
Arrange champagne for a silver wedding. Decorating champagne bottles for a wedding with your own hands. Master class with photo. Decoration with tissue paper


Not a single holiday is complete without champagne, and a wedding feast for sure. This drink is the main one, it flows like a river, fills crystal glasses and helps to speak beautiful toasts. A wedding is a special day in which everything should be beautiful, right down to the bottle of alcoholic beverage. Making champagne with your own hands brings a lot of pleasure and joy from the resulting beauty. Such bottles will match the celebration and will be remembered for a long time.

In order to make stylish and original bottles of alcohol, a lot of skills are not required. First you need to acquire the necessary materials:

  1. white spray paint in a can;
  2. super glue in a narrow tube;
  3. a contour on the glass of a color suitable for paint;
  4. satin roses or thermoplastic accessories, as well as beads and beads.

Of course, the design of bottles must be carried out when they are closed. The excise stamp and label must be removed, but the crust and wire on it must remain intact.

The first stage begins with painting the bottles. This must be done in several layers, observing a time period of at least two hours. This is required so that the paint does not form streaks and has time to dry. Separately, on a napkin, you should place a decoration in the form of flowers, in the same way as they will be placed on the bottle. On the bottles you need to depict the resulting drawing with a pencil. For example, it can be a heart, the halves of which are placed on two bottles.

Champagne decoration for a wedding also consists of the formation of flowers right size. They can be bought ready-made or formed from satin ribbons. With the help of glue, flowers can be supplemented with beads and white beads. When the decoration elements are ready, they are glued to the bottle according to the formed pattern. For convenience, you need to start gluing the flowers from the bottom.

After pasting the bottle is over, proceed to painting. The drawing should not be too complicated, it is important that the ornate lines cover the voids remaining after painting. When one bottle of festive alcohol is framed, you can proceed to the second. At the same time, it is not necessary to try to make the coils of the painting identical with the first bottle. They are a harmonious addition to the main decoration.

ribbon decoration

It is not always the task of how to decorate wedding champagne, painting is paramount. tapes, different material and colors will also help create a real masterpiece.

For such decoration, you need about four meters of snow-white satin ribbon, one and a half meters of cream-colored brocade ribbon, a couple of bottles of champagne with silver foil, super glue and scissors.

Before you start decorating champagne for a wedding, you need to measure the length of the satin ribbon, trying it on the neck of the bottle. Then a suitable length is cut off and dots of glue are put down along the entire length. With a strong movement, you need to tighten the tape, avoiding unevenness, and cover the silver label of the drink bottle with it. The next segment will be slightly longer than the previous one, as it will be located under the already glued piece. The subsequent steps are similar: the ribbon is also measured, cut and glued.

In order for the final result to be beautiful, the ends of the ribbons should be placed in the same direction. With the next couple of layers, you need to do the same. This is followed by two rows of cream-coloured brocade ribbon. Then cut off a piece of brocade ribbon, which is glued to the bottom of the bottle.

Then again it is the turn of the satin ribbon. Now it is glued below, after the brocade ribbon, but so that the seam is located at the back. After decorating wedding bottles, it is already easier to do. It will take about eight strips cut from a white satin ribbon. Their length must be the same. Glue the fabric in the same way, placing the seams behind the bottle. To cover the not very nice wrong side, you need to pry off the glued tapes stationery knife. The tip of the tape, previously lubricated with glue, is pulled into the hole formed. The tip is pulled to the surface and all the seams are covered with it. The remaining undecorated place on the bottle is sealed with a piece of brocade ribbon.

If you still have satin and brocade pieces, and you don’t know how to decorate a bottle of champagne, you can put them on bows and flowers. They should be placed on top of the glued bottle, embellished with lace, rhinestones and beads.

Decoupage bottle decoration

This technique is very popular today, and a bottle decorated in this way looks beautiful and festive.

First, it is cleaned of all labels and washed thoroughly, and then the glass is degreased. For this purpose, you can use acetone, alcohol or ordinary glass cleaner.

Then decoupage of the bottle involves a priming step. You will need a regular glass primer, which is applied to the bottle with a foam rubber sponge, holding it in tweezers. After the applied layer has dried, the bottle is painted with white paint and left to dry.

Then they select a pattern that will decorate the champagne. It needs to be drawn on a napkin, and then tear off the pattern, leaving only one layer with a small amount paper.

The napkin is laid out on a stationery file with the wrong side up and sprinkled with plenty of water. The paper should practically float in it; This is necessary so that wrinkles do not form in the figure. They should be spread in the water.

After that, the liquid is drained, and the file is applied to the central part of the bottle. To make it work beautiful decoration champagne bottles decorated with decoupage elements, you need to carefully walk through the pattern, pushing out excess moisture. When everything is done, the drawing will stick to the bottle, but it still needs to be fixed with decoupage glue. After the glue has dried, you need to sand the folds of the edges of the glued image with an emery sheet.

At this stage, the decoration of the festive drink can be completed, or you can make it even more beautiful if you use additional paint application tools. Having slightly refreshed and evened out the color, the bottle can be left in anticipation of the solemn day.

Yin-Yang decoration

The sacred theme will fit perfectly into the decor of the wedding bottle. You will need black and snow-white ribbons one and a half centimeters wide. For fixing, take ordinary glue and a brush, and for decoration - white lace.

Making a bottle of champagne for a Yin-Yang wedding can be called the simplest. The glass is smeared with glue, the end of the ribbon is clamped with one hand, and the ribbon is wrapped with the other, slightly overlapping. You can fix the ribbon diagonally, or evenly. Two bottles are decorated in this way, only one should be white and the second black.

Such a simple design of a bottle of champagne for a wedding looks very beautiful. For greater complexity, you can add some elements in the decor. For example, a veil can be formed from white lace, and a tie can be made from a thin strip of black ribbon.

How to quickly decorate a bottle of champagne

For those who have no time to take a master class on decorating a bottle of champagne for a wedding, but really want to create beauty with their own hands, you can resort to the following method.

From the materials you will need only stickers that correspond to the wedding theme. They are easy to find in a bridal salon or store that sells wedding accessories. It is better to choose a color similar to the design palette of the banquet hall. The stickers you like are carefully removed from the cardboard and fixed on the bottle.

This method is convenient to use in cases where there is no time left for a solemn decoration. Perhaps, such trifles will seem insignificant to someone, but it is in them that the whole essence of this holiday lies.

There are many ways to decorate champagne bottles. They can be such that you begin to doubt that you have an alcoholic drink in front of you, and not a masterpiece. Beautifully designed bottles are doubly pleasant to store until a significant wedding anniversary.

Such a grandiose and reverent event in the life of the newlyweds, like a wedding, requires a special relationship. On how solemnly all the stages of the wedding and the attributes for it will be thought out, the level of its conduct, the reviews of the guests and the degree of self-affirmation depend.

It is especially important to pay attention to the decor wedding table bride and groom. One of the obligatory elements of the feast is a couple of bottles of champagne, which are drunk by the newlyweds after a year of marriage.

To give the holiday originality, you can arrange bottles of champagne in the form of a bride and groom.

How to dress up 2 wedding bottles as a bride and groom - types of champagne decor

While preparing for the wedding, the newlyweds think through every moment, often choosing a certain style. And it is important to strictly follow this idea so as not to seem tasteless. Are no exception for the bride and groom, which can be decorated different ways and use different material for this.

One of the options for decorating bottles is the use of satin ribbons. This material is almost perfectly combined with glass, and the result is quite nice silhouettes of the heroes of the occasion. To implement the idea, ribbons of delicate shades are suitable:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • light blue;
  • light pink.

To give a resemblance to the image of the groom, they use a black or dark blue ribbon and others that correspond to the idea.

V Lately it has become fashionable to decorate champagne under the images of the bride and groom, duplicating as accurately as possible Wedding Dress and a suit.

Although in use the decoration is simply in the same style, and the correspondence of the bottles is indicated by some element, by which it becomes clear who the container with the drink on the table symbolizes.

Very accurately imitates the clothes of the heroes of the occasion, clothes sewn with their own hands from fabric. Sewing bottle covers in the form of costumes will not be difficult, and you can add a twist with various fashionable things.

For example, embroider the names of the newlyweds on the covers in gold or silver, or make a thematic drawing. You can decorate the covers with beads, rhinestones or pearl beads. The fabric is chosen according to your taste. It can be velvet, satin, lace. Some craftsmen even knit products for decoration.

How to make clothes for wedding champagne with your own hands - a master class

Often there is a desire to decorate with your own hands two bottles of champagne in the form of a bride and groom. How can this be done and why, tell step-by-step instruction, which will display all the steps.

To decorate a bottle with satin ribbons, you will need:

  • reel of satin ribbon;
  • sharp scissors;
  • special glue for fixing;
  • jewelry and lace to complete the look.

You need to work carefully and accurately. Every detail plays here important role Because it's not just about a party.

So, to design a bottle in the form of a bride, you need the following:

  1. The surface of the workpiece is degreased, for this it is thoroughly wiped with alcohol. In this case, you do not have to worry about the reliable fixation of the elements.
  2. Take the lace and cut off some part that matches the circumference of the neck. The neck is treated with glue and the lace is fixed.

  1. The tape is also applied along the volume of the neck, the required length is cut off and fixed in the same way as lace. Then, the next strip of tape is similarly drawn up, but placed halfway below the previous one. It is necessary to ensure that the overlay of the ends of the tape is carried out in the same way, from right to left. The taping process is completed only after the bottle is completely closed.

  1. The next step is decoration. Since this bottle is for the bride, they put on a voluminous skirt on it. It must be made of lace or tulle. Several patches are cut in a circle. Inside each circle, a round hole is cut, equal to the diameter of the bottle.
  2. The patches are placed on top of each other and sewn together. Then the skirt is put on the bottle and fixed in the right place. The upper edge is framed with gold ribbon, rhinestones, pearls and other decorations.
  3. The upper part of the bottle is decorated with decor, which is an imitation of jewelry. For this, beads are attached to the neck.

  1. In conclusion, it is necessary to put a veil on the bride. In this case, it will be built in combination with a hat. For a veil, you can use chiffon or a piece of a bow.

The groom is dressed in the same way. The difference is only in some points.

  1. A piece of tape is cut off by the volume of the neck. The corners of the edges are ironed, bending in half. In this way, the shirt collar is imitated. Fix it. After that, a few more white years are attached.
  2. Next, they take a black ribbon and in the same way as for the bride, close the bottle completely. At the bottom of the tape, they are allowed to run exactly in a circle.
  3. The costume needs to be decorated. You can attach a bow tie or use a black ribbon on the white background of the suit in the appropriate place to imitate a tie. Be sure to imitate the buttons of a jacket with the help of rhinestones or other decorative things. Don't forget the boutonniere.
  4. The final stage is a hat for the groom.

Wedding champagne hat - pattern

Both the groom and the bride need to build a hat. For this, the following materials are prepared:

  • thick cardboard, from which hat fields are cut out;
  • a plastic cap for cosmetic tubes, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the neck of a champagne bottle;
  • a ribbon of the corresponding color, that is, for a black groom, for a white bride,
  • glue for fixation.

Step by step instructions for making a hat consists of the following steps:

  • A piece is cut out of cardboard that will serve as the brim for the hat. The outer circle is 8 cm in diameter, and the outer one is the diameter of the bottle neck.

  • The workpiece is tightly wrapped with a satin ribbon, and the ends are fixed with a ribbon, as shown in the photo.

  • At the next stage, the cosmetics cap or the prepared piece of cardboard of the appropriate size is also closed with tape.
  • Next, you need to connect these parts together. Fastening is provided with glue.
  • At the final stage, decorate the hat. For the groom, a narrow silver or golden ribbon is attached near the fields. For the bride, you can use rhinestones and attach a veil.

After making the accessory, it remains to attach it directly to the bottle. To do this, use glue. They perform the work carefully and reliably so that the hat does not fall off during the celebration.

This video presents a master class on decorating wedding champagne "Bride and Groom":

Decoration of champagne bottles on own wedding- quite a fun activity. The article presented the idea of ​​"dressing" the container in the clothes of the heroes of the occasion, but there are many other styles that use various materials. It can be both painting and decoupage. A special addition to such a pair of champagne bottles will be the design of glasses in a similar style. The main thing is to show creativity.

The rings have been bought, the wedding dress and suit have been chosen, the procession and the restaurant have been ordered. Like everything, we are waiting for the main day. But what about the details? Have you forgotten that the whole atmosphere of the holiday should be thought out to the smallest detail? Greetings, happy lovers! In a series of your pleasant wedding troubles, I want to remind you that real masterpieces are assembled from small details. Today I decided to tell you how you can make the original design of wedding glasses and bottles with your own hands.

Such seemingly simple, but at the same time important accessories for newlyweds deserve your attention. And believe me, the process of decorating is very exciting, and there are so many options that even if you are not familiar with hand-made, you will still find your own. Promise!


I am sure that if we have reached the glasses and bottles, then everything is clear and definite with the theme of the celebration. This is where we will dance. Yes, yes, both before the wedding and after are pleasant and healthy.

Rule #1

The wedding decoration of the celebration will be harmonious and complete if all accessories are decorated in the same style.

Here is the evidence of my words - a photo of the decoration of the hall.

Rule #2

In solving such global issues as the design of the premises for a banquet and the implementation of floral arrangements, I recommend trusting professionals.

If we talk in detail about the details, then of course you can buy ready-made sets for decorating a wedding in an online store. But if there is time and desire, then why not resort to rule number 3?

Rule #3

Rule number 3 - no rules for the implementation of creative ideas.

Let's decide to be born! First, a mini-masterpiece - and then great deeds - the birth of babies.

What if you get so into the taste that you start with decorating wedding glasses and bottles with your own hands, and then you will also do it for the family hearth, and eventually become parents of many children. Where is the connection, you ask. And the connection is direct, but about it a little later!

The choice is yours

Guys, why do you think I decided to pay so much attention to this topic? Yes, everything is simple! I cannot ignore all the advantages of hand-made wedding decoration of champagne bottles and glasses with my own hands. Here they are:

  • You know exactly what kind of champagne you will drink on your first wedding anniversary.
  • Choose wedding glasses that are pleasing to the eye, hands and lips.
  • In craft stores, the choice of decorative items will quench any thirst for ideas for a wedding not only in 2017, but in the coming 2018.
  • Existing techniques for decorating - from simple to the most complex designs - will be mastered by both a beginner and a guru.

Step by step

The case is going to be interesting and responsible, so let's take the process of decorating glasses and bottles for champagne seriously. Ready? Then let's go!


Where to begin? With preparation, of course.

  1. We choose and purchase at least two bottles of your favorite champagne.
  2. We buy a couple of glasses for champagne. If you can't find a pair, look for a set of six. Everything is useful in the household!
  3. We remove the labels from the bottles by pre-soaking them in warm water for 30 minutes.
  4. We go to the accessories store and buy according to the theme of the wedding you have chosen: artificial flowers, bows and satin ribbons, lace and feathers, rhinestones, beads and beads.
  5. Of the materials you will need: a glue gun, PVA or glue for working with glass, special acrylic paints for applying an inscription or drawing.

Before starting work, take the most ordinary glass and try working with glue and paints. So you fill your hand before you start finishing work.

A matter of technology

Well, here's the fun part. I offer you the basic techniques for decorating wedding glasses and champagne.

  • Decoupage. Rice paper or thin napkins, PVA glue, varnish and brushes will help you create any composition on glass. Even if you don't know how to draw, this technique will hide this small flaw. Try it, and you are guaranteed an artistic miracle of your own production! This design is suitable for a wedding in the style of love is, and for French Provence.

  • Ribbons are an indispensable material for the kanzashi technique. You can decorate bottles and glasses in the form of a groom's outfit in black and a bride with a snow-white veil. And you can also beautifully tie bright bows to match the holiday to decorate wedding champagne and wine glasses.

  • Paints. Any stencils from adhesive tape can be applied to the glass, the form can be painted in any color from an aerosol can. Then remove and eventually get the original glasses. You can completely paint the glass white and apply monograms with initials on top of contrasting paints, and then glue rhinestones and beads.

  • Polymer clay will appeal to those who know how to sculpt well. Special compositions of different shades allow you to create absolutely any decor for your wedding accessories. You can’t sculpt - buy ready-made ones and create!

And here is the video with the master class. Click Play.

When decorating, pay attention to the fact that later it will be convenient to use the glasses for their intended purpose, and check that the details are well glued. We do not need embarrassing situations with a pen in our mouth.

Pleasant connections

One of the two bottles is traditionally drunk on the birth of the first child.

This is the question of connections and rule number 3, as promised. If you are planning a little more than one child, why not do it family tradition and not wash the heels of every baby with champagne from the day of your wedding.

Then prepare more bottles! And let the guests guess why you don’t have two bottles on the table, like all newlyweds, but five. What do you think of such an idea? Share your opinion.

Whatever technique you choose for decorating - in white, blue or gold - do not be afraid to experiment. Creativity inspires, so try and you will succeed!

I really hope that after reading the article, your hands itched and your legs ran to the store for champagne. Do not be afraid of mistakes, because nothing is irreparable and everything can always be corrected. I would appreciate your feedback and comments. Subscribe to my blog news and share ideas with your friends. Well, I wish you a sparkling mood and bubbly ideas, fresh and gushing. See you soon for new threads. Bye Bye!

Strictly speaking, only wine made in the French province of Champagne can be considered champagne. But in many other countries today they produce a drink that is given the same name. In any case, most people associate this wine with a holiday, which means that it should look solemn, so why not decorate it?

Materials and techniques

Many holidays are celebrated in a big way. The most delicious dishes are put on the table, and, of course, alcohol is not complete (if we are talking about a celebration for adults). As a rule, the hosts offer guests a choice of drinks, but among them a frequent guest is champagne. It is brought as a gift or bought in advance by the organizers of the event. In any case, a vessel with a drink requires special design.

For decoration, the following materials are usually used:

  • tapes,
  • braid,
  • beads,
  • corrugated paper,
  • acrylic paints,
  • patterned paper napkins,
  • beads,
  • lace, etc.

As auxiliary means, masters and craftswomen take colorless acrylic lacquer, transparent glue and PVA, small sparkles and confetti. As tools, fan brushes are useful, thin (linear or font) for drawing small details or for applying text, as well as flat ones to cover the surface with varnish.

Techniques with which a real work of art can be obtained from an ordinary bottle can be used in a variety of ways:

  • decoupage;
  • crackle - coating the pattern with a special composition that creates the effect of cracking over time;
  • aging, or patting - application, and then partial erasure special paint;
  • gilding and silvering;
  • matting, drawing a picture using a stencil, etc.

All these methods are different in degree of complexity, and some of them should not be taken without experience.


Worth stocking up acrylic paint and varnish, patterned napkins, lace, PVA glue and brushes with synthetic bristles:

  1. First, the vessel must be soaked in plain water so that all labels can be easily removed. Wipe dry.
  2. Cover it with paint 2 times to get an even layer without “bald spots”. Lacquer is applied on top.
  3. After the varnish has completely dried, it is necessary to cut or tear out the desired pattern from the napkin. Lay it face down on the multifora.
  4. Dampen the cloth by sprinkling water on it. This must be done carefully so as not to tear the thin material.
  5. When the drawing is completely wet, it must be applied to the wall of the vessel, pressed and slowly removed the multifora.
  6. Dilute PVA glue with water 1: 5 or even stronger, gently cover the drawing with it.
  7. After the glue dries, they move on to the decor: wishes are written on the neck with paint with a thin brush, a braid or lace ribbon is glued along the edge of the transferred pattern.

Each next layer of decor is applied only after the previous one has dried. If there is a desire to glue rhinestones or beads, then this should be done at the very end of the whole work.


Champagne is a drink, no doubt, festive. Therefore, it cannot be missed at an event such as a wedding. Of course, decorating all the bottles that were purchased for the celebration is long and expensive. But those that will be placed on the table near the bride and groom should be decorated.

Often they just get by with flowers, beads and bows, but sometimes they take two vessels at once and decorate them as figurines of newlyweds:

With the "groom" everything is much simpler: you can leave a bow tied under the cork or glue a piece of the same ribbon vertically under it and decorate it.

Often, glasses for newlyweds and candles that are lit at the celebration are decorated in the same style. Sometimes as a decoration they use a photo of the bride and groom printed on self-adhesive paper, or their initials.

New Year

New Year- a holiday that everyone associates with something of their own. For some, this is fluffy snow, for others - unbridled fun, still others cannot imagine a fabulous night without the smell of tangerines, and the fourth definitely needs the sound of a sparkling drink opening and bubbles tickling their nose.

The bottle with thematic pictures drawn on it looks very nice. But this can only be done by those who have the talent of an artist and some experience in applying paint with a thin brush on curved surfaces. A simpler option is to decorate with braid and ribbons.

It is best to take 2 tapes different color: blue and silver, green and gold, etc.

Does the bottom look unfinished? You can simply dip it into the glue for about 1-2 cm, and then into small sparkles or confetti. You can also arrange a New Year's drink using the decoupage technique, transferring a pattern with paper napkin, or just wrap corrugated paper and decorate with beads, cones and small Christmas decorations.

Some people are so fascinated with decorating bottles that over time they begin to make them to order. Today good masters are very highly valued, and before the big holidays the demand for them is great.

The magical time of the year is about to come, when everything around will become special, fabulous ... Even those who do not really like winter will not be able to resist the temptation to fall into the New Year's fuss, taking care of preparing for one of the most important and favorite holidays in our country. Still would! After all, it's so much fun: scurrying around the shops in search of gifts for relatives and friends or making them with your own hands, thinking about the venue of the celebration, its program and nuances. Yes, how many more such troublesome, but very pleasant things and worries on the eve of the holiday! New Year's table, For example! Where without him? Designing it is not an easy task, especially if you want it to be original and aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, we decided to help you a little and tell you how to decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year 2019 with your own hands. This seemingly small thing has great value, will set the right mood for the whole holiday, cheer up and just be very beautiful. Or maybe you want to arrange a present in this way? Then you are right to us!

How to decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year 2019

Well, as usual, we will start by telling you how to decorate a bottle of champagne on the eve of 2019, what features and what colors are preferable. We will also tell you what we need and in what quantity to make a beautiful bottle.


  • Threads
  • Ribbons
  • Scissors
  • Paints
  • Various tinsel (rains, fariki, bows, etc.)

Design options:

  • acrylic paints
  • glitter
  • beads
  • rains
  • ribbons
  • clothes
  • corrugated paper
  • new year stickers

Of course, there are still a huge number of options, we only present the simplest and fastest, although there are also quite complex, but very beautiful ones, and now you just have to choose the option that you like visually.

Photo ideas for decorating a New Year's bottle of champagne

Here are various photos ideas on how to decorate champagne for the new year 2019. Surely you will take something for yourself. Whether it's just a gift or a great addition to it.

Confetti decor video tutorial

Decoration with tissue paper

Why not use this wonderful material to decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year 2019 with your own hands! Simple, fast and beautiful. We study and do!

For work you will need:

  • Cigarette paper;
  • Glue paper;
  • Thermal gun;
  • Palm paper leaves;
  • Candy.


  1. Then, using glue, glue one candy to each square, strictly in the center.
  2. We wrap the ends of the paper square from the base to the top. We do this with all the squares with sweets.
  3. Moving from bottom to top, reverse side We apply glue on the square and glue it to a bottle of champagne. Thus, in a circle, in a checkerboard pattern, we paste over the entire surface of the container.
  4. Now we take paper leaves, fold them into a circle (the diameter should be equal to the neck of the bottle), glue them together.
  5. We attach the resulting beam to the neck of the bottle. The product is ready!

Decorating with decoupage technique

This is a great way that everyone from young to old can use. The technique is simple and clear in execution. Therefore, this is how you can decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year 2019!

You will need the following items:

  • PVA glue;
  • Plastic knife;
  • Primer;
  • Napkin for decoupage - 3 pieces;
  • Acrylic colorless varnish;
  • Brushes (small and large);
  • Scissors;
  • File.

Work process:

  1. We clean the bottle, remove the label.
  2. With a wide brush, apply the first layer of primer to the container. We are waiting for complete drying.
  3. Then very carefully apply the second coat of primer.
  4. Cut out the desired motif from the decoupage napkin.
  5. Carefully peel off the top layer of the napkin.
  6. We take a file, put our drawing in it so that the outer side is at the bottom. Now gently sprinkle it with water. The napkin should get wet.
  7. We very carefully straighten the wrinkles, drain off excess moisture and transfer the pattern to the surface of the bottle, which was previously lubricated with PVA glue.
  8. We remove the file.
  9. Now we level the surface of the drawing, using a brush or fingers moistened with the same PVA glue.
  10. After drying, the drawing is again lubricated with glue.
  11. We apply silicone sealant to certain fragments so that the image looks voluminous.
  12. While the sealant is drying, we take the second same napkin and cut out the necessary fragments.
  13. We put them on the sealant. And cover the volumetric parts with a thin layer of PVA glue. We leave to dry.
  14. It remains to cover the entire surface of the container with varnish, dry it and decorate the neck with an elegant bow!

If suddenly you do not understand, watch the video tutorial, it will help 100%.

New Year's bottle decorated with sparkles

A simple and profitable solution to how to decorate champagne for 2019.

For this job you need:

  • A bottle of champagne;
  • Spray glitter;
  • Glue;
  • Fixer;
  • Scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We clean the bottle from the label.
  2. We cover the entire surface of the container with sparkles from a spray can. Do not forget to cover the desktop with an old newspaper in advance.
  3. We are waiting for complete drying.
  4. We cover the bottle with a fixative for a more stable result.
  5. We decorate the neck beautiful ribbon or we stick a tape on the bottle with a suitable inscription (in this case, we initially protect a certain area of ​​the bottle with adhesive tape).
  6. The decorated bottle is ready!

Bottle of champagne with inscriptions

original and stylish option New Year's decoration champagne. However, stock up on time and patience! Believe me, it's worth it!

We will need:

  • Aerosol paint of a bright, saturated shade (you can even dark);
  • felt-tip pen white color;
  • Champagne bottle.


  1. We wash and clean the surface of the bottle. Wipe dry.
  2. Cover the container with spray paint. We are waiting for complete drying.
  3. It remains to write the inscription with a white felt-tip pen. It can be something very personal and banal congratulations on the upcoming holiday. It's up to you!

New Year's costume for a bottle of champagne

To make something special, you can use this idea and make a great new Year costume with your own hands.

Required material:

  • Fabric in white, red and beige;
  • White material for making a beard;
  • Scissors;
  • Paper;
  • Pen;
  • Sintepon;
  • Small buttons and beads;
  • Sewing machine.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We draw or print on paper templates of a beard and hands. Ready templates transfer to fabric, trace and cut out.
  2. Sew them on sewing machine, leaving one edge unsewn (if there is none, then carefully by hand).
  3. We fill the finished parts with synthetic winterizer and sew the remaining edge.
  4. In the same way, we cut out other fragments of the future costume (we make the costume from red fabric).
  5. We make the head of Santa Claus using material for the beard, and beads or buttons for the eyes. We sew the finished head to the costume.
  6. We sew the side edges of the suit so that it can fit on the bottle. We put the base on the container.
  7. We sew the sleeves to the suit.
  8. We make a Santa Claus hat and put it on our heads. Our bottle is decorated!

Decorate with a pineapple

Turn a New Year's bottle of champagne into a pineapple, just like in the photo! It is not at all difficult, and the finished souvenir will look festive and original.

You will need:

  • green tissue paper for pineapple leaves and orange,
  • round sweets in gold foil (such as "Ferero Rocher" or "Evening Kiev"),
  • glue,
  • glue gun,
  • twine.

Process of creation:

  1. So let's get started. Cut orange tissue paper into squares measuring six by six centimeters.
  2. Drip the glue on the flat side of the candies and place the candy in the center of the paper square. After the sweet is securely bonded to the paper, fold the edges of the paper so that they "envelop" the candy.
  3. Start using the glue gun to glue the bottle of champagne candies in a circle. Since we do not glue foil, but tissue paper, there should not be any problems. When gluing, be guided by two such principles - place the sweets as close as possible to each other so that there are no gaps between them. The second secret of successful souvenir making is to glue sweets from bottom to top in concentric circles. Of course, you can attach sweets in discord, but then the “pineapple” will look sloppy.
  4. Cut out thin long leaves from tissue paper with scissors to decorate the neck of a glass container in a circle. To do this, we also use glue.
  5. In the place where the sweets go to the leaves, wrap with twine.

This master class will make you a real specialist in the field of creating an unusual souvenir, especially since it does not take much effort and time, and the simplest material is needed.

Decorate with ribbons

You will need:

  • satin ribbon - 4 meters,
  • brocade ribbon - 2 meters,
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • champagne.

Process of creation:

  1. So, we measure how much tape we need for the first layer of winding on a bottle of champagne. To do this, attach the tape to the neck where the foil is glued. Measured - cut off the tape. Make a few drops of glue along the entire length and, holding it with your fingers, glue it to the glass container. Glue the second, third and fourth circles of tape in the same way, trying to attach the tape so that it is in contact and the foil is not visible.
  2. The next, fifth and sixth row will be a beautiful brocade ribbon. It is better to use gold or silver, then the decorated vessel will look like a Christmas tree toy.
  3. We also glue the brocade ribbon with our own hands in one layer from the bottom of the champagne bottle, where the bottom sticker ends.
  4. Now, between the brocade ribbons, we glue the satin ribbon in layers in rows.
  5. A glass container glued with ribbons can be decorated with a bow of ribbons and it turns out a great gift for the New Year. You must love this idea. Dear friends! Take advantage of our visual photo and step by step wizard class to do this creative work correctly on their own.

Classic and simple champagne decoration