
Plan of circle work in the second junior group. The work plan of the circle for children of the younger group of doe. Ways and methods of implementation



I play with toys (Hands in front of you, we squeeze-unclench the fingers of both hands.)

I throw the ball to you (We stretch our hands forward - “throw the ball.”)

Collecting a pyramid (Straight brushes with palms down alternately put on top of each other several times.)

I drive the truck everywhere. (We move in front of us with a slightly open right hand - “roll


Finger gymnastics "Toys"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

My funny round ball (We hit an imaginary ball with one hand.)

Do not hide round cheeks! (Change of hands.)

I will catch you (With two hands, connecting fingers of the same name, we show the ball.)

I'll ride in my arms! (Roll an imaginary ball between the palms.)

Finger gymnastics "Berries"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I take off the berries from the branch, (Fingers are relaxed, hanging down. With the fingers of the other hand, stroke

each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing from

him an imaginary berry.)

And I collect in a basket. (Both palms folded in front of a cup.)

There will be a full basket (One palm folded in a boat, cover the other also folded


I'll try a little. (One folded palm imitates a basket, with the other hand

I'll eat a little more get imaginary berries and put them in your mouth.)

The path to the house will be easy! (Imitating legs, middle and index fingers on both hands

Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Red-red fly agaric- (We connect the fingertips - we depict a mushroom hat.)

White speckled pattern. (One hand is a “mushroom cap”, with the index finger of the other hand

show "specks".)

You are beautiful, but do not tear! (Shake finger.)

And don't take it to the basket! (Straight palm away from you - moving away gesture.)

Finger gymnastics "Autumn"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Autumn came out for a walk

I started collecting leaves. (We “pick up” the leaves with one hand and “put” them in the other.)

Finger gymnastics "Trees"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

hello forest, (Raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers wide apart.)

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

Finger gymnastics "Vegetables"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I am green cabbage (Hands in front form a circle.)

Without me, the pan is empty. (They bowed their heads - “we look into the pan.”)

Take the leaves off me (We spread our arms to the sides.)

And only I will remain!

Finger gymnastics "Fruits"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Yellow-yellow our lemon, (Fingers of the same name are connected by pads - we show a lemon.)

It squirts sour juice. (Fingers sharply spread apart.)

Let's put it in tea (We connect the thumb, index and middle fingers of one hand and

"Dip Lemon in Tea"

Along with yellow skin. (Fingers in the same position, making rotational movements -

"Stir the tea"

Finger gymnastics "Vegetables - fruits"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

There are many ridges in the garden,

Here and turnips, and lettuce, (Bend fingers alternately.)

Here and beets, and peas,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden (Clap hands.)

We will be fed for a whole year.

Finger gymnastics "Clothes"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I'll put on my boots (We point to the legs, torso, head.)

Jacket and hat.

And on each hand (One hand with straightened fingers up, the other - runs along the little finger and rib

palms showing direction of putting on gloves.)

I'll put on a glove. (Change of hands.)

Finger gymnastics "Shoes"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We put on our feet to run along the path. (Two fingers "walk" on the table.)

Repeat after me the words: (Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

Leg - one, leg - two! (Put two fingers on the table and raise one at a time.)

Buying in the store (Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

And put on the legs

Dad, mom, brother and me - (Bend fingers on hands.)

The whole family loves shoes. ("Step" fingers on the table.)

Finger gymnastics "Dishes"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

From plates, as one, (Palms together in front of you "plate".)

We eat soup with spoons.

We eat cutlets with a fork, (Index and middle fingers are straightened, thumb

holds the ring and little fingers - “hold the fork.”)

The knife cuts omelettes for us. (“Cut” with a straight palm back and forth.)

Finger gymnastics "Food"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Flour was kneaded into dough (Squeeze and unclench fingers.)

And from the test we blinded (They clap their hands, “sculpt.”)

pies and buns, (Alternately unbend the fingers, starting with the little finger.)

sweet cheesecakes,

Buns and rolls - (Both palms turn up.)

We bake everything in the oven.

Delicious! (Stroking their bellies.)

Finger gymnastics "Winter"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Snow falls on the houses (Arms out to the sides, palms down.)

Streets and roofs. (Hands "house".)

Quietly winter comes to us (Finger to lips. "Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

We don't hear it... (Hand behind ear.)

Finger gymnastics " Winter fun»

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

What do we like to do in winter? (Alternately connect the thumb with the rest.)

play in the snow,

to run on skis

Skating on ice

Ride down the mountain on a sled.

Finger gymnastics " New Year's celebration»

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! (The palm strokes the chin - the "beard" of Santa Claus.)

What did you bring us as a gift? (Hands forward, palms up.)

loud crackers, (Clap your hands.)

Sweets, toys. (Twirl with brushes.)

Finger gymnastics "Parts of the body"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I have a head (Listen to the poem and point to the corresponding parts of the body.)

Chest, belly, and then the back,

Legs to jump

The handles are for playing.

Finger gymnastics "Pets"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Here, removing the scratches, (“I wash my hands.”)

The cat washes its paws.

Muzzle and ears (Circular movements of the palm over the face.)

On your top. (Slightly bent palms move behind the ears - we show how the cat washes


Finger gymnastics "Baby Pets"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Run along the river (Move index and middle fingers across the table surface from

yourself to the edge. Repeat several times.)

Kittens racing.

Finger gymnastics "Wild animals of our forests"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Hare and hedgehog towards each other (Index and middle fingers of both hands "go" towards

each other.)

We walked along the path through the field, through the meadow.

They met and they got scared. (Bang fists.)

Run fast - go catch up! (The fingers “go” again, but now in different directions.)

Finger gymnastics "Cubs of wild animals"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel, (Bend fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)

This is a fox, this is a wolf cub,

And it's in a hurry, hobbles awake (Twirl with thumb.)

brown, furry,

Funny teddy bear.

Finger gymnastics "Domestic and wild animals"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Bunny - ears on top - (Hands at the temples, index and middle fingers straightened - "ears".)

Jumping, jumping on the edge. (Hands pinch down at the chest - “jumps”.)

A prickly hedgehog followed him, (Interlace fingers and move.)

I walked on the grass without paths,

And behind the hedgehog - beauty - (Smooth movements of the hands in front of you.)

Red-tailed fox.

Finger gymnastics "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Ilya Muromets - (Sit down.)

Good fellow. (Show biceps.)

Looks sharply into the distance (Hand with a visor.)

Yes, it smashes enemies. ("Throw the spear.")

Finger gymnastics "Wild animals of hot countries"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Only he wears a trunk - (We smoothly move our hand in front of us - we depict a trunk.)

Lop-eared gray elephant. (Put hands to ears.)

Finger gymnastics " Mom's holiday»

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Mommy is good (Air kiss over the palm.)

Mommy beloved! (Kiss over the other palm.)

I love her very much (Blow a kiss from the palm of your hand.)

Give her kisses! (Blow a kiss from the other palm.)

Finger gymnastics "Poultry"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

The hen pecks the grain, (We reject both palms together.)

And the chickens are right there. (The pinches "peck" in turn.)

The duck dives into the water (Palms together “dive” forward.)

And chickens don't dive. (Shake finger.)

Finger gymnastics "Poultry and their cubs"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

The hen has a chick (Thumb alternately touch the rest, starting with the little finger.)

The goose has a gosling

The turkey has a turkey,

And the duck has a duckling.

Every mother has babies (Throwing fingers in turn.)

All are beautiful and good.

Finger gymnastics "Wild birds"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

The woodpecker is chiseling the tree: (One straight palm is a “tree”, the other is a “woodpecker” - with a fist

knock on it.)


All day long in the forest (Change of hands.)


Finger gymnastics "Our house"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

This house is one storey. (Unbend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger.)

This house is two stories.

This one is three stories high.

This house is the most important:

It's five stories high.

Finger gymnastics "Furniture"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We slept on the bed (Hands under the cheek.)

Things have already been removed from the closet. (We move our hands freely - “we remove things.”)

We sat on a chair (The palm of one hand covers the fist of the other.)

And we ate at the table. (Rotational hand movements with an imaginary spoon.)

Finger gymnastics "Transport"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Cars go down the highway (We turn the imaginary steering wheel.)

Tires run on asphalt. (Elbows pressed to the body, palms move parallel to each other.)

Don't run down the road (Shake a finger.)

I'll tell you: "Beep." (The hand is clenched into a fist, the thumb is straightened - “beep”.)

Finger gymnastics "Spring"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

It's been two weeks (We lower our hands down in turn, fingers together.)

Drops are dripping.

Snow melts in the sun (Hands out to the sides, palms down.)

And flows like a stream. (Both hands, palms down, move in the same direction.)

Finger gymnastics "Insects"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We went for a walk in the meadow ("Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of both hands.)

And a beetle crawled across the meadow! (One hand “creeps” along the thigh or along one arm.)

Finger gymnastics "Summer"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Warmed by the gentle sun ("Let's go" with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

After spring comes summer.

Let's dive in the lake (“We dive” with palms joined together from the chest forward.)

And collect flowers. (“We tear off” with one hand and “collect” in the other.)

Finger gymnastics "Flowers"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Chamomile white flowers (Palm forward, fingers apart - this is a "daisy".)

Like the fingers of a small hand.

And here come the beetles (We sort through the fingers of the "chamomile hand" one at a time.)

Finger gymnastics "Cosmos"

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Morning - the sun rises. (Raise outstretched hand.)

Night - the moon comes. (Raise the other hand, fingers in a semicircle - "month".)

Perspective plan of the circle work "Magic circles". In the second junior group

In the process of engaging in artistic work, all mental processes are formed, artistic and Creative skills and positive-emotional perception of the surrounding world. Classes in the circle allow you to develop the creative inclinations of preschoolers, fine motor skills fingers; to assert oneself by showing individuality and getting the result of one’s own artistic creativity. Performing various exercises with the fingers, the child achieves a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively stimulates the speech centers of the brain), but also prepares the child for drawing, and later for writing. Hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears. There is an orientation of preschoolers to the value of labor in the emotional and behavioral aspect.
1. Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands; develop accuracy and coordination of hand and eye movements; flexibility of hands, rhythm.
2. Improve hand movements and mental processes: · voluntary attention;
· logical thinking;
visual and auditory perception;
Memory, speech of children.
3. To form the skills of educational activities:
Ability to follow verbal instructions
the ability to independently continue to complete the task;
control over one's own actions.
4. To form a positive-emotional perception of the world around.
5. To cultivate artistic taste, interest in manual labor.

The age of children participating in the implementation of this program is 3-4 years. This is determined by a significant increase in physical capabilities, especially the active development of the small muscles of the hands, a change in the psychological position and a sense of "adulthood" by preschoolers, a desire to show their individuality and creative abilities.
Forms and mode of employment.
With a group size of 24 children, the circle classes are held once a week, 12 people in a subgroup, the duration of classes with each mini-group is no more than 15 minutes. But when implementing a creative plan, the number of lessons for each child is regulated individually.
At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to carry out finger gymnastics; during the lesson, to relax muscles, relieve tension - physical minutes. complexes finger gymnastics, the teacher selects physical minutes independently, since the methodological literature on this issue is very diverse and informative.
Forms of conducting classes are different. There are both theoretical - the teacher's story, a conversation with children, children's stories, the teacher showing the mode of action - and practical classes: preparing and holding exhibitions of children's and adult works, handing finished works parents, kids as gifts.
Expected results.
After each stage of the work of the circle, it is assumed that the children will master certain knowledge, skills, the child will identify and realize his abilities, the formation of general labor and special skills, methods of self-control.
Forms of carrying out the results of the program implementation:
Exhibitions of children's work kindergarten;
Days of presentation of children's work to parents (employees, kids).
Educational - thematic plan.
1. Introductory lesson. Introduction to the circle shape. Exhibition of finished crafts made by the educator.
2. "What are the circles?". Practical lesson. Practical acquaintance with the circle in different material.
3. Monitoring.
1. "Kolobok". Making crafts from plasticine.
2. " Air balloons". Making crafts from colored paper.
3. "Fragrant hedgehog." Making crafts from dough and natural materials.
4. "Favorite fruit." Making crafts from plasticine.
1. "Sun". Making crafts from plasticine.
2. "Apples in a basket." Making crafts from salt dough.
3. "Kolobok rolls along the path." Making crafts from colored paper.
4. "Cheerful roly-poly". Making crafts from salt dough (cutting method with a curly shape).
1. "Bunny". Making crafts from cosmetic discs.
2. "Bear". Making crafts from cereals.
3. "Green peas." Making crafts from plasticine.
4. " ladybug". Making crafts from colored paper.
1. "Christmas tree balls." Making crafts from plasticine.
2. "Snowballs". Making crafts from napkins (rolling method).
3. "We decorate the Christmas tree." Making crafts from plasticine.
4. "Caterpillar". Making crafts from colored paper.

1. "Tumbler" Making crafts from plasticine.

2. "And in our yard there was a snowman in the morning." Making crafts from cosmetic discs.

3. “Stop, car! Quiet move! Pedestrian on the road! (Traffic lights). Making crafts from plasticine.

4. "I bake, bake, bake ...". Making crafts from salt dough (curly cut method)

1. "Sweet grapes." Making crafts from plasticine.

2. "Flowers for mom!". Making crafts from colored paper.

3. " bright sun! Making crafts from colored paper + drawing.

4. "Butterfly". Making crafts from plasticine.

1. "A corydalis hen came out, with her - yellow chickens." Making crafts from cosmetic discs.

2. "Decorate the peacock's tail." Making crafts from plasticine.

3. "Color pyramid". Making crafts from plasticine.

4. "Sunflower". Making crafts from plasticine.

1. Monitoring.

2. Presentation of children's work.

Ralina Kurbanova

In our second junior group organized with children circle work"skillful hands". Goals circle work: development of fine motor skills of hands; Familiarity with application methods various materials (paper napkins, cereals, pasta, creating a mosaic on a plasticine basis; organization of joint fine arts for children and adults.


1. To form in children an interest in creating applications and mosaics on a plasticine basis.

2. Promote skill development work with various materials.

3. Learn to stick ready-made forms, make up a single whole.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

5. Promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, creative imagination; show perseverance and patience.

Timing mug work: from October to May.

Days and times of visit Cup: Thursday, from 15-30 to 15-45.

Members: children second junior group , teachers, parents.

Material: paper, paper napkins different colors, PVA glue, cardboard, scissors, pasta different shapes, cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet, semolina, beans, plasticine, gouache, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.

Methods work:

1. Application using paper lumps.

2. Application using pasta.

3. Application with cereals.

4. Mosaic on a plasticine basis.

Expected results work: children should learn how to tear paper, crumple and roll lumps out of it, separate pieces from plasticine and form balls from them, use glue, and most importantly, develop hand skill, fine motor skills.