
Early signs of pregnancy. Is it possible to determine pregnancy at the earliest possible date?


Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


If thoughts of pregnancy appear, the first thing every woman goes to the pharmacy. Modern tests determine the "interesting position" with an accuracy of 99%. True, not early. And not everyone has the opportunity to promptly purchase such a test.

What to do in this case?

The body will not deceive: how to determine pregnancy by its condition

Pregnancy affects every woman differently.

But, as a rule, they are the same for everyone ...

  • The chest is enlarged. This happens due to the action of sex hormones. The mammary glands “wake up” for a future meeting with the child - the chest fills up and becomes especially sensitive, and the nipples become brighter and more painfully sensitive (although this can also be before menstruation). If menstruation has passed, and the chest is still unusually enlarged, there is reason to think.
  • Heaviness in the lower back and lower abdomen. Again, in addition to pregnancy, these signs are also characteristic of premenstrual days.
  • Weight gain.
  • Nausea. Especially the morning one. The most striking sign of the 1st trimester. But toxicosis is not characteristic of all expectant mothers. At the same time, if it occurs simultaneously with other signs of pregnancy, then morning sickness may well indicate that another life has arisen inside you.
  • A sharp exacerbation of the sense of smell. Expectant mothers, as a rule, begin to react sharply to smells. Even those that have long become familiar. Can irritate the smell of fried food, fish in the store, etc.
  • Changes in taste preferences. Salty cravings are not necessary at all: the changes can be completely unexpected. For example, you want chalk, coffee grounds or herring with jam.
  • Mood swings. They are also characteristic of expectant mothers: gaiety sharply flows into tearfulness, that into hysteria, hysteria back into gaiety, then into anger, etc. True, it is worth noting that stress, dissatisfaction and fatigue, sometimes even outside of pregnancy, create similar “miracles” with women (especially before menstruation).
  • Increased drowsiness, weakness, occasional dizziness. When is born new life, my mother's body begins to spend more energy - now not only for itself, but also for the development of its child. Therefore, the former endurance falters, and sometimes you want to lie down even after climbing the stairs.
  • Increased appetite. This is also natural during pregnancy - after all, you have to eat for two.
  • Pigmentation. This symptom does not appear in all expectant mothers, but very often - pimples and freckles, various spots appear on the body, which are formed due to changes in hormonal background and increase the level of melanin. There are many cases when changes even affect the hair - they begin to curl or, on the contrary, straighten. True, as regards the latter case, it manifests itself already in a later period.
  • Frequent urination. As you know, an enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on bladder, which explains such urges. But not in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Change in the nature of menstruation. They may become scarcer, more abundant, or not come at all. And they can come for 1 day with “smearing traces”.

Of course, the appearance of these symptoms, even in their totality, is by no means cannot be considered 100% confirmation of pregnancy. This is just an excuse to seek advice from a gynecologist and confirm your "position" or lack of pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy without a test at home?

The temptation to experience the cherished "2 stripes", of course, is great. But it makes sense to conduct such “research” only if there is already a delay in menstruation - that is, after 2 weeks of conception .

How to check whether it happened or not happened at an early stage?

  • . Usually girls use this method when planning a pregnancy. The meaning of the method is the difference in basal temperature. This temperature rises markedly on the days of ovulation and then slowly decreases before menstruation. If there is no such decrease, and the basal / temperature on the 1st days of the delay is at the level of 37 degrees and above, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Important: temperature measurement should take place at the same time (approx. - in the morning, before getting out of bed) and, of course, with one thermometer.
  • Iodine and urine. Test scheme: wake up, collect the first urine in a clean glass container, drip 1 drop of iodine into it (using a pipette) and analyze the result. It is believed that in the "interesting position" iodine will collect in one drop directly on top of the urine. But if iodine spreads and settles at the bottom, then it’s too early to buy booties. True, in this method, much depends on the density of urine (high error of the method) and on the intake of medicines.
  • Iodine and paper. Test scheme: we collect the first urine again in a clean container, dip a piece of white paper into it, wait a few minutes, pull out and gurgle a drop of iodine on it. Evaluation of the result: when staining the "parchment" in purple - there is a pregnancy, in blue - no. Again, the error of the method is high.
  • Soda and urine. Test scheme: we collect the first urine in a clean glass container, pour ordinary soda there (no more than 1 tsp), wait for the reaction. Test score: soda bubbled and hissed - no pregnancy. The reaction is calm - you are pregnant. The basis of the method, as in the previous case, is the determination of the acidity of the material. Urine future mother usually alkaline, and, accordingly, there can be no violent reaction upon contact with soda. If soda gets into an acidic environment (approx. - in the urine of a non-pregnant woman), then the reaction will be violent.
  • We boil urine. The “test” scheme: we collect morning urine in a transparent and refractory container and, putting it on fire, wait for it to boil. Then immediately remove and cool. If there is a precipitate, you are pregnant. In its absence, the liquid will remain clean. Note: sediment can also appear if there are problems with the kidneys or with the urinary tract.

We determine pregnancy in the early stages - folk methods

The unknown is the worst. Therefore, until the moment when it will be possible to determine pregnancy by a doctor or with the help of a test, a variety of methods are used. Including "grandmothers".

How did our ancestors determine pregnancy?

  • Urine color. In the morning and in the evening, as our great-grandmothers also noticed, the urine of the expectant mother acquires a dark yellow color.
  • Flowers and urine. Not very romantic, but fun and authentic. In any case, our ancestors thought so. So, we collect urine all night and morning, and then we water our garden flowers with it. If they bloomed in full force, we can assume that there is a pregnancy. You can also water a home flower: if it gives new leaves and grows up, then the result is positive.
  • Ficus. And again about flowers. If your old ficus is suddenly “born” with new shoots or leaves, expect an addition to the family (according to legend).
  • Pulse. We lie down on our back, look for a place that is 7-8 cm below the navel and lightly press our hand to the stomach in this area. A pulsing sensation means pregnancy. Ancestors considered this pulsation to be the heartbeat of the unborn baby. In fact, it only means the pulsation of the vessels, which increases in the "interesting period" due to good blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Onion. Another fun method. We take 2 onions and plant them in 2 glasses, respectively signed: the left one - “yes” (approx. - pregnancy), the right one - “no” (its absence). Waiting for bulbs to germinate. Which will germinate first by 4 cm - she will give the answer.
  • And, of course, dreams. Without them, nowhere. According to them, many of our ancestors practically predicted the future, clarified the past and studied the present. So, a dream about ... fish was considered a 100% sign of pregnancy. It doesn't matter which one or where. You can catch it, keep it, eat it, buy it, etc. The main thing is fish. It should be noted that laughter is laughter, but even in our time, which is quite free from superstitions, many mothers say that this is a “dream in the hand.”
  • Recipe from medieval literature. Pour morning urine into the container and add wine to it (approx. - proportion 1: 1). If the liquid remains clear, you are pregnant.

Of course, there are no medical grounds to consider these methods correct. All of them are based on the superstitions of our ancestors.

Some passionately dream of a child, while others realize with horror that an accidental mistake in the form of unprotected intercourse can radically change their life. Can help clear your doubts pregnancy test for early dates. The principle of operation for all products presented on pharmacy shelves is almost the same: they allow you to find out even before visiting a doctor whether conception has occurred or not. However, in order for the results to be correct, it is worth knowing the principle of operation of the product and how to carry it out correctly.

Read in this article

How the test determines pregnancy

The best early pregnancy tests have increased sensitivity. Manufacturers use quality materials, so products cannot be too cheap.

The main principle of action: due to the content on the strip of a unique substance that will interact with urine, the level is set hCG hormone. If conception has taken place, then the production of human chorionic gonadotropin increases even before the delay, which gives rise to the manifestation of two stripes.

It is worth noting that the results will be correct starting from 7-10 days after sex and provided that it coincides with the time of ovulation. After all, it is then that the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. HCG, on the other hand, begins to increase from this moment, increasing gradually every two days. Also, doctors note that the maximum concentration of the hormone is observed on the 8-10th day, after which its level will decrease slightly. If a woman has multiple pregnancy, then hCG will increase in proportion to the number of fetuses. It is worth noting that if there are problems (ectopic fixation of the fetus, the threat of disruption), the hormone will be lowered.

How and when to take the test to get an accurate result

Previously, an early pregnancy test performed exclusively with morning urine. Reliable data could be obtained without leaving home. Currently actively selling earliest pregnancy test , which is called jet. It allows you to conduct research at any time of the day.

And yet, doctors recommend not to rush to find out the result, but to wait for menstruation. If the delay is more than three days, do an analysis. If you still have doubts, then how to detect early pregnancy the gynecologist knows for sure. He will also carry out, according to the state, discharges, and also, with the help of additional analyzes, he will accurately establish whether the long-awaited event has happened or not.

Can the test show incorrect data?

Sometimes it happens that a girl has everything but the test is negative . Usually this is faced by those who really want to find out as soon as possible what they wear under the heart of a child. From the first days of the delay, or even immediately after sex, they begin to feel all the main symptoms: the nipples became very sensitive, increased, and vomiting began in the morning. If these symptoms arose separately, then it is too early to talk about conception. For example, nausea and vomiting may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. As for the delay, it also occurs due to inflammation of the appendages.

The test is negative, but there is confidence in conception

If you are sure that negative pregnancy test - nothing more than a mistake, visit a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to accurately determine whether it was possible to conceive a child. At a very early date for an accurate diagnosis of the condition will be assigned Ultrasound to determine pregnancy and urinalysis for hCG levels. Usually they guess about their interesting position even earlier than all the methods of diagnosing a woman who is not already pregnant for the first time confirm this.

If you're thinking Why is the test not showing? the long-awaited two are flat, then either you spent it very early, incorrectly, or it is overdue or of poor quality, or while you are wishful thinking. Erroneous readings can also be if a woman has an irregular cycle, and she wants to see the result much earlier than the embryo has managed to gain a foothold. It is recommended that with an irregular cycle, use the express method only after delaying menstruation for more than a week.

Unfortunately, there are more unpleasant reasons why pregnancy test before delay and after it will stubbornly show a negative result, even though it turned out to conceive. The following can affect the inaccuracy of the indicator of the hCG hormone:

It is also possible to change the accuracy of the diagnosis if diuretics were taken before the test, a lot of liquid was drunk. Wait a few days and check again. Or visit a gynecologist right away to get a 100% accurate answer about your condition.

False positive test

Although the manufacturers claim that early pregnancy test accuracy is 99%, sometimes it turns out to be false positive. This situation occurs for various reasons, the main of which is a violation of the amount of the hCG hormone under the influence of certain factors. These include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • the state of the body after spontaneous abortion or miscarriage;
  • when taking drugs used to treat infertility;
  • others.

In the presence of oncological formations, even in men, a test showing early pregnancy will be positive! If you are sure that the baby could not have been conceived this month, first eliminate all factors that give a false result, and then re-examine or consult a doctor.

Weak positive test

It happens that express early pregnancy test will show one clear and second blurry stripes. This can happen if the product was not stored correctly (for example, it was not in protective packaging) or if it has expired. It is also possible to consider the situation when the test is positive, but there are no signs of pregnancy as a sign of conception. However, it has not yet been identified precisely, since too little time has passed.

How to conduct an express examination

The reliability of the results will also be influenced by external factors. To know for sure whether it is time to prepare to become a mother, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Inspect the packaging for damage.
  2. Check the expiration date of the product.
  3. Prepare a clean vessel and create as close to sterile conditions as possible.
  4. It is better to use morning urine, but if you have not had your period for a long time, then any time of the day will do.
  5. Wash and dry hands before testing.
  6. Remove the test strip and dip to the indicated level.
  7. Place it on a dry towel or napkin.
  8. The result can be seen in one to three minutes.

Types of tests, their pros and cons

In a pharmacy, it is not difficult to get lost among the proposed product options. For clarity, all the positive and negative points from using various tests collected in a table:

Type of test Positive characteristics Cons of application
Test strips (strip tests) - cloth or paper products, the surface of which is impregnated with a reagent
  • easy to use;
  • cheap and affordable (you can buy them even in a stall);
  • 3-5 minutes - and the result is ready.
  • weak sensitivity, therefore it is recommended to use only morning urine;
  • inconvenience due to the need to use the container;
  • there is a high probability of an erroneous result if the time the strip is in the urine is violated;
  • if the test is made of paper, then the probability of getting incorrect results is much higher.
Tablet tests are plastic boxes that contain test strips. Using the pipette supplied with the kit, a drop of urine is applied to one window, and the result is displayed in the second.
  • very sensitive;
  • the probability of determining pregnancy is high;
  • modern;
  • aesthetically more attractive than a test strip;
  • no need to immerse in urine
  • relatively expensive;
  • urine will still have to be collected in a container, so that after picking it up with a pipette
Inkjet tests are modern products that look like a pen for writing. It is based on a complex device with a fibrous rod, which is formed from tubules (liquid rises through them to the part with reagents).
  • will give the earliest and most accurate answer;
  • can be carried out at any time of the day or night;
  • it is not required to lower it into a container, it is substituted under a stream of urine;
  • just a minute - and the exact result is ready.
  • high cost.
Electronic tests - an analogue of conventional strip strips
  • accurate and fast results;
  • the device itself will show readiness for analysis (there will be hourglass before use);
  • a weakly positive answer will not work - either a clear yes or no;
  • convenient;
  • reliable;
  • easy to use;
  • retains the result throughout the day after use;
  • the possibility of misuse is practically excluded
  • expensive;
  • disposable;
  • as the manufacturer himself warns, if the analysis was made before the expected date of the onset of menstruation and was negative, then it is recommended to repeat it on the first day of the menstrual cycle.

When choosing among the entire assortment in a pharmacy, you should not stop at the cheapest option. The probability of obtaining an accurate result with such a product is low, since manufacturers save on important reagents. If the test showed two strips, but there are no other signs and conception is unlikely, this is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Indeed, in such a situation, pregnancy with pathologies is possible, serious diseases that pose a threat to the health of the mother and child.


If you have a missed period. This symptom is suitable for those with a regular menstrual cycle. If the delay is 5-6 days, then you should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist. Most likely you are pregnant.

The most reliable way to diagnose pregnancy is ultrasonography(ultrasound). The presence of a fetal egg in the body of the uterus on a small one can only be detected using a special intravaginal sensor.

After examination and testing, you will be directed to an ultrasound examination of the cavity. After it, you will get an accurate result. Sometimes the device cannot detect the presence of a fetal egg, in which case you will have a second ultrasound after some time. During the procedure, the size of the egg, its location and other characteristics that are very important to know on will be measured.

At the earliest stages of pregnancy, a woman can already feel some changes in her body. These changes are commonly referred to as symptoms or signs of pregnancy. Having an idea about them, every woman, even at an early stage, will be able to determine whether she is or not. And make an important decision at the right time. All signs can be divided into 2 categories: reliable and probable. So how do you know if you're pregnant?


An increase in basal body temperature is also considered a reliable sign. If your basal temperature (measured in the rectum) is 37 degrees or higher, visit a specialist. It is very likely that you are pregnant.

food addictions

There was a craving for pickles or something spicy. This suggests that the body needs a different ratio of vitamins and trace elements.

Weakness in the body and drowsiness

You feel lethargic, tired and sleepy all day, despite the fact that you got enough sleep and there was no overload.

Change in appetite

I completely lost my appetite due to toxicosis, or, conversely, they began to eat everything.

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Useful advice

If you notice one or more of the likely signs of pregnancy, do not rush to a diagnosis. Therefore, these signs are called probable - they can all be caused by completely different reasons.

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  • how to check pregnancy

When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, changes begin to occur in the female body. Some women may find out about their pregnancy, because some signs will indicate it.


The most popular and affordable are test strips. They are a small multilayer strip, approximately 2.5-3.5 mm in size. Its surface is impregnated with a reagent capable of reacting to hCG. Their sensitivity is 25 Mme/ml. But, despite their popularity, they have significant drawbacks. For example, they are not convenient to use, because in order to get the result, you need to collect morning urine in a container. In addition, the probability of error in determining pregnancy is very high.

Test cassettes are much more convenient to use. Their only drawback is the need to collect morning urine. In all other respects, the use of the tablet test is much simpler. The strip impregnated with the reagent is placed inside a sufficiently strong case made of plastic. There are two holes on its surface. In one of them, a little urine is applied with a pipette, and in the other, after a while, the result appears.

The most sensitive and easy to use, of course, the most expensive are inkjet tests. Their advantages lie in the fact that they guarantee an almost 100% correct result, without requiring liquid collection. The design of such a test is much more complicated than that of a strip test or tablet test. It consists of a body, a fibrous rod and the test system itself. The whole device is equipped with a special receiving side, which must be placed under the stream of urine in order to obtain a very accurate result.

In anticipation of replenishment in the family, some girls buy special tests that help determine the presence or absence of pregnancy. Some tests may reveal a result even a few days before the delay, while others may be wrong. Therefore, it is necessary to know about the most accurate and best pregnancy tests.

All pregnancy tests are sensitive to the human chorionic hormone, which begins to be synthesized immediately after the conception of a child. In the bulk, tests respond to the content of hCG in the urine in the amount of 20-25 mIU / ml. This value is formed only after the first day of the delay of the menstrual cycle.

However, there are systems that are highly sensitive and are able to easily show a reliable result after a few days from the onset of conception. Better quality are inkjet tests, which are more expensive than simple strips. The most popular are the systems of the company Evitest, HomeTest, Vera-plus. They are highly sensitive, hygienic and very easy to use. The result of these tests will be accurate even with low levels of hCG in the urine. Therefore, they are used even before the expected delay in menstruation.

V last years tablet test systems have been actively used, which are highly sensitive and show pregnancy almost immediately after conception. These tests are equipped with a special pipette, with which urine is applied to the container window. For some girls, this causes some inconvenience, because urine must first be collected in a sterile container, and such tests are much more expensive than simple strips. At the same time, tablet systems are very accurate, and this helps a woman to be absolutely confident in the quality of the result. Examples of tablet tests are EVITEST and Frautest.

If a girl wants to get the most reliable results, then when buying tests for determining the hCG hormone, you cannot save. Otherwise, a false positive or negative result can lead to great disappointment. Therefore, it is worth choosing best options which are available in pharmacies. In this case, these are EVITEST, Frautest, HomeTest and Vera-plus. Their most accurate results help to mentally prepare before going to the gynecologist, who will definitely ask about what the system showed.

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Many women want to know about the onset of pregnancy as early as possible. V modern world to determine conception, there are many methods that are used at home and in the laboratory. Early recognition of pregnancy has a positive effect on the development of the unborn baby. A woman changes her lifestyle, normalizes nutrition, gives up bad habits, if they used to be. Seeing a doctor allows you to assess the nature of the course of pregnancy, to refute ectopic pregnancy, check the woman's health status and eliminate the risks of intrauterine disorders. Determining pregnancy in the early stages is the first important step towards a happy motherhood.

The main signs of early pregnancy

After the moment of conception, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body, aimed at preparing the uterus for egg implantation and maintaining the normal course of pregnancy. This is manifested by specific sensations, according to which a woman may suspect her interesting position and take further measures to confirm the fact of conception.

Early signs of pregnancy.

  1. Drawing, cramping and in the lumbar region, which are accompanied by scanty pink discharge from the vagina. Pain syndrome occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle before the onset of menstruation and is associated with the implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus. Attachment of a fertilized egg to the endometrium of the uterus causes a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of spotting. This symptom does not occur in all women. The implantation process may go unnoticed, but is considered the most reliable early sign the onset of pregnancy.
  2. Signs of early toxicosis: nausea and in the morning, deterioration or increase in appetite, change in taste preferences (a woman prefers atypical dishes in food), taste perversions (for example, mixing sweet and salty foods).
  3. Breast engorgement. The chest is filled, becomes painful and sensitive. Pigmentation may appear around the nipples.
  4. Frequent urination, especially at night. In early pregnancy, it is associated with the relaxing effect of sex hormones on the sphincter of the bladder.
  5. The change emotional background. There are mood swings throughout the day. Characterized by irritability, tearfulness, excessive suspiciousness, aggressiveness.
  6. Unreasonable at first glance, increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance.
  7. Delayed menstruation is an important sign of conception, but can occur with diseases of the genital area and menstrual irregularities.

When probable signs of pregnancy appear, it is necessary to confirm the fact of conception using special test systems or diagnostics (laboratory, instrumental).

Diagnosing conception with pregnancy tests

To determine the fact of conception in the pharmacy network, you can purchase test systems varying degrees sensitivity and cost, the reliability of the results of which reaches 95-98%. Pregnancy tests - simple and available method, which reveals the fact
conception from 1-2 days of delayed menstruation. The principle of action is the determination of (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine, which is the hormone of pregnancy. The modern pharmaceutical industry also produces highly sensitive tests that can detect pregnancy in 7-10 days.

Types of pregnancy tests.

  1. Test systems of the 1st generation - strip tests (test strips). These are the most popular and inexpensive test systems that allow you to detect pregnancy for 1-2 days of missed menstruation. They represent paper strips, impregnated with reagent for determination of concentration . For diagnosis, morning urine is collected, the edge of the strip is immersed in it for 10-20 seconds, then it is removed and the result is awaited for several minutes. The appearance of one strip indicates the absence of conception, two stripes indicate the onset of pregnancy.
  2. Test system of the 2nd generation - test cassettes. They differ from strip tests in a plastic frame, which has 2 windows. Urine is dripped into the first window using a special dispenser that is included in the kit. After a few minutes, the result will appear in the second window - one or two strips. The sensitivity of the tests is the same, but the test cassettes are more expensive.
  3. 3rd generation test system - inkjet tests. They are a plastic container, inside of which a porous material with many tubules is placed. During urination, the end of the test is substituted under the stream of urine, the result is ready in 1-2 minutes. The advantage of inkjet tests is the low probability of errors and the ability to use urine at any time of the day.
  4. Electronic tests. They have a window in which, after the diagnosis, the inscription appears: “pregnant” or “not pregnant”, respectively “pregnancy” or “no pregnancy”. The advantage is that there is no need to independently interpret the result when the second strip appears fuzzy.

Pregnancy tests, which detect the fact of conception on the 1-2 day of missed menstruation, have a sensitivity index of 20-25 mIU / ml. Highly sensitive test systems have a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml, so they can determine conception even before the delay of the menstrual cycle. Their disadvantage is their high cost.

Medical methods for diagnosing pregnancy

When contacting a gynecologist, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental examination methods that allow you to finally verify the onset of pregnancy. In addition, according to additional tests, the specialist will evaluate the course of the gestation period, refute an ectopic pregnancy, determine the gestational age and date of birth.

After a medical diagnosis of pregnancy, a woman becomes registered with the antenatal clinic and is observed by a gynecologist until the moment of delivery.

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay at home

Doctors consider the measurement of basal (internal) temperature to be the most popular and reliable method for detecting pregnancy at home. This method is suitable for women who are planning a pregnancy. The measurement is carried out in the rectum in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed until the morning toilet. The method is most effective in controlling rectal temperature for several months.

  • high temperatures persist after the end of the corpus luteum phase;
  • the corpus luteum phase lasts 18 days or more;
  • a third temperature jump appears on the graph after ovulation (a three-phase graph instead of the usual two-phase graph).

With a delay in menstruation, a woman is visited by a joyful thought of pregnancy. Many female representatives do not want to go straight to the gynecologist. Are women interested, without a test, in the early stages at home?

Diagnosis of an interesting position of a woman

Pregnancy cannot be asymptomatic. Signs that appear in the early stages help a woman to suspect an interesting situation. Symptoms of upcoming motherhood can occur even before the delay in menstruation.

Almost from the beginning of pregnancy, the hormonal background of the female body changes, which is revealed in a change in taste and smell preferences, emotional lability. You can also find out about pregnancy by increasing the sensitivity of a woman's breasts and swelling. Some female representatives have dark spots. They disappear after the birth of a child.

Women can learn about their interesting situation in toxicosis. It shows up early. At this time, in women, body temperature may rise to 37.3 degrees. It is forbidden to eliminate such hyperthermia with the help of medicines. During this period, the expectant mother's sense of smell changes: it is difficult for her to tolerate certain smells (perfumes, dishes). A feeling of heaviness may appear in the lumbar region. This indicates the growth of the uterus, a shift in the center of gravity. During early pregnancy almost all women have increased drowsiness.

In the early stages

In the early stages, a pregnant woman becomes touchy, whiny, irritable, sensitive. Such signs resemble manifestations of menstrual syndrome. If menstruation does not occur, then this indicates possible pregnancy. In the lower abdomen at the initial stage, pains of a cutting or stabbing nature may appear. If there is no discomfort in this area, this indicates a normal pregnancy. Otherwise, it would be best to see a specialist.

With a sharp increase or decrease in desire in sexual relations, pregnancy can also be judged. The condition is explained by the presence of changes in the hormonal background of a woman in position. In the initial period of pregnancy, mucus is secreted from the vagina, which is odorless and colorless.

Attention! A different coloration or structure indicates women's health problems. You need to see a gynecologist.

When pregnancy occurs in women, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. They are absolutely painless. This is due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. If during calls there are pain and discomfort, this indicates the appearance or other diseases genitourinary system women.

In early pregnancy, body weight may increase. Many women claim that they did not change their diet and lifestyle, but began to gain weight. This is the main sign of pregnancy. It is quite possible to determine pregnancy by these symptoms, but they do not appear in all women. In this case, it is necessary to take more rational measures.

Important! Read our article, at home.

Definition of pregnancy by basal temperature

Basal temperature is one of the main indicators with which you can determine an interesting position. The method has advantages due to accessibility. To measure the basal temperature and determine the presence of the fetus by its indicators, you must use a thermometer, a pen and a piece of paper. Temperature determination is made in the same place.

You can measure the temperature in the vagina or in the rectum. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in the morning, immediately after waking up. The temperature is determined throughout the cycle. When using a digital thermometer, it is held in the vagina or rectum for 5–10 minutes, and when using a mercury thermometer, for 10 minutes.

Important! During one cycle, use the same thermometer for measurements.

Accurate conclusions about the presence of a fetus can only be made after three months of measuring basal temperature.

Using folk methods

To determine the presence of a fetus in a female representative, you do not need to buy tests: you can use an ordinary first-aid kit. You can determine pregnancy at home without a test using:

  • urine;
  • soda;
  • iodine.


Urine is often used to determine pregnancy. After morning urination, it is collected in a container and a few drops of iodine are dripped. If the drop remains in its original state, then the woman has a fetus. Also, a white sheet of paper is wetted with urine and a drop of iodine is dripped onto it. The lilac color of iodine on paper indicates a positive result, and purple indicates the absence of a fetus. Plants are watered with urine. It is popularly believed that a woman's pregnancy can be determined by whether a flowering bush will bloom. Doctors consider all these methods to be absolutely unreliable.


Drop a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of urine. The hissing of soda indicates a woman's pregnancy, and her precipitation indicates a negative result. During pregnancy, a woman's urine has an increased acidity, which explains the coming into contact with her soda.

Important! The method is not 100% effective: increased acidity of urine can be in the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system or in vegetarians.


In ancient times, the presence of a fetus was determined by the pulse. The female representative lies on her back and gropes for a place 7-8 centimeters lower than her navel is located. The presence of a pulsation indicates the presence of a fetus. However, in fact, this is a pulsation of the abdominal aorta - a vessel that every person has. Feeling it is easier for thin women.

You can also learn about conception in a dream. Pregnant women often dream of fish.

Pregnancy can be diagnosed at home for various reasons. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can give a 100% result. With a delay in menstruation, it is best to contact this specialist. Previously, you can use a pharmacy test.