
How to take care of yourself in the autumn-winter period to always remain beautiful. How to take care of yourself in winter - tips for women Take care of yourself in winter correctly


For many with dry skin, winter is a disaster. This means that the heating season has come, the air in the apartment is dry to the point of creaking, and the street is cold and windy. Scaly knees, cracked elbows and heels, dry lips, parchment hands and facial irritation are the minimum set that you have to deal with in winter.

How to take care of your body in winter?

Waterproof bathroom clock

Hot water harms your skin. However, if it is so dank outside, and you have just returned from a walk and got caught in the rain / snow ... Oh, how nice it is to soak in a hot bath, steam the bones and enjoy the peace! However, these moments of bliss are fraught with serious problems: after a hot bath, the skin becomes even drier, tightens and absorbs liters of cream.

Train yourself to take only a shower in winter, and even then for a limited time. And in order not to daydream under jets of hot water and not lose count of minutes, use a waterproof timer with a sound signal. Remember that everything good must be in moderation, otherwise it automatically becomes bad.

Strength is in the hands!

Buy special exfoliating gloves (often they are sold without “fingers”, in the form of mittens or mittens) and massage your body regularly. Firstly, it is an excellent and affordable peeling, thanks to which the skin will breathe freely; secondly, it is a light but productive massage that activates the blood supply to the skin.

A definite plus: you can carry out this procedure as soon as you feel the need. In addition, you can adjust the intensity of the massage - for example, rub your thighs and heels with different strengths.

Take a job at night

Apply body oil or cream to the skin no later than three to five minutes after showering: this way the moisture will be "locked" under the cream on the skin. Fall in love with cosmetic gloves and socks - they make traditional moisturizers just magical! Thickly apply your favorite cream on your feet, hands, elbows and knees, put on gloves and socks and go to bed - in the morning your skin will be soft and velvety.

Hydrate properly!

Do you turn on the heater in winter? Do you have central heating radiators? After all, do you use a hair dryer? All this technique literally sucks precious moisture out of the air. A home humidifier will help you.

However, do not forget to change the filters and clean it periodically, otherwise it will very quickly turn into a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Take care... of your neck

The neck suffers from external factors in the same way as the face. Do not forget that you need to take care of it no less carefully: apply cream with SPF, make masks, exfoliate, use creams with AHA acids. And, of course, don't forget the scarves!

How to take care of your hands in winter?

Our hands react very quickly to changes in weather conditions: the skin on them becomes rough, peeling, cracks appear, the cuticle dries up. And the color? Red with blue veins - and these are delicate female hands? You need to take care of your hands constantly and no less diligently than your face and do not forget about small, but very important rules.

Gloves, gloves, GLOVES!!!

No, I'm not talking about lace mitts a la Madonna of the 80s (although, no doubt, this is cool). Best friends your hands - knitted / soft woolen gloves for the street, in which you will be warm and comfortable walking, rubber - for household chores and cotton - for cosmetic procedures.

  • In the cold season, knitted gloves are much more preferable than leather ones. Firstly, they are warmer, and secondly, they are more comfortable. And an important point: knitted gloves cost a little, so you can afford to buy as many pairs as your darling wants. Or even tie it yourself - uniqueness in our world is still worth something.
  • Do you forget to use rubber gloves and remember only when your hands are already wet and it is unrealistic to pull this rubber on top? Keep a couple at the ready near "critical points" - in the bathroom, in the toilet, near the sink, on the balcony.
  • Choose gloves carefully and according to your needs: for example, if you walk your dog twice a day, it would be a good idea to get special gloves with padded fingers. They will not allow the delicate skin of the fingers to coarsen from constant friction on the leather leash.
  • By the way, if you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, get special gloves for driving - they will keep the skin of your hands beautiful and will avoid hardening, chafing and calluses.
  • Keep a pair of cosmetic cotton gloves in the bedroom, near the bed - this will make it easier for you to use them: after applying the cream every night, do a light massage and put on gloves. This will deeply moisturize the skin and adequately respond to the dry winter air.

Scrub, peeling, exfoliant, gommage - what's the difference, what is it called, if it works?

You probably exfoliate your face more or less regularly, but why not make the same good habit for the skin of your hands?

Keep the scrub in the bathroom, but if you don’t have the strength even for such a simple procedure, then you can do something more cunning: add a few drops of a face serum with active acids to your daily hand cream. Apply to skin. In a week, the result will be amazing.

Hot water is evil

Hot water destroys the lipid balance - roughly speaking, it washes away the natural oil from the skin of the hands, which moisturizes and maintains integrity. skin. Therefore, accustom yourself to use exclusively warm water.

Even if it seems to you that hot water will wash these dishes faster, instantly washing off all the fat from it, think about what it will do to your skin.

Choose your soap carefully

We all wash our hands, and most of the time we use soap. Choose a soap that does not dry out the skin and does not leave a feeling of tightness after use. Be sure to carefully wash off soap residue from the skin - they can provoke irritation.

Refuse soap with fragrances - with damaged skin of the hands, the risk of getting an allergy is higher than ever.

Hydration is the basis of everything

Do not forget that the hand cream should also have an SPF protection factor. Apply the cream while your hands are still damp - this will allow you to "lock" the moisture a little and prevent it from eroding without a trace. Look for creams with lanolin - this is an old proven remedy for treating even the driest skin on the hands.

If you don't like greasy hands (and who does?), then either blot the excess with a tissue, or use non-greasy hand lotions during the day and thick creams under gloves at night.

winter lip care

Water and hydration

Drink water. Drink plenty of water - it is clean water, preferably not boiled, but weakly mineralized. Keep a bottle of water near your workspace - remember that sufficient hydration from the inside leads to perfectly hydrated skin. In this case, lips.

Use moisturizing lipsticks and lip glosses

Not all formulas decorative cosmetics for lips are designed for moisturizing - in fact, there are only a few well-moisturizing lipsticks and glosses. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will choose exactly your winter lipstick. Be sure to start with samplers, ask for opinions on thematic forums and online communities. Remember: Matte and long-lasting lipsticks tend to dry out more than their glossy counterparts.

Stock up on conditioners, balms, oils ... for lips

There are many special products for the care of delicate skin of the lips. Perhaps winter is just the time to get to know them? Apply lipstick over balm, use a special lip conditioner after a shower, massage your lips with oil before going to bed and don't forget: there is no such thing as too much lip balm! And be sure to make sure that there is a protection factor in the lip products.


Lips also need exfoliation, but for them it should be especially gentle (and the product should also not have a vile taste and smell ...)

If you do not want to use store-bought products, there is nothing easier than making a lip scrub at home - mix a little vegetable oil, sugar, honey and a drop of lemon juice. Massage the lips with the resulting mixture with your fingers or a toothbrush, rinse with warm water and apply honey on the lips for a few minutes, let it partially absorb, blot the excess with a napkin. Attention: you will have to give up honey if you are allergic to bee products.

Irina Petrakova

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Now it is necessary not only to use special cosmetics but also watch your diet. For example, it is worth leaning on foods rich in protein: lean meats, nuts, beans, dairy products. Do not forget about green vegetables, which stimulate the immune system. In addition, the substances contained in green vegetables have a beneficial effect on the skin, as a result, it does not dry out and crack so much.


Don't throw physical exercises


After all, they improve blood circulation, help maintain harmony, and even strengthen the immune system.


Face and body care in winter



We change the cream. In winter, our skin needs not so much hydration as nourishment.
Therefore, it is worth choosing products that are intended for use at this time of the year, or with a denser (does not mean heavy and clog pores) texture.

For cleansing try to use cosmetic products that do not contain alcohol. Give preference to cleansers in the form of milk or cream. Well, if they contain cocoa butter, essential oils, beeswax and vitamin E.

Be sure to use lipsticks or lip balms


And in no case do not lick your lips in the cold.

Not only the face needs proper care, because wearing warm clothes, temperature changes dry out the skin of the body. As a result, you feel discomfort and itching. Therefore, for the body it is also worth using special lotions and creams that nourish and moisturize the skin well. And don't forget the hand cream.

You can apply olive oil on the skin, it is great for skin care. You just need to apply it either a few minutes before you take a bath, or after water procedures on wet skin. If the skin is very dry, then try coconut oil. This is a recognized remedy in the fight against dry skin. Moreover, it will come in handy for hair and nail care.

In the cold season, people with dry and normal skin. Therefore, it is useful for them to make masks.

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- Sea buckthorn mask. Mix 1 tsp. cream or sour cream with 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Apply to cleansed face and leave on for 15 minutes.

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- Rowan mask. Mix 1 tbsp. butter with 1 tsp. rowan juice. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse.

- Tomato mask. Mix 2 tbsp. tomato juice and some flour. Apply to the skin of the face, leave until dry or for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

- apple mask. Grate half an apple, add 1 tbsp. honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp ascorbic acid and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Mix everything well and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

- Pumpkin mask. Grate a small amount of pumpkin and wait until it gives juice. Add 1 egg yolk and apply a thick layer on the face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water and wipe your face with facial tonic.

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Nail care



Our nails require no less careful care. good protection- varnish-base. Also, be sure to wear gloves. And always have a cream with you, which should be nutritious. Many manufacturers produce seasonal skin care products that are higher in vitamin E and botanicals.

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Hair care


It is imperative to wear a hat so that the cold and other things do not affect the hair roots and scalp.

During this time, do not wash your hair too often. Use dry shampoos or experiment with hairstyles. Many of them work well on second-day hair.

Don't forget to moisturize your hair. Do nourishing mask once a week. You should not indulge in such products too often, as the hair loses its ability to withstand the environment.

You can use coconut oil and aloe juice to protect your hair. Never wash your hair before going outside. And you also need to dry your hair at least 20 minutes before going out, so that they have time to “come to their senses” and cool down. Sudden changes in temperature lead to brittle hair.

Taking care of yourself is hard work. Year-round, requiring a system. But when you look in the mirror and see the result, you understand that it was worth it.

In winter, our skin is under real stress: frost, wind, exposure to heating appliances, lack of vitamins. The skin is flaky, reddens and with all its appearance cries for help.

Proper care on cold days

Improper care in winter or its complete absence weakens the protective functions of the skin, which leads to loss of moisture and fragility of blood vessels. If, with the onset of spring, you do not want to find stars, for example, near the wings of the nose or on the cheeks, a flaky forehead, skin care should be daily.

Three whales

Regardless of the season, you must follow the three main steps of daily care - cleansing, toning and moisturizing ( food). In frost, any skin becomes drier. You need to remember this when choosing care and change your usual products for cosmetics for a drier skin type.

. Facial cleansing in winter. Avoid soaps and gels. You need to cleanse the skin in the morning and in the evening with the help of cosmetic milk or creamy cleansers. It is advisable to choose a "cleaner" marked "for sensitive skin". Instead of scrubs with large abrasive particles in cold weather, use soft peels.

. Winter toning. Don't give up tonics! This stage prepares the skin for hydration and enhances the action of the cream. But do not use products containing alcohol. They dry out already dry skin.

. Hydration. In winter, you need to not only nourish, but also moisturize the skin. The colder it is outside, the thicker the cream should be. True, it is better to use it at night or at least 2 hours before going out into the cold. Choose thermal water creams, they will protect against irritation and relieve redness.

Something that your skin will love

Winter is the most fertile time for all kinds of cosmetic procedures. Therefore, if you have been putting off a visit to a beautician for a long time, now is the right moment for this. However, any procedure can be carried out at home. Do not forget to saturate the skin with nourishing and vitamin masks, they will help maintain water balance. If the skin is sensitive, then a nourishing mask can be done two to three times a week. For all other skin types, once is enough.

Mask of cottage cheese and chamomile soothes and revitalizes the skin.

1 st. l. rub cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. l. decoction of chamomile medicinal until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the resulting mass for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm or cool water.

In order to prepare a decoction of chamomile, pour 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, cover tightly and leave to cool.

Diet for beauty

Any skin care will not give visible results if you do not eat a balanced diet. Be sure to include as many varied vegetables and fruits as possible in your winter diet. Important for skin cell renewal vitamins A, E and C. Their deficiency will lead to premature aging. In addition to foods rich in the above vitamins, it is important to take special vitamin complexes.

How to take care of lips in winter?

The lips are the part of the face that suffers most in winter, and they need special protection. First of all, you need to get rid of the bad habit of licking your lips on the street. This makes them dry out even more. A special fortified lip balm or hygienic lipstick will perfectly cope with chapping. Before going to bed, apply a nourishing cream to clean lips.

How to take care of your hands in winter?

On the cold hands turn red and peel off. These factors accelerate the aging process, which we absolutely do not need. And therefore, in winter, you can’t forget about your hands in any case.

In addition to the usual moisturizer, it is necessary to use oily, preferably glycerin-based. Apply it half an hour before going outside.

Use to wash your hands liquid soap with moisturizing ingredients.

Before washing dishes, wear rubber gloves or apply a glycerin cream that creates a protective film.

Never go out into the cold with wet hands.

Do not exclude baths from the “menu” for hand care, oil ones are better.

If the skin of the hands is too dry, dip your hands for 10-15 minutes in warmed vegetable or olive oil, in which you first add a few drops of lemon juice. Then pat your hands dry with a tissue and apply a nourishing cream.

How to take care of your nails in winter?

Nails in winter are also necessary additional protection from the cold - so do not neglect medical varnish for nails that will perform protective function. Do not forget to wear gloves or mittens in winter - and you need to put them on even before leaving the house to avoid a sharp temperature drop.

goddess body

The need to constantly wear warm clothes, changes in temperature and humidity lead to dryness of the skin of the whole body. Various relaxing and tonic baths in cold weather will be a real salvation for your body.

Wheat bran bath will help soften the skin.

Before you draw water into the bath, pour 2 tbsp into a gauze bag. l. bran and hang it on the faucet so that a jet passes through it.

After the bath, be sure to apply a nourishing cream or ordinary vegetable (or olive) oil to the skin of the body. The oil is applied with a cotton swab and rubbed in properly, the residue should be washed off with warm water.

How to take care of your heels?

In winter, the skin on the feet often becomes excessively dry, hard, and flaky. Regular hygiene procedures and pedicures help, but not for long. The problem can be eliminated by the daily use of special cosmetic creams and medicinal ointments, which include substances that cause active exfoliation of dead cells - salicylic (up to 6%) and lactic (from 5 to 12%) acids, urea (from 10 to 30% ). As a rule, these components are combined with moisturizing agents. Do not neglect foot scrubs. Give preference to products with polyethylene granules.

And a special bath will give tired legs after a working day a real pleasure. Pour warm water into a bowl, add 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1/4 cup milk.

masha vorslav

The weather is not fast but it’s getting colder, and before we’re completely covered in snow and icy winds, we suggest checking cosmetic bags and shelves in the bathroom for everything you need - and buying the missing ones.

The main trouble in winter is low temperatures and wind. You can’t protect yourself from the latter with cosmetics alone: ​​you need to wear, like any adult, a hat, scarf and gloves - weathered skin hurts and recovers for a long time. For running from the subway or car to the office, such simple measures should be enough, but if you are going to skate or ski, it is better to apply a day cream on exposed skin (just don’t jump out with it immediately, but wait until it is absorbed) and even tonal - the more everything on the face, the more comfortable it is for him. Nevertheless, you don’t need to strive to choose the most dense tonal especially for winter - you need to get confused with the selection of a shade (in a rare person, the skin does not become lighter in autumn), and the texture should still allow the pigment to lie evenly and, as far as possible, imperceptibly.

Layers can and should be added if the skin requires it. Moisturizing or nourishing not only can, but should remain part of the care, if you came to the need for it in the fall. If it is not enough, there is an option to buy: some modern ones can even be used as day cream(or under it) - they are absorbed well and leave exactly that radiance, due to which the skin looks healthy, not shiny. True, it is worth keeping in mind and considering that the oil may be reluctantly or inaccurately distributed foundation so even a primer won't fix it. By the way, about primers: they are also able to protect from the wind and, of course, other cosmetics fit and hold well on them.

As we have already said, we see no reason to paint less in winter - except perhaps in the most severe frosts, when the temperature difference between the street and the room is all fifty degrees. Then we would limit ourselves to only the tone (cream or oil and serum, primer, tonal remedy - throw out the excess) and summed up eyebrows: the eyes can water, the most resistant mascara can leak, and the lipstick on the lips will not linger even on the primer, only if it is not super matte MAC Retro Matte, which is quite a test for the skin even in cold weather. We advise you to buy a lot of lip balms, focusing on their durability and effectiveness, not smell, and spread them everywhere, not ignoring all pockets and desktops. The same balms as a bonus can be used as cuticle products. On those days when it is not very cold outside, mascara and lipstick behave well, blush, highlighters - too. By the way, they can also be turned from decoration into protection if you choose creamy textures.

In the warmth, no matter how insulting it may be, things can also be not so simple with the skin: heating is added to the air conditioners that work almost all year round, which dries the air even more. The problem is partly solvable: air humidifiers are inexpensive and do their job (we advise you to buy one both in the office and at home), and you can also call for help. The latter, we note, should not be used at random: if you leave it to dry and not get wet, the skin will shrink instead of being moisturized.

Of course, now is the time for moisturizing and nourishing masks that have been bought all year long and could not start using. They can be applied at least every day, if there is a need, time and patience. And although we are sure that everyone can find five minutes a day, you can make masks less often if you find a decent nourishing cream. There should be no problems with finding it: manufacturers always distinguish them in their lines, and sometimes they make two versions of the same cream (the one marked “nourishing” or “rich” is the right choice).

Recall about products with acids: there is no better time for them. It can be creams, and masks, and (the time for Baby Foot has also come up). One thing is important with them: listen to the sensations, especially if you introduce acids into care on your own, and do not forget about sunscreen - those that seemed heavy in the summer are just right now. Cleansing of make-up and skin secrets out of season remains the most important ritual: we assume that there is a narrow circle of people who simply wipe their faces with micellar water for a comfortable state, while the rest should definitely not forget about the usual foams, mousses, soaps and scrubs.

Body care in winter becomes a little more difficult. Every evening you want not just to lie in the bath, but to live in it, but care is needed here: hot water cleanses the skin so much that the natural layer of sebum is washed off and the skin dries. Bath oils can help, and then only partially. In any case, we advise you to get a nourishing body cream (butter), but it is better to put it next to the bath: it is applied to wet skin in seconds and moisturizes better than other products. With hand creams, the story is the same as with lip balms: it makes sense to disperse them everywhere and not forget about the bathroom (whatever the cream, after a few washes of the hands, it will also be washed off). But we recommend putting foot products in the most visible and obliging place, by the bed - and highlighting some especially beautiful socks to put on immediately after applying the cream and fall asleep like a princess with a sense of accomplishment (the latter is guaranteed if you buy special spa socks and gloves like

Now you need to not only use special cosmetics, but also monitor your own. For example, it is worth leaning on foods rich in protein: lean meats, nuts, beans, dairy products. Do not forget about the green ones, which stimulate the immune system. In addition, the substances contained in green vegetables have a beneficial effect on the skin, as a result, it does not dry out and crack so much.

Don't skip exercise either. After all, they improve blood circulation, help maintain harmony, and even strengthen the immune system.

Face and body care
We change the cream. In winter, our skin needs not so much hydration as nourishment.
Therefore, it is worth choosing products that are intended for use at this time of the year, or with a denser (does not mean heavy and clog pores) texture.

Try to use beauty products that do not contain alcohol. Give preference to cleansers in the form of milk or cream. It is good if they contain cocoa butter, essential oils, beeswax and vitamin E.

Be sure to use lipsticks or lip balms. And in no case do not lick your lips in the cold.

Not only the face needs, because wearing warm clothes, temperature changes dry out the skin of the body. As a result, you feel discomfort and itching. Therefore, for the body it is also worth using special lotions and creams that nourish and moisturize the skin well. And don't forget the hand cream.

You can apply on the skin, it is great for skin care. You just need to apply it either a few minutes before you take a bath, or after water procedures on wet skin. If the skin is very dry, then try coconut oil. This is a recognized remedy in the fight against dry skin. Moreover, it will come in handy for hair and nail care.

People with dry and normal skin suffer the most during the cold season. Therefore, it is useful for them to make masks. Here are the recipes we recommend:

- Sea buckthorn mask. Mix 1 tsp. cream or sour cream with 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Apply to cleansed face and leave on for 15 minutes.

- Rowan mask. Mix 1 tbsp. butter with 1 tsp. rowan juice. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse.

- Tomato mask. Mix 2 tbsp. tomato juice and some flour. Apply to the skin of the face, leave until dry or for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

- apple mask. Grate half an apple, add 1 tbsp. honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. ascorbic acid and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Mix everything well and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

- pumpkin mask. Grate a small amount of pumpkin and wait until it releases juice. Add 1 egg yolk and apply a thick layer on the face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water and wipe your face with facial tonic.

Nail care
Our nails require no less careful care. Good protection - lacquer base. Also, be sure to wear gloves. And always have a cream with you, which should be nutritious. Many manufacturers produce seasonal skin care products that are higher in vitamin E and botanicals.

Hair care
It is imperative to wear a hat so that the cold and other things do not affect the hair roots and scalp.

During this time, do not wash your hair too often. Use dry shampoos or experiment with hairstyles. Many of them work well on second-day hair.

Don't forget to moisturize your hair. Make a nourishing mask once a week. You should not indulge in such products too often, as the hair loses its ability to withstand the environment.

You can use coconut oil and aloe juice to protect your hair. Never wash your hair before going outside. And you also need to dry your hair at least 20 minutes before going out, so that they have time to “come to their senses” and cool down. Sudden changes in temperature lead to brittle hair.

Taking care of yourself is hard work. Year-round, requiring a system. But when you look in the mirror and see the result, you understand that it was worth it.