
Plots for inflammation on the finger. Is it possible to get rid of boils using various conspiracies. Speak "chicken ass" between your toes


How to speak a face

They read in the patient's house, covering the erysipelas with a red cloth.

The old man walked, carried a chest, stumbled and fell, that he dropped everything and picked it up. He took the face from the servant of God (name), put it in a casket, and the casket in a mat. Amen.

Speak erysipelas

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the red chamber there are 12 maidens: a blue mug, a red mug, a terrible mug, a windy mug, a funny mug, a feigned mug, a slurred mug, a wet mug, a dry mug, a purulent mug, a dray mug, and the last mug will be none.

And you are the dawn-polonitsa red girl, collect all 12 faces: blue, red, scary, windy, funny, feigned, slanderous, wet, dry, purulent, dray and no last face.

Mother of God, forbid these faces on the servant of God (name) to be, live, sing, whine, burn, get sick, appear. Tell them to say goodbye forever. To speak out, to retreat from clear eyes, from the head, from the joints, from all relics, servants of God (name). Here you can't live with faces, don't drink red blood, don't break a copy of white ones, don't break yellow ones, don't pester a white person's body. King David-Constantine, you cut heaven and earth, cut the servant of God (name) face too. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Acne conspiracy

To clear your face of acne, you need to wash your face at sunrise with the conspiracy word:

Voditsa-sister, red maiden. You run underground, under the sand, in the fields, fishing line, steep banks, between human houses. All you water, love and honor, all praise and drink you. So everyone would love and praise me.

Pure water, pure and I, pure maiden beauty. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

* * *

Wash the person who suffers from acne with the water that the patient must bring in his bosom beforehand. When washing, say:

Wash your soul, wash your body. I know my stuff. As you were born with clear skin, become that way now too. Amen.

* * *

On the waning moon, collect 27 ears of rye in the field. Taking this bunch in your left hand, slide it over the patient's face and those places where there are acne, and whisper three times:

I repeat it a dozen times, I drive it out a dozen times, I pronounce it a dozen times; where did you come from, where you would go. Away the chivka on the line, off to the unsteady swamp, off to the rye, but don't touch the servant of God (name) chivka. May God grant the servant of God (name) health and a clean body, from my healer's work. The key is in the mouth, the lock is in the water. And my word and deed are with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Clear acne

They go to the master of White magic with different troubles, and if a young girl comes to you with a request to clean her face of acne, do not be angry with her that she will take your time. Treat her trouble with understanding. Another girl won't leave the house because of one pimple, and if her whole face is covered in pimples, how many tears will go into the pillow. Learn to help these troubles too. Here are some of the simplest ways.

I wash my face with black cow milk, get rid of acne and blackheads forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Of course, many people may have a problem with milk, but those who live in the village or have friends and relatives there who will help get the milk will have an extremely clear skin. And if this is not possible, here is another way: let the girl wash her face in a basin with three candles lit, saying when washing three times:

As pure as the holy face, so pure is my face.

Then have that water pour into a jar and pour it out at three intersections.

* * *

Let the girl clean the fish from the scales (the fish can be any, but always fresh), put the scales in one bag, and the fish in another. Then he buries in different places, first the scales, and then the fish. Burying the latter, let him say:

As scales are not on a fish, but a fish without scales, so my face is flawless. As this fish drives out, so from my face all the filth will come off. Amen.

Acne conspiracy

On Maundy Thursday in a jug or basin for washing, pour the water consecrated in the temple on that day and consecrated salt, lower any silver object (spoon, ring) and, while washing, say:

Mother Mother of God, bless me for the cleanliness of Thursday. As this water is holy and pure, so would my beauty be pure. As this silver is purely radiant, so would I, God's servant, be in full health and beauty all year round. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Another conspiracy

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name), go from the bath to the east side. Behind me is a fiery river, copper banks, an iron tyn. The Mother of God is walking with me, with God's servant (name). She met me from the bath and asked: - Have you washed away all the servant of God? Be the servant of God (name) pure, strong, for all times. For all eternity, for endless. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For subcutaneous boils and ulcers

From a letter: “Natalya Ivanovna. My letter is a cry from the heart. I've been fighting boils for six months now and I can't help it. Some descend and others appear. I received a blood transfusion, drank hormones, and injected strong antibiotics. What have I not done! And if you consider how painful it all is, then words cannot be found.

I accidentally bought your book and was so happy about it. Now I will buy all your books.

I beg you to print in the next book good conspiracy from subcutaneous boils.

Respectfully yours, Katya Popova, Moscow ".

Find a knot in a wooden fence and, after urinating into a jar, pour urine on it. Having done this, say:

As my urine dries on a bitch, so on my body my father will die like a boil. His children, godfathers, matchmakers, brothers-in-law and sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, granddaughters, grandchildren, all the pimples and pimples will die, wither with him. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another very strong boil conspiracy

Step my foot, step forward, swing, my hand, swing. Brush off my body, everything that stuck to it, ached, is white. Anything that has begun to rot and has matured. As my ring finger has no name, so there is no place for a boil-virium on my body. Do not hurt, boil-viry, not redder, not yellow, boil-viry, not blue. So that you wither, turn black, dry and not get sick. As the right leg sticks tightly to the ground, it is true that from this time the boil-viry will heal on my body. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From boils

When you start talking boils, remember the following rule. If a person's body has one head, that is, one boil, then they speak it on an odd day; if there are many heads, that is, there are many boils at once, then in this case you need to speak on an even day. Find a knot on the tree, circle the knot with the ring finger of your right hand three times. That being said, say this:

Chirey-viry, your grandfather Vasily. Where you came from, go there, but don't sit on my body. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From the boil in the nose

Spread on sour cream or butter and smear on the nose.

In a black shed, in a dead mansion, on a dry willow, on an old broom, sits Voron Voronovich. He doesn't give butter, doesn't give sour cream, doesn't milk, doesn't have a cow's udder. Where he looks, everything will fade from his eyes. So it would have withered, wilted and died a boil in the nose, in the black forest, in the black barn, in the stone dead mansion. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From a polyp in the nose

When the windows fog up, you need to lubricate them with moisture in the nose and say:

There is a dry log in the field, a door in front, a window in the back. They went through this door: mother, father, brother, sister, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, children - daughter and son, grandmother, and old, grandfather Hippolytus, a polyp jumped out of the window after them. Whoever was the last to leave the window, his head was cut off. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Boil to heal

With your index finger, drive around the boil and say:

As a twig on a tree dries, fades, so the boil would dry and faded, did not blush and did not hurt. Amen.

From the boil

Find a board with a knot. Run your finger over the bitch, then over the boil and say the following words:

As the bough dries up, dries up, so the servant of God (name) let the boil dry up, dries up. Amen.

From the boil

Make a cross with two fingers and move around the boil and read:

Get off the servant of God (name) on the beast, on a leaf, on a low bush, on a marsh hummock, on an empty barrel. Cleanse the body of the servant of God (name). Amen.

For desquamation (dry eczema)

Speak to the water, wash sore spots with this water.

There are three dawns in the sky. One is clear, the other is red, the third (name). Amen.

Wash yourself with such water so that the disease does not spread to you.

From subcutaneous abscesses

The patient should see the dog feeding the puppies. Looking at her, you need to say:

You have it on your belly, take mine too.

Speak wen

Take a blue thread, tie nine knots in front of the wen and read. Then burn the thread. Do this for three days in a losing month.

Shish blue, shoot from the body, take off on a knot, tie up. Burn in the fire, do not ache on the body. Amen.

From wen on the head

For the waning month, go to church for morning service, then buy three candles and take them home. Light three candles at once and read the "Our Father" three times, and then the prayer "To the Mother of God." After that, read the conspiracy:

Heavenly King, Lord forever living, be with me now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

A waning month, wan with the keels. As you melt for a month, decrease, so should the keels melt and decrease. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

From crocodile skin

This disease is very unpleasant. The patient's skin is similar to crocodile skin. Hence the name. They take holy baptismal water in a soup bowl, put a new spoon in it and take the patient out by the hand. The time must be chosen so that there are no people and animals nearby. If someone passes by and the dog speaks or barks, then you should not treat this day.

With the person facing east, draw an atame circle around him. Standing behind a circle, give the patient a spoon, let him scoop and pour holy water on the ground, while watching how the water goes into the ground. You read the plot until the water in the bowl runs out. Punish the patient not to tell anyone about this. If they ask him how it went, how he was treated, let him say: "The Lord helped." Explain to the patient that if he tells someone even after ten years, the disease will return.

Magdalene was walking, carrying oil to wash the Savior's feet. A servant of God (name) met her. Not a face, but a crocodile skin. Magdalene took pity on him, begged the Savior, for the servant of God (name). The Lord said: "Magdalene, go to the servant of God (name) help, but punish strictly, not tell anyone about this, or I will punish him." Glory to the Savior, the servant of God (name), the deliverer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From corns

Corns are calluses that constantly sit on their feet. There are people who are so used to them that they have blisters, and even think that everyone and always has them. And this is not so, just once a person stepped on the spit of a blind person or stepped over a dead person, i.e. a cat, dog, pigeon, etc., crushed by a car, or for some other reason, which I will not list here, but as a result the person has corns.

To get rid of them once and for all, you should do the following: tear off the thread from the woolen ball and tie as many knots on it as you count on yourself or on the one you are going to treat. Bury this thread under the male tree and say:

The tree does not give birth, does not give birth, does not plant corns on my feet.

Having said so, leave.

How to whisper flying fire

I have already given in previous books conspiracies from flying fire. Now I will introduce you to a new prayer for this disease.

For those who do not know what a flying fire is, I explain that red spots, similar to inflamed lichen, are called flying fire. It usually occurs around the mouth or along the wings of the nose, on the forehead and at the base of the hair.

Medications, as a rule, do not help, and even the doctors themselves advise the patient to turn to his grandmother, that is, to a healer.

You need to start talking a flying fire in the evening, at sunset. The patient is placed with his face in the direction where scarlet stripes from dawn are visible in the sky, and read in a whisper:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Oh, you are dawn-lightning, red maiden. Take your fiery work, give me a body without redness. I speak (name, medicine man) from heat, flying fire, sick body, from a tree tree, from a birch tree, from an aspen tree, from a buckthorn tree, from all holy trees. The droplet on the rays melts, the flying fire disappears: now, for eternity, for endlessly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From scabs on the body

The bath is being melted. Before entering it, you need to cross yourself with a piece of black bread. This piece needs to be put in water for pouring and poured over yourself. Drying off, say:

Vanya, my little lady, a clean little man. She washed me, steamed, improved my health. She brought beauty, removed the scabs. As easily the water flows off the goose, so quickly let them leave me: dirt, dryness, scabs, aches. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to speak a burnt place

Around the burnt place, move counterclockwise with the handle of a knife and whisper:

The first time good hour... The first is seven, the second is seven, the third is seven, the fourth is seven, the fifth is seven, the sixth is seven, the seventh is seven. I say burn, pinch, ache. I speak all seven for good. To be strong to my words, molded deeds, from raw earth, to the grave. From now on I will finish it, forever and ever. Amen.

Another way

Spit over the burn and say:

Mountain go up the mountain, mouse go into the hole. Go to the water fire, but do not approach this body. You, Ozhog Ozhogovich, Obvar Obvarovich, flew in without wings, came without legs, went blind and did not burn anything on the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From burn

Read immediately on the burn, everything will heal quickly, leaving no traces. Read on Friday.

There was a gray fox, a field, a forest. So that the body does not burn white, does not hurt. So that there is no vomiting, aches in the bones, the servant of God (name). Amen. (3 times).

* * *

Drive a knife around the burn, say:

Fill in burning evil, tame painful pains, do not burn sorrows, but not pain in (name) God's servant. Do not burn the body of a white, zealous heart. Let go of the pain further into the field, in a clear field, wide expanse; to the forest, to the grass, I'll give it away. Amen.

From rotting wounds

Remember the bread in your hands and put it in a cup of water and read the prayer:

Do not burn the wound, do not hurt. Neither blood nor pus. Cleanse the bread of God, the body of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Wash the wound with this water.

How to cleanse a wound of pus

A sprig of spruce is circled around a purulent wound, saying:

Resin comes out of the tree, and pus will come out of the wound. Amen.

To get pus out of the abscess

Find a knot in a wall or floor in a wooden house. Take the patient's hand in your hand and circle this twig with his ring finger. Then use this finger to circle the abscess and whisper:

As a tree releases tar, so let the boil, pus push out of itself. And just as a twig on a tree dries up, dries up, so the servant of God (name) has everything dried up, overgrown, healed by the word of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Remove abscesses with a word

Take salt from Maundy Thursday, throw it out the window, saying:

Sprinkle Thursday salt on the horns to get the pus out. Amen.

What needs to be done to make the deepest wound grow

Place the patient in the corner of a log house. Read the plot nine times, laying hands on the patient. It is better if the patient is standing and not sitting.

Father God bless! The tree was ruined, the tree was chopped down, the hut was erected. I will also put God's servant (name) in the corner of the hut. I take out the ailment from him, take out his pain. Pus, splinters, if, aches, ichor, fire, quail, chills of conflagrations, tears, sleepless nights, screams, crying. Take a corner of pitch, on yourself from God's servant (name), from the body of his baptized one, from blood to ailments, aches, fierce sweat, ichor, pus. Cleanse his wound, heal the edges of his wound. The corners are wooden, resinous, icons and saints are hung on you. And I will hang his ailment from the servant of God (name) on you, my deed is true, my time is controversial. With what word I will be silent with what. Keep away my key, take the lock, please. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

From the spurs on the heels

Pour water into a basin, throw a rooster's leg there, stand with your feet in a basin, read 3 times for a losing month:

Like a rooster flapping its wings at dawn, stomping with spurs, flaunting before dawn, so it would flap my wings, stomp with my spurs, flaunted before dawn, with my spurs, did not part. Get off the spurs on the rooster, from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Speak erosion

Find any knot in the fence on the third board and drive a nail into it with the words:

I'm not hammering in a bitch, I'm selling my ailment.

From fungus on the nails

They take salt from three different houses, brew it with boiling water at night, saying:

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on us. I say nail ailment, sublunar pain. As the salt boiled, melted and evaporated, so you get off the nail ailment from the nail, move away forever from the servant of God (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Wash the sore nail in charmed water, pour the water under a dry tree.

Speak "chicken ass" between your toes

Very unpleasant sensations arise when wrinkled growths appear between the toes, which are popularly called "chicken ass".

They talk to them on Saturday until twelve o'clock in the afternoon. Rub the sore spots with soap and read the plot. Then be sure to throw the soap into the toilet. Read like this:

The pit is deaf, the pit is not small, the pit is shameful. You take from any ass, take for yourself and a chicken ass from me a servant of God (name). Amen.

And spit it three times. It helps very well.

From fetid sweat

Patients came to me who complained that they were sweating a lot and that at the same time an unbearable odor emanated from them. They especially suffer in the summer. In transport, they dare not raise their eyes to the side standing people, realizing how disgusting they smell. You can get rid of such a misfortune. They lecture on the river bank on an even day, in the summer. They stand on a stone with their bare left foot, and the water should not reach this stone. They read it three times. Then they wash themselves and leave without looking back.

You don’t sweat like a stone, so that I, the servant of God (name), don’t sweat. Amen.

If the skin comes off your feet

This is a rare but terrible disease. The one who heals can drag the disease onto himself.

Therefore, the master, before starting to treat, must buy 12 pork legs and distribute to people.

They are being treated for the waning moon, after sunset.

They boil pork skin in holy water, stir with three knives and say:

Get the leather in place. Pig's face, take the skin for yourself, and the skin from the leg, live on the leg. The devil pulled, the devil pulled, and the master returned it to its place. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Before the word "Amen" they spit into a pot of leather. The skin is buried by the fence.

From burrs

Bring your fingers to your lips and whisper:

On two hands - ten fingers - do not bully, do not blood, do not pinch, do not hurt either on the first finger, or on the last, or on the right hand, or on the left. The Lord is with me. Amen.


So that the scratch does not rot, hurt, or bleed, read 3 times:

Bath water for cure, river water for cure, thin dirty water for cure. I am flying from river water, from thin water, and from all the dirt. The blood will heal, the body will calm down. Amen.

From a splinter

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. A splinter entered neither the blood, nor the body, smoke and water. From the amazed, prayerful (name) ... Thorn-thorn, red maiden, I did not plant you, I did not take you out, Mother Most Holy Theotokos will take you out, with her holy helpers, with holy saints. Any thorn can be: wooden red hair, black, gray-haired, it is not me who reads, the Most Holy Theotokos reads, on the Throne, reads in her own words, blows her spirit. Amen.

Drive your finger along a splinter. The splinter will quickly come out, the place will not rot.

For the splinter to come out

Find the edge of the splinter and say three times:

God, heal this pain, as Saints Kuzma and Demyan healed five wounds. Amen.

If you have tar (preferably birch), grease the splinter with it and tie it. The splinter will come out by itself.

From diaper rash

Use a rag to wipe the areas that are usually heavily soaked, and burn it. While there is smoke, read:

Go eat the smoke that I give, and I give my diaper rash. So that the body does not burn, burn, eat, hurt, but be healthy and whole. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracies from abscesses and abscesses

When reading the conspiracy, run counterclockwise around the abscess with the ring finger of your right hand:
Blessed Mother Theotokos, great helper, help-help the servant of God (name) so that the servant of God (name) does not boil, the abscess does not burst, the sod does not tear, the bone does not ache, the body does not rot. Knife, knife, corkscrew, corkscrew, fire, fire, and you, disease, are out of the servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy to get pus out of the abscess
Find a knot in a wall or floor in a wooden house. Take the patient's hand in your hand and circle this twig with his ring finger. Then use this finger to circle the abscess and whisper:
As a tree releases tar, so let the boil, pus push out of itself. And just as a twig on a tree dries up, dries up, so the servant of God (name) has everything dried up, overgrown, healed by the word of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Moisten the abscess with water, diluted soda or salt, blow on it seven times and say:
“Absorbed, sluggish, rotten and gray. Go from the wind for seven years and seven winters, go from the violent seven times. From the fifth to the dome, from the sixth to the steep, from the seventh to absolutely. " Do not wipe off the remaining water, but let it dry.

My skin, my skin, do not go in vain and do not try to swell! Disgusting pus, dissolve, body health come back to me! As soon as the oil is absorbed, nothing will remain of you! My words are strong and reliable like taiga pines! Amen.

Conspiracy how to pull out a splinter
If the splinter is driven in, and you cannot pull it out too deeply, then try to read the conspiracy:
“A pike out of the sea, a splinter out of a log, out of the Servant of God (Name), a splinter out. Amen "

Conspiracy from subcutaneous abscesses
With the middle finger of your right hand, circle the knot on the door or window frame, saying:
As the bough dries and dries up,
So dry and dry the bodetop.
From a finger there is no fire, from an abscess - a nucleus. Amen.

From subcutaneous abscesses
The patient should see the dog feeding the puppies. Looking at her, you need to say:
You have it on your belly, take mine too.

How to quickly cure an abscess
Find a knot in the wall or floor and trace it with your right finger, and then trace it around the abscess with the same finger. In this case, one should say:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
How is this nameless
The finger has no name
There would be no place for an abscess,
Neither above nor below
Not on the belly and not in the groin,
Not on hands or feet,
Not on the face and not on the ears,
Not on the eyes, not on the eyebrows,
Not on the veins, not on the bones,
Not on the skull, not on the lips
And not on soft places.
Be you, my words, harder than stone,
Be, deeds, stronger than iron.
Do not exude you and do not demolish you,
Do not rinse or grind with water.
Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from abscesses
On the waning moon, go to the bathhouse. When you take a steam bath, say:
My mother gave birth to me, the church baptized me,
The power of the cross is in me.
Lord help, Lord bless
And how you gave me body and soul,
And at birth it did not hurt
So it would not suffer now,
It did not deteriorate or decay.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, everlastingly, forever and ever.

You rarely meet a person who has not experienced what a boil is. The reason for the appearance of boils, like acne, is one - staphylococcus aureus. It is Staphylococcus aureus that causes inflammation of the skin, and the deeper the staphylococcus penetrates the skin, the longer the inflammation lasts, the more difficult it is to cope with it. The furuncle develops deep under the skin, first a painful lump appears, then it turns red, a yellowish-green pus appears in the center of the lump. After a few days, the boil opens up, flows out a large number of pus, and at the bottom you can see a rod - this is dead tissue. Not only does a boil bring suffering to a person, it can also leave a reminder of itself on for a long time in the form of a scar. If you do not treat the emerging single boil or treat it incorrectly, this can lead to the spread of boils - furunculosis.

Do boils conspiracy help with treatment?

Often boils dig up long time bringing suffering to the sick. Many begin to search effective methods treatment, resorting to non-traditional methods. One such method is boil conspiracy... Will it help in the treatment of furunculosis? The answer is unequivocal - it will help, you just need to believe in the result and speak the disease correctly. Word and faith can do a lot. With conspiracies of the disease with a word and the belief that the conspiracy will help, an impetus is given to the subconscious of a person, which mobilizes the body's forces to fight the disease. Of course, along with the word and faith, an important role is played by the actions that accompany boil conspiracy, and an infusion of medicinal herbs.
Several useful tips to be followed when boils appear:
protect the body from the sun, keep the body clean, use mild non-greasy soap (without adding creams), use water-based creams, use special napkins to cleanse the skin, do not touch the inflamed areas with your hands.

Conspiracy against a boil at different stages of its development

You can notice the appearance of a boil by feeling - in the places where the boil appears, a painful lump appears under the skin. This is the first sign of a boil. Further, a red tubercle appears at this place, which fills with pus for several days, then pus breaks out. The appearance and maturation of a boil is accompanied by pain. From the first signs of the appearance of a boil (painful induration), every effort must be made to prevent the boil from developing. Already at this stage of the disease can effectively help conspiracy against boil... If you realized later, then at different stages of the development of the boil, you can apply a special conspiracy from the boil.

Conspiracy from a boil at the stage of its appearance

At the first signs of a boil in a conspiracy, you can use tea tree oil, ointment from vegetable oil and propolis in proportions of 1 to 1.
Rubbing the ointment (oil), circle the boil with your ring finger 3 times, while repeating the words of the conspiracy.

“There is no name for this finger,
Boil this place is not here.
Be gone forever, get away from me.

Conspiracy from boils in the boil stage

When pronouncing a conspiracy, you need to bandage the boil using a baked onion, propolis ointment, or ichthyol ointment.

As fruits ripened - ripe,
So you, the boil, ripen as soon as possible,
Do not break the slave of God (name) with a disease,
Where you came from, go there. Amen.

In this article:

A boil, or, in simple terms, chiriy, can appear in anyone. These are large purulent pimples that spoil the face. If there are several of them, then appearance completely spoiled. They appear on the face, body, even on the genitals. To remove the chirium, you have to go to a doctor who will prescribe a small operation. There will be a scar after it. On the body it can still be hidden, but on the face it is hard. Without pain, surgery can get rid of the boil. You need chirium healing plots. You can make them at home, do not spend money on expensive ointments and procedures. No scars, pain, redness. The Chiriyas leave quickly, they never return.

From what chirii appear

Chirias appear for several reasons:

  • persistent skin pollution;
  • microcracks into which the infection enters;
  • improper hair growth;
  • damage to the hair follicle by shaving;
  • increased skin oiliness.

An abscess appears on the problem area, which can increase in size, causing pain. Very often, not one chiriy appears, but several at once. These ulcers are deep and not like common pimples. You won't be able to squeeze it out on your own, you can only deepen it, and this is already very dangerous. You can wait until the abscess itself comes out, go to the doctor. It’s better not to do anything with it on your own if you don’t know how.

It is dangerous to pierce the chirium, crush, smear with alcohol. All this can lead to serious infections, as well as sepsis.

It is believed that chiriy can be sent with the help of a very weak evil eye. It's not nice, but it happens. This evil eye lasts for a surprisingly long time, the chirias do not go away even when, according to all the forecasts of doctors, they should have disappeared. Believe it or not - it's up to you. Treatment should be started in any case. If you are interested, then diagnose the disease by cards or in any other way. If it turns out that the evil eye really is on you, then it will be advisable to clean it.

What will happen if you do not fight them?

The smallest thing that can be - an ugly scar at the site of the abscess. The foci of inflammation themselves can last a long time, sometimes accompanied by a high temperature. If you try to open it yourself, then the infection can get deep into the body, blood. Chirias on the face are very dangerous, because there are eyes, ears, and a brain nearby. In hot climates, all infections and inflammations develop faster, so chirium can seriously ruin your vacation at sea. If this happens, then rather utter conspiracies. They will help relieve inflammation, remove chirium quickly, without pain. Any person can speak abscesses, the main thing is to believe in the power of your word. The effect will come quickly, after a few hours the pulling pain will pass. It can open up on its own and leave without a trace.

Effective healing plots

If a chirium appears on the face or body, immediately recall these conspiracies. They will help you quickly, without pain. You don't have to spend money on ointments, injections. Anyone can do it. Your beauty, health is in your hands.

Quick conspiracy from chiria on the face

You need to drive around the chiriya with the finger of your left hand and say:

“Lord God! Bless, Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Not from stone to fruit, not from stone from coal, not from grass, not from greenery. So the servant of God (name) from the boil would not have a pinch or disease - always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.
Boil-vered, where were you born? Here your words are worse than a sharp knife. Small, red, stick, fade to the servant of God (name).
Be my words strong and capacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Repeat this procedure three times a day. Already on the 2nd day you yourself will see how it decreases and disappears. This is an old way, it has been tested by many generations and is recommended by healers. It is best to do this in front of a church candle. The strength of your faith will help to quickly remove these unpleasant formations from the face and body.

This method works great for everyone, even non-practitioners.

Cream conspiracy

Buy good heavy cream at the market. The fresher they are, the better. You need to put them in a glass jar and tell a conspiracy:

“The servant of God (name) got up, blessed, walked, crossing himself, from the hut with the doors, from the courtyard with the gates, went out into the open field. There is a dry shalga in an open field, just as on that shalga neither grass grows, nor flowers bloom, just as the servant of God (name) would have no boil, no vered, no bath filth. The servant of God (name) is cleansed in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In the evening, take the cream on your finger, gently spread on the chirii. Good for those who have a lot of them. If, for example, the whole back or arms are in boils, then be sure to try this simple, but efficient way... The heavy cream will help you flush out pus without harming your skin. It will not crack or scar. The abscesses will quickly open up, and after that, recovery will come very soon. Conspiracy cream will need to smear the foci for 2-3 days. Don't miss it! Be sure to do this at the same time. You can do it 2 times a day, no more.

Holy water conspiracy

This conspiracy can only be done by those who are baptized and believe in the power of the Church. Your faith will help. It is necessary to bring holy water from the church, and the next day to carry out the ritual.
Take a glass of holy water. Cross it, pray to your Saint, read "Our Father." Bring the glass to your lips and whisper 3 times:

"Be, my face, like a mirror smooth surface,
Clean and fresh, like mother water,
Whiter than snow, lighter than light
For now, for centuries, for all bright times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Now you can wash your face with this water if there are chirias on your face, or wash the infected skin area well. It passes quickly. Healing power holy water will help you heal quickly without harm to your health. Try this method if you have frequent boils and abscesses. The face is cleansed. After the chirias disappear, you can continue with such daily washing. This will help preserve the beauty and freshness of the skin for a long time.

Prayer Our Father is a universal way that helps in a variety of situations

Dough conspiracy

This is an old method that was used in the south. In hot countries, where it is dusty, such abscesses very often appear. People have found a simple but effective remedy. Fighting the chirium will not be difficult. It will take less than a week.
Knead the dough with wheat flour and sour cream. Roll the uncooked dough into balls and place on the chirii. Repeat:

“Boil-vrazhina, where were you born? Small, red, wither, fade at the servant of God (name). Be my words strong and sculpting. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to keep it this way for 30 minutes.
You need to do it every day 1 time a day. Soon everything will pass, and there will be no scars. Good way, very natural. It is much better to use wheat flour with homemade sour cream than chemical creams. You should definitely try it.

The effect of conspiracies from chiriy has been verified more than once. They help very successfully, and after their application there are no scars. This is important if an abscess appears on the face. The unpleasant consequences of improper treatment can literally disfigure a person. Do not delay with conspiracies, pronounce it as soon as you notice the chiriy. You have a real chance to quickly get rid of this purulent scourge.

Against chirias and abscesses, there is a proven method that will help to instantly reduce inflammation on the skin and get rid of chirium, boil or purulent inflammation using a conspiracy of white magic ... No need to spend money on expensive creams and pharmacy products against boils. You will be helped by a conspiracy from the chiriya that you need to read on your own or ask a loved one to do it. A conspiracy from a boil or a conspiracy from a chiria is enough efficient method fight against this disease, which is successfully used in folk medicine.
To speak chiriy yourself find the knot and move your finger clockwise along the knot and read conspiracy against chiria :

As a bough dries up, dries up,
So the servant of God (name)
Let the boil dry, dry up.


Another good boil conspiracy will help a child or an adult (not yourself) speak boil.

Cross two fingers (index and middle) on your right hand and lead them around the boil, saying special conspiracy words conspiracy that will remove the chirium, boil or abscess :

Chiriy chiriy fig, what will you buy chiriy?

If I buy an ax, I will cut down the head!


© Copyright: Maginya

  • The wart plot is best read on the waning moon. Going out into the street, find a dry straw that is still standing, and not blown down by the wind and not pinned to the ground. To whisper a wart, pluck a straw and, gently touching a straw to each wart that needs to be removed 3 times, read the conspiracy for the treatment of warts:

  • Spurs on the feet cause severe pain in the heel, which allows a good conspiracy from the heel spur. You need to read this conspiracy strictly on the waning moon. To commit magic rite against a heel spur, which will relieve pain when walking, you need a basin of water at room temperature and a rooster's foot with a spur. To treat a heel spur with a conspiracy, pour water into the basin, throw the rooster's leg there and stand in this basin three times say the words of the conspiracy that will help get rid of the spurs on the legs:

  • This conspiracy read on beef or pork bone with meat will help to speak a sore bone on the leg and get rid of bumps. The bone on the leg is usually called the grave bone, which most often appears in a person who crossed the path of the funeral procession. This is a kind of damage from which you can quickly get rid of by doing a simple rite of magic with reading a conspiracy. Painful growths on the legs - the bone is read out on the waning moon (diminishing month). Cook the cabbage soup with cabbage and a meaty bone, and when the cabbage soup is ready, remove the bone with meat from the broth, eat some of the meat yourself (straight from the bone), and leave a little. For the meat remaining on the bone, read the conspiracy from the growth of a bone on the leg, which will quickly save you from bumps on your legs:

  • There is a good conspiracy on good health yourself, your child or your beloved husband who needs to be read once a year. A spell for good - good health will allow you to be healthy all year round and not get sick even at the time of an epidemic. Want to have good health with the help of white magic - this strong conspiracy- the spell is what you need. Read the conspiracy - a spell on health is needed 1 time at dawn and 1 time at sunset. The conspiracy to be healthy lasts exactly a year, so do not forget to redo it again after a year! And the text of the spell is as follows:

  • Have you and your husband decided to have a baby, but you can't get pregnant? To get pregnant and give birth, read the conspiracy to have a healthy child. Perform a magic ceremony and read old conspiracy for conception and childbirth. After carrying out this ritual and reading the conspiracy, it was possible to safely get pregnant and give birth to a boy or daughter, even to those to whom modern medicine prophesied childlessness. This rite of passage of white magic for the birth of a child lasts 40 days. Take a long rope made of natural material (cotton, hemp, etc.) and for forty days, every midnight, tie 1 knot on the rope each time, while saying a conspiracy to have a baby: