
Psychologists' advice on how to return a husband's love for his wife and how to rekindle past passion in a relationship with a man. Prayer for love in the family between the husband Stories of the love of a husband for his wife


My beloved, the only one, dear,
What a blessing to fall asleep and wake up
In your arms, next to you.
And quietly smile from bliss.

What a blessing that fate itself
Tied us with an invisible thread forever,
She showed us the way to each other
And gave me, my beloved, you.

The only one, my beloved, dear,
And may not everything go smoothly with you,
But it's happiness to be your wife
Giving my whole soul to love without a trace.

My dear, my beloved husband!
You are the sweetest, sweetest.
I sincerely love you
Thank you for everything.

Nothing is scary with you.
And it's only important to always be near -
Not even a day can be lived in separation.
My dear, I love you!

I love your unshaven cheek,
An unfinished cup of coffee in the morning,
Wake you sleepy in the morning
Talk to you in the kitchen in the evenings.
And then understand, smiling in a dream,
What the best man got to me.

When you call me from work
I am happy as the first time.
It would seem that family, worries,
But is there something that worries us?

And makes you smile
Cook dinner, wait, meet
And worry very much
One has only to be late.

The fault is love and passion,
I will not allow you to steal!
I love, appreciate, adore.
And I will keep these feelings.

I never regretted, not a little bit of reproach.
Because she got married, she suddenly fell in love.
I did not listen to different opinions, arguments, gossip.
I listened to my heart that you are the only one in the world.

I was not mistaken at all, but I believe it happens.
It means that I was lucky, and fate does not play.
I'll probably understand it when I'm ninety years old,
Bringing tea, jam and toast to our bed.

And while I watch you eat, I am moved.
And if you ask for more, you will praise, I know.
We are used to being together, but not tired.
You are my husband and stronghold, my fortress of steel.

I will give everything in minutes to live next to you.
I am proud to catch admiring glances.
With every hour, and day, and under the vault of the month
I love you deeper, in spite of those adversities.

You are only one on the globe, my dear,
And in love, you and I are not afraid of stagnation.
Powerful and strong in spirit, beyond the limit of dreams,
And you can solve all the difficulties in life.

And I have not seen a husband cooler than mine.
I must be conceited? Maybe yes, God is the judge.
But on the other hand, I laugh the hardest in this world!
Before the world did not seem bigger and wider to me.

It is impossible to compare ... Yes, it can not be compared with anyone!
You can always praise. How cool is it to fall in love!
Husband, yes! Daily. This is not new at all.
But to your soul, dear, I am ready to give everything.

Talking to you, I learn something more
You make me laugh, as an artist, I'm resting with you.
I don’t care at all about the men around me.
You are alone. I am faithful to you in heart and body.

I will surprise you, I guess
When in verse, my dear,
I'll tell you frankly
That I am proud of my family.

I always forgive you for everything
Because I love you seriously
And I understand perfectly
Any hint, any question.

And all your dreams, desires
I will accept and do not judge strictly.
I have enough strength and consciousness
Loving you while I breathe!

When we met you
You have become a support, you have become a wall.
He covered me with his back from troubles,
Said you want to be with me.

We are a family with you,
You are my second self,
And I repeat year after year:
"How much I love you!"

You are the best husband in the world
Caring, reliable.
I'm always proud of you
It is impossible otherwise.

I need your love
As in the air, as in the light.
And I can't imagine life without you
I will give everything for this.

I love you, my most important
My most loyal person.
We are a husband and wife recently,
But tightly bound forever.

It happens differently, but still
With you, I can handle everything.
And if I suddenly take offense,
I love you anyway!

What a blessing to be a wife
As cute as you
Be like a stone wall
And share dreams for two.

So that on a clear day and in bad weather
Always hold hands.
I follow you - into fire and water,
Never doubt!

Yakov Porfirevich Starostin

Servant of the Lord

Articles written

Happens in life difficult situations... We all value families and indestructible well-being, but no one is immune from the departure of a husband. This tragic moment is painfully experienced by any woman, because it is a blow to self-esteem, a feeling of disaster, often entailing financial insolvency.

Usually husbands go to other women, and this resonates with special pain in the heart of an abandoned wife. Anger rises in the soul, and she is already ready to resort to a love spell, black magic and other demonic rites. It seems to many that these rituals are really powerful. But do not rush straight out of the fire and into the fire. Not everyone thinks about the consequences of using black magic and everything related to the other world.

Who, if not the keeper of the family hearth, knows about the magical power of the Orthodox faith? Prayer for the love of a husband will help to return a life partner, father and breadwinner to the family. You just need to believe that God will help. Do not be angry with your rival, if any. The homeless woman will suffer without your witchcraft rituals. Take care of yourself and your man with true faith that can work miracles.

The Power of Prayer in Family Union

If the man has cooled down, has begun to show disinterest in your affairs and problems, has become less gentle, you should think about how to start reading prayers. These are the first calls, which may be followed by a divorce. Don't waste your time. The sooner you begin to use the power of Orthodox prayer, the faster everything will go smoothly.

Do not think that without your participation the situation will improve on its own. You must make a huge contribution to the preservation of the family. Reading prayers is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To restore your husband's interest, read prayers every night. Buy church candles and perform the ceremony at home. But the best thing is to go to church, confess, talk with a confessor, light candles for the saints and pray in God's monastery.

The help of God supports the family from the very moment of the wedding. But even if there was no church rite, you can ask for its protection. The Guardian Angel will never refuse his ward, for whose life path he watches tirelessly for help. A person needs to go through life with prayer. Then the troubles in the family will be bypassed. If trouble still knocks on the door - urgently learn to pray.

Prayer to the Holy Apostle Simon

This is a powerful prayer, which is partly used to bring the husband back into the family. The wife should memorize this text and read it as often as possible, concentrating her gaze and mind on the burning candle. This prayer clearly shows the request that the Apostle does not allow the Fall to take place. Simon will save her husband from betrayal, from leaving the family and put him on a true one.

“About the great Archangel of God Archangel Barachiel! Standing before the Throne of God and ottoli bringing the blessings of God to the houses of the faithful, the servant of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings for our houses, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of earthly fruits, and give us health and salvation, in all good haste, and for enemies victory and overcoming, and will save us for many years, always. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Your heavenly patron will ensure a happy present and future if you are diligent in prayer. This is a very light text. It is often read to preserve good relations in a family from which a man has not yet left. Thus, reading creates a positive energy in the house that attracts well-being, happiness and tranquility.

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg

To preserve good relationship with her husband, they usually pray for love and fidelity to Saint Xenia of Petersburg. The life story of this woman, who chose the difficult path as a holy fool, is a symbol of loyalty and devotion to her deceased husband. After his death, she wore the clothes of her husband and called herself by his name. In an effort to prolong her husband's life, she renounced the worldly life without a lover. 26-year-old Ksenia distributed her property to the poor. Walking behind the coffin, Ksenia buried herself.

Only a woman can understand what was happening in the soul of the saint at that time. To get your husband back into the family, just ask her for help. Ksenia, like no one else, will understand your aspirations.

“Oh, who is simple in the image of her life, homeless on earth, heiress of the abodes of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia! Just as before, to your gravestone of ailment and sorrow, who fell and abie with the consolations of fulfillment, now we, overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, are running to you, with hope: pray, good heavenly child, so that our feet will be corrected according to the word of the Lord to give His commandments, and the godless atheism that captivated your city and your country, which plunges us many sinners into mortal hatred, proud self-indignation and blasphemous despair will be abolished. Oh, most blessed for Christ's sake, who shamed the supernatural wisdom of this world, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our hearts, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body , chastity in marriage and welfare for our neighbors and sincere ones, our entire life is renewed in the cleansing bath of repentance, as if we all praise your memory, let us glorify the miraculous in you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Inseparable forever and ever. Amen."

Family hearth under the gaze of Peter and Fevronia

“About the greatness of the saint of God and the prejudice of the miracle workers, the faithfulness to Prince Peter and Princess Fevronie, the representative and guardian of the city of Murom, and about all of us zealous for the Lord of prayer! We run to you and pray to you with strong hope: lift up your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God, and ask from His goodness all that is good for our souls and bodies: faith is right, hope is good, love is unfeigned, piety is unshakable, in good deeds prosperity, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of air, health of the body and salvation of souls. Proceed to the Tsar of the Heavenly Church of the Saints and the entire power of Russia for peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian end. Protect your Fatherland and all the cities of Russia from all evil; And all the faithful people who come to you and worship your holy relics, overshadow your grace-filled prayers with the grace-filled action, and fulfill all their petitions for good. She, miracle workers of the sanctuary! Do not despise our prayers, which are offered to you with tenderness this day, but wake us in a dream to represent the Lord, and grant us with your help eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: let us glorify the ineffable love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity, worshiped God eyelids of centuries. Amen."

For the prayer to Peter and Fevronia to be effective, learn this beautiful text by heart and read it in church, lighting a candle to the saints. This ritual even helps to bring the husband back to the family.

Prayers That Protect the Family

A wife who regularly reads prayers does not know the unhappiness in the family. He is a faithful and respectable wife very rarely leaves her husband. Strive for this ideal by keeping the fire burning and building faith and relationships with prayers.

Kind words reach the saints only if you ask sincerely and not for your own sake. Ask for the good of the children family union and the man himself. And then the Higher powers will definitely respond to your requests.

Attitude loving husband visible at a glance. A loving husband is a man who is caring and considerate in marriage, as much as he was caring and considerate before marriage. Over time, passion and erotic love give way to strong affection, mutual respect, tender friendship. The time is coming for true love - reliable and even.

It is clearly visible whether the husband loves his wife after a quarrel. His attitude towards her does not change, he feels uncomfortable after a breakdown in a relationship, is ready to admit his guilt if he is to blame himself, and does not pour reproaches on his spouse if she is to blame. He cares about what happens in his family and how relationships develop in it. This does not mean that a loving man is henpecked. The henpecked man fawns upon his wife, but a truly loving one never.

A man who loves his wife strives to spend his free time with her. Not just to be in the same place with her, but to fully relax together. Attitude loving man noticeably on vacation at some resort. If a couple goes together for breakfast, to the beach, on an excursion, while none of them is bored, then such a couple has strong healthy relationships. But it’s perfectly fine if she went to sunbathe, and he went to ride a jet ski. Only newlyweds strive to be together; experienced spouses understand that their interests cannot coincide in everything, and have no complaints against each other. An egoistic husband at the resort is seen when, like a capricious child, he wants to get pleasure from him alone interesting entertainment. Such couples are recognizable by the forced smile or the distant expression on the wife's face at a concert for a male audience, on a sea voyage with fishing or on an excursion in a UAZ in the mountains. The husband is a nigga with beer, fish, barbecue in the company of new friends, and a coiled mother with children in a water park or in an amusement park is also a fairly common phenomenon.

A man's love is indicated by the fact that he consults with his wife, shares his experiences with her, discusses his past day, and also discusses her day with her, even if she just stayed at home and cooked jellied meat. A loving husband is interested in his soul mate.

O loving attitude they say small pleasant surprises: a cake, a candy, a flower, a movie ticket for a “female” film or a hair clip - just like that, for no reason. These surprises do not become a system, a habit, because they are valuable.

He knows the tastes of his soul mate: what kind of pizza she likes, what flowers she likes and what kind of tea she prefers.

A caring husband is not indifferent to the house in which his family lives. Even in rented housing, he keeps taps, sockets, switches and door locks in good working order. A man is not born with diplomas of plumbers and electricians, and if he himself cannot fix the problem, he turns to specialists for help.

Taking care of the wife's health speaks of a positive attitude of the spouse. He does not save on winter shoes for his wife, does not arrange scenes about buying expensive vitamins and pays attention to the issue of contraception, not counting that pregnancy is a woman's problem.

A loving spouse helps around the house. He does not stoop to asserting that cleaning and cooking is the lot of women. He respects the housework of his wife, therefore he does not allow himself to walk around the house in boots in search of forgotten keys and leave dishes on the table after eating.

A man supports his beloved in her hobbies and interests, even if he does not share them. He respects her attending a yoga class or a beading class. At the same time, he does not insist that she share his own interests.

A loving husband does not allow anyone to ridicule the mistakes or shortcomings of his wife, and he himself does not ridicule them. He is able to extinguish the conflict with the participation of his wife, not taking sides, but demonstrating that he supports his wife.

A husband who respects his spouse will not focus on what she has typed overweight, has done a hairstyle that does not suit her, or has done her makeup poorly. But he will find a way to inoffensively express his opinion on this matter in a mild form. Moreover, he will not emphasize the flaws in appearance caused by health defects.

The attitude of a loving husband to his wife is clearly visible in the sexual sphere of life. The husband is attentive to his wife, he cares about her feelings and desires. He tries to diversify intimate life, taking into account the tastes of his wife, helps her get rid of sexual complexes.

V true love husband to wife there are no serenades, warm confessions, family life is not replete with candlelight evenings and breakfast in bed. But she has support, help, understanding, care, respect and tenderness.

A loving husband is reservedly jealous. He does not make scenes due to the fact that his wife attracts the attention of other men, it even flatters his pride. He is confident in his wife, does not suspect her of infidelity. But he doesn't like it when the attention of other men to his wife becomes intrusive.

The husband's actions are more important than the most passionate words. In general, the more the husband loves his wife, the less he talks about his love, but shows his feelings in action. Talking about the innermost is not in a man's nature, but it is in a man's way to transform feeling into action.

It is difficult not to shed a tear from feelings, leafing through these drawings full of love and care. A wedding photographer from Michigan decided to do one sketch about his family life a day for a whole year.

Wiklund's idea was prompted by the project of his wife Jordin, who began taking everyday photos for the annual project.

“Over the course of this year, many of our friends have told us that they learned more about us from these drawings than they did from our family,” Wiklund says on his website.

It doesn't matter what is shown in the picture: how a couple brush their teeth together, or how a happy father finds out that he will have a child, all these sketches are surrounded by warmth, love and care for each other.

For us, this is a great reminder that a place for romance can be found even in a boring life.

1. I love her so much

2. We will have a baby

3. Laughing a lot today

4. Snowboard goggles and bow

5. My sleeping beauty

6. Stroking is the best sedative

7. When my wife leaves, I stop eating and sleeping.

8. She read to me, then I played a little guitar and started drawing

9. You are my soul mate, as before

10. Silly quarrel

11. Colds

12. What should I draw?

13. I am still learning new things about her.

14. Night owls

15. After a shower

16. The place where I would like to be

17. Coming home from IKEA

Sometimes it happens that you want to tell your wife "I love you", but in your heart you understand that this is not enough, because over the years living together she has already heard it from your lips more than once. So how can you please your beloved with such tender and meaningful words in a new way, to make her experience the same emotions from what she heard as the first time? It's simple, dedicate a verse to her and tell her about your feelings.

No practice in writing beautiful romantic rhymes? No problem! In this collection you will find many poems dedicated to your beloved wife, for all occasions. It doesn't matter if you decide to just surprise her with your revelation or are looking for beautiful words to express your feelings on a date or anniversary, a declaration of love in such unusual shape will surely revive the former passion and give it only positive emotions.

Beloved wife, dear!
I cling to you so tightly
I want to live my whole life with you
With my fairest wife.
Sometimes we have quarrels
Sometimes I’m to blame, I don’t argue
But still you alone
I love and sincerely appreciate!

Morning and evening begins with you
You are my tenderness, my perfection,
I am grateful to fate for you
My dear, my wife.
You give care, tenderness, warmth,
I'm always happy next to you
It's like I'm flying next to you
My dear, I adore you.
To be with you in joy
To be with you in grief
In the summer with you by all means at sea,
And admire you every day
And without you to be afraid of your life!
And I can't imagine old age without you,
It takes a little, just a little,
I need to live my life with you
Admire you and love you forever!

Do I really need a lot to be happy?
If only you were with me
If only you fell asleep with me,
And so it was forever!

To meet the sunrises with you
To forget all the problems
To raise kids with you
To dream of eternity!

To sit with you in the kitchen
And drink hot tea together
To hug your arms
To experience sadness together.

So that you don't doubt me
So that you always smile
So that you are just happy
My beloved wife!

I always miss you
My beloved wife.
Although sometimes I grieve, -
Forgive me for that.

After all, know: you are no more dear,
You will always support me.
And if necessary - be stricter
After all, in the world I only need you.

You are the most beautiful for me,
Your cheerful laughter is dear to me,
Your smile and your eyes
And your warm lips.
After all, you are a beloved wife
I need you one forever.
I just want to be with you
And I'm always sad without you.

Not everyone in life is so lucky
How lucky I am, surely
Not everyone in the whole wide world will find
Your soul mate with love.

You, my dear, my happiness,
So glad that I met one day
Hearts responded, warmed with warmth,
The rest is irrelevant.

We will cope with any test,
Let's share the joys together.
Me so yours gentle hands need ...
I really love you, honestly.

You won my heart
You are my tenderness, you are love
With you we are now forever,
You excite again and again.

My dear, my happiness,
My beautiful wife,
I will enjoy you
I will always love you.

Your hands are the most tender
And I love you with all my heart,
You are welcome, kind, light,
And I live by you alone!

You are my wife, my happiness,
And I give you my life
You are beautiful, you are my wealth,
I won't be able a day without you!

My beloved wife,
You are a treasure for me!
I always take care of you
And I can't live without you!

I'm happy with you every day
And the past is just a shadow.
I started everything with you from scratch
And there is no happier me!

You are just a miracle, you are a fairy tale
You came to me from a dream!
My dear wife,
I love you crazy!

At least sometimes, you grumble
You get angry sometimes, you scream
But you stay with me
We divide life in half.

And you will not be dearer to meet,
And I will not search
Lucky once in my life
I have to start a family with you.

And now, mine forever,
And love is all for you
Happiness in one person
My beautiful wife!

You care, you are by my side
And I talk about everything with you,
More happiness, believe me, I don't need
I will not give you to anybody.

You are my home, my comfort, my weakness,
You are mine, you are my angel, soul,
Only you I will trust all the secrets,
I love you very much!

You are not an easy wife, you are an ally,
You are my friend, my understanding,
I can't imagine life without you
And thank you for everything!

total verses: 143