
Sports holiday for February 23 in kindergarten. Sports festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day “Merry starts. War game in kindergarten


Valentina Oleksenko
Summary of the final lesson on FEMP in preparatory group"A game-journey to the land of Mathematics"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten "Polyanochka"

Summary of the final lesson in FEMP

v preparatory group« Travel game to the land of Mathematics»


Oleksenko V.M.

S. Krasnaya Polyana. 2016

Target: developing interest in the subject mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity, consolidation and generalization of the knowledge gained.


Summarize and systematize knowledge on FEMP in the preparatory group for school.

Develop cognitive interest and motivation for learning activities, through the inclusion of a variety of game tasks, spatial orientation and orientation in time, as well as the ability to combine objects into group based on, build skills group work;

To foster activity, independence, initiative.

Educational. Promote the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical tasks.

Developing. Develop thinking operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.

Educational. Contribute to maintaining interest in mathematics, the formation of the ability to work in a team.


Pencils, sheets of paper, Telegram from Fairy from magic Countries of Mathematics, number series, cards with numerical inequalities, cards with dots and numbers, counting sticks.

Location: group room.

GCD move:

Message topic and purpose classes... Introductory conversation. Greetings.

Organizing time.

Children stand in a semicircle on the carpet, guests come in, children greet guests.

Guys, let's look at the guests, at each other, and smile, we are in a good mood.

Guys, to us on class guests came so let's try to be attentive and be good at answering questions. And now they sat down nicely, put the legs together, the back is straight. Class let's start with a poem.

Remember everything without a precise count

Any work will not budge,

Without an account, there will be no light on the street,

A rocket cannot rise without an account,

And the guys won't be able to play hide and seek.

Get the guys to work soon

Part 1 Introduction to the game the situation:

Educator: Guys, this morning, the postman handed me a telegram addressed to our group... Let's read it


“Hello dear guys, the Fairy from Countries of Mathematics... I invite you to Land of Mathematics... But the way to this the country will not be easy... To get into it, you need to know a lot. And to show your knowledge, you need to complete tasks. "

Educator: Guys, you want to get into Land of Mathematics?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then let's let's prepare to the journey and do a warm-up for the mind.

1. Working with counting sticks. The game"Answer the questions"


If you answer "Yes"- raise the green counting stick, and if "Not"- red. Ready?


Does a triangle have 4 sides?

Does a room have 4 walls?

Does the car have 2 steering wheels?

Does a circle have 3 corners?

Does a person have 2 arms?

Does the table have 3 legs?

The hand has 10 fingers?

How many fingers do two people have together? (20)

Part 2. Educator: Well done guys, you are very good prepared for the trip... Where are we going?

To find out what kind of transport we need, we need to connect the dots on the sheets in order. And you get a picture. I’ll give you a little hint, I’ll guess a riddle.

Mystery: Wonder bird blue tail flew into a flock of stars? (rocket)

V: Well done, you did the job.

Finger gymnastics :

I put on a glove

I don't get into it

V: But for the rocket to take off, we need to do the following exercise:

Examples on the board. We need to solve them.

8+1= 7+2= 4+5= 2+7= 6+3= 8 - 4=

V: Among these solutions, there is one superfluous. Find which example will be superfluous.

Children: First you need to solve examples, and then find an example.

V: Well done boys. Our rocket is ready to take off. We flew.

1 stop: Zadachkina

V: Our next stop is problemkin.

Let's remember what parts the task consists of?

Children: Task: condition --- question --- solution --- answer.

Slide. There were 7 frogs, 4 frogs swam away. How many frogs are left?

Distribute task cards. Distribute numbers.

V: To make it easier to work, we will warm up.

Physical education

I went swimming on Monday (depicting swimming)

And on Tuesday he painted. (depict drawing)

I washed my face for a long time on Wednesday, ( "Wash our face")

And on Thursday football played. (running in place)

On Friday I was jumping, running, (we jump)

I danced for a very long time. (spinning in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (claps)

I rested all day.

(children squat down, hands under the cheek, fall asleep)

V: Next stop: 2. Geometric.

Drawing geometric shapes using counting chopsticks:

Make a triangle with 3 sticks.

Make a square of 4 sticks.

How many squares are there?



V: Next stop: 3. Numeric. You need to place the signs correctly

"more", "less" or "equals"

Physiotherapy for the eyes (children's eye movement is accompanied by words)

Imagine that we have come to a magical forest.

How many miracles there are around (children make circular movements with their eyes!

On the right is a golden birch tree (eyes look to the right).

Left - the tree is looking at us (eyes look to the left).

Leaves in the sky are spinning (eyes look up,

They fall beautifully on the ground (eyes look down).

The leaves shine and sparkle (put your palms up,

They sit on the palms of the guys (eyes look at the palm).

4. Stop "Kingdom of Time"

Guys, what device shows the time? (Clock)

And what does a man need a watch for? Why do we need to know the time?

See how many clocks there are in the world.

What is the name of the clock that wakes up in the morning?

What is the name of the clock on the floor?

What is the name of the clock that hangs on the wall?

What is the name of the watch we wear on our wrist?

What is the name of a watch with sand?

V: Look, we got into some mysterious kingdom Mathematicians.

Now it's time for us to go home. In the meantime, we are flying small "Mental warm-up" .

Now take a piece of paper and a pencil in your hands. Mathematical dictation.

Draw a square in the upper left corner.

In the lower right corner there is an oval.

In the lower left corner there is a rectangle.

There is a circle in the upper right corner.

And in the middle is a triangle.

We put down our pencils and answer the questions.

What time of year is it?

Today is Wednesday and tomorrow?

How many months in a year?

What are the spring months?

How many ends do 2 sticks have?

“What are the next and previous digits, named numbers.

Guys, let's first remember what the previous number was? (the one that comes before the named number)

And what is the next number? (the one after the named one)

Well done, now tell me the previous and subsequent numbers of the digit 5 (7, 3, 9, 15)

Outcome: Guys, did you like our trip? If you liked it, raise a funny emoticon, and if not, then a sad one. Thank you all, see you soon.

Abstract open class mathematics

in the preparatory group for school

"Dunno's helpers"

Software content:

Educational area"Cognition".

1. Fix with children a quantitative and ordinal count within 20;

countdown within 10.

2. Continue to learn to solve and come up with problems

3. Continue to form the concept - "condition of the problem", "question", "solution", "answer".

4. Consolidate knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.

5. To consolidate the idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day, days of the week, the names of the months, the seasons.

6. Exercise orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage

7. Reinforce knowledge of geometric shapes.

8. Promote the development of logical thinking, attention.

9. Foster listening skills and a willingness to help.


    Develop ingenuity visual memory, imagination.

    Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.


    To foster independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.

Demo material: Dunno doll, envelope with a letter, envelopes with tasks;

Handout: for each child a sheet of squared paper and colored pencils, pencils, numbers, a white sheet of paper.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, guests have come to us today. Let's greet them quietly.

Children: Hello!

Guys, today, when I came to kindergarten, I saw this unusual envelope on the table, there was a letter from one fairytale hero. Try to find out who it is? (Children answer). Well done! This is a letter from Dunno. It says that a misfortune has occurred in the Fairytale City. The evil wizard has bewitched him, now the sun does not shine there and it is always dark outside. Little short ones in despair, evil spells can only be removed by children who know how to count well, solve problems, and are ready to come to the rescue.

Guys, do you agree to help the residents of this city? Then let's do the first task.

1 task:"Repetition is the mother of learning"!

Educator: The first task in envelope number 1.

Well, what, guys? Let's help Dunno?

Children: Yes!

Educator: (Addressing one of the children), please bring an envelope under number 1.

(the child brings an envelope; the teacher takes out a piece of paper from the envelope and reads it).

Guys, the task is called"Repetition is the mother of learning." You and I need to answer a few simple questions, it should not be difficult, because we went through all this with you in our classes.


1. Name the seasons - 1st child

2. Name the months of the year - 2nd child

3. Count up to 20 as a quantitative count - 3rd child (one, two, three ....)

4. Count up to 10 - 4th child (first, second, third ...)

5. Count down from 10 to 1 - 5th child

6. Name the "even" numbers up to 10 - 6th child

7. Name "odd" numbers up to 10 - 7th child

8. Name the days of the week - 8th child.

9. What is the number following the number 3.

10. Name the neighbors of the number 8.

11. What number is between the numbers 8 and 10.

12. Tell me which number is greater than 3, but less than 5.

13. After what date comes the number 6.

14. What is the number preceding the number 4.

15. What is the number that follows the number 7.

Educator: Well done! You answered the questions well. And the next envelope with the assignment is already waiting for us.

And this is task number 2.

Ilya, please bring the envelope number 2.

2nd task:"Compare numbers" (work at the blackboard).

Guys Dunno asks what numbers comparison signs do you know? (more, less, equal).

In the next task, we need to compare the numbers correctly.

3 and 5 11 and 20 18 and 18

6 and 6 16 and 8 14 and 9

4 and 7 15 and 3 13 and 12

Well done guys, and coped with this task!

3 task:Find an extra word.

Let's see what's in envelope # 3.

Guys, the task is calledFind an extra word.

I name the words, and you name which of them is superfluous and why.

1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, morning.

3. Summer, autumn, winter, Sunday.

4. Morning, evening, night, day, month.

Well done guys, you have overcome another obstacle. And now we will have a little rest in order to solve other tasks in the same way.

Physical education:

I went swimming on Monday (pretend swimming)

And on Tuesday - I drew, (we depict the drawing)

On Wednesday I washed my face for a long time, (we wash)

And on Thursday I played football (running on the spot)

On Friday I was jumping, running, (jumping)

Danced for a very long time, (spinning in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (claps)

I rested all day.

(children sit down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep)

4 task: "Magic box".

Guys, look what Dunno brought us, this is not an envelope, but a whole package. Oh, what an unusual package, what is written on it? Magic box Dunno, I wonder what is in it. Guys, there are logical tasks in the box. Who can tell me what parts the task consists of?

(Condition, question, decision, answer).

Well done, now let's get to work (takes tasks out of the box, the children say the answer).


    Five kittens are digging sand

Three sunbathe in the sun,

The two are bathed in ash.

How many are all? Tell me?


2. Four little mice,

Very friendly girlfriends

We went out into the field for a walk

Five more came running

They sang very amicably

All of them were exactly ...


3. How many nuts are in an empty glass? (0 - the glass is empty)

4. There were 3 tulips and 7 daffodils in a vase. How many tulips were there in the vase? (There were only 3 tulips in the vase)

5. That's the idea of ​​a hedgehog friends

Invite to the anniversary

I invited two cubs

Three are hares and five are squirrels.

Count quickly

How many friends does a hedgehog have?


Blotter and notebook,

And a pen to write

And an elastic band to make stains

I cleaned it carefully

And a pencil case and a pencil,

And our friend's primer.

How many things are in the portfolio?


7. Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda

Volleyball team.

Zhenya and Igor for now -

There are two spare players.

And when to learn,

How many of us will we make?


8. Arranged by Andryushka

Two rows of toys.

Next to the monkey -

Teddy bear.

Together with the fox -

Oblique bunny.

Following him -

The hedgehog and the frog.

How many toys

Arranged by Andryushka?


9. A squirrel is sitting on a cart,

She sells nuts.

Chanterelle - sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-bellied bear,

Zainke mustache,

To whom in a scarf,

To whom in the goiter,

Who cares.

How many nuts did the squirrel sell?


10. Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have? (one granddaughter)

Educator: Well done! All of you were good at solving logic problems. Now I want you to solve common problems (frontal survey).


1. “There were 4 apples hanging on a branch, 2 apples were picked. How many apples are left to hang on the branch?

2. “Mom bought 7 pears, Misha ate 4 pears. How many pears are left on the plate? (3)

3. Six funny cubs,

They rush to the forest for raspberries,

But one kid is tired

Lagged behind comrades

Now find the answer

How many bears are ahead?

Educator: And again you did it! Well done! Katya, try to create your own problem (the child makes up a problem).

5 taskDraw a Shape:

Let's see what's in envelope # 5.

The task is called "Draw a Shape". Before starting the assignment, let's remember what shapes are (working with the poster "Geometric Shapes"). Now let's get down to the task. Before you is a blank sheet, we know the geometric shapes, guys, you must take colored pencils and get ready to complete the following tasks.

1. In the upper right corner, draw a red triangle.

2. In the lower left corner, draw a blue square.

3. In the upper left corner there is a green circle.

4. In the lower right - a yellow rectangle.

You are getting closer and closer to defeating the evil wizard! Let's move on to the next envelope.

6 task is calledGet the number 10.

We need to get the number 10 out of 2 smaller numbers. Let's help Dunno and try to cope with this task (frontal survey).

7 task"Solve examples."

You guys are great! You completed all tasks correctly today, but

you need to deal with the last building.

And this task consists in the fact that we have to solve examples:

3+3= 8-5=

7+2= 9-4=

6+1= 4-2=

Well done boys! How well you do the assignments.

You are all tired, I suggest you take some rest:

Finger gymnastics:

I have five fingers on my hand

Five grippers, five grippers,

To grab and to saw,

To take and to give

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Well guys have a rest?

Next task.№ 8 "Draw a Shape".

Let's not waste time. Move the notebooks, place the pencil on the red dot. Begin. 4 cells - right 2 cells - up 4 cells - right 5 cells - down 4 cells - left 2 cells - up 4 cells - left 1 cell - down 1 cell - left 1 cell - down 1 cell - left 3 cells - up, 2 cells to the right.

Educator: What happened?

Children: Key.

“Guys, we have defeated the evil wizard. You are great, you have coped with all the tasks correctly, helped Dunno and the small residents of the Fairytale City. I am very glad that you are such smart and capable children, ready to come to the rescue at any moment. Guys, let's remember what obstacles we faced today? What tasks did you perform? Which of the tasks did you find the most difficult? Did you enjoy the lesson? (Children answer questions). Guys, do you know what is the best grade in school? Of course 5! I invite you to evaluate yourself. I have numbers 5 and numbers 4. Think about how you did your work today, whether you coped with all the tasks and rate yourself. "

Educator: Sasha, why did you rate yourself at 4? (child's answer) Well done, you acted honestly.

(Junior educator brings a parcel from the postman).

Oh, and we received a parcel again, and a letter to it (the teacher reads the letter).

“Thank you very much children for your help in our salvation! We would have died without you. You did a very good job and defeated the evil wizard. Now in our fabulous city the sun is shining again and flowers are blooming. In gratitude, I, along with other short ones, give you these sweets.With love, your Dunno. "

(Sweet prizes are handed out to children).


Position: educator
Place of work: MBOU "Kormovishchenskaya secondary school" structural unit "kindergarten in the village of Lomovka"
Location: Perm Territory Lysvensky district, Lomovka village

Integrated lesson in the preparatory group.

Topic: "Assignment from a wise owl."

Purpose: to consolidate previously acquired knowledge.

Tasks: exercise in the ability to solve examples of addition and subtraction in chapters 10 and "read" them. Consolidate knowledge about migratory birds. Exercise in oral counting (forward and backward) within 10, the ability to divide a rectangle, circle, triangle into 2, 4 equal parts. Develop speech, logical thinking, attention, visual memory. To cultivate kindness, responsiveness, patience, interest in learning activities.

Benefits: cards with an assignment, a picture of migratory birds and an owl, simple pencils, scissors, a rectangle, a triangle, a circle for each child.

        1. Organizing time.

- The sun, the sun, the golden bottom (Children go in a circle)

- A stream ran in the garden (running in a circle

- 100 rooks arrived.

- And the snowdrifts melt, melt (sit down)

- And the flowers are blooming,

- Grow up and stretch (stretch up)

- And they smiled at each other (smile)

        1. The main stage.

Children sit down at tables.

- Today, guys, we have a guest for class, or rather a guest. You will immediately name it if you listen carefully to the riddle:

Who sits on the tree.

Vigilantly looks from a height,

The head is so mobile.

This is a wise ... .. (owl).

- Yes, guys, this is a wise owl. Who else can be called wise? (children's answers). The owl brought the assignments with it. Why do you think?

Task number 1.

"What's superfluous?" (children find an "extra" object on the card, color it in and explain why).

Task number 2.

"From what nest did the bird fly out?"

5 - 3 -2 crane.

5 - 2-3 starling.

1 + 3 -4 swallow.

2 + 3 -5 nightingale.

7 - 1 -6 duck.

6 + 1 -7 Wagtail (cuckoo).

(The blackboard depicts birds' nests, with examples without answers. Next to them are pictures of birds with answers to examples.)

- What kind of bird is it?

- Take the "path" to her nest?

- Why do you think this is her nest?

(Children solve examples and find nests of all birds).

- Why was the cuckoo left without a nest?


Task number 3.

"Strip it right."

- Name the geometric shapes that you see on the tables.

- Remember how to properly handle the scissors. (children remember and pronounce the rule)

- Now listen carefully to the task: we divide the rectangle into 4 equal parts. Triangle and circle - in half. (children complete the task)

- How many parts did you divide the rectangle into?

- Show one quarter of the rectangle.

- How many parts did you divide the rectangle into?

- Show one half of the triangle.

- What can you say about them?

- How many parts did you divide the circle into?

- Show one half of the circle.

Show half a circle.

- What are they?


Task number 4.

"Build a home for a starling."

- What is the name of the starling house?

- Collect a birdhouse from the geometric shapes you cut. (children construct a birdhouse from previously cut geometric shapes)

Task number 5.

"Hang the birdhouse on the tree."

- Your birdhouses are ready.

- Where can the birdhouses be hung?

- How to get there?

- There are 10 steps on our staircase. Let's go up and count them. (count from 1 to 10)

- The birdhouses were hung up. We go down and count. (count from 10 to 1)

        1. Bottom line. Reflection.

- Guys, we completed all the tasks of the wise owl. Tell the owl what was the most interesting task. (difficult)

What a task it was easy to complete. (difficult to do)

- What would you like to do again?

- What can you say to our guest?

- What is she?

- I wish you to be smart and wise, inquisitive.

Nominated: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, mathematics, Preparatory group

Integrated lesson on FEMP

in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Dunno's helpers".

Completed by: Malkova Kristina Igorevna - senior teacher of MBDOU kindergarten " gold fish"R.p. Mokshan

Topic: “Number 10 and its composition, orientation on a sheet of paper, logic problems with mathematical content, comparison of two numbers.

Software content.

1.Learning tasks:

- exercise in the account within 10, in forward and backward counting;

To consolidate knowledge about the composition of the number 10 from two smaller numbers;

Continue teaching children to independently compose and solve addition and subtraction problems within 10, using visual material;

Write down tasks using the signs "+", "-", "=";

Improve your understanding of the sequence of numbers within 20;

Exercise in the account within 20;

To consolidate the ability to compare 2 adjacent numbers, using signs,

Continue to develop orientation skills on a sheet of paper in a cage.

2. Developmental tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention;

Develop ingenuity, imagination;

Promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements;

To cultivate diligence, perseverance, activity, accuracy, a sense of collectivism.

3. Methodological techniques:

Gaming (using surprise moments);

Visual (use of illustrations);

Verbal (reminder, instruction, questions, individual responses of children);

Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.

4. Didactic visual material.

Demo material: ball, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs and signs for comparison: "", "

Handout: simple pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, cards with bunnies and carrots, squared notebooks, cards for comparing numbers of the second ten, counting sticks.

The course of the training session.

Educator:- Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Please stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we will smile at each other.

Educator:- Guys, I see that you are smiling, which means that you are in a good mood. Now look at our guests, give them a smile and say hello. Well done!

Educator: - Guys, today, when I came to kindergarten, I saw this letter on the table. It was written by Dunno. He already goes to school. Here's what he writes: “Dear guys! In order to study well at school, you need to know a lot, be able to think, guess. And also to solve unusual tasks, to carry out tasks for ingenuity and ingenuity. So I was given such tasks, but I find it difficult to complete them. Help me please".

Educator:- Let's help Dunno?

Children: Yes!

(Children stand in a semicircle. Game exercise“All year round”. The teacher throws the ball to the child and gives the task, and the child answers and returns the ball).

Game "All year round".

What time of year is it? (Spring)

Name the neighbors of spring. (Winter summer)

Name the spring months in order. (March April May)

Name the missing month: December,…, February. (January)

Name the missed month: October,…, December. (November)

Name the neighbors of winter. (Autumn, spring)

Name the autumn months in order. (September October November).

Name winter months in order. (December January February).

Name the summer neighbors. (Spring, autumn).

Name the summer months in order. (June July August).

Name all months in order: September ...

(Children pass the ball to each other).

Tell me, what month does the calendar year start from? (From January).

And with what month does the year end? (December).

How many months are there in a year? (12)

How many seasons are there? (4)

Well done, they remembered sequentially the seasons and months of the year.

Educator:- Guys, now quietly take your jobs.

Working with handouts.

Educator:- Line up as many bunnies as the number on my card shows.

(The teacher has a card with the number 5).

How many bunnies did you take? (5)

What number will we put next to the number 5? (Number 5)

What do bunnies like to eat? (Carrots).

How many carrots do you need to take for each bunny? (5 carrots).

Put the number that shows 5 carrots. (Number 5).

How many bunnies and carrots did we take? (10).

How did you get the number 10?

Children:- Of the two smaller numbers: 5 and 5.

Educator:- Write down equality on your desk.

What can you say about the number of bunnies and carrots?

Children:- They are equally divided, equally, five.

Educator:- Well done.

Guys, now we will find out from which two other smaller numbers you can make the number 10.

Pay attention to the house.

Tell me what is it called? (multi-storey).

Well done. Right. What other houses are there? (one-story). Well done.

What is the house number. (No. 10).

Guys, help me populate the numbers in the apartments so that together they make the number 10.

First, let's calculate how many floors are in the house? (5)

How many apartments are there on each floor? (Two).

Well done. Guys, we will populate the numbers from the bottom up.

Vika, the numbers have settled in the apartments on the first floor.

(1 and 9, and together 10).

(Children populate the numbers in apartments, and at the end we check all the options for the composition of the number 10).

1 and 9, and together 10

2 and 8, and together 10

3 and 7, and together 10

4 and 6, and together 10

5 and 5, and together 10

Guys, what other options for the composition of the number 10 are there? (they call on the contrary 9 and 1, 8 and 2, 7 and 3, 6 and 4).

Let's remember the poem by S. Ya. Marshak "Merry count".

Zero rolled across the page

And didn't mean anything.

A unit stood nearby,

Making Ten out of it!

Well done boys. We coped with the task, and Dunno thanks you.

Educator:- And now, guys, show your resourcefulness, ingenuity and humor. Listen to the joke tasks:

    If the chicken is standing on one leg, then it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs? (2 kg).

    The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 front legs, 2 back legs. How many legs does an animal have? (4).

    How many paws and two cubs? (eight).

Educator:- Well done, guys, coped with the task. Now let’s rest a little. (They quietly stand near the tables).

Physical education.

Once - bend, unbend.

Two - bend over, stretch.

Three - clap, three claps,

Head three nods.

Four arms wider.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

Seven, eight - let's discard laziness!

Educator:“Now you must concentrate and be very attentive. We will compose and solve tasks based on pictures.

Let's remember what the task consists of.

Children: the task consists of a condition, a question, a solution and an answer.

(A table appears on the board.)

CONDITION (what is known in the problem).

QUESTION (what you need to find).

SOLUTION (what needs to be done,

to answer the question).

ANSWER (result from answer

to the question posed).

Educator: If the question contains the word "became", then what arithmetic sign should be put? ("+").

And if the question contains the word "left", then what arithmetic sign should be put? ("-").

How many numbers, at least, should be in the problem statement? (2).

Pay attention to the picture. Count how many birds are sitting on a branch? (8), how many birds fly? (2). Try to create a problem using this picture.

Children: 8 birds were sitting on a branch. Two more birds flew to them. How many birds are there on the branch?

Educator:- What is the condition of the problem? (8 birds were sitting on a branch. 2 more birds flew to them).

Name the question. (How many birds are there on the branch?).

Is this an addition or subtraction problem? (Addition).

-…, write it down on the board, and you guys put the solution on your desk. (8 + 2 =)

-… how many sticks should I take? (eight)

-… how many sticks to add to 8? (2)

How many sticks have become? (10)

What's the answer? (There are 10 birds on the branch).

Take a look at the following picture and create a problem.

Children: The girl had 9 balls. One balloon flew away. How many balls does the girl have left?

Educator:- What is the condition of the problem? (The girl had 9 balloons, one balloon flew away).

Name the question. (How many balls did the girl have left?).

Is this an addition or subtraction problem? (Subtraction).

You need to write down the solution to the problem.

Maxim, write it down on the board, and you guys put the solution on your desk. (9-1 =)

What is equal to we learn with the help of counting sticks.

Sveta, how many sticks should I take? (9)

Vanya, how many sticks should be set aside from 9? (one)

How many sticks are left? (eight)

Write down the answer and read the solution to the problem.

What's the answer? (The boy has 8 balls left).

Guys, we can see that the "addition" action leads to an increase in the number, and the "subtraction" action leads to a decrease in it.

Working with the second ten.

(Children stand in front of the flannelegraph in a semicircle).

Educator:- Guys, today we continue to learn to count to 20.

Sasha, put the numbers from 11 to 20. Read these numbers in order.

Sonya, count back from 20 to 11.

Misha, find the number 15 and show how many tens and units are in it. (the child traces tens and ones with a pointer).

One dozen, how many counting sticks are? (10 sticks).

Dasha, find the number 20 and tell us about it.

(2 tens and 0 units).

2 dozen, how many counting sticks are? (20 counting sticks).

Well done.

Now let's play the game "Find the mistake."

Guys, pay attention to the counting series. All numbers are in order. At my command, you close your eyes, and now open and find the error. Correct it.

(The child finds the mistake and corrects it. Now this child becomes the leader).

Educator:- Now quietly take your places.

In front of you is each card with two-digit numbers. Compare these numbers using arithmetic signs.

(Children complete the task).

(At the end, the children with the teacher check the correctness of the assignment according to the model. The sample is on the board). 17 = 17

Educator:- Well done, guys, coped with the task and helped Dunno.

And now Dunno has prepared a graphic dictation for you.

Here is a piece of paper in a cage and a simple pencil. Listen to the assignment. Step back 5 cells to the left, put a small dot, 3 cells on top, put a dot and start drawing:

1 - to the right

2 - to the right

1 - left

3 - to the right

1 - left

1 - up

1 - left

1 - to the right

2 - to the right

6 - to the left

1 - up

1 - left

1 - up

1 - to the right

12 - up

What happened? How did you guess it was a hare? (The hare has long ears and a small tail.)

Draw an eye to the bunny.

Educator: - Guys, now we are going to play bunnies. Put on your hats. (The teacher has masks on the table).

Educator:- There were guys, but now they are rabbits. Stand in a circle and speak with me.

To our kindergarten today

The bunnies galloped up.

Loved them very much

Girls and boys.

They invited them to dance

Amicably legs to expose,

Sit down to the right, sit down to the left

Then spin boldly.

And the hands of the guys

Like leaves rustling.

Educator:- Well done. Take off your hats. There were rabbits, there were children.

The result of the lesson.

Educator:- Guys, you have completed all the tasks, and thereby helped Dunno.

What new have we learned today?

What tasks did you perform with you? (children's answers)

Dunno thanks you for your help and gives you such a smiling sun.

Now show me what your mood is.

Me too good mood because you know a lot and are so great!




Final lesson on FEMP

with children 6-8 years old

"Save the City of Mathematics"

Developed by L.B. Taranova


2016 year


GCD for FEMP in the preparatory group

"Save the City of Mathematics"

Target: consolidation and generalization of the knowledge gained.



Continue teaching children to compose and solve simple addition and subtraction problems within 10;

Improve knowledge of geometric shapes and plane orientation;

Improve the ability to quickly navigate in space on a limited plane, using the words: front, back, left, right, top, bottom.

To fix: counting within 10 in forward and backward order, the ability to name the days of the week and the "neighbors" of the day and number;


Develop coherent speech;

Develop auditory attention and coordination of movements, logical thinking of children;


Foster a love of mathematics; a sense of camaraderie, a desire to help;

To foster activity, independence, initiative.

Materials: Letter (and parcel) of the Queen of Mathematics; model of the week (cards); counting sticks; visual material for solving arithmetic problems; ball; alphanumeric cards from 1 to 10; cardboard chips "smilies" in two colors, sweets.

Course of the lesson:

Children stand with a teacher and the teacher says:

"Guys, today we have a lot of guests ..."

The group includes the teacher of the neighboring group with an envelope in his hands and says: "You have a letter."

Educator: "Many thanks. Let's see…"

He examines the envelope and says in surprise: “Guys, this letter was sent to us by the Queen of Mathematics herself. Here, listen to what she writes. " Reads a letter. The envelope with the letter is decorated with numbers, signs, geometric shapes.

1. Letter from the Queen of Mathematics: “Hello, dear guys! The Queen of Mathematics is writing to you. I really need your help. The fact is that a poor student and a bully got into my mathematical kingdom. He did terrible things: he mixed up the days of the week, destroyed the geometric shapes in my city, he doesn't know the numbers at all. This poor student ruined figures from counting sticks, solved problems with errors!

Your friend the Queen of Mathematics. "

"Well, guys, can we help the Queen of Mathematics to put things in order in her mathematical city?"

Children: "Yes, yes, we will help!"

Educator: “But getting into this city is not at all easy, for this you need to pass a password. Remember, in order to cope with all difficulties, you must be smart, courageous, attentive and observant. But the most important thing is that we can only return if we cope with all the tasks. Well, haven't you changed your mind? Then let's go! "

Turning around, turning around - the Mathematicians found themselves near the city.

Passing password

Target: fix in children creative thinking and perception, the ability to perceive the task by ear, to count in the mind, to develop quick wits and speed of reaction.

Stroke: Children line up in a column and take turns answering the teacher's questions and choosing the desired number (on one side the number is the answer, on the other a letter):

1. How many ears do two cats have? (4)

2. How many days in a week? (7)

3. How many eyes does a traffic light have? (3)

4. How many fingers are on one hand? (5)

5. How many suns are there in the sky? (one)

6. How many paws do two dogs have? (eight)

7. How many fingers are there on two hands? (10)

8. How many days off are there in the week? (2)

9. How many ears do 3 mice have? (6)

10. Which number is greater than 8 but less than 10? (9)

Let's get up straight. How the numbers should stand. Let's say what your number is worth in the account.

Now, let's turn over our cards and read the password. (cards are laid out on the table. They read the word "mathematics")

Educator: “Well done, guys, you have successfully passed the password, and now we are with you in the city of mathematics. SLIDE 1 Come on in. (They enter the arch. There, from the modules of the house and near each of them a task is glued to the tape)

And here is the first task: the days of the week are confused, we need to build them one after another in the desired sequence. For this you need cards with numbers. "

Didactic games: "Live week", "Name your neighbors".

Target: to consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week, to compare each day of the week with a certain number; call the "neighbors" of the day.

Material: seven cardboard sheets of A5 size with a number.

Stroke: seven cards face up. Each digit corresponds to a day of the week:

Monday - 1,

Tuesday - 2,

Wednesday - 3,

Thursday - 4,

Friday - 5,

Saturday - 6,

Sunday - 7.

Children take one card at a time.

Educator addresses the children: "Week, build!"

Line up in the order shown.

Educator: "Name your day of the week!"

Call their day of the week.

Children who do not have enough cards take turns referring to the "week". For example: “Tuesday, stamp your foot! Name your neighbors (Monday, Wednesday); Friday clap your hands! Name your neighbors (Thursday, Saturday); Sunday, jump up! Name your neighbors (Saturday, Monday); Saturday wave your hand! Name your neighbors (Friday and Sunday)». (house number 1 opens)

Educator: "Well done boys. And now the task is at the next house.

Game task with counting sticks.(children sit at tables)

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about geometric shapes, to perceive the task by ear, to lay out figures from the counting sticks; see and name shapes.

Materials: counting sticks.

Stroke: the teacher gives the children a task:

1. Construct a shape with 3 corners and 3 sides (triangle).

2. Construct a shape with all sides equal (square).

3. Construct a shape with 2 sides long and 2 short sides (rectangle).

7. Construct a rhombus.

8. And now - the trapezoid.

12. Now draw a circle. (Children answer that it is impossible to make a circle out of sticks, i.e. the circle has no corners. There is a thread next to each child. Children make a circle of thread). On-screen verificationSLIDE 2 (House number 2 is shown)

Educator: “Well done, guys, you did a great job!

Task on the next house.

It's on an interactive whiteboard.

Task "Arrange the signs" SLIDE 3

Target: Recall and name mathematical signs

(House number 3 opens)


All the guys stood up together Straighten up.

And they walked on the spot. Walking in place.

Stretched on tiptoesRaise your hands up.

And now they bowed back.Bend back, armsput it behind your head.

We sat down like springs Sit down.

And they sat down quietly at once.

Educator: “Great, guys, you are all nimble and skillful! And now we have to solve the following tasks. "

Task on the next house.

Create and solve problems. SLIDE 4

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to compose the simplest arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction within 10, write down the solution in the form of examples, independently choosing the desired sign ("plus" or "minus").

Material: demonstration counting material on the screen and on tables.

Educator: Let's remember what the task consists of? (Condition, question and solution). The teacher shows the demo material and sets the topic. Children independently compose a problem and explain why it is worth "plus" or "minus".

After completing the task, number 4 appears

Children independently compose problem solutions from numbers and signs and explain why they put "plus" or "minus".

Next task№ 5 There is a number in this house (the children call it), but the tenants cannot get home. They have lost some item. Now we will try to draw this object. Let's do a graphic dictation.Task "Graphic dictation"

Educator: You did an excellent job with all the tasks.

(key appears) SLIDE 5

Now let's name the number of the apartment next door.(Assignment on the interactive whiteboard. Slide 6,7.8.9)

Now let's check who of you is the most clever and attentive. "

Game "What, where?"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to navigate in space, to distinguish between the right and left sides, to use words and prepositions (right, left, in front, behind; over, under, between); develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

Material: ball.

Stroke: the game takes place in a circle with a ball. The teacher takes the ball, throws it to one of the children and asks: "What's on your right?" The child catches the ball, answers the question and becomes the leader.

Questions to the children: “What's over your head? Who is ahead of you? What's behind you? Who is on your left? Who is on your right? " etc. The game is played at a fast pace.

Educator: All mathematical adventures are over. Guys, now tell me, was it very difficult for you? Let's evaluate ourselves. If you think it was easy for you to complete the tasks. Then take a red smiley if you think that while completing some tasks you had slight difficulties - a green smiley.

Children: "It's not difficult at all, but even interesting!"

Educator: " Guys, thanks to the knowledge gained in kindergarten, you helped a math country and its inhabitants. Soon you will go to school and learn many more interesting things there.

Children pay attention to the arrow on the floor.

Educator: And what are the arrows for? (what to show the way) Let's go in the direction that the arrow is pointing. (there children find sweet prizes)

Now they spun around and everyone found themselves in the garden.

« Hello dear guys! The Queen of Mathematics is writing to you. I really need your help. The fact is that a poor student and a bully got into my mathematical kingdom. He did terrible things: he mixed up the days of the week, destroyed the geometric shapes in my city, he doesn't know the numbers at all. This poor student ruined figures from counting sticks, solved problems with errors!

Everything went wrong in one of the mathematical cities! The inhabitants of this city are terribly frightened, and there is no one to help us.

Dear guys, if you are brave, quick-witted, attentive and not afraid of difficulties, hurry to help us! The math city is in danger.

Your friend the Queen of Mathematics. "