
How to get back in touch with your girlfriend? How not to disappoint a woman on a first date What can disappoint a woman

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When asked what should I do if a girl is disappointed in me? given by the author Danil Timofeev the best answer is link
Noble knights were engaged in the conquest of ladies in the past. Tournaments were held in honor of the ladies. Spears and swords broke! Armor rattled ... But now the days of chivalrous romance are gone and the age of the Internet has come, mobile phones and computers. Now the question is “how to win a girl? "is decided not by the art of waging a physical fight with rivals, but by the art of looking, touching and behaving with a girl. So, let's take a closer look at the latter.
"Be clean and tidy."
Each fighter of the love front must smell good, look decent. Don't drink beer before a date, even for courage. The comfort of your communication with the girl and her readiness for physical rapprochement depend on this. First, eliminate what can discourage interest in you, and then think about how to win a girl.
"Develop your own confidence."
Clearly understand what desires you have a natural right to manifest as a man. Never apologize for your male desires. You should read that everything is fine in your life. Even if it's bad, then be strong, and don't show it. Now is a difficult time. Complainers are not liked. A woman is looking for a reliable support, therefore, be strong.
"Be specific."
Set a goal for yourself and go for it. But flexible. Don't push. When you make an appointment, be clear about the time and place of the meeting. Do not be late. Be moderately polite and sociable.
"Don't give her too much time."
Imagine that you are a dessert. You entertain, take you to the movies, bars, restaurants. Eat a nightingale. Telling three thousand stories. And so every evening ... After a week of eating dessert, any girl will feel bad. Therefore, we will use the technique of successful sales: let the lady try everything, but we will not indulge in anything. It would not be bad to raise your general educational level. View the poems of classical poets. Learn a few poems by heart. It helps a lot. You will seem like a cultured person to a girl. Do not reveal all your talents at once. Let the girl learn all your best qualities gradually, over time. So you will constantly surprise her with something. If on the first date she finds out that you are a musician, and an athlete, and a poet, and an artist, and a dancer in one person, this will be too much for perception. She will simply get tired of being surprised, or even in comparison with you, she will feel an inferiority complex.
"Do something extraordinary."
You can think of any number of them. For example. Before a date in the park, hide a bottle of wine and glasses somewhere in the bushes. When you pass by the bushes, take out this surprise and present the lady with a glass of divine drink. When meeting, you need to remember that a date with a girl is not a flight to the moon. This is a meeting of two ordinary people of flesh and blood. Boy, you already know a lot. Forward for orders. But if suddenly you fail to win the fortress of someone's heart, then be sure to come to our training. Coaches will quickly teach you how to get what you want from girls

It is not such an easy task to return a relationship with a girl if she is very disappointed in them and in you as well. There is a lot of analytical work to be done. And not only. It is possible to return the relationship, you should not dramatize what is happening. And then, why do you need a girl who does not want to have anything with you? Let's discuss in more detail.

So, let's start with the last aspect. Is it worth fighting for a relationship that is lost, is it worth fighting for a girl who doesn't want to be with you? Probably worth it, but only in a situation where you feel such potential, strength, all-encompassing love in yourself, there is enough patience, since everything will not happen easily. After a firm attitude and confidence that you need it, you can begin to act.

Pick up the right words. Prepare your speech in advance. It should not be completely spontaneous, but also overly simulated, too. The main thing is that the speech should be from the heart, from the soul. But first try to write the words that you want to say to the girl. You may have to rewrite the text several timeschanging more than one sheet of paper. Do not feel sorry for her, not for the pens. Write, think. It is not worth memorizing the text, but it is necessary to read several times. You will not say the written word for word, but at least think carefully about what you want to convey to your beloved.

A good recommendation is to practice in front of a mirror. You won't believe it, but many politicians and television people go through this practice in order to be heard, understood, and look convincing. Facial expressions should also be appropriate when you talk to your girlfriend. Therefore, you should practice. Better yet, record yourself on camera as you say those important words. Why is it more efficient? Because when you look in the mirror, you see yourself, when you look away from the mirror, you don’t see yourself, and it’s wrong to look only in the mirror all the time, because during a conversation with your girlfriend, you will look at her without staring at one point, you will wander around it with your eyes, and around you and its environment. After watching the video recording, you can see how convincing you were, how you looked: pathetic or dignified. Remember, you should not cause pity in the girl, you should not look proud and arrogant, as if you are not guilty of anything, but with dignity, while expressing love and regret with all your appearance that everything happened like this.

Words alone, of course, will not be enough. If your beloved is disappointed in you, she also needs actions from you. It is possible that she will show you with all her appearance that she does not need your actions, but you act if you want to achieve your goal.

The surest way not to disappoint a woman on a first date is not to meet a woman at all, and not to go on any dates. However, such advice is unlikely to find understanding among most men. The indestructible sexual instinct makes them regularly get acquainted with beautiful creatures, and decisive factor in continuation of the acquaintance, in most cases, just the first date is. So, let's look at what should and should not be done so as not to disappoint the lady.

First- Don't be late for the meeting. If you have just met and are going to meet for the first time, then you need to be punctual. Even women in such cases are never late, let alone the strong half of humanity. A man should be with a bouquet of flowers and under the clock at exactly the appointed time. Otherwise, deep disappointment is possible on the part of the one that captured your heart.

Second- you need to go on a date freshly washed, shaved and well dressed. It is not at all suitable to run to a meeting, jumping out of an office or a factory entrance. First, go home, wash yourself, change clothes, and only after that hurry to where the charming creature is waiting for you. Neat, fresh and well maintained appearance has always been considered the key to success.

Third- it is categorically contraindicated on the first date to invite a girl to your home or to a friend's empty apartment. The same applies to hotel rooms. Always remember that there are many other equally pleasant places around. For example, a cafe. What's wrong with sitting at a table with a beloved and just talking. You can take a walk in the park, walk along the embankment and look at the water. It is very good if you have a mighty and wide river in your city. She is very calming and clears the mind.

fourth- don't be stingy. Show the woman that you are not greedy at all. If you need to pay for something, then pay without hesitation. Take your wallet out of your inside pocket and count out the bills. Trust me, your potential love will be satisfied. In the eyes of any, even the most emancipated woman, a man is a breadwinner. And therefore, next to those who pay, a beautiful creature feels calm and confident.

Fifth Don't forget to compliment. Here you need to remember a very simple rule. It claims that a woman, first of all, loves with her ears. But be careful and remember that the weak half of humanity has a very well-developed inner instinct. Therefore, no falsehood can be allowed. All your statements must be sincere and come from the heart. Say only what you really like in a woman. Only in this case you will succeed.

sixth- demeanor. If you spit through your teeth, use non-literary expressions in a conversation, gnaw on seeds or nuts, you can greatly disappoint your potential betrothed. Nobody argues that in our time there are girls who behave in exactly the same way, but then you invited a charming creature of a completely different type on a date. Therefore, behave accordingly. Do not swear, do not spit, blow your nose not on the asphalt, but in a handkerchief, and everything will be fine.

seventh- don't open your arms. This means that you do not need to stroke and slap a woman in different appetizing places. Just don't think that you can't touch the object of your passion at all. Touches are allowed, but only gentle and light. You can take the girl by the hand, or let her take your arm. And do not undress the creature next to you with your eyes. For most women, this is uncomfortable.

eighth- Don't look around. If you came on a date, then you do not need to follow the eyes of other women who walk by. All attention must be focused on the one with which you are in this moment meet. Otherwise, your passion will feel deeply offended.

ninth- having a sense of humor. If you do not have it, then the woman will be deeply disappointed. Don't try to look overly cheerful, don't make mean jokes, don't be sarcastic or giggle. Vulgar jokes are also not welcome. The humor should be good, and something funny should be told in a casual manner. But if you do not have such a gift, then just behave directly, and the best option is to be yourself. If you do not like a potential lover, then it is not destiny.

From all of the above, it can be seen that a man puts himself under a very serious psychological test, trying not to disappoint a woman on a first date. He may or may not like the one who has almost won his heart. However, one should also take into account the fact that the lady is also trying to show her strengths and hide her flaws. So it’s hard for both of them in this difficult matter, the final of which can be the union of two hearts.

one). Tell her about your ex girlfriend. The more details, the better - tell how and where you met her, how long you met, how your communication with each other's parents and friends went, how and why you broke up. And do not forget to remember it from time to time in the context of some life situations and places: “Yes, and Ira and I also skated here. She still caught a cold then ... ”,“ But Natasha also cooked pancakes, but the truth is, she still had them with filling ... ”,“ When Vika and I went on vacation to Greece, this happened to us incredible story... ". Also, do not rush to remove her photographs from the frames - where to rush? It's such a trifle. Someday you will do a general cleaning in your room and deal with them, but for now let them stand, and it does not matter that you have not been together for six months. You can also show your new girl and photo albums, for example, of your trip with Vika to Greece. Of course, in order to show the new girl the views of Greece. It will be very interesting for her. And the fact that Vika is on every frame does not matter.

P.S Nothing creates so many awkward situations and gives rise to so many unpleasant thoughts, comparisons and emotions as initiating each other into past relationships. Even from the best of intentions or as an analysis of past mistakes. These stories are like ticking time bombs. All. Those relationships no longer exist. And there is nothing to tell about them. Talk about each other, about your plans and just about Greece - we don't want to know who you were there with last time.

2) Give your girlfriend some useful advice about her appearance. You are rightfully proud of the fact that you are a straight person. Direct means honest and reliable. Therefore, if your girlfriend has made a terrible haircut, then it is simply your duty to tell her: “And with long hair you were still better than with a square ... ”She, however, can’t fix anything at the moment, well, nothing - let her think about your remark for four months until her hair grows back.
Also comment on her makeup, the look of her skin, hair and her clothes:
“I see you have problems. Head & Shoulders will help you with dandruff. I use it too"
“The dress, of course, is nothing, but only makes you a little fat.”

P.S And no excuses are needed that you sincerely wish her well. With such friendly criticism, you will not only spoil this particular evening, but also sow in your girlfriend’s soul a doubt that you don’t consider her beautiful and tasteful at all. In addition, the sphere of appearance and self-care is a priori the prerogative of a girl, so advice on how to give her face a healthier look (as if she doesn’t spend two hours at the mirror with lotions, creams and powder without them) causes the same offense and indignation, as well as comments from passengers regarding the driving style of the one who is driving. If your girlfriend dresses so badly that you just can’t take it anymore, then go to the store with her, pick up what suits her and give her a gift (however, this is not forbidden if the girl dresses well =) )))

3) Tell her that you have a car and show her pictures. For example, you came on a date with a laptop - feel free to open it and with a beaming smile from pride overflowing you, show the girl a selection of 50 frames in which your car is presented in all its glory from all possible angles. Why not boast, if there is something? Especially if you bought it yourself. At the same time, tell the girl how many rooms are in your super apartment, how many floors are in your super cottage, what super stereo system is in your room, and that you only buy suits with super brand labels. Then it will be possible to grab a certificate from the place of work, in which your income is clearly indicated (well, if your dad works so well that no one else in the family has to bother about it, bring documentary evidence of his income or a bank statement ... )

P.S. Such ways to impress look pathetic and bewildering. Who do you want to consider yourself - a person worthy of love and respect, or the owner of a set of material goods? This, of course, is great if you are healthy, rich and happy, but all this has nothing to do with your soul and inner world. If you evaluate yourself by such parameters, then you will have a corresponding girl who “knows her own worth”. And do not complain later that everyone around is so mercantile.

4) If your girlfriend is sick, you don't need to call her and disturb her. May you heal in peace. All the same, she cannot speak to the person, because her throat hurts, and she will not go for a walk either. That's how he recovers, so she will call.

P.S. Your girlfriend didn’t die, but got sick, and that’s why you should call her sometimes if you really care if she’s alive. Well, if you are interested in the details, then you can even ask what her temperature is, whether the cough has passed, and so on. Tell her something funny to cheer her up. BUT: just do not try to come to her house with flowers without warning! Can you imagine what is happening at her house now and how she herself looks, lying in bed for the third day with a temperature of 38 and full confidence that no one will see her today? She will be not so much delighted by your attention as upset by how terrible she looked, and that you thought about it to yourself, although you did not say anything.

5) Criticize in detail and in detail her favorite movie or character. Explain with logical evidence and examples from the outside world that this only happens in movies/books and fairy tales. Say everything you think about the main character, his stupid phrases, stupid hairstyle, note that you don’t understand his sexual orientation at all (he’s not at all like you are a brutal man). Add that you almost fell asleep, that you are almost sick, and you will never go to such a tearful girly melodrama again.

P.S. Why don't you take a closer look at her favorite movie instead and pick up a few ideas? Romantic comedies and cult films about love are just a storehouse of ready-made solutions and an encyclopedia of female psychology. Don't you yourself dream of a girl from a fairy tale? Why don't you play the role of a fairy-tale character then? Moreover, if you look a little like Mr. Darcy, no one can reproach you with a lack of masculinity.

6) Tell your girlfriend about how many fools around you are. After all, there are really a lot of them, and for sure there is something to say about each. Here, for example, one of them, today, drove her pink car around the corner without looking around at all and almost crashed into you. What about your boss? Well, what other word can be called a person who gives such tasks and comments? Complete the list with a cashier who was rude to you, a neighbor whose dog got her howling, a notary's assistant who ... Or maybe there are inadequate persons among your closest relatives? Describe them all with the most juicy words so that your indignation at their ugly behavior becomes extremely understandable.

P.S. When you talk aggressively about being a fool at the wheel or in the office, you get the feeling that you basically consider all girls incapable of driving a car or running a business. Moreover, insulting ANY girl/woman is simply disgusting. You can never ever afford it. And if your girlfriend, having quarreled with you, wrote everything she thinks about you on the windshield of your car with a penknife, or deleted your thesis from the computer the day before the defense, or changed with your best friend, - she acted very badly, but even then she remains a girl, and you have no moral right to insult her. Yes. You can never forgive her, never talk to her again, demand compensation for damages, but you must maintain composure, sobriety of mind and, most importantly, nobility. Because by insulting any girl, you sink far below the level to which she descended, no matter what she did.

7) Call your girlfriend ten times a day and talk about what you have done and what you are going to do. Call her at eight in the morning and let her know that you haven't slept well and that you've already brushed your teeth, tied your shoelaces, discussed yesterday's football game with your dad at breakfast. Be sure to convey exactly everything that your dad said about this, say what he is right about and what you fundamentally disagree with, and back up your arguments with evidence. Then call your girlfriend a few more times throughout the day so she doesn't forget you exist. And at the meeting, be sure to repeat everything that you said on the phone again (for consolidation) - about shoelaces, about football, about breakfast, and so on. All this will be very interesting, useful and entertaining to listen to her.

P.S. It’s better to make appointments over the phone, or to say really important information that can cheer you up, make you smile, etc. (I just call to say i love you…=))) friend a lot of interesting things. When a conversation with a person on the phone never takes less than an hour, and he calls all the time (and, in fact, just clogs the air with some kind of informational garbage), this becomes very annoying very quickly. And the desire to call him herself never arises. As for topics for conversation, express to your interlocutor interesting thoughts that are definitely in your head, or share something with him that he does not know, or dream about something together. It is much better if you tell your girlfriend what your opinion is about the 1913 revolution or the rearmament of the Russian army than if you begin to list to her what you did today (it is unlikely that this is so different from what you did yesterday and will do tomorrow) . And don't talk about your work all the time! And also do not forget that you have an interlocutor who can also tell something and have some opinion on some issues. If this opinion does not really interest you, sit better in front of a mirror and arrange a monologue for him.

8) Do not pay for a girl in a cafe and restaurant. What more? Let her pay for her tea and a piece of cake herself, you can’t waste money right and left. You generally save up for a car and new shoes. You can even offer the girl to pay in half if she does not express such a desire on her own initiative. Feel free to move the bill that the waitress put in front of you to the middle of the table. For accuracy, add up everything you ate and drank using your phone's calculator. As a courtesy, you can even save the girl from complex arithmetic operations and after you have counted your part, count it and tell her: “You are three hundred and two rubles and five kopecks.”

P.S. Maybe, of course, there are girls who go on a date to eat a plate of spaghetti for free or drink a cup of coffee, but among my acquaintances, I don’t know a single such person. Therefore, I ask you to get rid of offended comments that you are valued only for the ability to provide beautiful life(see point 3). It's not all about that. These are questions of etiquette.

The offer to pay everyone for themselves is justified when you go to rest for two weeks in the Maldives in a five-star hotel, or go to a concert of a famous band in the stalls. If you consider it appropriate to pay a separate bill at the Coffee House, this is ridiculous, pathetic and even somehow indecent. After all, if you really need to save money, why don't you quit smoking and save money by buying cigarettes? Or not to eat a business lunch at work, which is still disgusting, but to take sandwiches from home? Maybe you don’t need a girl at all - sometimes she will have to give flowers, and this is again unreasonable expenses ...

Well, of course, if you dine with her every day at Pushkin, it may really be too expensive, but then why the hell are you inviting her there?
Attention: now it is not uncommon for girls to offer to pay for themselves (out of pride, feminism, sympathy for your finances, or so that you do not think that she owes you something, etc.). If you do not object, it will not be as bad as if she did not offer it, but if you did, however, in this case, she will still have some kind of unpleasant aftertaste. Because, offering to pay for herself, she still hopes deep down that you, as a gentleman, refuse (for this reason, and not because she is so greedy) and then you will grow significantly in her eyes. After all, we don’t always say what we think, it would be too simple and boring - don’t forget and don’t get caught ;-)))

9) Don't walk her home. Why else is this? She will come by herself! Moreover, you have to get up early for work tomorrow, and she (just as luck would have it) lives on the other side of Moscow. After all, it will take an hour to go there, and then another hour back! Down with these bourgeois survivals of the past! Each of us is an independent, self-sufficient and completely autonomous person. Who asked her to go to the cinema with you for a session that began at 23.00, if she is afraid later that she will have to walk twenty minutes alone along the street without lamps from the subway to the house?

P.S. You, as a man and a gentleman, if it is evening and it is already dark, ALWAYS have to see the girl off (within this entry, I do not touch on special cases when, for some objective reasons, this can not be done). Even if you decide that this was your last date with her, that you can’t see her anymore and you won’t pick up the phone when she starts cutting off your phone, you have to see her off, because that evening when you are with you walked around it, you are responsible to your own conscience so that nothing happens to this weak creature.

10) Do not open doors for her, do not give a hand and do not help put on a coat. Don't even think about such nonsense! There is no need for this when she is all of herself so independent and independent, she drives a car herself, she earns good money herself and has her own opinion on everything. If you want equality, you get it. And in general, we are not in the 19th century, or maybe we will get to the point where every time you have to get up from the table when she comes to the stove, because it is indecent for a man to sit when a woman is standing? (see the film Kate and Leo).

P.S. Feminism is complete nonsense and we don’t want to be so independent that we carry bags from shops, textbooks from the library ourselves, climb out of jeeps / minibuses on stilettos ourselves and fight for five minutes with the sleeves of our outerwear. Small tokens of attention and readiness to help in such everyday life situations, as a matter of course, will not take much strength and energy from you, but they will cause sincere admiration and will definitely be remembered.

11) Don't waste your time deciding where to go and what to do. In fact, you are a busy person, you don’t have time to check on the Internet what films are currently playing and what time they show, and even more so you don’t have time to buy tickets to the theater - who knows which one to go to? And in general - so much trouble ... No imagination is needed in order to choose a place for dinner - you can always go to that restaurant on the corner of her house, where you have already been a hundred times, there you, at least, are definitely not poison. In general, feel free to meet your beloved with the question: “Well, where are we going? I dont know. Decide for yourself."

P.S. Indecisiveness, apathy and lack of initiative are annoying. Which one of us is the stronger sex? Of course, we can offer some ideas, but we don't want to be the only ones who always offer everything. When we wander through the narrow streets in the center of Moscow in search of a museum that a friend strongly advised, and you silently and silently follow us (and so we go around in circles unable to find this damned museum), there is a feeling that a child is nearby, who needs to be led somewhere by the hand, and who himself cannot do anything. Also upsetting is the lack of imagination and the desire to do everything as usual (or better not to do anything - you can just buy a dvd and watch it at home on your computer, just like last night and the day before yesterday). Take the initiative in your own hands: “We will now go to Pokrovka, there is a cozy cafe, and from there we will walk to ... and by 20.00 we will need to go to the exhibition in the Central House of Artists, there is something that you will definitely like, but for now I will not tell you what is it about." And do not worry that we will not like the proposed route - in case of objections, it can always be corrected and supplemented.

12) If you quarreled with your girlfriend and it’s not entirely clear who is to blame, but it seems to you that it seems like she is, don’t try to make peace with her first. This is such a blow to pride - a disaster! She is to blame (most likely), let her be the first to call / come up / come. Show all your endurance and self-control and do not let her sit on your neck. Let her realize her mistake, apologize (preferably more than once), say that she was wrong, that she will never do this again - then you can plead for order for a couple more days and forgive her.

P.S. Even if the girl is to blame for the quarrel, but still you love her and still want to be with her, be generous and take the first step. That you should call and say that you miss and offer to meet and talk? And she, perhaps, has been sitting by the phone for the second day and is just waiting for your call! And if you don't show up, she might just decide that you don't care and that you left her without any explanation. And you, in turn, will think the same about her? It would be stupid if you parted like that, but in fact both were in love, but they valued their pride too much ...

The main secret is that if you are attentive, reliable, noble, you will make her laugh and entertain, but at the same time inspire respect in her, you will open doors (and the world =)) for her, see her home and treat her like a princess, she will become it - only for you. If she feels loved and is in love, she will certainly want to become perfect, or at least get closer to perfection. But only those who do not find the strength to take the first step and meet halfway will never know about it - how extraordinary we can be, what we really are when there is spring and love in the heart.

Good luck to all of us in the search for our soul mates, and let everyone who has not yet found a loved one will certainly one day exclaim in surprise: “I always dreamed about you, but I no longer believed that you exist! And now I have found you and a fairy tale has come into my life.

Women are dreamy creatures. To subdue them for a short time, it is not difficult to do a few “right” acts of seduction. But what to do when you need to fall in love with the woman you are in love with? Here you need to start by simply not disappointing her in yourself.

Men often do things they think worthy men, however, women appreciate them little. It turns out that the understanding of the correct in men and women is different. You may think that you did everything right, but the woman will think that you did nothing to win her. Men's magazine the site will tell you what not to do so as not to disappoint a woman.

Pay attention to the woman

Moreover, attention should be paid to her not only at the beginning of the relationship, but also in the following days and years. Men often pay attention only And then they get tired, lose their former interest, relax. This does not mean that a woman no longer needs male attention. On the contrary, if you read women's forums, then the most common complaint women have against men is the lack of attention to them.

In order not to disappoint a woman, pay attention to her. At the beginning of dating, this is very easy to do. And then you have to make an effort. You don't need to pay much attention. But every day you need to spend time with a woman so that she understands that you have not forgotten about her.

Talk about your love

Not only women, but also men strive to create a harmonious. After all, if the relationship will please both partners, then they will have success in all other areas of life. Which means stronger sex care must also be taken to ensure that the family atmosphere in the house is favorable for everyone who lives in it. What is needed for this?

Strange as it may sound, but the atmosphere in the family is set by the tone of the main hostess of the ball - a woman, that is, your wife. Pay attention, if your companion is sad, then the whole atmosphere seems to calm down; if she is having fun, then, as if by a wave of a wand, the window begins to shine warm sun. But you should not shift all responsibility for the "bad weather" to your wife, because the inner state of your beloved depends on you and your actions. So if you make your woman happy, then she will make the whole family happy.

Have you heard that "ladies love with their ears"? Then use this trick, which works flawlessly. First, speak words of love to your spouse more often. You should not think that if you already revealed your feelings to her 10 years ago, then she should then remember this all her life. It is very important for a woman to hear every day that you love her. The fair sex, of course, notices your good deeds and deeds that are beneficial for the whole family, but she also needs to hear and know that you still love her as much as at first dating.

Talk about your feelings, while remembering to cheer up your beloved with words about her beauty. If you see that your woman has really transformed herself, is trying to become young and beautiful, tell her about it. Praise her for her efforts and approve the result of all procedures. After all, every beautiful lady wants to please a man always, regardless of age and social status. Tell your spouse that you are attracted to her, and in return you will feel gratitude and love for your attention.

Remember: by giving a little happiness, a woman, like a real shoreline, will multiply your gift and return you a hundred times more! If you want to receive love, respect and gratitude, then start giving it to your wife yourself.

Share with your beloved all the events that happened to you during the day. Every woman will feel needed only if you start sharing everything that worries you, pleases, upsets you, what you saw or heard, as well as what thoughts and ideas visited your head. Everything that happens to you is very important for your wife to know. And this desire arises not because of the desire to control you, but simply because when you share your life, you let a woman into your heart, saying: “I trust you! I need you!". But if you begin to remain silent in order not to upset or burden your beloved with your problems, the principle of rejection applies. A woman understands that you do not let her into your heart, and she becomes unhappy. Therefore, call your spouse 1-2 times a day and say how you are doing.

Family for a woman is the most important part of life. Everything she does is aimed at the benefit and harmony of all members of the union. Therefore, do not think that your woman does everything just for herself. If you understand that her actions are aimed at the happiness of all her loved ones, then you will be surprised how noble and gentle your spouse is. Thank her for everything she does for you. And, believe me, your wife will reciprocate. After your words of gratitude, she will want to do more and much better, because you appreciate and accept her gifts. And most importantly, after all your efforts, love will again be the companion of your family idyll.

To understand how not to disappoint a woman, you need to start by looking at the mechanism of how and why disappointment occurs. Why do people give up on love and friendship? Thinking about this question and observing the realities of life, one can notice an amazing thing: in fact, absolutely all people know how to make friends and love, it’s just that disappointments occur because partners have different ideas about what love is and what friendship is. This is similar to when a restaurant visitor orders an Olivier salad, and they bring him a salad of cabbage and cucumbers. In the mind of the visitor himself, the salad "Olivier" includes meat, eggs and mayonnaise, and the chef himself, who prepares the salad, imagined "Olivier" from cabbage and cucumbers.

In fact, absolutely all people know how to make friends and love. But disappointments in close relationships occur because people have different understandings of what love is and what friendship is. For example, disappointment will occur in a couple where a woman believes that only a rich man can be loved, and a man represents love as care and understanding of partners. For example, disappointment in a relationship will occur where one of the friends understands friendship as mutual help, and the other friend perceives friendship as a joint pastime during free hours (that is, no help, but just frolic and communication).

Why do people give up on love and friendship? Because they have a different idea of ​​love and friendship. Therefore, it is necessary to look for exactly those partners who have the same ideas about love and friendship that you have. All other people can be your acquaintances, who are sometimes nice to see. But since your concepts of love and friendship are different, then you do not create close relationships so as not to be disappointed and disappointed.

All people know how to make friends and love. But the most loyal friends and close loved ones are those people who define friendship and love in the same way as you.

Don't leave a woman alone

Difficulties and troubles periodically occur in relationships. Let's take those cases when a man and a woman quarrel. It is at such moments that men often make a mistake: they leave women alone with themselves in order to deal with their feelings and experiences.

Remember once and for all: at the moment of a quarrel or a surge in a woman, never, under any circumstances, leave her alone! You have to calm her down, hug her, say that "everything is fine." In other words, until she comes to her senses, you don't have to withdraw and disappear.

If a woman is left alone with herself at the moment of an emotional outburst, she will understand that you are not thinking about her (which, in principle, is true, since you left to think for yourself). You didn't care about her, which means she can't rely on you. If every time she has to deal with her own feelings as you move away, she becomes more and more frustrated.

What do we have to do? When you see that a woman is crying, hysterical, worried, worried, you need to calm her down. How to do this depends on the woman herself. You can hug, kiss, talk to a woman, say that “everything is fine”, etc. In other words, stabilize her emotions, let her calm down, only after that leave to think about everything.

Always tell the truth

Many people do not notice how often they play word games so as not to reveal their true feelings, desires and thoughts. Often a person does not tell the truth or does not finish speaking, because he is afraid of condemnation, ridicule, scandals in relationships. If you cannot be sincere even with those who should know about your true feelings and desires, then why contact them at all?

They usually don't tell the truth when they know it will be misunderstood. They do not reveal the truth when they understand that the information expressed can destroy what has been achieved. A person is simply afraid, so he lies.

Imagine a situation when, communicating with a partner, you have nothing to lose. Everything you say will not affect the attitude of the interlocutor towards you. What do you feel? Lightness, calmness, relaxation. Imagine that you are telling the truth, no matter what reaction it causes. After the conversation, you can stop talking, you will be offended. What do you care how the other person reacts to your sincerity? If the interlocutor wished to react negatively to your words, this is his choice. Your choice was that you did not want to be afraid and decided to speak the truth, even if it leads to a bad result.

You do not have to change and be sincere with absolutely everyone, but you can afford to be open with those with whom you are related or in love. Try to say what you really think and feel. Do not be afraid that your words will have a negative effect. Of course, a major quarrel and even parting can occur. Why then be around someone who does not accept your truth? Why make up lies again just to save the relationship? Do you want to lie all the time or are you ready to stop being afraid in order to be honest?

You choose, and whatever decision you make will be the right one. You can not lie and at the same time absolutely calmly perceive the reaction of the interlocutor who heard the truth.

The truth is disappointing. Or rather disappointing discrepancy between reality and the desired. A person often devotes time to eternal reflection on his desires, problems or laws of life. And to a greater extent, he notices only what is pleasant, completely rejecting what does not correspond to his desires.

The truth is disappointing, and this happens because the person himself does not want to notice it, trying to make circumstances to please himself. But illusions are just illusions. And you can't hide the truth anywhere. Sooner or later, it manifests itself, and then the person, as it were, begins to see clearly, although in fact he simply begins to see what was previously unpleasant for him.

The truth is disappointing only because it does not correspond to the desires of a person. He wants one thing, but the truth turns out to be completely different. It is unpleasant, as if a person is being forced to live in a reality that he does not like. But sooner or later, the truth is shown to the eyes of a person, and then he understands that it is better to notice the real circumstances of the case, and not to soar in his own dreams and fantasies, so as not to be disappointed later.


In order not to disappoint a woman, always think about how she feels. Tune in to her wave and imagine what she would like to see from you in this situation. If you manage to tune in to the female wave, then you will not only not disappoint her, but also conquer her.