
“When the sun is warm, when the mother is good” class hour (Grade 1) on the topic. “When the sun is warm, when the mother is good” class hour (Grade 1) on the topic A. Fatherly sun and filial sun


How do you understand it?


Lived in the world: old grandfather and grandson

about seven years old.

He just needed to be called.

he helped make the bed,

helped put on galoshes,

served water to drink.

Who? Grandfather - grandson?

Yes, no, no:

not the grandfather's grandson, but the grandfather's grandson!

... Sometimes he got angry - and then

shouted: "Come here quickly!"

And reprimanded for

that the coat has not been cleaned.

Who? grandson grandfather?

Do not confuse, friend:

not the grandson of the grandfather, but the grandson of the grandfather! ..

A. Shibaev

What can you say about such a boy as he is?

I wonder if there are children in our group who look like this boy: after whom they clean the bed, clean their coats, help them get dressed? Think to yourself, everyone... Don't answer this question for me.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher will word game"Say the opposite." The game is as follows: the teacher names, characterizes an act or character trait of a person, and the children must name a word with the opposite meaning. For example, an act is bad-good, an act is right-wrong, a hard-working person is lazy, kind-greedy, affectionate-rude...



Listen to the fable of L.N. Tolstoy about the old, old grandfather and grandson


The grandfather became very old. His legs could not walk, his eyes could not see, his ears could not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed back from his mouth. The son and daughter-in-law stopped putting him at the table, and let him dine at the stove. They took him down once to dine in a cup. He wanted to move it, but dropped it and broke it. The daughter-in-law began to scold him for spoiling everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in the pelvis. The old man just sighed and said nothing. Once a husband and wife are sitting at home and they see - their son is playing on the floor with planks - the Father is coordinating something and asked: “What are you doing, Misha? And Misha says: “It’s me, father, I’m doing the pelvis. When you and your mother are old, to feed you from this pelvis.

Husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they offended the old man; and from then on they began to sit at the table and look after him.

L. Tolstoy

Tell how the grandson stood up for his grandfather, how he helped him.

People like Misha's parents say:

As it comes around, so it will respond.

How do you understand these words?

The attendant forgot to put a teaspoon for compote for you. What will you do?

· You came to the group first and noticed that the land indoor plants quite dry.

What will you do:

You will wait until the teacher asks you to water the flowers;

Until the attendant comes and waters them;

Will you water yourself?

· Seryozha went up to the teacher and said: “Give me some soap, please.” Taking soap, he began to wash.

What mistake did the boy make?



Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. There was nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing. The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead and moved away. When the bear left, he got down from the tree and laughs: “Well, what,” he says, “did the bear say in your ear?

And he told me that bad people those who run away from their comrades in danger.

L. Tolstoy

Those who leave a comrade in trouble are called traitors. Nobody respects them. Can you name the boys good comrades- friends?

Listen to the new proverbs about friendship:

Lose yourself, and save a comrade.

Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.

Friendship is a helper in business.

A new teacher assistant has joined the group. The teacher Galina Nikolaevna introduced her to the children: “Children, get acquainted, this is Raisa Grigorievna.” But Masha came to the group later and did not hear it. She approached the assistant teacher who was serving breakfast, tugged at her robe and asked, “What is your name? The teacher's assistant was very surprised and said: "Raisa Grigoryevna."

Why was the woman surprised?

What mistakes did Masha make?

Roma poked his finger. He was swollen and very sick. Ekaterina Ivanovna (nurse) bandaged his finger and said: "Try not to wet your hand."

Roma was on duty in the corner of nature that day. He went up to the tutor and said: “I can’t be on duty, Ekaterina Ivanovna didn’t tell me to wet my hand.”

Galina Nikolaevna says: “Ask one of your comrades to be on duty for you, and when the finger passes, you will be on duty for them.”

How should Roma ask a friend to be on duty instead of him?



Once my mother went to the store to buy bread and milk. And she took Artem with her. When they approached the store, they saw that bread was being unloaded from the car.

More people came up, and everyone watched how skillfully the workers carried bread to the bakery.

But then the car doors slammed shut, and the driver got behind the wheel. One moment - and the motor started working.

And suddenly Artemka escaped from his mother, ran to the car and stood right in front of the radiator.

You can't go! he shouted.

Mom got scared, grabbed Artyomka and hugged her. And the driver got out of the cab and approached Artemka: he understood that something was wrong.

There is a cat sitting under the car, - said Artemka.

What cat? the driver asked.

Black, black. Over there, - and Artemka pointed to the car.

People looked, and it’s true: right under the front wheel, a kitten black as coal was sitting.

The driver carefully took the kitten out from under the car and gave it to Artyomka.

And my mother said:

Let the kitten live with us.

And all the people said:

What a good boy! He saved the kitten. Let the kitten now live with the boy.

A. Sedugin

Can a mother be proud of her son?

Can the boy's act be called heroic?

The girl's handkerchief fell off. What will you do? (You can’t lift a handkerchief, etiquette does not imply this for hygienic reasons; you need to tell a person that his handkerchief has fallen, and he himself must pick it up and thank him.)

· The girl is unable to fasten the zipper on the jacket. Nearby, another girl is getting dressed. The teacher helps the boy to fasten his boots.

Show the girl what to do.



There were brother and sister - Vasya and Katya; they had a cat. In the spring, the cat disappeared. The children looked for her everywhere, but could not find her. Once they were playing near the barn and heard someone meowing in thin voices above their heads. Vasya climbed the stairs to the roof of the barn. And Katya stood below and kept asking:

Found? Found?

But Vasya did not answer her. Finally, Vasya shouted to her:

Found! Our cat... she has kittens, so wonderful, go soda, hurry up.

Katya ran home, got milk and brought it to the cat.

There were five kittens. When they grew up a little and began to crawl out from under the corner where they hatched, the children chose one kitten, gray with white paws, and brought it home. The mother gave away all the kittens, and left this one to the children. the children fed him, played with him and put him to bed with them.

Once the children went to play on the road and took a kitten with them. The wind stirred the straw along the road, and the kitten played with the straw, and the children were happy for him. Then they found sorrel near the road, went to collect it and forgot about the kitten. Suddenly they heard someone shouting loudly: “Get back! Back!" - and they saw that the hunter was galloping, and in front of him two dogs saw a kitten and wanted to grab him. And the stupid kitten, instead of running, crouched down on the ground, hunched his back and looks at the dogs. Katya was frightened by the dogs, screamed and ran away from them. And Vasya, with all his might, set off to the kitten and at the same time with the dogs ran up to him. The dogs wanted to grab the kitten, but Vasya fell on the kitten with his stomach and covered it from the dogs.

The hunter jumped up and drove the dogs away; and Vasya brought home a kitten and no longer took him into the field with him.

L. Tolstoy

What can you say which boy and which girl?

Can a mother be proud of her son?

What should a girl learn?

The boy is in the group. In the group, the teacher is preparing for a drawing lesson. Children play in the play corner. How should he say hello, and what else can he do? (Offer your teacher to help.)

Dad brought you chocolate. You gave one slice to your mother, one to your grandmother. They said the same kind words to you. You also said the same polite words to them.

What are these words?



A little old man with a long beard was sitting on a bench and drawing something in the sand with an umbrella.

Move over, - Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge. The old man moved aside and, looking at the red, angry face of the boy, said:

Has something happened to you?

Well, okay, but what about you? Pavlik squinted at him.

Nothing for me. But now you were screaming, crying, quarreling with someone ...

Still would! - angrily muttered the boy - I will soon run away from home completely.

Will you run away?

I'll run away. I'll run away because of Lenka. Peacock clenched his fists. I almost gave her a good time now! Doesn't give any color. And how many do you have?

Does not give? Well, it's not worth it to run away.

Not only because of this. Grandmother drove me out of the kitchen for one carrot ... right with a rag ...

Pavlik snorted in resentment.

Trivia! - said the old man. - One will scold, the other will regret.

Nobody pities me! shouted Pavlik. - My brother is going to ride on a boat, but he won't take me. I tell him:

“Take it better, I won’t leave you anyway, I’ll pull the oars, I’ll climb into the boat myself!

Pavlik slammed his fist on the bench. And suddenly he stopped.

What, doesn't your brother take you?

Why are you all asking?

The old man smoothed out his long beard.

I want to help you. There is a magic word...

Peacock opened his mouth.

I will tell you this word. But remember: you need to speak it in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Remember - in a quiet voice, looking straight into your eyes ...

And what word?

This is the magic word. But don't forget how to speak.

I'll try, - Pavlik chuckled, - I'll try right away.

He jumped up and ran home.

Lena sat at the table and drew. Paints - green, blue, red - lay before her. Seeing Pavlik, she immediately raked them into a heap and covered them with her hand.

The old man cheated! - with annoyance thought the boy. “Would such a person understand the magic word!”

Pavlik approached his sister sideways and pulled her by the sleeve. The sister looked back. Then, looking into her eyes, the boy said in a low voice:

Lena, give me one paint... please...

Lena opened her eyes wide. Her fingers loosened, and, taking her hand off the table, she muttered in embarrassment:

Which one do you want?

I’m blue,” Pavlik said timidly.

He took the paint, held it in his hands, walked around the room with it and gave it to his sister. He didn't need paint. He thought now only of the magic word.

I'll go to my grandmother. She's just cooking. Run or not?

Pavlik opened the door to the kitchen. The old woman was taking hot cakes off the baking sheet. The grandson ran up to her, turned his red wrinkled face with both hands, looked into her eyes and whispered:

Give me a piece of pie... please.

Grandma straightened up.

The magic word shone in every wrinkle, in the eyes, in the smile...

Hot ... hot hot, my dear!

She said, choosing the best, ruddy pie.

Pavlik jumped for joy and kissed her on both cheeks.

Wizard! Wizard! he repeated to himself, remembering the old man.

At dinner, Pavlik sat hushed and listened to his brother's every word.

When the brother said that he was going to go boating, Pavlik put his hand on his shoulder and quietly asked:

Take me please.

Everyone around the table went silent. The brother raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

Take it, - suddenly said the sister. - What are you worth!

Well, why not take it? Grandma smiled. -

Of course, take it.

Please, - repeated Pavlik.

The brother laughed out loud, patted the boy on the shoulder, tousled his hair.

Oh you traveler! Okay, get going!

Helped! Helped again!

Pavlik jumped out from behind the table and ran out into the street. But the old man was no longer in the square. The bench was empty, and only incomprehensible signs drawn by umbrellas remained on the sand.

V. Oseeva

What was the boy like before he met the old man?

What "miracle" did the old man perform? Was the old man really a wizard?

Tell me how to properly, politely address people.

Listen to what proverbs are about kind, polite words.

Topic: "It's warm in the sun, good in the mother"

(Mothers Day)

Goals : make students think about a good attitude to life, about the desire to do good; to help students and their parents find a way to each other's hearts, not to lose spiritual contact and faith in their neighbors; to form a sense of respect and care for the most dear person.

Equipment: flowers, Balloons, drawings, crafts for children, holiday posters, compositions, photographs.

“All the pride of the world comes from mothers.

Flowers don't bloom without the sun

There is no happiness without love

There is no love without a woman

Without a mother, there is neither a poet nor a hero!”

(M. Gorky)

Central stand: "My mom is the best." (An essay about mothers with photographs.)

The course of the holiday

Reader: Why is there so much warmth in the heart?

But nature did not bring it.

Everything around is like a fairy tale

And songs and laughter

It's mother's caress

Warmed us all!

Reader : It's a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,

This is the best holiday

Comes to us in autumn.

Reader : This is the feast of obedience.

congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration -

Holiday of the most best words!

Mom's Holiday! Mom's Holiday!

He knocks to visit us.

Teacher: We have gathered today in such an unusual setting to talk with you about the most dear and close to every person. About the one who raises us in infinite patience, cherishes us, puts us on the wing. Oh mother...

Our dear mothers! Today, on Mother's Day, we greet you and want to please you with our performances.

Reader: The word "mother" is one of the most ancient on Earth and sounds almost the same in different languages different peoples. This suggests that all people revere and love mothers. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers, come to visit us, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them. We also decided to make such a holiday for you to show how much we love and appreciate you.

Reader: "Mom"! The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most sensitive heart - she does not remain indifferent to anything.

And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life ...

Reader: Mom! Mommy! How much warmth is concealed by the magic word, which is called the closest, dearest, the only person. Mom follows our life path. Mother's love warms us to a ripe old age. She is strict, exacting, because she feels a great responsibility for her son or daughter, she wishes well. Mother is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest and most faithful.

Reader: Mom not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and takes care that the child is healthy, full, cheerful, happy. Mother - This is a window to the big world. It helps the child to understand the beauty of the world: the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... These are beauty lessons for life...

"Son, wake up, the first snow fell"

“Daughter, look, the snowdrop has blossomed!”

Mother is the miracle of the world! With her endless readiness for self-sacrifice, she inspires the child with a sense of reliability, security.

Teacher: Who loves you children more,

Who loves you so much

And take care of you

Without closing your eyes at night?

- "Mom dear" (in chorus).

Who shakes the cradle for you,

Who sings songs to you

Who tells you fairy tales

And gives you toys?

- "Golden Mom" ​​(in chorus).

If, children, you are lazy,

Disobedient, playful,

What happens sometimes -

Who is shedding tears then?

- "She's all, dear."

Teacher: More than a hundred years ago, I. I. Kosakov's poem "She's All" was published in the St. Petersburg magazine "Sincere Word". Isn't it true that these verses also sound warm and sincere for us, people of the 21st century? A mother's love knows no bounds. It gives strength to the weak, helps the doubting, inspires to a feat.

The soundtrack of the song “Only there is no mother” performed by Anna German sounds.

Reader: What a joy to shout “Mom!”

Or quietly call

Any time of the day - early

Or when you go to bed.

What happiness to give her

Live bouquet of favorite roses

And call her ten times a day

Laughing and choking on tears.

Suddenly gain new strength

And, unexpectedly arriving,

Bring her plums in winter.

What happiness to shout: "Mom!"

Or quietly call

Any time of the day - early

Or when you go to bed.

Teacher: And really, how good it is when you can turn to your mother with any joy or misfortune.

Competition "Feed the child"

Reader: I love you, mom, for what - I don’t know

Probably because I live and dream

And I rejoice in the sun

And bright day.

Why do I love you, dear?

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you mom, you are my best friend.

Teacher: We love our mothers. But do we always keep them? Taking care of your mother means taking care of the purity of the source from which you have been drinking from the moment of your first breath and will drink until the last moment of your life. You are already about the age when you can try to understand your mothers. You can already, and help, and sympathize, and give them joy. You just need to want. And wanting is very important. This is necessary not only for mom and grandmother, but also for you. You will become better and richer from this, and mother's life happier. Maxim Gorky said: “Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly for the human soul. And the most terrible indifference to one's own mother.

Reader: Look back, my friend, and tell me whom you offended more than your mother - is it not from me, not from you, not from him, is it not from our grief that our mothers turn gray? Mother! Mother! Forgive me, because you alone in the world can forgive, put your hands on your head, as in childhood, and forgive ...

Reader: Oh, how beautiful the word "mother"!

Oh, how beautiful is this word - "mother"!

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She us, disobedient and stubborn,

Good taught - the highest of sciences.

Reader: Mom's hands ...

I love them since childhood

Wherever my path goes,

I can't get away from them

From their fragrant warmth.

Mom's hands...

In wrinkles, in moles,

How much did you endure, loving ...

From these hands I saw the Motherland,

So like you


Teacher: And what do we know about mother's hands - caring, not knowing either fatigue or peace, either cooking, or darning, or washing? We believe and know that mother's hands are miraculous. That is why, as soon as something hurts with us or we scratch our hand, shove it, bruise it, we immediately run to it with a loud cry: “Ma-ma!”. And - oh, a miracle! - as soon as mom presses us to her, strokes where it hurts, lulls us - and the pain is already half as much, or even completely gone.

Competition "I will find with my eyes closed"

Music sounds. Children with their eyes closed should feel, touching the hands of their mothers, to find their mother.

Reader: Mom caresses us,

The sun warms.

The sun, like mom,

Only one happens.

Teacher: There are many good people living in the people, kind words about mother. We do not know by whom they were first said, but they are very often repeated in life and passed from generation to generation.

Teacher: The role of women in modern world very responsible. Women have mastered many professions, work in almost all industries, share all responsibilities with a man. But be that as it may, her main purpose is to be a mother. A woman who has children has a future. In children, its continuation, which means that the country also has a future.

Song "Winged swing"

Teacher: Our dear mothers! Stay always unique and desirable. The most beautiful, the kindest. Let modesty, softness, shortness, tenderness shine in your eyes - those qualities that give you so much charm and charm. And may the star of happiness and love always shine in your life. Earth bow to you, dear mothers!

Reader: Congratulations dear mothers,

beautiful women the whole planet,

And let all people give you

Fragrant bouquets.

Children give to mothers air balloons in the form of hearts.

This seemingly simple proverb carries a huge meaning. Just as the sun gives life to everything on the planet, so a mother gives life to a child, and then cherishes him and warms him with her spiritual warmth. Without the sun and mothers, there would be no life at all.

It is not for nothing that at all times and all peoples glorified the sun and honored motherhood with deep respect. In many cities there are monuments to the sun and mothers.


The Sun is the star that sustains life throughout our planet. Without sunlight, plants would not grow, there would be no animals, and people would not be able to exist either. Sun rays are necessary for a person. It is the source of energy and life. For some peoples, the sun was a deity. He was honored and worshipped. The sun personified the rebirth of nature, the repetition of life. Holidays and festivities were held in honor of the sun.

On a sunny warm day, always better mood. It's nice to be outside. All living things rejoice in the sun and strive for it.


Maternal warmth is no less important to a person. Mom gave us life. He loves us, caresses us. She will always protect and help us. Every mother wants the best for her child. And he does everything to make him feel good. Therefore, the proverb says that when the mother is good. How impossible good life without the sun, so it is impossible without a mother. Mom from our very birth puts her soul into us, surrounds us with care.

A mother is needed by a person at any age, and not just in childhood. It begins with the knowledge of life and the world around.

In this proverb, it is not in vain that the sun and mother are brought together. Because they are necessary for every person at any age.

Prepared by the educator: Ustushenkova Ya.A.

"It's warm in the sun

good with mother."


to help orphanage pupils to fully comprehend the true meaning of the words “mother”, “love”, “kindness”;

to bring up a worthy person with love, sensitivity and care related to the mother, to the woman.


expanding the horizons of pupils;

development of mental, creative abilities;

health-saving: creation of favorable conditions, emotional and psychological climate in the shelter.

On November 19, a conversation was held at the Glinishchevsky shelter on Mother's Day"When the sun is warm - when the mother is good."

This event was aimed at expanding the horizons of children, developing their mental, creative abilities, creating favorable conditions, emotional and psychological climate in the orphanage.

Mothers Day - international holiday in honor of mothers.

During the conversation, the children tried to fully comprehend the true meaning of the words “mother”, “love”, “kindness; learned the word mom in different languages ​​and whatin different countries this day falls on different dates,made up proverbs about mothers.

And at the end of the conversation, the teacher invited the children to draw portraits for their beloved mothers. I hope that this conversation will help to bring up a worthy person with love, sensitivity and care related to the mother, to the woman.

Portrait of MOM!

Event progress.


I want to start our conversation with the words of the famous writer Maxim Gorky, who said: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero, all the pride of the world comes from Mothers!”

There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables, a simple word: "mother"

And there are no words more precious than it.

Mom is the first word
The main word in our destiny!
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you!

Mothers Day - international holiday in honor of mothers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers, in contrast to the International women's day when congratulations are accepted by all the fair sex. This day falls on different dates in different countries.

From the 17th to the 19th century In Great Britain celebrated the so-called "Mother's Sunday" (Eng.Mothering Sunday ) is the fourth Sunday of Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country.

In 1907, Anna Jarvis, an American from Philadelphia, took the initiative to honor mothers in memory of her mother. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, legislatures and distinguished persons with a proposal to dedicate one day a year to honoring mothers.In 1910, the state of Virginia was the first to recognize Mother's Day. official holiday. In 1914, PresidentUSA Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May a national holiday in honor of all American mothers. Following the United States, the second Sunday in May was declared a holiday by 23 countries, and more than 30 celebrate the holiday on other days.

INEstonia Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1992 on the second Sunday in May. This day is considered a holiday only for mothers and pregnant women. Estonian people decorate their houses with flags. Morning performances and concerts are held in kindergartens and schools.

mother's day inJapan.
“Mom, you knitted mittens for me. Knitted tirelessly on long cold evenings. News will fly to me from my native land, and in it - the smell hearth... "The lines of this old and good" Mother's Song "(1958) are known to all Japanese.

Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated annually inChina on the second Sunday in May. This is a day of remembrance for mothers, when their work and selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children is paid tribute. On Mother's Day, the Chinese congratulate their mothers, present them with flowers and gifts.

mother's day inItaly .

On this day, all the children of Italy bring flowers, sweets, small gifts to their mothers to once again express their love and gratitude to them. This holiday has a great history. It was during this period of the year that the ancient Greeks and Romans honored the Goddess...

mother's day inGermany celebrated on the 2nd Sunday in May. INAncient Greece Mother's Day was celebrated in mid-March in honor of Rhea, the mother of the great Zeus. In England, King Henry III proclaimed the first mother's day

(1216 - 1239) in the 13th century.

Maltese celebrate Mother's Day since time immemorial. Historians believe that the tradition itself originates in the female mysteries of ancient Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.

In Russia, the holiday "Mother's Day" was established in 1998 .

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia Boris N. Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998 No. 120 "On Mother's Day", Mother's Day is celebrated on the last November Sunday. The initiative to establish this holiday belongs to the State Duma Committee for Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

Mother Parable .

The day before the birth, the Child asked God:
- I am very afraid! I don't know at all what am I supposed to do in this world?
God replied:
- I will give you an Angel, he will always be with you.
He will protect you from all troubles.
What is my angel's name?

- It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him "Mom".

Mother! This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. This is the most beautiful word on earth! How much light, tenderness, trust and warmth are in this word.

The word mom in different languages

Buryatia - ezhi


Spain - madre

Italy - madre

France - maman

Persian - maman, anne

Georgian - deda

Netherlands - ma

Hebrew - ima

Ukraine - mom

Kyrgyzstan - apa

Lithuania - mamite

Japan - haha ​​(about his mother)

okaa-san (about someone else's mother)

Bashkiria - Esay

Turkey - ana

Bulgaria - mamo, jersey

Sweden - moor

Educator. Guys, name the qualities of your mothers, from which you feel warm and light.

Educator: The people live a lot of good, kind words about the mother. They are passed down from generation to generation. Let's make up proverbs about mothers.

In the sun it is warm, in the mother ... good.

The bird is glad of spring, and the baby is ... mothers.

There is no sweeter friend than a mother ... mother.

Mom is the sacred, most precious ... word.

Mom in the house is like the sun ... in the sky.

Maternal caress... knows no end.

Mother - every business ... the head.

Mom's hands do not know ... boredom.

Game "Children and mothers"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher with the ball is in the center of the circle. Alternately, he throws the ball to the children and asks a question about mom. If the child thinks it is necessary, he catches the ball; if, in his opinion, it is not necessary, he misses the ball. If someone does not agree with the opinion of a particular child, the game stops and everyone discusses this issue.

Questions for the game:

1. Do I need to consult with my mother?

2. Do I need to miss my mom?

3. Do I need to constantly wait for gifts from my mother?

4. Should I feel sorry for my mother?

5. Do I need to praise my mother?

6. Do I need to be interested in my mother's affairs?

7. Do I need to hide the truth from my mother so as not to upset her?

Educator.- And now, guys, I'm talking to you:

    No matter how the course of events beckons you,

No matter how you draw into your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother's eyes

From insults, from hardships, from worries.

If you have become a hard heart,

Be gentle with her, children.

Protect your mother from an evil word.

Know: children hurt everyone more painfully.

If your mothers are tired

You must give them a good rest...

I give you an order, I remind you:

Children, children, take care of Mother!

And now I propose to draw a portrait of your beloved mother.

To cultivate a sense of love, respect, sensitivity to mother, grandmother, woman.

Develop Creative skills children.

Teacher: I sing what is eternally new,

And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,

But in the soul the word born

Gets his own music.

This word will never offend,

There is a life being hidden in it,

It is the source of everything

He has no end.

I pronounce it: MOM.

Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. This means that all people revere and love mothers. Many countries celebrate MOTHER'S DAY.

The word "mother" is also called their homeland. It is no coincidence that folk wisdom put the word "mother" next to another great word - "Motherland". “Motherland is mother” - people say and by this they define the most sacred thing on earth.

The people live a lot of good, affectionate words about mom. They are passed down from generation to generation. What proverbs do you know about mom?

Pupils: Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Nature - mother - the beginning of all beginnings.

A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

Native land - mother, foreign side - stepmother.

Mother's anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but soon

The bird is glad of spring, and the baby of the mother.

There is no sweeter friend than a mother.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

Teacher: What proverb did you like and remember the most?

Teacher: About the warmth and light emanating from the mother, Blaginina's poem "The Sun" is said.

Student: I don't understand how it happens.

That sun in the sky

That mom is at home.

Behind the cloud the sun

Hides suddenly

Everything will become empty

And sad around.

Will be gone for a while

My mother, -

So sad

I will do.

Will return home

My dear -

And fun again

I will do.

I play, I laugh

I tumble, I sing.

I love my family

Your dove!

Teacher: Mom, Mom! How much warmth is concealed by this magic word, which is called a person - the closest, dearest, only one. Mother follows our path. Maternal love warms us to old age. Mother teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

Pupils: 1. Who can be dearer than mother?!

Who brings light and joy to us?!

When we are sick and stubborn,

Who will take pity and save?!

2. Who will let adversity go to the wind,

Will dispel fears, sadness and shame?!

Who will brighten up the dullness of bad weather,

The heavy load of grievances is extinguished ?!

3. Keeps track of home and budget,

Comfort, fashion, cleanliness

Dashing winter and hot summer,

Easily coping with the hustle and bustle?!

4. Decorate weekday evenings,

And the table will be set for the holiday!

Thank you worried mom

None of us is either a sire or a goal.

5. Smiling at ease,

Brew fresh tea in the morning.

Torn with a heavy string,

Hurries home in January and May.

6. Responsible for her work,

Being a mom is hard work!

Daily care -

Everyone remembers her, loves her, waits.

7. Mom's life is full of thoughts.

Housewives and families

And because all mothers are right

And we are to blame everywhere!

Song about mother. 1 class.

Teacher: Sometimes our mothers are tired, irritated, busy with work, running around the shops. Of course, mothers have their weaknesses. And so that mothers are less tired of doing things at least around the house, they must be helped. But how? One boy Vitya does it this way.

Scene "Home composition".

Presenter: Vitek bent over the table

And squeezed the temples with his hands.

He writes an essay:

How do I help my mom?

Then Vitek will gnaw the pen,

That will fall asleep, gloomy.

Try it, come up with it!

But then from the kitchen mom suddenly

Silently calls his son:

Mom: Vitunchik! Run to the store.

I would like salt and matches.

Vitya: What are you! After all, I'm struggling with the essay,

Still a lot of work!

Presenter: Mom and son fell silent

In a notebook he wrote out the phrase:

Buy something for mom

I always run right away."

Mom opened the door...

Mom: Vityunya, I need you.

I'm going to the shop. Clean for now

Potatoes for dinner!

Vitya: What else?

Presenter: Vitek cried out.

Vitya: I'm even sick of listening to it!

Here is an essay, and you

With some potatoes.

Host: Mom disappeared.

And the son summed up in a notebook:

“I cook breakfast for my mom.

Lunch and dinner too…”

Vitya: Five plus! ..

Host: He is happy.

Teacher: And you guys, what will you give him for this? How do you help your mom?

(children's answers)

Student: Not wanting to help where needed,

They were late, they didn't come.

We failed, we have a barrier,

We failed to warn.

Banal, stupid, endless

Reasons got into a round dance.

All because we are careless

And so it is, year after year.

Teacher: maternal heart can endure and forgive everything. But it burns with grief and resentment if unkind, ungrateful children grow up.

Listen to one story.

In a small hospital on the outskirts of a big city, two mothers were lying - Black-haired and White-haired. They gave birth to sons. The sons were born on the same day: to Cheonrkosa's mother in the morning, to Belokosaya's in the evening. Both mothers were happy. They dreamed about the future of their sons.

I want my son to become outstanding person- said the White-haired mother. - A musician or writer known throughout the world. Or a sculptor who created a work of art that will live for centuries. Or the engineer who built spaceship, which will fly to a distant star ... That's what you want to live for.

And I want my son to become a kind person, - said the black-haired mother. - So that he never forgets his mother and his home. To love the Motherland and hate enemies.

Every day the fathers came to visit the young mothers. They looked for a long time at the little faces of their sons, happiness, amazement and tenderness shone in their eyes. Then they sat by the bed of their wives and for a long time talked about something in a whisper with them. At the cradle of a newborn, they dream about the future - of course, only about a happy one. A week later, the happy husbands, now fathers, took their wives and sons home.

30 years have passed. Two women came to the same small hospital on the outskirts of the big city - Black-haired and White-haired. There was already gray hair in their braids, their faces were as beautiful as they were 30 years ago. They got to know each other. Both of them were admitted to be treated in the same ward where they gave birth to sons 30 years ago. They talked about their lives, they were silent about their sons. Finally, Black-haired asked:

Who has become your son?

An outstanding musician, - proudly answered the mother. - He is now conducting an orchestra that performs in the largest theater in our city. He is a huge success. Don't you know my son? - And the White-haired mother named the name of the musician. Yes, of course, the Black-haired mother knew this name well, it was known to many. Recently she read about the great success of this musician abroad.

What has your son become? - asked White-haired.

A grain grower. Well, to make it clearer to you - a machine operator on a collective farm, i.e. and a tractor driver, and a combine driver, and on a livestock farm you have to work. From early spring to late autumn while the snow covers the land, my son plows the land and sows bread, harvests and plows the land again, sows and harvests again ... We live in a village - a hundred kilometers from here. The son has two children - a boy of three years and a girl recently born ...

All the same, happiness has bypassed you, ”said White-haired. - Your son has become a simple, unknown person.

The dark-haired mother did not answer.

And not a day passed, and a son came to the Black-haired mother from the village. In a white coat, he sat down on a white bench, for a long time whispering about something with his mother. Joy shone in the eyes of the black-haired mother. She seemed to forget everything in the world in those moments. She held in her hands the strong, sun-tanned hand of her son and smiled. Parting with his mother, the son, as if apologizing, laid grapes, honey, oil out of the bag on a small table: “Get better, mom,” he said goodbye and kissed her.

But no one came to the White-haired Mother. In the evening, when silence reigned in the room and the Black-haired mother, lying in bed, quietly smiled at her thoughts, the White-haired woman said:

My son has a concert now ... If it were not for the concert, he, of course, would have come ...

On the second day, before evening, the son of a grain grower from a distant village again came to the Black-haired mother. Again, he sat on the white bench for a long time, and the White-haired mother heard that it was a hot time in the field, they were working day and night ... Parting with his mother, the son laid out honeycombs, a white flax and apples on a small table. With happiness, the face of the Black-haired woman shone, and wrinkles straightened out.

No one came to the White-haired Mother.

In the evening the women lay in silence. The black-haired woman smiled, sighed softly, afraid that her neighbor would not hear her sighs.

On the third day, before evening, the son again came to the Black-haired mother - a grain grower from a distant village - he brought two large watermelons, grapes, apples. Together with his son, a three-year-old black-eyed grandson arrived. The son and grandson sat for a long time by the bed of the black-haired mother, happiness shone in her eyes, she looked younger. The blond-haired mother, with pain in her heart, heard her grandson tell his grandmother: together with his father, he rode the "captain's bridge" of the combine yesterday for half a day. “I will also be a combine operator,” the boy said, and his grandmother kissed him ... The blond-haired mother in those moments remembered that her son, an outstanding musician, going on long trips, handed over, as they said in the family, little son in a boarding school...

For a month two mothers lay in the hospital, every day a son, a grain grower from a distant village, came to the Black-haired mother, brought a filial smile, and it seemed that the mother was recovering only from that smile. It seemed to the White-haired mother that when her neighbor's son came to visit, even the hospital walls wanted the mother of the son, the grain grower, to recover soon. No one came to the White-haired Mother. A month has passed. The doctors said to the black-haired mother: “Now you are completely healthy. There are no murmurs or interruptions in the heart.” And the doctor said to the White-haired mother: “You still need to lie down. Of course, you too will become a perfectly healthy person.” Saying these words the doctor looked for some reason to the side.

The son came for the Black-haired mother. He brought several large bouquets of red roses. Flowers gave to doctors and sisters. Everyone in the hospital was smiling.

Saying goodbye to Black-haired mother, White-haired asked her to stay alone with her for a few minutes. When everyone left the ward, the White-haired mother asked with tears in her eyes:

Tell me, dear, how did you raise such a son? After all, we gave birth to them on the same day. You are happy and I... - and she cried.

We are parting and will never meet again, - said Black-haired, - because there cannot be such a wonderful coincidence for the third time. So I'll tell you the whole truth. The son I gave birth to on that happy day died ... He died when he was not even a year old. And this is ... not my blood son, but my own! I adopted him as a three year old boy. He. Of course, he vaguely remembers this ... But for him I am his own mother. You saw it with your own eyes. I'm happy. And you are an unfortunate person, and I deeply sympathize with you. If you knew how I suffer these days for you. I already wanted to leave the hospital, because every visit of my son brought you hard feelings. When you leave the hospital, go to your son and say: his heartlessness will turn against him. As he treats his mother, so will his children treat him. Indifference to the mother is not forgiven.

Teacher: Ukrainian wisdom says: “A person has three misfortunes: death, old age and bad children. Old age is inevitable, death is inexorable, before these misfortunes, no one can close the doors of his house. And the house can be saved from bad children, as from fire.

And it depends not only on the parents, but also on you - the children. Know how to feel the subtlest spiritual movements of the mother. Do not bring anxiety, grief, resentment. Don't let your parents' lives be poisoned by your shameful behavior. Remember that early old age and illness bring us only labor and fatigue, as well as heart worries, worries, grief, resentment. When your heart hurts, children are for you, your hair turns gray. Offensive words are not forgotten either. The wound from the splinter heals, and there is no trace left. And the wound from offensive words heals, but a deep trace remains.

Be a good son, a good daughter until you die.

Be able to feel the mother's heart, be able to see peace and tranquility, happiness and joy, anxiety and restlessness, confusion and grief in her eyes. If you do not learn to see her soul in the eyes of your mother, you will remain a moral ignoramus for the rest of your life.

Teacher: And when mom gets sick, we think that you will worry and wish her a speedy recovery. How can you help her? Listen.

Boy: Mom suddenly has sciatica!

She had to go to the hospital.

Yegorka almost whines,

And do not sit at home.

Girl: Hurrah! Business hours!

Egor ran from home.

Now in a bathrobe.

Here he is in the room.

With anxious eyes

Looks. Better mom!

All news reported -

Home and school:

The cat ate ice cream.

There was a test on Thursday.

Boy: Today I fixed

For a triple plus a deuce:

And mom smiles

Slightly - slightly rises.

Great mark -

Great tablet!

Teacher: Mom should be pleased with exemplary behavior, good grades. Give them flowers, say "thank you" often, and don't upset them in any way. And if it happened that you inadvertently offended your mother, then do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. Wrinkles on the faces of your mothers appear because you upset them with something.

With the help of magic words, even a sad or offended mother can return a good mood, cheer up.

Teacher: Women have an important and responsible duty - to be the soul of the family, to bring light and warmth.

Student: Noise and any trouble will rush off

As in spring, sometimes rumbling thunder,

If she is with you, if she is always near

Very rarely, but all around somersault, up the house.

Because she, because she -

The person who holds the house.

So that it is light in the heart and in the house,

Repay her kindness with kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house.

Teacher: We are in eternal, unrequited debt to the mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, love tenderly, respect, take care of her, do not hurt her mother with your words and deeds.

student reads a poem

By the will of fate, one young mother
A song about mom. By the will of fate, one young mother
She gave birth to a son right on the field.
Barely managed to get to the bridge,
But not a single soul is a mile away!
There was someone to call for help.
Intuitively unhappy mother
She took birth herself
IN bouffant skirts baby swaddled,
And, warming, pressed to the chest
Having taken off the last jacket,
She hid her son, hugged her lovingly ...
This hug could not be separated
In the morning, the spouses that found dead
A mother who warmed her son with herself
And surprisingly, he was alive!
They buried their mother by the bridge,
That boy was adopted
This couple did not reveal to anyone
That the child was not native to them.
The surprised quarter spoke -
So God sent a son to the childless!
The boy grew up happy with them,
He loved will, often walked in the field.
Wherever he goes for a walk,
His old bridge all the time beckoned.
He sat here for a long time, fishing.
The river was overgrown, small,
But he felt so good here...
Walking from the church, he strove for the bridge,
It's like being blessed by God.
Quietly laughing and crying prayed,
Flowers to an unfamiliar grave laid down:
After all, a man lived and loved someone ...
When, having matured, he became serious,
The father in the clean field called his son:
"I must tell you a secret,
So that I can live my old age in peace
The mother is already dead, she won't be able to tell;
Yes, I am not a father, and she is not a mother!
Led to that familiar grave, to the bridge,
And he told the whole story:
“Twenty years ago, in January
There was such a blizzard in the yard.
My wife and I rode in a cart
Near the bridge here, suddenly saw-
The woman pressed her son to her heart,
Newborn ... And did not breathe ...
We buried - here is a mound in silence,
This is where your mother lies...
We then buried the secret from everyone
Because they were childless!
You don't owe your life to us, son, -
God, that he saved in his mother's arms!
He sent us to save you,
Taking from the cold, frozen ground.
I remember we cried when we saw
That mothers wrapped their arms around you,
With the warmth of their tender love they warmed
She took off everything, and even underwear,
Wrapped up the little body, son, yours
And, half-naked, very loving,
She warmed you with her breath.
So you came to her on a date,
At the place of your parting ...
Mom rests, son, here is yours,
Stop, bow down. I'll go home!"
A haze swirled over the field.
But he shouted louder: “You saved me,
Beloved, kind, my mother!
Oh, what, dear, will I reward you!?
You were cold, you were cold
But, having removed everything from yourself, you saved me.
Your love is sacrificial, poor mother,
I can't revive you, raise you!
Even if I can't do anything,
But I will warm your mound! I'll warm you up!"
And nearby, a passer-by marveled, frozen,
Like a crying man, having taken off all his clothes, covering him,
That mound of the grave smelled and sobbed -
I warmed my mother with myself, as best I could!
Oh children, hurry up, hurry up
And hug your mom tight!
While mom lives and always waits for you,
Keep her warm as she warmed her!
It will help you in everything, it will never give,
He will give all the best to you, his children.
And if a difficult hour comes one day,
That mom will protect and save!
And you take care of your mothers:
No one pities you more for them!!!

Student: 1. Where only strength and patience

Take all mothers on earth?!

To hide the anxieties and worries

And give happiness to you and me.

2. Thank you, mommy, for tenderness,

Your holy goodness!

Love universal immensity,

Patience, tact and warmth!

3. You are dear to me, you are priceless!

Your smile is precious

Understand, help and forgive

You smile - heal!

4. Know, mom, you are needed!

I need every moment and hour!

You are adored, loved

Then, recently and now!

5. Let the female weakness return,

Let the burden disappear from fragile shoulders.

Love will touch her again

Bringing a taste of life for mom!

6. Let's help mom be beautiful,

Cheerful, kind, young!

A contented life and a happy one,

Careless, sincere, dear!

Teacher: Thank your mother for the work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, responsive to her. Constant care, attention, cordiality, sympathy, good word your mother is waiting for you.

Love tenderly, respect, take care of your mother, do not hurt her with words and deeds. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, responsive. Constant care, attention, cordiality, kind words. Moms are waiting for you.

Song about mother.

Student: 1. I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know.

Probably because I live and dream.

And I rejoice in the sun, and a bright day.

That's why I love you, my dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you mom.

You are my best friend.

2. We wish you health, joy,

Mental strength in reserve,

Thank you dear

For everything you've done for us.

3. For tireless worries,

For the world of family warmth,

God grant that you are always in everything

And henceforth it was the same!

4. Mom is dear, dear,

You are our dear

We congratulate you

Be happy, our mother,

Stay close to us!

5. Everyone needs, no one can replace,

We love you very, very much.

Let sorrows pass by

Be healthy, just as fun.

6. Girls and boys!

Let's go with us

Thank you mom

Thank you mom!

7. For songs and fairy tales!

8. For trouble and affection.

9. For delicious cheesecakes.

10. For new toys!

6. Girls and boys!

Let's go with us

Thank you mom

Thank you mom!

11. For books and counting rhymes,

12. For skis and jump ropes.

13. For sweet jam.

14. For long patience.


Teacher: Moms love you for who you are, and the most cherished desire is to see you healthy, kind and smart.

And now, when you return home, say “Hello” to your mother, look for kind, warm words, because mom is waiting for them. Let's see what words you wrote on the stands, read them and remember them, and when we come home we will tell them to our mother. (Reading words)

And of course, congratulate on Mother's Day, give gifts.

The song "We wish you happiness!"