
Cognitive research in the second junior group. Cognitive and research activities in the younger group. Logic of educational activity

Pathology of the uterus

The development of a child is always in the first place for a loving and caring parent. And when the child is only 3-4 years old, parents always try to use all kinds of educational games for children 4 years old. A child at this age is already attending kindergarten. Therefore, the development of cognitive and research activities of preschoolers ensures the continuity of the goals of the family and kindergarten.

The value of developing activities

Any activity of the child teaches something or reinforces existing skills. The same applies to cognitive research activities in 2 junior group. In the process of its implementation, the child satisfies his natural curiosity and interest in experiments with objects of the surrounding world and knowledge of their properties.

The purpose of cognitive research activity is the formation initial submissions about the materials that can be used to make items. Children learn the purpose of objects and learn how to use them correctly.

The tasks of this activity for kids aged 3-4 years are as follows:

  • create a problematic game situation for the child, influence his entry into it (the main role remains for the teacher);
  • to activate the desire of children to solve the current problem situation and look for new ways out of it (the teacher takes an active part in this);
  • contribute to the development of a more thorough study of objects and objects of the surrounding world.

The greatest attention is drawn to the properties of natural objects that children "discover" for themselves in the process of conducting experiments in cognitive research activities. Children mainly study the properties of water, sand, clay, paper, stones, plants and so on.

Means of knowledge of the world

Informative- research activities children preschool age based on observation. The child enjoys watching the experiences of the teacher in kindergarten or parents at home. They may also be interested in observing nature and its phenomena, such as the growth of trees and shrubs, the study of leaves and fruits.

Also, cognitive research activities in the 2nd junior group are associated with actions and objects. In order to study the object, its purpose and properties, the child performs various manipulations with it.

Using the primary means of knowing the world around, the child develops all aspects of the personality, there is an interest and desire to learn the world. The child begins to realize the uniqueness of life, even in its most wonderful manifestations. During the performance of cognitive and research activities of preschool children, the need to preserve, respect and protect nature is brought up.

Activities for young children

Educational games for children 4 years old should be based on the activities of children with the help of which they study and learn about this world. As is known, in children at this age the main visual-figurative thinking. Therefore, the principle of visibility in this case is simply necessary for teaching young children.

In the learning process, it is advisable to use thematic conversations with the involvement of pictures, illustrations, clippings, templates. This helps the formation of more complete images in the memory of the child.

Experiments are also popular in teaching. This type of activity combines visibility, literature, and practicality. Children with their own hands can study the properties and signs of objects. During the implementation of the experiment, the child develops all mental processes, in particular, thinking. The most necessary operations - analysis, synthesis and comparison - develop in such conditions in the best possible way.

Another type of activity for children that helps in the development of the surrounding space is a game. This is the simplest and most understandable form of learning for a child. In the game, in an unobtrusive way, the baby plays situations that help to clarify the properties and purposes of objects.

All of these activities help the child understand this complex world.

Forms of research activities

The implementation of cognitive research activities takes place in several forms:

  • experimentation;
  • study;
  • collecting;
  • design.

In the first three years, experiential exploration of the world is essential for toddlers. That is why children so like to experience everything and often misuse it to find out its possibilities. Experimentation as a method meets all the necessary requirements and satisfies the leading forms of thinking of a preschooler.

The stages of the children's experiment

  1. Statement of the problem and purpose of the study in the form of a problem situation.
  2. Making a forecast and a possible result.
  3. Conducting safety briefing and clarification of the rules for the safe conduct of the experiment.
  4. Organizational moments (dividing children into subgroups, choosing a responsible and executing one).
  5. Conducting an experiment (together with the teacher).
  6. Evaluation of the results of the study.
  7. Fixing them in the protocol.
  8. Writing conclusions.

Organization of the research environment in the group

Some experiments are carried out on the street and no additional attributes are needed for their implementation. For example, to observe migratory birds or bud swelling in spring. But there are also experiences that require additional materials for their implementation. It is for constant access and the possibility of conducting an experiment at the first need in group rooms create mini-laboratories where the necessary attributes are stored.

Mini-laboratories, in turn, are also divided into certain zones. Namely:

  • zone of permanent exhibition of the final results of the research;
  • a place to store appliances;
  • living area for growing plants;
  • containers for storing natural and waste material;
  • experiment area;
  • place for unstructured materials (water, sand).

Features of the organization of the experiment in the younger group

Since the age contingent of children in the second younger group ranges from 3-4 years, there are certain features in the construction of classes.

Children of this age can establish the simplest causal relationships. And therefore, when the question “Why?” arises, they try to answer it on their own. Not all children, after numerous trials and errors, resort to the help of adults. This is due to the fact that at this age, stubbornness and independence prevail in children. At this point, you also have to be very careful, because if the child gives the wrong answer to the question “Why?” and, therefore, incorrectly establishes causal relationships, then incorrect ideas about the world around him may be fixed in his memory.

At a younger preschool age, cognitive research activities are based on the observation of animate and inanimate nature through experiments and experiments. For children, the experiment is a confirmation of their understanding of the world. After all, without practical experience all concepts in their head remain only dry abstractions.

Experimentation is one of the ways a child sees a picture of the world, which will be based on his personal observations and experiences. In addition to being informative, experimentation fuels the child's interest in research.

This method has obvious advantages:

  • the reality of ideas about the object under study and its relationship with the environment;
  • enrichment of memory and development of all mental processes of the child;
  • speech development;
  • accumulation of mental skills;
  • the formation of the child's independence, the ability to set goals and achieve them, to seek solutions to problem situations;
  • development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child, creativity, labor skills;
  • strengthening health and increasing immunity by increasing physical activity.

At the age of four, experiences and experiments are similar to story game. This implies active practice of the child. The teacher gives him a certain plot, which leads him to the necessary experimental actions to solve the problem. A specific role may also be offered, which involves the experimentation of the child in certain conditions. This is used in the collective experiment.

Topics of research activities

Since the organization of cognitive research activities in a preschool institution should be appropriate to the program requirements, that is, its planning is provided. It contains topics for activities with children. They can be held both indoors and outdoors. All aspects of the activity of a small child are affected.

Topics of cognitive research activities depend on seasonal changes nature. In the fall, it could be "Studying autumn leaves”,“ Preparing animals for winter ”, etc. In winter period these are "Determining the temperature of melting snow", "Icing of water", etc. Spring themes will sound: "Investigation of swelling of the buds on trees", "Growing flowers", etc.

During the summer, there are usually no research classes, as many children do not attend preschool on the occasion of the holidays. But this does not mean that the development of children during this period stops. In the summer, this responsibility falls on the parents.

Work planning

The following classes can be included in the plan of cognitive and research activities of children in a preschool institution:

  • "Planting an onion and observing its development";
  • "Study of stones";
  • "Study of tree branches";
  • « Autumn leaves»;
  • « Houseplants»;
  • "Guys about animals";
  • "I have a kitten";
  • "Golden Autumn";
  • "Sorceress Voditsa";
  • "Migratory birds";
  • "Pets";
  • "In the grandmother's yard", etc.

Features of classes

Cognitive research activities in the 2nd junior group include classes with children. However, there are changes in their structure. Just like other program activities, it has certain tasks. Very often, the actions that should be carried out during the lesson are also prescribed.

The stages of the study imply the sequential execution of the actions prescribed in the tasks. Tasks of such a plan are not carried out every day, since they are aimed at a long study of the topic. They describe the results of the work of children and their further actions.

If we compare these classes with the usual frontal or subgroup planned classes, we can see that the summary is much shorter, it does not trace the main structural components organizational moment, main and final parts. However, a prolonged trend can be noted during the day. If the planned lesson lasts a maximum of 45 minutes, then the lessons on cognitive research activities in the 2nd junior group can be traced in regime moments during the day.

"Migratory birds"

Let's take an example lesson. In autumn, cognitive and research activities are based on changes in nature and wildlife. Children learn the signs of autumn and the behavior of animals.

Theme of the lesson: "Migratory birds".

  1. Implemented tasks: familiarization of children with the general concept of "migratory birds" and the definition of birds belonging to this category.
  2. Material and equipment: illustrated card file "Migratory and wintering birds", didactic material(series of handout pictures "migratory birds").
  3. Morning: study of albums, illustrations in books, encyclopedias.
  4. Conversations with children during the day: “What birds do you know?”, “The structure of birds”, “Bird nutrition”.
  5. Educational and didactic games: “One-many”, “Insert the missing word”, “Guess”, “Whose part of the body?”, “Who looks like”.
  6. Individual work: fold split pictures with Leroy, "Bird Lotto" with Zakhar.
  7. Walk: observing migratory birds, rain and wind, trees without leaves, clothes of passers-by.
  8. Pilot experiment: “Building a hill of loose sand”, “Why does the sand run away?”, “Footprints in the sand”, “Examine the grains of sand”, “Blind from wet sand”.
  9. Evening: educational and didactic games "Guess the bird", "Find the same bird", "Find suitable color”, “Collect the pyramid”.
  10. Reading: A. Barto “Do you need a magpie?”, E. Blaginina “Fly away, fly away”, E. Trutneva “Jackdaw”, O. Driz “Own weather”, I. Tokmakova “Pigeons”, Elgen E. “Bird”.

Result: knowledge and ability to classify migratory and wintering birds, discuss them with their parents on the way home.

Conditions for organizing games

Developing classes for children in the 2nd junior group should be organized taking into account the visibility and age characteristics of children. For this, certain conditions must be met:

  • the group should have toys of all types and sizes;
  • the materials from which they are made must have different properties, characteristics and qualities;
  • game paraphernalia must be fully equipped (for children in given age the ability to use substitute objects or play some actions mentally has not yet been formed);
  • playground equipment should not be “for growth”, but should correspond to a certain age.

Compliance with these rules contributes to the multifaceted development of children and the fulfillment of their need to explore the world around them.

privacy corner

Despite the many necessary toys and aids, in the group it is necessary to create a place for the child to calm down and retire. There he can calmly put his thoughts in order and consolidate the information received during the day.

Perhaps in this corner the child will want to conduct some kind of research experience. That is why it is recommended to combine this corner with a corner of nature. By the way, for its design, you can use the flowers that children grow in the process of cognitive research activities.

Plants, especially those to which the child has put his hand, add peace to him. Also in such corners it is recommended to have games with water and sand. When the children learn their properties in the classroom, they will be pleased to repeat this experience on their own in a corner of solitude.

The furniture in this corner should be soft and comfortable, conducive to a calm study of new characteristics of objects. To increase the educational effect of this zone, it is recommended to place albums and magazines with birds, animals and insects there. For example, if this week you are considering the properties and signs of winter, then you can put an illustrated album with paintings by famous artists painting winter landscapes on a coffee table in the corner.

In a calm environment, any information is remembered better.

Project description:

Experimental - experimental activities for the study of inanimate nature can be carried out within the framework of an unregulated educational activities with children of the second younger group, organize in the afternoon 2-3 times a week in a specially equipped experimenting corner.

This project is the creation in the group of conditions for the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity and the formation of children's interest in the study of inanimate nature through children's experimentation.

In the process of experimental - experimental activities, the following activities are used:

  • game
  • cognitive - research (experiments) and productive
  • communicative (conversations, reading fiction)

educational (speech development, drawing, modeling).

All conversations and experiments must be carried out taking into account the level of development and cognitive interests of children. To develop the game situation, you can include the participation of any game character, for example "Inquisitive Bunny" and accompany joint activities classical music with the sounds of nature. After joint experimental and experimental activities, it is recommended to conduct educational moments - clean and put away equipment, wipe tables, remove garbage and wash hands with soap.

Project relevance:

Children's experimentation is especially relevant with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education (hereinafter GEF DO). According to the Federal State Educational Standard before the program preschool institutions should be implemented, first of all, in the form of a game, creative activity and cognitive research activity, which includes the study of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them.

Cognitive development involves, first of all, the development of the interests of children, their curiosity and develops imagination and creative activity in preschoolers. It is children's experimentation that deserves special attention in the development of the research activity of preschoolers. Developing as an activity aimed at cognition, children's experimentation contributes to the expansion of horizons, enrichment of the experience of independent activity, self-development of the child and is a good remedy intellectual development preschool children, as it includes an active search for solving problems, making assumptions, putting the put forward hypotheses into action and drawing conclusions. Experimental activities always causes in children:

  • special interest in the study of nature
  • develops mental operations
  • stimulates the cognitive activity and curiosity of the child
  • activates perception educational material familiarization with natural phenomena, etc.
  • encourages children to independently search for causes, methods of action, manifestation of creativity.

For children of primary preschool age, experimentation, along with play, is the leading activity. In the process of interacting with objects (experimentation) development of all kinds of perception, fine motor skills fingers, and this, first of all, stimulates the activity of the centers of the brain responsible for the speech of the child. In the course of experimentation, an adult creates problem situations, which contribute to the activation of visual-figurative and logical thinking, voluntary and involuntary attention, imagination, and through explanations and inferences, vocabulary is replenished in children. And asking questions that cause the child to return to past experiences (experiment) contributes to the development of memory.

In the course of our pedagogical work, we drew attention to the fact that cognitive activity in preschool children is poorly developed. This is especially reflected in the development of speech, logical thinking, memory and attention. Children do not always show curiosity, exploratory interest in the world of animate and inanimate nature, but rather prefer other activities, and the parents of pupils, most often do not even know what to do with their child. Understanding the Importance of Childhood Experimentation in Development intellectual abilities children, we teachers need to strive to create conditions for the research activity of children, to cooperate with parents, because the basic principles of preschool education (according to GEF DO) are:

  • support for children's initiatives in various types activities
  • cooperation of the Organization with the family
  • formation of cognitive interests and cognitive activities child in various activities.

Often, educators face difficulties in modeling the cognitive cycle classes with elements of experimentation, organizing and designing the corners of experimentation with the relevant material, due to the lack of methodological literature on the organization of experimentation.

That is why the contradiction that has arisen, on the one hand, the importance and necessity of forming children's interest in the study of nature, curiosity and cognitive activity, interaction with the parents of pupils on the issues of increasing the cognitive activity of children, and on the other hand, the lack of purposeful, systematic work led us to choose this project topic. thus confirming its relevance.

Objective of the project:

To create conditions in the group for the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity and the formation of children's interest in the study of inanimate nature through children's experimentation. To teach children through games - experiments to determine the physical properties of water, air and sand, to make independent conclusions based on the results of the survey.

Project objectives:

For the teacher:

  • get acquainted with modern methodological literature on children's experimentation;
  • build a system of work that will ensure the formation of cognitive activity in children in project activities;
  • to systematize literary and illustrated material on children's experimentation in the second junior group on the topic "Inanimate nature - water, air and sand" ;
  • to organize in the group a developing environment conducive to the development of experimentation skills;
  • involve parents in the process of experimentation in everyday life;
  • develop information sheets for parents with recommendations for children's experimentation at home;
  • prepare together with parents a file of experiments on the topic "Inanimate nature - air, water, sand" ;
  • hold a final event: presenting a presentation on the project, making a photo collage with children and their parents "We don't get bored even at home * we set up experiments together!".

For children:

  • to instill the skills of research activities, cognitive activity, independence;

develop children's knowledge about physical properties inanimate nature (water, air, sand);

  • to teach children to compare facts and conclusions from reasoning, to increase the level of speech activity, to enrich the active vocabulary, to develop coherent speech;
  • to form experience in the implementation of safety regulations during experiments;
  • make photo collages:
  • "Our experiments with water!"
  • "Our experiments with air!"
  • "Our experiments with sand!" .
  • encourage the development of independence and responsibility.

Project participants and their role in project implementation:

Participants Functions

Educators Develop and implement the project

Carry out interaction "parents + children + educators"

Supervising children


Pupils develop creatively

Conduct research and development work with teachers and parents

Actively participate in the project

Parents receive information

Interact with teachers

Participate in projects with children

Required materials: methodological literature on children's experimentation for preschool children and methodological material on safety, fiction, file of experiments on the topic , materials for the planned experimental activities.

Preparatory stage:

  • goal setting;
  • determination of the relevance and significance of the project;
  • selection of methodological literature on the topic of children's experimentation in kindergarten and at home, for the implementation of the project (journals, articles, abstracts);
  • creation and arrangement of an experimentation corner for the successful implementation of the project.

Main stage:

  • Practical part:
  • conducting experiments with water and making a photo collage
  • conducting experiments with air and making a photo collage
  • experimenting with sand and making a photo collage
  • Working with parents:
  • development consultation - children's experimentation in kindergarten
  • development of recommendations for organizing children's experimentation at home
  • preparation of a file of experiments on the topic "Inanimate nature - air, water, sand"
  • joint production of a photo-collage "We don't get bored even at home - we set up experiments together!"
  • Product creation

The final stage:

  • Project presentation.
  • Analysis

Expected results of the project:

The implementation of the presented project will help teachers:

  • organize a developing environment in the group that promotes the development of experimentation skills
  • instill in their pupils the initial skills of research, cognitive activity, independence
  • children will develop knowledge about the physical properties of inanimate nature (water, air, sand)
  • children will learn to compare facts and conclusions from reasoning
  • increase the level of speech activity
  • enrich active vocabulary, develop coherent speech
  • experience in the implementation of safety regulations during experiments will be formed.
  • involve parents in educational process and experimentation in everyday life.

Intended product of the project:

  1. Presentation of the project, compiled by the joint efforts of children and their parents;
  2. Exhibition of photo-collages:
  • "Our experiments with air!" ;
  • "Our experiences with water" ;
  • "Our experiments with sand!" ;
  • “We don’t get bored at home either - we set up experiments together!” .

List of references and Internet sources:

  1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education.
  2. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"
  3. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. - "Unknown near" - Creative Center Sphere - Moscow 2002

View: cognitive research activity in the second junior group.

Target: expanding children's ideas about sand and its properties through games and experimental activities.

Tasks of educational activity:


give an idea of ​​the properties of sand: dry, wet. learn to handle sand carefully, do not scatter. to actualize interest in working with sand.


involve children in visual activity, using non-traditional technique fine arts (sandography); to cultivate an ecological culture; educate respect for nature, for each other when playing with sand. cultivate feelings of empathy, compassion.


develop imagination; develop observation; develop speech activity; develop thinking.

Speech task:

introduce children to the words of sand: crumbly, sticky.

Equipment on subgroup of children (6 people) :

light tablet, mini sandbox, molds, shovels, sand, water, Khryusha and Stepashka toys.

Lesson progress:


Let's stand side by side in a circle

Let's say hello to each other.

We are not too lazy to say hello.

"Hello" and "Good afternoon" to everyone.

If everyone smiles

Good morning will begin.

Good morning, eyes (make hands around the eyes, as if looking through binoculars).

You woke up?

Good morning, ears (make ears like an elephant).

You woke up?

Good morning, pens (clapping hands).

You woke up?

Good morning, feet (stomp your feet).

You woke up?

Good morning children.

You woke up?

There is a knock on the door. The group includes Khryusha and Stepasha, and cry, holding a bucket of sand in their paws.

Educator: Oh, guys, look who's come! But why are they crying? Let's find out.

Piggy: Children, we wanted to make sand cakes, but we didn’t succeed. And we don't know why.

Stepeshka: We brought you a bucket of sand and ask you to help us.

Educator: Guys, can we help our friends?

Children: answer.

Educator: Then let's take a bucket of sand and figure out what is the reason for the failures of Khryusha and Stepashka. Come to the table (children come to the light table for sand painting). Guys, do you want me to tell you a secret?

Children: answers.

Educator: this is not a simple table, but a magical one. On our table you can draw with sand. Let's try, Piggy, give us a bucket of sand and we'll show you something (pours sand on the table, saying a rhyme).

Our good hands

Everyone can, albeit crumbs

Can draw, sculpt

And draw patterns!

Educator: Guys, let's repeat the safety rules when working with sand.

During class:

do not take sand in your mouth;

do not sprinkle with sand;

do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.

And now let's try to draw something beautiful with our fingers. After all, this is a magic table and you can draw rivers, seas, animals, patterns and even fabulous creatures on it.

Children: draw.

Educator: Well done! Dust off your hands and let's continue.

Guys, we learned that you can draw such beautiful drawings on the sand. But what is sand? Let's figure it out. Take a whisper of sand in your palm, what does it consist of?

Children: answers.

Educator: Guys, the sand consists of small grains of sand.

Let's get some rest...


Roly-Vstanka, Roly-Vstanka, (Jumping in place)

Sit down, sit down. (Squats).

What a naughty one you are! (squat, stand up).

We can't handle you! (clapping hands).

Educator: Children, pour sand into your palm, see what the sand consists of (from grains of sand).

Children: answers.

Educator: That's right, from grains of sand, they are small.

Educator: Guys, we still have a mini sandbox in which there are molds, pour sand into them and make cakes. Work carefully, do not scatter sand.

Children: do the task.

Educator: Did you get cakes?

Children: answers.

Educator: Why didn’t the Easter cakes turn out?

Children: answers.

Educator: right, because the sand is dry, loose.

Educator: Children, let's pour water into the sand, Who wants to help me? Touch the sand and tell me is the sand dry or wet?

Educator: Look, is it the same loose?

Children: answers.

Educator: That's right, no, wet sand does not crumble like dry sand. It is dark and cold. You can make cookies out of it.

Educator: Take molds and pour wet sand into them. Level the sand with a spatula and invert the mold onto a stand.

Teacher: What happened?

Children: Easter cakes.

Teacher: Well done guys! So we found out the reason for the failures of our friends.

Summary of the lesson:

Educator: Children, what did we learn today? What is sand like?

Children: dry, loose and can not be molded from it. And sometimes it is dark, wet and you can sculpt from it.

Educator: Let's call Khryusha and Stepasha to our sandbox to sculpt Easter cakes.

Gulevich Tatyana Anatolyevna

MBDOU №18 Lark


An open lesson in cognitive - research activities in the second junior group "Acquaintance with the properties of water."

Target: The development of children's cognitive interest in search and research activities through familiarity with the properties of water.



Introduce the properties of water: liquid, has no color, smell, taste, is painted in different colour; give the concept of the importance of water in the life of people, animals, plants;

To form the ability to establish the simplest connections between objects and natural phenomena;

To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with the educator: listen and understand the question asked, clearly answer it.


Develop curiosity mindfulness logical thinking to draw their own conclusions and inferences.


To educate children in game and speech interaction with peers and adults;

Cultivate respect for water;

Form the habit of careful and wise use of water;

Cultivate love for nature.

Vocabulary work:colorless, transparent, liquid, tasteless, colored, light.

Equipment for the teacher / children:water in cups, empty cups, pebbles, sugar, paints, brush.

Preliminary work:reading nursery rhymes, poems, reading K.I. Chukovsky’s poem “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino grief”, looking at illustrations, the teacher’s story about water, joint work in a corner of nature.

GCD progress.

Motivational "noise of water".

Do you like when guests come to us?

Guys, who will come to visit us today? Close your eyes and listen carefully. You will hear something now.

Guys, open your eyes, what did you hear? Have you noticed what a voice the water has. What does water do?

To learn a lot. We need to be careful, not to make noise, to listen to each other.

Look. Today we have a guest. Who do you think it is? This is a drop. She brought riddles for you. Do you want to listen to them?

I. They drink me, they pour me

Everyone needs me

Who am I?

II. We say it flows

We say she plays

She always runs forward

But he doesn't run away.

That's right, the Sorceress-Water will come to visit us today!

What are these riddles about? So today we will talk about water.

So what is water? Water is a liquid. She flows. It can be poured into something, poured, poured. Here you have glasses of water on the tables. Try pouring water from one glass to another. What happens to water? That's right, she pours. We can pour water in a thin stream, it flows without interruption. So what is the water? That's right, it's fluid. (Fixes with children).

Look at the water cups. What color is the water? That's right, water has no color. She is colorless. Now put the stones in the glass. What happened? Can you see the stones? If we can see them well, then the water is clear. (Fixes with children).

Guys come to the table here. I have water in a glass, what is it? (Paints). What do you think will happen to the water if I add paint to it? We'll see. (The teacher picks up paint on a brush and lowers it into a glass of water, mixes well). What happened to the water? That's right, she changed color. Water has no color, but it can be easily dyed any color. Water changes its color depending on what. What is added to it.

Do you think water tastes good? There is water in the cups, try it. What is she? The water is tasteless. Can we change the taste of water? Let's add sugar to the water, mix well. Try water. What did the water taste like? (Sweet). And now I will add a few drops of lemon juice to the glass. Try now what does the water taste like? (Sour). So, at will, we can change the taste of water.

Now smell the water. What can you say about the smell of water? That's right, the water has no smell.


“The rain dripped on the palm (with the right hand we touch the left)

On flowers (opening of the hand like a bud is shown)

And on the track (both hands in front of you)

It's pouring, it's pouring, oh-oh-oh (shaking head)

We ran home (running in place).

So, we have learned that water is a liquid. She is fluid. It can be poured, poured into different containers.

Water is colorless. It has no color, but it can be easily dyed any color. Also the water is clear.

Water has no smell.

Water is very important for every person. How do you think. Why? What is water for? (Drink, cook food. Water plants, wash clothes, wash dishes, vegetables, fruits, wash, wash and wash hands, etc.).

Who else needs water? (Animals, fish, plants, birds, etc.).

Y/N “Who needs water?”

Look, this is a hoop, and there are pictures on the carpet. You need to select and put in the hoop those pictures that need water. (Children choose and lay out pictures).

Guys, who needs water? Yes, all living things need water. What will happen if there is no water? (Answers of children).

Absolutely, all life on Earth needs water. Without water, all living things will die. Therefore, water must be conserved, used correctly and wisely. How can you save water? (Do not clog reservoirs, turn off the water tap, etc.).

Here are some interesting things we learned about water.

"Have you heard of water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

Boiling on the stove

The steam from the kettle hisses,

Dissolves sugar in tea.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 8 "Teremok" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of children "


cognitive - research activities

in the second junior group on the topic:

"Introduction to the properties of water"



Educator MBDOU No. 8 "Teremok"

Bakhareva Svetlana Nikolaevna

Sharypovo, Dubinino village, 2016

Cognitive - research activities

in the second junior group "Introduction to the properties of water"

Target: development in children of primary preschool age of cognitive interest in search and research activities through acquaintance with the properties of water.



To acquaint with the properties of water: liquid, has no color, smell, taste, is painted in different colors; give the concept of the importance of water in the life of people, animals, plants;

To form the ability to establish the simplest connections between objects and natural phenomena;


Develop curiosity, mindfulness, logical thinking, draw independent conclusions.


Cultivate respect for water;

Cultivate love for nature.

Vocabulary work: colorless, transparent, liquid, tasteless, colored, light.

Equipment for the teacher and children: water in cups, empty cups, pebbles, sugar, paints, a brush, an easel, and the symbols "properties of water".

Preliminary work: reading nursery rhymes, poems, reading K.I. Chukovsky’s poem “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino grief”, looking at illustrations, the teacher’s story about water, working together in a corner of nature.

Progress OOD

Educator: To learn a lot. We need to be careful, not to make noise, to listen to each other. Look. Today we have a guest. Who do you think it is? This is a drop. She brought riddles for you. Let's unravel them.


“She is in the lake, she is in the puddle.

She boils in our kettle.

She runs in the river, murmurs.

What is it?"(water)


"For rain to fall from the sky,

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

To cook kissels

So that there is no trouble -

We can't live without(water).

What are these riddles about?(children's answers) So today we will talk about water.

Experience No. 1 (Water flows)

Educator: So what is water? Water is a liquid. She flows. It can be poured into something, poured, poured. Here you have glasses of water on the tables. Try pouring water from one glass to another. What happens to water? She pours. We can pour water in a thin stream, it flows without interruption. So what is water?(Children's answers - liquid water)

Experience No. 2 (Clear water)

Educator: Look at the water cups. What color is the water? Water has no color. She is colorless. Now put the stones in the glass. What happened? Can you see the stones? If we can see them well, then the water is clear.

Experience No. 3 (Water changes color)

Educator: Guys come to the table. Here I have water in a glass, and what is this?(Paints). What do you think will happen to the water if I add paint to it? We'll see. (The teacher picks up paint on a brush and lowers it into a glass of water, mixes well). What happened to the water? She changed color. Water has no color, but it can be easily dyed any color. Water changes its color depending on what. What is added to it.

Experience No. 4 (Water has no taste, tasteless)

Educator: Do you think water tastes good? There is water in the cups, try it. What is she? The water is tasteless. Can we change the taste of water? Let's add sugar to the water, mix well. Try water. What did the water taste like?(Sweet). And now I will add a few drops of lemon juice to the glass. Try now what does the water taste like?(Sour). So, at will, we can change the taste of water.

Experience No. 5 (Water has no smell)

Educator: Now smell the water. What can you say about the smell of water? That's right, the water has no smell.


Educator: So, we have learned that water is a liquid. It can be poured, poured into different containers.

Water is colorless. It has no color, but it can be easily dyed any color. Also the water is clear.

Water has no smell.

- Let's remember what we learned about water? (Children approach the easel according to the symbols and say that they have learned about water.)

Educator: Water is very important for every person. How do you think. Why? What is water for?(Drink, cook food. Water plants, wash clothes, wash dishes, vegetables, fruits, wash, wash and wash hands, etc.).

Who else needs water?(Animals, fish, plants, birds, etc.).

Y/N “Who needs water?”

Look, this is a hoop, and there are pictures on the carpet. You need to select and put in the hoop those pictures that need water.(Children choose and lay out pictures)

Educator: Guys, who needs water? All living things need water. What will happen if there is no water?(children's answers)

Absolutely, all life on Earth needs water. Without water, all living things will die. Therefore, water must be conserved, used correctly and wisely. How can you save water?(Do not litter reservoirs, turn off the water tap, etc.)

Here are some interesting things we learned about water.

Well, it's time for our droplet to go. And she left us small droplets as a keepsake. Droplet hopes that you will always conserve water.