
Orthodox stories about Christmas for children. How to tell children about Christmas. Lydia Podvysotskaya "The Tale of a Christmas Angel"


“There are holidays that have their own smell. On Easter, Trinity and Christmas, the air smells like something special. Even non-believers love these holidays. For example, my brother interprets that there is no God, and on Easter he is the first to run to Matins ”(A. P. Chekhov, story“ On the Way ”).

Orthodox Christmas is on the doorstep! Many people are associated with the celebration of this bright day (and even several - Christmastide). interesting traditions... In Russia, it was customary to devote this period to serving one's neighbor, works of mercy. Everyone knows the tradition of caroling - singing hymns in honor of the born Christ. Winter holidays inspired many writers to create magical Christmas pieces.

There is even a special genre of Christmas tales. The plots in it are very close to each other: often the heroes of Christmas works find themselves in a state of spiritual or material crisis, the resolution of which requires a miracle. Christmas stories are imbued with light, hope, and only a few of them have a sad ending. Especially often Christmas stories are dedicated to the triumph of mercy, compassion and love.

Especially for you, dear readers, we have prepared a selection of the best Christmas stories by both Russian and foreign writers. Read and enjoy, let festive mood will last longer!

"Gifts of the Magi", O. Henry

A story known to many about sacrificial love, which will give the last for the happiness of its neighbor. A story about quivering feelings, which cannot but surprise and delight. In the finale, the author ironically remarks: "And here I told you an unremarkable story about two stupid children from an eight-dollar apartment, who in the most unwise way sacrificed their greatest treasures for each other." But the author does not justify himself, he only confirms that the gifts of his heroes were more important than the gifts of the Magi: “But let it be said for the edification of the wise men of our day that of all the donors, these two were the wisest. Of all who offer and receive gifts, only those like them are truly wise. Everywhere and everywhere. They are the Magi. " As Joseph Brodsky said, "at Christmas, everyone is a little magician."

"Nikolka", Evgeny Poselyanin

The plot of this Christmas story is very simple. At Christmas, the stepmother acted very meanly with her stepson, he had to die. At Christmas service, a woman experiences belated remorse. But on a bright festive night a miracle occurs ...

By the way, Evgeny Poselyanin has wonderful memories of his childhood experience of Christmas - "Yule days". You read - and you are immersed in the pre-revolutionary atmosphere of noble estates, childhood and joy.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Dickens's work is the story of a real spiritual rebirth of man. The main character, Scrooge, was a curmudgeon, became a merciful benefactor, from a lone wolf turned into a sociable and friendly person. And the spirits that flew to him and showed his possible future helped such a change. Observing different situations from his past and future, the hero felt remorse for his wrongly lived life.

"The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree", F. M. Dostoevsky

A touching story with a sad (and joyful at the same time) ending. I doubt whether it is worth reading it to children, especially sensitive ones. But for adults - perhaps worth it. What for? I would answer with the words of Chekhov: “It is necessary that at the door of every contented, happy person there should be someone with a hammer and constantly remind with a knock that there are unfortunate people, that, no matter how happy he is, life will sooner or later show him its claws , disaster strikes - illness, poverty, losses, and no one will see or hear him, just as now he does not see and hear others. "

Dostoevsky included it in the "Diary of a Writer" and was himself amazed at how this story came out of his pen. And his writer's intuition tells the author that this could very well have happened in reality. The main sad storyteller of all times, G. H. Andersen, has a similar tragic story - "Girl with matches".

The Gifts of the Christ Child by George Macdonald

The story of one young family going through difficult times in relationships, difficulties with a nanny, alienation from her daughter. The latter is a subtly feeling lonely girl Sophie (or Fosi). It was through her that joy and light returned to the house. The story emphasizes: the main gifts of Christ are not gifts under the tree, but love, peace and mutual understanding.

"Christmas letter", Ivan Ilyin

I would call this short work, composed of two letters to mother and son, a real hymn of love. It was she, unconditional love, runs like a red thread through the entire work and is its main theme. It is this state that opposes loneliness and conquers it.

“Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells sweet; and he gives his love just like a flower scent. But then he is not alone, because his heart is with the one he loves: he thinks about him, cares about him, rejoices in his joy and suffers from his sufferings. He doesn't even have time to feel lonely or wonder if he is alone or not. In love, man forgets himself; he lives with others, he lives in others. And this is happiness. "

Christmas is after all a holiday of overcoming loneliness and alienation, this is the day of the manifestation of Love ...

God in the Cave by Gilbert Chesterton

We are used to thinking of Chesterton primarily as the author of detective stories about Father Brown. But he wrote in different genres: he penned several hundred poems, 200 stories, 4000 essays, a number of plays, the novels "The Man Who Was Thursday", "Ball and Cross", "The Flight Pub" and much more. Also, Chesterton was an excellent publicist and deep thinker. In particular, his essay "God in the Cave" is an attempt to comprehend the events of two thousand years ago. I recommend it to people with a philosophical mindset.

"Silver Blizzard", Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin

Nikiforov-Volgin in his work surprisingly subtly shows the world of children's faith. His stories are permeated through and through with a festive atmosphere. So, in the story "The Silver Blizzard", with trepidation and love, he shows the boy with his zeal for piety, on the one hand, and with mischief and pranks on the other. What is one apt phrase of the story: “These days I don’t want anything earthly, and especially school”!

"Holy Night" by Selma Lagerlöf

Selma Lagerlöf's story continues the theme of childhood.

Grandmother tells her granddaughter an interesting legend about Christmas. It is not canonical in the strict sense, but it reflects the immediacy of the popular faith. This is an amazing story about mercy and how "a pure heart opens the eyes, which a person can enjoy seeing the beauty of heaven."

"Christ is visiting a peasant", "Irreparable ruble", "Offended by Christmas", Nikolay Leskov

These three stories struck me to the core, so it was difficult to choose the best one. I discovered Leskov from some unexpected side. These works of the author have common features. This is both a fascinating plot and general ideas of mercy, forgiveness and doing good deeds. The examples of heroes from these works are surprising, arouse admiration and a desire to imitate.

"Reader! be gentle: intervene in our history too, remember what today's Newborn taught you: to punish or pardon? .. But you’ll sort it out, please, do it well today: think about who you choose to be with: whether with the lawyers of the verbal law or with The one who gave you “verbs eternal life"... Think! It is very worth your thought, and the choice is not difficult for you ... Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous and stupid if you follow the rule of the One Who told you: “Forgive the offender and get yourself your brother in him” (N. S. Leskov, “Under Christmas was offended ").

Many novels have chapters dedicated to Christmas, for example, in "The inextinguishable lamp" by B. Shiryaev, "Conduit and Schvambrania" by L. Kassil, "In the first circle" by A. Solzhenitsyn, "Summer of the Lord" by I. S. Shmelev.

The Christmas story, with all its seeming naivety, fabulousness and uniqueness, has been loved by adults at all times. Maybe because Christmas stories are primarily about good, about faith in a miracle and in the possibility of a person's spiritual rebirth?

Christmas is really a celebration of children's faith in miracles ... Many Christmastide stories are dedicated to the description of this pure joy of childhood. I will cite wonderful words from one of them: “The great holiday of Christmas, surrounded by spiritual poetry, is especially understandable and close to a child ... A Divine Infant was born, and to Him be praise, glory and honor of the world. Everyone was jubilant and rejoicing. And in memory of the Holy Child, in these days of bright memories, all children should have fun and rejoice. This is their day, a holiday of an innocent, pure childhood ... "(Klavdiya Lukashevich," Christmas Holiday ").

P.S. In preparing this collection, I read a lot of Christmastide stories, but, of course, not all that are in the world. I chose the ones that seemed the most fascinating, artistically expressive to my taste. Preference was given to little-known works, therefore, for example, the list does not include N. Gogol's "Night before Christmas" or Hoffman's "The Nutcracker".

What are your favorite Christmas pieces, dear matrons?

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“There are holidays that have their own smell. On Easter, Trinity and Christmas, the air smells like something special. Even non-believers love these holidays. For example, my brother interprets that there is no God, and on Easter he is the first to run to Matins ”(A. P. Chekhov, story“ On the Way ”).

Orthodox Christmas is on the doorstep! Many interesting traditions are associated with the celebration of this bright day (and even several - Christmastide). In Russia, it was customary to devote this period to serving one's neighbor, works of mercy. Everyone knows the tradition of caroling - singing hymns in honor of the born Christ. The winter holidays have inspired many writers to create magical Christmas pieces.

There is even a special genre of Christmas tales. The plots in it are very close to each other: often the heroes of Christmas works find themselves in a state of spiritual or material crisis, the resolution of which requires a miracle. Christmas stories are imbued with light, hope, and only a few of them have a sad ending. Especially often Christmas stories are dedicated to the triumph of mercy, compassion and love.

Especially for you, dear readers, we have prepared a selection of the best Christmas stories by both Russian and foreign writers. Read on and enjoy, let the festive mood last longer!

"Gifts of the Magi", O. Henry

A story known to many about sacrificial love, which will give the last for the happiness of its neighbor. A story about quivering feelings, which cannot but surprise and delight. In the finale, the author ironically remarks: "And here I told you an unremarkable story about two stupid children from an eight-dollar apartment, who in the most unwise way sacrificed their greatest treasures for each other." But the author does not justify himself, he only confirms that the gifts of his heroes were more important than the gifts of the Magi: “But let it be said for the edification of the wise men of our day that of all the donors, these two were the wisest. Of all who offer and receive gifts, only those like them are truly wise. Everywhere and everywhere. They are the Magi. " As Joseph Brodsky said, "at Christmas, everyone is a little magician."

"Nikolka", Evgeny Poselyanin

The plot of this Christmas story is very simple. At Christmas, the stepmother acted very meanly with her stepson, he had to die. At Christmas service, a woman experiences belated remorse. But on a bright festive night a miracle occurs ...

By the way, Evgeny Poselyanin has wonderful memories of his childhood experience of Christmas - "Yule days". You read - and you are immersed in the pre-revolutionary atmosphere of noble estates, childhood and joy.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Dickens's work is the story of a real spiritual rebirth of man. The main character, Scrooge, was a curmudgeon, became a merciful benefactor, from a lone wolf turned into a sociable and friendly person. And the spirits that flew to him and showed his possible future helped such a change. Observing different situations from his past and future, the hero felt remorse for his wrongly lived life.

"The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree", F. M. Dostoevsky

A touching story with a sad (and joyful at the same time) ending. I doubt whether it is worth reading it to children, especially sensitive ones. But for adults - perhaps worth it. What for? I would answer with the words of Chekhov: “It is necessary that at the door of every contented, happy person there should be someone with a hammer and constantly remind with a knock that there are unfortunate people, that, no matter how happy he is, life will sooner or later show him its claws , disaster strikes - illness, poverty, loss, and no one will see or hear him, just as now he does not see and hear others. "

Dostoevsky included it in the "Diary of a Writer" and was himself amazed at how this story came out of his pen. And his writer's intuition tells the author that this could very well have happened in reality. The main sad storyteller of all times, G. H. Andersen, has a similar tragic story - "Girl with matches".

The Gifts of the Christ Child by George Macdonald

The story of one young family going through difficult times in relationships, difficulties with a nanny, alienation from her daughter. The latter is a subtly feeling lonely girl Sophie (or Fosi). It was through her that joy and light returned to the house. The story emphasizes: the main gifts of Christ are not gifts under the tree, but love, peace and mutual understanding.

"Christmas letter", Ivan Ilyin

I would call this short work, composed of two letters to mother and son, a real hymn of love. It is she, unconditional love, that runs like a red thread through the entire work and is its main theme. It is this state that opposes loneliness and conquers it.

“Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells sweet; and he gives his love just like a flower scent. But then he is not alone, because his heart is with the one he loves: he thinks about him, cares about him, rejoices in his joy and suffers from his sufferings. He doesn't even have time to feel lonely or wonder if he is alone or not. In love, man forgets himself; he lives with others, he lives in others. And this is happiness. "

Christmas is after all a holiday of overcoming loneliness and alienation, this is the day of the manifestation of Love ...

God in the Cave by Gilbert Chesterton

We are used to thinking of Chesterton primarily as the author of detective stories about Father Brown. But he wrote in different genres: he penned several hundred poems, 200 stories, 4000 essays, a number of plays, the novels "The Man Who Was Thursday", "Ball and Cross", "The Flight Pub" and much more. Also, Chesterton was an excellent publicist and deep thinker. In particular, his essay "God in the Cave" is an attempt to comprehend the events of two thousand years ago. I recommend it to people with a philosophical mindset.

"Silver Blizzard", Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin

Nikiforov-Volgin in his work surprisingly subtly shows the world of children's faith. His stories are permeated through and through with a festive atmosphere. So, in the story "The Silver Blizzard", with trepidation and love, he shows the boy with his zeal for piety, on the one hand, and with mischief and pranks on the other. What is one apt phrase of the story: “These days I don’t want anything earthly, and especially school”!

"Holy Night" by Selma Lagerlöf

Selma Lagerlöf's story continues the theme of childhood.

Grandmother tells her granddaughter an interesting legend about Christmas. It is not canonical in the strict sense, but it reflects the immediacy of the popular faith. This is an amazing story about mercy and how "a pure heart opens the eyes, which a person can enjoy seeing the beauty of heaven."

"Christ is visiting a peasant", "Irreparable ruble", "Offended by Christmas", Nikolay Leskov

These three stories struck me to the core, so it was difficult to choose the best one. I discovered Leskov from some unexpected side. These works of the author have common features. This is both a fascinating plot and general ideas of mercy, forgiveness and doing good deeds. The examples of heroes from these works are surprising, arouse admiration and a desire to imitate.

"Reader! be gentle: intervene in our history too, remember what today's Newborn taught you: to punish or pardon? .. But you’ll sort it out, please, do it well today: think about who you choose to be with: whether with the lawyers of the verbal law or with To the One Who gave you the “verbs of eternal life” ... Think! It is very worth your thought, and the choice is not difficult for you ... Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous and stupid if you follow the rule of the One Who told you: “Forgive the offender and get yourself your brother in him” (N. S. Leskov, “Under Christmas was offended ").

In many novels there are chapters dedicated to Christmas, for example, in "The inextinguishable lamp" by B. Shiryaev, "Conduit and Schvambrania" by L. Kassil, "In the first circle" by A. Solzhenitsyn, "Summer of the Lord" by I. Shmelev.

The Christmas story, with all its seeming naivety, fabulousness and uniqueness, has been loved by adults at all times. Maybe because Christmas stories are primarily about good, about faith in a miracle and in the possibility of a person's spiritual rebirth?

Christmas is really a celebration of children's faith in miracles ... Many Christmastide stories are dedicated to the description of this pure joy of childhood. I will cite wonderful words from one of them: “The great holiday of Christmas, surrounded by spiritual poetry, is especially understandable and close to a child ... A Divine Infant was born, and to Him be praise, glory and honor of the world. Everyone was jubilant and rejoicing. And in memory of the Holy Child, in these days of bright memories, all children should have fun and rejoice. This is their day, a holiday of an innocent, pure childhood ... "(Klavdiya Lukashevich," Christmas Holiday ").

P.S. In preparing this collection, I read a lot of Christmastide stories, but, of course, not all that are in the world. I chose the ones that seemed the most fascinating, artistically expressive to my taste. Preference was given to little-known works, therefore, for example, the list does not include N. Gogol's "Night before Christmas" or Hoffman's "The Nutcracker".

What are your favorite Christmas pieces, dear matrons?

In one of the picturesque corners of Russia there is a small village with a cheerful name "Dobroe". This is where the little girl Sophia lived.

Every now and then happened to her incredible stories... And all because the baby believed in a miracle ...

Just before Christmas, the girl's parents went to the city fair. Mom, hastily getting ready, said:

- We won't be long. We will choose gifts for everyone and we will return on the evening bus!

Although Sofia did not like to be left alone, today, the departure of her parents was very welcome. The fact is that the little girl was making a postcard for her mom and dad for the holiday. And, to draw, knowing that at any moment they can enter the room, it was inconvenient.

“Don't worry, I'll be nice,” Sophia promised.

Daddy laughed and said that no one doubted it. After seeing her parents off, she decided to get down to business immediately. But, as soon as she closed the gate, an unfamiliar girl suddenly appeared on the road. Yes, so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off! Her snow-white fur coat shone under the rays of the bright winter sun, her boots glistened with cleanliness, and a huge pompom dangled merrily on a knitted white cap. The girl walked and cried bitterly, wiping her tears with her sleeve.

- Are you lost? - Sophia shouted to the stranger.

- No, - the girl sobbed, - just no one wants to be friends with me!

- What is your name? Sophia asked.

“Envy,” she whispered.

Seeing Sofia frown, she hastened to add:

“So you’ll chase me away now, but I’m, in fact, good! It's just that all people confuse me with my sister, so they drive me out of the yard ...

Sofia thought about it. She didn't know that envy had a sister. At least the parents never talked about it. Maybe they didn't know? .. Meanwhile, the uninvited guest, seeing her confusion, began to ask:

- Let's be friends! Do you want me to tell you the whole truth about my sister and me, and you yourself will make sure that we are completely different from her?

Sophia became curious and opened the gate. When the girls entered the house, Envy exclaimed:

- How delicious it smells here!

- These are tangerines! Mom bought three kilos!

- Why so many? - Envy was amazed, - Will you eat so much?

Sofia laughed.

- Of course not! Guests will just come to us. My cousins ​​are Yulka and Nastenka. So we came up with the idea of ​​putting presents for them in beautiful bags. Each will receive tangerines, chocolate and some other souvenir. I don't know which one yet. Parents themselves at the fair will choose ... You better tell about your sister!

Envy sighed sadly:

“I’m embarrassed to talk badly about her, but, on the other hand, I’m not lying… You see, I am White Envy, and my sister is called Black Envy. We are very often confused, but we, after all, are so different! My little sister is angry and doesn't like it when something good happens to people. And I, for example, am very happy if someone new toy presented. I just try to do everything so that I have the same. Is it bad? In my opinion, very good!

Sofia shrugged. She wasn't sure if this was really good. However, the girl did not want to quarrel with her new acquaintance.

- Envy, I need mom and dad to draw a postcard, so I have no time to entertain you - said Sofia.

- I'll sit in the corner. Don't worry, I won't distract you! - responded the guest.

Soon the Nativity scene appeared on the sheet of paper. The bright purple sky above him was illuminated by a slightly uneven, but a large star ... Sofia diligently inscribed under the picture the inscription: "Merry Christmas!" The girl almost forgot about her new acquaintance, who modestly settled on the sidelines. The baby folded the card and suddenly thought: “Parents do not know for sure that there is Black Envy and White Envy. And, so they would definitely allow us to be friends. After all, there is no harm from this snow-white girl. He sits quietly, does not bother anyone. "

Until the evening, Envy told Sofia what gifts her friends would receive for Christmas: Masha would be given a huge teddy bear, Tanya would get real skates, and they bought a set of toy dishes for Lyudochka. Porcelain! The girls chatted so much that they did not hear how dad and mom entered the house.

- Oh, what will happen ?! They'll kick me out now! - Envy fussed.

“Don’t worry,” Sofia began to calm her down. “I’ll tell my parents everything. Let me explain that you are White!

- No, no, no, - Envy whimpered, - I know your parents! When they were small, I came to them. They didn’t believe that I was good then, and they don’t believe it now. I can't come across them!

Sophia sadly said:

- Okay, then I'll let you out through the window.

Envy began to shift from foot to foot, and then blushed and admitted:

- To be honest, I so want to see what they bought your sisters ... Can I hide under your bed? I would only have to look with one eye, and then I'll leave!

And, without waiting for an answer, the guest quickly ducked under the bed.

- Daughter, look, what a beauty! - said dad, entering the nursery.

He put two small bright boxes on the table. Sofia carefully opened one of them and gasped with delight. A tiny glass bell lay on a velvety pillow. An Angel was painted on its fragile side. The baby immediately understood: this is the most best gift in the world…

- You call! - Dad smiled.

Sofia took the memento by the white ribbon and wiggled it slightly. The sound was so gentle and clear that even my mother, running out of the kitchen, happily threw up her hands:

- What a curiosity our dad found! And I was already going to buy ordinary wooden boxes for Nastya and Yulia ...

The second box contained exactly the same bell, only it was tied to a pink ribbon. Sofia carefully put the presents on the shelf, and the parents left the room, closing the door tightly behind them.

“Yeah,” Envy whispered under the bed, “they certainly didn’t buy such a bell for you ...

- Why? - the girl was surprised.

- Yes, because it is unlikely that the seller immediately found three identical ones! For you, they most likely chose some mittens.

- Mittens are also a wonderful gift! Sophia objected.

- Yeah, only the bell is better.

The little one could not argue with this.

- Okay, do not be upset, - said Envy, so be it, I will teach you how to make you get both of these gifts! Listen carefully and remember: you will go to your mother now and you will start whimpering. Better even cry. Tell her that you liked these bells so much - you have no strength to part with them! And, sisters and tangerines with chocolate will be enough. If Mom doesn't agree, then start yelling louder. And don't forget to stomp your feet!

Then Envy crawled out from under the bed and, carefully examining Sophia, waved her hand:

- However, you will not succeed. You don't know how to be capricious. But, it doesn’t matter either. Let's take one box now and throw it on the floor. No one will even guess that we did it on purpose! But they will definitely give you the second bell! Parents to Nastya and Yulia will not give one gift for two.

Then Sofia saw how the guest's fur coat and boots had turned black and black! And even the cap turned black, so that now the pompom looked like a huge coal. Envy had already reached out her hand towards the shelf, but Sofia grabbed her by the collar and said angrily:

- You lied to me. You don't have any sister! There is only one envy in the world - Black. It is you who are specially dressing up in a white fur coat to confuse people!

Envy began to break free, but Sofia held her tight. The girl bravely threw open the window and threw her out into the street. Envy fell right into a snowdrift and floundered in it for a long time, snorting with indignation. Sophia closed the window and began sharpening pencils. She drew a postcard for dad and mom, but the sisters have not yet had time. The baby did her best to make her, like the gifts, the most beautiful in the world ...

Since childhood, all children adore the New Year and Christmas holidays - a special cozy period when you can dream and believe in miracles, and a fabulous atmosphere reigns around. If the coming of the New Year is always interesting and understandable, then the story of Christmas for children is often quite confusing. Therefore, it is very important to correctly tell the children what we celebrate on this day, and what mysterious event happened on the first Christmas. Child psychologists and educators early development proved that the best way giving information for children a fairy tale. So try reading your little ones an interesting and educational story of a good Christmas angel.

The Story Before Christmas: What the Christmas Angel Told

Christmas was approaching. Little fluffy snowflakes circled outside the windows, a delicious aroma of kuti and dumplings was felt in the house, my mother was finishing the last preparations in the kitchen, and little Vanya was reading the Night before Christmas. The story of the stingy Scrooge had already been read and postponed by that time, and the famous "Christmas Box" was still waiting in line. As you can see, this year Vanya decided to properly prepare for Christmas, planning to read as many books about this holiday as possible, as well as watch many thematic films. He really wanted to know what exactly we are celebrating on this day, but the holiday was approaching, and the mystery remained unsolved. The boy became sad and put down the book. Suddenly his gaze fell on a small Christmas tree decoration - it was beautiful angel who was holding a star in his hands.
- That's exactly who knows real story Nativity of Christ! - It is important for children to believe in miracles, so Vanya said these words almost in all seriousness, although later he himself laughed out of his naivety.
Imagine his surprise when the little toy angel answered him:
- Of course I know! After all, it was I who lit the bright Christmas star that told the world about the birth of the Savior!
- Whose birth? - asked the surprised boy. He tried his best to convince himself that whatever was happening, he was just dreaming. After all, since when Christmas decorations know how to talk? But his good and gentle heart prompted him to listen to the words of the little angel and believe in a fairy tale. After all, on the threshold of Christmas.
- If you are interested, - continued the angel, - I will share this fascinating story with you.
- Certainly! I dreamed so much about what happened on the night before Christmas, why this holiday is so special, - said Vanya, completely forgetting that a moment ago he doubted the reality of what was happening.
- Then sit back and listen.

Christmas: a holiday story for kids

It was many years ago. More than 2000! Life was difficult for people in those days, so they believed that one day a Savior would come to earth, who would be able to change their lives for the better and free them from bondage. And now the day has come. Then I was still a very small angel and did not understand much, but I remembered that significant night well.
All the angels living in heaven were very worried and prepared for something grandiose. And I was only instructed to light a star. At first I was sad, because there was nothing interesting about it - I lit the stars every night: big and small. But then the elder angel explained that it would be an unusual star - it was she who should announce the birth of the Messiah to the world.
After a star shone with extraordinary clarity in the sky, the angelic choir descended to earth and began to sing songs that extolled the born Savior of the world. With irresistible interest, I made my way forward to also see this brave hero who was about to save the whole world. Imagine my surprise when before my eyes there was not a majestic palace and a knight on a white horse, but a small manger with a small child. I became sad again, but the elder angels explained to me that not just a child was born that night, but the hope of all mankind. Hope for better life, justice and the victory of good!
Vanya was very happy. Now he knew that every Christmas was celebrated.

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The Christmas holidays are approaching, and with them the holidays. These fun days can be more than just screen time. To get closer to your children, read books about Christmas. Let the kids understand the real meaning of this holiday, empathize with the main characters, learn to give and forgive. And children's fantasy is better than any director to bring the stories he heard to life.

1. O'Henry "Gifts of the Magi"

“… I just told you an unremarkable story about two stupid children from an eight-dollar apartment, who in the most unwise way sacrificed their greatest treasures for each other. But let it be said for the edification of the sages of our day that of all the donors, these two were the wisest. Of all who offer and receive gifts, only those like them are truly wise. "

It is a touching story about the value of a gift, regardless of its price; this story is about the importance of self-sacrifice in the name of love.

A young married couple survives on eight dollars a week, and Christmas is just around the corner. Dell is crying in despair because he cannot buy a present for his beloved husband. For many months, she was able to save only one dollar and eighty-eight cents. But then she remembers that she just has gorgeous hair, and decides to sell it to give her husband a chain for his family watch.

The husband who saw his wife in the evening seems to be very upset. But he was saddened not because his wife had become like a ten-year-old boy, but because he sold his gold watch in order to present the most beautiful combs, which she looked at for several months.

Seems like Christmas has failed. But these two cried not out of sadness, but out of love for each other.

2. Sven Nordqvist "Christmas porridge"

“Once, a long time ago, there was a case - they forgot to bring porridge to the dwarfs. And the dwarf father was so angry that misfortunes happened in the house all year. Well, how he got through, he really is such a good-natured person! "

Gnomes get along well with people, help them manage the household, take care of animals. And they don’t demand much from people - to bring them a special Christmas porridge for Christmas. But bad luck, people completely forgot about the gnomes. And the daddy-gnome will be terribly angry if he finds out that there will be no treats this year. How to enjoy porridge and not catch the eye of the owners of the house?

3. Sven Nordqvist "Christmas at Petson's House"

“Petson and Findus drank coffee in silence and looked at their reflections in the window. It was completely dark outside, and the kitchen was completely quiet. Such silence comes when something cannot be done the way we wanted. "

This is a wonderful piece about friendship and support in difficult times. Petson and his kitten Findus live together and are already starting to prepare for Christmas. But then bad luck happened - Petson accidentally injured his leg and was no longer able to finish all the cases. And in the house, as if it were evil, they ran out of food and firewood for the stove, and even they did not have time to put up the Christmas tree. Who will help friends not to stay hungry and lonely at Christmas?

4. Gianni Rodari "Planet of the Christmas trees"

“The thunderstorm has really begun. Only instead of rain, millions of multi-colored confetti fell from the sky. The wind picked them up, circled them, and carried them apart at all. The full impression was created that winter had come and a snowstorm had begun. However, the air was still warm, filled with different aromas - it smelled of mint, anise, tangerines and something else unfamiliar, but very pleasant. "

Little Markus is nine years old. He dreamed of receiving a real spaceship from his grandfather, but for some reason grandfather gave him a toy horse. Well, is he a kid to play with such toys? But curiosity took its toll, and in the evening Marcus got on a horse, which turned out to be ... spaceship.

Markus ended up on a distant planet where Christmas trees grew everywhere, residents lived according to a special New Year calendar, sidewalks moved themselves, delicious bricks and wire were served in cafes, and a special Bey-break-down palace was invented for children, where they were allowed to destroy everything.
Everything would be fine, but how to get back home? ..

5. Hans Christian Andersen "The Match Girl"

“In the cold morning hour, in the corner behind the house, there was still a girl with pink cheeks and a smile on her lips, but she was dead. She froze on the last evening of the old year; The New Year's sun lit up a small corpse ... But no one knew what she saw, in what splendor she ascended, together with her grandmother, to New Year's joys into heaven! "

Unfortunately, not all fairy tales end happily. And this one cannot be read without tears. How could it be that a child wanders the streets on New Year's Eve hoping to sell at least one match? She warmed her little fingers, and the shadows from a tiny light painted scenes of a happy life, which she could see through the windows of other people.

We do not even know the name of the baby - for us she will always be a girl with matches, who, due to the greed and indifference of adults, flew to heaven.

6. Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol"

“These are joyful days - days of mercy, kindness, forgiveness. These are the only days in the entire calendar when people, as if by tacit consent, freely open their hearts to each other and see in their neighbors - even in the poor and disadvantaged - people just like themselves. "

This work has become a favorite for more than one generation. We know his adaptation of A Christmas Story.

This is the story of the greedy Ebenezer Scrooge, for whom nothing is more important than money. Compassion, mercy, joy, love are alien to him. But everything must change on Christmas Eve ...

Little Scrooge lives in each of us, and it is so important not to miss the moment, to open the doors for love and mercy, so that this curmudgeon does not completely take over us.

7. Katherine Holabert "Angelina Meets Christmas"

“Bright stars lit up in the sky. White flakes of snow fell silently to the ground. Angelina was in a great mood, and every now and then she began to dance on the sidewalk, to the surprise of passers-by. "

Little mouse Angelina is looking forward to Christmas. She had already planned what she would do at home, only now she noticed in the window a lonely sad Mr. Bell, who had no one to celebrate the holiday with. Sweet Angelina decides to help Mr. Bell, but she does not even suspect that, thanks to her kind heart, she will find the real Santa Claus!

8. Susan Wojciechowski "Mr. Toomey's Christmas Miracle"

"Your sheep, of course, is pretty, but my sheep was also happy ... They were, after all, next to the baby Jesus, and this is such happiness for them!"

Mr. Toomey makes money by carving wood. Once he smiled and was happy. But after the loss of his wife and son, he became gloomy and received a nickname from the neighbour's children, Mr. Gloomy. One Christmas Eve, a widow knocked on him with her little son and asked him to make them Christmas figures, since they had lost theirs after the move. It would seem that such a regular order, but gradually this work changes Mr. Toomey ...

9. Nikolai Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"

“Patsyuk opened his mouth, looked at the dumplings and opened his mouth even more. At this time, the dumpling spilled out of the bowl, slapped into the sour cream, turned over to the other side, jumped up and just got into his mouth. Patsyuk ate it and opened his mouth again, and the dumpling set off again in the same manner. He only took on the labor of chewing and swallowing. "

Long-loved work for both adults and children. An amazing story about evenings on a farm near Dikanka, which formed the basis for films, musicals and cartoons. But if your child does not yet know the story of Vakula, Oksana, Solokha, Chub and other heroes, and also has not heard that the devil can steal the moon, and what other miracles are happening on the night before Christmas, you should devote a few evenings to this fascinating story ...

10. Fyodor Dostoevsky "The boy at Christ's tree on the tree"

“These boys and girls were all the same as him, children, but some froze in their baskets, in which they were thrown on the stairs ..., others suffocated at the chukhonki, from the orphanage for feeding, others died at their parched breasts their mothers ..., the fourth suffocated in the third-class carriages from the stench, and they are all here now, they are all like angels now, everything is with Christ, and he himself is in the midst of them, and stretches out his hands to them, and blesses them and their sinners mothers ... "

This is not an easy work, without pathos and embellishments, the author truly depicts a poor life. Parents will have to explain a lot, because, thank God, our children do not know such hardships as main character.

The little boy froze to death and was exhausted from hunger. His mother died in some dark basement, and he is looking for a piece of bread on Christmas Eve. The boy, probably for the first time in his life, sees another, happy life. Only she is there, outside the windows of wealthy people. The boy was able to get on the Christmas tree to Christ, but after he froze on the street ...

11. Marko Cheremshina "Tear"

“A happy angel becoming a litati from a hati to a hati with darunks on kriltsi ... Maroussia is lying on the snow, the sky is frozen. Sing її, angel! "

This short story will impress neither adults nor children. The whole life of a poor family fits on one page. Mom Marusya fell seriously ill. To prevent mother from dying, the little girl goes to the city to get medicine. But the Christmas frost does not spare the child, and snow is pouring into the holey boots as if to spite.

Marusya is exhausted and dies quietly in the snow. Her only hope is for the last childish tear, which miraculously fell on the cheek of a Christmas angel ...

12. Mikhail Kotsyubinsky "Christmas tree"

“Horses, bryohayuchis on the notes that on the Kuchugurs, swept and steel. Vasilko lost his way. Youmu bulo hungry and scared. Vin burst into tears. Around vila khurtovina, boarhav cold wind and twirling snig, and Vasilkovy felt warm, the father's hut is clear ... "

A deep, dramatic, insightful piece. It will not leave indifferent any reader, and the intrigue will not let you relax until the very end.
Once the father gave little Vasylka a Christmas tree, it grew in the garden and made the boy happy. And today, on Christmas Eve, my father sold the tree, because the family really, really needed money. When the tree was cut down, it seemed to Vasyl that she was about to cry, and the boy himself seemed to have lost a dear person.

But Vasylk also had to take the tree to the city. The road went through the forest, the Christmas frost crackled, the snow covered all traces, and, as evil, the sled also broke. It is not surprising that Vasylko got lost in the forest. Can the boy find his way home and will it be Christmas happy holiday for his family?

13. Lydia Podvysotskaya "The Tale of a Christmas Angel"

“In the streets of the snowy place, the angel rises up. Win buv is so soft and low, all gleaming with joy and love. An angel nis at his own little bag for children who are hearing, than children. "

A Christmas angel looked into one of the rooms and saw little boy, who was in a fever and breathing hoarsely, and above him, bent over, sat a little older girl. The angel realized that the children were orphans. It is very difficult and scary for them to live without a mother. But that's why he is a Christmas angel, to help and protect good children ...

14. Maria Shkurina "An asterisk as a gift for mom"

"Not much more than anything on the light of day, I am healthy." I am healthy. "

Little Anya's mother is sick for a long time, and the doctor just looks away and shakes his head sadly. And tomorrow is Christmas. Last year, they had such a fun walk with the whole family, and now mom can't even get out of bed. The little girl remembers that wishes come true on Christmas and asks the star from the sky for health for her mother. Will only a distant star hear a child's prayer?

Christmas is the time when magic comes into its own. Teach your children to believe in miracles, in the power of love and faith, and to do good themselves. And these wonderful stories will help you with this.