
The procedure for swaddling a woman after childbirth: restoring the psychophysical state of the mother. Postpartum swaddling: newfangled whim or real help? Diaper after childbirth for mom


The idea of ​​postpartum swaddling is not new; on the contrary, mention of it is found in the description of traditional rites that accompanied childbirth. In Russia, after giving birth, midwives not only washed and corrected (twisted) the baby, but also took care of the woman who had given birth. She was hovered, her bones and joints were corrected, the spool (that is, the uterus) was put in place.

Here is how in Thoren's book "Russian ethnoscience and psychotherapy" write about important role baths in the postpartum period:

“The very first and urgent thing after the end of childbirth is considered to be to reduce and evaporate the puerperal in the bath ... Three baths, or even more, are almost always required. popular belief is that it has the ability to restore normal physiological processes in the body of the puerperal ... Another important significance of the bath is that here for grandmothers, not embarrassed by the presence of strangers, it is possible to "rule" the stomach of the puerperal much more freely ... It is also very important to put the "spool" of the puerperal woman (womb) in place. It is most convenient to do this in the bathhouse, when the "bones are thawed and softened."

The rebirth of postpartum swaddling in Russia

Swaddling found its second birth in Russia in 2003 when Alena Lebedeva met the Mexican midwife Naoli Vinaver at the world conference on natural childbirth. Naoli talked about the ritual of swaddling women in Mexico, which allows the woman in labor to recover as quickly as possible. Since then, swaddling has developed into a special system, overgrown with various details. In 2009 E.Yu. Lebedeva received a patent for swaddling as a "method of postpartum rehabilitation." Over the past time, the practice of swaddling has spread throughout the country, changing depending on the views of the women conducting it.

The essence of swaddling remains the same. There is a maximum relaxation of a woman, for which soft heat, massage, essential oils, silence are used ...

First, a woman in labor is warmed up in a bath or a warm bath with the addition of herbal decoctions. Warming drinks with spices, herbs, berries are taken inside.

A warm woman is given a massage to relax the muscles, improve blood flow, and put the internal organs in place.

After that, swaddling itself takes place, when the body is pulled together with a long cloth in 8 zones in turn (head, shoulders, ribs, iliac bones, hips, shins, feet, hip joints). A woman is recommended to lie down or even sleep for 4 hours after swaddling. The whole procedure takes from 4 to 8 hours, during which the baby is next to the mother, and can attach to the breast at any time.

Best time for postpartum swaddling

The best time for swaddling is 5 to 14 days postpartum(after caesarean section - on the 3rd week after childbirth), although in practice women did it a few months later and noticed positive changes.

Positive effects of postpartum swaddling

What are the positive effects achieved through the procedure of postpartum swaddling?

  • The dynamic stereotype of movement changes when the body continues to move after childbirth, as if the woman is still pregnant (with the stomach displaced by the center of gravity).
  • Reduced postpartum elasticity of ligaments and joints.
  • Tissue swelling is removed, recovery of the figure improves.
  • Stimulates hematopoiesis.
  • The body is detoxified.
  • The mental and functional state is normalized.
  • The position of the pelvic joints is corrected.
  • Reduces the likelihood of postpartum depression.
  • Postpartum problems are solved: back pain, too large belly, poorly contracting uterus, hemorrhoids, constipation, urination disorders, insomnia, depression, loss of appetite.

From the reviews: “I noticed that I began to sleep more calmly - my back does not hurt! When getting up, the feeling of dizziness disappeared, and the tummy noticeably decreased. However, the whole body was “blown away” a little, even the legs began to feel free in slippers. My husband generally said that I noticeably built up. ”

Types of postpartum swaddling

There are currently two practically different types swaddling: medical, which is a rather complicated procedure for restoring the body after childbirth, and restorative aimed more at harmonizing the state of the body and soul.

The first option combines different kinds massage: lymphatic drainage, visceral, connective tissue; osteopathic techniques, phyto- and aromatherapy, etc. This is the same postpartum rehabilitation that Alena Lebedeva and her students do, more aimed at the body.

In the second option, massage, bath and tightening by zones are also performed, but the emphasis is on the psychological component. A woman who has given birth is faced with the task of not only restoring her body, but also rethinking the experience gained, entering the role of a mother, and finding a new state of mind. In the swaddling procedure, it is possible, through working through painful areas in the body and pronunciation, to remove negative experiences associated with childbirth or the period of pregnancy. And with the help of massage, aromas and relaxation, find peace and a resource for motherhood. In some cases, at the request of the woman in labor, postpartum swaddling is supplemented with rituals (washing hands, honoring a woman in a new status).

From the reviews: " At the time when they dragged me in some places, I was silent and almost fell asleep, and in others, unexpectedly for myself, I began to chat without stopping. Moreover, she remembered and splashed out on the girls not only the “surfaced” details of childbirth, but also, it would seem, forgotten moments pregnancy ... The next day I woke up with a feeling of pleasant lightness in my head. All worries and problems, obsessive thoughts disappeared somewhere. But I wanted to smile at everyone at home, hum and take off.

Most likely, there is no single, only right kind swaddling. It is much more important that a woman understands for what purposes she needs swaddling, and makes an appropriate choice. Anyway important is the identity of the one who carries out swaddling. Remember - the requirements for midwives were quite strict. They included not only the ability to provide proper assistance in childbirth, but also a number of requirements for her moral and spiritual character. The use of osteopathic techniques should not be done by everyone, but it depends on the psychological state of the "swaddlers" whether the woman in labor will eventually find spiritual harmony or it will remain just a SPA procedure.

Photo of the procedure from the site "Obstetrics Today"

Looked: 15 844, photos: 3

In 2003, together with Veronica Maslova at the world conference on natural childbirth in Paris, we met a wonderful Mexican midwife, mother of three children, the most charming woman Naoli Vinaver. At that time, I was expecting my 5th child and all summer I did only one thing - I was looking for ways to recover after childbirth.

After the 4th birth, I quickly came to my senses, but my back, prolapse of the internal organs and many other problems of mine made me think that there must be some way out. And the fifth pregnancy was no longer as easy as the rest.

After reading all the researchers of the old traditions, I realized one thing: there was a tradition to rule a woman in labor - to twist, therefore grandmothers were called midwives. The midwife was alone for several villages and often did not have time for childbirth. She had time only for long births (more often these were the first or difficult births).

“Rebaby” - to be able to take delivery without complications, any woman should have been able to. But after ... The sacrament of postpartum recovery gave the grandmothers a name - waving a woman in labor and a baby - which means a midwife. She steamed women, straightened their joints, then wrapped them in a wet diaper, laid them on the stove, and by morning the woman in labor would get up renewed. How I dreamed at least from the corner of my eye to look at this procedure!

Postpartum swaddling is carried out by Alena Lebedeva (photo 1) and Maria Yarikova (photo 2).
Anya Tarysheva is swaddling, to whom special thanks for vivid description sensations.

...At the conference, not understanding English well, I was angry at the whole world! Veronica reassured me, saying that in three days I would understand everything. But for three days I was out of this celebration of life, until Naoli came on stage and slowly, with a Spanish accent, but absolutely understandable for me, started talking about her mother and her health after childbirth.

“In our country, there is still a ritual of swaddling women after childbirth. I have not heard that anywhere, in any other country, there was such a ritual. But I passed it, and I can say that this is not just a ritual, but a strong, thoughtful physiological effect on a woman in labor in order to restore her as soon as possible!

I realized right away that this is what I came here for! From that moment on, I understood everything! All the movements of this amazing woman fell on the ground absolutely prepared in me and received the strongest response and understanding. I don’t remember anything else from the whole conference, the main thing was to bring it and not spill it!

Arriving in Russia, I was looking forward to the first woman in labor. How glad I was that it was my colleague! Lena Davydenko, having given birth to 4 children, was the first in Russia to receive this procedure. Together with the midwife Lyuba Firstova, we made the first mistakes in swaddling and the first incredible miracles in the results awaited us. Then the second swaddling with Nadya Kulikova - and again amazement!

We couldn't explain the physiology of it all, but we felt we were on the right track. When I gave birth myself, I realized that without this procedure in the 5th birth, recovery would have been delayed for me for a long time. But swaddling (as we called our child) lifted me in the most magical way in as soon as possible and already on the 6th day I went to take birth with my 5th child.

To date, since 2003, the midwives of the Rozhdestvo club have performed more than 700 swaddling procedures. A deep bow to all women in labor who believed us and embarked on an experiment with us. Do not think that everything was smooth and calm. It turned out that it was necessary to overcome a lot of incomprehensible phenomena and ailments caused by swaddling. Since Naoli told us only the basics, all the other little things had to be perfected by ourselves.

Now this procedure is not at all like the one that Naoli showed us in Paris. This is our "swaddling". Each invention brought us much joy. Only one bunch of gauze, for example, with brewed herbs, warming up the stomach (author - Olga Nikitina) advanced us many steps towards the goal. Then, however, it turned out that such a roller with herbs in Thailand has been used for massage of the whole body since ancient times, but we found it ourselves, which is immensely happy! Thanks to Lyuda Krasnobaeva, a home improvement specialist, for saving our hands and coming up with another way to pull the fabric.

If it were possible to find the ends of the Russian tradition of weaving, we would give a lot to learn from it! In the meantime, every time swaddling is overgrown with more and more of our discoveries, but, nevertheless, this is already a harmonious system and I am pleased to present it to the general public now, as a huge 5-year work of our team with good results.

This procedure quickly became popular, despite its great contradiction with modern medical recommendations for women in labor, overgrown with legends (Mexico and Brazil have already been confused, and placed in many clinics in Europe and America) and everyone who is not too lazy to do it is already talking about her all and sundry. But this only means that people are not indifferent to her, that she is necessary and managed to fall in love.

The procedure requires great knowledge of anatomy and physiology, massage skills, knowledge of herbal medicine, aromatherapy, etc. But in appearance it seems simple and any non-professional can do it. But, then it will really look like a SPA procedure, and nothing more. By the way, for the title of SPA for this procedure, special thanks to Yana Menchuk - the mother of three children, who underwent this procedure after the third birth 6 times. And Olga Markovskaya for using spices for the drink. Thanks to everyone who had a fever, a headache and aches all over the body after our swaddling. Thank you!

The procedure time is about 5-6 hours. It is advisable to do it so that the woman after it has the opportunity to lie down for at least 4 hours.

Before the procedure, it is important to cleanse the intestines.

The main condition of the whole procedure is relaxation. For this, warmth, darkness, silence, massage, and everything that only more fully allows a woman to relax are used.

Heating is carried out from two sides - from the inside and outside. Internal heating occurs due to strong drinks. For them, you can use spices, and tinctures, and herbs, and berries.

If external heating will take place in the bathroom - brew herbs that allow you to sweat actively. For a standard bath, you need about 5-6 packs of herbs. If in the sauna, then pick up the appropriate aroma oils. Overheating and loss of consciousness during the procedure is unacceptable. The heat should be soft, long and deep.

During external heating, it is very good to prepare joints for straightening, to do lymphatic drainage massage to increase lymph flow. The most important thing at this stage is massage, which allows you to correct the uterus, as they used to say - to put the spool in place. It is necessary to completely unmassage all stagnant places and restore blood flow throughout the body. At this time after childbirth it is possible.

After that, the woman wraps herself in rags for strong perspiration, while it is important to solder her with a hot drink all the time. Socks and a hat will help keep you warm. We must again ensure that the woman sweats, but does not overheat.

After that, the pull itself begins.

1 round - head.
2 round - shoulders.
Round 3 - ribs in the area of ​​the solar plexus, together with the elbows.
4 round - iliac bones.
5 round - the middle of the femur.
Round 6 - mid-calf.
7 round - metatarsus.
Round 8 - the region of the hip joints.

At each round, the woman wraps herself in a long linen towel and people sitting on both sides of her tighten it and keep it in this tightened state for the allotted time. The force of tissue tension is dictated by the woman herself.

The bandage remains for another 4 hours only on the hip joints.

After tightening, we change wet rags for dry ones, but sweating still continues and a drink is also needed. Cool down slowly and slowly. If a woman falls asleep, then we look so that she does not cool down wet.

The procedure is over.

What a woman needs to cook.

  • Bath herbs.
  • 100 grams of massage oil (for example, almond).
  • Wool socks and hat.
  • Two blankets.
  • Rags in which you can wrap a woman (terry sheets, duvet covers).
  • Two linen kitchen towels - 3m and 5m.
  • Honey, lemon, drinking straw.
What the experts have.
  • Aroma oils, spices, tinctures, etc.

Restoring the strength and harmony of the female body, expended by pregnancy and childbirth, using the deep reserves of the body and the help of natural influences.

I can not accurately describe the physiology of the process. I can only write my guesses. If there are changes and additions - I will be very glad to any help and explanation.

The following tasks are partially solved.

1. Changing dynamic stereotypes.

The change in the center of gravity of a woman's body, which occurs smoothly during pregnancy, occurs very abruptly during childbirth. But the conflict of the body and nervous system is that the brain has already formed a dynamic stereotype. He controls the movements based on the past - pregnancy. To erase the memory of acquired movements during pregnancy can only be deep relaxation. This is achieved by slow deep warming, massage, a favorable psychological atmosphere that needs to be created, and consistent relaxation of the whole body due to static pressure therapy.

2. Decreased postpartum elasticity of ligaments and joints.

During childbirth, a lot of the hormone relaxin is released in order to relax the joints, joints and ligaments. Excessive sweating of a woman can significantly reduce the elasticity of the body, provoked by this hormone, which ensures a fairly stable effect of the procedure.

3. Stimulation of hematopoiesis.

Deep warming and massage, as well as static contraction (static pressotherapy) of the body stimulate metabolism and hematopoietic functions. Deep regeneration processes are turned on, in fact, you can call it rejuvenation. All blood depots are also actively used, which allows a woman to recover quickly.

4. Detoxification of the body.

Lymphatic drainage used in the procedure is the basis for internal cleansing processes and a means for maximum deep cleaning tissues from the waste products of cells. Warming up and massages increase the flow of lymph, while ensuring a speedy recovery.

5. Removal of tissue edema, restoration of the figure.

At the same time, lymphatic drainage provides a more even distribution of fluid or its partial removal from the body. Swelling subsides, metabolism improves, and the figure returns to normal. To enhance the effect, special oils and spices are used.

6. Normalization of the mental state.

After childbirth, enough endorphins are released to support a woman's tired body and psyche. But on the 5th day they disappear. The woman begins to feel the true state of her body, and the mood deteriorates significantly. Warmth, rest, care of others, relaxation allow you to even out the hormonal background of a woman, bring it into harmony and get rid of depression.

7. Normalization of body functions.

With maximum static compression of a small group of muscles in the central nervous system, a negative induction and inhibition of a number of autonomic functions occur. After the cessation of the static effort, inhibited physiological processes are carried out at a higher level (the Lindgard phenomenon). (Benedictov I.I., p.57)

8. Normalization of the intestines.

Often after childbirth, atony occurs in the muscles of the intestine, for a woman it is very difficult to go to the toilet for the most part. The length of the small intestine depends on its tone. Its atonated long loops can crawl onto the large intestine and partially pass into the small pelvis, while preventing the uterus from not only contracting, but also falling into place. Heat and correction of internal organs, as well as properly selected drinks help to solve this problem.

9. Stimulation of capillary circulation.

Massages, heat help the most complete work of all small vessels, which gives a great rest to the heart. From the work of Zalmanov, we know the importance of this process.

10. Ventilation of the respiratory system.

Due to the fact that the chest is pulled / pulled together in two places, we have the opportunity to most actively use partial breathing, first of the lower part, then the upper part of the chest, which allows us to ventilate the lungs efficiently and well, using their full tidal volume.

11. Correction of the pelvic joints.

In childbirth, the pelvic bones make many movements - counternutation, rotation, nutation. This is done to make it easier to skip the baby's head. Therefore, the pelvic bones after childbirth are also not in place. Many of these problems are long time- pain in the sacroiliac joints, divergence of the pubic symphysis. When pulling / tightening the pelvis, these problems go away. When pulling/pulling the legs, the position of the pelvic bones is corrected by rotating them. A woman, starting from 4 minutes, feels some sensations in her back when straightening her legs. After that, hemorrhoids caused by childbirth and swelling of the vagina pass.

12. Visceral massage of internal organs.

This is the most important step in tugging/swaddling - putting the uterus in place. After childbirth, the uterus itself can come to the correct position only thanks to high-quality gymnastics and great work. Visceral massage of the abdomen allows you to correct the position of the uterus while all the ligaments are still highly elastic, after active sweating the ligaments lose their elasticity, which ensures a fairly stable effect of the procedure.

13. Prevention of postpartum depression.

It has been noticed that after swaddling, women's mood improves and even the emerging depression disappears.

14. Prevention and treatment of pre-mastitis conditions.

Due to the alignment during pulling / tightening of the thoracic regions and the return of the internal organs to their place, the tendency to premasstic conditions during feeding disappears. Even lactostasis that has already begun can be removed by warming up and improving the outflow of milk, as well as stabilizing the hormonal background. In addition, it is the prevention of mastopathy.

A particularly important effect is the element of care in swaddling. Women are so happy that someone is taking care of their motherhood so reverently that they often ask to be swaddled inappropriately. physiological reasons, but in order to once again enjoy this feeling.

The main complaints that this procedure helps to remove:

  • lochia stagnation;
  • endometritis in the initial stage;
  • joint pain;
  • creaking (crunching) in the joints;
  • too big belly;
  • edema;
  • hemorrhoids (if caused by childbirth);
  • varicose veins of the vaginal vessels;
  • milk stasis;
  • insomnia;
  • dyspnea;
  • "pulls down";
  • constipation;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • increase in leg size after childbirth;
  • divergence of the pubic symphysis;
  • overexcitability;
  • depression;
  • back pain.

Possible complications after swaddling:

  • headache;
  • temperature;
  • feeling of brokenness.
  • Abdominal pain.


Headache appears when a woman overheats. Therefore, this cannot be allowed. Helps: massage of the cervical-collar zone (you can use a jar), an enema before swaddling, cloves in a drink, heated oil with saffron in the nose, acupressure with balms, such as "Asterisks", a compress with essential oil"rosemary" on the neck.

The temperature in some women after childbirth around 10 days can be very high, even with a good uterus and breasts. Lasts from one to three days happens with yellowing. Then it goes away on its own. We called it postpartum spasm. The body rules itself - it warms up to huge numbers and “aches”. It may even turn yellow, as the gallbladder spasms very strongly. The main thing is to get over it. It is noticed that after swaddling the number of such women increased.

Perhaps because they quickly get up and give a very inadequate load on the body that has given birth. It seems that they borrowed from the psyche - neighbors notice strong irritation or tension. Swaddling them, as it were, "puts" them to rest, while greatly improving their mental state. But after swaddling they feel like beaten dogs.

If the uterus becomes difficult to place, then the stomach during the massage is crumpled decently. There is no pleasure in this. After swaddling, when touched, everything hurts like a bruise. But when it passes, it becomes good.

It is also very important that swaddling goes well after a cesarean. We always did it on the 10-14th day. There were no complications, there were only thanks.

Very often, after swaddling, huge pieces fell out, after which the condition of the woman in labor improved. Our most extraordinary results are an extra lobule of the placenta and a calcified gestational sac, slightly smaller than a hen's. We figured it was a twin.

We measured the pressure at all stages of swaddling. It decreases as it warms up. Obviously it is necessary to monitor the pressure of people prone to hypotension. We did not find contraindications, but we think that these are cores, people who are afraid of limited space, possibly epileptics. But such in our practice did not come across.

We tried to do swaddling and unborn women. But the effect was not the same, we revised the procedure for them, focusing on lymphatic drainage and visceral massage. The process has completely changed. We can say that there are now two of them.

In any case, we must remember that the effect of swaddling is not eternal and needs to be supported by gymnastics and a normal lifestyle.

I would like to name with pleasure the names of those people who shared with me a huge research work, whom I consider masters and whom I would trust myself:

  • Maria Yarikova.
  • Olga Nikitina.
  • Olga Loiko (Minsk).
  • Victoria Ripp (Minsk).
  • Yulia Yelenskaya (Minsk).
They are pleasant in that they never rest on their laurels and work out each problem creatively. These people constantly improve their professionalism, it is a pleasure to work with them.

The postpartum swaddling of a woman is a process that not only affects aspects of her physical condition, but also involves the mood and emotions of the woman, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bher nervous system, as well as the formation of a sense of motherhood. Postpartum swaddling can be regarded as a kind of rite of complete, harmonious, in terms of impact on all possible areas, the closure of childbirth.

What is postpartum swaddling

The tradition of swaddling after childbirth is present in the culture of many peoples, such a closure of childbirth has become most famous among the Slavs and the peoples inhabiting India.

The main task of postpartum swaddling can be considered a quick and painless physical and psychological recovery of a woman who has given birth. After all, it is no secret to anyone that in the process of bearing a child, all the thoughts and feelings of a woman are directed exclusively to the future baby. Moreover, the body of the future mother is also undergoing global physical changes, the purpose of which is to maintain the pregnancy and create conditions for the successful passage of the upcoming birth. And throughout pregnancy and at the time of childbirth, a woman often subconsciously accumulates a huge amount of fears, fears, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, which can prevent her from fully enjoying motherhood. Postpartum swaddling will help to avoid such consequences, the procedure of which involves three important aspects: energy - restoring the woman's energy balance after childbirth, psychological - getting rid of accumulated resentments and fears, and, of course, physical - restoration of the woman's body and the so-called closing of childbirth.

Currently, the tradition of postpartum swaddling is becoming popular again. Of course, taking into account the level of development and achievements of modern medicine, the swaddling procedure has undergone significant changes, but its goals and objectives have remained unchanged.

The main tasks of postpartum swaddling

    Carrying out visceral massage - a therapeutic effect on all organs and systems of a woman's body through deep pressure.

    Achieving a state of deep physical relaxation by slowly warming up the whole body and subsequently carrying out a compression massage. Changes at the physical and emotional level in the body of a pregnant woman occur slowly and gradually over the course of 9 months, which is why the woman's brain has time to adapt to them. Changes after the past childbirth come rapidly, within a few hours or days. Postpartum swaddling enables a woman's body to accept the changes that have occurred on a physical, psychological and emotional level.

    Normalization of metabolism and acceleration of the process of “cleansing” the blood, which is achieved by warming the whole body, massage and pulling, due to which the body of the woman who has given birth is renewed and rejuvenated.

    Carrying out a deep massage, which helps to eliminate toxins and outflow of lymph.

    Bringing intestinal motility back to normal by increasing the tone of the intestinal muscles.

    Elimination of even a slight displacement of the internal organs of a woman due to massage in combination with thermal procedures and squeezing.

    Unloading the heart, which is achieved by improving the functioning of small vessels and stimulating blood microcirculation.

    Getting rid of excess fluid accumulated in the body and edema with the help of compression, which, in turn, leads to a rapid decrease in body volume.

    Return of the pelvic bones, displaced during childbirth, to the correct position. This will save the woman from possible pain in the bones and joints.

    Ventilation of the lungs, which becomes possible by pulling the chest and using "upper" and "lower" breathing.

    Prevention of mastitis and pre-mastitis conditions.

Stages of the postpartum swaddling procedure

The procedure for postpartum swaddling or wrapping is expected within 30 days, starting from the 10th day after physiological birth, and if it was carried out C-section, then the terms are slightly shifted - it will be 21 days after the operation. Compliance with these deadlines, according to experts, is extremely important in terms of achieving the greatest positive effect. The wrapping time varies from 5 to 7 hours, it is carried out at home.

The main "indications" for postpartum swaddling can be considered a woman's complaints about:

    back pain;

    big belly;

    excess weight;

    violation of posture;

    breathing difficulties;

    urinary incontinence;


    "instability" of the pelvis when walking;


    persistent anxiety and tearfulness;

    lack (from a woman's point of view) of warmth and care;

    severe recovery after a caesarean section, when a woman in labor feels like a “not her” body.

The first stage of postpartum swaddling of women

Before starting the procedure itself, the condition of the woman should be carefully analyzed. A specialist in postpartum swaddling will definitely conduct necessary diagnostics- a detailed conversation about how the pregnancy and childbirth went, whether everything is fine with the baby, how the woman feels, what worries and worries her. This will help to identify the range of her problems and determine the sequence and duration of the procedure itself, its stages, as well as the selection of oils, herbs and spices to be used.

The second stage of postpartum swaddling of women

The next step is to work with the body - internal organs, muscles, ligaments and joints, this happens with the help of oiling, massage and warm, relaxing baths. In parallel, a conversation can be conducted with a woman, but only if a woman is ready and wants to talk, perhaps at the moment she needs silence and the opportunity to “be alone with herself”. In any case, the main task of this stage is the complete and deep relaxation of the woman.

The third stage of postpartum swaddling of women

As soon as it was possible to achieve a state of relaxation, the third stage of swaddling begins - tugging, which is carried out using a special cloth. It is they who tighten the key areas of the body and keep it in this state for a certain time to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect. One of the most difficult is swaddling the abdomen, with the help of which the abdominal organs return to their original position and normalize their functions.

The fourth and final stage of postpartum swaddling for women

The final stage of swaddling is the belly garter, which will serve as a kind of corset for the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and abdominal organs.

At the end of the procedure, the specialist will talk about correct behavior after swaddling, he will show a set of exercises that will help to consolidate and enhance the effect achieved.

swaddling in another way - twisting, or twisting, or editing. In Russia, midwives did such a “procedure” to every woman in labor, this was part of the process of postpartum recovery - after all, women went out into the “field” or into the house of other children almost immediately after childbirth!

For what did - that would not "fall out women's place”, so that “the stomach does not hang”, so that “milk flows”, so that the back does not hurt.

With the advent of classical obstetrics, for some reason they forgot about this wonderful tradition, laying the woman on her back and using newfangled stimulation techniques, there is no time for any female edits. As a result, many women, coming to us for swaddling, say that something “pulls” them: and this applies to both the physical body and the spiritual body.

Often we come to women in such a serious condition as postpartum depression, when nothing is nice to her - everything hurts, her milk disappears, she is in constant stress and cries non-stop.

After the “twisting”, the woman becomes easy and good, she was “lulled” ...

  • Postpartum swaddling is a recovery procedure after childbirth, closing them on the physical, mental and emotional plane. This is a multicomponent process that helps the organs get back into place after childbirth, promotes total relaxation and renewal of your body cells, is a prevention of postpartum depression - it normalizes the emotional background.
  • Postpartum swaddling is ancient practice recovery after childbirth, which exists in many countries of the world. Its goal is through warming up the body from the inside and out, relaxation with the help of rebozo massage, oil massage of the whole body, face, acupressure, aromatherapy, visceral correction of the abdomen, hypno-aqua techniques, deep psychotherapy and work with the subconscious, with the help of analysis, resource and reexperiencing childbirth, the rite of "7 castles" - to make a soft and harmonious transition into a happy motherhood, which pleases and fills.
  • Postpartum swaddling is a huge charge and resource for the mind and body. This is gratitude to your body for the wonderful and great process that it has done - the conception, bearing and birth of your baby.
  • Previously, in Russia, the birth of every woman was closed, “the spool was ruled”, it was impossible not to close it so that she could continue to safely bear and give birth to healthy children.
  • Traditions are now being revived. All more women they understand that they need such a procedure - that after giving birth they feel broken, unstable, as if the earth has left under their feet.
  • And I am returning this land - thanks to a set of practices that help you enter your balance, return to yourself, become whole and stable.
  • There is another reason why a woman after childbirth, even the most wonderful and soft, can feel unstable and vulnerable, as if too open.
  • Because that's the way it is. The midwives believed that a woman in childbirth opens and expands on all planes - not only physically, when the cervix opens 10 cm and releases the child into the world, the pelvic bones expand and move apart - but also mentally, when a woman from one world brings the child into our world, there is a transition between the worlds. And earlier they believed that after childbirth a woman is, as it were, in two worlds, and the entrance to that world must be closed - for this, among other things, postnatal swaddling was carried out.
  • You may not believe in it, but many feel that when the birth is not closed, the energy flows through the fingers and there is no strength, and the procedure contributes to filling, resourcing and closing on the physical and subtle plane.
  • It is especially important to carry out postpartum swaddling after a difficult birth, if everything did not go the way you wanted, and it worries you, you constantly return to thoughts about childbirth, but how could it be otherwise, why did everything go that way ...
  • And if there was an emergency caesarean section, if there were interventions in childbirth or losses - miscarriages or abortions - the closure of childbirth simply needs to be done so that you can continue to live a full happy life.
  • And the statute of limitations does not matter here, it's like an unclosed gestalt - it will always be with you, pull your energy until you close it. Even if it happened 20 or 30 years ago.
  • I wish you a prosperous and happy life, joyful motherhood! So that you stand firmly on your feet, filled, resourceful and harmonious!
  • And I can help you with this - write, call, contact - it will be a great pleasure for me to help you make the transition to your happy and harmonious life!


  • WHEN? It is carried out when the postpartum discharge is over - on the 9th, 40th day after the birth, or later - when you feel that you are internally ready for this. I swaddled both half a year and a year after giving birth. Your state, inner readiness is important here. Or you understand that you urgently need it like air, and I try to find time in my schedule to come to you as quickly as possible.
  • I put a lot of my energy and resources into the closing of childbirth, so I have a limit in a month - I can’t physically do more than three swaddling per month. Therefore, it is ideal to book in advance.
  • HOW MANY? Postnatal swaddling lasts 5-6 hours.
  • Since after the procedure there is total relaxation and transformation at the cellular level, it is important that after everything you fall asleep, and do not do household chores. Therefore, I arrive in the evening, at 5-6 o'clock and we finish closer to the night.
  • WITH WHOM? I swaddle myself, usually at your place. It is important for me to maintain the intimacy and sacredness of the procedure, because in the process I conduct deep psychotherapeutic meditations, and for everything to work out, a sense of solitude, trust, relaxation and belonging is important. Therefore, with practice, I came to the formula that I close the birth myself, since I myself am completely in charge, responsible for this process and controlling it. Of course, at your request, I can close the birth with an assistant, but this will be a different cost.
  • WHERE? Usually everything happens at home, and part of the closing of the birth takes place in the bathroom, where we create conditions for wet herbal soaring.
  • Of course, if you wish, we can close the birth in the bath, but I recommend using not a public bath, but only a private one - which your relatives or friends have, and there is a rest room with a bed so that we can carry out all the elements of the procedure. If you have your own bath - it's perfect.
  • And BABY? In the process of closing the birth, there are elements where you need someone to stay with the child, for example, a husband, grandmother, nanny or someone close with whom the baby is familiar.
  • Of course, not all 6 hours, but 2-3 times an hour for sure. Think over this moment, and mentally prepare your loved ones that the baby will have a lot of time with them on this day, and in the process bring it to you only for feeding.
  • WHAT TO COOK? When you have booked your baby changing and we have agreed on a date and time, I send you a list of what you need to prepare - herbs, spices, oil, sheets, towels, warm socks, pots, gauze, a kettle and other little things.

You can also contact me for postpartum care - professional advice on breastfeeding postpartum recovery and infant care. More details can be read here.