
An unusual marriage. The ten most unusual weddings in history. Wedding in the sky or parachute for a wedding


V modern world you will not surprise anyone with a classic wedding ceremony in the registry office. A white dress, a bouquet, a Mendelssohn march, a limousine and a pompous celebration in a restaurant have become commonplace for a long time. But modern newlyweds do not want to be "like everyone else." And besides, any girl dreams that her wedding will be the most unique, most unusual, most beautiful and original. It is this desire that makes two lovers come up with the most unusual options for their wedding. Today we present the TOP 10 of the most original and unusual weddings.

Our compatriots are in tenth place

Fans of ecological transport arrived at the registry office on bicycles. The guys wanted to break the stereotypes and resist the wedding. They proved that youth and imagination should and can work miracles.

# 9 for themed weddings

It can be a fabulous wedding, fans of Shrek and "Star Wars", the coven of the world's evil, or a wedding in gothic style, military wedding and biker wedding. In general, themed weddings are chosen by those newlyweds who do not fit the classic scenario of the wedding ceremony, but prefer a free interpretation of this happy holiday.

Eighth place is a wedding in an unexpected place

Most often, these places are associated with cute and wonderful stories, where the newlyweds had love at first sight and forever. An example is the Stones couple from Michigan, who organized their wedding in a shop, in the shoe department, where young husband Drew Stones used to work. And according to the theory of a "happy place", the future spouses decided in this very place to say to each other: "Yes!" Many couples who believe in their happiest places and organize weddings there. It can be McDonald's, a supermarket, or an office where young people work.

Wedding in limbo hung in seventh place

The people around us have many different hobbies. And very often on the most solemn day of life, they remain true to their hobbies. So a couple who are fond of piercing, from New Orleans, in order for their wedding to be remembered by many, decided to hang themselves with hooks hooked to the skin and make a wedding oath of love and fidelity. For those who are not ready for such harsh manipulations with their bodies, there is an option to hold the ceremony on a suspension bridge, or, like a couple from North Carolina, went down to the altar on special sliding ropes. Many couples want an unforgettable wedding day experience.

Sixth place - wedding in the sky

This is one of the most unusual and romantic places for a wedding ceremony, because marriages are made in heaven. Agree, it is much more romantic to take an oath of eternal love and fidelity in the skies, away from the bustle of the earth, than in the city registry office. But there are many options to celebrate a wedding among the clouds. This is the side of the aircraft, and the wing of the aircraft (and this happens), and the parachute jump, and Balloon- a mega romantic place for two lovers who decided to connect their hearts forever. And there is also the option of getting married in zero gravity, as a couple from New York did; Erin Finnegan and Noah Fulmore.

Underwater wedding in fifth place in our ranking

One of the most original wedding places for those who love water and extreme sports. After all, in order to hold a wedding in such a place, you need to think over wedding dresses, prepare the guests of the ceremony, learn to dance under water, be able to put signatures on documents, and there is nothing to say about a wedding kiss. It takes a long time to train in order to the right moment do not pump up. Although in some countries (for example, in Vietnam) such a ceremony is put on stream. And the citizens of our country are increasingly choosing such an unusual wedding.
The fourth place is littered with roses, because on this line there is a wedding covered with roses A million, a million red roses ... What could be more beautiful and romantic? Nothing! This is exactly what the Chinese groom Hiao Wong decided. And he gave his future wife 99,999 scarlet roses on their wedding day. And all because in China the number 999 is considered to bring happiness. And how much happiness exactly such a number of roses will bring, one can only imagine and dream of such a wedding.

The top three are opened by an ice wedding or a wedding in the mountains

Will the loving hearts of newlyweds be able to melt the ice and snow on the mountain tops? Surely yes! After all, not all couples can climb high in the mountains or go to the North Pole to become a husband and wife. One of the most extreme types of weddings, because the temperature in your chosen place will be much lower than zero. And instead of a limousine, there will be a helicopter, instead of a horde of guests, 12-15 people. But loving hearts who want their wedding to be remembered for a long time are not afraid of all this. Therefore, they marry in the southeast of Iceland, in Alaska, at the Antarctic station, in Antarctica and on Everest.

Second place is a jetpack wedding

This unusual way was chosen by lovers from America. With the help of a jetpack behind their backs, the lovers soared above the water and promised to be with each other in grief and joy, took an oath of loyalty and love. And the American media told the whole world about such an unusual wedding.

The leader of our original rating is a nude wedding

A wedding is always a huge expense. Perhaps this was the reason for organizing a nude wedding. Exhibitionists from Australia pioneered this style of wedding. For their wedding, Ellie and Phil chose outfits that were more than modest. The bride had light body art from the clothes, and the groom had a hat. 250 guests were not at all embarrassed by the outfit of the newlyweds. Moreover, the Australian couple has followers in different parts of the world.
Here are some unusual wedding ceremonies. Although for each person his wedding will be the most unusual and memorable! What are you ready for to make your wedding remembered by everyone?

There are photos of the newlyweds on the network, which at first were perceived by society as a joke. No one could even imagine that these were real couples with the same real stories own life.

Here you will see the most popular family photos depicting unusual spouses.

1. Wedding of vampires

Even informals and people with strange ideas about life officially marry and start families. This is a real wedding photo of a crazy couple posing as vampires. The main thing is to agree on interests and outlook on life.

2. Brides are different

Even such "scary beauties" get married. It is strange that having a similar appearance and a passion for tattoos and piercings, this bride wanted to wear a completely classic fluffy dress. But the butterfly on her head betrays her design: most likely, she feels like a fairy.

In the century before last, on July 17, 1871, an unusual pair of giants, Anna Haining Swan and Martin van Buuren Bates, created a family. They were brought together by a chance meeting in a circus, where Anna performed as the most gigantic woman, demonstrating her height and volume. Anna was so tall that even when sitting, she turned out to be taller than the average woman, and her waist circumference was three times the average. The growth of the giant was about 228 cm, and the growth of her husband Martin was slightly lower - 220 cm.

4. Change of outfits

In China, a newlywed couple decided to surprise all guests by changing their outfits for the wedding ceremony. It looked ridiculous and even funny, but nevertheless, photos from their wedding became so popular on the Internet that they scattered around the world like hot cakes from the counter.

Everyone is used to thinking that men like skinny and slender women, but this is just a stereotype. There are men who love donuts and idolize them like queens.

These newlyweds have become famous for their total weight of about 350 kg.

This "colorful" married couple got into the Guinness Book of Records as a couple with the largest number modifications on the body. The Perlat spouses have almost completely covered their bodies with tattoos. Also in their common arsenal: forked tongues, 11 implants on the body and 5 dental implants, 50 earrings and tunnels in the ears.

8. An elderly couple of newlyweds

Another married couple, noted in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest couple to get married. The total age of François Fernandez and Madeleine Francini is 191, i.e. both of them are over 90 years old. At the time of the wedding, François was 96 years old, and his bride was 94 years old. No wonder they say that all ages are submissive to love.

When the networks appeared, no one could believe that this was true. Everyone thought it was Photoshop, or at least marriage to a dispute. But it turned out that this pair really exists. They not only got married, but are also happy in marriage, raise a child, and bravely survived all the ridicule and jokes of ignorant people.

In 2007, the information world was blown up by the news of how a 24-year-old boyfriend, Reinaldo Vavecce, took his 82-year-old grandma Adelfa Volpes as his wife. He publicly kissed his chosen one and showed a marriage certificate. When asked by journalists, Reinaldo replied that he always liked older women, and when in an interview it came to intimate relations with his newly-made wife, he answered ambiguously:

"Everything is still ahead ...".

However, the marriage did not last long, Adelfa Volpes left this world a couple of months after the wedding, leaving a young widower with a good inheritance. After which he had litigation and debate with the relatives of his wife, and this story of "love" was forgotten. But in 2016, a photo of Vavekche with his new elderly darling, who, according to various sources, is about 70 years old, got into the network. But there is no information about whether their relationship is officially registered.

Here's an example of how the most unusual weddings can end - Alicia and Scott White heard wedding bells on a monster truck as they rode their honeymoon to Microsoft's Monster Truck Madness 2 Tournament at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, State Nevada.

Amman, Jordan: Newlyweds chose an unusual mode of transport for their tour of the country.

Sitting in a hot chocolate bath, Kevin Kuhlman kisses his fiancée Melanie Lugo after they become husband and wife on Valentine's Day February 14 in New York City.

Cheryl Minikes and Matthew Mundell also took a Valentine's Day bath in a hot chocolate bath at a boutique in New York.
An almost traditional Jewish ceremony was performed by Rabbi Bruce Goldman. The couple doesn't think their wedding is unusual - they chose chocolate because it is the most passionate of the foods.

Las Vegas: Quirky weddings are not uncommon here, such as the "Intergalactic Wedding", which is currently being offered to all comers.

Mariana Ferreira and Juliana Araujo celebrate their wedding at Sugarloaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Both climbers climbed to the top wearing wedding dresses.

China: Wedding couple Jamie Ng and Horlick Ng decided to take a photo next to the characters Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel at a busy station in Hong Kong.
A specially designed wedding train brought the newlyweds to the Central Station on Hong Kong Island, where they swore an oath of union.

Another shot of the inventive Asian couple.

Portugal: Brazilian women and a Portuguese host a wedding ceremony in a passenger plane aboard an Airbus - 330 at the Carneiro International Airport in the north of Porto.

Jessica Stern and Kenneth Haim get married on 5th Avenue in New York and host the first ever Wedding in a Box.
The event was organized by iVillage, a web site for women. The couple say they live in a shoebox (475 square meters).

WHITBY, UK - OCTOBER 27: Goths Tony and Angela Lighthouler pose for wedding photos after reading their marriage vows at St Mary's Church at Whitby Gothic Weekend.
Tony and Angela Stockton-on-Tees have been married for two and a half years, but they decided to take their vows again at Whitby Gothic Weekend wearing gothic clothing.
Whitby was chosen in part because Bram Stoker wrote his famous piece about Dracula in a fishing town with Whitby's Gothic Abbey, which inspired him.

Beijing, China - Air China brides and grooms kiss during their mass wedding.
About 28 couples, including pilots, flight attendants and other employees, took part in the massive wedding.

Handsome Mexican Manuel Uribe, the fattest man in the world in 2007 and a Guinness World Record, rides atop a truck to a wedding in Monterrey, Mexico.
Despite dropping 230 kilograms (570 lb) from 590 kg, Uribe, 43, was lifted by crane from her bed, where she had been restricted in movement for years.
to marry an old friend's widow on a makeshift altar 30 minutes from his home.

Claudia Solis, fiancee of Mexican Manuel Uribe, who was named the fattest man in the world in 2007.

Wales - Elvis Presley's professional look-alike Steve Caprice marries his "fiancee" Barbara, creating a wedding scene from Blue Hawaii.
The event was attended by many Elvis fans from all over the world.

Deniss Navarro and Guadeloupe Villagrana kiss after a 99 cent wedding ceremony at the All 99 Cents store in Los Angeles.
A budget supermarket chain helped nine lucky California couples beat the recession by offering discounted weddings for just 99 cents each.

Emily M. waits in the aisle of the All 99 Cents for her turn to the wedding ceremony.

Priest Daniel Winchester hosted the wedding ceremony for scuba divers Katherine O "Connor and James Oliver on Valentine's Day at the Ocean Reef Aquarium in London.
Winchester held the ceremony on the other side of the glass using posters to chat with the couple.

Today it is generally accepted that wedding ceremonies, which take place according to the classical scenario, remain in the past, and they are replaced by free interpretations of this event, so the most unusual weddings are obtained. Indeed, young couples in love more and more often prefer to organize their most memorable holiday in such a way that the noise from the wedding thundered even after the ceremony itself. Besides the purpose of incarnation original ideas In organizing a wedding, young people consider an elementary desire to have fun and stand out as during the bride price. If you're curious about how to celebrate a wedding in an unusual way, read the article.

To trace the patterns of the most unconventional weddings of our time, we will try to combine all the most unusual weddings in different categories:

  1. Wedding with make-up and costumes;
  2. Wedding in very unusual places;
  3. Incredible weddings.

Incredible transformations for the sake of two cherished "Yes"

There is no doubt that party companies will take on any idea - from a banal conservative wedding to a wedding of cartoon characters or vampires.

Suit of the most original style

At the same time, it didn't take long for Ellie and Phil to create it. The future spouses did not have to choose materials for sewing, go to fittings and constantly make comments to tailors.

On the contrary, to create unusual images, the couple simply undressed. In front of 250 guests. And a priest. Although, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that all the guests were warned in advance that the lovers would have unusual attire at the wedding, so no one was hurt during the ceremony. It is interesting to fantasize how the bride ransom went - an integral part of such fun. It can be safely argued that the ransom would turn out to be an unusual task for the groom at such a wedding.

The eternal struggle between good and evil with an original ending

Even in the wildest fantasies of wedding planners, the idea that came into the heads of two Dutch couples hardly slipped through. The young couple decided to get married, like two main roles in a science fiction film. In this case, the groom played the devil, and the bride played the angel. Two irreconcilable biblical characters become one during the ceremony.

Yes, the wedding was very unusual, considering the fact that all the guests also did not lag behind the main characters and dressed up in costumes of witches, sorcerers and other characters of folk art. Apparently, the ransom of the bride was carried out by the groom's friends - werewolves and vampires.

The Sabbat of the world's main evil: the wedding is not without makeup

A couple in love - Andy and Tracy - are also quite deservedly considered the authors of a very unusual idea for a wedding. Wanting to make an unusual show at their own wedding, the couple decided to reincarnate as the real living dead.

Fortunately, the artists stocked up on makeup and costumes, so the guests were also able to directly visit the images of devils, skeletons, vampires and others.

Unusual places for weddings: who are in what

Many couples who want to celebrate the most important day of their lives decide to do so. Often such ideas are associated with the hobbies of the lovers, their habits or preferences. Another option - curiosity and a desire to conquer unexplored peaks - also gives rise to many non-standard weddings.

Wedding by the river

Sounds pretty romantic, doesn't it? An unusual environment at a wedding immediately appears: a beach away from the bustle of the city, the smooth surface of the water and beach outfits combined with warm summer weather.

But a couple of spouses Sergei and Irina imagined the picture of their wedding by the river a little differently: winter, thirty-degree frost, the Yenisei River. True, from our first version, the future spouses still left something - bathing suits. And in this situation, the phrase "bride price" becomes ambiguous. Although an ordinary person would not even think of plunging into an icy river in the midst of winter, the couple dared to do this, not at all regretting, because they received unforgettable extreme sensations, coupled with a sore throat. But can this cold prevent the newly-made spouses from happily celebrating their wedding?

Scuba wedding: romance underwater

Fans of scuba diving, having once experienced this pleasure, will forever remain fans of such an entertaining pastime. April and Michael are exactly this type of people - their hearts are captivated by the ocean.

Therefore, a young couple of lovers decided to organize the wedding in the depths of the waters of the reservoir with sharks. Yes, a little strange company for the wedding ceremony, but the place of its holding was also chosen non-standard. Moreover, the sharks were more likely spectators of this unusual ceremony, because they were fenced off by an iron cage from the main characters. I wonder who organized the ransom of the bride, given that there were only sharks among the invited guests.

A futuristic wedding far beyond Earth

As seen, unusual ideas for Wedding . And since our country is considered the conqueror of space, there is no need to be surprised at another unusual wedding that took place back in 2003 between Catherine and Yuri.

The bride and groom decided to unite their hearts by marriage, being at a distance of several hundred kilometers from each other. Probably, by this the spouses decided to prove that true love even the distance is not a hindrance, especially since the groom returned to our planet very soon after the wedding. The groom could not redeem the bride for objective reasons, and therefore, being already on Earth, he did not have to drink the "penalty" according to the old Russian tradition.

Thus, a wedding in an unusual place is very attractive for those who want to get a lot of pleasure and adrenaline during the ceremony.

"I will do everything for you" - the embodiment of a promise right at the wedding

Who among the lovers has not vowed to his soul mate to commit even the most insane deeds for her sake? But most of us regretfully realize that this promise is only an expression of our own feelings, and not a direct guide to action.

However, it turns out that there are people on our planet who have challenged this abstract oath, in practice, have proved the seriousness of their feelings, having performed real feats for the sake of their beloved during the wedding.

Two Hundred Meter Happiness: Dream Dress

In China, wedding ceremonies are treated with all responsibility, because the traditions of this celebration are rooted far in the past and are rather symbolic in nature. At the same time, in China, many traditions will be incomprehensible to Russians, because there is no traditional bride price or, for example, contests with balloons.

But on the other hand, the Chinese can truly surprise with their actions for the sake of their beloved. This was proved by a couple from Guangzhou. So, the groom decided to present his beloved with an unforgettable gift - an unusual wedding dress. Its difference from ordinary dresses from wedding salons was in the train, because its length was about two hundred meters, and its weight was almost 110 kilograms. Agree that buying a bride in such an outfit would take a lot of time and money.

"A million scarlet roses you see ..."

Alla Pugacheva sang a cult hit more than thirty years ago, but, apparently, it was this song that inspired the Chinese groom to make unusual congratulations the bride at their wedding.

Probably, the Chinese can be considered leaders in the high cost and originality of gifts that they present in honor of significant events to your beloved. Xiao Wang was preparing for the wedding more than a year- all this time he diligently saved up money for the implementation of the idea in order to present the bride Xiao Lu with a stunning gift in honor of the wedding - 99,999 roses on the decisive day.

For a reason, this idea settled in the man's head - he had long known about his girlfriend's love for roses, even knew where to look for the exact variety of these wonderful flowers that Lou liked the most. Having well thought out his actions and drawing up a plan for the implementation of the idea, Wang ordered as many as thirty cars, filled to overflowing and decorated with roses. After the groom presented his beloved with this unusual gift, he realized how correct and appropriate his act was, because Lou was just glowing with happiness. No wonder the number 999 in China is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

"Until death unites us ..."

The touching love story of two young people in India was doomed to failure, because according to strict Indian laws, people who belong to different castes cannot enter into marriage. This very worried a couple of lovers - Tulsi and her fiancé. The girl could not come to terms with Indian rules, because her love was very strong and sincere.

But as cruel as it may sound, the bride of her beloved. The thing is that Indian laws really strictly prohibit weddings between people of different castes, however, absolutely nothing is mentioned about the binding of a living and a dead person by marriage. And since the popular proverb permits everything that is not forbidden, then the wedding of Tulsi with her deceased lover could be carried out without the hindrance of the laws. True, the Russian people would not be able to understand how the ransom of the bride would have gone, but for the Indians this was not a problem.
And so it happened, because of strong and faithful love, Tulsi took this courageous step - she married the guy whom she loved with all her heart.

Video version of the most unusual weddings

Thus, weddings are completely different and even very unusual. Even unusual weddings in Russia without traditional contests for buying a bride are not out of the ordinary, as people increasingly want to celebrate the most important day in a special way.

You will definitely be inspired by the most unusual weddings in the world, and you will find your own, with the help of which you will say the cherished "Yes" to your soul mate.

Text: Martha Baumgertner, Maria Lisitsyna


Some girls openly dream of a wedding, others pretend that they don't care, deceiving themselves. The difference is in exactly how the triumph in girlish dreams looks like. A traditional wedding in a white dress or an unusual party that guests will remember for a long time as the most non-trivial event in their life? We have selected celebrities who, on this crucial day, dared to make bold experiments and non-standard solutions. It turned out that some stars spent so much time preparing for the wedding that the celebration turned into a real show. And instead of shouting "Bitter!" I just want to chant "Bravo!" Take note of their ideas!

Dita Von Teese and Marilyn Manson: Gothic Wedding

Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock: Rock and Roll Wedding

Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock were married on July 29, 2006. “I will marry the girl of my dreams,” the musician wrote on his website. It was a rock and roll wedding: the sea, the yacht, the groom in ripped jeans and the bride in bikini.

Playboy model and ex-wife of Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee chose not to wear a classic wedding dress. Pamela chose a white swimsuit as her wedding dress. A sailor's cap completed the look. Kid Rock wore regular blue jeans and a black hat. True, at first Pam appeared in front of the groom and the guests in a short sundress, a veil with Swarovski crystals and shoes set with diamonds.

The celebration took place on the Altavida yacht, moored near the French resort of Saint-Tropez. In total, there were 15 guests at the unusual wedding party, among them - Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber. The guests were treated to seafood dishes. The most romantic moment of the party was U2's song With or Without You performed by Rock, dedicated to Anderson.

Four months later, Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson divorced. However, they do not regret getting married. The musician called his wedding with Anderson, in which he was in love "to death", "sincere impulse" and one of the funniest parties in his life.

Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz: Alice in Wonderland Wedding

Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz and singer Ashlee Simpson got married in May 2008. They threw a wedding party in the style of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Especially for the celebration, Ashley's parents' house was decorated in red and black colors. The bridesmaids - including the bride's sister, Jessica Simpson - wore black dresses. Even the roses specially brought from Ecuador were black. So the wedding turned out in the fatal version of "Alice in Wonderland".

Ashlee Simpson chose an ivory dress from Monique Lhuillier and a long veil for the ceremony. The father led the bride to the groom to the accompaniment of The Beatles' song “Black bird”. Wentz later admitted that Ashley entered the room like a girl from a movie. The rings to the bride and groom were carried out by an English bulldog named Hemingway, who played the role of the Cheshire cat. The three-tiered wedding cake was a top hat with a clock and a teacup. Ashley changed into black dress and the dancing began. The first was performed by the newlyweds to the song "First Day of My Life" by Bright Eyes. At parting, the guests were handed out cakes with the inscription "Eat me!"

The party continued in the garden. Under white tents on the tables were cocktail bottles bearing the words "Drink me!" And giant cups, teapots, and saucers adorned with scarlet roses and hot pink hydrangeas. Sushi and mini-hamburgers were laid out on trays shaped like playing cards. The newlyweds sat on chairs shaped like hearts.

When all the guests were gone, Pete took his wife to a tent on the hill behind the house. He decorated it with candles in advance, threw pillows on the floor and brought the ingredients for making S "mores, the favorite dish of American teenagers on a camping trip - marshmallows, crackers and chocolate. Pete and Ashley cooked their dessert on a campfire. put between cookies and chocolate), admired the stars and waited for the birth of a son, who was born a few months later.Simpson and Wentz divorced in early 2011. In the column about the reason for the divorce, Ashley indicated the standard wording - "insurmountable differences."

Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin: wedding according to the laws of the island

42-year-old actress and TV presenter Evelina Bledans and 33-year-old producer Alexander Semin got married in December 2011 on the island of Mauritius. Since both the groom and the bride are creative people with a good sense of humor, the wedding turned out to be exotic.

The couple decided to hold the ceremony according to local customs. Evelina was wearing a wedding dress for pregnant women, specially made for her by the designer Olga Rusan. Alexander chose for himself the image of either a servant or a slave. On the own wedding Bledans and Semin arrived not in a banal limousine, but in a golf cart, to the hood of which a pineapple was tied. On the way they were accompanied by acrobats and jugglers. The couple also abandoned the usual cake in favor of a watermelon more appropriate to the setting, from the pulp of which the clever chef carved the figurines of the newlyweds.

The bride and groom, who by that time was 6 months pregnant, decided that formalities such as wedding rings, they will not be useful either, so they sealed the union with oaths of love, fidelity and ... blood, pricking their fingers with cactus needles.

A few months after the wedding, the couple had a son, Semyon. For Evelina Bledans, this marriage became the third (note site: the first husband is the host of the show "Kalambur" Yuri Stytskovsky; the second husband is businessman Dmitry from Israel), but Alexander tied himself with the bonds of Hymeneus for the first time. Evelina and Alexander met on the set of the series "The Manipulator", where Alexander acted as a director and producer. Then the couple had an office romance that ended original wedding.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: Scientology wedding at a knight's castle

When in 2005, 42-year-old Tom Cruise passionately kissed 26-year-old Katie Holmes on the Oprah Winfrey show, many did not believe in the seriousness of his feelings. However, one of the highest paid Hollywood stars and the young actress were so in love that they saw no obstacles to their relationship (note site: however, after the couple's divorce, the American media put forward another version - Scientologists forced Cruise to marry, they also chose a bride for him, and Katie wasn't even the favorite on their list).

A year after the beginning of the impetuous romance of Tom and Katie, the couple had a daughter, Suri. And 7 months after the birth of the baby, Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes. A magnificent wedding, which cost the groom $ 2.5 million (note site: I don't want to add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey, but the actor did not pay his ex-wife a cent of compensation during the divorce), took place in the castle of Odescalchi in the Italian city of Bracciano (by the way , it was in this town that the film "Mission Impossible - 3" was previously filmed). The organizer of the magnificent celebration was the niece of designer Giorgio Armani - Roberta, she also paid for the rent of the premises as a wedding present for the newlyweds. The outfits of the bride, groom, children and even parents, of course, were exclusively from Armani, with whom Tom Cruise has long been friends.

The ceremony began with the groom walking down a stone slope, along which animators in medieval costumes lined up, to the beat of drums. After him, arm in arm with her father, a bride appeared with a delicate bouquet of white lilies in her hands. During the 2-minute Scientology ceremony, Tom and Katie exchanged Cartier ribbons and vowed to each other "never to end the day in anger." After that, the heroes of the occasion and 150 guests - among whom were Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony, Victoria and David Beckham, Brooke Shields, as well as Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith - followed to a reception at Caesar's hall, decorated with thousands of snow-white and scarlet roses.

As you know, Scientology marriage has no legal force, so Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes legalized their relationship in Los Angeles, even before the ceremony. The bride's father, the famous divorce lawyer Martin Holmes, was personally involved in drafting the marriage contract. This spectacular wedding ended in an equally memorable divorce. Despite the fact that Katie Holmes's father, it would seem, provided everything for this case, life has made its own adjustments. Tom Cruise, whose fortune is estimated at $ 275 million, every month, until the age of majority Suri, is obliged to pay her $ 33 thousand. Holmes, on the other hand, preferred money to the right of sole custody of Suri Cruz and the opportunity to protect the baby from Tom's religious views.

Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar: A Thousand and One Nights Wedding

British actress Elizabeth Hurley married Indian businessman Arun Nayar in 2007. The wedding consisted of two lavish ceremonies, preceded by a modest wedding. The first was held in Great Britain on March 3, the second, reminiscent of a fairytale ceremony in the Kingdom of the Thousand and One Nights, took place on March 9 in the largest state of India - Rajasthan, famous for its magnificent palaces.

For the "English" part of the celebration, a white Versace dress was chosen, which was created for the bride by her close friend. Hurley and Nayar were married in a small Catholic chapel in the presence of only two witnesses.

The next day, they went to the ancient Sadely Castle in Gloucestershire, where the ceremonial part of the ceremony in the medieval style took place. The bride and groom exchanged rings again, and British singer Elton John led Elizabeth to the altar. Venison and game were served at the banquet. As gifts to the newlyweds, guests, including David and Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss, Elle Macpherson, Eva Herzigova, presented ... livestock. Elizabeth, dreaming of her own farm, personally asked her friends before the wedding to present her with a pig or a lamb.

For the third time, Elizabeth and Arun said "Yes" to each other in the groom's homeland, India. It was there, in compliance with Indian customs, that the celebrations took place, stretching for six days, which were remembered for a long time by all those invited. $ 2.5 million was spent on the ceremony. Arun Nayar rented the luxurious Umaid Bhavan palace in the city of Jodhpur in the Indian state of Rajasthan for his wife and several hundred guests. The guests were specially equipped with tents in the spirit of the "Thousand and One Nights" fairy tales.

Liz literally shone in a luxurious pink, gem-embroidered Versace saree that cost her £ 4,000. and I spent a lot of time choosing the right shade of pink - the one we wanted, "Hurley told the American edition of Hello! Magazine. The Indian-style tiara, made by Chopard craftsmen from pink diamonds, completed the bride's look. After the wedding vows, the bride and groom exchanged garlands of flowers and walked around the wedding fire seven times.

Guests who were treated to local delicacies and entertained with Indian music, fire shows, dancing, horse and acrobatic performances were also dressed in Indian style. For example, Tom Ford's head was adorned with a luxurious turban embroidered with precious stones.

On the eve of the celebration, the guests went to the Nagaur fortress. The newlyweds moved there at the head of a wedding caravan consisting of horses, camels and elephants: Arun - on a white horse, Liz - on a black elephant. In the fortress, Elizabeth, decorated with mehendi (note site: mehendi - Indian henna painting on the body), danced a belly dance in front of the guests.

The fabulous celebrations did not delight everyone. Thus, a resident of the city of Jodhpur, Vishnu Kandewala, called the ceremony a mockery of sacred Hindu rituals and accused the newlyweds of insulting the religious feelings of believers. In particular, Kandelvala, who filed a lawsuit against the spouses, said that Hurley and Nayar, who were married on Christian custom, did not have the right to arrange a ceremony according to Indian traditions. In addition, Elizabeth, who is not a Hindu by birth and did not accept this faith, did not have the right to marry according to Hindu customs. Hurley and Nayar divorced in 2011. Maybe, after all, Liz should have accepted her husband's faith and not anger the local gods and residents?

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan: "top secret" wedding

Ksenia Sobchak seems to have been married off by the whole country for the last 10 years - the “eternal bride” herself was very fond of joking on this topic, saying that she would sooner become the president of Russia than marry.

Billionaire Alexander Shusterovich, businessman Vahe Yengibaryan, one of the founders of the Silver Rain radio station Dmitry Savitsky, dancer Yevgeny Papunaishvili, head of the Moscow Department of Culture Sergei Kapkov and, finally, oppositionist Ilya Yashin are the most serious contenders for the hand and heart of the famous blonde for various reasons. and did not bring Xenia to the registry office. When the twice divorced 40-year-old actor Maxim Vitorgan appeared on the horizon of 31-year-old Ksenia Sobchak, no one thought that this particular romance would end with Mendelssohn's march.

On February 1, 2013, in the strictest secrecy, close friends of Sobchak and Vitorgan were invited to the "Fitil" cinema for the "premiere of a new film", including Natalia Ionova-Chistyakova with her husband Alexander, Nika Belotserkovskaya, Alexey Kortnev, Ulyana Sergeenko, Rostislav Khait , Alexey Navalny and, of course, the parents of the newlyweds. The first could not stand Belotserkovskaya, who posted on Instagram a photo of the bride from the back with the caption: "I know how to keep secrets." Belonika's subscribers immediately began bombarding her with questions about whether Ksenia was in the photo. Soon they received confirmation: "Well laaaaaadno .... yes !!!" Her example was followed by Gluck "oZa, who wrote on her Twitter:" Ksenia Sobchak knows how to make surprises for her friends. But today we are in shock! Congratulations. " and "I wanted a groom, so it flew in."

Ksenia and Maxim, guessing what kind of press attention their wedding could cause, after the celebration ended, they left the cinema building through the back door, and before the crowd of photographers who had gathered, only a girl who looked like Ksenia in a wedding dress appeared.

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan registered their marriage, as it turned out, in an absolutely empty registry office 3 hours before the "premiere" in "Fitil". The registration was attended only by the parents of the bride and groom and an employee of the registry office, who had a difficult mission to keep the atmosphere of the strictest secrecy.

The next day - when literally the entire Internet was discussing whether the diva's step was a PR move or the wedding was real - the star commented on the incident for the first time: “I sincerely did not expect such a stir around our wedding. It seems strange to me that if I do not want to talk about my personal life, then for some reason this causes such curiosity, the demand for evidence and accusations of PR. Friends, I do not convince anyone of anything, I do not prove anything, and I ask you not to bother me! " To top it off, she posted on Instagram a snapshot of a soft cream wedding dress, sewn by her friend and designer Ulyana Sergeenko, and asked everyone to refrain from discussing her personal life.

Keira Knightley and James Ryton: well, a very modest wedding

28-year-old actress Keira Knightley and 29-year-old musician James Ryton, contrary to the expectations of the press, did not make a social reception out of the wedding. The official ceremony was attended by only 11 of the couple's closest friends and relatives.

Cyrus and James legalized their relationship in the city hall of the French town of Mazan, which is located 12 km from Marseille. The choice of the place was not accidental, because next to it there is an old estate owned by the famous bride, whose fortune is estimated at more than 30 million pounds Knightley and Ryton's wedding was attended by 50 people - including the actress Sienna Miller and the musicians of the Klaxons, in which, as you know, the newly-married husband plays - the latter, in addition, provided the musical component of the celebration.

There was a lot of talk about the actress's wedding dress. At some point, tired of endless questions, she even stated in an interview that she would marry in a T-shirt and jeans, however, fortunately, it did not come to that.

Practical Kira decided not to waste money on an outfit, which, most likely, she would never wear again, and chose a meek tulle dress from Rodarte. True, being closely associated with the cult brand Chanel, Knightley did not forget about the classic tweed jacket, which successfully complemented the light image of the star bride. The star preferred ballet flats to high heels, and a neat wreath to a long veil. Indeed, why arrange a "feast for the whole world" if it is already clear to everyone that you just love each other?

Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum: wedding - music video

Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum, who have been together for 15 years, met long before the first rumors about their romance arose. In the early 1990s, when Leonid was a young promising singer, whose career was just gaining momentum, he talked a lot about work with producer Yuri Varum. In 1994, Agutin even once joked in a conversation with him: "Can you imagine if your daughter and I take it and suddenly get married!" However, Yuri did not appreciate the joke, because he saw in the role of the groom for his daughter, a clever and beautiful woman, who was not at all a beginning performer: “This is so stupid that I don’t even want to talk about this topic.” If Yuri Ignatievich knew then that in 3 years his daughter and Leonid would have a creative union, which would later develop into a marriage, and in 1999 their daughter Liza would be born!

Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin got married in Venice on July 18, 2001. Leonid Agutin himself recalls this decision as follows: “We lived together, we already had Lizka, and I offered to marry. Angelica, as expected, flirted, but I insisted on my own. We spent 10 days in Venice in the company of a very narrow circle of friends who filmed all this on photographic and videotape. Every morning I made Angelica get up at six in the morning and go to St. Mark's Square to shoot while there are no people. "

Of course, the bride did not immediately like the idea of ​​the music video: after all, a wedding is a very personal event. But Agutin brought up an argument against which it is difficult to resist, all the more, as time has shown, he was right: "Darling, 10 years will pass, I will put you this video, and you will cry!" The video for the song "Half of the Heart", where happy Agutin and Varum walk around Venice in original wedding dresses, made by designer Alisa Tolkacheva, and are not shy about their feelings, has become megapopular. In it, Angelica appeared first in a lush white dress decorated with large red flowers and scarlet gloves, and then she changed into an elongated jacket, short tight-fitting (resembling underwear) shorts and a snow-white hat with a veil. Leonidas was wearing a tailcoat to match, worn over a naked body, trousers and a top hat. Agree, quite original outfits for a wedding. Thus, for the first time, Russian artists connected creativity and relationships so closely that they either got married on the set of a video, or shot a video about their wedding. Angelica later joked that her husband used her to shoot a video.

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden: Lucky Elephant Wedding

The adopted daughter of famous singer Lionel Richie, actress and designer Nicole Richie, and Good Charlotte musician Joel Madden were married on December 11, 2010. By this time, they had been dating for 4 years and they had two children - two-year-old daughter Harlow and one and a half-year-old son Sparrow. Madden admitted that he proposed to Richie 10 times, but she only agreed on the 11th ... The engagement took place in December 2010.

The first items on the bride's wish list were a real elephant (for good luck) and a dress in the style of the Grace Kelly outfit in which she married Prince Rainier of Monaco. Celebration took place at Lionel Richie's Beverly Hills estate. To the groom Nicole walked arm in arm with Lionel Richie to his song Ballerina Girl, dedicated to her. The bride was wearing a Marchesa dress embroidered with crystals. It was so wide that it was impossible to sit in it. The celebration took place in the garden of the house, under an awning decorated in the style of the Palace of Versailles - with vintage chandeliers, mirrors in old frames that hung all the walls, hand-painted floors and a ceiling covered with blue taffeta.

The appearance of the elephant - a favorite animal of Richie - came as a real surprise for Madden. But he was only glad - the musician wanted his beloved to make the wildest dreams come true at the wedding. An elephant with Indian jewelry on its head suddenly appeared at the Richie estate and, to the surprise of the groom ... kissed Nicole.

For dancing and a gala dinner, Nicole swapped out her luxurious outfit for a flattering lace Marchesa dress. The wedding was attended by about 130 guests, including Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz, Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani. The guests were entertained by a rapper from the famous Run-DMC team, Rev Run.

Elizabeth Taylor and Larry Fortensky: wedding with a lucky number 8

The love story of Elizabeth Taylor and Larry Fortensky is like a movie plot, and their wedding, which took place on October 6, 1991, is like a fairy tale.

They met in a drug addiction clinic, where Taylor was treated for addictions and "nerves", and got married on Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch. The singer's famous estate, named after the country where his favorite fairytale hero, Peter Pan, lived, is about five times the size of the principality of Monaco. On the territory of the ranch, the singer created a real fairy kingdom. He built an amusement park with attractions and opened a private zoo. The monthly expenses for the maintenance of the artist's estate were $ 120 thousand. When Jackson learned that his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Taylor was going to marry again, he offered to organize a ceremony at his famous estate.

Taylor was 59 years old, Fortensky - 39. At the wedding, which cost Jackson $ 1.5 million and became the eighth for the actress, many celebrities were present, and the wedding dress, worth $ 25,000, was presented to Taylor by designer Valentino Garavani. Michael Jackson led the bride to the altar. So the friends decided to support the Hollywood star who survived difficult period in life.

A hundred guards guarded the estate from the paparazzi. However, they could not do anything with a real helicopter attack - the groom, bride and famous guests were photographed from the air. And when Taylor walked down the aisle, the noise of the helicopters was drowned out by the soprano of the American opera singer April Millo, who performed Ave Maria for the bride and groom.

After taking the vows, Taylor raised a glass of mineral water and expressed her gratitude to Michael Jackson: “You acted very noble, I can not hold back tears. I will remember this all my life. " However, this tale had a sad end. Fortensky and Taylor divorced five years after their wedding. When the actress broke her hip in 1996, her husband did not want to be a nurse with his famous wife and filed for divorce.