
The history of the origin of the Gothic style in clothing. Gothic and gothic clothing style


The history of fashion is not only about changes in clothing that can be observed over time. It is also the history of the society in which this or that style existed. Different time awakened in people the need to wear a variety of medieval times - one of the most striking examples of how social relationships affect fashion.

Common features

The suit is one of the most important symbols social status throughout the Middle Ages. It determined the belonging of a person to a certain class and estate.

Clothing styles of the early Middle Ages are not particularly diverse. The fashion industry has not yet been developed as, for example, in the Renaissance. The cut of dresses for peasants and gentlemen was the same, the difference was observed only in materials. At this time, the delimitation of society was not particularly noticeable in terms of outward signs. The clothes were the best way express yourself, submit to at its best, so all people did not spare spending on jewelry, decorated belts and expensive fabrics.

Medieval clothing: features

The first and most striking difference can be considered the material from which the dresses were created. In the production of clothing, cotton was used along with linen, but different varieties of these fabrics were used. Rich people wore suits made of linen, the poor - more often from burlap, wool.

The color of the clothes also mattered a lot. For example, the poor were not allowed to wear bright colours, only representatives of noble families had such a privilege - they dressed in green, red and blue robes. For the common people, gray, black, brown colors. The deprivation of the right to wear clothes made in shades corresponding to the origin of a person was one of the most severe punishments in society.

For archaeologists, clothing of the Middle Ages is of great interest. Photos taken during the excavations show that in everyday life it was difficult to distinguish a simple worker from a knight. Home clothes were made from the same materials and did not differ in originality.

Same suits

Clothing of the Middle Ages (early stage) is usually characterized by its simplicity and uniformity. She was not distinguished by diversity and was not divided into male and female. In general, the tailors did not worry about the suit being the figure of its owner, and usually all things were loose, and even baggy.

It should be noted that it was during this period that a separate one for the clergy was entrenched. Previously, church ministers wore the same dresses as other people. Byzantine influence on the form of the clergy prevailed, and this can be considered the stage in the birth of church clothing.

Connection with modernity

Clothing in the style of the Middle Ages has largely influenced modern times. For example, buttons, which are present today on almost every piece of clothing, were invented during this era. Until the 12th century, pieces of clothing were held together with ties or clasps that were more pretty than practical to use. With the spread of buttons, these elements began to be made from various materials: leather, bone, metal. Such a variety made it possible to harmoniously combine fabrics and buttons of robes.

Gothic costume details

Clothing of the Middle Ages began to be enriched with details. More attention began to be paid to decorating clothes (embroidery), especially on the collar of the dress. It was cut so that the ornament on the lower shirt could be seen. The belt also became an important part of the wardrobe: it was tied in front, and long ends they dropped him at his feet.

Started with attention to detail new stage in the development of fashion. Dresses were reshaped, throwing out excess pieces; clothes were sewn, taking into account the characteristics of the body of each person. Now the suits fit closely to the figure, emphasizing all its advantages. It can be argued that it was at this stage that the clothing of the Middle Ages acquires a secular character.

The Gothic style in women's dresses was manifested in elongated silhouettes, high collars, tight lacing at the waist. Clothes were pulled up under the chest, and this created a special accent, a hint of the beauty of femininity and motherhood. For the style manifested itself in fitted suits, either long or short. As a rule, the latter option was chosen by young people.

At that time, several materials were combined in the creation of costumes at once: silk, linen, wool and leather were used in the wardrobe of the townspeople. Thanks to such combinations, the first appeared with a distinction between a corset and a skirt, the latter starting from the waist. New types of matter, such as cloth, softly fit the figure.

New color schemes also spread: a suit for a man, for example, consisted of two halves different colors, usually contrasting in their shades.

The color was great symbolic meaning. For example, the one who served his beloved lady always wore the clothes of her favorite color. The same applied to the servants, who dressed in clothes that matched the coats of arms of their masters in shades.

The most popular color in the Middle Ages was yellow, but not everyone could afford such a dress.

New inventions

At the end of the 13th century, people abandoned pleating, but lace appeared in costumes. Dresses were decorated with fur trim, shawls or capes were added to the obligatory accessories. The cloak was also worn quite often, usually decorated with fur and various fasteners. It was customary to pull a cloak over the head. Women covered their hair with light fabric covers. The position of the veil indicated the mood of its owner: for example, a cloth pulled over her face spoke of sadness, and a cloth tied on her head spoke of joy.

The clothes of the Middle Ages became more practical over time: now it was possible to carry coins in it, more attention was paid to the convenience of movement.

The sleeves were also changed: often they reached the floor or were gathered. Particularly wide parts of the sleeves and skirts were pleated.

Headwear and accessories

Hairstyle played an important role. Men and women alike looked after their headgear and even curled their curls with the help of special hot tongs (this is something like modern curling irons). And although the church forbade doing anything with their hair, city dwellers rarely listened to her in pursuit of fashion. Long, well-groomed hair was popular. Women collected them in a variety of hairstyles that were very high. They were decorated with branches of flowers and precious stones. Often, for convenience, they used special cylinders - gennins. This item supported the hair and could be either transparent or adorned with a flowing veil.

The influence of the Middle Ages on the history of fashion

It is believed that the Gothic clothing of the Middle Ages was most common in the Czech Republic. Czech tailors became the inventors of skirts and various accessories, clothing styles.

The appearance of buttons, new types of hair styling and ways of decorating clothes made a huge contribution to fashion. The Middle Ages can be considered hard time for the development of culture: plague, constant wars and undeveloped medicine - all these factors were obstacles to the peaceful life of people. However, it is precisely this time that is marked by the leap of society to the beautiful, which will continue into the Renaissance.

Clothing began to be created not only for practical purposes, but also for beauty. Not only the costumes were decorated and transformed, changes took place with architecture, painting, literature and music. The more cultured the society became, the more attention people paid to the subtleties, and in all things one could find a special aesthetics.

Medieval clothing appeared at one of the most beautiful and interesting stages in the development of fashion. From simple dresses, similar to monastic robes, people came to richly decorated costumes with huge sleeves and decorative embroideries, interesting skirts and high hairstyles. Burlap and wool began to be replaced by linen and silk. The most unusual color schemes were reflected in clothes and accessories, and experiments with combining fabrics made it possible to express oneself and show one's individuality.

Clothing in the Gothic style causes an ambiguous reaction, from complete rejection to genuine interest and admiration. Dark personalities with an impenetrable expression of a deathly-pale face, like aliens from another world or a parallel world, attract the eye, make you turn around with caution or with the thought “damn beautiful, but it won’t suit me.” These are goths. Whether it is necessary to belong to their subculture in order to dress in a similar style is a moot point. Now let's try, without changing our worldview, to join the outrageous Gothic fashion and add an extravagant note to the everyday look or for special occasions.

In this article:

Let's briefly go over the history from the Middle Ages to the present day and start studying photos, choosing clothes and creating the image of a charming Gothess or changing the attitude towards this culture to a more loyal one. After all, its representatives are ordinary people who express their individuality in this way.

The history of the emergence of gothic fashion

Gloomy morals reigned in Europe in the 12th-15th centuries. It was a terrible and at the same time romantic time from the point of view of a modern person. The omnipotence of the Catholic Church, the merciless bonfires of the Inquisition, burning witches, noble knights, ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of beautiful ladies.

It was in this era that the majestic, bewitching cold inaccessibility style was born, called Gothic, that is, barbaric, denying the classical canons of beauty, proportions and harmony. At first, the direction of architecture, and then clothing, with pronounced sharp corners, symbolized the aspiration upward, towards God, the denial of the earthly importance of being.

Most widespread a new style received in France. The clothes of Parisian fashionistas were artsy and peculiar:

  • pointed hats and pointed shoes;
  • thin silhouettes tightened with corsets;
  • trains of infinite length;
  • jagged, uneven edges of sleeves and hemlines;
  • an abundance of bright ornaments and floral motifs.

Tailoring turned from a simple craft into an art; all the cutting techniques known to this day were invented.

And then the world stepped into the Renaissance, and the Gothic sank into oblivion. An attempt to get out of oblivion at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries was short-lived and unsuccessful. In the 70s of the XX century, goth came to life again, replacing the fading punk culture, which failed to establish itself in its slogan "Live fast - die young."

Everything was more or less clear with life, and almost everyone could handle it. But the theme of death, the afterlife, eternal mourning was to the taste of gloomy romantics. Black became their favorite color, and cemeteries became places for walks and gatherings. The new Gothic style finally took shape by the 80s, and in the 2000s it hit the catwalks.

Modern style is ready in clothes: characteristic features, distinctive features

The Middle Ages left their mark on the appearance of melancholy fatalists. But they adopted only a narrow, laced waist, otherwise fashion trends of that time have little in common with the appearance of modern Goths.

These grotesque personalities rather took on the role of victims of the Inquisition, who appeared in our world with a reminder of eternal sorrow, mourning, and the frailty of being. But believe me, deep down, none of them is going to die, and the exquisite beauty of death is a way to present yourself to the world and be noticed.

If you want to accurately identify representatives of this subculture in the crowd or try on clothes in the Gothic style, remember the main features:

  • the predominance of black with contrasting accents - white, red;

  • dark saturated tones are allowed - purple, burgundy, green, blue;

  • clear silhouettes, straight flying lines;

  • frank extravagance with overtones for adults;

  • vintage or ultra-modern dresses of a complex cut;

  • voluminous skirts, mini or maxi length;

  • jabot, lace, mesh, lacing;

  • corsets and belts, mainly over clothes;

  • loose black blouses, t-shirts, shirts, ;

  • an abundance of leather - trousers, skirts,;

  • rough platform shoes or high heels( , camelots, );

  • eccentric umbrellas, veiled hats, long gloves;

  • massive white metal jewelry;

  • expressive contrast dark hair and a completely white face;

  • deliberately careless aggressive makeup in black and blood red tones.

From fabrics it is preferable:

  • velvet;
  • atlas;
  • silk;
  • leather;
  • vinyl;
  • brocade;
  • taffeta;
  • lace;
  • organza.

A fair amount of aristocracy is present in the Goths both in the female style and in men's clothing. Long black coats and raincoats, a top-hat, and on special occasions a tailcoat, well, why not a London dandy. But still, the image of the modern Goth deserves more attention.

Options for self-expression in clothes from ready

An interesting discovery for girls can be the image of the Gothic Lolita. This style is one of the types of Japanese street fashion. It does not contain any hints of vulgarity and vulgarity, but rather looks quite elegant and at ease. Character traits:

  • black color is actively diluted with blue, blue, red details;

  • quite a lot of white - stockings, gloves, petticoats;

  • strict dresses with corsages and fluffy skirts;

  • coquettish looking shirt collars and lace pantaloons;

  • elegant knee length;

  • gothic prints;

  • elegant hats with ribbons, coffin bags;

  • gloomy makeup can be replaced with makeup with an emphasis on the eyes;

  • hair - black curls or straight auburn, purple or red strands are possible in black hair.

The result is a very charming, feminine image. But the Gothic style of clothing is very diverse. There are other directions as well.

  • Cyber ​​- a gloomy gamma generously complemented by acid shades, hairstyles - Iroquois, dreadlocks, makeup in neon colors.

  • Jay is an imitation of the heroes of Japanese anime, but with strict observance of the gothic rules - dark clothes and contrasting makeup.

  • Medieval - the most romantic branch of the subculture is ready: indispensable corsets, Victorian-style dresses, long gloves, lace, hats.

  • Vampire is the most popular style. The emphasis is on the obligatory presence of a rich red color, symbolizing blood and flawless whiteness of the skin.

  • Corporate - allows you to comply with the dress code in a working environment. Usually it is a strict black suit with a snow-white shirt and some jewelry in the appropriate style.

As you can see, it is not difficult to assemble a set of clothes in a modern gothic style, suitable for any environment. But that's not all. It is important to maintain the harmony of the image as a whole, that is, to turn a Goth or Goth from head to toe.

Shoes and accessories

The legs of the gotessa will meet all the requirements if you wear:

  • high army boots;
  • boots on a massive platform;
  • shoes or sandals with wide and rather high heels;
  • for solemn occasions - an aggressive hairpin.

Instead of bags - large black backpacks or elegant handbags. Headdress - a hat, preferably with a veil or ribbons. Glasses - more often round, can be decorated with spikes. original accessory- a collar made of latex, leather or metal. Spikes on it are also welcome. Another feature is a lace or velvet umbrella to protect from the sun.

Gothic outfits that can be observed on modern representatives of this subculture are far from the real Gothic images that appeared in Europe during the Middle Ages. The Gothic style of clothing is only part of a worldview filled with suffering, darkness, longing, which is vividly expressed in music and other areas of art.

A bit of history

The history of the Gothic style has its roots in the Middle Ages.

Gothic in art is cold restraint and solemn sadness.

Fashion always keeps pace with its era, so changes in the military equipment of medieval knights was the beginning of the emergence of new views. Chain mail was replaced by armor, spacious shirts were replaced by things tailored to the figure.

Tailors took steel scissors in their hands and began to make patterns, which made it possible to sew clothes from separate parts connected by seams.

Appeared female models, in which the narrow bodice and wide skirt were cut separately. Triangular cutouts on the chest, cuffs, long sleeves, pointed shoe shape - these details stylistically intersected with the architectural elements of the Gothic style.

All this became the basis for the development of Gothic fashion and its various variations. In the late 70s, the Gothic direction was very popular among young people who met in cemeteries and gravitated towards the secrets of the underworld. Time passed, and various branches appeared in this subculture, but the aristocracy of images and depressive moods are characteristic of all manifestations of Gothic.

Typical goth outfit

Extravagance and black are the main characteristics of the modern Gothic look. The materials used are completely different: silk and velvet, lace and denim, leather and taffeta.

Goths wardrobe, as a rule, consists of leather trousers, raincoats, long skirts, black T-shirts, platform shoes, black leather ankle boots.

Tight black leather corset − required attribute a costume that gives the image of a girl sexuality, which is welcome in this direction. The corset can also be worn over the top of the dress. It is very different from the ancient, rigid models. The modern corset is made of elastic materials and seductively emphasizes the figure, as shown in the photo:

Skirts, capes, various hoodies, made of black fabric, which in its texture resembles a fishing net, are often used in Gothic images.

There is also femininity in the masculine. A typical representative of this subculture is wearing black trousers and a shirt, a leather coat or hoodie, a hat and heavy lace-up boots.


For girls of this image, gloves made of lace, umbrellas, handbags made of velvet fabric, different kinds hats. Especially popular are small hats of an elegant shape, which are decorated with a veil, or vice versa, hats with wide brim.

Sad images are often complemented by white metal accessories. Most often it is silver. It is rare to find white gold jewelry in the image of the Goths.

Such elements symbolize the coldness of the moon, and further emphasize the contrast of black clothes and white skin.

Crosses, skulls, the bats, spiders, dragons, chains, bracelets, spikes - all these elements can be found in the modern look of the ready. The face and torso of young people are often adorned with piercings.

Create a gothic look

A few tips for those who want to embody a modern gothic look in their clothes.


Leather pants or black skinny jeans are a good choice. If the figure does not allow wearing tight clothes, then black trousers free cut perfectly fit into the image.


This necessary attribute of the image of a sad maiden is well combined with a tiered fluffy skirt or jeans. A shirt with bare shoulders, complemented by a black leather corset on top, looks bold and, at the same time, feminine.


Made of velvet, it will give the image rigor and solidity.


You can choose from different images or symbols. They can also be just black. T-shirts often feature elements that reflect Goth's musical tastes.


Massive, heavy leather shoes, mostly boots on flat sole or platform boots with high heels. The color is mostly black, but sometimes you can find red models.

Makeup and hair

The makeup uses black eyeliner or shadows, with which the eyes stand out strongly. Black lipstick, which contrasts against the background of a pale face, can be found on the lips of both women and men. Do not forget about the nails - covered with black varnish, they complete the image. In a manicure, as in a hairstyle, negligence is welcome. For dyeing hair, you can use dark shades in any combination.

Video selection:

The philosophy of the Goths causes an ambiguous reaction from society. Extravagant images of black things make you turn around. Choosinggothic clothing styleit must be remembered that not only things create the necessary aura of a goth. The inner state of the soul, thoughts expressed in black clothes, make-up and accessories - this is the true gothic image.

The Gothic trend, which originated in the twelfth century, managed not only to survive to this day, but also to preserve its main distinctive features: unusual beauty, solemn gloom and cold severity.Each century has left its mark on the Gothic style of clothing. In the era of feudalism and the omnipotence of the church, symbols of striving for God were clearly expressed in everything - refined silhouettes, sharp corners.G otic style in medieval clothing - these are pointed hats and pointed shoes, corsets, trains.

The era of the feudal lords was replaced by the era of the Renaissance, in which (oddly enough) the theme of the afterlife and death was actively promoted and boldly expressed in clothing. So, the color of mourning - black, became the main one for the Gothic image.

most brightly gothic clothes manifested itself in the 70s of the XX century whose characteristic features are also inherent in the Gothic image of our days:

  • clear, concise lines;
  • corset, frill collar, abundance of lace, lacing;
  • clothing materials - leather, brocade, satin, velvet;
  • main color is black. Sometimes slight blotches of burgundy, purple, blue and green are possible;
  • puffy skirts of various lengths (from ultra-short mini to maxi);
  • vintage items (occupy a special place in the wardrobe);
  • leather clothes and accessories;
  • black hair color;
  • rough shoes;
  • non-standard accessories.

Options and types of things

Modern gothic clothing stylesuggests the presence of things in black. But, despite the monotony of color, the choice of things to create the image of a goth is very diverse.

For men

The basis of moderngothic clothing style- individuality. For this reason, society is ready in a very diverse way:

  • the distinctive black goth-punks (goths of the old time) are ripped jeans, leather jackets leather jackets, Iroquois;
  • for ready-androgens (the direction implying the asexuality of the creature), pronounced makeup, leather accessories, corsets are inherent;
  • pagan Goths prefer cloaks with hoods, amulets made of stone and wood;
  • fetish goths prefer clothes made from artificial materials: vinyl, latex, artificial leather;
  • cyber-goths are distinguished by bright makeup and hair color;
  • Goth vampires are easy enough to recognize by white shirts with lace and jabot collars, velvet long jackets;
  • stylish, refined romantic goths wear clothes of a certain era.

Essential elements clothes gothic style for men:

  • black t-shirts. Acceptable prints in the formdark anime pictures, photos of rock bands, original ornaments. T-shirts in a grid are good (unobtrusively emphasize the sexuality of a man). For adherents of the classics, black straight-cut shirts are ideal, as well as Victorian-style shirts;
  • black jeans - better if these jeans are worn. Also, special attention should be paid to leather pants. In the hot season, the gothic style in men's clothing allows cropped trousers or black shorts;
  • men's goth shoes - army boots, pointy chelsea boots, black high top sneakers;
  • in the cold season, men are ready to have a wide choice outerwear: leather jackets, leather jackets, wool coats, sweatshirts with zippers.

For women

Choice gothic clothes for girlshuge. Everyone will be able to choose the combination of things that the best way reflect her mood and outlook:

  • for very young girls, ready teenagers will like a set of clothes, consisting of a black T-shirt (possible with a print), a plaid skirt (in dark colors), leather jacket and boots on a massive platform. Leather accessories will successfully complement the perfect goth look;
  • for young girls and middle-aged women, creating an image of a goth will help black dress, high boots and stylish silver jewelry;
  • emphasize perfect figure goth women will help puffy skirts with lace and sexy corsets. Complement the image of shoes on a massive platform, stylish jewelry from silver;
  • elegant, subtly beautiful black velvet dresses are a win-win option. Paired with high platform boots with lacing and a leather band around the neck, this goth look is relevant in any situation;
  • informal goth image: black T-shirt, long skirt, pullover coarse knit on top, ankle boots are shod on the legs. As accessories, leather collars with spikes and pendants, round-framed glasses are ideal;
  • everyday look, for a Goth woman: black leggings combined with an elongated T-shirt or sweater, suede boots or boots. The bag is black enough large sizes, will successfully complement the outfit;
  • light, sexy image of a young Goth woman: black corset, fluffy skirt with lace trim, nylon tights mesh, stiletto heels. Silver jewelry, numerous bracelets, pendants are well suited as accessories;
  • gothic-style clothing for autumn colds: black leather shorts worn over warm tights, a free-cut black T-shirt, a loose jacket with a large knit. Socks and chunky boots can be worn over tights;
  • an unusual combination of elements of clothing that perfectly emphasizes the moderngothic clothing style: black leggings with a pentagram, shoes or high boots with steady heels, a black T-shirt, a knee-length coat. Jewelry is selected with great care. Perfect for black leather bracelets and rings of silver;
  • extremely feminine image of a goth girl consists of a black corset, lace bolero, black short skirt, stocking, high boots with lacing.

Selection of accessories and emphasis on makeup

Properly selected shoes, accessories, make-up will help to maintain the integrity of the image of a Goth or Goth, harmony.


Perfectly emphasize non-standard goth outfit:

  • boots on a wide, massive platform;
  • high army berets;
  • sandals made of rough leather with a wide, massive heel;
  • pointy pumps with high heels.


The image of a goth will not be complete if the right jewelry is not selected. As accessories, stylish leather bracelets or neck bands with metal spikes, silver pendants, ornate rings and earrings are ideal.

It is worth noting that items made of gold and precious stones are unacceptable in the Gothic style.

All accessories are made mainly in black. Each decoration is the embodiment of a non-standard idea. Most often, earrings, rings, pendants are made in the form of a cross, crucifix, unusual ornaments. It is allowed to use inserts made of stones: jade, agate, pearls (black), opal.

A goth bag is a backpack or an elegant bag.Hats - wide-brimmed hats, small hats.The gothic style feature is a black lace umbrella.

Makeup and hairstyles

When creating the image of a goth, special attention is paid to the hairstyle. Hair is predominantly long (for both men and women). Hair color - black (sometimes coloring is allowed). The classic goth hairstyle is straight hair combed in the middle. Only for women who want to create an image of a romantic goth, curls and lush hairstyles are acceptable. Goth men can shave their whiskey, making intricate patterns on them.

Goth makeup is a dense base of white on the face, the absence of blush. Manicure should be done in dark colors. A special chic is a slight negligence in the hair and make-up, giving the image of a goth a special flavor.

Goth image original and unique. It is ideal for bright personalities who challenge society with all their thoughts and actions. Not every person will be able to try on the image of a goth, but if you have the courage, dark clothes, non-standard accessories and makeup will help create a unique gothic style of eternity.


A photo