
Questionnaire on patriotic education. Test on the topic: Questionnaires for parents on patriotic education


Questionnaire "Patriot and Citizen"

Please answer the following questions if you agree with these statements:

(yes, no, don't know)

1. Those who criticize what is happening in the country cannot be considered true patriots.

2. I owe a lot to my country.

3. If we take into account all the pros and cons, then the storage of foreign nuclear waste in Russia will bring more financial benefits than environmental harm.

4. There are nations and peoples who do not deserve to be treated well.

5. I am ready to defend my homeland in case of serious danger.

6. Most of the crimes in our city (village) are committed by visitors.

8. Refereeing in relation to "ours" at international competitions is often not fair, because no one likes Russians.

9. Once abroad, I will try not to be perceived as a Russian. 10. The manifestation of vandalism is one of the forms of youth protest.

11. It is unfair to put people with dark color skin heads over white people.

12. A person does not need to know his ancestry.

13. It happens that I experience great excitement when I hear songs about my homeland.

14. We are a strong military power, and that is why we must be respected.

15. The authorities should prohibit access to our country to refugees from economically backward states, as their influx increases the level of crime.

16. I would like to travel to other countries, but I prefer to live in my own.

17. True religion can be only one - the only religion.

18. State and Fatherland are different concepts.

19. I do not need to know the symbols (anthem, coat of arms, flag) of my country.

20. I do not care about the tragedies taking place in the country (catastrophes, the death of aircraft, ships).

The first part of the test contained questions to determine the level of patriotism of students.

In the second part, it was necessary to complete statements on knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

1. Article 2. A person, his rights and freedoms are ... (the highest value).

2. Article 14. Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal... (before the law).

3. Article 19. All are equal before the law and ... (by court).

4. Article 21. The dignity of the individual is protected... (state).

5. Article 22 Everyone has the right to freedom and... (personal privacy).

6. Article 29 Everyone is guaranteed freedom of thought and... (the words).

7. Article 41. Everyone has the right to health protection and ... (medical care).

8. Article 60. Citizen Russian Federation can independently exercise its rights and obligations to the fullest extent... (18 years).

9. Article 91. The President of the Russian Federation has ... (immunity).

10. Article 95. The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and ... (State Duma).


1 Questionnaire "Patriot" The questionnaire consists of eight main blocks with judgments, questions and unfinished sentences. For each of the judgments or question, several alternative answers were offered. This questionnaire can be recommended for use in work with high school students to determine the level of formation of the personal qualities of a patriotic citizen. Based on the results obtained, adjustments can be made to the system of educational work with the younger generation. This questionnaire can be conducted by a teacher, educator. Processing and interpretation is carried out only by the socio-psychological service of the school (teacher-psychologist, Social worker). Processing and interpretation of the results is carried out according to the method of content analysis (according to the frequency of responses). A quantitative indicator allows you to calculate a percentage. The recommended time for holding is 20 minutes. The objectives of the survey: to determine the content side of the orientation of the individual, the basis of the attitude of a high school student to the surrounding society; to determine the relevance of issues of patriotism in the system of value orientations of high school students; determine the gradation of personal qualities included in the concept of "patriot". Full name _ Age Gender You need to complete the following tasks now. Please answer the questions or rate the following questions and assignments. I. Do you consider yourself a patriot? 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Partly; 4. I don't know. II. Who do you think has the most influence on your patriotic feelings? 1. School; 2. Parents; 3. Surrounding people, friends; 4. media; 5. Authorities; 6. Other. III. How do you define the concept of "patriot" for yourself? IV. A. By what signs or statements do you define the concept of "patriotism" for yourself? 1. National identity, pride in belonging to one's nation, people; 2. Intransigence towards representatives of other nations and peoples; 3. Internationalism, willingness to cooperate with representatives of other nations and peoples in the interests of their homeland, Russia; 4. Selfless love and service to the Motherland, readiness for self-sacrifice for its good or salvation; 5. Love for home, city, country, loyalty to national culture, traditions, way of life; 6. The desire to work for the prosperity of the Motherland, so that the state in which you live is the most authoritative, most powerful and respected in the world; one

2 7. Patriotism is not relevant today, not modern, not for today's youth; 8. Patriotism is only a romantic image, a literary fiction; 9. Other. IV. B. If you could not define the concept of "patriotism" for yourself, what is the reason for your misunderstanding? 1. No desire; 2. No opportunity; 3. I think this is not relevant. V. Before you is a list of individual psychological characteristics and life values ​​of a person. 1. Determine for yourself the qualities that a patriot should have (underline the appropriate). 2. Determine on a 10-point scale how these qualities and values ​​are formed in you. active active life life wisdom health (physical and mental) interesting work beauty of nature and art love (spiritual and physical) material support of life having good and true friends social recognition knowledge (education, outlook) productive life development (constant spiritual and physical improvement) entertainment freedom (independence, independence in judgments and actions) happy family life happiness of others (well-being, development and improvement of other people, the whole people, humanity as a whole) creativity (the possibility of creative activity) self-confidence (internal harmony, freedom from internal contradictions) accuracy (cleanliness) good breeding (good manners) high demands (high demands to life and high ambitions) cheerfulness diligence independence intransigence to shortcomings in oneself and others education responsibility (sense of duty, ability to keep one’s word) rationalism (ability to think sensibly and logically, make deliberate, rational decisions) self-control (restraint, self-discipline) courage in defending one’s own opinions, one’s views strong will (ability to insist on one’s own, not to retreat in the face of difficulties) tolerance (to the views and opinions of others, the ability to forgive their mistakes and misconceptions) 2

3 breadth of views (the ability to understand someone else's point of view, respect other tastes, customs, habits) honesty (truthfulness, sincerity) efficiency in business (hard work, productivity in work) sensitivity (caring). VI. Note what is most valued in your company, team, circle of your friends? 1. Ability to appreciate true friendship; 2. Willingness to help a friend in difficult times; 3. Mutual understanding; 4. Honesty, decency, adherence to principles; 5. Nice appearance; 6. Good manners; 7. Ability to dress fashionably; 8. Willpower; 9. Courage; 10. Decisiveness; 11. Interest, knowledge of literature, art, music; 12. Interest in politics; 13. The presence of branded items, discs, etc.; 14. Availability of money for all expenses; 15. Ability. VII. From the suggested answers, choose the one that best expresses your point of view: 1. I love it when other people appreciate me. 2. I get satisfaction from a job well done. 3. I like to have a good time with my friends. VIII. Complete the sentences. 1. Each of us believes 2. Each of us has 3. Each of us is ready 4. The exploits of the heroes made us think 5. You can defend your homeland not only with a machine gun in your hands, but also 6. When I think about the future of my country, then 7. To be a worthy citizen of one's country means to be An approximate form of analysis and interpretation of the results of the "Patriot" questionnaire Total number of people took part. Of these, girls, boys. Date of the survey. The survey was conducted by _. The questionnaires were analyzed by a teacher-psychologist. I. To the question "Do you consider yourself a patriot?" the following answers were received: 1. Yes 7 (53.8%). 2. No 1 (7.6%). 3. Partially 3 (23.2%). 4. Don't know 2 (15.4%). Thus, more than half consider themselves patriots. Doubt or partially attribute 23%. Three people could not decide or do not consider themselves patriots. II. The following results were obtained for the question “Who, in your opinion, influenced the formation of your patriotic feelings to a greater extent”: 3

4 School 8. Parents 7. Surrounding people 5. Mass media 6. Authorities 0. Other RSM youth organization. Did not answer 1. Summing up, we can say that the school and parents have the greatest influence, the media and the people around them have the least influence. A special position is occupied by youth organizations, since it is necessary to have a percentage ratio between representatives of organizations and young people who do not attend them. The parameter “authorities” was not mentioned in the children's answers, which can also be significant when assessing the influence of government representatives on the formation of the youth's worldview. III. When answering the question “How do you define the concept of patriotism for yourself”, the children identified the following categories when answering: Love and cherish your Motherland, country 10. Love people 2, nature 2, city 2 (total 6). A sense of duty to the Motherland, self-sacrifice for the sake of it, should be loved and appreciated 4. Faith and devotion 2. Considering the issue in conjunction with the questions of self-definition of the concept of "patriotism" and "By what signs or statements do you define patriotism for yourself", you can see that those Those who defined patriotism through obligation, self-sacrifice, the concept of faith, answered the first question, as a rule, “I don’t know”, “partially”. A man who denied his patriotic feeling could not decide on an answer. PS: For the next question, patriotism will be defined as an irrelevant, outdated feeling for young people. Therefore, it can be noted that the teacher needs to be rather careful in operating with concepts, rely more on natural manifestations of feelings, on components of the manifestation of patriotism close to students, and more often rely on the life material of the students themselves. IV. To the question “On what grounds the concept of patriotism is defined”, we received the following distribution: 1. National self-consciousness, pride in belonging to one’s own nation, people Intransigence towards representatives of other nations and peoples Internationalism, willingness to cooperate Selfless love for one’s Motherland, readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake its welfare or salvation Love for one’s home, city The desire to work for the prosperity of the Motherland Not relevant for today’s youth Patriotism as romantic nonsense, literary fiction 0. Thus, the greatest importance is attached to such components as: love for one’s home, national self-consciousness, disinterested love and self-sacrifice. And if the first and second components are adequate enough, then the latter, from a psychological point of view, can be attributed to age-related infantilism, demonstrativeness, and youthful maximalism. The desire to work for the good of one's Motherland can be regarded both as an adequate understanding of everyday patriotism, and as infantilism, depending on what the respondent put into this phrase. V. When asked what qualities a patriot should have, and asked to determine how these qualities are developed in the respondent himself, the following results were obtained: 4

5 1. Respondents attach the greatest importance to self-confidence 11 people. The level of quality development is on average 8.2; the median passes through 9 points (that is, half of the respondents gave a higher score of 10, half rated its development less than 9). 2. The second most important line was occupied by will and honesty, noted by 10 respondents in each case. The development of will on average is determined by 8.4, median 9 .; honesty 8.5, median The third line is occupied by an active life position, the ability to exercise self-control (a component of the will), courage (also a component of the will), sensitivity. Volitional qualities, as before, were highly appreciated; active life position of 9 respondents, its development was estimated on average at 7.8, the median is 8 points. We can assume some dissatisfaction with their activity against the background of the previously described factors, for which a fairly high self-esteem. Sensitivity 9 respondents, average 8.3; median 10 (very high scores). 4. More than half of the respondents also noted such qualities as health, love, having friends (emotional support, support, conscience), the desire for knowledge (education), freedom, a happy family life, good breeding, cheerfulness, diligence, independence (so diligence or independence?), responsibility, tolerance. Some inconsistency in the data obtained can serve as a good basis for deep conversations about patriotism with students and is perhaps the most interesting result of this questionnaire. 5. The characteristics of patriotism did not include or received a single assessment: material security, social recognition, productive life, entertainment, accuracy, high life demands, intransigence towards others. The analysis of this material can also be a good topic for class hour. Summing up, one can notice the greatest significance of the second part of the presented questionnaire, since it allows students to put before students significant for personal development questions, to create a dialogical environment, to understand the deep and superficial, feigned thoughts of students, future full-fledged citizens of Russia, to outline a program for the development of patriotic feelings. 5

6 SCHOOL CL. Class teacher F. I. _ Age Gender You need to complete the following tasks now. Please answer the questions or rate the following questions and assignments. I. Do you consider yourself a patriot? 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Partly; 4. I don't know. II. Who, in your opinion, most influenced the formation of your patriotic feelings? 1. School; 2. Parents; 3. Surrounding people, friends; 4. media; 5. Authorities; 6. Other. III. How do you define the concept of "patriot" for yourself? IV. A. By what signs or statements do you define the concept of "patriotism" for yourself? 1. National identity, pride in belonging to one's nation, people; 2. Intransigence towards representatives of other nations and peoples; 3. Internationalism, willingness to cooperate with representatives of other nations and peoples in the interests of their homeland, Russia; 4. Selfless love and service to the Motherland, readiness for self-sacrifice for its good or salvation; 5. Love for home, city, country, loyalty to national culture, traditions, way of life; 6. The desire to work for the prosperity of the Motherland, so that the state in which you live is the most authoritative, most powerful and respected in the world; 7. Patriotism is not relevant today, not modern, not for today's youth; 8. Patriotism is only a romantic image, a literary fiction; 9. Other. IV. B. If you could not define the concept of "patriotism" for yourself, what is the reason for your misunderstanding? 1. No desire; 2. No opportunity; 3. I think this is not relevant. V. Before you is a list of individual psychological characteristics and life values ​​of a person. 1. Determine for yourself the qualities that a patriot should have (underline the appropriate). 2. Determine on a 10-point scale how these qualities and values ​​are formed in you. active active life life wisdom health (physical and mental) interesting work beauty of nature and art love (spiritual and physical) material support of life having good and true friends social recognition knowledge (education, outlook) productive life development (constant spiritual and physical improvement) entertainment freedom (independence, independence in judgments and actions) happy family life happiness of others (well-being, development and improvement of other people, the whole people, humanity as a whole) creativity (the possibility of creative activity) self-confidence (inner harmony, freedom from internal contradictions) 6

7 accuracy (cleanliness) good manners (good manners) high demands (high demands on life and high claims) cheerfulness diligence independence intransigence to shortcomings in oneself and others education responsibility (sense of duty, ability to keep one’s word) rationalism (ability to think sensibly and logically, accept deliberate, rational decisions) self-control (restraint, self-discipline) courage in defending one’s opinion, one’s views strong will (the ability to insist on one’s own, not back down in the face of difficulties) tolerance (to the views and opinions of others, the ability to forgive their mistakes and delusions) breadth of views ( the ability to understand someone else's point of view, respect other tastes, customs, habits) honesty (truthfulness, sincerity) efficiency in business (industriousness, productivity in work) sensitivity (caring). VI. Note what is most valued in your company, team, circle of your friends? 1. The ability to appreciate true friendship; 2. Willingness to help a friend in difficult times; 3. Mutual understanding; 4. Honesty, decency, adherence to principles; 5. Nice appearance; 6. Good manners; 7. Ability to dress fashionably; 8. Willpower; 9. Courage; 10. Decisiveness; 11. Interest, knowledge of literature, art, music; 12. Interest in politics; 13. The presence of branded items, discs, etc.; 14. Availability of money for all expenses; 15. Ability. VII. From the suggested answers, choose the one that best expresses your point of view: 1. I love it when other people appreciate me. 2. I get satisfaction from a job well done. 3. I like to have a good time with my friends. VIII. Complete the sentences. 1. Each of us believes 2. Each of us has 3. Each of us is ready 4. The exploits of the heroes made us think 5. You can defend your homeland not only with a machine gun in your hands, but also 6. When I think about the future of my country, then 7. To be a worthy citizen of your country means to be 7

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Questionnaire for parents

Surname, name of the child ______________________________________________

Do you consider it possible for you and your child to participate in the project?

B. I don’t know _________________________________________________________

What sources do you turn to for information?

A. To the library __________________________________________________

B. On the Internet ___________________________________________________________

B. To the older generation.________________________________________________

Do you know the history of your home?

A. Yes_________________________________________________________________

B. No _________________________________________________

If you walk down the street, do you discuss the beauty of our city, the order on the streets and who maintains it?

A. Yes_________________________________________________________________

B. No _________________________________________________

7. Do you visit museums and exhibitions of our region with your children? If not, why not?


Thank you for your cooperation!

"Features of patriotic education of preschoolers

in modern conditions"
One of the main tasks of preschool educational institutions laid down in the programs of education and upbringing in kindergarten, regardless of the profile, is the patriotic education of children.

Today's children are growing up in an era that is different from the time of their parents: different values, ideals, rules. The attitude of people towards the motherland has changed. Indeed, the concepts of duty to society and the Motherland are being lost, pre-existing moral values ​​and guidelines are being blurred and denied, the connection between generations is being broken…

It is difficult to explain to children, in modern economic and political conditions, why they should be patriots of their Motherland. After all, in real life they are surrounded by unattractive reality: films full of scenes of violence, which tells about the unlimited power of criminal structures; newspapers, magazines, full of materials of similar content; unemployment, drunkenness, drug addiction; the homeless and the poor; computer games in which the winner is the one who is more cruel and resourceful.

However, all these difficulties are not the reason for the suspension of patriotic education. No matter how society changes, the education of children's love for their country, their city must be shown from an attractive side.

We, adults, need to remember that if we seriously and qualitatively do not engage in educating a future personality with early age, we will not get a new generation of people capable of raising and glorifying Russia.

A patriot can only be brought up by a person who loves his Motherland, who recognizes and respects not only his own rights, but also the rights of others, who does everything to make his Motherland proud...

In this regard, the role and responsibility of the teacher who conducts this painstaking work immeasurably increases.

The education of moral feelings in the history of pedagogy has always been given great attention. Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubov believed that raising a citizen of his Motherland in a child is inseparable from cultivating humane feelings in him: kindness, justice, the ability to resist lies and cruelty.

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky believed that from an early age it is important, while educating feelings, to teach a child to balance his own desires with the interests of others. He who, in the name of his desires, casts aside the laws of conscience and justice, will never become a real person and citizen.

Patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of a long purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from an early age.

The feeling of the Motherland is also connected with the admiration of what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what causes a response in his soul... patriot personality.

Of great importance for raising children's interest and love for their native land is all of its immediate environment. Gradually, the child gets acquainted with the kindergarten, his native street, the city, and then with his country, its capital and symbols. Therefore, start working on patriotic education you need to create a warm, cozy atmosphere for children. Every day a child in kindergarten should be filled with joy, smiles, good friends, and fun games. After all, with the upbringing of a sense of attachment to the native kindergarten, native street, native family the formation of the foundation on which a more complex education will grow - a feeling of love for one's Fatherland begins.

"The story of my family"

On my many years of experience, I was convinced that in order to establish relationships between parents and children, to successfully solve common problems in the process joint activities such forms of cooperation as the compilation of family holidays, albums are very effective.

As the survey showed, this form of work was very modern. Few of the children and parents knew their ancestry. To help caregivers and family psychologist preschool developed questions for conducting conversations with children, in order to compile the history of his family.

What you can tell about yourself?

Who is in your family?

What do you know about your brother, sister?

What are the names of your relatives?

What holidays are held in your family?

As a result, the child could not only retell everything he learned from adults, but also “feel” the peculiarity of the time when his grandmother was young and his mother was a little girl, get acquainted with the games they played and play them himself, draw the clothes in which they walked, etc. The child spoke with pleasure in the group about the life of the family and carefully listened to similar stories of his comrades. The history of each family is drawn up in the form of homemade books, which, according to parents, have become family heirlooms.

"Our Family Album"

Tell the children about your childhood. Take a look at your family album with him. Explain who is depicted in old photographs, tell who they are to the child. It is worth paying attention to clothes, shoes, life and other characteristic features of people in photographs.

"Home and Parents' Rooms"

Tell your child what games you played as a child, what games and fun were then. Find a photo of your school, the house you lived in, a photo of your backyard. Try to compare the decor of your childhood room with the decor of your child's room.

"Family Heirlooms"

Be sure to tell the children about family heirlooms, an icon, grandfather's medals and orders, an unusual old vase, old postcards. You can give the child some not very valuable trinket - news from the distant (for the child) past.

"History of our family"

Children should know the origin of their kind. It is advisable to acquaint them with the meaning of their names and the history of the origin of the surname.

"History of our family"

Introduce children to the history of your family's formation, tell them where your grandparents, mothers and fathers lived, in which cities they met and how it happened that your family ended up in your city.

"Interesting life stories"

Remember how you waited for the appearance of a child, how you chose a name for him. Tell some funny stories from his life in the first year or two, look at his first photos together. Try to draw your family tree and paste pictures of your relatives there.

Under the guidance of adults, the children collected photographs of their loved ones, listened carefully and memorized the memories of their mothers and fathers, and even compiled a family tree. For greater rapprochement and mutual understanding of parents with children, they tried to hold family holidays. During such holidays, joint works of parents and children were made.

We continue to work with the family and this helps us to achieve consistency and unity of action in the system "educator - child - family"

Consultation for educators

"Fairy tale as a means of patriotic education"
The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration and pride for what the child sees and what resonates in his soul.

Fairy tale therapy can be called a "childish" method, because it addresses the pure and receptive beginning of each child. There are a lot of fairy tales, but in terms of gender, all fairy tales, myths, legends and parables can be divided into three groups:

Men's where the protagonist- male character;

Women's, where the main character is a female character;

Mixed, where two main characters, female and male characters.

The most popular fairy tales for the formation of male character traits are "The Three Little Pigs" and "Gingerbread Man". They show the most important archetype of struggle for a man. Moreover, if in the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" a successful scenario of victory over a superior enemy is given, then in "Kolobok" there is an important warning about the conditions under which one can be defeated. These intricate stories can be used to explain to the boy the typology of the enemy, the preferred scenarios for fighting him and winning. In confrontation with one opponent, strength is needed, with another - caution and foresight, with a third - cunning, with a fourth - a reliable team.

These tales contain three important ideas for the boy: firstly, an adequate perception of reality, secondly, an idea of ​​the enemy and security, and thirdly, the desire to defeat the enemy.

Men's tales symbolically convey to the boy the knowledge of strategy and tactics in the fight against the enemy. A strong shelter, joining forces, luck, using one's own advantage and the enemy's weaknesses - these are the components of success. Everything that a boy remembers in childhood leaves an imprint on his adult life. Early knowledge about life is "packed" into some models that can be used to explain the world, and first of all, the boy identifies behaviors that help to achieve success. If he sees that the strongest wins, and the weak are made fun of, he will pump his muscles. If he sees that the intelligent one is in the leading position, he will strive to develop his intellect. Russians folk tales form in future men such traits as the ability to withstand difficulties, courage, courage, fearlessness before the enemy.

The most popular fairy tales for the formation of female character traits are "Masha and the Bear", "Havroshechka", "Morozko". In all women's fairy tales, a male character is always present. The heroine builds relationships with him in different ways: either enters into a fight, or prepares herself for happy marriage. These fairy tales help the girl to understand the meaning of femininity. Each fairy tale has a certain set of symbolic lessons for the heroines. Firstly, at an unconscious level, a woman has a desire to find a worthy partner, i.e. choose the best. the ability to listen to your heart, which will tell you: this person is worthy, loving and devoted, always ready to help. Accept help with gratitude, and everything you think will come true. The symbolism of the second lesson is the ability of a woman to create a comfortable environment where she feels calm and secure where her strength multiplies.Of course, questions may arise: why does a girl need to learn to choose the best? Why do you need to learn to create a comfortable environment around you? The answer is clear: to receive and give love. It is love and tolerance that are the main manifestations of femininity in Russian culture.

Mixed fairy tales, in which anthropomorphic heroes act, have the same ending and necessarily end with the reunion of the hero and heroine - a wedding. They tell about the mutual influence of masculinity and femininity and their harmonization.

Thus, fairy tales are effective tool formation of positive personality traits and national character traits.


"The use of a system-activity approach in pedagogical work on the patriotic education of students within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard"


The results of the survey.

(conducted by the senior counselor of the FGKOU secondary school No. 24 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Lapshina L.M.)

Pupils of 6th and 9th grades were offered the "Patriot" questionnaire, in which 52 people took part.

The purpose of the survey:

  • determination of the content side of the orientation of the individual, the basis of the attitude of students to the surrounding society;
  • determination of the relevance of issues of patriotism in the system of value orientation of schoolchildren;
  • determination of the gradation of personal qualities included in the concept of "patriot".

1 . To the first question, “What do you understand by the word “patriotism”?” Most of the students answered - love for the Motherland. A few answered that this was loyalty, devotion to the fatherland, observance of the laws of the country and knowledge of its history.

2 . The guys chose the following qualities inherent in a patriot: courage, courage, determination, kindness, strength, honesty, to be smart, fair and responsible.

3. 95% of respondents consider themselves patriots.

4 . Analyzing the fourth question: “Who, in your opinion, influenced the formation of your patriotic qualities?” - 34 the person replied that it parents, and 26 people - school , 14 people - surrounding.

5 . 93% of the students surveyed know the customs and traditions of their people.

6 . In our school, various patriotic events are held, and the children, during the survey, chose the following events in which they would like to participate. In the first place are military sports games (29 people) and meetings with veterans (29 people), in the second place are festivals and competitions (11 people).

7 . To the question - "how do you understand the expression" Small Motherland "- only 50% of the students surveyed gave the answer - the place where the person was born.

8 . Probably every adult knows the history of our town. The situation is slightly different in this matter for children - 38 students know when our town was formed, and 13 students do not know.

9. It is pleasant to note that 98% of children answered with confidence that they love their town.

10 . With the same pleasure, the children indicated their favorite places in the village: 37 people - the count's park, the stadium - 3 people, the sports complex - 3 people, School of Music- 1 person, the whole town -1 person, school - 1 person.

11 . 100% of students know the name of the street they live on and 70% know who it is named after.

12 . What needs to be done for our town, so that it would be better? Answering this question, our well-educated students for the most part answered - do not litter. There were also such wishes: to plant trees, expand the territory of the town, open new sections for children and adults, build a school, repair everything, respect the people living in the village and just love your town.

These are the results of the survey. You can conduct a survey in your classes (distribute blank questionnaires to class teachers of grades 5-11).

This questionnaire was used in work with schoolchildren to determine the level of formation of the personal qualities of a patriotic citizen. On the basis of the results obtained by each class teacher and the teaching staff, in general, adjustments can be made to the system of educational work with the younger generation.


Patriotism (Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, πατρίς - fatherland) - moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate its private interests to its interests. Patriotism implies pride in the achievements and culture of one's Motherland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and self-identification (a special emotional experience of one's belonging to the country and one's citizenship, language, traditions) with other members of the people, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and one's people.

PATRIOTISM - devotion and love for one's Fatherland, one's people.

Questionnaire for students "Patriot"

  1. What do you understand by the word "patriotism"?
  2. What qualities should a patriot have?
  3. Do you consider yourself a patriot?
  4. Who, in your opinion, influenced the formation of your patriotic qualities?

- parents, school, environment(Underline whatever applicable)

  1. Do you know the traditions and customs of your people?

A) yes

B) no

B) I don't know at all

G) find it difficult to answer

  1. Do you celebrate at home family holidays Do they sing folk songs?

A) yes they sing

B) don't sing

  1. What activities would you like to participate in more?

BUT) patriotic clubs and centers;

B) festivals and competitions of a patriotic orientation;

AT) military sports games;

G) patriotic exhibitions;

D) meetings with veterans

  1. Have you participated in such events, if so, which ones?
  2. How do you understand the expression "Small Motherland"?
  3. Do you know when the city (village) in which you live was formed?

A) yes

B) no

  1. Do you love your city (town)?

A) yes

B) no

B) don't know

  1. What is the name of the street where you live?
  2. Who is she named after?
  3. Do you have a favorite place in our city (village)? Which?
  4. What needs to be done for the city (village) to make it better?

Questionnaire "Patriotism":
When filling out the questionnaire, where other forms of answers are not offered,
you must mark the selected answer with any sign.

1. What is, in your opinion, patriotism?
1) love for the Motherland 9) love for the people
2) love for one's family, loved ones 10) glorification of the victories of the Motherland
3) love for hometown, village, home 11) striving for a secure global world
4) love for national culture 12) collective way of life
5) the religious faith that I profess 13) the revival of the traditions of the Soviet state
6) the revival of the traditions of the Russian state 14) love for the native ashes, love for the father's coffins
7) love for all mankind, humanism 15) respect for one's Motherland, pride in one's country
8) the desire for social justice 16) patriotism in the context of globalization is losing its meaning
Your own answer:
2. Choose the most appropriate, in your opinion, definition of patriotism and mark its number:
1) Patriotism is devotion and love for one's fatherland, for one's own
people (Dictionary of Ozhegov and Shvedova).
2) Patriotism is love for the fatherland, arising from the consciousness of the solidarity of the interests of citizens of a given state or members of a given nation. (Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron).
3) Patriotism is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, pride in its past and present, willingness to subordinate one's interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland and one's people
(Encyclopedia of sociology).
4) Patriotism, in which the main thing is love for one's own country (that is, separating oneself from other states and peoples), and therefore is the cause of ongoing wars, which, in fact, gives the right to one country or nation to oppress another in the name of its own power , wealth and fame. Patriotism cannot be good. Patriotism is an unnatural feeling, artificially instilled in man (L. Tolstoy).

5) A patriot is not the one who glorifies the country, but it is the one who can be extremely tough ... something very difficult to say about the country ... patriotism is not an endless eruption of molasses of love, but it is completely different (V. Posner).
3. What is true patriotism manifested in?
in conversations and conversations with friends on patriotic topics
in voting for patriotic parties in elections
in participation in the activities of patriotic organizations
in celebration of historical events and anniversaries
in constructive criticism of shortcomings in the country
in work with full dedication of forces in their specialty
in strengthening the family and raising children in the spirit of patriotism
Your own answer:

4. Have you or your family members had to take part in patriotic events during this year:
Not really
in the events of patriotic clubs, centers, including children's and youth
visit historical and patriotic museums, school museums, museums of enterprises, institutions
visit patriotic exhibitions
participate in festivals and competitions on patriotic themes
take part in military sports games
purchase and read patriotic books throughout the year
participate in research work on the problems of patriotic education
transfer existing materials to the museum
assist in the organization of museum exhibitions

5. To what extent, in your opinion, do they influence the formation
patriotic values ​​of the younger generation are the following
directions of patriotic education?
Directions of patriotic education In points from 0 to 5
activities of patriotic clubs, centers, including children's and youth
festivals, patriotic competitions
military sports games
patriotic literature
patriotic exhibitions
meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, local wars
personal example and your attitude to patriotism
6. What, in your opinion, still needs to be done by the state to instill patriotic values ​​among children and youth?
- fostering a sense of patriotism from kindergarten;
- assisting the emergence of more patriotic topics in the media;
- the introduction of censorship for the media when printing materials, showing youth programs;
- creation of patriotic circles, organizations, clubs;
- holding military-patriotic games;
- creation and screening of more patriotic films, distribution fiction on patriotic themes;
- increasing the authority of the army in society (creating a positive image of military personnel in the media, films, literature);
- improving the living conditions of the population (creating jobs, raising wages, providing housing);
- raising the prestige of the country (increasing the role of Russia in the international arena);
- organization of youth leisure;
- personal example, examples of war heroes;
- development of youth organizations;
- accustoming children to sports, creating accessible sports sections, supporting initiatives for the development of children's sports;
- financing of events of a patriotic orientation, people employed in them;
- creation of new and support for existing military-patriotic museums;
- Your own answer:

7. Are there among your acquaintances those who can be called patriots? AT
how does this manifest itself?
8. Can a person be a patriot who;
Signs of a Patriot Not a Patriot
Criticizes the government of his country
Tries to avoid military service
Doesn't know the lyrics of his country's anthem
Indifferent to native nature
Doesn't know the history of his country
Doesn't go to the polls
Prefers foreign rather than domestic literature and art
Leaves to live and work abroad
9. If we talk about your fellow countrymen, do you think they differ from residents of other regions of Russia?
1. differ for the better;
2. differ for the worse;
3. do not differ;
4. find it difficult to answer.
10. Please answer the following questions:
Yes, I did (please give examples) No, I didn’t
I had to Difficult to answer
Have you ever felt a sense of pride in our country? one
Have you ever experienced a sense of shame for our country?

11. What associations do you have when you hear the word

12. Please answer the following questions:
Yes No Difficult to answer
Would you like to be born not in Russia, but in another country?
Would you like to move to another region of Russia?
Would you like to leave Russia for another country for permanent residence?
13. How are the colors on the Russian flag in order from top to bottom:
blue white red white red blue red blue white white blue red

15. What holiday do we celebrate on June 12?
Victory Day in the Battle of the Ice Birthday of V.I. Lenin Day Russia

16. Does the Ulyanovsk region have:
Not really
Coat of arms
17. Do you consider yourself a patriot?
Not really