
A good deed is not a marriage! so why is it still a marriage? Why is the union of people called marriage. Why marriage is called marriage Why family union is called marriage


There are two versions of where the word "marriage" came from. One is official, the other is not. Consider each of them, and you yourself decide which one you like best. The word marriage (matrimony) comes from the Old Church Slavonic language, in which it meant marriage and is formed from the verb brother (to take) with the suffix -k (similarly to know-sign). The connection of the word marriage with this verb is confirmed by the expression to marry, and there is also a dialectal brother - to marry, Ukrainian got married - to get married. In those days, the word brother meant to bear. If we proceed from this, it turns out that these words: marriage (matrimony) and marriage (marriage) are homonyms and have no relation to each other. Marriage in the meaning of flaw comes from the German word brack - flaw, vice, which in turn is derived from the verb brechen - to break, break. This borrowing took place in the times of Peter the Great, and since then in the Russian language there are two different marriages and one more reason for the joke.

Why was marriage called marriage? marriage, hypothesis, wedding, word formation
The second version is much less scientific and difficult to verify, but much more interesting than the first.
According to the ancestral traditions of the Slavs, Vesta is a girl trained in all the wisdom of marriage, i.e. knowing / knowing, caring mother in the future, good housewife, faithful, wise and loving wife. Only after the girl acquired such knowledge did she have a chance to become a wife. They didn’t get married, and if they did, then such a thing was called marriage. It's no secret that the integrity, atmosphere and happiness in the family depends almost entirely on the woman. Vesta cannot have a bad husband because she is wise. Most likely, the ancient Slavs did not even know what divorce was ...
MARRIAGE - among the ancient Slavs, this rite was called a sacred conjugal union ... Wedding is deciphered as SVA - heaven, BO - gods, DE - deed ... But in general - Heavenly Deed of the Gods ... Marriage was invented by Christians ... The Slavs interpret it so that one of the entering into this union - with marriage - before the wedding had "contact" with others ...
"Marriage" from ar. "CARB" - "twinning", when individuals of different sexes become relatives (acriba) through a joint fetus. Slavic "marriage" - from "take", i.e. take on a different kind of woman. And at the same time, they say: "marriage is not a good thing .. why .., MARRIAGE" is derived from the Arabic "HARAB" - "to destroy, spoil" ... And the German "marriage" means "broken thing" ... all these troubles with a wedding, a veil, rings, etc. came from Judea, later, after the emergence of Christianity, this custom came to Russia. Before, everything was much simpler with us: what kind of girl you catch in the forest is yours. So, in Hebrew "blessing" is bracha. So much for marriage. There is also another opinion: “to take”, as well as “abuse” (initially - a hike for prey, and one of the catchy “images” of prey in ancient times is girls, potential wives) is more natural to draw closer to the word under discussion. By the way, the word "branka" once meant "captive". At the same time, I do not exclude that the term "marriage" is also associated with the word "Bremya", and if so, then there is an analogy with Hebrew: "נישואים" ("nisuim", Aram. Form "nisuiN") - "marriage ”, And the root here is the same as in the word“ לשאת ”(“ laset ”) -“ to carry ”(“ nose ”,“ נושא ”-“ carry, carry, carry ”). Accordingly, married - "נשוי", "nasuy" (f. both spouses should have it, with all the ensuing consequences ...
Many words, which since ancient times have served us as protection and certain taboos, are distorted and turned inside out, replaced by foreign ones. Therefore, perhaps our life has not been arranged for some time now and life is uncomfortable. We have lost harmony not only in understanding ourselves, but primarily in the definition of others, what is happening around us as a whole. Again, we will look for the guilty, creating confusion and becoming weaker, or, we will try to correct the situation on our own, live and speak as our Ancestors bequeathed to us - whose Laws and Rules are still impeccable, because they were guided by RULE and CONSCIENCE. And most importantly, I LOVE for My Mother Earth ...
And it is not surprising that today, according to statistics, almost every second family is falling apart. After all, they enter into a MARRIAGE with a bride ...

Surely everyone at least once thought about why the marriage was called marriage. At first glance, this word is in no way associated with family relationships. Therefore, it is worth digging deeper and understanding this issue.

Official version

Why was marriage called marriage? According to the official version, this word came from the Old Church Slavonic language. It is associated with the verb "brothers", which meant marriage (taking a bride). By adding the suffix -k, the word was obtained in its modern meaning. Also, some analogies can be found in the Ukrainian language. The word "be married" means "to marry."

But what about the common jokes about the meaning of the word "marriage"? Like, why was marriage called marriage, if this term means a flaw? In this context, the word has a German meaning and was introduced into the Russian language at the time of Peter I. Thus, these are two completely different marriages, which are not related in any way.

Unofficial version

Why was marriage called marriage? The unofficial version sends us to Slavic mythology... In accordance with ancient beliefs, she knew everything about the intricacies of marriage, raising children and housekeeping. This is a kind of standard for a loving and caring wife. So all the girls who acquired such knowledge. Only it was customary to take them in marriage.

But those girls who did not have family wisdom and knowledge were called NEEDS (that is, not ready for marriage). But if alliances with them were nevertheless concluded, then they were called marriages (something wrong). But this version does not pretend to be scientific.

Sounds different, but the meaning is the same

Why was marriage called marriage? To understand this issue, you need to study the etymology of the word and analyze its meaning in different cultures... So, we have already figured out the Old Slavonic meaning of "marriage". And in French, and in Latin this word also means "to take, to have". Now let's turn a little to the very ritual of marriage. After all, people exchange rings and take each other's hands. Thus, in almost all cultures, "marriage" is the union of people through the clenching of hands. This is a kind of symbol of a strong union between husband and wife.

Dahl's Dictionary

Why is the union of a man and a woman called marriage? An indirect answer to this question can be found in Dahl's dictionary. In it, the word "marriage" is related to the word "brushno", which means food, food. Thus, marriage is a feast. And what is almost any wedding accompanied by? Of course, a lavish feast. Here's an analogy.

Modern reasoning

It's no secret that modern young people are not as serious about formalizing relationships as, for example, their parents and grandparents. Therefore, when asked why the union is called marriage, they have their own opinion. So, many believe that love and the law are incompatible things. Some even find confirmation in the Bible: "For in iniquity was conceived ...". That is, people were not bound by any official ties.

Why is cohabitation called civil marriage?

From the point of view of modern legislation, the phrase "civil marriage" does not in any way correlate with cohabitation without formalization of official relations. In accordance with just the same, there are officially registered family relationships... But if you delve into history, it becomes clear that people use this term, denoting cohabitation, is not at all unreasonable.

The fact is that until 1918 in Russia, marriages were concluded exclusively in the church (that is, through a wedding). But representatives of some religions (sectarians or Old Believers), for religious reasons, could not pass through this procedure... Therefore, their relationship was formalized by recording in the register of births. It is this phenomenon, from the point of view of the representatives of the church, has received the name "civil marriage". Moreover, it had no legal consequences. That is, upon termination of cohabitation, the spouses could not divide the property. And in the event of the death of one of them, the second did not have the right to be the heir.

Why is the term "civil marriage" so widespread in modern society? Yes, simply because the word "cohabitation" has negative associations. In addition, the definition of "actual marriage" is more suitable for such relations, but it did not take root in society.

Types of marriage in accordance with modern legislation

When it has already become clear why marriage is called marriage, it is advisable to study the types of this phenomenon in accordance with modern legislation. So, in the Family Code and other regulatory legal acts, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Civil marriage is a relationship registered and formalized in accordance with the law and without the participation of the church. In domestic legislation, this type of marriage is the only one that is subject to legal norms.
  • Church marriage is a relationship formalized through weddings. In some countries, it has legal force on a par with the one that is registered with government agencies. Nevertheless, church marriage is not official in domestic legislation and does not have any legal force. In this regard, in many churches, priests hold weddings only if the marriage was previously registered with the registry office.
  • A de facto marriage is an unregistered marriage-like relationship, which in the legislation is more often called cohabitation. Even if people run a joint household and have children in common, they do not have any marital rights and obligations.
  • Civil partnership (or union) - common mainly in Western countries. This is an intermediate form between cohabitation and registered marriage. Despite the fact that the relationship is not formalized, the so-called "spouses" have some rights and responsibilities. A feature can be considered the fact that this form of marriage is available to same-sex couples.
  • A sham marriage is the official registration of a marriage without the intention of the parties to create a de facto family in the conventional sense. Usually, the motives for entering into such an alliance are obtaining citizenship or political asylum, claiming an inheritance, receiving state benefits, or any other selfish goals.


Around in Lately there are many controversies. For example: why is marriage called marriage? After studying all the theories of the origin of this word, as well as familiarizing himself with its meanings in other languages ​​of the world, a person gets the impression that the most plausible version associated with the word "hand". That is, the spouses are people who hold hands. No matter how many jokes there are around the word "marriage", it is it that is generally accepted and appears in all regulatory legal acts.

The second version is much less scientific and difficult to verify, but much more interesting than the first.

According to the ancestral traditions of the Slavs, Vesta is a girl trained in all the wisdom of marriage, i.e. knowing / knowing, caring mother in the future, good housewife, faithful, wise and loving wife. Only after the girl acquired such knowledge did she have a chance to become a wife. They didn’t get married, and if they did, then such a thing was called marriage. It's no secret that the integrity, atmosphere and happiness in the family depends almost entirely on the woman. Vesta cannot have a bad husband because she is wise. Most likely, the ancient Slavs did not even know what divorce was ...

MARRIAGE - among the ancient Slavs, this rite was called a sacred conjugal union ... Wedding is deciphered as SVA - heaven, BO - gods, DE - deed ... But in general - Heavenly Deed of the Gods ... Marriage was invented by Christians ... The Slavs interpret it so that one of the entering into this union - with marriage - before the wedding had "contact" with others ...

"Marriage" from ar. "CARB" - "twinning", when individuals of different sexes become relatives (acriba) through a joint fetus. Slavic "marriage" - from "take", i.e. take on a different kind of woman. And at the same time, they say: "marriage is not a good thing .. why .., MARRIAGE" is derived from the Arabic "HARAB" - "to destroy, spoil" ... And the German "marriage" means "broken thing" ... all these troubles with a wedding, a veil, rings, etc. came from Judea, later, after the emergence of Christianity, this custom came to Russia. Before, everything was much simpler with us: what kind of girl you catch in the forest is yours. So, in Hebrew "blessing" is bracha. So much for marriage. There is also another opinion: “to take”, as well as “abuse” (initially - a hike for prey, and one of the catchy “images” of prey in ancient times is girls, potential wives) is more natural to draw closer to the word under discussion. By the way, the word "branka" once meant "captive". At the same time, I do not exclude that the term "marriage" is also associated with the word "Bremya", and if so, then there is an analogy with Hebrew: "נישואים" ("nisuim", Aram. Form "nisuiN") - "marriage ”, And the root here is the same as in the word“ לשאת ”(“ laset ”) -“ to carry ”(“ nose ”,“ נושא ”-“ carry, carry, carry ”). Accordingly, married - "נשוי", "nasuy" (f. both spouses should have it, with all the ensuing consequences ...

Many words, which since ancient times have served us as protection and certain taboos, are distorted and turned inside out, replaced by foreign ones. Therefore, perhaps our life has not been arranged for some time now and life is uncomfortable. We have lost harmony not only in understanding ourselves, but primarily in the definition of others, what is happening around us as a whole. Again, we will look for the guilty, creating confusion and becoming weaker, or, we will try to correct the situation on our own, live and speak as our Ancestors bequeathed to us - whose Laws and Rules are still impeccable, because they were guided by RULE and CONSCIENCE. And most importantly, I LOVE for My Mother Earth ...

And it is not surprising that today, according to statistics, almost every second family is falling apart. After all, they enter into a MARRIAGE with a bride ...

Strange - isn't it? Marriage is and poorly made and union of man and woman simultaneously? How can this be explained? I found a simple explanation quite recently. In ancient times, among the peoples who spoke the language from which the Russian language grew, a mature and trained girl was called Vesta. The girl's training consisted in the skills of building relationships with a man (it was believed that relationships are the responsibility of a woman, and future men were trained to be earners and protectors). And the girls were taught by "Witches" - knowledgeable mothers (this status was worn by elderly women who lived happily with their husbands and raised at least 12 children). So, back to marriage. If a trained girl got married ( Vesta), then this was called a union or a family, and if the girl was untrained by this time ( Bride), then it was called marriage.

So draw your own conclusions, friends. It turns out that it is absolutely right now that marriage is called marriage.

And here are the comments that users gave on another site:

Ever since childhood, I thought about this, asked my mother, friends, laughed that no one knows why the family was called marriage and did not even suspect that the answer could be so simple. This article amazed me! Now, indeed, ALL the girls without exception are NeVesty! There is no one to teach! In the country, you can probably count on one hand the women who managed to raise 12 children in their lives and live happily with their husband! Our parents and even grandparents have already lost the culture of building relationships.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that guys are not being taught to be protectors and earners now (fathers have weakened physically and morally, just as mothers have ceased to be women in the full sense of the word). So it turns out a double "marriage" for most people !!!

PS: It is necessary to make a teaching program "Marriage-2" - how to build love :)

Eh, where to find "The Witch" :)
I really don't want to create "Marriage", maybe there are still "knowing" mothers left in distant villages? :)

Do not worry, we are all "spouses" now
I suppose your future husband is not trained in his craft either, but you are already going to "study" for him, look for a witch in distant villages :)

You talk strange ...

I do not know who you are "guest" - a boy or a girl, but I do not understand what you are saying. If I am taught some of the basics of building relationships in the family, I can create happy family with any man, even if he is not very trained in his craft, as you say.

And there is one more reason to learn - the principle "like attracts like" - which means that if I am trained in my "feminine" area, then I will meet a man who will be trained in his "masculine" area. For some reason I believe that it will be so :)

From correspondence on this topic

In such a union, the chances of failure (marriage) are much greater than of a successful project. And, only thanks to the work of each of the spouses on themselves, wisdom comes that cements the family. And, if all else fails, then it is better, thanking for the experience, to "destroy" the marriage and give a chance to create two families.

And if the marriage already has children?

The best thing that parents can give their child is a space of love! But, if this is not between the parents, then, just for the sake of the child, it is a sin to play fake roles! The way out is to instill in the child the respect for his parents in peace and continue along the path of creation and development, harmony and search! Otherwise, we break ourselves and our children as individuals. After all, the main thing is to come to an agreement with yourself !!! It is possible that people converge on a short time just for the sake of the fact that it is from this couple that the arrival of a beautiful child on earth is planned from above! Then, all the more, there is something to thank each other for. After all, our life is a lot of lessons and exams that need to be passed with dignity !!!

divorce is not an option!

is it better to get a divorce? You, dear Guest, are not even right on the tip of the nail. especially when there are children. The easiest thing to destroy is that it has already been built. The message of marriage is concluded in order to learn to live in harmony with your half.

And love? you ask

Love is for children and youth. Love is in any case a quick-thinking concept! 2-3 years and nothing remains from the previous feeling of falling in love! those couples who realized that happiness is not in love, but in understanding and support of each other, they live and raise offspring. And if we are modern to leave love as a reason to be together, it’s at least silly. it is necessary to look for more compelling reasons already in the initial stages of marriage (relationship). For example, a child is one of the most compelling reasons not to get divorced. But even a fool understands that one must not tolerate each other with gnashing of teeth and beat softer to give in, obey, teach and learn, etc.

Family problems - the solution (advice to men)

The main problem of people when they themselves are looking for a future partner is that they do not know exactly who they need. You must first create this portrait in your soul with all the qualities and possible flaws that you may even like, or that you will be able to forgive, since there are no people without flaws.

Then, when choosing, it will be easier to realize “yes, I like this girl, she is attractive, and I see that she likes me too, but this is a“ spring desire ”, I am pleased with these states, but I see and feel in her character or predisposition to actions, who will hurt me in the future and I will suffer from this, this relationship cannot be consolidated for a long time, I need another woman. "

You need to be observant.

I do not argue that even when you find the person who fits the ideal of your partner for creating a family and love from you to each other gushes like a fountain, scandals still arise. Any family has such scandals, because this or that person Bad mood, or somewhere there was trouble and he brings this negative feeling home or simply does not add up in life.

It is necessary to understand and forgive each other, I repeat to each other once again, both must do this.

Scandals arise if spouses feel that they are not noticed, from intimate dissatisfaction.

My husband says that best remedy from scandals this is a bed.

The problem may be that it is more difficult for a woman to realize her desire, that she is furious precisely because she lacks this, her hormones sausage and subconsciously she realizes that there is a person nearby who could satisfy her, and this bastard is does not. And when you say directly let's do it - say no, no need.

Conclusion: you need a foreplay. The main thing is not even to hint in words what you are trying to achieve, but to show with actions, gently touch your hand by chance, gently look into your eyes, speak in a slightly whisper (you can just tell the events of your day).

It is necessary, like a cat to tease, so that the desire comes to realization, then everything will work out.

Another advice every day to each other say "I love you." Then even after living for several years, you will feel as if you met yesterday. "I love you" is not only a declaration of love, it is a confession that you believe in your partner, support, and whatever he does you forgive him, you thereby emphasize emotional reliability for each other. Any free time should be spent together, your spouse is not for a tick in your passport, but in order to go through life together.

In the film Let's Dance, the protagonist's wife says that they get married so that they have a witness to our lives.

When you see that your wife starts some kind of crisis, she walks gloomily for an unknown reason, tell her that you are glad and happy that you have the best woman in the world, the women around her cannot even be compared with her.

Every couple has a turning point

Each couple has some turning points when the heart begins to
knocking at a different rhythm, everyone feels that something has changed, and what,
it's hard to say, suspicion begins, self-winding, scandals.
It's just that the couple moves to another stage of life and it is necessary to accept it,
learn to live in a new way, take it for granted, since it will not be possible before, but
will be different and maybe even better.

Well, admit it, you also wondered why the union of a man and a woman is called MARRIAGE. Something not very good word, truth? Well, probably there is some original and completely opposite explanation for this?

But nifiga! I knew that everything is completely straightforward. Look here 🙂

In ancient times, among the peoples who spoke the language from which the Russian language grew, a mature and trained girl was called Vesta. The girl's training consisted in the skills of building relationships with a man (it was believed that relationships are the responsibility of a woman, and future men were trained to be earners and protectors). And the girls were taught by "Witches" - knowledgeable mothers (this status was worn by elderly women who lived happily with their husbands and raised at least 12 children). So, back to marriage. If a trained girl (Vesta) got married, then it was called a union or a family, and if the girl was not trained by that moment (NeVesta), then it was called marriage.

I like this version, but in fairness, let's find out other versions:

1. Marriage (marriage).

The word “marriage” (matrimony) is borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, in which it meant “marriage” and is formed with the suffix -к (as, for example, the word “sign”) from the verb “brother” - “to take”. The connection of the word “marriage” with this verb is confirmed by the expression “to marry”, the dialectal “to take” - “to marry”, the Ukrainian “to get married” - “got married”. The verb “brothers” (originally meaning “to bear”) when applied to marriage means “to seize”, “to abduct”. The fact is that the basis of marriage among the ancient Slavs was the abduction of a girl from another clan or tribe. The timing of the appearance of the word "marriage" is disputed. The Old Slavonic word "marriage" already meant the ceremony of "taking in marriage", and then marriage itself, that is, matrimony. Old Russian "marriage" is both "wedding", "feast" and "matrimony". Likewise, the Bulgarian word "marriage" means both "marriage" and "matrimony".

2. Marriage (marriage). The second version, in my opinion, is more romantic :).

Before getting married, a man asks ... what? Yes, that's right, HANDS of your beloved! That is, marriage - this hand connection to go through life together. And whatever happens - to be together "in sorrow and in joy."

In Italian: braccio (il braccio) - hand from hand to shoulder.

In French: le braccia (le braccia) - hands, le bra - hands.

Latin: brachium (brachium) - arm (shoulder).

And then the words "getting married" mean "taking each other's hands."

3. Defect (poor quality product). Borrowed in the 17th century. through the Polish language, from the German language, where Brack is "useless goods", that is, "scrap" - derived from the verb brechen - (brechen) - "to break". School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. The origin of words - M .: Drofa N.M.Shansky, T.A. Bobrova 2004.