
All about professions for kindergarten. Developing occupation of a psychologist: “We study professions. Mobile game “Where we were, we won’t tell you, but we’ll show you what we did!”


Summary of the final entertainment "Journey to the country of professions"
(for older children preschool age)

Author: Smirnova Tatyana Vladimirovna, educator of the highest qualification category, MDOU "Kindergarten No. 326 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd".
Description of work. This event is for educators. preschool institutions. It is recommended to conduct with children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP) of senior preschool age (5-6 years), as a final event for thematic week"Professions".
Educational area: cognitive-speech.
Target: to consolidate knowledge about professions, their importance in people's lives.
- to expand the knowledge of children about the professions of people;
- activate speech, expand vocabulary, develop attention, thinking, game skills of children;
- to cultivate motivation for learning, cognitive activity, emotional feelings, the ability to work in a team.
Materials and equipment: a projector, a screen for showing a presentation, D / I “Who needs what”, a uniform for the game “Define a profession”, paper, pencils.
preliminary work: learning riddles about professions, looking at illustrations about different professions, learning the physical education minute “We planed”.

Event progress

1. Meeting with the hero.
Educator: - Guys, today we will have unusual occupation because a cheerful hero came to visit. Do you want to know who he is?
1 slide (Dunno appears on the screen)

- Who is this, what is his name? (Dunno) Why do you think Dunno came? (children's answers)
Good afternoon my friends,
I came to you for help!
I have a difficult choice
I don't know what to become in life.
Help, tell
Choose my profession.

Guys, Dunno is finishing school in the spring, but he doesn’t know who to become, what profession to go to study. We will tell him about different professions and help him with the choice.

2. "Journey through the country of professions"
- You will take turns guessing riddles about the profession that will appear on the screen.
1 child:
He is in a white coat
He heals all diseases boldly,
Take his prescription
And to the pharmacy, run faster. (Doctor)
2 slide(doctor on screen)

Educator: - What does the doctor, the doctor do? (heals, writes a prescription, makes injections).
Guys, but not only people get sick, but also animals, what is the name of the doctor who treats animals? (Veterinarian) A picture of a veterinarian appears.

2 child:
Who teaches children to read, write,
To become smart? (Teacher)
3 slide (on screen teacher)

Educator: - What does the teacher do? (teaches, tells, reads books, loves children)
3 child:
He gives us the goods and the check
Not a philosopher, not a sage
And not a superman
And the usual ... (Seller)

4 slide (on screen seller)

Educator: - What does the seller do? (sells, gives a check, lays out goods, stacks products)
4 child:
Take scissors in hand
Wave the magic comb.
You will become completely different
Handsome, young! (The hairdresser)

5 slide (hairdresser on screen)

Educator: - What does the hairdresser do? (cuts, combs, curls hair, washes hair, dyes hair)
Educator: - It’s impossible without this profession, because he builds houses for everyone. (Builder).
6 slide (on screen builder)

Educator: - What does the builder do? (builds, saws, planes, paints)
- There are a lot of construction professions, what do you know? (painter, carpenter, crane operator, carpenter, plasterer)
Educator: - Let's play the game "What profession is superfluous?"
7 slide (there are 4 pictures on the screen, 3 pictures - construction professions, 1 picture - the profession of an artist)

Educator: - Name the number of the picture that will be superfluous. Why? (children's answers)
- What are the construction professions that remained on the screen (painter, carpenter, bricklayer).

3. Physical education "We planed"
(Children together with the teacher imitate movements in accordance with the words of the text)

We planed, we planed
The boards are smooth steel.
We drank, we drank
For everyone to be equal
We put them side by side.
Beaten with a hammer
It turned out to be a bird house.
We go to the street
Let's take him high
For the birds to fly
And the kittens didn't get it.

5 child:
Who, tell me, is this.
Keeping us safe?
He keeps order.
He does not order to hooligan. (Police officer)

8 slide (cop on screen)

Educator: - What does the policeman do? (Protects, helps, catches criminals)
6 child:
Tell me who's so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
smelly meatballs,
Salads, vinaigrettes. (Cook)

9 slide (on screen chef)

Educator: - What does the cook do? (Cooks, fries, boils, cuts)
7 child:
Early in the morning every day
He takes a bagel in his hands.
Twisting, twirling this way and that,
But he won't eat it. (chauffeur, driver)

10 slide(driver on screen)

Educator: - What does the driver do? (Carries people)

4. Game "Define a profession"
Educator: - To perform professional actions, each person needs a special uniform to protect and protect him from dangers, to make it convenient and comfortable to work in it, so that other people immediately recognize this profession.
- I offer uniforms for different professions, you should dress in it and name the profession.
(On the table are the clothes of a hairdresser, a sailor, a doctor, a traffic police inspector)

5. Lotto game "Who needs what?"
Educator: - Each profession has the tools necessary to fulfill their professional duties. I offer cards with different professions, you must correctly arrange the pictures with tools for the profession that needs them.

6. Game "Depict a profession"
Educator: - I will call one of you, the profession that needs to be portrayed will appear on the screen, and the rest of the guys will guess.
11 slide (ballerina, pianist on the screen)

12 slide(on screen artist, singer)

13 slide (on screen violinist, writer)

Educator: - Well done, guys, correctly depict and guess the profession.
14 slide (on screen Dunno)
Thank you my friends
I came to visit you for a reason!
They told me about professions
Shown and named.
- And who did I decide to become, guess? (A picture of a cake appears on the screen)

Children: - Confectioner.
Educator: - Dunno is very sweet, that's why he chose such a sweet profession - a pastry chef.
Children say goodbye to Dunno. The teacher invites the children to draw their favorite profession.

Abstract of a group lesson for children of the preparatory group

"Professions kindergarten»

Purpose: To clarify and expand the subject and verbal vocabulary on the topic "Kindergarten professions".


1. Consolidate children's ideas about kindergarten professions;

2. Develop coherent speech of children, teach children to answer questions in full sentences;

3. To consolidate the ability to select high-quality adjectives;

4. Exercise in the selection of antonyms;

5. Develop articulatory, fine and general motor skills;

6.Develop logical thinking and attention;

7. Raise interest and respect in children for people working in kindergarten.

Lesson progress:

Speech therapist . Listen to the riddle.

I go there every day.

So it is necessary, even if laziness.

This is what my family needs.

It's good there and there.

I already know everyone here

I eat and sleep with them and play with them.

I am very happy to go there.

There is my favorite…….

Children. Kindergarten.

Speech therapist . Right. Well done boys. You come to kindergarten in the morning, meet and greet each other. Guys, who brought you to kindergarten today? (Children's answers) And where did moms and dads go then? (children's answers) And what do your moms and dads work for? (children's answers)

Speech therapist . Guys, a cook, a programmer, a veterinarian - how can you call it in one word? (children's answers)

What do you think a profession is? (children's answers)

Speech therapist. Yes, every person has an occupation, a business. Guys, there are many people with different professions working in our garden.

Conversation on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions in kindergarten

Speech therapist. What professions work in kindergarten?

The children make their guesses.

A speech therapist demonstrates pictures of professions and conducts a dialogue with children about who works in kindergarten and what people of these professions do (head, methodologist, supply manager, secretary, laundress, cook, educators, assistant educator, speech therapists, music director, physical education instructor, janitor ). Together with the speech therapist, they remember the names and patronymics of all kindergarten workers.

Physical minute.

Girls and boys: clap, clap, clap,

They jump like balls: jump-jump, jump-jump.

They trample with their feet: top, top, top!

They laugh merrily: ha, ha, ha!

Blinking eyes (rhythmic squinting of eyes),

After rest (squat, hands free)

Ball game "Who's doing what?"

The speech therapist throws the ball to all the children in turn and calls the profession, the children catch the ball and list the actions (head, speech therapists, educators, nurse, educator assistant).

(The cook cooks, cuts, pours ....)

The game "Who is superfluous?".(Development speech hearing, thinking connected speech).

Educator, policeman, manager, speech therapist.

Music director, laundress, pilot, nurse.

Assistant teacher, janitor, astronaut, cook.

Speech therapist . Well done! Here we have already learned about the professions of kindergarten. And now I will give you riddles, and you will guess them:

Teaches us politeness

Reads a story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer.

This is the nanny...


He wakes up at dawn

The snow will clear in the yard.

All paths will be swept

And sand will sprinkle ice.

(Street cleaner)

IN kindergarten dinner,

The cook samples the dishes.

But my mother is not around

Who sets the table there?

(Educator Assistant)

I will find them in the restaurant -

These people in caps

They conjure over pots

With ladles in hand.


Speech therapist: Did a great job guys. Many different professions have gathered in our kindergarten. Take, for example, the chef. The chef has a lot to do. He knows how to cook many healthy and tasty dishes.

Game Say the opposite.

Teachers are not evil, but kind;

Not sad, but funny;

Not cowardly, but brave;

Not lazy, but hardworking.

Outcome: Speech therapist sums up the lesson. Asks children what profession is most interesting for them and why. Thanks for your attention and sorry.

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Slides captions:

Professions in kindergarten

The headmaster is responsible for the general management of the kindergarten. In its activities, it relies on the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on Preschool educational institution, Charter of a preschool institution, and other legislative acts. She is engaged in the acquisition of groups by children in accordance with their age, their state of health, individual characteristics and requests of parents, selects personnel, supervises teachers and service personnel. In addition, the head is responsible for the rational use of budget allocations, as well as funds from other sources.

Kindergarten is fun! Well, who's in charge here? Who is in the office? Who is in charge of everyone? Sleepless at night, Keeping track of the budget, Talking to mothers, Good Manager!

A methodologist in kindergarten is like a director in a theater. Development of classes, scenarios, programs - the methodologist is responsible for everything that makes the child's stay in kindergarten interesting, informative and developing.

To whom do educators run if a child in a group accidentally falls or gets hurt? Who do parents contact when they need to know about upcoming vaccinations? Who will make a tasty and healthy menu for children? All these questions can be solved nurse. Working in a kindergarten as a nurse is an interesting and responsible job that requires a highly qualified employee. Moms and dads can safely entrust their child to a kindergarten if a medical worker with extensive experience works there, who truly loves children and knows how to help them.

The nurse has enough trouble at work, the whole day is scheduled literally by the minute. You need to have time every morning to examine the children in groups, check the cleanliness of the premises, paint the menu for the next day, check the quality of the cooked food. medical worker is responsible for the health of pupils and employees, monitors the correctness and timely conduct of morning exercises, tempering procedures, walks, physical education and music classes, where children move quite a lot. Carries out the organization of preventive vaccinations according to the calendar for each age. In addition, every nurse in a children's institution can provide first aid if the child sprained his leg or planted a splinter. Her good hands all pupils trust, and she knows all the children by name. With some, she is strict, and she can console a crying baby kind word and tasty vitamins. A nurse in kindergarten is a good protector of all kids.

Give the cook products: Poultry meat, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then delicious food is waiting for you. Our cook worked all day: He cooked borscht, compotes; He cooked potatoes for us, baked an omelet with peas, fried, steamed and stewed. The kids will be full!

Who dresses the artists, tries on their costumes, sews bathrobes, sews them up? This is our wardrobe girl, It's better not to find her. Thank you from everyone, For the costumes, for the success. The work of laundresses is useful to everyone. Eliminates diseases, Keeping clean, Instantly bring beauty

Kids love music lessons. Here they dance, have fun And play from the heart. Composers of various Children study here. Together with the song, together with the dance, Together with the music they grow. "F" from "salt" is indistinguishable, Not everyone is given talent, But this does not bother us, There is a musician in the kindergarten. On mother's day and on father's holiday, on Christmas or on New Year Even the furious prankster Likho will sing a song.

The teacher of preschool institutions teaches the child the basics of independence, the rules of behavior in society, prepares the child for entering school (that is, teaches them to read and count).

In kindergarten, lunch, the cook takes a sample from the dishes. But after all, mom is not around, Who sets the table there? The garden is sparkling clean. Our nannies are a treasure! Their work is hard, Masha, Sasha, Tanya, Vanya need care every day. After all, they love the nanny all day without a mother, as if they were their own, And she will kiss them, Gently take them in her arms. Even sing a song.

Who does not sleep with us in the morning, Who creaks like a whisk? This janitor cleans, He respects cleanliness. We say thank you. We will not litter now. The janitor's dusty work - Only the sun will rise above the earth He sometimes up to a sweat, Everything sweeps, sweeps, sweeps, sweeps. In the fall, the leaves will cover the courtyard, And in the winter - either snow or ice. But the janitor takes a broom, a shovel, Every day for us, from year to year!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Every little kid dreams of becoming someone in this life, either an astronaut, a doctor or an airplane pilot, but in addition to these most popular activities, there are many other very important and complex ones. To make it easier for little ones to understand new, sometimes very important destinations in people's lives, pictures of the profession were invented for kindergarten children and preschoolers.

These plot pictures depicting people employed in a certain field of activity help the crumbs expand their horizons. The world of professions is very large and diverse. Remember yourself as a child, what did you answer the question about your future? Probably, when you grow up, you will become - an astronaut, a cook, a veterinarian, a pilot, a lifeguard, a policeman, a doctor, etc.

For every kid, “my future profession” seems to be something very important and responsible. Therefore, it is very important for kids in kindergarten, and even for schoolchildren, to explain the importance of work, purpose and purpose in life, which every person should choose for himself.

“My future profession” or “what will I be when I grow up” are considered the most popular question and answer for babies in kindergarten. Each kid makes his choice depending on how parents or caregiver will give him an initial impression and knowledge about the profession. Children should know that people are not only astronauts and pilots, but that there is such an important profession as a teacher, architect, engineer, driver, dispatcher and even a salesman.

  1. To begin with, children can simply be told about all the activities that people are engaged in. modern world, and then hand out coloring pages and see how the crumbs imagine the work of such people. Such coloring pages illustrate the type of human activity, they are dressed in special clothes and have certain attributes and tools necessary for work. These coloring pages are very helpful in helping kids develop their Creative skills, but in turn, you can direct them in the right direction.
  2. Each coloring picture “my future profession” introduces the baby to the outside world, and your task is to tell in as much detail as possible what this person does, what contribution he makes to the development of the world, what tools and objects he uses, what color the uniform of a particular employee, etc. .d. Pictures of workers can be depicted in both female and male guise. Indeed, in the modern world, the profession of an artist or the profession of a teacher does not have a gender.
  3. You, as an educator or parent, must explain to the baby that in order to achieve a certain skill, for example, hairdressing, legal, scientific, creative, etc. it is necessary to work and study, as well as set certain goals for yourself, towards which you need to go gradually and gain experience. Because “my future profession” is not just words, but what the baby will become and will do all his life. And not only his future depends on this choice, but the future of his children and those around him.

Didactic game on the theme of the profession

Pictures of professions for kindergarten children not only introduce kids to the world of specialties, but also develop speech, associative thinking and adapt to life in society. Didactic game is that, showing pictures of workers in some area, the children can accurately name the specialty of this person, what devices he uses for his work, how important this vocation is, etc.

  • You can give preschoolers a task, compose and orally tell a short story on the topic “my future profession”. To make it easier for the baby, you can give them cards that show the vocation that they choose.
  • You can also name the specialty yourself, and the children will have to point to the desired picture. Then ask to see pictures of the tools needed for that specialty. When the baby says that my future specialty will be, for example, the profession of a hairdresser. When talking about him, ask him to tell you why this work is important? What does a hairdresser need successful work other than tools etc.

List of professions

The list of specialties is very large, even a doctor or a designer can be different. All children need to be told about this. They should know that the profession of a doctor is not only a general concept, a doctor can be a surgeon, dentist, traumatologist, veterinarian, therapist, etc.

You can make notes for yourself, which you will tell the kids about. Or download cards from reverse side which have a brief description of the specialty. Let's look at several options for a person's activities, which you can tell the crumbs about.

  • The profession of a cook is a human craft that feeds us all. A cook needs a lot of tools for work, these are pots, knives, spoons, a mixer, a food processor, a stove, an oven, products, spices, etc. Becoming a chef takes a lot of cooking and practice. A cook can be general or specialize in certain types of products (hot dishes, salads, confectioners, etc.).
  • Being an engineer is a very important job. Engineers design roads, subways, buildings and structures, underground utilities. To become an engineer, you need to study very well and know mathematics, drawing and many other exact sciences. An engineer needs precise special instruments, a computer and drawing tools.
  • The profession of a designer is the most creative specialty. Designers can be different, designer, decorator, clothes, landscaper, cartoonist, etc. The profession of an artist and a designer are in many ways related, in most cases they need paints and an easel to work. And modern designers and artists need a computer.
  • Profession lawyer - these people defend other people in court or are engaged in other types of legal activities. Lawyers are lawyers, prosecutors, investigators, notaries, judges, etc.
  • A salesperson is a person who sells. Sellers can be different, they can sell food in markets and supermarkets, offer and advise clothes to their visitors in fashion boutiques, they can be realtors and sell real estate (houses, cars, apartments, factories).

We study professions. Educational cartoon for children from 1 year and older.

Dear friends! Let's talk about your teachers.

Many of you go to kindergarten and love your teachers very much.

Do you go to kindergarten?

What is your teacher's name?

What character traits attract you to him?

Imagine that on a clear autumn morning, your mother brought you to kindergarten. You cheerfully run up the stairs, you are glad that you will meet with your beloved teacher, with friends, that you have a whole day ahead of you, filled with games, activities, interesting things, walks. You have been going to kindergarten for more than a year, and everything here is familiar to you. Of course, you know that you first need to say hello to the teacher, calling him by name and patronymic. Then undress, take off the jacket, hat, untie the scarf, change into a change of shoes.

Who will help you deal with this?

Right! Educator. He will not only unbutton the buttons and hooks on the jacket, but also explain how to do it yourself.

In the morning, the teacher does exercises with the children - simple, but very useful physical exercises.

After you have thoroughly washed your hands with soap and water, you can start breakfast.

During breakfast, the teacher carefully monitors whether you hold the spoon correctly, whether you sit correctly at the table, and teaches you the rules of etiquette.

After breakfast, under the guidance of a teacher, you can do some interesting work, for example, sew from multi-colored rags soft toy, make an elegant application, draw a picture.

How much should a teacher know and be able to do! And sew, and embroider, and cut out of paper, and glue, and draw, and sculpt from plasticine, know songs, poems, games and counting rhymes. And he passes on all these skills and knowledge to the kids.

But the main thing is that the teacher must love and understand the child!

The teacher perfectly sees the relationship of children in the group, knows who is responsive, friendly, who likes to complain, talk, who starts disputes and quarrels. He knows which of the children is generous, and which is greedy and envious. By his behavior, conversations, sometimes face to face, the educator influences the children, trying to suppress the manifestations of bad qualities in them and bring up good ones.

In older groups, teachers prepare children for school.

Finally, it's time to leave kindergarten. Graduates senior group they sadly say goodbye to their beloved teachers, dedicate poems and songs to them, for example, such:

In kindergarten

We were greeted with kindness in the garden,

Kindness and warmth

In the evening we read fairy tales.

Kindergarten is our good home!

Taught us to order

To beauty and purity

Early morning exercise

We all got up together.

Here we were taught everything -

We especially loved

New Year's Days:

The tree sparkled brightly

We led a round dance

Santa Claus gave gifts

To each for the New Year.

The cooks fed us

Doctors treated us

And we love very dearly

their educators,

We will remember for a long time

Their faces are sweet!

We will never forget

Kindergarten is our own,

We will come to visit you

We are both summer and winter!

Dear Guys! I told you about the work of an educator. Sometimes it is very difficult. But the great happiness and meaning of this work is to raise a smart, kind, skillful and inquisitive little person!

Would you like to become a kindergarten teacher? Why?

Explain what a teacher should know and be able to do.

What do you think is the most important quality of a teacher?

What is the most important task of a kindergarten teacher?