
Themselves a large pile. How to make bigger breasts without leaving home. Breast augmentation without plastic surgery is real

Pathology of the uterus

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To understand how to enlarge the breast without the help of plastic surgery, you need to choose the right technique or complex and strictly adhere to the recommendations. Experts offer several ways to solve the problem of small breasts:

  • drinking regime;
  • massage;
  • water procedures;
  • special linen;
  • hormone therapy.

You need to understand that such measures for home breast augmentation will not help to significantly change its shape and volume, but will only correct its external data and fill it with tone, firmness and elasticity.

Only nature can go against plastic surgery, a cardinal breast augmentation method that costs big money and is difficult for the female body. In general, before looking for ways to correct the size of the breast, you need to understand the anatomy of the structure female breast and what factors influenced the deformation and prolapse of the mammary glands.

Despite the attractive shapes, most of the fair sex are dissatisfied with their breast size and prefer to visually enlarge it in all possible ways. Today, experts recommend adhering to 10 rules for the right emphasis on the décolleté area, this will help to visually make the breasts bigger:

Many women manage to find more sophisticated methods of visual breast augmentation, for example, using special breast pads.

We work on ourselves and increase breasts by size at home

Undoubtedly, all of the above tricks for visual breast augmentation can solve the problem of small bust sizes, but only temporarily. To obtain a stable and permanent result, you need to make more effort and constantly work on yourself and your body, you can do this even at home, you do not have to resort to the services of professional nutritionists and fitness trainers, in order to make your breasts bigger, you need to make an effort and work on yourself.


The mammary glands themselves do not have muscles, but they are attached directly to them.

Therefore, strong pectoral muscles (small and large) will help raise the chest higher, nourish it with oxygen and improve blood circulation, and also prevent it from losing its elasticity and volume for various reasons.

  • In a standing position, you need to pick up some kind of load (a thick book or a bottle of liquid). Raising your arms up above your head, a couple of claps are performed. At the same time, when lifting a load, you need to inhale oxygen, lowering your hands - exhale. Repetitions - 5 to 15 times.
  • Sitting comfortably lying on your back, you should hold all the same weights in your hands. Further, on a slow inhalation, the arms are spread apart on the sides of the shoulder line, crossed twice in a position directly in front of the mammary glands, at the end, on exhalation, they are raised with sharp movements above the chest in an oblique direction. Repetitions - from 4 to 15 times.
  • Everything is in that position of the body (lying on your back), you need to hold any load in your hands. Throwing their hands behind the head, at a deep entrance, they are gradually raised above the head, lowering to the very stomach. The exhalation is done when the hands return to their starting position. Repetitions - from 5 to 15 times.

Such simple exercises should be done about 3 times a week, without overworking the ligaments and muscles. Before training, it is better to warm up the body with a gentle warm-up. After 5-8 weeks, the breast size will noticeably increase by 3-5 cm in diameter.


It is not for nothing that girls who have large volumes and size of breasts have excess weight... This is because the breast receives the elements and vitamins it needs from food.

Therefore, a properly composed diet will not allow you to gain excess weight, while nourishing the mammary glands with the necessary substances:

  • protein-rich foods (dairy products, meat, soybeans, legumes);
  • carbohydrate food;
  • foods containing natural fats (especially vegetable and butter);
  • Foods rich in plant hormones (greens, avocados, flax, lentils, wheat, rice, carrots, and pomegranates).

In order for the mammary glands to enlarge, they need sex hormone substitutes and adipose tissue. Therefore, preference should be given to food products containing such substances.


This technique will enlarge the breasts by increasing the flow of lymph to the mammary glands. Due to improved blood circulation and oxygen supply, the mammary glands will be fully saturated with vitamins and microelements of food and will be visually transformed.

There are several popular and effective methods massage:

  • Water massage: with a strong pressure of slightly warm water, you need to perform circular movements along the mammary glands, but without touching the area of ​​the areola and nipples. Each breast has about 3 minutes of water massage. Next, a contrast shower is performed, the water temperature changes at intervals of 5 seconds.
  • Vacuum massage: moisturizing the mammary glands with a nourishing cream, the breast is placed in special vacuum nozzles in the form of a pump.

If you comprehensively adhere to the above methods of breast augmentation, then the first results will be noticeable after a month of work on your body.

Life hacks: how to quickly enlarge breasts

Today, experienced life hackers offer many for girls with small breasts. interesting ways, how you can visually increase your breast size by 1 or even 2 sizes in a matter of minutes. But there is one quick life hack that many women use, the results of which can be seen in the illustration below.

For breast augmentation in this way, you will need the following items:

  • a bra with special pads that will fit snugly on your chest;
  • regular socks;
  • a bra with the same padding, but larger in size;
  • the same underwear, but one size larger than the previous one;
  • dark foundation or brown shadows.

Now the order of actions:

  1. First, the first bra is put on, which is smaller and fits snugly to the chest.
  2. With the help of a second bra, the chest is lifted higher.
  3. Having rolled both socks into a roller, they are stuffed into the first bra under the mammary glands.
  4. Next, put on the linen itself big size which forms the final size and shape of the breast.
  5. With help foundation or dark brown eyeshadow outlines the profile between the breasts.

Thus, even zero breast size can be made the second lush and even the third, with a few simple items.

Breast augmentation without plastic surgery is real

Plastic surgery will help solve the problem of small breasts, but not every woman dares to go under the surgeon's knife and carry a foreign body inside herself for the rest of her life. Therefore, more loyal and gentle methods of breast augmentation at home have been developed. To do this, you just need to work on your body and eat right.

  • The diet should include foods containing protein for the growth of pectoral muscles, fats to fill with fat cells in the mammary glands and phytohormones to stabilize hormonal background women.
  • By doing a few simple exercises three times a week, you can strengthen the pectoralis major and minor, which hold your breasts in position and shape.
  • Self-massage and water procedures will increase the breast, giving tone and elasticity to the skin, elasticity of the mammary glands, while improving their blood flow and oxygen supply.
  • If you choose the right underwear and be able to harmoniously combine items of clothing, your breasts will always look attractive visually.

Following the advice, no factors of deterioration of the condition of the mammary glands can affect young, lush breasts.

Women are different: small, large and very big breasted, but among them there are special representatives of the female sex, whose breasts have become a world property, at least among men.

Also known as Norma Stitz, she is the woman with the largest natural breasts.

The woman suffers from gigantomastia: each of her breasts weighs 22.5 kg and hangs over 50 cm, and her bra size is 102ZZZ. Thanks to her unique bust, Annie became famous in the modeling business, in the film industry, acting in light erotica. Such popularity brings a good income to a woman. To maintain her main dignity, Annie has to very carefully walk up the stairs, get out of bed, drive a car, but at the same time, the woman does not consider the issue of breast reduction. Moreover, it will be deprived of such a main source of income.

From China - the youngest owner of an impressive breast. For Chinese women, this is a real rarity, since even the third breast size is already considered great happiness. The girl got such a gift from nature. Already at the age of 9, Ting wore a size 3-4 bra, and when she was 15 years old, each of her breasts already weighed 10 kg and hung 48 cm. Unlike other women, this tiny girl can only only suffering: it is hard for her to move, sleep, boys and girls do not want to be friends with her, calling her “cash cow”.

- the first woman in the world who decided to have silicone breasts.

In 1962, Lindsay agreed to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. The operation lasted more than 2 hours and was absolutely free, since at that time it was an experiment rather than an actual need. The first patient was very pleased with the result, but over the years, instead of joy came disappointment, and in his 80s, Timmy does not advise women to insert artificial breast implants into their bodies.

- the owner of the most luxurious and expensive silicone breast, which cost the popular actress 35 thousand dollars.

For the first time, Pamela enlarged her bust at the age of 21, thanks to which she got a role in the TV series "Rescuers Malibu". For a long time, the actress either increased or decreased her breasts, and even took out her implants, selling them at auction, then lay back on the operating table. What you can't do for the glory.

In fact, after her example, a real boom in breast implants began in the world, which does not stop to this day.

- the owner of the largest artificial breast in the world.

Chelsea is a model, stripper, dancer and porn actress by profession. In 2011, she was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the largest silicone breast. Although before that the woman had her own not a small full fourth breast size, but as time has shown, this was not enough for Chelsea and she began to actively get involved in plastic surgery.

During the last intervention, she received polypropylene breast implants, which absorb water from the body and expand. Due to this, there is a constant increase in the bust.

Each Chelsea breast weighs 12 kg and her bust size is 165XXX.

Jasmine- a girl from the United States with three breasts at once.

For the sake of popularity and fame, Jasmine went for plastic surgery, having made herself a third breast, and thereby becoming the only owner of three breasts in the world. For a long time Jasmine was looking for a doctor who would agree to such an experiment, and the efforts and waste of the girl gave their result. Unusual appearance, social networks- made a woman popular and recognizable not only in the USA.

- the owner of the most seductive natural breast in the world in all ages. The incomparable blonde remains the ideal female beauty, which has never gone under the knife of a plastic surgeon. With a height of 166 cm, Marilyn weighed 54 kg, had a chest volume of 92 cm, a waist of 58 cm and hips - 91 cm.

No matter how hard they try modern women enlarge your breasts, but, according to the male audience, there is nothing more beautiful than natural female breasts.

A large breast size in a woman attracts many enthusiastic glances and at the same time problems to its owner, among which the most frequent are: back pain, chest pain, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation or milk outflow disorders during breastfeeding... For this reason, breast reduction operations are often performed, despite the complexity of the manipulation. Officially, the largest bust in the world to date is of American Ann Hawkins-Turner.

Physiological aspects

An impressive bust in women can also lead to certain health problems, including:

  • posture disorders;
  • back pain, osteochondrosis;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • joint and headaches;
  • skin pathologies: diaper rash, darkening, rashes, wounds, chafing in the area of ​​the straps and under the breast;
  • problems with breathing and blood circulation, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

With improperly selected underwear, deformation and stretching of the skin occurs, and soreness of the mammary glands is possible.

The result of the latter may be the risk of developing certain pathologies: mastopathy, cancer of the gland, etc.

The bulk of the tissue that makes up the breast is fat. It has the ability to accumulate toxic substances and harmful components: mercury, pesticides, substances that make up paints. They are not only constantly present in the body, but can also pass into breast milk.

Large fake breasts will look better than natural ones. This is due to its lower weight. Natural is much heavier, often sags and stretch marks appear on it, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Despite popular belief, huge breasts can be found not only in overweight, but also in thin and petite women.

The reasons for the increase

To date, no clear reason for the formation of an excessively large breast has been identified, but possible factors are:

  • early puberty;
  • impaired growth of gland tissue;
  • obesity;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • metabolic problems;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

In medicine, the formation of a large bust is considered a pathology. Decreasing it is much more difficult than increasing it. Therefore, women with this problem are advised to monitor their weight, wear supportive bras, do back exercises and wear comfortable shoes.

Breast sizes

For most of the inhabitants of the planet, breast size is in the range 1-3. The fourth is considered to be quite large, and the rest are quite rare. It is worth noting that this division is conditional. When assessing the parameters of the bust for choosing underwear, not only the size of the cup is measured, but also the girth. This is important because a size 3 bust can look completely different on slender girls and women in body.

The representatives with the largest forms in the world have the 10th, 15th and even 18th size. But this is more of an anomaly.

Largest natural bust

The owner of the largest natural female bust, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is American Annie Hawkins-Turner. Despite the quite impressive size (102ZZZ, size 26), her breasts are completely natural. The woman makes her living as a glamorous model.

Mostly women dream of big breasts. Having heard the myths about the miraculous properties of cabbage, many beauties suffered, eating it in the hope of having impressive forms, but everything was in vain, and those who by their nature were destined to have large breasts received it, and the rest of the girls had to be content with what they had.

Although many are chasing large size breasts, there are many women who are gladly ready to exchange their volumes with the sufferers, because there are only problems from large breasts: constant aching back pain, problems with choosing clothes, as well as the gazes of men. Here are 7 record holders, among whom you will find the ladies with the largest natural and artificial breasts in the world.

Natural breasts

1. Annie Hawkins-Turner

2. The whole world knows the lady as Norma Stitz. She has the official status of the Guinness Book of Records record holder. Norma is the owner of the largest natural breast in the world, as a result, and the largest bra size.

3. Norma Stitz is a stage name. The woman became famous not only for her bust: she is also known for her work in the modeling business and the film industry (she starred in several adult films). However, popularity did not prevent Norma from becoming a mother of two children.

4. Miosotis Claribel

5. The girl has African-Spanish roots. Perhaps it was this fact that influenced the development of such an impressive bust. The status of Miosotis as the owner of the largest breast has not been officially confirmed. However, this does not bother her fans.

6. The girl is also famous for her work as a model, including in nude photo shoots.

7. Ting Hiafen

8. For a Chinese woman, Ting has an incredible breast size: for Chinese women, even the third and fourth breast sizes are already a rarity.

9. It must be said that, unlike the aforementioned owners of gorgeous busts, Ting did not begin to make lush breasts as a way of earning. On the contrary, to improve her living conditions (the girl had constant back pain, it was difficult for her to walk without assistance), she turned to plastic surgeons who performed the appropriate operation.

Victims of plastic surgery

10. Lolo Ferrari (Eva Valois)

11. French dancer, star of the porn industry. The girl was the record holder of the French Guinness Book of Records. She was the owner of the largest breast in the world: each breast weighed 2.8 kg!

12. Lolo has done over 20 bust augmentation surgeries. The result of the operations was not only worldwide fame, but also health problems. The girl was constantly taking strong medications. Eva Valois died at the age of 37 in 2000.

13. Chelsea Charms

14. American model, stripper, dancer and porn actress. In 2011, Chelsea Charms became the Guinness World Record holder for the largest breast in the world.

15. Nature has awarded Chelsea the fourth breast size. But this was not enough for the girl, and at the age of twenty she performed the first operation to increase the bust. There were also other surgical interventions. During the latter, the girl received polypropylene breast implants. Their peculiarity is that they absorb water from the body and expand. Thus, an increase in the bust occurs. The use of these implants is prohibited in the EU and the USA, since the risks of developing complications after such operations are very high.

16.Sabrina Sabrok (Lorena Fabiana Colotta)

17. Sabrina has always dreamed of wearing the title of the owner of the largest breast in the world. What she, in general, succeeded in: having more than a dozen plastic surgeries behind her shoulders, the girl nevertheless achieved her goal. However, Sabrina is not going to stop there and does not hide it. Exhortations of doctors in this case (however, as in all others) are ineffectual.

18. Sabrina is a famous Latin American TV presenter and model. In addition to candid photo sessions, the girl is also known as a musician: she played in the style of electro-punk in the group Primeras Impresiones. And Sabrina is also a happy mother. In 2010, her son was born.

21. Impressive breasts, attracting everyone's attention, helps the girl build a career in show business and does not give up on offers to take part in various photo sessions.

Recently, Yana and I joked that it was time for us to take a common photo with each other. “And cats there,” Yana said, meaning that the most popular content on the Internet is cats. “And boobs too! I added, meaning the same. - Only I have no boobs, I will be responsible for the cats! ”.

But about how life is, when everything is there and even more than the statistically average, Ian's friend Elena, who lives in London, wrote to us as a guest post.

- I have a fourth breast size. With a total body weight of 55 kg, this will probably pull 4-5 kilos in general. Of course, I am far from champions in this sport, Komsomol members and athletes from China (10 kg each breast) and - a prize to the studio! - a native of the Dominican Republic with her size 11. Her monstrous Persians didn't seem to be veiled, but judging by the photos on the Internet, her leadership is beyond doubt. Actually, I'm not going to measure anything right now, but just want to talk about how to live with this great real happiness.

Joy, I must say, less and less. Back hurts, straps are cut - sometimes intolerably -, hard and hot before menstruation, when you try to get comfortable, forget and fall asleep in bed, sports activities and an attempt to catch up with a bus is forced to support my treasures with my hands while running, contact games with my hyperactive son are carried out with additional measures before caution and admonitions not to injure my mother's chest. On the other hand, the husband is noticeably proud of his big-breasted blonde wife and often (without witnesses) checks the elasticity of his sex toys - so, for no reason, with his hands, which in itself is pleasant, as well as a demonstration of sympathy for my hormonal suffering. I don't know, really, how sincerely ... And for many years I have been looking with envy at the happy owners of small breasts who can afford separate swimwear with a weightless top, light lace bras, a bare back without webbing reliably taking any weight and a slouching posture. Who's lucky!

But it all started so well.

In the late seventies, when I first had the need to purchase a bra, my aunt brought it to me along with all the other essentials (smoked sausage, chocolates, butter, etc.) on one of her frequent shopping trips to Moscow. In my provincial town, on the eve of perestroika, it was a rolling ball in the shops. The family of engineers could not participate in the exchange of goods in those days, so I rarely got good "clothes". A small elegant rag made of white embroidery, produced in a friendly socialist camp, was worn for physical education and shone through a T-shirt, filling the soul with bliss and glee. Perhaps a diamond tiara at the royal ball can bring just as much joy, although deep down I doubt it.

The motivation for moving to Moscow was obvious. True, I had to enter a prestigious university, but let's not be distracted from main theme... A suitable bra in the era of early perestroika, in Moscow, could be found (both in size and in price). But over time, my big and beautiful bust began to ache, anxiety settled in my soul. Buying a new bra was becoming an obsessive, daunting idea. If - what luck! - there is right size, then there is no required model, and vice versa. The design of the perfect bra was complicated, which reflected in the price and the search radius. As a result, the most expensive item in my closet at some point in my life was usually my bra.

Meanwhile, in the completely unbridled free press, a secular chronicle and advertising, approving the new canons of beauty, appeared. Pop star N made herself a size 5 breast (photo attached) and her artistic career took off. At the NNN clinic, you can increase the size of your breasts on credit to the size of your dreams (attached postoperative photo Z with a cheeky smile and newfound torpedoes at the ready, next to the photo is the same patient before the operation with sad small tits and a frightened face). Breasts have become a must-have, a measure of success and big business. I don't know if there are statistics on those who, having turned themselves a little into a porn star, then decided to play back, remove the implants and return to the original version. Well, some brave journalist will write his own investigation about this, for sure there are impressive numbers and heartbreaking stories. And I made an appointment at the mammological dispensary.

Maybe it was the last bastion of Soviet health care, preserved on the territory the former USSR... With all the paraphernalia - unfriendly staff, medical records that turned yellow with old age, queues and stuffy places in a small room filled with breasts of all ages, sizes and shapes, doomedly awaiting sentencing. Those who have been there (and this is at least half of Moscow) will not let you lie. The doctor, by the way, despite the stream that went through her, turned out to be sensible, prescribed herbal infusion, immediately give birth and breastfeed. And my mother happily hummed with her in one tune.

While drinking herbal infusion, I seriously thought about my unsettled female destiny. Imperceptibly our steamer entered the wake of the Balzac age. It was too late to start a pop career, despite the promising potential of my chest, and somehow it was not easy. The thought of breast reduction had not yet entered my head then, and it was scary to follow such a radical path. We will, therefore, give birth as the doctor ordered. Nature will help.

And my chest entered a new phase of fantastic transformations. Thank God, the pregnancy began in Moscow and ended in London, so I got access to the world's architectural achievements in the design of bras during this crucial period (though, before leaving, I was reinsured and bought 2 bras in Moscow for the price of an evening dress each. I could not help but buy, for once I found a suitable size). So here we are in London - again looking for the perfect sconce. All sizes of all styles, pliz. Want - more expensive, want - cheaper. You can pay by installments or pay in May 2012. In all stores and of course online. Most of all, it turned out to be a scary-looking cotton product of one well-known trade mark, let's call it “Mom's Care”. This piece provided the desired comfort and support, and also made it easy to reach the breast for feeding. I would like to give special thanks to another bra of the same company - a specially designed T-shirt for night rest. It should be noted that both cost ridiculous sums of money. Yes, I would give anything for salvation from this scourge, I even applied cabbage leaves to alleviate my suffering. My husband marveled at the strange Russian customs, gazing with appetite at my lush chest, protruding from the stinking cabbage. By the way, cabbage helps a lot, especially if it comes straight out of the refrigerator ... By the local standards, I was breastfeeding for a long time, 10 months. My son grew up, my chest seemed to have calmed down, and I was not up to it, I began to look for a job. My English is getting better every day, but today, after 7 years of living in London, I am still far from the level of a graduate of a decent special school. This, I must say, is the main ambush. V children's center, in which our nursery was, the employment consultant offered to go to free short-term courses with practice, for about 3 weeks all together. A well-known retail chain decided to take part in an action that helps young mothers find work. Our group talked to a psychologist, played different games, and after 3 - this is the time to pick up children from nurseries and schools - we were already going about our business. The practice was the most interesting part of the program. I was asked to work in the lingerie department. Actually, they didn't give us any special work, just every day from 9 to 3 for a week I came to this store and helped to lay out the goods on the trading floor. Oh, what a delight I had in my hands! In addition to the pleasure I got from meeting all these bras, panties, garters and other splendor, it was here, in the lingerie section of a department store in Kensington, that my knowledge of this issue acquired a system and a real academic maturity. I finally figured out how to size and choose a sconce from the crazy assortment. I remember one bewildered client in a hijab and an toe-length dress. She did not know English well and, moreover, she was very shy - she could not find a suitable bra. Understanding her almost without words, I quickly helped her - how grateful she was, taking home her prey - as many as 2 bras! She even said that she was very lucky with me and that she had never bought so well in one go.

The courses ended long ago, I found a job a long time ago (unfortunately, not related to my fetish), but to this day for the next bra I often run into “my” chain store. Mutual understanding with the breast also seemed to be established. There were a couple more attempts to find a right to her - once I used the recommendations of a homeopath (first of all, he advised to pay attention to the diet - less fatty and spicy foods, as much fish as possible with a high Omega-3 content, this is herring, red fish) ... Less stress. He also prescribed me a homeopathic remedy. Well, I love fish anyway. And after this homeopathy, I felt better again, even if those white balls were just placebos.

And finally, I will say - the best of all that is here in the public domain for chest pain and PMS is Evening Primrose Oil. I opened it quite recently (it was recommended by my local doctor), at the same time I learned that all the ladies over 40 are very fond of him here. The mood and skin improved noticeably, the chest stopped hurting. In all pharmacies in a large assortment, even in combination with different ones if you wish.

So you can live with big breasts in peace and harmony. If you are in London, call me, I will be happy to help you choose a bra. Yes, try to rarely come across photos of beauties with liquid silicone charms - they cause me an attack of uncontrollable aggression and loud comments like “stupid sheep”. Maybe I will take the risk and reduce my breasts. By the way, a great reason to buy a new bra !!!