
If a person is gloomy, then he should ask himself how to learn to smile, there are secrets here


Want to be the person who walks into a room and lights it up with your smile? Some people do it more naturally than others, but like any habit, it’s a lot easier with practice. Smiling makes you feel better and makes others happy, which is a very powerful expression. Read on to find out how to smile.


Improving the appearance of your smile

    Practice smiling a lot. Have you ever heard of a "light smile"? People with a slight smile begin to smile effortlessly, and this usually makes those around them feel happy. If you exercise a lot, your smile will become easier and you will look less stressed. Smile whichever smile you find most attractive. Soon your confidence in your smile will increase and you will start doing it without thinking.

    • Look at your photos where you smile differently. Do you like your smile better with your mouth closed? Maybe open? Check from different angles. What smiles and poses make your face brighter? What kind of smile brings out other facial features from their best side. What kind of smile do you get the most natural, the most "your"? Find out which smile you like best, then practice in front of the mirror until you get it right. Notice how great it feels with this smile, so you can repeat it without a mirror.
    • Practice smiling at random strangers. Just make short eye contact with the person and smile. In doing so, think about the good. Not everyone will smile back, but notice how you will feel when you smile back!
  1. Smile with your eyes. A smile from the bottom of your heart will be reflected in your eyes. This natural smile is called the Duchenne smile. You cannot fake it when you are forced to smile for a photo, your eyes are not smiling. It is only when you really want to smile that you have a Duchenne smile. Eyes are essential for a genuine, warm smile.

    • To get a feel for how to make your eyes smile, stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling, but focus on your eyes. It will be helpful if you cover lower part faces with paper. Play with this a little, and you will notice that you can smile with your mouth while your eyes are not smiling, and that you can also smile with your eyes only.
    • When your eyes are smiling, remember these feelings, which muscles are working and how. With practice, you will learn how to smile with your eyes whenever you want, relying on your senses and muscle memory.
  2. Maintain oral hygiene. One of the reasons why you might be afraid to smile is worry that something is stuck in your teeth or that you have bad breath. Eliminate these sources of anxiety by taking proactive steps to keep your mouth clean and fresh.

    • Brush your teeth and tongue regularly, always have dental floss on hand wherever you go so you can brush your teeth after a meal, and always carry a breath freshener (natural or commercially made)
    • Visit your dentist regularly to check and brush your teeth, and to discuss straightening your teeth if you are concerned about it. When you smile, people are more likely to look at your mouth, so by following these tips you can leave a better impression, and most importantly, a clean mouth will make you more confident in your smile.
    • If your teeth have darkened, consider the lifestyle and habits that may cause it and try to reduce the impact of habits such as smoking or overusing red wine, coffee, soft drinks, etc. You can also whiten them if it increases your confidence.
    • Keep your lips in good shape to avoid chapping.
    • Deal with bad breath. If this is a superficial phenomenon, cleaning and refreshing should be sufficient. If this doesn't work, it could be a sign of a health problem, so check with your doctor.

    Smile for the Right Reasons

    1. Make your smile genuine. While it's likely that when you feel terrible, angry, annoyed, or want to do something nasty, you won't be able to smile, smiling under these circumstances will make people fear you. A genuine smile is much more difficult to fake. A genuine smile is noticed by others because it is accompanied by a general glow, smiling eyes, the outer corners of which curl and the lower eyelid contract, and reassuring behavior that helps the viewer feel more at ease in your presence. Here's how to smile naturally:

      • Don't smile if you can't feel it. Others will get the impression that you cannot be trusted. It's okay not to smile all day.
      • Remember how you feel when you give out a casual smile. Try to bring that feeling back every time you smile.
    2. Smile when you feel good. A relaxed smile comes when you are happy, positive, and your feelings come from your heart. Rejoice when the person you are talking to is doing well, that someone's joke is funny, that the sun is up, or that you are about to eat your favorite food. There are many reasons to smile and laugh!

      • Even if you're not having fun, you can still find a reason to smile. Focus on the positive things that are happening in your life. Your mood will improve and you will find it easier to smile.
      • When you are faced with a person or situation that gives you conflicting feelings and you hesitate between being serious and smiling, stay on the side of the smile, find something positive in your heart about that person or situation, and use that to smile.
    3. Smile with love. Think about the person you care about (perhaps the person standing in front of you when you smile) or things you love to do in a casual way. It is much easier to smile in a friendly, easy and casual way when you love what you do, when you love the people around you, and when you love humanity in general. Be grateful for everything you have and your smiles will become more natural.

      Smile when you are in a playful mood. Tensions can make us too serious. See life as an adventure, be gentle with yourself, and let your inner child play. Playfulness will bring a smile much easier.

    Smiling is part of everyday life

    1. Smile when you don't normally smile. You didn't smile because you thought it would make people interested in you? Smiling attracts attention, but that is the right attention. Throughout the day, consider ways that smiling can improve your life.

      • If you smile during work or other professional activity, it won't make you unprofessional. On the contrary, smiling will make you more human and more attractive. People will love your recognition of their value and your appreciation for a job well done when you smile.
      • Smiling makes you "real". If you are afraid to appear vulnerable when you smile, accept that any form of vulnerability that comes from smiling is what makes it so powerful. You open yourself up to others and people will respond better to you than they would with serious, dispassionate behavior. What's more, a smile, combined with a determined personality, will make sure people don't use your smile to fool you!
    2. Scientific studies have shown that our brains are unable to distinguish a fake smile from a real one. So remember to smile even in the most difficult situations.
    3. When photographing, you can laugh or giggle a little, this will give your smile a natural look.
    4. Have you ever laughed hysterically at what you saw? Remember this, but just laugh more calmly, and now you have a natural sweet smile.
    5. If you bite your lower lip when you smile, it sometimes looks pretty cute for flirting purposes or to giggle.
    6. The smile is a great defense mechanism. If someone tries to ruin your mood, smile and push away the bad energy.
    7. Try a light smile: don't show as many teeth as you would when laughing. By the way, this is the best smile for flirting - light and seductive.
    8. There are many reasons to smile around you. Use them as much as possible.
    9. Smile, good way show everyone that you are a friendly, positive and open-minded person. Always smile from your heart, not from your mind.
    10. Practice smiling in front of the mirror. Do this more often and you can do it!
    11. Warnings

    • Avoid fake smiles, even if you've learned the perfect smile.
    • Make sure you don't have spinach or anything stuck in your teeth because you will leave a bad impression. Slip into the bathroom after your meal and freshen up quickly: this is even more important when you know your teeth are prone to holding on to food debris or if you have braces.

No wonder it is often said that a smile is the best curve on a woman's body. It is the main tool of politicians, public figures and people who receive attention. The ability to build a beautiful smile lays the charisma of a man and the charm of a woman, but not everyone has the ability to smile stunningly from birth. However, it is possible to learn to laugh and smile.

How do you know if your smile is beautiful and natural?

It is easy to distinguish a natural smile from a stretched one if a person has not worked on his facial muscles and has not trained to smile in front of a mirror. Each of us has at least once faced a situation where there is no reason to smile, but it is worth smiling out of politeness.

To understand whether your smiling face looks open, you need to turn to your thoughts: if you are gloomy in your soul, it is unlikely that the joy on your face will not be strained. For a smile to be charming and open, you need to think about the things that cause it in a normal situation, and if you do it so often, then a natural smile will become a habit, and pleasant thoughts will improve your mood.

The most charming smile is considered to be symmetrical. If you go to the mirror, make the smile as beautiful as possible and look closely, then the asymmetrical details will become visible, and they can be completely corrected - this is when the smile can be considered beautiful. If you periodically do this, then over time you will be able to smile charmingly, and an even and symmetrical smile will become a habit. Anyone can learn this.

Smile rules

Perfect smiles from glossy magazine covers are the result of models' work on themselves. It is enough to follow simple rules in order to learn exactly the same, and then turn out well in photographs or simply please others with your wonderful mood without inner negativity, do not be ashamed of yourself and your joy.

Facial symmetry

The first rule of a good smile is the symmetry of the smile's lips. Slight asymmetry of the face is normal and characteristic of a person, but it is simply impossible to get rid of it.

Exercising in front of a mirror, allowing you to achieve symmetry, will help make your smile beautiful, and the simplest exercise - an unnaturally wide lip extension - will bear fruit in a month.

Condition of teeth

The second rule is to maintain the whiteness of your teeth. In order to look charming, your teeth must be snow-white and well-groomed, and you need to take care of them with the help of high-quality toothpaste.

The third rule will be highly specialized, but necessary for a beautiful smile, professional teeth cleaning. Over time, plaque and tartar build up on the teeth, so removing plaque becomes very important. Professional cleaning is worth at least twice a year (this is also important for dental health).

Lips and makeup

The fourth rule is healthy eating. The color of the complexion depends on the right food - when it is healthy, the joy on the face is seen much brighter and more natural. Using cosmetics you can achieve the same effect, because blush and eye shadow palettes will favorably emphasize not only the cheekbones and curves of the face, but also the lips.

The fifth rule is the grooming of the skin of the lips. In pharmacies, a huge amount of balms and lotions, medicines for colds and weather conditions are sold.

How to learn to smile attractively?

Any skill, including the ability to maintain a perfect smile, is achieved with diligence and time. Beauty lies in the details, and the components of the charm of any woman who receive attention are such aspects as the control of facial muscles, the use of cosmetics and a positive attitude, good thoughts.

Special exercises

Photos are one of the reasons pushing women to work on themselves, because everyone wants to be beautiful in a photo with a smile with teeth, and the words “I have bad teeth, but my smile is not beautiful” can be heard from the fair sex quite often. In order to achieve the perfect smile, or to make it wider, you need to find "your" shape, that is, sit in front of the mirror and, controlling the facial muscles, determine which shape is most suitable.

After perfect option will be found, you need to press your fingers on the edges of the lips and, counting to seven, release them, and then start the process again. This exercise is done about five times, with variable fixation and relaxation of the lips, but the main condition is maintaining a beautiful smile on the face during the exercise. So you can achieve ideal proportions lips.

There are other exercises:

  • Stretch your lips as wide as possible for 15 seconds and, relaxing them, repeat. Do it 10-15 times.
  • Draw a whistle with your lips and relax them. Do it 15 times.
  • After inhaling the maximum volume of air, exhale it through tightly compressed lips for 20 times.

Cosmetic aspect

Make-up also plays an important role in the beauty of a smile. The manifestation of joy on the face can be spoiled by an inappropriate or poor quality lipstick, dark tones of the eyeshadow will make the face darker, which will make the expression of joy not look so open.

A beautiful and perfectly matched lipstick will hide all the minor imperfections of the lips and make your teeth look more advantageous. So, for example, it is not recommended to use purple and brown shades- they set off the teeth, and they no longer look so white.

Ability to enjoy life

As already mentioned many times, the most charming smile is considered a sincere one, and it directly depends on a person's positivity, his ability to laugh, enjoy life and inner happiness. In order to smile beautifully, you must always think about the good, even when there is little of it in life. Sincere good emotions will lead to a happy smiling face, which, in turn, will create many new pleasant memories.

Rule number one when you are filming for a photo - do not say "cheese". This visually stretches your mouth and makes your smile look unnatural. Better to say words that end in "a", such as "panda". If you want to know more secrets of successful shots, naturally smiling at them, see the next paragraph.


Practice posing

    Smile with your eyes. The worst case for photos is when you smile like a Halloween pumpkin - you can see all your teeth and no eyes. To look natural, you need to learn to involve the eyes in the process, this is called the Duchenne smile. A real Duchenne smile will be genuine, as it is very difficult to tense the muscles of your eyes that way if you have nothing to smile with.

    • See the difference in the mirror. Can you see how much less happy your face looks when the eyes are not involved?
    • When you smile for a photograph, pretend you are smiling at someone you love. Your eyes will squint naturally, and your smile will turn out to be sincere and beautiful.
  1. Show some teeth. It is not necessary to show all the teeth in the photo, but opening your mouth a little will make your face brighter. It is better to open a few upper teeth than to shine at all 32. If you prefer to smile with your mouth closed, fine, but remember that you can look the most serious in the picture.

    Find your best angle. Full face photos usually don't suit anyone. Your facial features become flat and appearance slightly distorted. Instead, show the structure of your face by turning your head slightly to the side. If you have a so-called " the best side", Which shows you in the best light, turn it to the camera.

    • Turning your head can make your face look more interesting, but don't overdo it. You have to turn your head so that it looks natural.
    • If possible, stand a little under the camera so that you are filmed from above, not from below.
  2. Keep your face level with the camera. If you tilt your chin down, your face will be distorted in the image, and if you lift it up, it will seem like you want to hide a double chin. The best option will hold your head straight, as if you are about to start a conversation with the camera.

    Speak words that end with the letter "a". Photographers love to advise saying the word "cheese", but the photos are not the best for two reasons. First, the mouth stretches and the smile turns out to be unnatural. Secondly, your smile will not be sincere, unless you are a joyful person in life. The word "cheese" annoys all people over the age of 8. Solution? Think about something that you love and that ends with the letter "a". By pronouncing this letter, you will make your smile natural. Thinking of someone you love will help your smile too. And if you combine it, you get the best result!

    • For example, if the person you love is called Seryozha, think of him and say his name in front of the picture. Any other name or subject will work as well, as long as it makes you smile.
  3. Whiten your teeth. If your teeth are yellow or unnatural, you can feel more confident if you whiten them. You don't necessarily need expensive procedures. You can do this at home as well. Here's what to do:

    • Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide solution. This safe way make teeth whiter by several tones.
    • Brush your teeth with baking soda... Add some baking soda to toothpaste or make a homemade paste with baking soda and water and then brush your teeth. Do not do this too often, as it can damage the enamel.
  4. Color your lips with lipstick that will make your teeth pearl. Certain lipstick tones hide yellow teeth and help them look brighter and whiter. You can help your smile look better by wearing these lipstick colors before your shot:

    Make sure your lips are hydrated. Smiling with peeling and cracking lips can make you feel self-conscious and end up with a bad shot. Scrub your lips with a facial scrub to exfoliate your skin, then apply a lip balm to moisturize and keep them looking good. When the time will come smile, you will not be shy.

    Wear makeup that complements your smile. Tone cream, blush and bronzer can provide contrast to your smile and make it stand out even more. Choose shades that suit your skin tone well. Your teeth will look whiter if you choose darker makeup, which will help you look like you have a tan.

    Be confident in yourself. Smiling is not about looking perfect, but about being happy and confident. Your smile will be more beautiful if your face radiates confidence and relaxation. Just remember to relax and think positively, and then you will be rewarded with a great shot.

Deal with sensitive situations

    Exercise in front of a mirror. If is coming significant event where the photos will be taken, and you are worried about this, practice a little in front of the mirror. Stand in front of the mirror and choose your best angle and smile. Remember to smile with your eyes. When you find a smile that you like, memorize the expression on your face at that moment so that later you can reproduce it.

  1. Feel a genuine smile. If you're worried that the expression on your face in a photo looks insincere, notice how you feel the next time your face changes into a genuine smile - for example, when someone makes you laugh or your favorite comedy cheers you up. Ask yourself the following questions to help you "remember" your sincere smile:

    • What feelings envelop you when you smile? Consider if you can recreate them for a snapshot.
    • What is natural for your face? If possible, take a look in the mirror before your smile fades. Make a mental note of how your face looks when you smile sincerely. When it's time to take your photo, try to recreate the facial expression that accompanies your best smile.
  2. Don't think too much about how you look. If you think too much about your appearance, your negative emotions will show in the picture. You will look tense and tense instead of beaming with happiness. The next time you take a photo, ignore the photographer's requests for "cheese" and go to your "happy place." Instead of thinking about what your face looks like, think about what makes you smile. Your positive thoughts will be conveyed through your smile in the picture.

How to learn to smile correctly, so that people do not shy away from you, but smile back at you, how beautiful to smile, so that in the photo and in life you can boast of a sincere and dazzling smile?

All this will be discussed in this article.

At the very beginning, you should really, so to speak, look at your own appearance and smile from the outside. Just go to the mirror and smile - this way you can evaluate all the strengths and weaknesses without witnesses. You expose your gums too much when you smile - you should not open your mouth wide, it is enough to learn how to form a smile only by slightly lifting the corners of your mouth, so to speak, smiling only with your lips.

You should not stretch your smile up to your ears if you have a mouth wide in its anatomical structure and large teeth with yellowness - in this case, learn to be mysterious like Mona Lisa, while you correct crooked teeth with bales or go with braces, whitening them at dentist.

Lip condition and makeup

Each of us understands that chapped and dry lips, even with all the whiteness and evenness of the teeth, will not cause pleasant associations among passers-by and therefore special care is also required for them. Regular moisturizing and hygiene products in the form of balms and masks are all worth taking into account. A man can simply lubricate his lips with a cream or a colorless nourishing lip balm, but for a woman ... ... - here the arsenal is wider and more varied.

With regard to makeup, it is worth remembering the following - a girl with a naturally thin lip strip should abandon bright lipstick tones, because in the end you will get 2 strips that, believe me, will not look decent. Give preference to natural tones of lipsticks and glosses, or visually enlarge the contour of the lips using a natural pencil 2 tones darker than the skin tone and draw back 2 mm from the edge along the top and bottom.

How to smile effectively for the camera

So that in photographs you always look impressive and not be in the pictures with a frowning beech. In this case, ask yourself what my mood is, because the camera is very sensitive to your state, be it positive or cloudy. So that your smile turns out to be sincere and not strained - remember some funny incident from your life, an anecdote and your appearance will change before our eyes.

During the photo session, you should not freeze in front of the camera - at this moment you can smile and laugh like children when they are having fun and frolicking. At this moment, it is best to fantasize about…. And here the main thing is for your eyes to shine and sparkle, since a forced smile solely by the mimicry itself, without a live spark in the eyes will not be complete and beautiful. Experiment in front of the mirror, which smile will suit you, and even then you can move on to practical action in public, working for the camera and photo session.

Male smile

Many representatives of the stronger half ask questions about how to smile correctly - this is just as important for a guy as for a woman. Of course, a smile with teeth or just lips, without teeth, just like women, should be sincere and cheerful, with active facial expressions or without such, but even here a sparkle in the eyes is a must.

With regard to practical advice on how to smile correctly for a man in order to please a woman - here the recommendations are similar to those described earlier. The only thing worth noting in this case is that a man will be more impressed by a smile without teeth, such a mysterious smile that can intrigue and charm the weaker sex.

How to smile beautifully with teeth?

People often ask themselves the question - how to smile properly with teeth so as not to look funny? Of course, in this case, it makes no sense to say that owners of even and snow-white teeth can afford a radiant smile, if not, it is worth working on this by visiting a dentist. Agree, yellow, crooked and with caries teeth and even more so exposed in a smile will turn anyone away from you - in this case, until you correct the situation, it is worth developing facial expressions, exercising in front of a mirror and practicing a smile with your lips alone.

How, in this case, learn to smile correctly, if it does not work out - you will succeed if you pay attention to the formation of your own smile every day. More specifically, it is worth allocating 5-10 minutes. and smile every day in front of the mirror - this is how you pick up that smile made with your lips alone or showing everyone your snow-white teeth, which will suit you in the best way.

Next, take on board several exercises to develop facial expressions, which will allow the muscles of the face to always be in good shape, and the smile itself is beautiful - the set of exercises itself is simple and will be discussed below. After you have completed the training stage in front of the mirror, you have trained the muscles of the face and lips - you can gradually move on to the practical part.

In this case, smile at your family or friends, colleagues at work and neighbors and see how they react to your smile. You still doubt that you are doing everything right - on the Internet you can always find a video on how to smile with your lips or with your teeth.

Exercises for your dazzling smile

So that the process of learning how to smile correctly does not go in vain, it is worth adopting exercises that will help you with this, training the muscles and facial expressions of the face and its nasolabial part. This will help to make the smile not strained and unnatural, but cheerful, sincere and beautiful. And so having such a smile remains the question.

Hollywood stars, world famous singers and singers, supermodels - they all charmingly smile from the cinema and television screens. In an effort to get closer to the ideal, many go to the dentist for whitening, veneers or correcting the dentition with braces. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

“After Game of Thrones, few people believe I can smile,” says actress Emilia Clarke. And she loves to convince us otherwise!

Smiling is useful!

Of course, beautiful teeth - even, white and healthy - are one of the foundations of a dazzling smile. But that's not all! Equally important is the correct position of the lips, which is ensured by the correct position of the facial muscles. This is what many actors, singers and other celebrities learn in order to pose in front of the cameras. After all beautiful smile not only symmetrical; it is also important for her how many teeth are opened, whether the lower teeth are visible, whether the upper teeth touch the lower lip, how the eyes look when smiling.

Every year, Jennifer Lawrence's teeth are whiter and more attractive.

However, sometimes those who installed veneers need to learn to smile again. New teeth affect both diction and the facial muscles that are responsible for smiling. It takes some time to adapt, although the effort is worth it.

Kate Beckinsale once made plastic surgery of the gums and installed veneers. Now her smile is considered one of the best in Hollywood.

You don't need a coach and a gym to make your smile perfect. There are many smiling exercises you can do at home. As a result, facial muscle tone and blood circulation improve, and this in turn helps to avoid early aging, sagging skin and even relieve stress. This is why smiling is very helpful. Let's get started!

Exercises for a smile

The first stage is, of course, preparation. First you need to wash your face thoroughly and wash your hands - after all, you will be touching your face, so your hands should also be clean. Before starting gymnastics, you need to apply a moisturizer to your face, especially on the neck, chin, mouth and cheek area. And, of course, the lips themselves also need to be moisturized with a balm or hygienic lipstick. The same must be done after the end of gymnastics.

Why is this needed? When we repeat the exercises designed for these muscles many times, the load on them may well lead to the appearance of new wrinkles or deepen those that already exist. This happens if the skin is dry or not elastic enough. This is why you need to take care of hydration.

First you need to understand what exactly your smile should be. How do you measure the width of a smile that matches your face perfectly? Sit in front of a mirror, close your lips, but do not squeeze them too tightly. Then place your longest finger (most often the middle) on them. It needs to be aligned along the midline of the face - the second joint from the nail should be in the center of the lips. From fingertip to knuckle, that's the perfect width for your smile. Remember the location of these two points in relation to the eyes.

  1. Now you need to smile as wide as you can. See, does the width of that smile match what you measured with your finger? If not, correct it. Check if the smile is really symmetrical, correct any imperfections if you see them, and fix the corners of the lips with your fingers. The smile must be held in this position for 15 seconds. After that, you need to relax, rest and repeat the exercise. It should be repeated 10 times a day during the first week of training and 20 times a day starting from the second week.
  2. The next exercise is a tubule or duck. You need to stretch your lips with a tube as far as you can, and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then relax again. As in the previous case, at first you can do 10 repetitions, and from the second week - 20.
  3. For the third exercise, you need to put three fingers on each cheek - index, middle and ring. Pull your cheeks lightly while smiling. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax. You need to repeat in the same way as the first two exercises.

Relaxing gymnastics for the facial muscles

We have all heard the expression "forced smile". Usually people think that she is not disposed, that she is not sincere - or looks like an attempt to hide something.

Taylor Swift's smile is tortured here.

A truly beautiful smile will only appear on a relaxed face. Moreover, according to some scientists, in order to relax the muscles of the body, it is enough to relax the muscles of the face. It improves the quality of the skin, increases blood circulation and reduces stress. Here's a simple facial relaxation exercise.

  1. For the first exercise, open your mouth as wide as possible, so that you feel the tension on the skin on your cheeks, lips and chin. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat a few more times.
  2. The second exercise begins with a deep breath. Then you need to open your mouth wide, stretch your tongue as far forward as you can, and look up. Then - a strong, sharp exhalation with a characteristic sound "Ha!" The exercise is performed 10 times.
  3. And finally, something like a massage. You need to pinch your cheeks slightly. Apply a light pinch all over the cheeks.

Anything and everything - 6 simple facial exercises will keep you in good shape. Perfect skin, healthy glow and a charming smile for a long time - this is the result of facial fitness!

Yulia Klouda, head of the online magazine about dentistry