
Making shampoo at home. Highly recommend! Homemade hair shampoos. Homemade Shampoo Recipes Chamomile Shampoo for Sensitive Scalp


Svetlana Rumyantseva

Cosmetics intended for hair hygiene are advertised daily by well-known cosmetic companies. The promise of miraculous deliverance from dandruff and brittle hair remain only promises. Shampoo commercials use the properties of Photoshop, the graphic “transformation” of hair after purchased shampoos.

After prolonged use of industrial shampoos, the hair loses its shine, the scalp becomes dry, dandruff appears.

Attention: all manufacturers of industrial cosmetics add preservatives and sulfates to the composition of shampoos, which ensure long-term storage of products on store shelves.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, ladies used herbal infusions to wash their curls. Detergents did not have foamy properties, the hygienic procedure caused a lot of trouble due to the laboriousness of the process.

Nowadays, soap base is used to make shampoo at home. You can buy it in pharmacies, specialized markets. In exceptional cases, as the basis of homemade hair cosmetics, you can take baby shampoo without additives.

Useful qualities of natural homemade shampoos

  1. Natural sulfate-free shampoos do not contain preservatives, chemical additives.
  2. Use of fresh food products, oils, extracts.
  3. After applying homemade hair cosmetics, the curls become healthy and silky.
  4. Constant protection from negative environmental factors.
  5. Natural plant ingredients act as antioxidants on the hair.
  6. Improving the structure of hair, the bulbous apparatus, accelerating hair growth.
  7. To create shampoos with your own hands, minimal financial waste is required.

Does Hair Need Vitamin Supplements?

Vitamin supplements can be added to homemade shampoos. What are they needed for?

  • Retinol acetate

Vitamin A in liquid form can be bought at any pharmacy kiosk. It is added to the shampoo to improve the trophic functions of the hair root system, improve blood circulation, nutrition, and hair growth.

  • Vitamin C

Favorably affects the structure of the hair. Strengthens follicles, prevents hair loss.

  • Vitamins of group "B"

Thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine are the most important components in the natural shampoo. With their help, the cells of the scalp are regularly updated, the building cells of the bulb are regenerated. Under the influence of B vitamins, the hair has a healthy shine.

  • Tocopherol

Restores hormonal balance. Vitamin E regulates renewal processes at the cellular level, which helps slow down aging.

In pharmacy form, the vitamin complex can be added independently to any natural home-made shampoo.

Purchased shampoos: what's the catch?

The annotation of purchased cosmetics for hair hygiene indicates the quantitative ratio of the ingredients that make up the composition. After conducting a chemical analysis of several types of industrial shampoos, it was proved that the indicated composition is not true. Herbal ingredients, vitamin supplements are in the very last row of the shampoo composition.

The main function of purchased detergents is to remove contaminants. Contains harmful chemicals. Surface-active substances (surfactants) remove the remnants of fat produced by the glands, provide the shampoo with abundant foaming.

Negative qualities of purchased products:

  • Frequent allergic reactions to the chemical components present.
  • Industrial shampoos affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which, with prolonged use, causes dry skin, dandruff, and hair thinning.
  • covers the hair with a greasy film. Due to this, the natural functions of nutrition are violated, the curls have a greasy sheen, the strands look untidy.

Shampoo classification

Before preparing a shampoo, it is necessary to determine the type of hair for which the product will be made. Mismatch detergent with the type of scalp will not give the maximum effect, on the contrary, it will worsen the health of the hair.

A good homemade shampoo contains herbal extracts, vitamin supplements in the form of natural juices, natural ingredients that do not contain chemical compounds.

Shampoos are:

  • Liquid
  • Dry
  • Solid

Making homemade natural shampoo is easy. To do this, the soap component is taken as the basis, third-party ingredients are added: food products, vitamin complexes, flavored oil.

Soap base for shampoo should be stored in a separate container from the finished product. If necessary, a certain amount of the base is poured into a separate bowl, accompanying ingredients are added. It is not recommended to store ready-made shampoo for a long time.

DIY solid hair shampoos

In the 21st century, cosmetologists have made a breakthrough in the creation of universal hygiene products for washing hair. As part of solid shampoos there is no liquid, preservatives, chemical additives.

To prepare a solid shampoo you will need:

  • Glycerin oil
  • Soap base
  • herbal extracts
  • Flavored oils

Cooking technology

First, prepare a herbal decoction:

1 option:

  1. Grass (pharmacy version) - 30 g
  2. Water - 100 ml

Place herbal collection in an enamel bowl, pour hot liquid. Create a thermal cushion. The decoction is ready in 60 minutes.

Option 2:

  1. Grass - 60 g
  2. Water - 200 ml

Place the herbal collection in a container, pour boiling water over it. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire. When the water boils, put a container of grass on top of the pot. The finished broth is removed from the water "bath" after twenty minutes. The shampoo base is melted using the method described above. Mix the finished herbal decoction with a warm soap base. Add glycerin oil in the right amount. In conclusion: give the shampoo an aromatic fragrance -. Pour the resulting mass into a separate container. After 30 minutes, put the shampoo in a cold place until completely hardened.

Positive characteristics of solid shampoos

  1. Contains only natural ingredients.
  2. Moisturizes the scalp.
  3. Enhances metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  4. Economical.
  5. High concentration of nutrients.
  6. Portable hair hygiene product (handy for long trips).
  7. Has an antistatic effect.
  8. Easy to use: moisten your head with plenty of water, apply shampoo.

How to make soap base at home

- 3 drops

- 3 drops

Place the gelatin powder in a glass container, pour cold water over it. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. Leave for thirty minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting composition. Mix. Lather curls with shampoo. To achieve the maximum effect, observe the exposure time - 15 minutes.

April 14, 2014, 18:52

Modern shampoos mostly consist of a number of components harmful to health. How to safely wash your hair with natural products is described in the article.

Washing your hair with store-bought shampoo often causes a whole series of hair problems. The most common consequences of improper care: dryness, brittleness, oily hair, split ends and dullness of color.

Shampoo manufacturers convince buyers that their product is not only harmless, but also extremely useful for people. As proof, they release shampoos with essential oils, decoctions of herbs, honey, milk and other products. People are presented with these remedies as natural.

And it doesn’t matter at all that nettle decoction, for example, contains only 0.01% in shampoo. The very fact of its existence is important.

People rarely read the composition of food products, which can be said about care products. But in vain. If you look at reverse side shampoo jars, you can find a whole periodic table there, and even in addition a bunch of parabens, silicates and other garbage.

People are deceived by offering them a completely chemical product with the addition of natural ingredients.

There is a way out of this situation. In order not to be deceived - make shampoos yourself!

How can you wash your hair at home?

In addition to shampoos, there are many more products designed for washing hair. These include: ash, egg, mustard powder, soda, salt, clay, bread and flour.

Sulfate free shampoos

  • If you can't stop shampooing or feel natural remedies unreliable, then modern market offers you a new product - sulfate-free shampoos. They are not as common as usual, but every day there are more and more fans of such shampoos.
  • Sulfate-free shampoos contain much less harmful chemical compounds. In the first weeks of using this shampoo, your hair may look dull and lifeless.
  • This is fine. Previously, their tone was supported by silicone, and now this very silicone is washed out. After a while, the hair structure will begin to recover, and the hair will return to its former strength and beauty.
  • But even when choosing sulfate-free shampoos should be extremely careful. Do not be lazy and look at the composition. Very often a flashy headline is just a publicity stunt.

Folk remedies - hair shampoos: recipes for oily, dry, thin hair

Folk remedies always had their admirers, and this is logical. What a waste to buy a shampoo, hair mask or hand cream with some kind of extract, when you can use this very extract in its pure form. In the latter case, the benefits will be much greater. The same goes for shampoos.

Making shampoo at home is quite simple and cheap. Most likely, the products you need for this are in your refrigerator. However, you should only use shampoos that suit your hair type.

Washing oily hair with folk remedies

Oily hair is pretty easy to take care of. It is enough to monitor the condition of the scalp, regularly cleaning it from the secreted fat.

  • Mustard shampoo. To prepare mustard powder shampoo, you need 1 tbsp. the most mustard powder, egg yolk, 1/2 tsp cosmetic oil(but any vegetable will do), water. So, mix all the ingredients and dilute them with water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply this mixture to slightly damp hair. Keep for 15 minutes under a cap and rinse with warm water
  • Soda shampoo. Soda is taken in half with water. For shoulder-length hair, 2 tbsp is enough. soda. Soda is diluted in a glass with warm water and the hair is washed with this solution. Leave them in this state for 5 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. It is recommended to rinse your hair after such a procedure with decoctions of herbs or water with a bite.
  • Salt shampoo. It's not even a shampoo, it's a scalp scrub. Your task is to wet your hair and rub massage movements sea ​​salt into the scalp, distributing the remnants through the hair. Just be careful not to overdo it, otherwise you can injure your scalp. Sea salt contains a huge amount of minerals, due to which it normalizes lipid metabolism. Hair stops getting dirty quickly

Washing dry hair with folk remedies

Dry hair needs gentle care, so washing with soda or mustard is not suitable for them.

  • Egg shampoo. Such shampoo will do owners of thin and dry hair. Egg yolk contains many healthy fats and vitamins that help restore the structure of the hair from the inside. To prepare such a shampoo, you need 2 yolks. They must be whipped and applied to slightly damp hair for 30-60 minutes.
  • Bread shampoo. The effect of this shampoo is especially noticeable on dry split ends. The B vitamins contained in bread will restore the hair to its former shine. It is necessary to cut the crusts from several pieces of rye bread (without bran), leaving only the crumb. The crumb must be poured with water or herbal decoction so that the liquid covers the bread, but is not higher than it. The mixture is left for an hour, or more, after which it is rubbed through a sieve so that there are no lumps, egg yolk and half a teaspoon are added. vegetable oil(peach, grape seed, olive or wheat germ). The bread has softened and now has a smooth texture. Hair must be wetted and a mask of bread applied, evenly distributing it to the roots and the entire length of the hair. If the hair is not wetted before the mask, then the bread will not be washed with plain water. Bread shampoo is kept on the head for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off under strong water pressure.
  • Herbal shampoo. The head can and should be washed with herbal decoctions for owners of dry hair. Such a decoction can be prepared from oak bark, chamomile, nettle, calendula. You can experiment and try to wash your hair with a decoction of each herb separately, or you can combine them. To prepare herbal shampoo, 30 g of dried herbs are taken and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. The decoction should be infused for an hour, after which they just need to thoroughly rinse the hair, rubbing it into the hair roots. The effect of such a shampoo is not achieved immediately, but after several applications, as the natural balance of the scalp is restored for a long time.

How to wash thin hair? How to wash your hair with an egg

Thin hair needs enhanced nutrition. They look lifeless and dull. The following homemade shampoos will help make hair thicker:

  • Egg shampoo. For thin and dry hair, you should use different versions of egg shampoo. For thin hair whole egg is taken, beaten and filtered. Sea salt, a couple of drops of essential oil and 1 tsp are added to it. lemon juice. This whole mixture is applied to wet hair for at least an hour. Wash off with water
  • Rye shampoo. Rye flour contains more vitamins than rye bread. To prepare rye shampoo, take 2 tbsp. rye flour and mixed with water or kefir to obtain the consistency of sour cream. If you diluted the flour with water, then you can add 2-3 drops of some cosmetic oil. Optionally, you can add an egg or yolk, lemon juice
  • Clay shampoo. For this procedure, green, gray and blue cosmetic clay is suitable. Clay is diluted with water or milk to the consistency of liquid sour cream, then applied to wet hair. Keep the mask for 15 to 20 minutes. Otherwise, there is a risk of drying out the hair. Over time, you will understand what components should be added to the clay to achieve an amazing result.

How to wash your hair with shampoo and soap?

  • Shampoo manufacturers have made their product very concentrated. It was assumed that this way it would be spent much more economically. But there are few who understand it.
  • To properly wash your hair with shampoo, you need to dilute the shampoo with water in a small jar or glass. 1 part shampoo 3 parts water. You will get the same shampoo, only in triple volume. Not bad savings, right? Diluted shampoo is enough for 2-3 soaps
  • Washing your hair with soap is not recommended for those who have sensitive scalp or brittle hair. But the owners oily hair perfect fit laundry soap. Before use, the hair should be wetted with water, then lather your hands well and distribute the foam through the hair. In general, the procedure is similar to washing your hair with regular shampoo.

How to wash hair for growth and density in case of hair loss?

In order for hair to grow, it needs nutrition. If you want to grow thick hair, then give up purchased shampoos in favor of homemade ones. Use egg, bread, mustard, and rye shampoos. Before washing your hair, you can scrub your scalp with sea salt.

With hair loss, you need to be careful. It is important to know the reason for their loss. Perhaps it lies within. In this case, it is recommended to first undergo a course of treatment. if you are sure that there are no such reasons, then use clay as a head wash.

Choose either white, or blue, or pink. Mix it with water, add egg yolk. Do not keep the mask on for too long. Maximum 15 minutes. Otherwise, it will dry out, and it will be problematic to wash it off without damaging the hair.

How to wash your hair to give it shine?

  • Usually dullness of hair is associated with a lack of vitamins in the body or with open hair scales. In the first case, a complex of vitamins will help you, and in the second, it is enough to change the shampoo
  • To “glue” the hair scales, it is necessary to act on it from the outside. Acidic foods such as lemon and vinegar will help you with this. As the main shampoo, you can use egg, bread shampoo or sea salt. And rinse your hair after washing with diluted apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. 1 tbsp is taken per liter of warm water. juice or vinegar
  • If you opted for vinegar, be sure to choose natural apple cider vinegar. Table 3% and 9% will not work. Ideally, learn how to make your own apple cider vinegar at home. The store is more likely to buy instead apple cider vinegar a mixture of apple juice and table vinegar. Of course, in this case, there can be no question of any benefit to the hair.

How did you wash your hair in the old days? Washing hair with soda, recipe

Now we are so accustomed to a huge variety of shampoos that we can’t even imagine what people used to wash their hair with before the advent of these miracle products.

It turns out that in Rus' it was customary to wash your hair with ashes. Since in those days everyone had stoves in their homes, there were no problems with ash.

RECIPE: To wash your hair with ashes, you must first wet them well, then dilute ash and water in a glass in a ratio of 1: 1 and rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots. The remains must be evenly distributed over the entire length and "rumple" the hair.

To wash your hair with soda, the following components are needed:

RECIPE 1: Prepare two jugs. Hot water is poured into both (60-70 degrees). 2-3 tablespoons are added to the first jug. soda, and in the second 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice or vinegar. In a jug of soda, a neutralization reaction will take place; in this form, soda is harmless to hair. Now the procedure itself: wet your hair with water and gradually pour a solution of slaked soda on them, as if lathering your hair with it. After the first pitcher is empty, rinse your hair thoroughly with water. Now rinse your hair in a basin with a solution of vinegar. So your hair will gain shine and strength.

RECIPE 2: About half a pack of baking soda is poured into a basin (20 l), water is added so that its level reaches the middle of the basin. Dip your hair in this solution and rinse thoroughly. This method is much easier than the previous one. The soda solution is washed off with plain clean water. after this procedure, let the hair dry on its own.

How to wash hair after keratin straightening?

Fashionable hair straightening procedure with keratin takes a leading place in the ranking salon procedures. After it, the hair becomes strong, shiny, light and very soft. However, such hair needs special care.

In order not to wash out keratin from your hair, avoid the use of shampoos with sulfates. This is the vast majority of shampoos on the market.

Ask your master what kind of tool he did you keratin recovery. If this is a special series of one company, then it probably has shampoos for use after this procedure. It is advisable to use all hair care products of the same line in order to maximize the effect of beautiful hair.

How to wash a child's hair?

  • Children are more prone to allergies than adults, so you should not teach them to chemistry from an early age.
  • Babies are recommended to wash with plain clean water. Sometimes you can add the most harmless baby soap, which will not cause an undesirable reaction
  • Since the sebaceous glands of babies work less intensively than in adults, it is advisable to bathe the procedure no more than 2 times a week.

If you decide to use shampoo, then choose children's. It has the least variety of chemicals. At the same time, shampoo should be applied carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes or mouth of the child.

How to wash your hair properly:

  1. Wash your hair only when it gets dirty
  2. Use natural shampoos
  3. Before shampooing, comb your hair. So they don't get confused
  4. Never brush damp hair. The ends will start to split and split
  5. Massage your scalp while washing your hair. It improves blood circulation

Yana, 38 years old, Rostov-on-Don

All my adult life, except for the last three years, I washed my hair with shampoo. By the age of 30, my chic hair was left in a miserable ponytail, and by 35 I almost lost my hair. Doctors said that this is how the body reacts to chemistry in shampoos. Then I switched to homemade shampoos. Mustard didn't suit me, but thanks to bread, I have hair again. And not just hair, but healthy and beautiful curls.

Natasha, 24 years old, Novosibirsk

My childhood dream is to have waist length hair. But I was unlucky with genetics: my hair grew to a maximum of shoulder blades, then broke. Saved me egg shampoo, which taught me how to cook my friend (trichologist by education). Now for a year now I have been washing my head only with them and I am happy. My hair does not split and has long outgrown that ill-fated "barrier". Just a little more and my dream of long and strong hair will come true!

What happens if you wash your hair with Coca Cola?

Few dare to such an experiment, because everyone knows about the harm of Coca-Cola. However, if you wash your hair with this drink, they will acquire a noticeable shine, become soft and curly.

But this is a one-time effect. By doing this procedure more often, you risk losing your hair forever. So be careful.

Video: Homemade rye flour shampoo

Of course, all women want their hair to be healthy and beautiful. For our hair, we constantly buy a variety of shampoos, conditioners, balms and masks. And at the same time, we never think how much chemistry is in their composition. As a rule, we only read the text about the effect, which always sounds the same: they will be thick, smooth, silky, soft, etc. And what is written in the smallest print, we are usually too lazy to read. After all, there are listed the names of a variety of chemicals with difficult-to-pronounce names.

And vice versa, only natural and familiar ingredients include a natural shampoo made by yourself: its recipes are full of names of useful herbs and products.

What's wrong with regular shampoos?

Also, everyone already knows that the shampoos used by almost all people on earth include more than 50% of an extremely harmful substance - sodium laureth / lauryl sulfate (SLS).

SLS is one of the most harmful ingredients in most cosmetics, as well as shower gels and shampoos. Because sodium lauryl sulfate is a surfactant that destroys the structure of the proteins that make up the skin. But SLS is considered a very cheap component, and its function is to distribute and penetrate the shampoo into the hair. And, apparently, manufacturers are not at all going to abandon the use of this component.

About the benefits of homemade natural shampoo

In addition, in order to produce all this “good”, cosmetic companies waste natural resources and also pollute environment. It must be remembered that the human body is not at all created for continuous interaction with chemistry. So why don’t we take great-grandmother’s recipes for hair beauty and make natural shampoo at home with our own hands? After all home cosmetics is the most natural, and therefore - environmentally friendly.

There are many folk ways to prepare such hair shampoos with your own hands using only natural ingredients, and absolutely no chemicals, but after such a home-made shampoo, your hair will look beautiful and healthy.

Natural homemade shampoo cannot be stored for a long time, but this is not a problem, since it is not difficult to prepare it, it does not take much time to make another portion once a week.

Here are some natural hair shampoo recipes that are easy to make at home:

Natural honey hair softening shampoo

30 g of pharmacy chamomile pour 100 g of water and leave for an hour. Strain the infusion and add one dessert spoon of honey. Dry the washed hair and moisten it with plenty of shampoo, after 30-40 minutes rinse the hair without soap with warm water.

Natural shampoo for shine and volume

Many are wondering how to make a shampoo with your own hands, which would give your hair extra volume and shine?

To make a shampoo at home with such an effect on the hair, you need to mix 3 tablespoons of an ordinary shampoo, but odorless, with a teaspoon of lemon juice, an egg and two drops to your taste. Mix everything, and now - you yourself have prepared shampoo at home, spending a minimum amount of time.

Natural shampoo for oily hair

Let's not disregard the preparation of shampoo at home for oily hair:

Components: one egg yolk, 50 grams of cognac, two tablespoons of water. Mix, wash your hair, massaging the scalp thoroughly.

Components: two teaspoons of shampoo, a pinch of green clay, two drops of lemon oil and two lavender oil. Mix well and distribute on hair for 2-5 minutes. Rinse well afterwards.

Natural shampoo for dry hair

Here are some homemade shampoo recipes for dry hair:

Components: one tablespoon of gelatin, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, two drops of jasmine (rosemary) and sage oils, 70 ml of water. Pour gelatin with water at room temperature and leave to swell for 40 minutes. Strain and add vinegar and essential oils to it. We mix everything. Rub it into the hair and after 10 minutes rinse it well.

Components: one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of castor oil, one teaspoon of shampoo and three drops of lavender oil. Mix. Rub this mixture into the scalp for 2 hours. Rinse off this shampoo-mask with warm water as well.

Components: two tablespoons of castor oil, one egg yolk. Mix well the yolk with castor oil and wash your hair with this mixture. Don't forget to massage your scalp.

Components: two egg yolks, 5 ml. ammonia, 100 ml. , 50 ml. water. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute it over the hair and scalp, while massaging the head. Wash off with hot water.

Components: one egg yolk, ten drops of camphor oil, two tablespoons of water. You should wash your hair with this mixture, as if with a regular shampoo, while massaging the scalp.

Natural rye shampoo

This shampoo is more suitable for normal to oily hair.

Mash a piece of rye bread with a little hot water into a thin gruel. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Wipe the gruel through a sieve, otherwise the bread crumbs will be hard to wash and comb out.

Rub the hair with gruel along the entire length, hold for 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water.

This shampoo, in addition to cleansing, gives volume, strengthens hair and promotes their growth.

Natural shampoo for gentle moisturizing hair

Ingredients: two egg yolks, 5 ml. ammonia, 100 ml. vodka, 50 ml. water. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute it over the hair and scalp, while massaging the head. Wash off with hot water.

Natural shampoo for all hair types

And, of course, several shampoo recipes for any type of hair. There is nowhere without them!

Components: one egg yolk, 50 ml. kefir and a pinch of salt. We mix everything, apply to the hair for three minutes, massage the head a little and rinse. If the hair is oily, then take low-fat kefir, if dry, then take fatter kefir.

Components: kefir and rye bread. Cut the bread into thin slices, pour kefir, put in a warm place for three hours. After the mixture, mix and wash your head with it.

If the hair is oily, we use low-fat kefir, and we take it a little more than bread.

If the hair is dry, then we take kefir with a high fat content and add less than bread.

After washing, the hair can be rinsed with water with vinegar or lemon juice - one tablespoon per liter of water.

Components: one tablespoon of gelatin, three tablespoons of water, two egg yolks. Pour gelatin with water for 40 minutes, then put in a water bath. When it dissolves, add the yolks and apply on the head for 8-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

After this wash, the hair becomes beautiful and thick, because this composition contains a large number of protein that is good for them.

Components: half a banana, egg yolk, lemon juice - this is only for one wash per short hair. We peel half of the banana, and remove the top layer of pulp so that it does not roll into lumps when washed. Then we wipe the middle pulp through a fine sieve to a state of puree and then add the lemon juice, and then the yolk.

You can wash your hair with this shampoo at least every day. After all, the hair after using it is perfectly washed out, becomes soft and shiny. After this shampoo, even a rinse is not required, since it contains lemon juice.

Components: only one glass of dark beer. This recipe is good for hair loss.

First, rinse the hair with warm water, after half a glass of beer we moisten the roots, massage the scalp, and leave the beer on the hair for 15 minutes. Next, you need to rinse your hair with warm water and moisten it again with beer. Then comb your hair and let it dry.

Do not be afraid, the smell of beer does not remain, because it is well absorbed.

Natural shampoo for normal hair

For normal hair, it is good to prepare an egg shampoo at home with gelatin.

Components: one tablespoon of gelatin, one egg yolk. It is necessary to pour gelatin with water at room temperature and leave it to swell. When it swells (about 40 minutes later), it must be heated in a water bath until dissolved and filtered. Next, cool the gelatin and add the yolk.

This shampoo is applied to the hair for 10 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Natural anti-dandruff shampoo

And now recipes for how to make dandruff shampoo with your own hands:

Components: one or two egg yolks, one teaspoon of alcohol, five drops of sage oil, one drop of rose oil. Dissolve essential oils in alcohol, add to beaten egg yolks and mix well. Now apply to damp hair.

Components: raw beets and 1.5 liters of water. Pour cold water into 3 liters. bank. We peel the beetroot, cut it, and lower it into the water. When it is infused, this infusion can be slightly warmed up and washed with hair, thus replacing ordinary water.

Components: an equal number of nettle leaves and coltsfoot. We prepare a strong broth from this raw material. If dandruff is severe with itching of the scalp or hair loss is observed, then it is best to wash your head with this decoction at least three times a week.

Universal natural shampoo recipe

For all types of hair, you can cook shampoo at home according to a universal recipe. The basis for this shampoo, which does not contain perfumes, you can buy in perfume shops or pharmacies.

Shampoo contains: 50 ml. glycerin, olive soap or shampoo base, one teaspoon of base oil (if you have oily hair, then reduce the amount of oil, or do not use at all, and if you have dry hair, then on the contrary, the amount of oil should be increased), 1-2 tablespoons of herbs, 25-40 drops of essential oil and 180 ml. water.

We prepare a decoction of herbs, cool it, mix with the rest of the ingredients and mix. The shelf life of this shampoo is one week. Although, if you add one teaspoon of vodka to it, then the shelf life becomes longer - up to 3-4 weeks. In such a shampoo, if desired, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of various additives: aloe juice, apple juice, lecithin, glycerin, egg yolk or honey.

Glycerin, olive soap or shampoo base can be replaced with soap grass root. Then we cook shampoo at home in this way: pour 15 g of crushed root of soap grass into 180 ml. water, bring to a boil, then boil for 10 minutes over low heat. After cooling the liquid, filter it and pour it into plastic bottle and tightly screw on the lid. Next, add oil to the contents in the bottle and shake it thoroughly.

Base oil, essential oils, herbs for decoction are best chosen depending on your hair type:

If you have normal hair, then universal almond oil and grape seed oil; essential oils of tea tree, pine needles, rose, neroli, lemon, ylang-ylang, geranium, bergamot and orange; grass - sage.

If you have dry hair, then you need to take jojoba oil or, again, grape seed oil; essential oils of rose, rosemary, neroli, myrrh, lavender, ylang-ylang, jasmine, geranium and orange; herbs - coltsfoot or lavender.

If you have oily hair, then almond oil and grape seed oil will do again; essential oils of tea tree, rosemary, mint, lemon, cypress, cedar, cajuput, grapefruit, bergamot and basil; herbs - thyme, burdock and mint.

For a do-it-yourself dandruff shampoo, you will need to take castor oil, grape seed oil or jojoba oil; essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, cypress, lavender, chamomile, cedar (for dry hair) or rosemary (for oily hair); grass - calendula, chamomile, nettle, burdock.

For a shampoo that strengthens hair, burdock, nettle, sage and basil are taken from herbs; from essential oils: eucalyptus, sage, thyme, rosemary, petitgrain, lemon, lavender, cedar and ylang-ylang.

nettle shampoo

Pour 100 g of fresh or dry nettle 1 liter. water, add 0.5 l. vinegar. Boil the mixture over low heat for 30 minutes, then strain. Add 2-3 cups of the resulting broth to a basin of water. Wash your hair with this mixture.

castor shampoo

Ingredients: two tablespoons of castor oil, one egg yolk. Mix well the yolk with castor oil and wash your hair with this mixture. Don't forget to massage your scalp.

herbal shampoo

To prepare shampoo at home based on herbs, you need to mix equal parts of burdock root, hop cones, marigold color, birch leaf. Pour 50 g of this mixture with a glass of hot light beer and let the mixture brew for a while. Strain, warm slightly and use this natural shampoo at home.

oak shampoo

This shampoo is prepared from the infusion of 3 tablespoons of oak bark. It must be poured with one liter of water and brought to a boil. This decoction should be washed hair after each shampooing.

Another homemade herbal shampoo is a special infusion for oily hair. We prepare an infusion of birch buds or birch leaves in a ratio of one to ten. Wash your hair with this mixture 2-3 times a week. It is best when this course will be 12-15 sessions. And you can repeat it in 2-3 weeks if necessary.

pomegranate shampoo

Also for oily hair, you can make shampoo at home from a decoction of pomegranate peel. Just boil 3 tablespoons of this peel in one liter of water for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with this decoction once every three days for two months. And then for prevention, repeat this washing 1-2 times a week.

Chinese shampoo

You can sometimes make this shampoo at home. To do this, grind the peas in a blender until flour is obtained. Then fill with warm water and leave it overnight. It should be applied to the hair for 30 minutes. This mixture absorbs all the dirt from the hair. Wash it off with warm water.

Shampoo with vodka

Ingredients: one tablespoon of soda, one egg, two tablespoons of vodka, 150 gr. water, an acidic rinse (lemon juice or vinegar). You can also add a crushed (soluble) aspirin tablet to any shampoo. Hair from him become shiny, like silk, they are easy to comb.

Each representative of the fair sex seeks to emphasize the natural beauty of her hair, and the shampoo is the initial care for curls. Currently, a wide variety of care products are presented on the cosmetics market, among which natural preparations occupy a leading position. Products consisting of natural ingredients occupies a special place among competitors. After all, a shampoo made from natural ingredients helps to maintain a healthy appearance of the hair structure, as well as get rid of the unpleasant problem of dandruff without causing harm.

Beneficial features

Most shampoos sold on store shelves are characterized by the presence of sulfates, parabens, silicones, which reduce their positive effect. Women who truly know how to take care of their hair know the benefits of homemade cosmetics. The differences between the cleaning methods of store and home formulations are as follows:

  • natural ingredients gently remove impurities. Microparticles attract molecules of sebum, dirt, skin particles, the formed compounds are washed off with water without harming the structure.
  • The chemicals are quite aggressive. They destroy dirt particles, acting very intensively. Surfactants break down sebum, pieces of dust, but at the same time damage the structural components of the hair, thereby allowing harmful factors to easily penetrate into them.

Homemade shampoos are the most harmless, because they have such useful properties as:

  • nutrition and hydration;
  • structure restoration;
  • getting rid of dandruff;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • removal of irritations, inflammations, itching;
  • strengthening hair from roots to ends;
  • stimulation of the growth of new hair follicles;
  • preventing strands from falling out;
  • maintaining the natural pH balance of the skin;
  • giving shine.

Homemade cleansers gently remove impurities, gently caring for the epidermis and curls, helping to preserve the beauty and health of hair.

Composition features

Unlike homemade shampoos, commercial products often cause a negative reaction of the scalp. Almost every representative of the fair sex at least once in her life faced a situation when, after washing her hair, there were unpleasant sensations in the form of itching or burning. Due to the fact that the hair dries out, dandruff forms and there is a feeling of tightness of the skin.

This reaction of the body occurs due to the aggressive effects of sulfates contained in most surfactants. Surfactants are surfactants that serve specifically to wash away various types pollution. Surfactant microparticles simultaneously cling to fat and water molecules, thus washing away impurities. Unfortunately, these substances, in addition to their benefits, most often cause visible damage to the protective barrier of the epidermis, violating its structure.

All surfactants are divided into several types:

  • Anionic. They form abundant foam, have excellent solubility and are inexpensive. They are the most aggressive for human skin.
  • Cationic. They have the ability to eliminate bacteria, their washing effect is rather weak, but they can cause irritation. Usually used as an additive to give hair antistatic.
  • Amphoteric. They are considered the highest quality, since pollution is washed off as well as possible without harming the skin. Their cost is much more expensive in relation to other surfactants.
  • Non-ionic. They foam poorly, so they are used in parallel with anionic ones, besides, they have a low ability to irritate the dermis. Added to give softness and silkiness to the strands.

Organic sulfate-free shampoos are gentle on the skin. In some cases, the effect of abundant foam will be less compared to the usual shampoos, but the benefits of them will be much greater.

For people with sensitive skin prone to inflammation, irritation and allergic reactions, the ideal solution would be to use a natural shampoo that is easily washed off with water without much effort.

The natural power of natural ingredients will give a fresh and well-groomed look to each hair, enriching it with useful vitamins and minerals. Protective function skin will increase when exposed to a complex of trace elements of such cosmetics. The discomfort associated with hair loss will fade into the background, and hair growth will become more intense.

Damaged, dry hair will quickly recover, and natural substances will help maintain the color of dyed strands. Hair after keratin lamination will not lose its shape, since the soft ingredients do not react with keratin. After the change regular shampoo on organic there are noticeable changes in appearance hairstyles. Hair becomes obedient, acquires a healthy shine and strength, and also shines like after expensive salon procedures.

Natural shampoos, based on herbs and essential oils, do not contain harmful sulfates and carefully take care of the health of the hair. In addition, the composition includes such soft surfactants as:

  • Monosodium glutamate. In shampoos, this component is exclusively beneficial for the scalp and hair structure. It is included in most natural cosmetic products and is added specifically to create foam, as well as facilitate combing.
  • Glycosides. Used to create foam, as an emulsifier and conditioner. It perfectly smoothes the hair, facilitating styling and moisturizing the epidermis. These substances are organic, therefore they are actively used in cosmetics for babies, due to the fact that they do not have side effects.
  • Taurates. Products of processing of natural oils. They have a conditioning effect, gently foam and perfectly cope with pollution.
  • Isothionates. Organic substances that create a creamy foam and have a gentle effect on the skin.

The strength of the components of nature, found in oils, extracts and plant extracts, plays an equally important role in providing a deep therapeutic effect on the skin and curls.

What to look for when choosing

In order to purchase a quality shampoo of natural origin, you should pay close attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Package. The plastic container must be tightly closed. Foreign odors or other damage are unacceptable. The ideal option The packaging material is glass, which is quite rare due to the high cost. It is better to choose a dark color that prevents penetration sun rays capable of spoiling the quality of the shampoo.
  2. Lifetime. Natural substances are characterized short term storage, so the period from opening the container to the expiration date ranges from 2-4 months . A shampoo in a closed container is good for 1 year. If the manufacturer indicates the shelf life from the date of manufacture and promises a shelf life of 2-3 years, you should not purchase such products.
  3. Compound. The components that make up natural shampoo are usually written in small print and in Latin letters. You should carefully consider this point. The components indicated at the beginning of the list have a higher concentration than the final ones, that is, if the essential oils are at the beginning, then the product is really of natural origin.
  4. Protective membrane. The presence of a film that prevents the ingress of harmful substances with air is an important feature in the selection process.
  5. The ability to foam. If the hair product is natural, then its ability to foam is not clearly expressed. With the formation of abundant foam, it is worth considering the veracity of the manufacturer's promises about the organic composition. Aggressive surfactants obtained by processing petroleum products can accumulate in the human body, leading to irreversible changes at the gene level.
  6. Consistency. Products based on natural ingredients are characterized by a light and transparent texture, while creamy, on the contrary, characterizes the presence of harmful surfactants in the composition.
  7. Aroma and color. An unpleasant pungent odor is the first sign of the absence of natural oils and extracts in the composition, and a rich color indicates the presence of harmful dyes in the shampoo.

After washing your hair with organic shampoo, every woman should not feel such unpleasant sensations as dryness, burning or irritation. Skin should be as hydrated as possible and filled with useful elements. This contributes to the appearance of a chic shine on the hair and they look really healthy.

Rating of the best brands

Quite a wide variety of brands on the market cosmetic products producing products without sulfates. These include Russian, Polish, Indian, American and other brands that are great for everyday use.

  • Organic Kitchen. Makes hair elastic, strong and very beautiful. The presence of kelp in the algae ensures proper care and maximum effect from the application.
  • organic life. The argan oil included in the composition perfectly restores the damaged structure and protects the hair from further damage by adverse factors.
  • Organic Tai Frangipani. Quickly restores damaged hair structure. They become smooth, soft and hydrated.
  • Constant Delight. Professionally selected components carefully care for hair, give it vitality and natural beauty.
  • naturalium. Thoroughly cleanses the hair and scalp from impurities, effectively eliminating dandruff and filling the hair with a pleasant aroma.
  • "Crimean rose". Well smoothes each hair, filling it with strength and incomparable beauty, and a delicate herbal aroma gives freshness for the whole day.
  • Aubrey Organics. natural extracts, natural oils and proteins restore the hair and significantly improve its condition after the first application.
  • Caudali. Its composition includes healthy oils, wheat and jojoba extracts, which eliminate dryness and fill the hair with useful substances.
  • logona. The absence of sulfates and silicones in it provides the hair with elasticity, silkiness and attractiveness.

Recipes for homemade shampoo for hair from improvised means. Useful properties, contraindications and features of use.

The content of the article:

Homemade shampoo is a safe hair cleanser made from natural and affordable ingredients. Despite the fact that now there are many modern shampoos on sale, and you can easily choose the one that suits you in terms of effect, aroma, composition, hand-made ones are a great alternative to ready-made cosmetics. After all, advertised products in beautiful packaging are not necessarily effective and high-quality, but they are usually not cheap.

Benefits of homemade hair shampoos

Of course, you need to regularly spend a certain amount of time on making a homemade hair wash, but the effect it produces will exceed your expectations, and the benefits will be considerable.

Advantages of homemade shampoos over store-bought ones:

  • Ease of manufacture. It is impossible to store natural shampoo, because there are no preservatives in it. Therefore, make a fresh portion immediately before washing. It takes very little time, a matter of minutes.
  • Availability. The components that make up homemade shampoos are inexpensive and always at hand - these are ordinary products, herbs and various substances commonly used in everyday life.
  • Safety. Having personally mixed all the ingredients, you will be 100% sure that the composition of the resulting cosmetic product is safe for your health.
  • Versatility. The number of various recipes for homemade shampoos for different types the hair is so large that anyone can easily choose the best option for themselves.
  • Environmental friendliness. All homemade shampoo ingredients are environmentally friendly, you choose them yourself or grow them and control the quality.
Agree, not a single shampoo from the store has all of the above advantages at the same time.

Contraindications to the use of homemade shampoo

Despite the environmental friendliness and safety for health, there is still a limitation in the use of homemade shampoo.

Before washing your hair with a new product, you should definitely test it, because there is always a risk of individual intolerance, even a seemingly harmless substance. For example, gelatin is contraindicated in patients with metabolic disorders.

Allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin (usually very light skin), acute hyperemia (redness) or rashes upon contact with irritants should be especially careful.

The test is simple: apply the mixture to be tested on the elbow, where the skin is very delicate. If after twelve hours there is no redness, itching, rashes, this means that the test product is suitable for use. Contact allergies are not very common, but it is better to play it safe and check your reaction before applying homemade shampoo, and not after.

Important! Do not allow detergent to get into eyes. After all, in the absence of an allergy on the skin, it can occur when the substance comes into contact with the mucous membrane.

Homemade Hair Shampoo Recipes

A huge number of existing recipes for homemade shampoo, with a variety of useful properties, allows you to choose the right option for washing hair of any type and color. Folk remedies can nourish and saturate curls, give them brightness and shine, improve growth and strengthen roots, and at the same time they are completely safe, because they are made on the basis of harmless substances and components. Consider some of these popular recipes.

egg shampoo recipes

A chicken egg is just a clot of vital energy, filled with vitamins and fatty acids, they heal hair and accelerate their growth. Only the yolk can be used to prepare shampoo, because the protein coagulates, and it is quite difficult to wash it out of the hair later, in combination with other ingredients or by itself.

We present to your attention recipes for egg-based shampoos:

  1. Monocomponent shampoo. It is necessary to mix two egg yolks with water (about 1 tablespoon at room temperature). Apply to hair, massage for five minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  2. With honey and carrot juice. Suitable for dry and colored hair. 2 yolks should be mixed with honey (1 tablespoon), vegetable oil and carrot juice (2 tablespoons each), if desired, add 1-2 drops of rosemary, lavender and sage aromatic oils. Lather, apply to hair for 5 minutes and rinse.
  3. with gelatin. This is a recipe for normal hair, shampoo gives them softness and volume. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and pour half a glass of water, then heat in a water bath and strain. Then add one yolk and stir. The mixture is applied to the hair for 20 minutes. If you make a lot of this shampoo at once, keep in mind that it can only be stored in the refrigerator for two days.
  4. With kefir or curdled milk. This shampoo will heal split ends. You need to mix 2 yolks with 2-3 tbsp. l. fermented milk product and apply to hair for five minutes.
  5. With olive or castor oil. This is a wonderful product for dry hair. One egg yolk should be mixed with butter (1 tsp) and a couple of drops of natural lemon juice. Moisten the hair, apply the egg-oil mixture and massage the head with your fingertips for about five minutes. Wash off with warm water only.
  6. With yogurt and honey. Designed to nourish the scalp, improve its condition and eliminate dandruff. Mix, beating with foam, 2 yolks with honey and lemon juice (1 tbsp each) and 200 ml of yogurt. Apply to hair for half an hour and rinse.
  7. With camphor oil. This is a recipe for oily hair. It is necessary to mix one yolk with water (2 tablespoons) and camphor oil (0.5 tsp). When applied to the hair, massage the scalp thoroughly, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  8. with banana. Grind the pulp of half a banana into a puree, pour in lemon juice and one yolk. This mixture will lather well and make your hair shiny.

Remember! Before pouring the yolk into the mixture, pierce it and squeeze it out of the film (it is poorly washed out of the hair). Use egg shampoo no more than twice a week.

Bread Shampoo Recipes

Bread contains many useful trace elements and vitamins, black bread is especially good. And as a remedy for dandruff in terms of effectiveness, it is better than expensive cosmetics. Hair from bread shampoo becomes soft and voluminous.

Recipes for homemade shampoos using bread:

  • Monocomponent shampoo. Two slices of rye bread should be crumbled into a bowl and poured with hot water to infuse and swell. When the bread has cooled, knead it into a pulp and rub it into the roots and strands. This product can be used as a shampoo (rinse immediately) or as a hair mask (leave for 20 minutes), which has a beneficial effect on their condition and growth. Especially recommended for those who have oily curls.
  • With vegetable oil. The recipe is similar to the previous one, but 2 tbsp should also be added to bread and water. l. vegetable oil. After applying to the head, the mixture should be distributed through the hair and rubbed thoroughly into the skin to get rid of dandruff.
  • With kefir. This recipe is suitable for those whose hair is weak and damaged, in need of restoration and nutrition. 100 g of black bread should be crushed, pour 100 ml of kefir and set aside for two hours in a warm place. Then grind with a blender and apply to hair for 10 minutes.

Note! It is better to cut the crusts from slices of bread, because they do not sour well.

Mustard Homemade Shampoo Recipes

Mustard powder dries out excessively greasy scalp and stimulates blood circulation, thereby enhancing hair growth - up to three centimeters per month! Homemade shampoos based on it include aromatic oils, vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, olive, burdock), egg yolk. The main thing is to use dry mustard powder, and not ready-made seasoning.

Here are some recipes for homemade mustard-based shampoos:

  1. Monocomponent shampoo. Very easy to prepare: you should dilute 1 tbsp. l. mustard in two liters of water, rinse hair for 5 minutes, then rinse off. For convenience, you can use a bowl: do not pour mustard shampoo on it, but, bending over it, rinse your hair with it, and then rinse it off in the same way, but already filling the bowl with clean water. After washing, rinse the curls with water acidified with lemon juice.
  2. With tea and yolk. This shampoo is suitable for all hair types. To prepare it, you need to mix mustard powder (1 tablespoon) with tea (2 tablespoons) and yolk. Apply to hair for 20 minutes and rinse. A slight burning sensation means that the mustard is working. But if the burning sensation is very strong, rinse immediately!
  3. With soap and herbs. It is necessary to grate the fourth part of a piece of baby soap, pour hot water (1 cup). Separately, pour a glass of boiling water over dry chamomile and nettle (2 tablespoons each) and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the decoction and soap solution through a piece of gauze, combine them and add mustard powder (2 tablespoons).
  4. with gelatin. This remedy helps to increase the volume of hair. Dissolve gelatin (1 tsp) in two tablespoons of warm water and leave for half an hour. When the gelatin swells, strain it and mix with mustard powder (1 tablespoon) and yolk. Apply to hair and keep for about half an hour, then rinse.
Allergy sufferers using mustard as cosmetic product, must necessarily conduct a test for individual intolerance. A slight burning sensation is normal, but itching and redness mean that mustard is contraindicated for you.

When mixing a homemade hair wash based on it, remember that the temperature of the added liquid should not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise the mustard will begin to release toxic oils, and the burning sensation from the shampoo will intensify.

Flour Shampoo Recipes

As a cosmetic product, it is better to use rye flour, wheat flour contains too much gluten, and, in contact with water, it turns into a dough that is difficult to wash off. Rye flour does not have such a feature, but it contains B vitamins and essential amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. Curls become obedient and soft, follicles are strengthened, the process of hair loss stops.

Introducing flour-based shampoo recipes:

  • Monocomponent shampoo. Suitable for all hair types. It should be stirred until smooth 4 tbsp. l. flour in 4 tbsp. l. warm water and leave to ferment for several hours. Then use and rinse. To make the shampoo easier to wash off, you do not need to whip and mix up the curls when washing.
  • With chamomile and yolk. This home remedy will moisturize dry hair, leaving it shiny and bouncy. It is necessary to stir 3 tbsp. l. rye flour in 3 tbsp. l. warm chamomile broth, add the yolk and 1 tbsp. l. cognac.
  • With nettle and tea tree oil. This mixture heals weakened hair with seborrhea. It is necessary to stir in 3 tbsp. l. warm decoction of nettle 2 tbsp. l. rye flour, add 5 drops of tea tree oil and leave for 2 hours. Then use as directed and rinse.
  • With herbs and ginger. It has an antibacterial effect, increases blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. You need to take 10 tbsp. l. flour, mix with 4-5 tbsp. l. any herbs that are suitable for you ground on a coffee grinder and sifted through a sieve, as well as with ginger powder (1 tsp) and mustard (1 tbsp). Store in a dry place, and before use, dilute in warm water to a creamy consistency and apply to wet hair, distribute, massage for several minutes and rinse. Rinse with acidified water.
  • Chinese Pea Shampoo. An unusual recipe based on dry peas. Grind it in a coffee grinder to a state of flour, pour the resulting powder with warm water and leave overnight. Then apply to hair for 30 minutes and rinse.

Remember! Water for the preparation of flour-based shampoos should not have a temperature above 40 degrees, otherwise even rye flour can turn into a tight slurry that is poorly washed off.

Recipes for homemade shampoos with kefir

Kefir is simply an indispensable tool for dry hair care. The calcium, protein, yeast, vitamins A, B and D contained in it miraculously nourish and strengthen curls, and also protect against negative influences, forming a film on them. In this fermented milk product, such components useful for hair as mustard powder, brewer's yeast, aromatic oils, honey, onion juice, cognac, herbal decoctions are perfectly dissolved. If you wish, you can make your own exclusive recipe for kefir.

True, owners of oily hair should use homemade kefir-based shampoos with caution, they can make curls heavier and make them look untidy.

List of shampoos with kefir:

  1. Monocomponent shampoo. Lubricate the hair with kefir, cover the head with polyethylene and hold for 1 hour, then rinse well.
  2. With yolk and salt. Apply a mixture of a pinch of salt, egg yolk and 1/4 cup of kefir to wet curls, massage for 5 minutes and rinse.
  3. Kefir shampoo-mask for lightening hair. Mix the yolk, juice of half a lemon, 2 tbsp. l. cognac, 5 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. soap flakes (grate baby soap). Spread this mixture over the hair (do not rub it into the scalp!), wrap it with a towel and keep it for a long time, as long as you have enough patience (for example, throughout the night). Then rinse with a decoction of sage. Such a shampoo mask will not only cleanse and nourish, but also brighten the curls, because this product is able to wash out the coloring pigment from them.
The effect of using kefir is cumulative. If you want to achieve results and revitalize dry hair, use homemade kefir shampoos 1-2 times a week for at least two months in a row. For oily curls, buy a fat-free product and always warm it up a bit before using.

For those whose hair is dyed, and the color suits them well, kefir-based recipes are not suitable.

Gelatin Shampoo Recipes

When caring for hair with any gelatin shampoo, a lamination effect is created. The scales on the hairs under the influence of the vitamins of group B, collagen and protein contained in it are smoothed out, the curls become smooth, shiny, thick and less greasy.

List of shampoos based on gelatin:

  • Monocomponent shampoo-mask. Dilute gelatin powder (2 tablespoons) in water (4 tablespoons), heat until dissolved in a water bath. Apply a warm mixture to the hair for a quarter of an hour. Cover with plastic and a towel. Wash off with warm water.
  • With honey, aloe and aromatic oils. This gentle caring shampoo-mask is very good for adding shine to the hair. To prepare it, you need to pour dry chopped herbs (2 tablespoons), suitable for your hair type or with the desired healing effect, a glass of boiling water and insist that the broth becomes warm. Strain, add 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, leave to swell, and then stir to dissolve. Pour in 5 tbsp. l. baby shampoo (without lauryl sulfate, dyes and fragrances) or 1 yolk, mix with honey (1 tablespoon) and juice of a cut aloe leaf, aged ten days before in the refrigerator. Then add 5 drops of rosemary and lavender aromatic oils, mixed in 2 tbsp. l. base vegetable oil (burdock, if hair falls out, castor oil for their strengthening and growth). Apply to curls and hold for half an hour.
  • With vinegar. In a small container, pour 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and put in a water bath for half an hour. Strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and let cool. Add fruit vinegar (1 tsp) and drop once each with essential oils of sage, rosemary and jasmine. Mix and apply for 10 minutes on damp hair. Wash off with warm water.
  • With yolk. The yolk must be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. of any fragrance-free baby shampoo and sodium lauryl sulfate (or replace with another yolk), add gelatin powder (1 tbsp), previously diluted in water (3 tbsp), mix to remove lumps. Apply the mixture to wet hair, hold for 10 minutes and rinse.
Be sure to filter the solution with lumps through gauze. Never allow the gelatin mixture to boil, its use is harmful.

By the way, gelatin can cause increased blood clotting, so patients with metabolic disorders should always consult with their doctor before using it.

Remember! Do not rub gelatin shampoos into the hair roots, this can cause itching and irritation.

Clay shampoo recipes

Clay white, yellow or pink is best suited for the preparation of cosmetics for hair, because curls can darken from a black substance. This natural material very rich in trace elements - zinc, calcium, magnesium, mineral salts, etc. Clay dries hair, so it is recommended for those who struggle with their excessive greasiness. And its bactericidal properties help get rid of dermatological problems, such as dandruff.

What shampoos can be prepared using clay:

  1. Monocomponent shampoo. Suitable for any hair. Dilute a bag of clay (sold in pharmacies) in warm water to a creamy consistency. Apply to damp hair, massage with fingertips - gently, without whipping or tangling hair, and rinse.
  2. with horsetail. Designed to reduce hair greasiness. You need to mix 1 cup of warm decoction of horsetail with 2 tbsp. l. clay, apply to curls. The drier they are, the less time you should keep clay homemade shampoo on them. Wash off with warm water.
  3. With mustard, soda, salt and aromatic oils. Thoroughly mix clay and mustard powder (5 tablespoons each), soda and salt (1 tablespoon each), then add 5 drops of mint and tea tree aroma oils. Pour into a suitable container with a lid and use as needed: apply to damp hair and rub for about three minutes on the roots and strands. Then rinse thoroughly.

Important! Clay is diluted only with warm liquid (ordinary or mineral water, herbal decoction, milk), because hot deprives it useful properties, and in the cold it does not dissolve. After washing with homemade shampoo based on it, be sure to rinse your hair with acidified water so that they do not lose their shine.

Soap Shampoo Recipes

Soap base is also used to make homemade shampoos. It is sold in pharmacies, looks like a clear liquid with a yellowish tint. Its components are organic, ecological and safe, for example, it does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. This base is enriched with aromatic oils and decoctions of plants, adapting to the needs of any type of hair.

The algorithm of actions is as follows: in a water bath, heat the base to warmth, add your favorite healing aroma oils (2-3 drops of each type, but not more than 7 types), while stirring, pour in suitable herbal infusions (up to 10 tsp). Refrigerate and use as directed.

Choosing the right essential oil to enrich your foundation depends on your hair type:

  • Dry. For owners of this type of hair, homemade soap-based shampoos with the addition of decoctions of nettle, calendula, lavender, coltsfoot and essential oils of rose, cypress, orange, jasmine, geranium and rosemary are suitable.
  • Fat and normal. For such curls, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, mint, nettle, sage, burdock, as well as aromatic oils of cedar, basil, tea tree, bergamot, geranium, rose, grapefruit and orange are added to the composition of home detergent.
  • with dandruff. To solve this problem, decoctions of burdock, nettle, calendula, chamomile and essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, cedar, cypress, tea tree and rosemary are poured into the home remedy.

Please note! An excellent result is obtained by combing the hair with essential oils applied to the comb after washing.

How to use homemade shampoos for hair

Shampooing is a simple matter. The algorithm of actions is simple: comb the hair, wet and nourish it with water (soft, with 1 tsp of glycerin, soda or ammonia per liter of boiled water), apply the detergent on the curls and distribute it with careful massaging movements of the fingertips, and then rinse.

Often, homemade shampoo contains natural ingredients in their original form, so there are differences in its use from the usual purchased product:

  1. No foam. For those who are accustomed to factory-made hair cosmetics, this seems strange, there is a suspicion that a home remedy will not be effective. In fact, this is an advantage, because abundant foam appears due to aggressive chemical compounds that clean well, but are quite harmful. Therefore, a natural shampoo should be carefully applied to the curls, massaging the scalp, without ruffling or tangling them, as we do when applying a conventional product to whip the foam. You will not achieve foam from homemade shampoo, you will only tangle your hair.
  2. Features of washing off solid particles. Bread crumbs, particles of clay or flour, etc. - all these ingredients are difficult to remove from the hair. Some even ditch the idea of ​​a natural shampoo and go back to a store-bought one because they can't wash their hair clean. The fact is that we are used to washing off the foam under running water, but solid particles should be washed out by rinsing. Ideally, dive headlong into the river and swim underwater. But in ordinary life, you can be content with rinsing your hair in a bath or bowl - and all the solid particles will settle to the bottom.
  3. Mandatory acid rinses. Any shampoo is, in fact, alkaline, and the normal environment for hair is acidic. To restore it, you should rinse them with a decoction of suitable herbs. Linden, medicinal marigold, chamomile, elderberry, lemon balm are suitable for fair-haired people, and rosemary, birch, sage, oak bark, linden are suitable for dark-haired people. You can also rinse with a solution of 6% fruit vinegar (for dark hair) or lemon juice (for fair hair). After sour rinsing, the upturned hair scales will fall, tightly fitting, and the curls will acquire a beautiful shine.
  4. Lack of a pleasant aroma. Many natural components of homemade shampoos have, if not unpleasant, but a very specific smell that is transmitted to the hair. Partially this problem is eliminated by rinsing with herbs. And if you drop your favorite aroma oil on the teeth of the comb and smooth the curls, they will become stronger and acquire a wonderful aroma.
  5. Probation. Before you make homemade shampoo, be sure to determine what type of hair you have. Having prepared the product according to the selected recipe and having checked yourself for the absence of contact allergies, you need to test it not less than a month. Only for such a period you can determine how well homemade shampoo suits you. At first, the hair may be dull and appear untidy, because the sebaceous glands, out of habit, will produce an increased amount of sebum. But after a while they adapt, the scalp will stop flaking, the curls will become healthy and shiny. Just be patient for a couple of weeks. True, if for any reason you feel inexplicable irritation and discomfort after using a natural hair cleanser (you don’t like the consistency, color, smell, etc.), don’t wait and don’t be patient. Self-care should be fun, so just choose a different recipe.

Please note! Any shampoo (except dry) should be applied to well-moisturized hair, especially if it contains natural aroma oils.

How to make homemade shampoo - look at the video:

To have beautiful, healthy, well-groomed hair, it is necessary to take care of them regularly. Natural shampoos from improvised means are best suited for this. There are no preservatives in them, and all components are fresh and tested. To make such a tool is quite simple and fast. The only difficulty is the difficulty of choosing, because there are many recipes.