
State programs to support orphans and children left without parental care. On the approval of the municipal target program "Children - orphans Presidential program for orphans


A child cannot fully develop without the individual attention and support of an adult who is sincerely interested in him. The "Being Near" project helps children who find themselves in difficult situation who are in hospitals and boarding schools: volunteers support children, care for them, become older friends and mentors, prepare together for graduation from the orphanage.

Project "To be near"- it:
  • more than 200 volunteers who regularly provide assistance to pupils and graduates of boarding schools,
  • 20 hospitals and orphanages in Moscow, the Moscow region and nearby regions,
  • coordinators and psychologists who organize the work of volunteers in these institutions.

Main areas of work:

Volunteer care

As a rule, orphans are referred to a hospital even in situations where outpatient treatment is possible. Sometimes the hospital becomes an intermediate stage between the family and the orphanage.
Once in an unfamiliar place, the child is in a state of stress and needs support and attention, which the medical staff is not able to provide. Volunteers help ensure the care, care and development of children during their stay in hospitals.

Volunteers can:
- make up for the lack of communication, show attention, respond to the needs of the child,
- to provide care and attention,
- bring variety and positive emotions to hospital life,
- study child development,
- be an example of a humane attitude towards children for hospital staff,
- notice the symptoms and needs of the child and, if necessary, inform the staff.

Participation format: regular visits (1-2 times a week) to children in hospitals, accompaniment to medical procedures, examinations, walks, assistance in hygiene procedures and feeding.

Institutions where the Volunteer Care project operates:
Morozov Children's Clinical Hospital,
Moscow Regional Psychoneurological Hospital for Children with CNS and Mental Disorders in Khovrino,
DGKB im. PER. Bashlyaeva,
Children's Clinical Hospital No. 6,
Central Moscow Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital,
Children's Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after G.N. Speransky.

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The collective living environment does not contribute to the development of children: they have experienced many traumas and are in an artificially created environment where no one is interested in an individual child as a person. Only individual attention and support from an adult can induce in a child a desire to learn and develop, to consciously choose a profession and realize himself after leaving the boarding school. And for children with disabilities and developmental disabilities who are forced to spend their whole lives within the walls of institutions, such an adult becomes the only guide to the big world. Volunteers of the project help in the social adaptation of older orphans school age and preparation for graduation from the institution.
What does a mentor do:
- visiting a child
- organizing events, including professional courses,
- follows the work plan developed jointly with the fund's psychologist,
- attends seminars and supervisions (support groups),
- maintains contact with the project coordinator and psychologist.

Participation format:
- individual communication in the format "one volunteer - one child" (1 time per week).
- group trips to institutions (1-2 times a month).

Institutions where mentors work:
"Social and rehabilitation" center for minors of the Dubensky district" (GUSON TO SRTSN of the Dubensky district),
"Social rehabilitation center for minors No. 4" (Shchekino),
GKSOU VO "Special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type of the city of Kirzhach",
State Treasury educational institution Moscow region for orphans and children left without parental care, "Transfiguration", Yegoryevsk,
MSOU Zaprudny special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type,
"Young Guard", municipal educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, orphanage, Vnukovo village,
TsSSV "Petrovsky Park",
TsSSV "Central",
TsSSV "Juno",
TsSSV "Sokolenok".

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Socialization of CSSV graduates living in PNI

Residents of boarding schools who are 18 years old and who are unable to live independently due to developmental characteristics are transferred to psycho-neurological boarding schools - this is where they are destined to spend the rest of their lives. According to some data, in Russia today about 300 thousand people with mental disabilities live in PNI. For most guys, this is life in captivity. Some for a long time or never leave the walls of the building, do not go to the city because of the lack of escort or because of the excessive caution of the boarding school administration. As part of the project, volunteers help young people live life to the fullest as possible.

What volunteers do:
- help graduates in mastering the skills necessary for safe movement in an urban environment and independent solution of everyday problems,
- provide psychological and, if necessary, legal support,
- organize leisure activities in PNI and beyond, accompany on trips.

Participation format: individual communication in the format "one volunteer - one pupil" (1 time per week), group trips to institutions (1-2 times a month).

Institutions in which the project operates:
Psychoneurological boarding school №16

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Distance education

A child who has experienced the loss of a family needs much more patience, support and individual attention from teachers than children who initially grew up in a family. Often, at school, teachers simply do not have enough strength for additional attention to a “difficult” child. Such children are constantly on the verge of exclusion from educational institutions. The "Distance Education" project helps pupils of boarding schools in their studies, preparing for exams and entering colleges and universities.
Format: teachers work with children in school subjects, following an individual curriculum. Lessons are held via Skype, which allows you to cover not only the institutions of Moscow and the Moscow region, but also other regions of Russia.
The new target group of the project in 2017 was children from families in difficult life situations. When government services and the school have claims against parents, and children do not do well at school, the project's help becomes the only way reduce the risk of a child getting into a correctional boarding school.

Institutions where "Distance Education" operates:
14 orphanages and boarding schools in Moscow, Tula, Kirov and Saratov regions.

The project "Distance Education" was developed jointly with the Center for Equal Opportunities "Up".

To learn more

Have reached the age of 18 to participate in volunteer care in hospitals and 27 years of age to participate in the mentoring program in orphanages.
You live in Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions.
Understand the role and responsibility of your participation in the life of the child.

Fill out the questionnaire and find out information about the recruitment to the project, as well as what you need to do to join the team (in the section

The purpose of the federal program "Children of Russia" is to create conditions for the normal development and life of children, to ensure their social protection during the period of fundamental socio-economic transformations and reforms.
The federal program "Children of Russia" includes federal targeted programs "The State Program for the Development of the Industry baby food in the RSFSR for 1991 - 1995"<*>, "Children of Chernobyl"<**>, "Family Planning", "Disabled Children", "Orphans", "Children of the North".

<*>Approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of January 31, 1991 N 70.
<**>Approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of April 27, 1991 N 1113-1. The program has been finalized due to the increase in the number of regions classified as territories subjected to radioactive contamination.

The State Program for the Development of the Baby Food Industry in the RSFSR for 1991-1995 is aimed at solving a set of tasks, including providing the industry with high-quality raw materials through the creation of specialized zones for growing fodder crops, vegetables, fruits and fruits, as well as for the production of meat and milk with guaranteed low content of pesticides, salts of heavy metals and pesticides; development of the material and technical base of the industry, technical re-equipment, reconstruction, expansion and construction of new enterprises producing baby food and necessary components; ensuring the biological needs of children early age in special and medicinal food products according to established standards; meeting the needs of the production of baby food in modern types of containers and packaging materials that ensure the safety of products, the necessary dosage and transportation; improving the system for selling products for young children and solving a number of other tasks.
The program "Children of Chernobyl" is aimed at reducing the impact on children of adverse factors of the Chernobyl disaster. It includes a set of measures to improve the quality of life, medical, psychological and rehabilitation assistance to children and women living in territories exposed to radioactive impact; to ensure the legal and social protection of children, pregnant women and nursing mothers; strengthening the material and technical base of children's medical and preventive, school and preschool institutions.
The "Family Planning" program is focused on creating a system that provides the population with knowledge of family planning issues; development of new approaches to teaching adolescents and their parents on issues of sexual and reproductive behavior, ethics of family and marriage relations; strengthening the responsibility of families and schools for the sexual education of adolescents; organizing a service with professionally trained personnel on family planning and providing it with modern equipment, contraceptives in the right amount and assortment; activation of scientific research on the problem of family planning, taking into account regional and national characteristics.
The program "Children with Disabilities" is aimed at forming the foundations for a comprehensive solution to the problems of children with disabilities and the families in which they are brought up, creating conditions for an independent life for this part of the population, solving medical, social, socio-economic and moral problems of children with disabilities and their families. parents, issues of preventing childhood disability, creating a system for the rehabilitation of such children, organizing the development and production of products necessary for normal life and adaptation in society.
The program "Orphans" includes a set of measures to create the most favorable conditions for preparing children who have lost parental care for independent living in the current socio-economic environment: preventing the causes of social orphanhood, developing forms of placement for orphans and children left without care parents; social and economic provision of orphans brought up in boarding schools, development of the personnel and material base of these institutions, improvement of medical support for orphans and children left without parental care.
The program "Children of the North" is aimed at ensuring the protection of the interests of children living in the North, primarily children of indigenous peoples, creating conditions for achieving a normal standard of living and providing them with equal starting opportunities, meeting their needs in physical, mental and social development during the entire period of socialization.



2 Rationale for the development As evidenced by world practice, in the context of the economic crisis and the deterioration of the living standards of the population, social orphanhood is growing, which results in an increase in the number of children left without parental care. According to the State Statistics Committee, there are more than 500,000 orphans and children deprived of parental care in the country, and the bulk are not orphans, but children whose parents have refused to raise them or are deprived of parental care. parental rights. The main reasons contributing to the widespread social orphanhood are the social disorganization of families, the material and housing difficulties of parents, unhealthy relationships between them, the weakness of the moral foundations of many families, the increase in the number of children born out of wedlock, and the high proportion of unmarried mothers. V last years state policy in relation to orphans and children deprived of parental care is aimed primarily at improving their material support, upbringing and education, strengthening the material base of boarding-type children's institutions. Additional opportunities to create the necessary conditions for development and education, reliable protection of the interests of such children is opened by a Government decree Russian Federation dated June 20, 1992 409 "On urgent measures for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care". At the same time, there is a whole range of problems that have not yet received their solution. This is an outdated organizational structure of modern boarding schools; serious shortcomings in the professional training and employment of orphans; undeveloped scientific and methodological foundations for their social and labor adaptation; underdevelopment of psychological and pedagogical services to help families with children; serious gaps in the regulatory framework for the protection and protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care.

3 2. All this testifies to the need to adopt a program that allows for the comprehensive implementation at the federal level of measures to ensure the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care, their normal life education, development, quality training and employment. Goals and Objectives of the Federal Target Program The goals of the federal target program "Orphans" are to create the most favorable conditions for preparing children who have lost parental care for an independent life in modern society, their painless adaptation to the social environment. The main objectives of the program are: creating conditions for the prevention of social orphanhood and the formation of a system of differentiated assistance to families with children in need of additional social support, including the creation of comprehensive counseling centers, shelters, etc.; improvement of the system of socialization of orphans and children left without parental care, development of family forms of placement of these children, as well as a network of regional psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (diagnostic centers), creation of jobs for orphans and children left without care. parents with mental and physical development; creation of a scientific and methodological basis for the social protection of childhood, the development of new approaches to organizing the life of orphans in orphanages and boarding schools, improving existing and creating new models and types of orphanages and boarding schools;

4 3. Improving the recruitment system in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, improving the training of specialists to work in these institutions; expansion of legal guarantees for minors, protection of property, housing and other interests of orphans and children left without parental care. State customer The state customer of the federal target program "Orphans" is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Financial and logistical support for the implementation of the Federal Target Program The total costs in years for the implementation of the federal target program will amount to 1.3 billion rubles. Estimated costs will amount to 0.333 billion rubles, including the creation of counseling centers, psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, organization of recreation and treatment - 0.244 billion rubles; for the creation of a regulatory and methodological framework on topical issues of social and labor adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care, organizing their life in state children's institutions (orphanages, boarding schools, etc.) 0.89 billion rubles. Expected final results The implementation of the measures envisaged by the federal target program will improve the physical and mental health orphans and children left without parental care; the quality of their education, upbringing in boarding schools, socialization; will help the full integration into society of this category of children.

5 4. MEASURES of the federal target program "Orphans" ~ 1. Prevention of social orphanhood Form a system of differentiated assistance to families with children in need of additional social support: a) create experimental territorial centers for power to families with children (6 centers) authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation b) create institutions (shelters, centers) for the temporary stay of mothers (including minors) with children who find themselves in difficult social and living conditions Ensure the development of preschool institutions with a flexible work schedule and the priority right to place children from families in need of additional social support in them family relations and parental responsibility years of power of the subjects of the Federation. authorities of the subjects of the Federation

6 5. b v Hi! P. Improving the system of socialization of orphans and children left without parental care Form federal and regional data banks on orphans and children left without parental care Provide conditions for adequate placement of children: a) create federal and regional psychological and medical pedagogical years consultations with diagnostic hospitals with them "" 0! and p h: >;., and ?? b) develop family forms of placement of orphans and "children left without parental care (adoption, guardianship, guardianship, foster families) Russian Academy of Education authorities of the subjects of the Federation authorities of the subjects of the Federation local administration bodies

7 6. Reduce the occupancy of groups: for children under the age of 4 (in orphanages) - up to 6 people (by providing targeted funding for additional staff of group staff) for children aged 4 and older (in institutions for orphans of children left without parental care) - no more than 10 people and years Revise the workload and length of time for a number of specialists in child care homes of the Ministry of Labor Provide boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, with the necessary physiotherapy equipment and medical equipment authorities of the subjects of the Federation local authorities administration To organize the treatment of orphans in the sanatorium of the Russian Children's Fund (Yevpatoria) "Brigantina" years Create production sites, workshops in the criminal code and enterprises various forms property for the employment of persons from among orphans and children left without parental care authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation local administration authorities

8 7. Take measures to improve the system of providing housing for orphans and children left without parental care (securing living space previously owned by parents, or shares in privatized housing, preferential terms for purchasing municipal housing, providing preferential loans, etc. ) years Ministry of Justice local administration bodies Scientific and methodological support Develop psychological, medical, pedagogical and legal recommendations for choosing an adequate system for the placement of children left without parental care Develop a standard of conditions necessary for the maintenance of orphans AIVD "L and children left without parental care Develop new sanitary rules and norms for the arrangement, maintenance, organization of the diet in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care Ministry of Justice Russian Academy of Education Gossanepidnadzor

9 8. Develop projects for specialized orphanages with a medical and health block for a comprehensive rehabilitation treatment Develop methodological recommendations on a comprehensive system of hardening and improving the functionality of pupils of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, as the basis for the prevention of deviations in health Develop hygiene recommendations for the prevention of borderline neuropsychic abnormalities in children brought up in educational institutions Develop principles and methods of psychological and pedagogical examination of the organization of the life of children in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care Create a set of methodological block packages, recommendations for organizing the life of children, conducting correctional and developmental work with children different ages in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, in order to gradually develop vital conditions and skills family life years 1994 Ministry of Construction Gossanepidnadzor Russian Academy of Education

10 9. Conduct research and develop scientific and methodological foundations for the social and labor adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care Develop software and methodological support for training specialists for state and non-state institutions for orphans and children left without parental care Russian Academy of Education of the Ministry of Science To develop on a new basis programs for preschool education orphans with developmental disabilities in boarding schools Create unified training programs for orphans with developmental disabilities living in boarding schools Develop and introduce state licensing for the right to raise children left without parental care Create a system for the selection and training of foster parents, adoptive parents, guardians (trustees)

11 10. Organize a system of assistance and training for foster parents on the maintenance and development of children Ministry of Education Introduce a contract-competitive basis for employment in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care Organize higher professional education in ten educational institutions training to work with children in need additional help and support: social work specialists, educators, practical psychologists, defectologists, child protection inspectors Organize annual all-Russian seminars for employees (specialists) in child protection on social protection of orphans and children left without parental care years Ministry of Internal Affairs U. Regulatory ensuring social and legal protection of orphans and children left without parental care Analyze the legislative acts of the Russian Federation concerning the protection of the rights of minors left without parents, in terms of their compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child

12 11. Prepare proposals to supplement and amend the current legislation in terms of increasing the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children, assigning and changing the names of minors deprived of parental care Develop regulations, recommendations, instructions aimed at realizing the rights of orphans and children left without parental care Ministry of Internal Affairs Develop legal and regulatory support for the creation and operation of non-state institutions for orphans and children left without parental care -orphans and children left without parental care years Ministry of Health

13 12. W1. Information support for the social and legal protection of orphans and children left without parental care Organize the publication of an information bulletin of legislative acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents on the social and legal protection of the family and childhood childhood", "For young parents", "To help foster families", "To help large families", "To you, graduate" Ministry of Information Press Ministry of Education Ministry of Finance ma- Organize the annual publication of reference and information materials on organizational and pedagogical innovations Ministry of Education Organize coverage of the implementation of the federal target program "Orphans" in the media

REGIONAL SUB-PROGRAM "Social protection of children requiring special protection of the state" For 213-215. PASSPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL TARGET SUBPROGRAM "Social protection of children requiring special protection of the state"

Legal Framework social work with children left without parental care In accordance with the requirements of international law, a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family

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П\п Title of section Content of section 1 Title 2 Essence 155 "Organization of the system of guardianship and guardianship" Development of a unified integrated system of guardianship and guardianship, prevention of social orphanhood,

1. General Provisions. 1.1. This provision has been developed for MBDOU " Kindergarten 32 "Nightingale" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) on the basis of the Model Regulations on the public inspector for child protection in the Russian Federation dated 11/14/1989

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Passport of the district target "Social protection of children requiring special protection of the state, for 2-22 years." Name Customer Basis for development Main developers Goals and objectives Deadlines

2.1.1. On the participation of the Commissioner in the protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care. The number of children first identified and registered in 2015 amounted to 976 people, of which: 56 -

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.:. c;f.ef_la 7 6 7 ;j,c". ~ /1"/ - RUSSIAN FEDERATION Kaliningrad region Administration of the municipal formation "Svetlogorsk district" g;;.:;;-;.~~: :. - "":. ! 1 G".s,. ~ 1"=""..... -..

REGULATIONS on guardianship and trusteeship 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation in accordance with Articles 31-35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 13 of Part 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law

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I. General provisions. 1.1. This Regulation governs the activities of the advisory center of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution 135 Lipetsk for work with families, children

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1. General Provisions Post-orphanage support is a process of professional interaction of specialists of various profiles with orphans and children left without parental care and their social

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I. General provisions. 1.1. This Regulation on the consultation point regulates the activities of the consultation point of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution 118 of Lipetsk


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Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region P I K A Z _26 January 2012 33 Voronezh

The legal framework for the education of children with disabilities International: 1. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. 2. "Declaration

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1. General provisions 1.1. This provision has been developed for the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Sun "(hereinafter referred to as the Institution), in accordance with the Federal Law


Rationale for development

Improving the situation of children in the Russian Federation, creating favorable conditions for their life, learning and development is a key goal of national development.

At the beginning of 1994, the number of children in the Russian Federation was 39.4 million, or 26.5 per cent of the total population of the Russian Federation. In the context of the socio-economic crisis, the problems of children in Russia have reached the utmost acuteness and their immediate solution has become vital. Unfavorable tendencies in demographic processes and the state of children's health are growing. Infant mortality remains extremely high, and child morbidity and disability are on the rise. The nutrition of most children has deteriorated, their access to out-of-school education, culture, and good rest has been limited. Child neglect, crime, and drug addiction are on the rise. The problem of social orphanhood has been exacerbated, most of today's orphans are children abandoned by their parents.

The priority of the interests and welfare of children in all spheres of the life of the state is enshrined in conventions on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1989, the obligation to fulfill which was assumed by the Russian Federation.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 1992 N 543 "On priority measures for the implementation of the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 90s" the problem of the survival, protection and development of children is recognized as a priority at the federal and regional levels, in in particular, in the formation of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, the distribution of material and financial resources, the organization and development of production, the investment of socio-economic programs. In accordance with this Decree, the Government of the Russian Federation developed the federal program "Children of Russia".

Purpose and content of the federal program

The purpose of the federal program "Children of Russia" is to create conditions for the normal development and life of children, to ensure their social protection during the period of fundamental socio-economic transformations and reforms.

The structure of the federal program "Children of Russia" includes federal target programs "State Program for the Development of the Baby Food Industry in the RSFSR for 1991-1995"<*>, "Children of Chernobyl"<**>, "Family Planning", "Disabled Children", "Orphans", "Children of the North".

<**>Approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of April 27, 1991 N 1113-1. The program has been finalized due to the increase in the number of regions classified as territories subjected to radioactive contamination.

The State Program for the Development of the Baby Food Industry in the RSFSR for 1991-1995 is aimed at solving a set of tasks, including providing the industry with high-quality raw materials through the creation of specialized zones for growing fodder crops, vegetables, fruits and fruits, as well as for the production of meat and milk with guaranteed low content of pesticides, salts of heavy metals and pesticides; development of the material and technical base of the industry, technical re-equipment, reconstruction, expansion and construction of new enterprises producing baby food and necessary components; ensuring the biological needs of young children in special and medicinal foods according to established standards; meeting the needs of the production of baby food in modern types of containers and packaging materials that ensure the safety of products, the necessary dosage and transportation; improving the system for selling products for young children and solving a number of other tasks.

The program "Children of Chernobyl" is aimed at reducing the impact on children of adverse factors of the Chernobyl disaster. It includes a set of measures to improve the quality of life, medical, psychological and rehabilitation assistance to children and women living in territories exposed to radioactive impact; to ensure the legal and social protection of children, pregnant women and nursing mothers; strengthening the material and technical base of children's medical and preventive, school and preschool institutions.

The "Family Planning" program is focused on creating a system that provides the population with knowledge of family planning issues; development of new approaches to teaching adolescents and their parents on issues of sexual and reproductive behavior, ethics of family and marriage relations; strengthening the responsibility of families and schools for the sexual education of adolescents; organizing a service with professionally trained personnel on family planning and providing it with modern equipment, contraceptives in the right amount and assortment; activation of scientific research on the problem of family planning, taking into account regional and national characteristics.

The program "Children with Disabilities" is aimed at forming the foundations for a comprehensive solution to the problems of children with disabilities and the families in which they are brought up, creating conditions for an independent life for this part of the population, solving medical, social, socio-economic and moral problems of children with disabilities and their families. parents, issues of preventing childhood disability, creating a system for the rehabilitation of such children, organizing the development and production of products necessary for normal life and adaptation in society.

The program "Orphans" includes a set of measures to create the most favorable conditions for preparing children who have lost parental care for independent living in the current socio-economic environment: preventing the causes of social orphanhood, developing forms of placement for orphans and children left without care parents; social and economic provision of orphans brought up in boarding schools, development of the personnel and material base of these institutions, improvement of medical support for orphans and children left without parental care.

The program "Children of the North" is aimed at protecting the interests of children living in the North, primarily children of indigenous peoples, creating conditions for achieving a normal standard of living and providing them with equal starting opportunities, meeting their needs for physical, mental and social development during throughout the period of socialization.

Financial support of the federal program "Children of Russia"

The total costs from the republican budget of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the federal program "Children of Russia" in 1993-1995 are estimated at 301.206 billion rubles (in prices as of January 1, 1993).

In 1993, 24.478 billion rubles were allocated, including under the following programs:

In accordance with federal law dated July 1, 1994 N 9-FZ"On the federal budget for 1994" to finance targeted programs included in the federal program "Children of Russia", it is planned to allocate 178,179.6 million rubles, including:

One of the sources of financing for the implementation of the federal program "Children of Russia" may also be funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

It is supposed to attract funds from Russian and foreign non-governmental organizations, commercial structures, individuals participating in the implementation of federal targeted programs on a voluntary basis.

Mechanism for the implementation of the federal program "Children of Russia"

The coordination of work on the implementation of the federal program "Children of Russia" is carried out by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation.

Ministries and departments - state customers of federal targeted programs - create working groups from among the heads of departments of various ministries and departments, public organizations that are also program executors to coordinate work on their implementation.

Expected end results

The implementation of the federal program "Children of Russia" will improve the protection of children's health, reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, child disability, create conditions for the integration into society of children with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care, provide for young children good nutrition, reducing the impact on children, pregnant women and nursing mothers of the adverse factors of the Chernobyl disaster, will contribute to the implementation in Russia of the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 90s.