
How to choose a potty for a boy from 1.5. Which pot is better to choose for a child, a description of designs and a rating of manufacturers. Child seat on the toilet


The potty itself can also contribute to the process of learning and success. Which pot and for what purposes will be more suitable, we will try to figure it out now.

Choosing a pot!

The pot is needed for only one purpose: the recovery of natural needs. Therefore, the main requirements for it are: stability, convenience and safety, compliance with the anatomical features and size of the baby's body. Girls, as a rule, are offered round, and for boys - anatomical pots, slightly extended forward, with a raised front.
It will be easier for the child to empty the intestines if her legs rest on the floor. For very young children, a container with a diameter of about 12 cm and the same height is suitable. A pot for children over 2 years old should be larger and at least 15 cm high.
When the child sits on the potty, his back should be even, and in order for the child to want to sit on the potty again, he must be comfortable. These features are well taken into account in potty chairs. They are equipped with special replaceable tanks that are easy to clean.

Notice! However, the potty should not be “too” comfortable so that the child does not sit on it for too long. The time spent on natural emptying should not exceed 10, maximum - 15 minutes. Long sitting on the potty contributes to the stagnation of blood in the pelvis. Of course, in childhood this is not a threat to the child. But if a child gets used to spending a lot of time on the potty, then later he may develop hemorrhoids.
In this regard, pot toys are also not useful. They provoke the child to sit on the potty longer than necessary and distract him from the primary task.
Music pots are often criticized. When the pot is full (urine, like any liquid, is a good conductor), the circuit is completed and a melody is heard, signaling the success of the stool. With prolonged use, it can really form an “incorrect” conditioned reflex, like the words “piss-piss” or “ah-ah”, BUT! If we talk about the learning function, then for the initial stage of learning, to introduce a causal relationship into the awareness of the child, it will be very suitable. In addition, if you teach a child to wash the potty on their own after themselves, then the melody of “gratitude” of the potty for cleanliness is also suitable for this. It is only important that this whole process does not turn into a game! This will distract the child. But the essence of the child is such that he perceives everything as a game, and even the most primitive pot can be turned into an exciting game, so an adult should regulate communication with the pot!

Other possible pot models

One of the latest models is a pot with a "skirt" or rim on the bottom. So the potty often sticks to the wet skin of the baby, when he gets up, the potty can rise with him, and then fall and spill all the contents. To avoid this, the designers came up with a “skirt”, stepping on which, the child gets up, and the pot remains on the floor. If the mother removes the baby from the potty, then she herself steps on the “skirt” of the potty with her foot.

A very convenient invention of designers is a travel pot. A derivative or travel potty looks like a folding plastic frame, which in its upper part, in contact with the baby's bottom, is no different from a classic or anatomical potty. A special disposable plastic bag is put on the frame, which is then hermetically tightened and thrown away when the opportunity arises. These bags are sold separately. The travel pot itself, when folded, is flat as a plate and can fit in any handbag. You can take it with you for a walk, which will teach your child to protect the environment!

It is very likely that at 4-5 years old you will need a potty only during night awakenings, because at this age children are already beginning to master the toilet.
Therefore, in terms of training, a transformer pot (“three in one”) can be best used. Its main advantage is that it "grows up" with the baby, allowing him to seamlessly move from a potty to an adult toilet. When assembled, the design is a potty chair for babies. making out Bottom part the pot turns into a stand-step, and top part- on the toilet seat.

Important! One of the important criteria for choosing a potty is that it must be made of a material that is suitable for use and safe for children. After all, it comes into contact with their skin, being moist, which easily reacts with harmful substances. When buying a pot, be sure to make sure that it has a hygiene certificate.
Highly successful model transformer pot offers Fisher Price.

Advantages: The pot is stable, durable, made of safe materials. Model for girls has round shape, model for boys, equipped with a mudguard. The seat of the potty has two handles on the sides, which makes it easy to remove it, if necessary, both from the potty and later from the toilet, without touching the contaminated surface. The vessel inside the pot is easily removed from under the seat and washed. Potty seat size: 21 x 26 cm Hole size: 15 x 11 cm, which corresponds to the age of 1.5 -2 years. The potty should have a backrest made in the form of a high chair, which allows the baby to sit upright. If necessary, the back turns into a lid of the pot, if it is not possible to wash it right away.

With the lid closed (no inner tank), the potty can be used as a stand that the baby can stand on to wash their hands on their own. The pot can withstand weight up to 45 kg. When children start using the toilet after using the potty, many experience discomfort from the fact that their feet do not reach the floor. In this case, the pot also comes in handy as a footrest.
Important! If the pot is in the toilet, it must be closed with a lid - this will protect it from moisture and unpredictable playing of melodies.
In order to make the potty a good learning tool, do not let the child turn it into a toy: pour water into it, throw toys, forcing him to play. After the learning process is completed, you can move on to a simpler model of a potty or a toilet seat, or simply turn off the musical accompaniment mechanism so that the “correct” conditioned reflex is fixed in the child. For a child, the "silence of a pot" can be explained by the fact that a smart pot sings for those children who are just learning, and for adults and smart ones it simply remains a good friend.

How to teach a child to go to the potty?

The pot is comfortable only at first. Sooner or later the question arises, to take him on a visit, for a walk, on the road. The kid suddenly discovers that the pot is not everywhere. But the toilet lives in every house and parents use it. Therefore, after mastering the potty, when the baby is already regularly using the potty, you can proceed to the development of the toilet. This happens around the age of 4-5 years. An intermediate step can be a combination of a potty with a toilet (toilet bowl). This is especially convenient for boys, they must work out the skill of peeing while standing.
To Small child could use an adult toilet, you will need a child seat and footrest. These things are needed not only for the convenience of the baby. Many children have a fear of failing, and therefore the stability that these accessories add will reduce this fear.

When going to use the toilet, explain to the child simple things: how to go to the toilet correctly, and also do not forget to tell about the necessary hygiene measures:

  • Explain to your child how to wipe properly. This process takes time, because it is quite complicated: paper must be torn off, drawn up, accurately hit “where it is necessary”, thrown away, and besides, it is necessary to wipe it so that the underpants remain clean. Here in case can become baby wet wipes or damp paper.
  • Teach your child to fetch water.
  • It is important to take into account the fact that some children like to flush water, while others are simply afraid of noise. Do not force the child, as her fear will only increase. Let better baby see how you calmly flush the toilet and nothing happens to you. Flush the toilet gently at first - so that the child gradually gets used to the sound of water descending.
  • Teach your child to wash their hands after every use of the toilet.
  • The kid must learn all this science before the age of 4-5 or before he goes to kindergarten.
  • This stage can be as difficult for the child as mastering the potty, which means that your encouragement and encouragement is no less necessary for him.

Who quickly?
As we have already said, many parents want their baby to master this science as quickly as possible, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case. The speed of learning of the baby is influenced by its individual characteristics. Child gender: Girls, for example, usually learn faster than boys. Temperament: A calm child who can be kept in place by talking, with a toy, will quickly get used to the potty than a restless baby who needs to be in time everywhere and does not want to sit in one place at all. The restless ones often "flirt" do not go to the toilet and go around in wet pants, even when they already know how to use the potty. Character: bouts of stubbornness: did nothing on the potty, and then soiled his pants. In any case, do not lose patience. Developing skills will take some time. And when another failure occurs, calmly change the baby's diaper, and remind him of the potty.
In this regard, it will be useful to train during bladder, to teach a child to endure, of course, within reasonable limits. To do this, try to distract the child from the thought of urination, pretend that you are looking for a potty. The property of such a skill will help to avoid "accidents" during walks, trips and in a variety of inappropriate situations by increasing the functional capacity of the bladder. Such training requires great patience and strength from the mother, but the result is worth it.

Get ready for the fact that even a child who has learned to go to the potty can have "accidents" and do not scold him for wet pants.
In addition to the reasons we have already mentioned for the "accidents" of the baby, the reasons can be more serious:

  • Change in familiar environment (external factors): travel, walk, illness;
  • Stressful situations (punishment, quarrels between family members, mother's pregnancy or the birth of a new baby, etc.);
  • seasonal changes: in cold weather, due to changes in the baby's mode, accidents can happen again.

The reasons for the nightly non-containment may be

  • low secretion of antidiuretic hormone during sleep;
  • small bladder;
  • the inability of the child to consciously control the process of urination;

The problem of urination disorders is at the intersection of urology and neurology. Therefore, if a child, despite your efforts to potty train her, has uncontrolled urination (during the day - after 3 years of age, at night - after 5 years of age), it is advisable to examine the child first with a urologist, and if the problem does not disappear, with a neuropathologist and a psychologist.

  • Fear can be the reason for the violation of the bowel regimen. If the child remembers how you scolded her for the last time, when she did not endure, and "went big" in her pants. And now she has not very pleasant associations with the toilet. Such emotional tension can affect the baby's regimen. To avoid this, try not to scold the child in such situations. It is better to smile at her more often, so the baby will feel calmer, more confident and will not be afraid.
  • Perhaps the baby is experiencing discomfort when he goes to the toilet "in a big way" Pay attention to the child's stool. If she is constipated quite often, then she does not feel the urge to void so clearly. It is also possible that the baby is experiencing unpleasant pain when he goes to the toilet "in a big way" and it is clear that he wants to avoid this. To save your child from this problem, try to give her food high in fiber, as well as plenty of water.

The child's interest in their genitals

Another delicate point that parents may encounter during potty training. A fifteen-month-old child, sitting on the potty, can explore his body with interest for several minutes each time. Don't overreact to it, it will pass with time. It is better to distract him than interesting, but do not focus on it. It is necessary to prevent the baby from thinking that he is doing something indecent or that some parts of the body are something forbidden. If you scare him about certain organs, or draw his attention to them, it will only hurt. In addition, attempts to stop the baby, categorical prohibitions, will provoke him and cause even stronger and more stable interest.
We have tried to answer most of the "difficult" questions related to potty training a child. For the rest, trust your parental intuition, and if in doubt, consult a specialist.

All mothers are faced with the problem of how to wean a child from diapers and teach their child to a potty. Often this can be a very difficult mission, especially if the mother is faced with this for the first time. For everything you need experience, especially in such a delicate matter. A lot of questions immediately arise, which potty to choose, when it is better to show it to the baby, where to buy, what to focus on. In general, there are a lot of questions, but no answers.
In order to solve this not so terrible problem, you just need to familiarize yourself with the information about modern pots.

The question itself seems to be ridiculous, ? After all, this is not a radio-controlled car or stroller, which is difficult to choose. Moreover, today there are no problems with the choice of children's pots; pots for every taste and budget are widely represented on sale. A child will need a potty from the age of six months, from this age it is necessary to gradually introduce the baby to this accessory for the toilet.

Will the potty be comfortable to use? Will it be easy to take care of him? Will the baby like it?

Here are the questions you need to answer when choosing a baby potty.

For my part, I will try in this article to review modern models and “configurations” of children's pots and toilet seats. To make it easier for you to choose the best option for yourself.

I know from my own experience that any mother wants to buy for her beloved baby all the best, beautiful, interesting. But in the case of a potty, it is still better to give preference to a practical and functional model, rather than a model with “special effects”.

Why? I'll explain now.

Sound signal, unusual shapes pots and additional devices in the form of a steering wheel with a signal, wheels, tweeters, of course, make the potty more interesting, children like this potty more. However, children accustomed to such a pot are very difficult to accustom further to the usual forms. For example, pots that are kindergarten. A baby who is used to sitting on such pots develops a conditioned reflex to the sound signal and the shape of the pot, because of this, he cannot go to a simple pot.

musical pot begins to play when the child does his business in it. And you will immediately hear when you can remove it from the pot.

But there is a high probability that the musical pot will develop a conditioned reflex to the melody being played. And having heard it somewhere in the store, the baby can do his "wet" work.

potty toy attracts the attention of the child, and helps to quickly teach the baby to use it.

But using such a potty all the time is not recommended, as it provokes the child to sit on the potty longer than necessary, and this is unhealthy.

For the same reason, it is not advisable to give toys and books to a child sitting on a potty. They will make him forget about the main occupation.

My advice. Start with the simplest models, and if your toddler stubbornly ignores the potty, you can purchase a "decorative" potty.

Toilet seat it is better to use when the baby grows up (by 4-5 years). That is, at the age when he already reaches the floor with his feet, sitting on the toilet.

The fact is that when the legs rest on the floor, it is easier for a person to take a position that is convenient for defecation (leaning forward slightly and bringing his knees closer to his stomach).

But you can start using an adult toilet earlier if you use a footrest step. With the help of the stand, it is easier for the child to sit on the toilet. And after visiting the toilet, he can move her to the sink and wash her hands.

Yes, a little note! Do not flush while your baby is sitting on the toilet. Unexpected loud noise and cold drops may frighten him, and he may refuse to use the toilet.

So, it was the lyrics, now we proceed directly to the recommendations for choosing a goshka.

The first potty for a child is better to buy a simple one, first of all, paying attention to its convenience. A baby-friendly potty must meet the following requirements:

Sitting on it, the baby should feel comfortable;

Should not stick to his ass, complicating the process of getting up from him;

The surface of the pot in contact with the body should not cause discomfort so that the baby wants to sit on it;

Must be stable so that the child does not overturn it;

Should be made of lightweight and non-toxic material.

Based on this, you can confidently exclude round and metal pots from the list of pots that are comfortable for the baby. The metal potty is cold and not very pleasant for the child's body, so it is better to buy a plastic potty. A round pot is very easy to overturn. The most comfortable and stable are potty chairs, which are a regular highchair with a hole in the seat.

The points.

What to look for when choosing a baby potty and toilet seat?

Anatomical features

The potty or toilet seat should be appropriate for the anatomy and size of your child's body. The most important error many young parents when choosing a potty, it is his purchase without regard to the gender of the child. Very often they buy the same pot for a boy as for a girl. Meanwhile, the boy's potty differs in shape from those meant for girls.

Therefore, take the baby with you to the store to “try on” the potty. A joint trip to the store will initially interest the baby in buying. And this is the first plus. It will be good if you give the baby the opportunity to choose the model he likes and its color.

For girl fit round a potty, sitting on which the baby can bring her legs together.

In addition, it is easy and convenient to sit on such a pot.

For boy a pot is suitable, slightly extended forward, in front of which there is a special ledge. But this ledge is not designed to prevent urine from splashing, as is commonly believed. And in order for the baby's legs to be divorced, and the penis was directed down (into the pot), and not sandwiched between the thighs.

It is more difficult to sit on such a pot than on a round one, so at first you will have to support the baby when planting.

Such pots, as a rule, have a back. But of course, not so that the child could fall apart on the potty, as in an armchair. And in order for the baby couldn't sitting on the potty is wrong.


Here the answer is clear. It is better to buy a plastic pot. It is easy to clean, light, not cold to the touch.


The color of the pot doesn't matter. Whichever kid likes, that one is good.

But keep in mind that dirt is clearly visible on white, so it is easier to keep clean.


Of course, the potty must be stable so that the child does not roll over with him if he starts fidgeting on it. The stability of the pot is given by the base expanding towards the bottom.

Convenient pots with a footboard. Having stepped on it, the child gets up without the risk of overturning the pot and spilling its contents.


The pot must always be kept clean. This is sacred!

Therefore, make sure that its surface is smooth. This makes it easier to wash.

If you purchase a pot with a lid, then remember to wash the lid along with the pot.

An important condition when choosing a pot is that it has a convenient handle, holding which one could take it out of the chair and pour out the contents. The pot with a handle is easy to wash and keep clean all the time. And to make washing the pot easier, look at its inner surface. It should be smooth. Burrs and cracks are unacceptable on the surface, which can injure the skin, and are a haven for germs.

Some modern models pots and toilet seats contain microban, an antibacterial additive that kills up to 99.6% of bacteria on the surface of the product.

Well, here, perhaps, I said all the most important things about the "properties" of the pot. I will also add that at the stage of potty training it is very convenient when there is a potty in each room. The kid does not have to run far to have time to sit on the potty before the moment when ...

Now let's move on to the most interesting.

Types of baby potties and toilet seats

potty chair

A potty chair is a chair with a hole in the seat into which a potty is inserted. When choosing a potty chair, carefully inspect it and check whether the potty is securely fastened to the chair, if there are any gaps between it and the chair where the child can put his finger or pinch his ass. A good potty chair should not have gaps, sharp corners, and should also be made of high-quality plastic. You should not buy wooden potty chairs that are advertised as environmentally friendly. They get dirty very quickly and absorb microbes, which are very difficult to completely remove from the cracks of the wooden surface.

Interestingly, there are children's pots on sale in the form of a real toilet bowl with a lid! What they can't think of!

Travel (folding) pot

A folding potty is convenient on trips, at a party, at the clinic and for a walk, since not all children agree to go “under the bush”.

The plastic body of the pot unfolds, and a disposable liner bag is fixed on it. It does not get wet and does not let in odors, and after use it is hermetically sealed and thrown away.

But I know that children often refuse to sit on an unfamiliar potty, so "practice" at home before taking it with you on the road.

Child seat on the toilet

Some child seats are placed on the toilet and pressed against the top of the adult seat. Others are installed directly on the adult seat. The first option is not very hygienic, but for lack of a better one, this will do.

In any case, the child seat must fit the size and shape of your toilet model and the adult seat on it.

There are models of child seats that have an adjustable attachment system and can be used with any size toilet.

It is convenient if the adult toilet seat is already equipped with a child seat that can be folded up. Such models are sold in ordinary plumbing stores.

The child seat should be easy and quick to install, so that even a child can handle it, securely fasten, and exclude the contact of the baby with the surface of the toilet!

Travel (folding) toilet seat

A folding toilet seat will come in handy on a walk or when traveling, if you suddenly have to use a public toilet.

Such a seat when folded takes up very little space, quickly unfolds and is fixed on the toilet with the help of clamps.


The transforming potty "grows up" with the baby, allowing you to move from a potty to an adult toilet.

When assembled, this is a potty chair for babies. When disassembled, the lower part of the pot is a step stand, and the upper part is a toilet seat.

Toilet seat

The toilet seat is a child's toilet seat on a stable support that completely eliminates the child's contact with the toilet.

The baby can easily move the seat attachment to it and sit down, and after use go down and fold.

The design has comfortable handrails and a height-adjustable step, so the child can sit on and off the toilet on his own. In addition, the step serves as a footrest when the baby sits on the toilet.

When folded, the design will easily take place in the corner of the toilet room.

Wide non-slip feet give stability to the whole structure.

But such a seat has a small drawback - too much fuss.

Now you know how to choose the right potty for your son and daughter. I wish you a quick potty training!

The idea of ​​the need to potty train a child appears in most mothers long before implementation. Quite often, the purchase of a much-needed product occurs at the age of six months of the baby, whom parents actively help to master the “sitting” position. Only at the age of 1.5-3 years is the baby able to realize all the benefits of the pot. AT given age nervous system able to form to such an extent that the child develops control of the physiological processes of excretion. Thus, an understanding occurs - it is inconvenient to get your pants dirty every time, when you can resort to a method that suits the “big”.

The most important thing when buying a pot is convenience, comfort and safety. To take into account these nuances, parents should understand which potty is best to choose for the child to master a skill that should definitely be taught before starting to visit kindergarten.

Types of pots

The variety of forms, additional functionality make it possible to distinguish the following types of products under consideration:

  • Classical. The standard round-shaped pot that most parents and grandparents had.
  • Anatomical. Supplied in the form of a saddle, the support is on the back at the back and a ledge at the front. The kid takes the product in a sitting position, spreading his legs.
  • Pot with "skirt". The product comes with a comfortable footrest. It is convenient to use it, due to the fact that the baby will not drop the pot, as the design fixes the stable position of the legs.
  • In the form of a chair. The pot is made in the form baby chair with back and legs. The seat is missing. Instead, there is an intake that can be easily pulled out and empty the contents.
  • Potty toy. The product is given the shape of an animal, car or other popular toy.
  • Music pot. Such a model reacts with a melody when it hits the surface of the liquid.
  • Folding pot. Perfect option if there is a need to go with the child on a visit or trip. The product comes with a hard plastic seat and a soft folding liner that is thrown away after it is filled with contents.

Most modern pots are made using plastic. On sale you can find enameled pots and products with a lid.

Pots for boy and girl

Differences in the field of physiology of male and female require certain details of the product.

Girls are best to purchase a rounded model. It is comfortable to sit on it with legs crossed.

It is better for a boy to buy a product that has a protrusion in front. This will allow him to take a sitting position as in the saddle, and the ledge will serve as a protection of the surrounding space from liquid ingress.

A wide range of products presented can cause confusion in parents. It is best to listen to the advice and recommendations of experts, which will allow you to make a choice of a truly comfortable and safe potty for your child.

  • When buying a product, it is best to be guided by its main purpose, without giving preference to additional functions. It is better not to purchase a pot with musical accompaniment or in the form of a toy. This will not allow the baby to understand for what purpose, in fact, this item is being acquired. In addition, this distracting element can make the child sit on the pot for more long time than necessary, which will not benefit the muscles of the perineum.
  • The presence of a cover is not a mandatory element for models. It may be needed if the pot is not emptied and washed immediately.
  • You should follow the width of the opening of the product in order to avoid uncomfortable sensations while sitting.
  • An important nuance is the stability of the pot. It is best to purchase a model with a footrest, a rubber gasket to avoid slipping.
  • Choosing between pots from various materials, give preference to plastic. They are much more practical, convenient, easy to carry and can be disinfected. An enameled product has a cold surface, which can cause discomfort.
  • When choosing plastic, you should pay special attention to the quality, hardness and smoothness of the surface. Burrs and cracks are not allowed.
  • The presence of a convenient handle at the pot. Many children prefer to pour the contents of the product into the toilet on their own, which must be considered when buying.
  • If the pot has numerous parts or a particularly intricate shape, you should give preference to a product that is easy to assemble, and its parts can be easily washed. Otherwise, poorly washed areas will be a haven for bacteria.

As an alternative to a potty, you can choose a soft toilet seat. There are times when a child, deciding to imitate adults, begins to go to the toilet. The most important thing in this case is to take care of a special device so that the baby sits down unhindered.

Sometimes parents buy several items to make potty training easier for their child. At the same time, it is worth realizing that possible difficulties may be associated with mastering the ability to control physiological processes. Let the product stand in the nursery or in the bathroom. This will allow the baby to calmly accept the idea that the process of urination and defecation is carried out in a specially designated room.

When buying a potty, you should be guided not only by the recommendations of specialists, but also by the opinion of your own child, who will be proud of the opportunity to feel his own importance. A joint shopping trip will allow you to immediately evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the product, as well as make the best choice, taking into account the needs and wishes of the baby himself.

How to choose a potty for a child? — Dr. Komarovsky (video)

With a modern variety of models, it is difficult to choose a children's potty for girls. Tips from experienced parents - simplicity, comfort and safety.

Serious studies conducted by neuropsychologists have proven that girls are born more mature, their left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical and abstract thinking, develops faster. This determines the difference in perception: little princesses are distinguished by increased skin sensitivity, disgust and intolerance of bodily discomfort. In addition, they are more attentive than boys, are easily trained and easily perceive information by ear.

Thanks to such developmental features, it is easier for a young representative of the weaker sex to explain that soiled pants are bad and unpleasant, and to cope natural needs Best for baby potty. You need to choose this necessary accessory together with your daughter, taking into account her taste and preferences.

Variety of models

The usual association: "boys - blue, girls - pink", this time will not work. Of course, color is important when choosing toiletries - after all, little ladies are so fond of everything bright, beautiful and elegant. But now the main thing is to choose a pot correct form, functional, safe and useful. It's better if it is:

  • with a round hole;
  • without protrusions and "mudguards";
  • suitable in size.

Given the anatomy of the structure of the female body, when urinating, it is more convenient for a girl to sit on a potty with her legs together. This posture eliminates the appearance of an unexpected angle of urine direction, and the liquid flows exactly into the container, without falling on the body and floor. Only a fixture with a familiar round hole will provide such a fit.

Now it's time to decide on the design. In the article "" we have already talked about the variety of species that modern manufacturers offer. Which of these options is best for the baby?


This is the simplest pot, without unnecessary "bells and whistles", the design of which has not changed at all since the childhood of our great-grandmothers. Unless the raw materials for this delicate item have become more modern and practical, and the colors have become brighter and more attractive. But it's not for nothing that it has been popular for so many years.

This design has many advantages:

  • the ergonomic shape is comfortable for the delicate baby buttocks and allows the girl to take the most correct position;
  • simplicity of design does not distract from the main process;
  • the absence of a front and back side simplifies sitting down and saves time, which is very important, especially if the baby is afraid of not being in time;
  • low, from 50 rubles, the price makes the accessory affordable.

According to pediatricians, it is this model that is most suitable for the smallest, at the time of potty training. It is important to bear in mind that a round hole will be uncomfortable for boys due to the structural features of the body.

in the shape of a toy

The role of toys in the life of every child is undeniable. The bright rattle arouses interest even in a helpless two-month-old baby, and he follows an attractive object without taking his eyes off. Older children will not pass by cubes, dolls and cars that become effective tool development and knowledge of the environment. This age feature adopted by manufacturers of children's goods, creating pots in the form of toys. The purpose of such elephants, dogs and turtles is to attract attention and arrange the child for a new subject, which, in general, succeeds. But:

  1. The baby often perceives such a pot not as a device for coping with large and small needs, but as an interesting toy.
  2. Carried away, the child sits on the pot for too long, which is harmful to health. In girls, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed, constipation and even hemorrhoids develop.
  3. The help of adults is required to seat the baby, especially if the model contains large removable parts.

In addition, in teaching a child a culture of behavior and accuracy, such children's pots are bad helpers, as they fix wrong associations in the mind of the baby.


The name of this item speaks for itself - the shape of the hole completely repeats the anatomical curves of the child's body. Ahead there is a special streamlined ledge, behind - a comfortable orthopedic back. These additional details:

The only condition: when choosing a pot for a daughter, look at the size of the front ledge: the smaller it is, the better. Otherwise, you will have to sit with your legs wide apart, which is not at all suitable for a girl.

With a skirt

A skirt is a special footboard located at the base of the front of the pot. It is designed for:

The footboard is made of silicone or rubberized material and, by creating grip with the floor surface, serves as an anti-slip element. The shape of the pots is round or anatomical, so it is convenient for girls.


For the youngest children, going out into the world is associated with a visit to the clinic. When the child grows up, the family becomes more mobile and can afford to go on a visit or vacation. Then the question arises of the need to purchase a road pot - after all, not every baby will be able to relieve himself somewhere near the curb. On the shelves of stores you will find many options:

If the child is already accustomed to go to the potty, then it will not be difficult for him to “transfer” to the road option.


This universal model deserves special attention of parents. Economical and practical, it "grows" with the baby. In fact, representing a detachable potty chair, if necessary, it can be easily transformed into an overhead toilet seat with a stable added step.

Criterias of choice

A pot is a purely individual matter, therefore, first of all, the owner should like it. I'll have to go to the store with my daughter. We offer to cheat a little and invite the girl to choose among those models that completely suit you. When buying, be sure to:

  1. Consider the gender of the baby.
  2. Pay attention to the hole size. Sometimes manufacturers indicate age limits on the label. But the best thing is to sit the baby down and make sure that the potty fits him.
  3. Check the stability of the device and the reliability of the legs.
  4. Inspect the surface for defects, roughness, burrs. There should be no gaps or sharp, protruding edges between the chair and the removable seat.
  5. Ask the seller for a certificate of conformity to make sure the material from which the pot is made is safe. It is better if it is plastic - light, warm, practical, easy to care for.
  6. Choose a model with a handle, holding which is much more convenient to take out the pot.
  7. If possible, avoid complex designs and trendy modern bells and whistles.

After the little princess decides on the color and design, she will become the happy owner of the best accessory in the world.

When teaching a child to go to the potty, you need to think not only about comfort, but also about the protection of the baby, including from the effects of pathogenic bacteria and microbes that accumulate in abundance in the toilet. For this, it is imperative to:

From the first moment, teach your baby to carefully use toiletries and wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after each “session”.

Which manufacturers are the most popular

When buying a potty, remember that not only functionality is important for girls, but also appearance. These qualities are combined by the products of the Italian company Chicco (translated as “seed”, “sprout”), which has been specializing in the manufacture of children's goods since 1958. Streamlined accessories with a universal anatomical seat impress with their simplicity and are intended for children from 9 months. The geometry calculated to the smallest detail makes the models stable and reliable. Children's psychologists worked on the design together with the artists. Delicate pastel pink color little princesses will like it, and the lack of bright details will put you in a businesslike mood. It is felt that each item from the children's collection is made with love and care.

Good reviews can also be read about the products of the famous American brand Fisher Price, which was one of the first to use plastic for the production of children's goods. Especially parents highlight an interesting musical pot that will introduce the child to the rules for using an adult toilet. It is shaped like a small toilet with a lid, flush lever and paper holder. The tank and mudguards are removable, so they are used by both girls and boys. Such a simulator is intended for children from a year. Among the minuses, musical accompaniment is noted, which scares, distracts or quickly bothers kids. But fortunately, there is a function to disable the option.


Simplicity, comfort and safety - these are the criteria that a potty must meet in the first place. When choosing, it is worth considering the age, gender and desire of the child. Take the purchase seriously, and then your princess's toilet training will go smoothly and unnoticed.