sit in one common circle. I brought you some cookies. But in order to get cookies, you must first choose a partner for yourself and solve one problem with him. Sit opposite each other and look at each other. Between both partners, I immediately put a napkin with cookies. Please don't touch it...

Now let's move on to our problem. You can only get cookies if your partner willingly gives them to you. Please remember this rule. Now you can start talking, but remember that you can't just take a cookie without your partner's consent...

Wait until all the children have made a decision. At the same time, they can act different ways. Some may immediately eat cookies after receiving them from a partner. Others take a cookie, break it in half and give one half to their partner. Some will take a relatively long time to complete their negotiations.

Now I will give each pair one more cookie. Discuss what you will do with the cookies this time.

And in this case, there may be different options. Children who split the first cookie in half usually repeat this "justice strategy". Most of the children who in the first part of the game gavea cookie to a partner who didn't get a piece now expects the partner to give the cookie to them. There are children who are ready to give their partner a second cookie.

Now let's discuss what we've got. This a good option cooperation. Tell us what you did with the first cookie, what happened to the second...

Exercise analysis:

Did you give the cookie to your partner? How did you feel about it?

Did you want to keep the cookies? What did you do for this?

What do you expect when you treat someone politely?

Have you been treated fairly in this game?

How long did it take you and your partner to come to a joint decision?

How did you feel about it?

How else could you come to a consensus with your partner?

What reasons did you give to get cookies?


“Our health is very often threatened by the inability to control our emotions. We often get angry, scream, fuss ... Do you want to be somewhere far, far away at such moments, relax and forget about troubles? (children's answers). I suggest you go on an unusual walk. But for this you need to lie comfortably on the carpet, close your eyes and relax. (Soothing music plays).

  1. Exercise "Magic Walk":We are going on a journey on a magic carpet. In order for the flying carpet to rise into the air, you need to relax. You know how to do it. Close your eyes. We relax our legs. Warmth rises from the tips of the fingers, legs are heavy. Hands warm up. Warmth radiates from the fingertips up the arm. Hands are heavy and warm. The body is relaxed. Heat from the arms, legs goes to the stomach, chest, back. Her face relaxed, her mouth opened. Rest. And now your flying carpet is slowly rising up. And you are already flying. And now you are flying over a huge lake, seagulls are circling above it and above you. Near the shore, boats are rocking on the waves, you fly further. Clouds are moving above you in the blue sky. One cloud looks like a fluffy bunny, the other looks like a big ball of white cotton wool, here is a very small cloud that looks like a white kitten. The carpet slowly falls to the ground. You are in a blooming garden. There are many flowers around, they nod their heads at you. You are walking along the garden path. You stepped out onto the lawn. Children play ball. The ball rolls towards your feet. You pick up the ball, toss it high, and the ball goes up. But what is it? You are flying too. Fly yourself. No flying carpet. You spread your arms. You soar like a bird. Here is a familiar lake, seagulls greet you, flap their wings. The fisherman sits in the boat. He looks at you, waves his hand to you. You fly further. A fluffy white kitten-cloud flies nearby. Here is our kindergarten. You are slowly descending. The kitten is chasing after you. And here you are. A warm kitten lies on your stomach, purring. Listen to him purr. Stroke it gently with your right hand. Now stroke it with your left hand. Stretch, open your eyes. Take the kitten in your hands. Affectionately. Sit down, make the kitten sit next to you. Pat him on the head. I hope you enjoyed the walk. Now take a card and draw in its cells what you saw on your journey.

The children are doing the task.

  1. "Tell me guys, do you like it when you have Bad mood? What do you want to change? When is good good? (children's answers). Let's try to prolong a good discord, sit in a circle and play the game "Stream of Joy."

Children join hands. The psychologist invites them to mentally imagine how a kind, cheerful stream has settled inside everyone. The water in the stream is clean, clear, warm. The brook is very small, mischievous, it cannot sit in one place for a long time. The psychologist invites children to imagine how clean, transparent and warm water flows through their hands and overflows to each other in a circle. Children mentally convey joy to each other.

Final part (feedback).


“Our lesson has come to an end. What did you understand and remember from our conversation? Do you want to be healthy people? What does it take to maintain your mental health? What did you like about the lesson, what did you not like? (children's answers). We are all pleased when we and those around us are in a good mood. I also want to give you a piece of joy in memory of our lesson. And I wish you that you always have a good mood, and that you are attentive to each other. The psychologist distributes medals with the image of a smiling man to the children.

Appendix 3

Lesson with elements of training for preschool teachers

"Let's keep our sanity"


promote positive relationships, mutual understanding between teachers;

increase group cohesion;

relieve the muscular and emotional stress of teachers;

improve the emotional state of teachers.

Terms and Conditions:

All interested teachers are invited, the group - no more than 15 people. The duration of the lesson is 1-1.5 hours.



sheets of blank paper;

pens, pencils, sponge;

prepared forms with petals;

group heart layout.

Course of the training

Educational psychologist:Good day! I am glad to welcome you to our training! It is wonderful that we were able to meet with you and have the opportunity to relax a little, relax, play, learn something new about ourselves and our colleagues and, most importantly, express the joy of meeting each other.

1. Exercise number 1 “What do we expect from the training? What are we afraid of?

2. Exercise number 2 "Let's say hello"

Teachers, at the signal of a psychologist, begin to randomly move around the room and greet everyone who meets on the way. You need to say hello in a certain way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - greet with shoulders;

3 claps - greet with backs

For completeness of tactile sensations, it is desirable to introduce a ban on conversations during the game.

3. Exercise number 3 "Compliment"

The teachers sit in a circle. The teacher-psychologist has a ball in his hands.

Educational psychologist:Let's start our work by saying good compliments to each other. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next one, expressing his compliment to him. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

4. Competition of sensologists.

The participants are divided into groups. Each group is given a piece of paper with several pictograms representing emotions. Teachers should sign the names of emotions.

5. Exercise No. 4 "Dance-motor" with ping-pong balls.

Having split into pairs, the training participants move to the music, holding ping-pong balls between their palms, trying not to drop them.

6. Exercise number 5 "I'm the same as you"

Educational psychologist:I have a ball in my hands. The one who gets this ball throws it to any teacher and, addressing by name, explains why he is the same: “I am the same as you, because ...”. The one to whom the ball is thrown expresses agreement or disagreement and throws the ball to the next one.

7. Exercise number 6 "Learn through touch"

Participants sit in a circle. One of you needs to go to the center of the circle and close your eyes, if desired, one of you will come up to the one in the center and put your hands on his shoulders, the one in the center with his eyes closed should try to describe the person standing behind him by touch.

8. Drawing "PLOT"(Brain Shelby).

Purpose: to analyze your life goals, states, judgments.


Draw in any sequence on one piece of paper a house, a fence, a birch, an oak, a bag, a snake, a road.

9. Exercise number 8 "We are all alike in some way."

Teacher-psychologist: Please break up into groups of 4 or 5 people. Have each group sit down and make a list of what their members have in common. In this list, you can write, for example: “We each have a sister ...”, “The favorite color of each of us is blue”, etc. You have five minutes. The group that finds and writes down will win. the largest number common features.

10. Exercise number 9. "Kabuki Theatre".

I suggest you play one game, it's called "Kabuki Theater", we need to split into two teams. Let's break it down into oranges and lemons. Oranges will stand on the right hand, and lemons on the left. In our theater there are the following heroes - a princess, a dragon, a samurai. Each team needs to agree among themselves on who they will portray at the same time. A dragon can defeat a princess, a princess can make a samurai fall in love with her, and a samurai can defeat a dragon.

Exercise number 10 "Search by hand"

Educational psychologist:Each of you with your eyes closed must find the most pleasant hand!

The lights go out, everyone closes their eyes, walks and takes each other's hands. After a while, the light turns on.

The teachers discuss whether they expected to see this person, who acted how, who tried to choose a pleasant hand, who tried to make his own hand pleasant.


Please, sit comfortably. Close your eyes... take a deep breath... exhale... imagine that you are on the roof of a nine-story building. You are high, you come to the edge of the roof, look down, your head is spinning a little ... people are walking below, cars are driving. And here you are jumping from the roof down. You easily, slowly, slowly, calmly descend down, floating through the air, descend past the 9th floor…8th floor…7th floor…6…5….4…3…2…1…and calmly, smoothly descend onto the green lawn…. Take a deep breath...and exhale. You open your eyes.

12. Completion.

Exercise "Wish"

Wishes are written on pieces of paper, folded, put in a hat, and then mixed, the participants draw out any wish for themselves.


Appendix 4

How to stay in a good mood.


You are so wise.

You are always in a good mood, never angry. Help me to be like that too.

The teacher agreed and asked the student to bring potatoes and a transparent bag.

If you get angry at someone and hold a grudge, - said the teacher, - then take this potato. On one side, write your name, on the other side, the name of the person with whom the conflict occurred, and put these potatoes in a bag.

And it's all? - the student asked in bewilderment.

No, the teacher replied. You should always carry this bag with you. And every time you take offense at someone, add potatoes to it. The student agreed.

Some time has passed. The student's bag was replenished with a few more potatoes and became already quite heavy. It was very inconvenient to always carry it with you. In addition, the potatoes that he put at the very beginning began to deteriorate. It was covered with a slippery, nasty coating, some germinated, some bloomed and began to emit a sharp unpleasant odor.

The student came to the teacher and said:

It's no longer possible to carry it around. Firstly, the package is too heavy, and secondly, the potatoes have deteriorated. Suggest something else.

But the teacher replied:

The same thing happens in your soul. When you are angry at someone, offended, then in your soul appears heavy stone. You just don't notice it right away. Then the stones become more and more. Actions turn into habits, habits into character, which gives rise to fetid vices. And it is very easy to forget about this load, because it is too heavy to carry it with you all the time. I gave you the opportunity to observe the whole process from the outside. Every time you decide to be offended or, conversely, offend someone, think about whether you need this stone.

Family quarrels and children: safety precautions

(reminder for parents)

In family quarrels, even those that end in reconciliation, there are always victims - this is

children. Not a single parental quarrel witnessed by a child passes without a trace for his psyche and emotional state. This is confirmed modern research. University of Notre Dame psychologist and Ph.D. I. Mark Cummings argues that "children's emotional state is more influenced by parental quarrels than by the child's attitude towards them."

Children begin to sensitively capture negative emotions from about 1 year old, and as they age, they react to the relationship between father and mother like an emotional Geiger counter. Toddlers under three years old, for whom parents are a model of behavior in everything, begin to perceive the aggression that is observed during their quarrel as the norm of behavior. As a result, they broadcast it in the world which is expressed in games and communication with other children.

Older children perceive a quarrel as a danger, as an opportunity to lose one of their parents. A family in which there are constant quarrels ceases to be a safe place for them. Often, a child's reaction to parental quarrels can be an illness - thus, the child, as it were, takes on the mission of a peacemaker.

No less painful are the quarrels of parents by adolescent children. In this especially difficult period growing up, frequent quarrels in the family can lead to depression or aggression in a teenager.

To minimize the negative impact of parental quarrels, family psychologists strongly recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

Rule 1 Try not to fight at all. This advice involves a review by parents of their behavior, finding out the most common cause quarrels and getting rid of it. The advice is more used by those parents who want to work on themselves and their relationships, and also do not want their child to receive negativity in the family. Having set such a goal, parents can save the child from all the problems and experiences described above, and at the same time strengthen the family and their relationships with each other.

Rule 2 It is best to sort things out in the absence of a child. This will help get rid of negative impact quarreling.

Rule 3 You can not involve a child in a conflict as a witness or judge, ask him provocative questions or force him to take the side of one of the parents.

Rule 4 Children often feel guilty about quarreling parents, even if they are not the cause of the quarrel. Therefore, you cannot blame the child, tell him that it was because of him that a quarrel broke out.

Rule 5 If a quarrel nevertheless broke out in the presence of a child, one should refrain from rude assessments of one's opponent. In no case do not attack each other with criticism and accusations. In this case, the conflict will only grow like a snowball. The forbidden technique is to criticize the other parent in front of the child, speak negatively about him, set the child against him. Such parental behavior, when a child is an instrument and a participant in a quarrel, severely breaks the child's psyche and endows the little person with a mass of complexes and experiences that are simply unbearable for the child's soul.

Rule 6 It is impossible to threaten a divorce in the presence of a child, there is a risk that these threats will have a greater effect on a fragile child's soul than on a partner. Threats to each other are taboo for conflicts in general. Remember that children are maximalists, and they take all your words for granted, for the pure truth, and their imagination is able to paint your threats to monstrous proportions, which will cause stress in a small person. To threaten each other in front of a child or to threaten a child means to break his fragile psyche.

Rule 7 If the conflict in the family is still in the form of a dispute, then try not to develop it. In a dispute, it is necessary to clearly present arguments, name the problem, speak frankly and be sure to listen to the other side. If parents master the art of arguing, then there will be no conflicts in the family, and, of course, their consequences for the child, too.

If a child suddenly witnessed a conflict between parents, then it is very important to talk to him, ask what he feels and feels.

The child needs to be told that mom and dad love him, and the quarrel that has occurred will in no way destroy the family, and will not change parental love to the child.

Unfortunately, in the heat of family quarrels, parents do not think about what their child is currently feeling. At the same time, the oppressive emotional atmosphere, when two of his closest and beloved people quarrel (and sometimes fight!) puts enormous pressure on the fragile child's psyche, leaving a huge imprint on everything that the child does now, and what he will be like in further.

The main models of behavior of children in family conflicts - how does your child behave during conflicts in the family?

The behavior of the child in conflicts occurring in the family largely depends on hisage, temperament, self-esteem, stress resistance, activity and sociability.

Psychologists have identified the main models of behavior of children in family conflicts:

  • Buffer child.
    This child unconsciously or consciously tries to smooth out all the sharp corners or reconcile the parents. All the experiences that he experiences sooner or later result in his illnesses, which are conditionally desirable, because they distract everyone from continuing the quarrel. Very often, such a child develops a serious disease - bronchial asthma, eczema, or a whole series of colds. Neurological disorders are also frequent - restless sleep and difficulty falling asleep, nightmares, enuresis, stuttering, nervous tics or obsessive movements syndrome.
    If your child
    is often ill or has any health problems- analyze the situation in the family. Maybe you will find the root of all his ailments in frequent quarrels and, of course, try to nullify it, for the sake of the health of your beloved baby.
  • The child takes the side of the weaker parent.
    Such a child tries to protect the weaker parent in family conflicts, taking his side and completely boycotting the other parent.
    If your family often experiences quarrels and conflicts, and such behavior is typical for your child, in the future this
    will cause persistent failures in his personal life and the formation of the wrong image of his adult role.
  • The child withdraws into himself.
    Such a child takes a neutral position in family conflicts, trying not to take part in them. He may internally be very worried about his inability to resolve these conflicts, but outwardly not show any emotions, becoming distant from loved ones, distancing himself more and more from his family, going into his loneliness and not letting anyone into the inner world. Such a baby is very
    hard to adapt to any children's team and then in society, its frequent companions will bedepression, self-doubt, fears, low self-esteem. V adolescence such children become unemotional and withdrawn, and often find solace in what is forbidden -smoking, drinking, drugs, leaving home etc.

There is an opinion that the child is negatively affected only by those conflicts in the family that occurred during his time.

But psychologists draw the attention of parents to the fact that children are able to deeply experience even hidden conflicts between parents, which do not result in an external quarrel or accusations against each other, but for a long time instill alienation and coldness in relationships in the family.

Such a " cold war"is capable of gradually destroying the child's psyche, giving rise to the same problems that we talked about above.

The consequences of conflicts in the family for the future adult life child

  1. Children who often experienced conflicts in parental family, in their adult life haveintrapersonal conflict and low self-esteem, in any stressful situations often experiencedepression and self-doubt, they often develop neuroses.
  2. The child from conflict family specific character traits are formed that interfere with his socializationin adulthood: isolation, aggressiveness, indifference, cruelty towards others, complete indifference.
  3. During the experience of family conflicts in a childa scenario of behavior in his own family is formed. That is, such a child often takes the parental family as a model that he will apply in his own family, and conflicts in it will also be a frequent occurrence.
  4. The child develops a negative picture of the world, and this significantly impairs the quality of his own adult life in the future. Such a person will not trust anyone, he will be very difficult to communicate, full of pessimism and cynicism.
  5. Children from families experiencing frequent conflicts can become veryangry, aggressive, cruelin adulthood. Such children do not understand the pain of others, and many of them have a craving to hurt others. A child can simply be drawn to the illegal aspects of life, break the law, commit illegal cruel acts, often unmotivated, against other people.

Being a parent is a great art that is learned throughout life. Parents should find an opportunity to constructively resolve all disputes that arise between them, and in no case involve the child in them.

If you love your child, then, first of all, you will take care of his spiritual comfort and well-being, and pacify your ambitions, not allowing them to develop into confrontation.