
Choosing a potty for a child. What pot to choose for a houseplant? What is important to remember when using a potty


With the invention of all kinds of breathable, absorbent, hypoallergenic and other diapers, the life of parents has become a little, but still easier. However, this did not remove the issue of potty training the baby, because already at the age of one and a half, the smartest babies begin to realize that writing and pooping in pants is not very pleasant and completely indecent.

In most families, the "night vase" was bought immediately after the birth of the little one, and it remains only to tell and, most importantly, show how to use it correctly. But those who are just going to visit a children's goods store need to know how to choose a potty for a child so that it is not only a portable latrine, but also does not harm the little user.

Baby potty: four rules for choosing

Someone will laugh at such a formulation of the question, they say, what's so difficult? A pot is a pot. It’s just that it’s completely wrong to approach any children’s problems with such a mood. Moreover, the rules are not complicated and when choosing a pot it is better to remember them.

  • Gender of your child.

Girls and boys sit, and not only on the potty, in different ways. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the design of the “night vase”.

  • Convenience.

And not only for the child, although this is primarily. Does the pot have a leg separator, a back, does it slide on the floor, does it tend to roll over at the slightest wrong movement, and other nuances.

  • Material.

Metal, cold pots have long gone out of fashion, but plastic ones should also be made from quality raw materials.

  • Age.

Of course, all children are different. Some are larger, others, on the contrary, are smaller, but in any case, you can’t pick up a children’s pot for growth. The baby will be uncomfortable, and he simply refuses to sit on it. It is better to buy another one as it grows.

All this should be taken into account so as not to deliver unnecessary inconvenience to your little one.


This is where the eyes of inexperienced moms and dads can really scatter. Manufacturers have expanded the line of this simple attribute so much that some products are not much different from newfangled gadgets. It is interesting, fashionable and even prestigious, so to speak. However, they do not help the main purpose in any way, and in some cases they interfere. Therefore, it is worth looking into it in more detail.

  • Classic model.

Regular pot, oh round shape, with some allowable backrest or leg divider configurations. In kindergartens, these are usually used.

  • With lid.

The same version as the previous one, but equipped with a lid.

  • Potty toy.

It can be made in the form of some funny animal, cartoon character, car, and so on. The option is not very good. The child may confuse it with a real toy and try to use it for other purposes. Well, if this happens before he does his business. But if the parents were distracted and the baby began to play with a filled pot, washing, washing, and sometimes general cleaning are guaranteed.

  • Music pot.

It has been noticed that the baby is sometimes so distracted from the desired process, when his favorite melody plays from under his buttocks, that he forgets why he sat on the potty. His ear for music will probably improve from this, but the intestines and ureters will not say thank you.

  • Transformer.

A thing is convenient if it is properly designed, well-made and the parents figured out how to use it to the end.

  • Marching.

There are two options here. The first one is folding. It is quickly put into working condition and does not require water consumption, as it has a set of disposable bags, which, after filling, can simply be thrown into the proper place. The second one is inflatable. It takes up much less space, but is much more difficult to handle. It must be well inflated so that the baby can sit upright. Then wash thoroughly and then bleed the air. Problematic, I agree.

For older children who already know how to use the potty.

There are other varieties, for example, a pot on legs, on wheels and other exotics. It is better not to consider these options at all if you want to teach your child to go to the toilet where it is supposed to.

Which potty to choose for a boy

This is probably the only question in which boys are more capricious than girls, and then only because of the anatomical structure, and not out of their own whim. That is why even the classic version without any complications is not always suitable here.

A potty for boys should be oval shape, with a leg divider that will serve as a mudguard at the same time. Ideally, if there is a small back, allowing you to take a more comfortable and relaxed position.

At first, you will have to help the guy to properly establish himself on such a pot, but he will quickly get the hang of it, and in the future there will be no problems.

Everything is much simpler here. The only thing to consider is that it is more convenient for a girl to sit with her legs moved together. Therefore, it is better to buy a potty without a leg separator. Otherwise, there are no restrictions and nuances.

At the end of the review, a few tips that will help you choose a really good and comfortable potty for your child that will last for more than one year, until the time the little one wants to go to the toilet in imitation of adults.

  • Bright and creative models will not allow your baby to focus on the process for which the potty is intended, since these types are more suitable for entertainment and play, and not for specific purposes that do not involve fun.
  • The kid should sit in it, not swaying and not making efforts to maintain balance.
  • There should be no scratches, burrs or sharp corners.
  • The hole should not compress small buttocks or legs.
  • The pot should not slide or crawl on the floor.
  • The base of the potty should be wider than the seat - this will protect both the empty potty from overturning and the child from falling off it.
  • The product should be convenient and easy to empty and wash. Nothing should stick.
  • Welcomes the pen.
  • If you find an antimicrobial "night vase" you should consider purchasing it.
  • The pot should not inspire the child with any negative emotions.

To teach a child to go to the potty is, on the one hand, not difficult, but on the other, not so simple. Some children, almost from birth, with sounds or facial expressions show that they want to pee or poop, and parents only have to run in time for a “night vase”, take off their pants from the baby and seat him comfortably. Other toddlers discover their natural desire after the process has begun. Time of day and clock hands are not helpful in this matter. Parental intuition also does not always help. That is why it is necessary to teach the child to ask for a potty and the product itself is not the last assistant in this matter.

The right potty is not only cleanliness and a reduction in the number of washes, but also the timely and proper development of the child. He learns discipline and order. However, if at the initial stage of mastering the pot, he played too much and did not have time to report his desire, scolding and punishing is absolutely unacceptable. Joke, smile, kiss your child - it will be much more pleasant and useful.

Newly minted moms and dads always have some questions that they cannot find the answer to on their own. So, with the advent of a new tenant in the family, a lot of problems arise: how to feed the baby, how to bathe, where the baby should sleep, and many others. One of the important stages in the life of a child and his mother is education. First, the baby learns to roll over on his stomach, then raises and holds his head. Further, the baby begins to sit and crawl. This is where most parents have a question: how to teach your baby to go to the potty? This is what will be discussed next. You will find out how boys are potty trained and if there are any peculiarities in this procedure. It is also worth talking about how to choose the most convenient device for the baby.

What are baby pots?

Before you start the training procedure, you should purchase a personal remedy to meet the needs of the baby. Of course, every family has a toilet. However, not all children agree to use a standard toilet. Many kids have a fear of falling into a big hole. Also, the inconvenience lies in the fact that while staying on an adult toilet, the baby does not feel support under his feet. Currently, manufacturers of children's products offer to purchase special pads. Such devices are placed on the rim of the toilet and securely attached to it. However, many children begin to use such devices only after they learn to go to the potty.

Modern companies produce a wide variety of devices. Pots for children can be regular or with additional accessories. Surely you will no longer find metal devices with a handle on sale, which were very popular in Soviet times. The current pots are made mostly of plastic. At the same time, the device has a rather bright color. This is done to attract special attention of the baby.

The opening of the pot can be oval or round. Children suggest the presence of a special side in front. It is made so that the liquid from the container does not splatter in different directions.

Great popularity in recent times purchased However, remember that such a device has additional legs. That is why it should be bought for older children. All pots have a certain height. Be sure to keep this in mind when choosing a product.

Usually, parents choose children's pots for boys together with their kids. Perhaps your son already has some color preferences. Offer him several options, let him independently evaluate all the models he likes. Remember that at first, the baby will perceive the device as another toy. Before the boys are potty trained, the little ones are introduced to their new friend. The child should carefully examine the accessory.

How are boys potty trained?

By and large, the training of the stronger sex is no different from girls. However, many experts argue that the latter master this skill faster. To teach a boy to go to the potty you need in several stages. At the same time, aggression and increased perseverance should never be shown. Remember that there will come a time when the child himself wants to use the potty, and this fact will practically not depend on your desire. So how are boys potty trained? Let's get acquainted with the main points and methods.

Suitable age

In order for the baby to start doing his business with pleasure in the right place, it is worth waiting for a certain age level. Many mothers say that their child asks to go to the toilet from birth. However, this is nothing more than self-hypnosis. Such parents are simply accustomed to offering the baby to defecate every 15-20 minutes. That is why the child reacts properly to the next "piss-piss". However, this does not at all indicate that even in a year the baby will ask for a potty flawlessly and without mistakes.

Experts say that up to three years you can not worry. If the child wet his pants, there is nothing to worry about. The parts of the brain that are responsible for urination are not yet fully developed. However, statistics show that at about two years old, most children already use the potty during the day.

Many mothers ask pediatricians about how fast the Rush in this case is explained by the fact that grandparents ask in surprise: “How, he doesn’t go to the potty yet ?!”. That is why parents, under pressure from the older generation, try to instill this skill in their child as soon as possible. Indeed, a few decades ago, children were taught to go to the pot almost from three months old. However, this need was explained by the lack of diapers, washing machines and diapers. Now everything has changed a lot. Therefore, you should not run ahead of the locomotive and plant a five-month-old child on a pot.

What pots should not be purchased?

Nowadays, you can find gadgets in stores that have additional distractions: music buttons, a drawing tablet, and so on. There are also potties that make some kind of melody after the baby goes to the toilet. All this is definitely fun and interesting. However, it is better to buy such pots for older children, who already know quite well why they need such an accessory in the first place.

Otherwise, the baby will sit on the device only for the game and will not understand that they also need to defecate there.

Where to begin?

So, potty training without tears. After you have purchased the device, you need to wash it. Do it better with the usual baby soap. After that, introduce the baby to his new friend. Tell us about what this device is for. Surely the child will not understand you the first time.

Between the purchase of a potty and the first attempt to go to the toilet should be at least one week. Ideally, the accessory is purchased in advance - several months in advance. Let the device be in crumbs every day. Think of a specific place for the pot where it will stand.

First attempts

When the baby is already quite familiar with the new accessory, you can make the first attempt to sit on it. First, do it in clothes. Let the baby sit on the device, like on a stool. If you have a potty chair for children, then you can simply cover it with the attached lid, and it will take the form of a chair.

Sit the boy on the accessory and show your delight. The child must understand that this is very good and fun.

Show by example

So, you have firmly decided: potty training without tears. To do this, you will have to be patient. Boys in the first years of their lives go to the toilet while sitting. Only closer to the age of three, the baby can learn to do it "in a small way" while standing, like an adult.

That is why the mother can show the child by her own example how to do it. Feel free to sit on the potty and pretend you want to go to the bathroom. Surely the child will show initiative and interest.

Praise, don't scold

If the baby did everything right for the first time, you must certainly praise him. Let the baby know what exactly he is being encouraged for. Do this for every success.

Don't scold the boy for causing the accident. Otherwise, the child may simply shrink and refuse to go to the toilet. If the baby did not succeed and he made a puddle, then say that the pot is very upset and the mother is also upset. Show your child what to clean up after themselves. Give your son a rag and ask him to wipe the puddle. Of course, this manipulation will not work out very well for him. So be ready to help.

Buy nice underwear

You already know what time to potty train your baby. At about two years old, a child can already show his own taste. He likes some things more and others less. Invite your son to choose his panties together. Most often, children prefer products with drawn cartoon characters. After such a purchase, you need to explain to the child that now he can’t get his panties wet. Otherwise, the bear (Masha, Smesharik, fixie, and so on) will be offended.

This combination of circumstances will be an incentive for the baby. He will strive to keep his new acquisition clean. At the same time, do not forget to offer your son a potty more often.

Use the game

Invite your son to play with you fun game. Roll into small balls toilet paper and place them near the pot. The purpose of the game is this: you and your child must throw the prepared products into the container. At the same time, you need to rejoice at every hit and praise the baby.

When all the paper balls run out, offer the crumbs to hit the targets with a jet. In this way, you can teach the boy to walk "small" while standing.

Take a break

If a child is afraid of the potty, how to teach him? Everything is very simple. Take a short break from your efforts. Remove the device from your child's eyes for about 2-4 weeks. During this time, the baby will wean from your requirements and forget about negative emotions. After the specified time, remove the pot and resume attempts. At the same time, remember past bad experiences and do not repeat your mistakes.

Use special tools

Modern manufacturers of baby diapers offer parents to purchase special ones. Outwardly, they look like ordinary personal care products. However, after urination, the child begins to feel terrible discomfort. This is what drives young children. The children tend to relieve their need for a potty, so as not to walk with a wet booty.

Nighttime urination

How to teach a boy to go to the potty at night? First you need to ensure that the baby gets used to a new friend in the daytime. Also an indicator that the baby is ready is a dry night diaper. If you notice that your son does not urinate at night, take off his absorbent underpants and put on regular ones. At the same time, tell the baby that now he is already big and should ask for a potty. Perhaps you are waiting for several defeats. Don't give up and move on. However, never scold the child.


Now you know the basic ways to potty train a boy. Remember that a child can normally urinate in panties for up to three years during the day and up to five at night. If you have already crossed this line, and the child still does not want to use the potty, visit a specialist (neurologist, nephrologist and pediatrician). You may need to undergo some treatment and things will get better.

In time. Do not rush things, never scold or punish the boy for mistakes. Due to the fact that you start your attempts early, the baby will not use this device earlier. Everything should have its time. Patience to you and good results in teaching children!

The first thoughts about the beginning of the process of accustoming the baby to the potty come in different ways, some parents are already ready for training classes from six months, some from a year. But as psychologists say, best time for acquaintance and "friendship" of the baby and the pot, the age of 1.5 - 3 years is considered.

By this time, nervous system the child has matured to such an extent that the baby can already control the urge to defecate and “tolerate” the potty, and begins to understand that wet pants are unpleasant.

An important role in the process of accustoming is played not only by time, the perseverance of parents, but also by the hero of the occasion - the pot. The most important thing is that this device is convenient for the child, comfortable and safe.

So what are the criteria for choosing the right potty for a child, so that he helps in the learning process, and does not slow him down?

Difficulties of choice

Parents are offered a wide range of products and different types pots:

  • Classic - this is an ordinary round-shaped pot familiar to parents from childhood, and resembles those that were in their childhood;
  • Anatomical - more modern model, made in the form of a saddle, with a backrest and a front ledge. On such a pot, the baby sits with his legs apart;
  • Pots with a "skirt" - have a convenient footboard in the front, which does not allow the pot to tip over when the baby gets up or sits down;
  • Pot - its shape and design are reflected in the name. The pot is equipped with a back and stands on legs. Instead of a seat, a container that should be easily removed;
  • Pot-toy - the most extensive group of goods, made in the form of cars, animals, etc.;
  • Musical - a new word in the "potty industry", the most modern model, which is equipped with many additional features - a musical sensor that is triggered when the collection is full. There may also be light sensors, etc.;
  • Folding - designed for travel and visiting guests. It is made in the form of a rigid seat and a soft folding liner, which, after filling, is disposed of. Can you say it small version dry closet.

Almost all models of modern pots are made of high quality plastic, but if you wish, you can find enamelled specimens, some of them may even have lids.

Rules for choosing a potty for boys and girls

It's no secret that there are physiological differences between boys and girls that must be considered when choosing a potty, but these requirements and features cannot be called rigid.

According to experts and Dr. Komarovsky, it is best for girls to choose a round potty, since this design allows you to sit on it with your legs together.

Due to the main anatomical features of boys, the pot for them should have a front protrusion. Boys can sit on such a potty with legs apart, as in a saddle, and the front side ensures that urine enters the container of the pot, and not on the floor.

How to choose a children's potty: selection rules

The variety of pots in stores confuses parents. Bright colors, bizarre shapes - not all that you need to pay attention to. So how to choose a pot according to what criteria?

The main criterion for choosing a potty is its main purpose, and when choosing, parents should not be distracted by additional functions. For example, a musical pot in the form of a toy is certainly an interesting model, but more harmful than useful. The pot reacts to the ingress of liquid into it, and with constant use, the child may form an incorrect reflex - if music is playing, then it's time to write.

Besides, interesting design and the possibility of potty play - makes them sit on the potty more long time, which will not be entirely useful for the children's perineum.

The holes and sides of the potty should be wide enough, only in this case, its sides will not dig into the body of the child and the baby will be comfortable.

For children's pots, it is very important that they are stable, ideal option there will be pots with a footrest, or an anti-slip rubber mat. Plastic models are definitely more practical than enamel ones.

Plastic can also be disinfected, but the model is much lighter. In addition, the kids themselves like the warmer plastic.

The pot should have a comfortable handle, because it will be more convenient for older kids to pour its contents into an adult toilet bowl on their own.

Alternative to baby pots

A modern alternative to a baby potty would be baby, padded seats. Sometimes, toddlers will stubbornly ignore nursery pots and will try to imitate their parents, including going to the bathroom.

For even greater convenience, you need to take care of a child's fit - which will allow you to put the legs, and will not allow free hanging. In addition, if it is available, the baby will be able to sit on the toilet.

All children's harnesses can be divided into universal, suitable for toilets different shapes and size; individual - suitable only for certain plumbing. By analogy with pots, the seat can be of the usual anatomical shape or classic.

Parents who visit often can use a folding child seat. As a rule, it quickly unfolds and can be firmly attached to the toilet, and is suitable for plumbing fixtures of various sizes.

Parents can purchase a whole structure - a seat attachment, consisting of a seat, a stable support, which is both a ladder and handrails. The whole structure moves or moves away from the toilet as necessary. There is a folding function.

Main and typical mistake parents who are eager to quickly potty train the baby - the presence of these devices in every room of the apartment.

It is worth remembering that the problem of potty training lies not so much in the availability of the potty, but in the ability to control the process of urination and defecation. A potty in every room will mislead the baby.

When choosing a potty, in order for it to be really correct, you need to take the baby with you and choose from the proposed models, and sit on each one. With such a simple test, you can see all the disadvantages and advantages of a particular model.

Choosing a pot is certainly an extremely important and responsible matter. But this is not enough. Tells us how to potty train a child child psychologist Nadezhda Plotnikova in her article.

We will be glad to the comments of parents on the selection and operation of children's pots! Share your experience: praise, scold, recommend, advise - we and our readers will be glad to any comments!

Potty training a baby is an important task that parents usually take with all responsibility. The accustoming procedure begins by the time the baby reaches one and a half years.

Today, the variety of this children's attribute in stores is impressive. Therefore, anyone who thinks that it is time to introduce a child to such a device as a pot is faced with the problem of choice. Ordinary, the most elementary, in the form of toys and musical, anatomical, folding - a wide range of models of modern pots can put anyone into a stupor.

Therefore, most often, in order to make the task easier for themselves, parents are looking for a potty for a baby of a certain gender.

How to choose a potty for a girl

Moms who are thinking about which pot to choose for a girl would like to be advised to pay attention not so much to the design of the product. How much for its quality features.

With the design of this attribute, everything is clear. As a rule, preference is given to girlish colors, or a model is selected to match the nursery.

As for other characteristics, everything is not so clear-cut here. The product must be made of high quality plastic. Metal pots should not be chosen, as they are cold.

The shape of the pot should not be round; it is easy to turn over such a container. Therefore, the second criterion for a good pot is stability. In this regard, the developers of children's products began to produce pots with a footboard, which prevent the baby from tipping over the contents when standing up.

Today on sale you can find pots created in the form of toys, equipped with a musical function. The choice of such products is not recommended by some psychologists. Since the pot is still a hygiene item, not a toy. As for music, there is also an opinion that sitting on another pot and not hearing musical accompaniment when liquid gets into it, the baby may get upset.

If you often find yourself on the road with your baby, give preference to folding models. This is a travel option that is convenient to take with you.

How to choose a potty for a boy

Parents of sons are concerned about which potty to choose for the boy. There is an opinion that it is much more difficult for boys to get a comfortable potty than for girls. This complexity is explained by the presence of characteristic features in the anatomical structure of boys. The best potty for a boy is one that easily fits the user's penis.

Choose an oblong-shaped model, then you will not have to choose another, but bought in vain, urgently re-gift to any girl.

In the question of which pot to choose for a boy, the design of this product is also important. Remember that the design should be boyish. Today you can also find pots in the form of cars on sale, but remember that sitting on a pot for a long time is harmful, and playing with the product is not recommended. After all, the baby can play with his new car, despite the fact that the mother has not yet had time to pour out the contents of the pot.

It would seem, what could be easier than buying a potty for a small child? It turns out that this case has its own subtleties and details that must be taken into account. Otherwise, there is a risk that the baby will not like the new thing, and he will refuse to use it. If the purchase is to your liking, the child will be happy to use it for its intended purpose.

Let him try to choose a potty himself and try it on right in the store. See how comfortable it is to sit on it, whether the size is right, how stable it is. With your favorite potty, diaper weaning will be quick and stress-free. Let's figure out how to choose the right first potty for your baby.

Criteria for choosing a potty for a child

Characteristics of the pot, which you need to pay attention to when buying:

  • Material. The most common material is plastic. Previously, in Soviet times, only enameled pots with a handle were on sale. It is unlikely that the child will like this option - it is cold and uncomfortable. Plus, it's easy to tip over. It is better to give preference to a high-quality plastic pot. How to determine the quality of the material? Check for uneven jagged edges and a specific chemical smell. Indirectly, the price can tell about the quality of plastic. High quality products cannot be cheap. You should not buy wooden pots - even with special impregnation, the tree is quite susceptible to the growth of bacteria.
  • Age restrictions. The pot is almost always indicated for which age or weight category it is intended. Do not choose too large a pot for the future, because the baby will have to spend a lot of time on it, he should be comfortable.
  • Form and convenience. Give preference to those pots that have a back. The child will be able to lean back, lean on, without risking falling. Choose a base that is wide and stable so that the baby does not accidentally fall off the potty. There are models with a special step, stepping on which, the pot cannot be overturned and the contents spilled.
  • Appearance. It is better if the baby helps to decide on the model. It will be more pleasant for him to sit on a beautiful pot, on which his favorite hero is depicted. Let him decide what color pot he likes best.

Bright modern pot for real princess

Differences between pots for boys and girls

Many parents believe that there are no differences between girls' and boys' pots, but this is not the case. When buying a pot, be sure to specify what gender it is intended for. In addition to color differences (girlish shades of pink, boyish - blue and green) there is an anatomical difference:

  • For a boy, choose a forward-shaped pot. This configuration is needed so that the urine gets into the pot, and does not pour out. Definitely need a leg divider. There is a model of urinals for boys in stores, but they are not very popular in the post-Soviet countries.
  • For a girl, a round-shaped pot, without a divider, is better. Sitting on it, the baby will be able to bring her legs together.

Types of children's pots and their distinctive features

You can start potty training your child from the moment he or she has learned to sit. Normally, by the age of 2, by toddler age, a child should completely abandon diapers and go only to the potty. Gradually, without pressure, the baby needs to be made clear what the potty is for. The main thing is the perseverance of the parents and a comfortable, attractive pot.

Exist various forms and models of pots. Where to start when weaning from a diaper? Which form is best for older children? Is it worth taking a model with all sorts of entertainment elements? Let's try to figure it out. The photo below shows the most common models of pots.

high chair

The model in the form of a high chair is perhaps the most comfortable for the child. It is more like a chair with a potty instead of a seat. The container should fit snugly against the frame, it should not have gaps and sharp corners that can hurt or pinch the skin. The chair itself is equipped with a backrest so that it is comfortable to sit on it.

It is difficult to turn such a pot, because it stands firmly on the floor. The part where the baby walks is easy to get and wash. There are models with and without a cover.

Toilet seat

Child seat on the toilet is installed directly on the adult seat. When choosing it in the store, consider the size of your toilet bowl. You can immediately buy a combined adult seat, which has a built-in folding pad for the baby.

It is advisable to purchase a toilet cover at 4-5 years old, when the child is old enough to go to the toilet on his own. If you want to teach your baby to the toilet earlier, get a special ladder along which he will climb. He will lean on her with his feet, sitting on the toilet. Having gone to the toilet, the child will climb on the bandwagon and wash his hands in the sink.

Baby toilet seat


The road model is very convenient for going to the toilet during a trip out of town or for a walk in the warm season. The collapsible potty can be easily unfolded and a sealed disposable liner can be placed in it that does not allow moisture to pass through. After use, the package must be closed and discarded.

Another "camping" version of the baby potty is a folding toilet seat. They are convenient to use in a public toilet, for example, in a clinic or cafe. It fits securely and takes up little space in your bag.

There are inflatable travel potties that are compact and inexpensive. You can not put disposable bags in them - just wash under running water after use. The disadvantage of this model is its instability, so it is better for the parent to be nearby and hold the baby.

Foldable travel potty HandyPotty


The transforming potty is different in that it “grows” with your baby. When it is folded, it is an ordinary pot. If it is expanded, Bottom part turns into a step in order to climb onto the toilet, and the top one into a child seat.

Such a pot model will serve its owner for a long time. Try to choose a pot made of quality material, because pathogenic microorganisms often start in microcracks.

Pot-transformer COMBI


The potty is designed to cope with natural needs, and this is its only function. That is why psychologists advise to abandon models with musical accompaniment, bright game elements made in the form of animals or a car.

Having got used to such a “toy”, it will be difficult for a child to adapt to kindergarten to the simplest pots without frills. It will be even more difficult for him to get used to the toilet.

Of course, such a model is convenient for parents - the melody plays when the pot is full, and the baby is interested. But sitting on the potty for a long time and playing is harmful to the health of the child. In the end, the baby sits on the potty at all in order to develop or listen to music.

Popular manufacturers of the best baby pots

  • Fisher Price. Quite expensive pots costing about 2000 rubles. They are made in the shape of your favorite cartoon characters, with attractive elements and a musical block. The material is of high quality, and the company itself has long established itself in the Russian market for children's goods. When purchasing such a pot, think about whether it is worth overpaying for extra elements in the design. Moreover, there are many other models in stores.
  • Chicco. Pots are in about the same price range. They have a special anatomical shape and are made of high quality plastic. Attractive in appearance, decorated with images of favorite characters and beautifully decorated. average price- about 1500 rubles.
  • BytPlast is a domestic manufacturer. The cost is from 150 to 500 rubles. These are simple, without frills and decorative elements, pots that a family of any income can afford to buy.
  • OKT. The price of a pot ranges from 150 to 400 rubles. They look attractive, more expensive models have a footrest and decorative elements.
  • happy baby. The cost is from 300 rubles. There are models with game elements, musical accompaniment and transformer pots. The cost is about 2000 rubles.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology