
DIY chandelier: manufacturing methods, examples, photos. Original lamps and lampshades with your own hands. Ideas, master classes How to make a lampshade from beads


Original lamps and lampshades with your own hands. Ideas, master classes

DIY lamps and lampshades. Ideas, master classes

Hello everyone!

Creating or decorating lamps and lampshades is not only incredibly interesting, but also quite useful: it allows you not only to create unique item, and in full accordance with the interior of your home, but also great to save money. It is enough to buy the simplest lamp for little money and beat it to your liking. And the options for what and how you can make a huge variety, in the most different techniques, using a wide variety of materials.

I have selected for you and me ideas for creating and decorating lamps, I hope you can choose the right option for yourself :) Enjoy your viewing!

The lampshade is decorated using decoupage technique, the base of the lamp is made of books

The decor of the metal frame of the lampshade with feathers is very stylish :)

Quite often fabric or paper flowers are used to decorate lampshades, the result is very romantic :)

Fabric flowers with candle processing

Calico convolutions are used here as colors.

Twisted fabric flowers

Pre-made flowers used here

The flower is made of a cotton strip of fabric, strung on one side and gathered into a bud

Spiral roses from newspapers

The bottom of the lampshade is decorated with spiral paper roses

Decor ikeevsky lampshade with paper flowers

Lampshades made of lace and knitted napkins look very beautiful

Shaped with glue

A ball is inflated and lace napkins are applied to it with the help of glue. After drying, the ball is pierced, deflated and removed.

Very beautiful option: a birdcage is used as the base of the lamp, the lampshade is decorated using decoupage technique with aging.

Even an umbrella can be used for a chandelier :)

Even scraps-cuttings of fabrics will go into business: they wound up, tied in a knot. This option will perfectly fit into the design of a country house or a children's room.


For the manufacture of lamps, various glass containers are very often and successfully used - jars, bottles. Below I have given a master class on the manufacture of such a lamp.

A bottle as a lamp base - a similar master class is also shown below

Here it is a little more complicated - at the bottom on the back of the bottle there is a hole drilled through which the cord is wound.

The lamp is made of shaped metal sheet

Origami technique has been successfully applied to create lampshades

Glued fabric strips on the base of the lampshade

Lampshade made of various retro leaves

Basket lampshade - why not? :)

Second life of a metal colander

Unnecessary forks and spoons created a very interesting version of the chandelier :)

A very nice solution: a metal mesh is stretched over the frame and the poultry house is beaten. For a child's room, I think.

And here's another bird theme :)

Painted lampshade with acrylic paints

Thin veneer lampshade

The base of the lamp is pasted over with seashells

Knitted lampshades - they look very cozy :)

Lampshade decor with memorable photos and slides

The flowers on this lamp are the bottoms of plastic bottles :)

Lampshades are pasted over with paper circles

Vegetable lampshade :) I think the flower is still hot there :)

Lace lampshade

The decoupage technique is also applied here.

A very interesting solution - a wire as an art object :)

Lampshade decorated with strips of fabric

Lamp made of branches

Lampshade decorated with crumpled-squeezed coffee filters (muffin tins)

Glass vase lampshade

The base of the lampshade is unnecessary toy soldiers, glued and painted with spray paint

Creative striped felt lampshade

Ping-pong ball lampshade :)

Floral decor

And many, many different ideas ...

Workshop on making a lamp from a tin with a metal lid by Tom & Brit (

Punch holes with a nail to create a hole

Insert the cartridge

We paint in one color

We screw in the light bulb and insert it into the jar

The lamp is ready :)

Lamps made of paper from the resource

We need a picture of the castle

Cut out, cut through the windows, glue

Place a battery-powered spotlight inside

Rope chandelier by Sarah M. Dorsey (

We need a rope, Mod Podge glue (can be replaced with diluted PVA), a ball

In order to create a wavy shape, Sarah used wooden slats. We lay out the form, coat it with glue for fixing.

After drying, spread on a ball and coat with abundant glue

After drying, remove the lampshade from the ball and paint it with white spray paint - Sarah has four layers

Very beautiful lampshade made of grandmother's squares from the author of the resource

We cover the lampshade with fabric

We bend a strip of fabric in half lengthwise and twist it into a roll

Straighten slightly

Apply glue to the fold and glue to the base

Workshop on creating a base for a lampshade from Kiri (

Necessary components

The bottle is thoroughly washed, disinfected and dried

Cover with spray paint

Installation process


This is how the gin bottle turned into the base for the lampshade :)

As you can see, creating lamps and lampshades with your own hands is quite simple and very interesting. Give free rein to your imagination, create and let it be beautiful and cozy in your house!

Well, for those who still prefer to buy ready-made lighting fixtures, I recommend looking into a specialized online store, where a huge range of high-quality and stylish table lamps, chandeliers, sconces, accessories, etc. from the best manufacturers and at very flexible and pleasant prices :) By the way, according to Google statistics, this online store is the most popular among Ukrainian buyers :) Use it with pleasure!

I wish you all good luck and good mood !!

When there is a desire to change the decor in the apartment and add a little originality to it, start with the little things. Try changing the lampshade and you will be amazed at the transformation of your family nest.

And if you manage to find an original model that differs from analogues, then the changes will impress not only you, but also your guests.

True, unique lampshades cost a lot of money, because the piece works of eminent masters cannot be bought for a penny.

But no one bothers you to create your own unique masterpiece from cheap, and sometimes even waste materials that will look much better than the samples in the store.

All you need is simple materials, a bit of patience and a flight of imagination, and we will tell you how to make a lampshade with your own hands.

Materials (edit)

You can create a masterpiece from everything that you have at hand: fabric, paper, thread, twine, wire, plastic bottle, beads or beads.

In general, absolutely everything will do, even what you usually send in the trash bag.

Don't believe me? Just see the photo of the lampshade.


If you have a frame from an old lampshade, then this is just great.

However, you should not be upset if one was not found, because you can create a frame yourself from ordinary wire.

Copper, aluminum, steel - anything that you can combine into a single structure will do.

The metal frame of a classic lampshade consists of three rings and six bars between them. The small ring is a holder that connects to the larger ring with three straps.

The same, in turn, is bridged to the last ring. The following photos will help you figure out the design.

From fabric

When a frame for a lampshade is available, the easiest way to create your masterpiece is to wrap the base in fabric. To do this, you will need:

  • paper (newspaper);
  • scissors;
  • the cloth;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • threads.

Wrap the frame with newspaper in such a way as to form a pattern out of it. Then transfer the resulting shape to the fabric using chalk, adding 1 cm per seam on each side.

Make a pattern, cut off the edges and sew the sides, forming a cover on the base of the future lampshade. We fold the upper and lower edges of the "cover" in such a way as to close the rings of the frame and fix it with a seam.


Voila, your floor lamp shade is almost complete. It remains to add a few raisins to your taste, giving it uniqueness.

From threads

How to make a lampshade when there is no frame? Easy peasy.

Take balloon no drawings, glue, thread, marker and start creating.

First you need to inflate the balloon and mark the upper and lower boundaries of your future masterpiece on it. Then take the threads and wrap the ball with them, trying not to protrude beyond the marked contours.

Apply glue diluted with water 1: 1 to each layer of thread. When the thickness of the wound thread satisfies you, fix the cut edge and hang the ball to dry. After 3-4 hours, the threads will dry. Then pierce the ball and carefully detach it from the walls of the finished lampshade.

Additional charm to the thread lampshade can be given by leaves and flower petals woven between the layers of threads.


The ball decorated with sparkling drops of beads also looks original. In general, watch and get inspired.

From paper

Plain sheets of office paper, glossy magazines, cheap newspaper, unnecessary book or ordinary notebook, paper towel or napkin - these are all future lampshades.

It doesn't matter if there is a frame or not, the main thing is that there are scissors, glue and paper. One thousand and one versions of such lampshades can be described with the words "cut and stick".

The main thing is not to forget a few simple rules:

  • a paper lampshade is safest to use together with economy bulbs, which heat up much less than incandescent bulbs;
  • the diameter of the lampshade for lamps should be large so that the paper does not heat up unnecessarily;
  • for a bright room, you can make a lampshade of thick paper, but for a dark one you need a thin one that transmits light well;
  • be careful with the color. For example, red or yellow paper will add warmth to the room, green and blue - cold.

Well, that's all. Charge yourself with new ideas, arm yourself with improvised means and forward, to light changes that bring warmth and comfort to your home.


DIY lampshade photo

Seeing in the store a white table lamp without any decorations, I decided to buy it by all means in order to make something unusual and beautiful out of it. And here's what came of it:

And I did it like this ...

To work you will need:
- desk lamp white with white lampshade.
- beads of red, silver, green colors,
- beads with a diameter of about 0.3-0.4 mm or large beads of white or cream color,
- fishing line,
- wire 0.4mm,
- the wire for the base, the thicker the better,
- scissors,
- green satin ribbon.

First, I wove flowers.

Typing on the wire as many beads as possible and not cutting off from the coil, I made a loop.

On the resulting axis, I scored 15 beads and made 1 revolution around the axis,

Finished the petal.

To do this, I scored 3 beads on a wire, folded it in half and immediately strung a bead on 2 wires and scored such an amount of silver beads to get about the length of a petal. Then she disconnected the wire and took again the silver beads, now comparing the length with the already assembled beads. Then I strung a bead and 3 beads again. Then, holding the last 3 beads, I passed the wire into the already assembled beads in the opposite direction. I did this 3 more times. It turned out 5 stamens. I placed a light-colored bead in the center of the whole structure.

To do this, I scored 1 bead on the wire, folded both wires in half and already strung 7 beads on 2 wires at the same time, again separated the wires and scored on each bead the length equal to the length of the petal or a little more. I folded the wires again and put 1 bead on both. It turned out to be a loop.

She separated the wires and put on more beads, now equal to the length of the already woven leaf. Then I passed the wire in the opposite direction, through 6 beads, leaving the outermost bead with the top of the petal. Then I gathered green beads again and passed the wire through the third bead from the base. Another loop turned out, separated from the previous one by 2 beads. I made 5 such loops.

This is how it looks.

Now I took the central part (stamens) and screwed it to a thick wire, which became the base of the structure.

And then, in turn, she screwed all 7 petals of the flower overlapping each other in a circle.

At the end, she screwed on the sepal.

The first flower is ready.

Now we need to weave 4 more flowers using the same technique, but on each axis, when weaving petals, I reduce the number of beads.

First we weave with 11 beads, then with 7, then 2 flowers with 5 beads at the base of the axis.

And on the last 3 flowers, I did not add beads to the stamens. Everything else is the same as when weaving the first flower.

We also collect these flowers into separate thick wires and glue a satin ribbon around the thick wire with a glue gun, trying to hide all the "black" work. We wrap the wire with tape about 10 cm.

But that's not all. Now you need to weave leaves from green beads.

I do everything the same as when weaving petals, only on the axis I collect 5 beads for the central leaf and 7 beads for the side ones. On each leaf, we bend the axis 3 times.

Each branch with leaves will take 3 leaves. You need 4 such branches and 3 more leaves that will not be on the branch, I finished the branch with them.

Therefore, we weave 5 leaves with 5 beads on the axis and 10 leaves with 7 beads.

Now we take the thick wire and attach the first small leaf. With a glue gun and satin ribbon we wrap the wire, hiding it completely. Having fastened 2 centimeters of tape, attach in pairs 2 larger leaves, and again wrap the wire.

We make such 4 branches.

We leave 3 more leaves just like that.

Now we take the wire with the first large flower and wrap it with a satin ribbon 7-10 centimeters. It all depends on the size of the lampshade.

Again, after 7-10 cm, add a flower slightly smaller than the first, and so on, alternate flowers and twigs.

Having tried on the structure on the lampshade, and deciding where the twig will end, we cut off the excess wire. And we finish winding the wire by adding single leaves.

Then, with a thin wire, carefully attach the twig to the lampshade at the top and bottom. If necessary, we "grab" the branch additionally in 2-3 places so that it "does not walk".

It already turned out very beautifully, but I did not stop there.

And she decided to braid lower part lamps with a bead net. Now I took a line of such length that it was convenient to work. I put 47 beads on the center and tightened a circle with 1 additional bead passed through both ends of the fishing line towards each other.

Then I scored 23 beads on both ends of the fishing line and again tightened the second round with an additional bead. I continued weaving until the length of the resulting chain became equal to the circumference of the central part of the lamp.

On the diagram, I drew a rough drawing of the grid.

In the next rows, I reduced the number of beads, due to round shape lamp base.

Look at the diagram. It will be more clear.

We had a completely stupid husband's bachelor floor lamp. It's not even how it looked, but the fact that it was completely non-functional, and I would like at least a minimum of functionality from it, at least just to make it light :)))
And I decided to remake it - weave a lampshade from beads.
I propose to get acquainted with my updated floor lamp :)
(if that is not a masterpiece at all, but at least it works as a lighting device should work)

So, the floor lamp originally looked like this:

These were some kind of synthetic threads stretched over a cylindrical base, inside were still hung with vulgar plastic pendants made of "natural crystal glass", which I peeled off a year before I took this photo. It was very dark and completely impractical in terms of lighting.
At one time, similar lighting devices (ceiling lamps, sconces, floor lamps, table lamps and so on) were very popular in Niedrlands, and following the general trend, my husband acquired it in due time.

Fortunately, the thread was cut easily and simply, so I cut it all to hell with a couple of quick movements.
By this time, I had already purchased a kilogram of Czech transparent beads with a rainbow coating. I bought additional fishing line. For weaving, I chose a monastery mesh, on the one hand it does not have large holes, on the other it is slightly sparse, i.e. and the density will be, and not too much consumption of beads, and therefore not too much weight (do not forget that the weight of beads in a large volume can be very significant - after all, glass).
And work started:

An almost finished cover (I didn't know then that I would have to tie it up a little).

I will not tell all the details of the creation (who are interested - they are in my blog).

And now the floor lamp is ready!
Now, in the area of ​​the living room where we do not have a chandelier, it is light enough so as not to bump into the coffee table and crush the tails of our cats (it is not planned to read in its light).

Weaving time is about three months, 2-3 hours in the evenings.
The weight of the finished beaded "stocking" is 742 g.
Maxximus fishing line ø18, length 300 m, breaking load 2 kg
Czech beads Preciosa, 9

PS Yes, our walls are crooked and uneven :))) Do not pay attention!

Hello dear site visitors. You can make many different beautiful and interesting things from beads and threads with your own hands, for example, curtains for door or window openings and a lampshade (chandelier) to decorate a lamp in a room.
The assortment of thread curtains and curtains is very diverse: they can be made of beads and beads, buttons, sequins, braid, small figures from polymer clay and modern products can even be decorated with bits of CDs.

First, I will tell you about making a curtain or curtain for a window or door. To make it we will need:

Small multicolored beads;
- Compact discs (CD or DVD);
- Scissors for metal;
- Reliable glue and tape;
- Durable copper wire thick or medium thickness;
- Rail (cornice) or strong braid as a base;
- White threads.

Getting to work, we first take a thing that could come up as a basis. This item should be slightly longer than the window frame. First, we decided to take a rail consisting of two pieces that fold together:

Next, we take a thick wire and unwind from it a part equal in length to the length of the rail. We insert this part of the wire into one of its parts:

After that, we need to tie threads up to 70 - 80 cm long to the wire.About 40 pairs (77 pieces), and then connect the rail with its second part, which should hide the wire inside and squeeze the threads tightly:

Then we glue the cut particles from the CDs with a zigzag line to the threads and apply small beads.
You need to cut CDs with a pair of wire cutters or special scissors for metal, because ordinary scissors can break; you need to glue the particles with reliable glue or tape. When cutting, many discs crumble into their component parts and particles scatter, with which you need to be careful. These particles will then need to be glued together:

We decided to make the following patterns:

It took us about 3 months to compose this decoration. We got this curtain:

After completing the work, we decided to make the second version of the curtain from beads, on the basis of strong braid. First, we picked up a strong braid:

In order for the distance between all the threads to be the same, you need to calculate it by measuring the length of the braid and dividing it by the number of threads:

Next, using a needle, we sew all the beaded decorations on threads to the braid from its back side (not from below, otherwise the knots will be visible):

After all the threads have been sewn, small loops can be attached at both ends of the braid in order to hang the finished curtain by the nails by the window or in front of the door. If there are no nails, then you can pin it to the wall with large pushpins:

Now we get down to making a chandelier (lampshade).
First, we take a piece of thick plywood, on which we need to draw a circle shape, and then cut it out. To draw an even sample, you need to use any round object, for example, a lid:

The basis for a chandelier made of wooden plywood can be taken for work if a non-overheating (energy-saving) light bulb burns inside the future chandelier.
Next, inside the shape, you need to draw a second circle and cut it out:

Now we grab the CDs:

The particles cut out of them need to be pasted over on both sides (top and bottom) of the plywood base, leaving small free areas at the edges so that you can sheathe it with braid with beads on threads:

On top of the particles, the craft, if desired, can be pasted over with rhinestones, and the narrow unpapered areas on the sides can be painted with varnish.

Next, we glue the base on the second side, also leaving small free areas at the edges:

Now we are finishing decorating with rhinestones and getting ready to sew on the braid.

Sewing the tape to the plywood base is not difficult, the needle goes through it without much difficulty.
Too long strands with beads need to be cut 4 times (cut), since the beads strung on it may turn out to be too heavy and bend the base down. We decided to sew the braid on the side that is pasted over with rhinestones. The finished chandelier may slightly overlap the lighting of the lamp, and therefore, when making it, it is undesirable to use beads with darkened tones:

At the end of sewing, the excess fabric of the tape must be cut off and the edge burned with a match or a lighter so that the threads of the tape do not crumble:

Then, on the other (back) side, we need to hide the seams by pasting them on the outside with particles from CDs. It is a little more difficult to glue them on due to the knots on the threads.
This is what this side looks like now:

This is how she began to look after processing. Some particles still "bounce":