
Bows for May 9 from satin ribbons. We tie the St.George ribbon beautifully. Photo of the originally tied St.George ribbons


In this master class, we will make kanzashi jewelry for the St.George ribbon. For work, you can use more thin ribbons or fabric, but it is more comfortable to try and train on wide satin ribbons Oh.

To connect the parts, we will use hot glue (you can sew or use glue moment).

Option 1: Simple round kanzashi petal.

1. Cut squares from an orange satin ribbon. We will make 7-8 round petals out of them.

2. Fold the square diagonally.

3. Then we bend the corners of the triangle to the top as shown in the photo.

4. It is more convenient (for a beginner) to do it in turn.

5. First, weld one side over the fire.

6. And then the second is similar.

7. This is how it should turn out.

8. Fold the resulting part in half, that is, with the corners back.

9. Cut off the corners.

10.Solder the bottom cuts separately.

Front and back view of the petal ...

We make the required number of petals. For a flower you need 7-8 pieces. You can fold it the way I did it, or you can do it in any other way. I fix it with a hot glue gun.

We fix it with hot glue on a small circle of dense black felt so that the flower does not bend in the center, we attach any suitable decoration to the middle.

We fix it on the St.George ribbon and fix the brooch base with hot glue.

Option 2: double round kanzashi petal.

In addition, you will need: sharp scissors, a candle, a small piece of black felt, a brooch base, an ornament for the middle and a St. George's ribbon.

We use hot glue to connect the parts (you can sew or use glue moment).

2. Fold them diagonally and lay them on top of each other as shown in the photo. For convenience, you can use a needle.

3. Bend the side corners to the lower corner (shown by arrows). It is more convenient to take turns.

4. First one.

5. We seal the seam on the candle.

6. Then the second is similar.

I seal the seams, it seems more convenient to me. If you only solder the corners, then pre-process the edges of the squares on the candle.

7. Fold the resulting part in half, that is, with the corners back. You can solder the base of the petal on the candle a little.

8. Cut off the corners.

9. Solder the lower cuts separately.

Front and back view of the petal ...

If you solder the lower cuts together, you get a different version of the petal, but, in my opinion, no less interesting.

We connect 7 petals together on a small circle of felt, decorate the middle.

We fasten the St. George ribbon and the brooch base ...

Option 3: A simple, sharp kanzashi petal.

Materials: satin ribbon 4-5 cm wide.

1. Cut the squares from the satin ribbon. Let's start making sharp petals.

2. Fold the square diagonally.

3. Let's add it up again.

4. Connect the corners again.

5. Weld the base of the petal well.

6. Cut off the corner.

7. We process the slice on fire.

Front and back view of the petal ...

In a similar way, we make the required number of petals of the desired color.

Option 4: Double sharp kanzashi petal.

Materials: satin ribbon 4-5 cm wide in two colors.

Additionally you will need: sharp scissors, a candle, a base brooch, any jewelry and a St. George ribbon.

1. Cut off two squares of different colors from the satin ribbon.

2. Fold them diagonally and lay them on top of each other as shown in the photo.

3. Draw each corner in turn to the opposite corner of the resulting figure.

4. Here's what you should get.

5. Fold to the middle and weld the base of the petal well so that it does not disintegrate.

6.Cut off the corner.

7. We process the slice on fire.

This is what the finished double petal looks like.

We make the required number of petals. Can be folded "spikelet" or in any other way. I fix it with a hot glue gun.

We fix it on the St.George ribbon and fasten the brooch base.

Option 5: Triple sharp kanzashi petal.

The triple kanzashi petal can be made in two ways: combine single and double petals, or solder each petal to the previous one in turn. In the second case, the petal will be smoother.

Or each petal separately ...

We make the required number of petals, sew or assemble with hot glue ...

An original decoration for clothes for you or as a gift for Victory Day for family and friends is ready!

Create with pleasure!

I was glad to help!

For the first time, the St. George ribbon to encourage the courage and bravery of soldiers was established by Catherine II during the Russian-Turkish war. Many years have passed since then, and more than one war has passed, but the St. George ribbon is still a symbol of courage, courage and fortitude. And today this insignia has another, no less important symbolism - a manifestation of deep respect and gratitude to all those who made the victory over fascism a reality. But, like any other symbolic sign, the St. George ribbon must be worn correctly. In our today's article, we will tell you how to tie a St.George ribbon correctly and beautifully.

How to wear a St. George ribbon on May 9?

There are several options for how to wear a St. George ribbon on Victory Day. The first and easiest way is to fold the ribbon in half and make a loop. You can also attach the tape to outerwear by folding it in the form of the Latin letter V, which symbolizes victory. You can also wear a zipper-shaped ribbon to make it look like an upside-down I. Other simple and effective ways of tying the St.George ribbon on May 9 are waiting for you next.

How to tie a St. George ribbon correctly - step by step instructions

This is a very simple method, for which you need a ribbon itself and a regular safety pin. If desired, instead of a pin, a ribbon tied with this method can be sewn to outerwear.

Necessary materials:

  • St. George Ribbon
  • pin

Step-by-step instructions on how to tie the St.George ribbon correctly:

  1. Lay the tape horizontally on a flat surface.
  2. With the fingers of our right hand we fix the middle, and with our left hand we take the right edge of the tape.
  3. We fix the edge with our fingers approximately in the middle of the tape.
  4. We hold the edge and take the opposite one.
  5. We start it in the middle of the tape.
  6. Overlap the first end of the ribbon and straighten the middle a little to make a small bow. We fix the edges of the ribbon with a pin.

Diy ribbon brooch from St.George ribbon by May 9, master class with photo

The next method will require a little creativity and a little time from you. But on the other hand, your St.George ribbon, or rather, a real brooch in the form of a five-pointed star, will surely attract admiring glances from others.

Required materials for a brooch from a St. George ribbon:

  • rep tape (width 2.5 cm, length 1 m)
  • scissors
  • glue gun
  • brooch (clasp)
  • felt base (circle with a diameter of 6 cm)
  • decor for the middle (button, bead, pearl)
  • tweezers
  • candle

Step-by-step instructions for making a brooch from a St. George ribbon:

  1. Cut a piece 11 cm long from the tape. Fold it in half and form a small loop on top.
  2. We clamp the workpiece with tweezers at the base, cut off the uneven edges.
  3. We burn the edges of the workpiece over an open candle fire.
  4. For a brooch, we need 5 such blanks.
  5. We form a star from the blanks. We glue them together.

  6. Glue the decor to the middle of the star.
  7. Cut off another piece about 10-15 cm long from the tape. Fold it in half and cut off the ends.
  8. We fix the resulting tail with glue. We also glue a felt base with a fastener to it.

  9. Finally, glue the star and tail together. Our original brooch from the St. George ribbon is ready!

How to tie a bow from a St. George ribbon with your own hands - step by step instructions

The bow is one of the most popular forms for wearing the St. George ribbon on Victory Day. Therefore, in addition to the first method described above, we suggest that you master another variation of a simple bow.

Required materials for the bow:

  • St. George Ribbon
  • thread or elastic

Step-by-step instructions on how to tie a bow from a St.George ribbon:

More more ideas and ways to tie the St.George ribbon on May 9 can be seen in the video tutorial below.

May 9 is one of the happiest and most joyful days for our compatriots. Indeed, on this day, our country got rid of the fascist power, defeated Germany and returned to space Soviet Union such a long-awaited peace and quiet. The symbol of victory is the St. George ribbon, putting on which we express our gratitude and respect to those people who defended our country many years ago. The St. George ribbon is not just a piece of fabric, it is a symbol of victory, which must also be worn appropriately. After all, she expresses in herself the whole range of experienced emotions and memories. It is customary to tie it on Victory Day, symbolizing recognition and love for the homeland. Here are ten ways beautiful knitting St. George's ribbon for clothing or accessories.

A loop

The traditional option is to tie the ribbon in a loop. This method is not only the most widespread and easy, but also has its own history. It is believed that the loop is one of the parts of the infinity sign. That is, the loop symbolizes that the hostilities have ended, and a peaceful sky has again appeared over the country. The tying scheme in this way is very simple. It is enough to take the tape and fold it into a loop. The middle can be stabbed with a pin or brooch.


The St. George ribbon tied with a bow looks very original. To do this, it is necessary to lay out the tape horizontally, take both ends and cross them in the middle of the matter. In this case, the ends of the ribbon should be directed towards the bottom slightly obliquely. In order for the ribbon to look like a bow, you need to tie it in the middle between the two ends. This can be done using regular threads or even a thin rubber band.

Check mark

Another very popular tying method is the checkmark. It fits perfectly well with any clothes and looks quite simple and discreet. The scheme of its manufacture consists in bending the tape in the middle. In this case, the ends of the matter should be different lengths... Outwardly, it resembles the letter "L", but only with ends of different lengths. The left edge should be lower than the right edge.


The zigzag method is not always practical, but it has its advantages due to its unusualness. In order to tie the ribbon in this way, it is necessary to fold the ribbon in three, then lay down to stretch its ends to the sides. In appearance, it resembles the English letter "N" in the slope.

Sophisticated bow

A complex bow can be knitted from several St.George ribbons. To make it, you will need 3 ribbons: 2 identical and one smaller.

Making a bow in stages includes:

  1. On one of the long ribbons, you need to cut the corners. So that they do not get cut, they can be treated with fire using a lighter or matches.
  2. Fold the second tape of the same length in a circle-like shape. The edges must be connected by overlapping one another.
  3. Wrap the middle of the tape so that you get two segments of the same size.
  4. Wrap the joint with a smaller piece of fabric.
  5. From the tape, from which the corners were cut, make a loop, but without the inner space.
  6. Attach to the top base of the product at the back.

Little man

Another of the most difficult tying methods is the image of a man. It is impossible to fully display this in detail, but if you look from a distance, the product really resembles a human figure.

Manufacturing scheme in stages:

  1. You will need 3 ribbons: two identical and one shorter.
  2. The longer one must be folded in a circle and the edges connected at the bottom.
  3. Flatten the sides so that you get an eight. Secure the joint with a pin.
  4. Shrink the ribbon vertically. As a result, you should get a double bow. Fasten the joint and remove the pin. This is best done with a needle and thread.
  5. Wrap the joint with a short piece of material.
  6. From the second long tape, make a loop without inner space.
  7. Attach the resulting bank to it in the middle.

Video instruction on how to tie a St.George ribbon beautifully


The St. George ribbon folded with a flower looks very elegant. To make it, it is necessary to fold the tape in the form of a figure eight, while fastening the edge of the joints or tying it with a smaller tape. It turns out a flower. Next, you need to take two short black ribbons and fold each in a circle, and then press in the middle so that the edges are the same. These ribbons will serve as flower petals. Folds them obliquely, you get a cross "X". We spread our flower on it and fix it with a thread. In order for a ribbon tied with a flower to look more beautiful in the center, you can attach some kind of stone or sew on rhinestones or beads.


Another very in an original way is a "tie", but in this case the ribbon will need to be long enough, since the pattern of tying it is completely identical to the tie.


Simple but tasteful "butterfly" will look. To make it, you need to make a knot on the tape, but not too tight. Cut the edges of the tape to form one of the parts of the rhombus.

Elegant bow

A very elegant bow can be made from the St.George ribbon. It is necessary to take the tape at least 40 cm in length and put it on the table unfolded in a horizontal position. Fold the tape in a zigzag in relation to the lower base, with each level retreating a few cm. As a result, you should get 3-4 layers. Fasten the middle of the seam and close it with another looped tape. In the middle of the loop space, there should be a puff tape. If the edges are raised and folded overlapping, then you get a ribbon tied with a "rose".


The St.George ribbon is a symbol of honor and victory, so it should not be used as laces or in any other way dismissively treat it. The St. George ribbon has its own symbolic colors. It can serve not only as a sign of respect, but also quite organically complement the entire appearance person.

International holiday May 9 - the great Victory Day. Every year, many people come out to celebrate and festivities to congratulate and thank the veterans for their great feat. The St. George ribbon has become an integral attribute of war and victory. Every veteran has it and the celebration is always decorated with this symbol. Making a bow from a St. George ribbon with your own hands for a veteran or just jewelry is an easy task. Even high school students can handle it in labor lessons or at home. Any veteran will be very pleased with such a gift.

We will present several options for step-by-step sewing of bows from the St.George ribbon different materials and of varying complexity.

George bow


  • reps St. George ribbon 57 cm long;
  • black satin ribbon 36 cm;
  • orange satin ribbon 30 cm;
  • lighter or candle;
  • needle with thread;
  • glue "Moment";
  • black bead or half-bead.

We carry out manufacturing step by step. Cut off 15 cm of the reps St.George ribbon. Fold it up with an acute angle. Cut off 6 pieces of St. George's ribbon, 7 cm each. We also fold them with an acute angle and bend them. Having made two folds from below, we process the edges with fire, holding them together. Do the same with the remaining five cuts. We collect the petals at the bases in a flower, tightening the thread. We glue it to the workpiece. We make 6 pieces of 6 cm from a black satin ribbon. Using the method described above, we make 6 petals.

We sew them at the base in a flower. We glue it to the workpiece so that the petals are staggered. Cut the orange satin ribbon into 5 pieces of 5 cm. We make the petals as before. Sew in a flower and glue over the black flower.

Glue a black bead or half-bead in the middle. The St. George bow is ready. Can be attached with pins or brooch blanks to clothes, accessories. You can sew on a hair tie.

With tricolor

Another simple option making a brooch can be such a simple option with a ribbon, bow and flower.

Materials and tools:

  • St. George ribbon 3 * 18;
  • tricolor tape 25;
  • thermal gun or Moment glue;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors;
  • pin or brooch base.

Let's start sewing. Cut off three pieces of 18 cm long from the St.George ribbon.

To understand where the middle of the segment is, add it up, as shown in the photo.

Fold another cut in the same way.

Grease the first cut in the place of the fold with glue.

Until the glue has dried, glue the second prepared part.

Bend the third 18-centimeter cut with an acute angle.

We glue it with back side prepared bow.

We cut the ends of the tape obliquely and process it with a candle or a lighter.

We cut the tricolor tape into 5 pieces of 5 cm.

Bend the cut in half and sew it as shown in the photo.

Without cutting the thread, we collect all the cuts of the tricolor.

Now we tighten the thread. We fix and cut. It turns out a flower.

We even out the petals of the flower and glue it to the workpiece.

We glue a half-bead in the middle of the flower.

On the seamy side of the brooch, put a few drops of glue and attach the blank for the brooch.

A bow from a St. George ribbon is simply and quickly made with your own hands!

With kanzashi flower

A kanzash bow will be a good decoration by May 9. Below is a master class on making a very beautiful flower.

Necessary materials:

  • St. George ribbon 1 meter;
  • black satin ribbon 1.2 cm wide - 80 cm;
  • orange satin ribbon 1.2 cm wide and 65 cm long;
  • orange satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide and 22 cm long;
  • gold brocade 2.5 cm wide and 25 cm long;
  • felt circle 3 cm in diameter;
  • gold thread 20 cm;
  • black beads for decoration and a black half-bead for the middle of the bow;
  • blank for a brooch or pin;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment" or thermo-gun;
  • candle or lighter.

Let's start modeling. From an orange ribbon 1.2 cm wide, we make 13 strips of 5 cm each. From a black satin ribbon 1.2 cm wide, we make 16 cuts of 5 cm. From the blanks, you need to make kanzashi. To do this, take the first piece of tape, put it vertically and bend it approximately in the middle so that a right angle is formed. Then, the part that was bent to the side is folded down. Parts right angle are compared in this process and the "roof of the house" comes out. We assemble the base of the part with an envelope, process it and fix it with fire or glue.

We repeat the above steps for all prepared cuts. There should be 13 orange and 16 black kanzashiks.

Cut the orange tape 2.5 cm wide into 9 pieces of 2.5 cm. Put one square with the satin side down and connect the opposite corners. Bend the triangle again along the height. We fix the edges with glue and straighten the single kanzashi. Cut the gold brocade ribbon into 10 pieces of 2.5 cm each.

We form 9 orange single kanzashis and 10 exactly the same gold ones.

Cut the gold thread into 3 parts: 2 pcs. 6 cm and one 8 cm. On each string we string several black beads. We glue shamrocks of orange 2.5-centimeter kanzashi to the edges, as shown in the photo.

Glue the gold petals into 2 branches, starting from the top part. Thus, you get two branches.

On the previously prepared felt circle, we glue the black petals in a circle.

This must be done carefully and symmetrically. The petals can overlap, but only in one direction.

Glue the orange petals in the same way. The corners of the petals are staggered. This will make the flower look more voluminous.

Decorate the center of the orange flower with a half-bead. Behind, on felt, we glue the prepared laces.

Behind the black petals, in the upper part of the bow, we glue the golden twigs. We form a St. George loop, glue it at the weave and glue the already finished flower. Glue the mount on the back of the tape. Ready!

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