
Why does silver darken on the human body? Why does silver darken on the human body. Low assay and impurities


It is nice to give and receive jewelry as a gift, especially if two people share romantic experiences. But all joyful memories can be dispelled in one moment, as soon as the gift deteriorates. And at the same time, no one will be able to sensibly explain why silver turns black on the body and how it threatens its owner or owner.

Women's friendship and jewelry

It just so happened that most often jewelry is worn by women. Female friendship and female enmity have long been a saying, these two phenomena are sometimes very difficult to distinguish between themselves:

  • Every girl, even up to a certain age, considers herself unique, inimitable and certainly not like everyone else.
  • Women really understand the meaning of the word "ambition".
  • Often, ladies are not bound by any harsh moral standards; they can resort to any methods to achieve their desired goal.
  • Some actions are controlled by momentary impulses. Sometimes, in a furious impulse, a girl is able to do something for which she will feel shame and guilt for many years to come.

Physical violence is not the method that ladies prefer to resort to in order to put "presumptuous" girlfriends in their place.

Perhaps the issue is primitiveness the very method of influence, or maybe the fact is that beautiful ladies, in general, are somewhat inferior in physical abilities to the same men.

Why does silver turn black on a person?

For revenge, a girl may not disdain turning to some "old woman", what if she really can send the evil eye, damage, or even curse her rival? But such actions never go unnoticed by the attacked side:

  1. The state of health deteriorates sharply.
  2. The surrounding world begins to "gray", to perceive as if through some kind of veil.
  3. Everything around causes only two feelings - melancholy and irritation.
  4. Sometimes you feel someone's presence nearby, in empty rooms and subway cars. Especially clearly - at night, when no one is around, even in the next room.
  5. Silver begins to darken on the body, the skin under the jewelry becomes black.

There are several explanations for the blackening of silver.:

  • The noble metal is the first to take the “blow” on the hostess.
  • Silver, which can protect against evil spirits, will not always help with damage.
  • Faced with a black force, the metal leaves some of this energy on itself, and some passes further, onto the hostess's body.
  • The color change is not "lifelong", it can be eliminated in various ways.

Why does silver turn black on the neck?

After the silver turns black, and a distinct mark remains on the body, it is necessary start dealing with the problem as soon as possible:

  1. Visit the local church, chat with the priest and light a couple of candles for health.
  2. Memorize a few prayers and repeat them at night.
  3. Go to a good healer who will be able to tell what happened and help - she will “pronounce” the decoration.
  4. Stop wearing silver for a while, it contains dark energy damage sent to you.

It is especially important to strictly follow all these tips if the silver around the neck has turned black. Most often, from silver jewelry, worn around the neck cross . And this is the most powerful amulet, besides it is made of silver, it is also illuminated.

It could only be dealt with the most powerful curse that can bring to the grave. I don’t want to scare anyone, but for sure everyone has a friend or acquaintance who literally “dried up” in a couple of months or even weeks, turning from an absolutely healthy person into a living dead.

And this is without any oncology and other diseases of this kind. An ordinary word can sometimes cause such harm that no modern technology can help.

And if the word is said specially, then you will have to fight for your health and well-being. The main thing is not to fall into the hands of another charlatan, which will give only "fuzzy" information and will constantly "suck out" money. Here, most likely, you will not get rid of the evil eye, but of a substantial amount.

Why silver turns black, all three points of view

For any event there is at least three different points of view:

Doctors really found several explanations for this condition. The fact is that diseases of the liver and kidneys lead to disruption of enzyme activity, increase perspiration, increase the amount of salts in sweat. Enzymes, sweat and salt can affect any metal, including silver. It's chemistry and nothing else.

On the other hand, the presence of the disease indicates that help is still needed, and it is necessary to undergo an examination, only with a slightly different specialist. No one bothers to check yourself "from all sides", both with healers and doctors.

There is also a belief that if the silver turned black, then the most the terrible is over. The amulet was able to cope, he took the whole blow of the black forces upon himself, which is why he was covered with this color. Although the decoration has served faithfully, after this it is better not to wear it, in any case, until you get rid of the blackness.

Why does silver turn black on the human body?

Silver is not just called a noble metal, it is too fastidious and may suddenly turn black:

  1. If the owner has been exposed to the evil eye.
  2. When a damage or a very strong curse is sent to a person.
  3. At the moment of attack by evil spirits, trying to take away good luck or do something even worse.
  4. During simple chemical reactions occurring throughout the body.
  5. At various diseases body, leading to increased sweating and disruption of the water-salt balance.

Or maybe a few days ago you were lucky enough to meet with vampire or werewolf and leave alive, do not exclude this possibility. Now few people believe in these mythical creatures, but all cultures of the world say that they are afraid of silver products.

Take a closer look, maybe someone from your environment began to shy away from silver jewelry? At the very least, a good joke. If you are ready to joke with someone who potentially has huge fangs and a thirst for blood or flesh.

The reasons why silver turns black on the body can be sought in completely different planes. Both science and mysticism have their explanations. It is better to listen to one and do right choice so that you don't regret the missed opportunities later.

Video: why the metal darkened

In this video, Alena Vorobyova will tell you why silver darkens most often on the limbs and neck of a person, what to do to avoid this and how to clean the argentum at home:

With current prices, gold items are not available to everyone. Silver attracts with its availability and a wide range. But sometimes the joy of buying passes quickly - for some people, the silver chain can darken literally before our eyes, for others it happens a little later.

Do not rush to the store to make claims for a low-quality product to the seller. Not always the reason is the non-compliance with the manufacturing technology of silver jewelry. Then why does silver darken on the human body?

Those who believe in superstition will take seriously the assurances " smart people»that a person has been damaged. Moreover, it is considered the worst omen if the cross turns black. The blacker it is, the more terrible the curse on a person.

The signs say:

  • the ring has darkened - the crown of celibacy lies on the girl;
  • the color of the chain on the neck of a person changed - he was jinxed. The darkened earrings in the ears will also tell about the same;
  • a black cross on the body of a baptized person has become - the most powerful curse, which not every magician can remove;
  • darkened, faded silverware- The house is not clean.

Someone believes in these signs, begins to listen to himself, someone is in a hurry to "remove damage" to fortune-tellers. They are unlikely to help, because the reasons for the darkening of silver jewelry are not the influence of otherworldly forces, but the influence of completely earthly factors.

You should not listen to idle arguments that silver "takes" all the negative energy from a person, and therefore becomes covered with a coating. The chain darkened - it means that it protected its owner from evil spirits, dark forces.

Much more often one hears the argument that silver jewelry turn black if a person is sick. But you really need to listen to him. Only there is nothing supernatural here - the oxidation of silver, which has interacted with sweat, is a natural process. Only it manifests itself differently for everyone: in some, oxidation occurs slowly, only with active sports, swimming in sea ​​water, for others, the new chain may darken before their eyes.

Scientific view of strange things

Silver darkens over time, even if it is not worn by a person. And this is a fact that can be explained by the fact that the usual chemical reactions occur, as a result of which silver reacts with hydrogen sulfide, oxidation occurs, and a layer of silver sulfide appears on the surface of the ring or other jewelry.

Hydrogen sulfide is present in the air, only its amount may vary depending on various factors: the presence of emissions from industrial enterprises, the composition of the air in different regions. It is enough to change your place of residence and see how your favorite ring is covered with a coating.

On the human body, oxidation processes occur faster. Sweat contains salts of sulfuric acid (sulfites), which react with silver during active sweating. When playing sports, active physical work, more sweat is released, respectively, and the silver jewelry will darken faster. Therefore, it is recommended to remove chains in the gym that are in close contact with the body.

How fast the oxidation reaction will occur will depend on the composition of the alloy from which the jewelry is made. It is no secret that earrings and rings are not made of pure gold or silver. Alloys are used in production: copper, palladium and other metals are added to silver 999.9 (“four nines”). If there is a lot of copper in the composition - it also tends to oxidize - the decoration will darken faster, but palladium or platinum will slow down the reaction. Protects silver from oxidizing rhodium - that's why most jewelry covered with rhodium.

Stress, sports and ... bath

Physical exercises, active movements increase sweating. Fear, stress cause the same reactions in the body.

In the bath, sauna, high humidity, which does not allow sweat to quickly evaporate from the body, resulting in the concentration of sulfur salts on skin rises. They react with silver, the result is that the silver chain turned black after visiting the steam room.

However, sweat can also provoke a reverse reaction: it contains salts of nitric acid, which destroy silver sulfide.

Let's talk about health

Is it justified the assertion that silver darkens on the body of a person suffering from some diseases? Yes, and the explanation for such a reaction is simple: the sweat of a person suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver, having problems with endocrine system, changes its composition. Therefore, some people suffering from cardiovascular diseases cannot wear silver: on their body, it quickly, literally before their eyes, begins to turn black.

With hormonal changes in the human body (in adolescents, pregnant women, in people taking hormonal drugs), similar reactions to silver are possible. Some medications can also affect the composition of sweat and therefore how it interacts with silver jewelry.

Based on all that has been said, it becomes clear why silver does not darken in the same way:

How to get rid of plaque

If you notice that a beautiful chain, bought just recently, has darkened, do not rush to the fortuneteller to remove the damage. You can remove plaque from the product at home. Some begin to complain: “I clean, I clean the chain, and it gets dark again. Maybe it's not silver?

To get rid of dark deposits on jewelry at home, you can clean them with a solution of ammonia: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia (sold in a pharmacy) in half a liter of warm water. Dissolve the ammonia, dip the silver in there, and as soon as you see that it has returned to its original color, rinse with warm running water.

Important: this method is not suitable for cleaning rhodium-plated products, they will not only lose their luster, but will become unwearable. Such products are recommended to be washed in warm water, and then polished with a special cloth. So you will return them to their original appearance and shine.

You can restore the beauty of silver jewelry in other ways, for example, using soda. Make a slurry out of soda and water and spread it on a ring or chain. Clean until the decoration is light and shiny. Rinse with water to remove soda.

Video on the topic: If silver turns black on a person

Citric acid can be dissolved in water and add a piece to it copper wire. Put the container with the solution in a water bath, after boiling, dip the jewelry in water, rinse with water after 15 minutes and polish.

Lovers of silver jewelry quite often face the problem of darkening products made from this metal. Moreover, some products can turn black in two to three months, others do not lose their original luster for several years.

So why does the silver chain around your neck turn black? What are the reasons? The answer is quite simple: for the manufacture of jewelry from this metal, not silver is taken in its pure form, but an alloy that includes silver and copper in its composition.

Sulfur, in fairly significant amounts, which is part of human sweat, leads to the oxidation of copper. It is with this that the process of tarnishing of silver and its blackening is connected.

There are several reasons that answer the question why the silver chain around the neck turned black. One, as noted above, is associated with copper, which is part of the jewelry silver alloy.

In addition, the higher the quality of the sample of the metal from which the product is made, the later it will begin to lose its luster and darken. Darkening on the chain falls to a greater extent on those places where the metal comes into contact with human skin.

Other effects on silver around the neck are excessively rough clothing, hydrogen sulfide, in large quantities, in the air and high humidity.

That is why it is necessary to ventilate the premises where silver is stored as often as possible, since stale air leads to the formation of hydrogen sulfide in it, which directly affects the processes of metal oxidation.

People living in areas where there is a large concentration of various industrial facilities - heavy industry enterprises, should not wear silver products to work, since gases in the air, various harmful fumes from production can lead to darkening of silver.

It is important for motorists to avoid getting oil and diesel fuel on silver products. In addition, with a large accumulation of cars, in particular in densely populated cities and regions, they release into the air a lot of gases resulting from the combustion of fuel that contains sulfur, which oxidizes silver.

When asked why, medical workers answer with their point of view, namely the possibility of the presence of certain diseases in a person. In particular, malfunctions of the endocrine system, liver and kidney problems.

The functioning of the thyroid gland is directly related to the hormonal processes occurring in the body.

This is especially true for pregnant women. Change hormonal background during the period of bearing a child leads to the fact that almost all expectant mothers notice a darkening of the silver around their neck.

The sudden darkening of the silver chain may be due to the gradual destruction of the rhodium film, if the item was covered with it. In the case when the product turned black very quickly, we can talk about low-quality silver used for its manufacture.

Superstitious people associate blackened metal with damage to a person. Sorceresses, healers were convinced that silver takes the whole blow, thereby protecting its owner. Therefore, as soon as a person noticed the darkening of silver, he had to turn to the magicians to remove the damage.

Today, with absolute certainty, it can be argued that the mystical darkening of silver is just a figment of fantasy and great imagination.

Important! The higher and better the sample of the metal, the greater the anti-corrosion properties it has. For example, metal will not turn black under any circumstances. While 875 sterling silver loses its luster under the slightest adverse conditions.

Prevention of darkening

In order to avoid having to stubbornly seek an answer to the question: “Why does silver darken?”, It is important to observe some recommendations:

  • Wear a chain on a clean body without applying to it cosmetics . They can provoke and activate the appearance of oxidation processes. We are talking not only about tonal correctors, but also ordinary moisturizers or products intended for everyday skin care.
  • The same applies to various medicinal powders, ointments, creams, lotions, etc..
  • Take off jewelry during sports training, heavy loads, in extreme heat, because in such conditions sweating increases.
  • Avoid contact with water chains(remove when swimming in the shower, pool, sea or river).
  • Desirable don't wear a silver chain in places located near objects related to heavy industry.
  • Protect metal from getting on it fuel oil, gasoline, diesel fuel.

The darkening of the silver chain should not be a reason to get rid of the jewelry. Exists .

One of the most common precious metals is silver. It has special energy properties, so the darkening of the metal causes many concerns. From this article, you can learn about what promises suddenly blackened silver.

Many people prefer silver jewelry over gold. Silver looks elegant, it is cheaper than gold, and in addition, this metal has special energy properties. Of course, not everyone can wear silver. However, if you are not one of the people for whom this metal will be harmful, then silver will serve you well - for example, it will protect you from negative energy.

Surely you have noticed more than once that periodically the jewelry on your body turns black. And even cleaning does not help to get rid of darkening: after some time, silver changes color again. It is not necessary that everything is to blame for the impurities that are in precious metal. Perhaps a lot of negativity is simply directed in your direction. There are several old signs associated with this.

Bad thoughts

Any negative emotions, especially if they are experienced by a strong personality, can be directed towards the person who causes them without much effort and even accidentally. Surely you yourself noticed that many wishes you said in your hearts sometimes come true. It's all about the negative energy that was splashed out on the person annoying you. However, this energy is not strong enough, and a silver jewelry is quite capable of absorbing it, preventing it from reaching the owner. Therefore, if your chain, ring or earrings made of silver have darkened, then you managed to avoid trouble.

Damage or evil eye

Silver reacts to any negative energy directed at the owner of the jewelry. If these are not just bad thoughts, but a strong evil eye, damage or even a curse, then silver is unlikely to cope. But it will certainly warn its owner about the impact that they are trying to make on it, and it will darken. The darker the color, the stronger damage or evil eye. You yourself can feel changes in yourself: if the world becomes dull and boring, nothing pleases you, and longing seems to have settled in your heart, most likely you have been jinxed. Cleaning the jewelry in this case will help little - it will immediately return to its dark "look" and brighten only when the damage is removed. You can protect yourself from the evil eye with the help of amulets, but first you need to understand what exactly you are dealing with. Your decoration will help you with this again.

  • Pectoral cross. The worst thing is if your pectoral cross darkens. It means a strong curse. Think about who you have angered so much, and try not to delay in order to get rid of the misfortune directed at you. A blackened cross is a very bad sign, and if you do not take action, serious dangers may await you: for example, health problems.
  • Ring. Most often, rings are worn by women. If the decoration has darkened, it means that a crown of celibacy is sent to its owner. In this situation, everything is not so scary: the crown of celibacy can be removed independently and without much effort. Most likely, an unpleasant wish came from one of the envious girlfriends, so you should take a closer look at your surroundings.
  • Earrings or chain with decoration. These decorations warn the wearer of an evil eye attempt. To avoid problems in the love and financial spheres, you need to get rid of the negative impact.


Another sign says that silver darkens when the owner falls ill. In fact, this phenomenon even has a scientific explanation. The fact is that the sweat of a sick person is different from the sweat of a healthy one. Therefore, when silver comes into contact with the body of a person affected by this or that disease, it begins to oxidize and darken. If you notice that your silver jewelry has darkened, even if nothing bothers you yet, pay extra attention to your health. Better yet, visit a doctor and get tested. Sometimes the disease can for a long time hidden in the body, not manifesting itself in any way. And the sooner you diagnose it, the better.

The darkening of the silver on your body bad sign. Which means you can't slow down. Prepare for the fact that something can go wrong: go to the doctor and start timely treatment. And if you are sure that they want to jinx you, it is recommended to protect yourself. To do this, you can put on yourself an uninterrupted amulet from the evil eye, envious people and problemsthat can protect you. Also don't forget to clean your silver. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Many owners of silver jewelry often have a question about why silver turns black on the body. After all, a blackened decoration loses its attractiveness and beauty, and besides, it causes some anxiety among people who believe in beliefs. Currently, there are many versions of blackening of products from such a noble metal when worn on the neck or other parts of the body. The answer to this question is available, both among superstitious people and among doctors and chemists.

Superstitious versions of the blackening of silver

Superstitious people advise at the first sign of blackening of the product or the skin under it, immediately turn to healers. This is due to the fact that, according to popular belief, a change in the color of silver indicates damage to the owner of the jewelry. A silver product passes through itself "black" energy, while suffering in the first place, which is manifested in its darkening. Depending on the degree of blackening, the level of negative force of the induced damage is determined.

At the same time, there is a belief that a darkened ring promises a girl celibate life, a blackened chain indicates the evil eye, and
cross - about a strong curse. Therefore, if the decoration is very dark, you should contact a conspiracy removal specialist as soon as possible. If the damage is successfully eliminated, the silver thing will immediately brighten, which will indicate the removal of all negative energy, due to which the color of the product has changed.

In addition to this version, there is another opinion about darkened silver. It originated in the East and lies in the fact that silver products are a reliable protection of their owner from troubles and evil spirits. Therefore, if a blackening of the product has occurred, then this indicates that the person has escaped trouble and trouble. At the same time, the fact of this protection was displayed on the blackened decoration. Also, beliefs say that silver protects a person from vampires, ghosts, evil spirits and werewolves.

Chemical version of silver blackening

Chemists also have an answer to the question of why silver turns black on the human body. According to their version, the blackening is caused by human sweat, which contains sulfur. Under the action of this substance, copper, which is part of silver, is oxidized. However, due to the resistance of silver raw materials to corrosion, it does not oxidize, but simply becomes covered with a black coating of silver sulfide crystals. Thus, the thicker this plaque becomes, the darker the silver jewelry becomes.

The same reason is also the answer to the question of why silver turns black on the neck. After all, both on the chest and on the neck of a person there are many sweat glands, which leads to oxidation and the appearance of a dark coating. At the same time, the stronger the decoration adjoins the skin, the darker they become. This can also explain one-sided darkening, which appears exactly on the side where the product comes into contact with the skin.

There are also a number of other reasons for going through this process:

  1. constant friction of the product with clothing (leads to microdamages, and then to blackening);
  2. high concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air;
  3. increased air humidity;
  4. low grade silver.

Medical version of the darkening of silver objects

Physicians also have an answer to the question of why silver turns black on a person. So, in accordance with the medical point of view, the blackening of silver products is caused by serious health problems of its owner. Some of the diseases that can contribute to this process are disorders of the liver and kidneys, hormonal balance, problems with the thyroid gland or the endocrine system. In addition, blackened jewelry can be seen in pregnant women or nursing mothers. It is also associated with changes in the hormonal background of the body.

There are cases when the darkening of silver occurs after taking any medications. This is due to the fact that some medications can change the composition of sweat excreted by a person, as a result of which the sulfur content increases in it. Moreover, the jewelry can change its color, even just being next to sulfur-containing medicines.

Thus, if the silver product has acquired a black tint, then you should consult a doctor, as this may be evidence of an incipient disease. Despite this, blackening can also be caused by excessive stress or excitement, heavy physical exertion, excessive sweating. Therefore, it is recommended to remove silver jewelry before playing sports. Leaving them at home also does not hurt before going to the bath or sauna.

Silver cleaning

In addition to the vital question of why a silver chain or some other jewelry turns black, the question also arises of how all this can be cleaned. Firstly, in any store that sells jewelry, you can also buy silver cleaner. If this tool is not available, and the product needs to be cleaned urgently, then this process can be easily carried out at home using improvised items. (see also: Cleaning silver at home) To do this, you will need a toothbrush and soda, which should be rubbed with dirty earrings, a chain or a ring.

The second way is to soak the darkened jewelry in a special solution made from ash, soapy water and ammonia. Silver items are placed in the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. Items made from low grade metal can be cleaned with a solution of water and citric acid. Silver objects are placed in this mixture and left in it for 15 minutes. After that, they are removed and wiped with a regular cloth.

Thus, a properly chosen method of cleaning precious metal items will make it possible to maintain the cleanliness and excellent appearance of the product, as well as ensure the durability of these valuable silver items. Also, one should not forget that silver products need constant care and timely cleaning, careful use. Therefore, before playing sports, going to the sauna or bath, other water procedures, as well as in too hot or rainy weather, it is better to leave silver jewelry at home.